Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Kurt stared at the towering man who wore a look of sincerity. He swallowed hard, still a bit nervous. "Um...Yeah...H-how did you know we were here?"
"You said your dad is sick...I guess I just assumed this was where he was..." Robert started. "Please don't be nervous. I'm not here to start anything."
Kurt nodded up at Robert, relaxing a bit. "Why are you here?"
"A couple reasons..." Robert swallowed hard. "I'm sure you've heard all about me. And well...I want to change..."
Kurt gave a small smile. "Really?" He said quietly.
"Blaine is my son. I can't believe the things I did and said to him..." Robert said, looking down. "I don't know what to do...I just want him to forgive me.."
Kurt looked at him thoughtfully. This was the man who made his fianc�'s life a living hell, but also, in a way, brought them closer together. "Talk to him.." he said simply.
"I don't know how to talk about...this...with him..." Robert admitted. "But I also came here to thank you, Kurt."
"Thank me for what?" Kurt asked, grabbing his coffee and taking a small sip.
"Taking care of my son. He didn't deserve what I did to him. You and your family barely knew him. But you took him in and cared for him. You did what I was supposed to do. I don't know how I could ever repay you for that..." Mr. Anderson said, a tear running down his cheek.
Kurt nodded lightly, looking up at the man. "You're welcome.." He said quietly.
Blaine sat in Burt's room wondering what was taking Kurt so long. He went to go look for his fianc�. But when he got to the coffee kiosk, Kurt wasn't there. He looked around and saw Kurt sitting down next to...his father? Blaine stormed over there. "What the hell are you doing here?! Haven't ruined me enough yet?"
Robert stood quickly. "Blaine I-" he started, but Blaine cut him off.
"No. You put me through hell, dad! And I promised myself I wouldn't let you anywhere near Kurt. But I have. Twice in one day!" Blaine was yelling. He turned to Kurt. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you this morning. I don't want you to go through anything like what he put me through."
"Blaine..." Kurt said calmly, but he continued his rant at his father.
"Every time I see you or hear your name, all I can think about is how you kicked you SON out of your house. Your ONLY son. I look at other fathers with their kids and I just don't understand..." Blaine said, holding back his tears. "I'm not going to apologize for being gay. This is who I am. This," he said, pointing to Kurt. "This is the guy I'm completely in love with and plan on marrying when we're older. I love him and I am proud of who the both of us are. You made me ashamed of who I am. Sometimes, I still struggle with it. I'm your son. I am part of you. I don't understand why you can't accept that..." Blaine finally let a tear slip. He didn't want his father to see him this way. Blaine turned around and quickly walked down the hallway.
Kurt looked at Robert before he stood. "I'll be right back", he said quickly before running after Blaine.
When Kurt caught up with Blaine, he found him collapsed on the floor, crying.
Kurt got on his knees and pulled him into his arms. "Blaine...You have to listen to me okay?" He said, trying to calm him down.
Blaine nodded against Kurt's chest as he sobbed.
"You need to go talk to him.."
Blaine shook his head quickly. "I-I can't..."
"Blaine please...For me.." Kurt pleaded.
Blaine looked up at Kurt with tear-filled eyes. "Why? You, of all people, know what he did to me..."
"I know Blaine…He...He wants to apologize.." Kurt said placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.
The curly haired boy looked up at Kurt with disbelief. "Why now? Why should I listen? Kurt, he hit my mom..."
"I know baby...I know.." Kurt soothed. “But I really think you should hear him out.."
Blaine sighed. "For you."
"Thank you.." Kurt said, wiping Blaine's tears. "You don't have to forgive him...Just listen.."
"Okay..." Blaine said quietly. "I'll go. But will you stay with me?"
Kurt nodded, giving Blaine a small kiss.
Blaine stood up slowly, taking Kurt's hand. "Thank you..."
Kurt stood as well. "You're welcome baby.." he said, squeezing his hand as they started down the hall.
Blaine sat down next to his father with Kurt sitting beside him, still holding his hand. Blaine remained silent, waiting for his father to talk.
"I'm sorry Blaine.." The man said, looking over at his son.
"Why?" Blaine asked, trying to remain calm.
"I just...I woke up this morning and realized how empty my life is right now...so I went to church...for the first time in a long time...And for some reason...When I saw you...It triggered something in me…And...I...I just want my family back.." He said, voice wavering at the end.
"We were barely a family. When you weren't at work, you talked about work or how you wished I was or what you want me to do. I'm sorry but I don't want that.." Blaine said, looking anywhere but at his father.
"Son...I..." Robert tried. "There is no excuse...for anything I've done...To you or your mother.."
"No. There isn't." Blaine said coldly.
"I just want to change...For you...for your mom...For all of us.." Robert said, looking over at Blaine.
Blaine sighed. "I'm not saying that I won't forgive you. But I do know it isn't happening today. It'll take time.."
Kurt gave Blaine's hand a small squeeze as Robert nodded.
"But I'm not the only one you need to talk to. I saw what you did to mom..." Blaine said quietly.
"I know.." His father whispered, looking straight forward.
Blaine looked up at his father. "I would like things to be okay...it will just take time..."
Robert nodded. "Take as long as you need....Just know I want to make this right...I-...I love you son.." He looked in to Blaine's eyes. And I hope you can forget how ignorant I was when I should have been there for you…I may not agree with...Your...Sexuality…but…You're my son...And I should have been more supportive.."
Blaine got tears in his eyes. "I love you too..."
Robert looked down, tearing up. Kurt nudged Blaine a little and he looked over at him. "Hug him.." Kurt mouthed.
Blaine panicked slightly. He hesitated before leaning over and wrapping his arms around his father.
His father looked slightly surprised as he slowly brought his arms up, wrapping them around Blaine. The sat like that for a second until they each pulled each other closer.
Blaine wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you.." he whispered.
Robert nodded. "Thank you.." he said softly.
"I-I don't want to seem like I doubt you..." Blaine started. "But I just want to be sure...You're really going to try to change?"
Robert sighed. "Yes...I'm so sorry for everything.." He said softly.
Blaine nodded. "But there are a few things I need you to do..."
"What's that?" His father asked.
"Please let me talk to mom first. And...you have to be able to accept Kurt. I love him and he's not going anywhere..." Blaine said firmly.
Robert looked over at Kurt who smiled lightly at the man." Alright.."
Blaine gave his dad a small smile. "Thank you."
Robert smiled, looking at the two. Kurt paced a hand on the small of Blaine's back, rubbing small circles.
Blaine took his father's hand. "This means so much to me, dad."
"I really didn't think you would talk to me, let alone give me a second chance..." He sighed.
"Because I'm hurt. But I am a reasonable person..." Blaine said softly. "But in the end...I really just want my dad back..."
Robert looked at his son as tears rapidly filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry I put you through this Son.." he said, pulling him into a hug again.
Blaine let the tears fall as his dad held him. "I love you, dad..." he said through the tears.
"I love you too son.." Robert whispered, holding Blaine close as his son cried.
Blaine's heart swelled. He had waited so long to hear those words.
Kurt smiled lightly at the two. He was so happy that Blaine's father finally realized how wrong he was.
Blaine sighed as his dad pulled away. "I've got to get going, Blaine. But if you'd let me, I'd like to take you and your mom to dinner or something..."
Blaine smiled. "I'd like that."
They all stood and Kurt even gave him a hug. "Thank you.." He whispered quietly.
"Thank you, Kurt," Mr. Anderson said softly. "I hope your father is alright."
"Me too.." Kurt whispered as he pulled away.
Blaine said bye to his dad before he walked down the hall. He turned to Kurt, pulling him into a tight hug.
Kurt held Blaine tightly, kissing his cheek."
“I love you, Kurt..." Blaine whispered. "Thank you."
"I love you too baby...And you don't have to thank me.." Kurt said.
"Without you, I wouldn't have talked to him..."
"You still made that choice on your own.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I've wanted this for so long..."
Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's jaw, happy there was no one else in the waiting room. "I know baby...I know.."
"D-do you mind if I went home tonight? I can come back after..." Blaine asked. "I just really need to talk to my mom..."
"You can go home baby...I was actually thinking about going home too…sleeping in my own bed and going to school tomorrow." Kurt said quietly.
"Do you want to be alone or do you want me to come over?" Blaine asked, concerned. He didn’t want to leave Kurt alone.
"Can you please come? I don't want to sleep alone.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine smiled. "I'd hate to leave you alone."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "Thank you.." He said, voice barely a whisper.
"It's what I'm here for," Blaine smile. "I should get going though so I can be back before dark."
"Alright.." Kurt said softly. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine smiled. "If you need anything before I get back, call me."
Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine again.
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek as they pulled away. "I'll be back," he said softly, walking towards the door.
Kurt gave a little wave as he watched Blaine walk away before he walked back to his father's room.
Blaine drove to see his mom. She had just gotten home when he walked in. "Hey mom..."
"Hey sweetie...How's Kurt's Dad?" She asked, walking over to him.
"Hasn't changed. We're still hoping though. I-I took Kurt to church this morning..." Blaine took a deep breath. He didn't know how she'd react to his day.
"Really?" She said, surprised as she sat on the couch.
Blaine nodded. "I hadn't been in so long. And I just wanted to go and think about Mr. Hummel...But...There's something I need to tell you..."
"What is it?" She asked, eyebrows knitting together.
"Well, I went to the restroom and came back to see Kurt talking to...dad...I got mad and pulled Kurt away. I basically told him to leave us alone. So we left and I guess Kurt had mentioned his dad being in the hospital. Dad showed up..." Blaine paused, waiting for Marissa's reaction.
"What happened?" She asked shocked. "Are you okay? Is Kurt? What did he do?"
Blaine sat on the couch and curled up to his mother as the tears came. "Mom...He apologized...He said he wants to change and that he's sorry..."
Marissa was speechless as she held her son.
"He...He cried, mom. He hugged me, held me and said he was sorry for everything..." Blaine said through the tears.
"I-...I don't know what to say.." She breathed out, looking at the floor.
"He said he wants to take us to dinner sometime...He wants to talk to you..." Blaine said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Marissa recoiled a bit, looking down at her son. "Blaine I..I don't think...I can't.."
Blaine couldn't look back. He understood why she couldn't. But he just wanted his family back. He didn't want to feel the pain of not having a father anymore.
Marissa tried to blink the tears back that quickly gathered in her eyes. "I-...Blaine...I'm so sorry...I…" She stammered.
Blaine shook his head. "No. Don't be."
She pulled her son closer. "Please just…just let me think about it.."
"You don't have to...I just...It doesn't matter..." Blaine breathed out.
"It does matter Blaine...I know it matters to you..." she said. "Look at me.."
Blaine slowly looked up at his mom, not knowing what to say.
"Don't lie to me.." She said sternly. "This is serious and I want to know how you feel before I do anything."
"I don't know..." Blaine admitted. "I want my family back. I want to be closer to Kurt and Britt. I want us all to be happy. But I will never forgive him for what he did to you..."
Marissa nodded softly, looking into her son's eyes. "Alright.." She said.
"I'm sorry..." Blaine said quietly.
"Blaine. You have no reason to be sorry." She said, her tone firm but loving.
"I just...I don't know what to do..."
"Blaine...You don't have to do anything.." She said, stroking her son's hair. "All you have to do is be there for Kurt. Let me worry about all of this.."
Blaine sighed. "But you shouldn't have to go through it alone..."
Marissa sighed. "It's gonna be okay.." She said softly, kissing the top of Blaine's head. "I'll be fine."
Blaine nodded. "I love you, mom."
"I love you too Blaine.." She said, rubbing up and down his back.
Blaine let out a deep breath. "Do you mind if I go back? Carole will be at the hospital and I just don't want Kurt to be home by himself..."
"You can go hun..I know he needs you right now.." She said, looking down at him.
"Thank you mom," Blaine said, giving a small smile.
"You're welcome sweet heart.." he said, kissing his forehead.
Blaine slowly sat up. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick."
"Alright. Do you want to eat before you leave?" She asked, standing as well.
"Yeah," Blaine smiled as he stood.
Later that night, Kurt was at the house alone, making up the work that he missed. He sighed, closing his French book and laying his head on the table. Finn wanted to stay at the hospital with Carole, but Kurt was sick of hospitals. He just wanted to go home. He leaned back in his chair staring into the unsettling silence. He got up and walked into his closet, reaching up to the top shelf and taking down his mother's old record player, dusting it off and smiling at it fondly. He set it on his vanity table and pulled out the record of hers he cherished most of all. The one that played his favorite song, La Vie en Rose. he set up the record player and gingerly set the black record on the turntable and switched it on, delicately moving the needle to rest on the spinning disc. He closed his eyes at the familiar crackle of the old speakers doing their work and sat down in the chair, sighing softly before sending a quick text to Blaine.
"Door's open, I'm in my room. I love you."
He leaned back, closing his eyes again as he listened to the record play.
Blaine got to Kurt's about fifteen minutes later. He opened the door and walked upstairs to Kurt's room. When he reached the door, he heard the soft music playing and gently walked in. Blaine smiled sweetly down at his fianc�. "Hey beautiful."
Kurt opened his eyes to see Blaine standing over him. "Hey.." He said, his voice thick from hours of silence.
Blaine laid down, wrapping his arms around Kurt. "How are you?"
"As okay as I can be.." Kurt said softly. "What'd your mom say?" He asked, playing with the collar of Blaine's shirt.
"Not much. I know she doesn't want him back in our lives. But she knows what it means to me so she's going to think about it," Blaine said quietly.
"That's good then...I hope it all works out baby.." Kurt said, closing his eyes.
"I...I don't think it will..." Blaine whispered. "I was thinking about...telling my mom that I can't forgive him...so she doesn't have to go through it...It's obvious that she doesn't want to."
"Blaine… Just give her time...You don't have as much faith in her as you should.." Kurt said calmly, eyes still closed.
"I know she'll do it. But she'll be doing it for me. Not for her..."
Kurt nodded softly as he fiddled with the fabric of Blaine's collar.
Blaine sighed. He didn't know what to do or what to say. He just wished everything was back to the way it way.
Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw lovingly before cuddling closer. "Thank you for being here.." Kurt said as the soft music hummed through the room.
"You're welcome, baby," Blaine said softly. "Do we have a lot of work?"
"I got about half of mine done.." Kurt sighed. "But three days’ worth of work is kind of a lot so yeah.. I'll help you with French if you need it.."
"Please," Blaine said. "I should start on mine.."
Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "Yeah...But I'm comfortable.."
Blaine groaned. "Me too..."
Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's neck. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine whispered.
Kurt layer like that for a while, keeping himself wrapped in Blaine. He felt warm and safe, like nothing could hurt him, like nothing could go wrong.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "Everything will work out, baby."
Kurt looked up at Blaine with tears in his eyes.
"I promise," Blaine smiled. "Your dad will wake up and be okay. We're going to finish high school and move to New York before starting a family. It’s gonna work out baby."
Kurt couldn't hold back the tears at that point. He clutched to Blaine, crying quietly. His body shook as he repressed his sobs; the only sounds he made were small sniffs. Blaine finally realized the way Kurt had been the past couple of days, was him taking his mask off. His normal walls of poise and grace fell as he threw himself in Blaine's arms in the hospital the day before. Kurt was exposing himself to Blaine completely.
Seeing Kurt this way broke Blaine's heart. He wanted to break down but held it in for Kurt. "It's going to be okay, Kurt. I promise. I love you. It's going to be alright."
"I-I love you too.." Kurt gasped, clutching to Blaine. "I love you s-so much...Please...don't ever leave me.." He got out desperately.
"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I promise. It would kill me to not be with you. I'll always be here, Kurt," Blaine said, holding back the stinging tears.
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's chest, trying to control his sobs.
"You don't have to hold back, Kurt," Blaine said sweetly, rubbing small circles on Kurt's back. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt let out before allowing himself break down, his chest heaving as he cried. He wanted his dad and for the first time in years, he had the most terrible, gut wrenchingly, heart breaking feeling. "I- I want my mom.." he sobbed.
Blaine couldn't stop the silent tears that fell. "I know, baby. I'm so sorry...Do you want to go see her?"
"No...No...I...No..." Kurt gasped.
Blaine panicked. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kurt. I shouldn't have asked..."
"No baby...don't be...Please, I love you, I'm sorry.." Kurt sniffed, pulling Blaine closer.
Blaine wiped Kurt's tears away. "I just...I don't know what to do..."
"All I need right now...Is you...I just need you here." Kurt said, his voice breaking.
"I'm here baby. I promise, I'm not leaving," Blaine said as he started to cry. He felt so horrible. He wanted everything with Kurt's dad to be better and everything with his father to work out. Blaine felt helpless.
"I'm sorry.." Kurt said looking up at Blaine.
"Don't be. It's not you.." Blaine said softly.
"I just wish everything was how it should be.." Kurt said, sniffing as his sobs slowed.
"Me too," Blaine whispered.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly before pulling him close again. "Tell me more about what it'll be like when we're married." He said quietly.
Blaine smiled lightly before closing his eyes. "We'll have our home, maybe with the skyline as our view. We could sit outside and watch the sun set. We'll go to college and you'll wind up on Broadway. I'll come to all of your shows to support you. I'll have some kind of music job. Not sure what yet. It'll be perfect."
Kurt smiled, sniffing lightly. "I love you so much Blaine.."
Blaine leaned down, leaving a chaste kiss on Kurt's lips. "I love you, too."
Kurt leaned forward, giving small kisses to Blaine, each one growing deeper.
Blaine sighed into the kisses, bringing his arms up to wrap around Kurt's neck.
Kurt pulled himself close to Blaine, tangling their legs together. He need this, he needed to be close to Blaine in the most intimate way he knew. He needed to feel him and know that he was there, that he wasn't leaving.
Blaine pulled away for a second. "A-are you sure?"
"Only if you want to.." Kurt whispered.
"Yeah," Blaine breathed out, sliding his tongue across Kurt's bottom lip.
Kurt gasped a little before reattaching their lips. Their tongues languidly sliding across each other as Blaine climbed on top of him.
"Baby..." Blaine whispered, lightly grinding his hips down against Kurt's.
Kurt inhaled sharply, clutching Blaine close as he gently kissed his neck.
Blaine lightly nipped at Kurt's pulse point, his hands gliding down his fianc�’s chest.
Kurt's chest rose and fell beneath Blaine's hands as he tilted his head back. "Blaine…I love you...so much.."
"God, baby...I love you too...More than anything..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt reached down to the hem of Blaine's shirt, pulling it up slowly, letting his knuckles slide across the warm tan skin.
Blaine shivered, sliding his arms out and letting Kurt pull the shirt over his head.
Kurt tossed the shirt somewhere and ran his hands, open palmed, down Blaine's sides, sighing at the feel of it.
Blaine let out a soft moan. "You're so soft..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine with loving and somehow curious eyes as his hands roamed Blaine's back. They never really had time to touch and explore each other’s bodies, and when they did, they were too into what they were doing to slow down. Kurt wanted to memorize every inch of Blaine's body.
Blaine's breathing was slow and even as he understood the look in Kurt's eyes. He kissed down Kurt's jaw, sighing lightly.
Kurt tilted his head more but watched as his hands slowly traced back up Blaine's sides, over his shoulders, and down his strong arms, watching as his fingertips slid over the curved muscle of his bicep.
Blaine loved the way Kurt admired his body. He slid his fingertips up Kurt's delicate frame and up to his smooth chest.
Kurt sighed softly, his eyes closing only for a moment before his hands traveled back up Blaine's arms. They slid over his shoulders and went up to his neck, feeling the strong tendons and ghosting his finger over his Adam’s apple.
Blaine gasped at the touch. "Kuurrttt..."
Kurt watched in awe as the beautiful boy above him moaned. He traced his fingers up his jaw and over Blaine's parted, kiss swollen lips.
Blaine smiled as Kurt traced his lips. He gently sucked a finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.
Kurt moaned softly at the sight and the feeling. His cheeks flushed with the most perfect blush that contrasted the pale, fair skin of the rest of his face.
Blaine brushed over Kurt's blush with the back of his hand. He traced down to his fianc�’s neck and shoulders, getting lost in the feel of the silky smooth skin.
Kurt sighed softly, letting his eyes flutter closed as Blaine's hands roamed his chest.
Blaine spread his fingers, sliding them just above Kurt's pants. "Kurt, you are so beautiful."
Kurt gave Blaine a small smile as he looked up at him, blue eyes glistening in the dimly lit room as the record continued to play softly.
"Kurt...?" Blaine asked softly. "Can I give you a massage?"
Kurt gave a small smile again. "Yes...I-I would like that.." he whispered.
Blaine got up and went to his bags to get his massage oils before returning to Kurt.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "You've been planning this haven't you?" He asked softly.
Blaine smiled widely. "I wanted to make you relax."
Kurt leaned up and gave Blaine a small kiss. "I love you.." he whispered.
"I love you too, baby," Blaine said softly, slowly removing Kurt's shirt.
Kurt lifted his arms, allowing Blaine to remove the article of clothing.
Blaine took a second to take in Kurt's beautiful body. "You're perfect," he whispered.
Kurt gave a small gasp, tearing up a bit at Blaine's words. He made him feel so special and wanted and loved.
Blaine slowly undid Kurt’s jeans before sliding them off.
Kurt lifted his hips a bit, making it easier for Blaine to pull off the too tight jeans to reveal the pale skin of his legs.
They hadn't ever had time to do this so slowly. Blaine shook his head, smiling to himself.
"What is it?" Kurt asked, smiling a bit himself.
"I don't understand how I got you. You're simply gorgeous." Blaine said softly, sliding down hid briefs and gliding his hands over Kurt's firm ass.
Kurt gasped softly, pushing his hips back into the touch. "God, I love you Blaine.."
"I love you too," Blaine smiled, lifting Kurt's hips to slide a towel under him. "Turn over please.'
Kurt did as he was asked and rolled over on his stomach, crossing his arms in front of him and resting his chin on them.
Blaine undressed so the oil didn’t get on his clothes. He put a little into the palm of his hands before gently rubbing Kurt's shoulders.
Kurt sighed at the relaxing touch. And he decided again, since that night that Blaine first touched him, that his hands were the most amazing thing ever.
Blaine added a little more pressure, rubbing the knots out. He moved his hands up and down Kurt's arms before sliding down to his back.
"How are you so good at this?" Kurt moaned.
Blaine smiled to himself. "Because it's you. I know how you like being touched in each spot and I love being able to just explore your body."
Kurt sighed. Blaine was truly helping him relax. His muscles felt lax and warm and he just couldn't get enough of Blaine's hands on him.
Blaine glided his hands down to the small of Kurt's back, rubbing gently as he heard a soft sigh from his fianc�.
"That feels so good.." Kurt whispered, a small moan escaping his lips.
Blaine moved down to massage Kurt's amazingly beautiful ass.
The slender boy inhaled sharply, his hips rolling up into Blaine's hands.
Blaine gasped as he watched the beautiful boy below him. He moved his hands down to Kurt's thighs, adding a little more pressure.
Kurt's body relaxed again, still slightly careening his body into the touches.
Blaine leaned down, leaving small kisses down Kurt's back as he moved down Kurt's legs.
Kurt's breathing became deeper as Blaine kissed him. He'd never felt more relaxed, more safe, more completely in love.
Blaine ran his fingers up Kurt's ass once more before moving to his sides, motioning for Kurt to turn over.
Kurt turned onto his back looking at Blaine with all the love he could muster.
Blaine placed his hands on each side of Kurt, leaning down to kiss him sweetly.
Kurt kissed Blaine back, sliding his hands on either side of his jaw.
Blaine smiled into the kiss, reaching over for the oil before pulling away. He added some more to his palms, starting at Kurt's shoulders again.
Kurt tilted his head back, closing his eyes and sighing.
Blaine moved down to Kurt's smooth chest, a small moan escaping his lips.
Kurt opened his eyes, watching Blaine with loving eyes.
Blaine smiled down at Kurt as his hands traveled to his sexy hips.
Kurt rolled his hips up into Blaine's hands. "Baby.."
Blaine added more pressure. "Yes?"
"That just...feels so good.." Kurt breathed out.
"And this?" Blaine asked darkly, gingerly gliding his fingertips over Kurt's half hard cock.
Kurt gasped. "Oh God.."
Blaine smiled mischievously as he moved his hands down to massage Kurt's inner thighs.
Kurt's breathing increased as Blaine's hands rubbed his thighs. "Blaine.."
“Yes, Kurt?" Blaine asked innocently.
"I need you inside me.." Kurt whispered, closing his eyes.
Blaine moaned at Kurt’s words. "Where's your lube?"
"Nightstand.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine got up to get the lube before settling himself back down. "Do you want me to stretch you first?"
"No...just..I need to feel you.." Kurt said, looking up at him.
Blaine nodded, licking his lips as he slicked himself up and pressed himself against Kurt's entrance.
Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, pulling him closer.
Blaine slowly pressed in, gasping at the tight heat.
Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine down by the back of his neck for a soft kiss.
Blaine kissed Kurt with love as Kurt took all of him.
Kurt trailed his fingers up and down Blaine's back as he adjusted to him.
"Okay.." he whispered against Blaine's lips.
Blaine kissed Kurt languidly as he slowly gyrated his hips.
Kurt breathed heavily through his nose as Blaine slid in and out of him.
Blaine sped up slightly, angling himself to brush against Kurt's prostate.
Kurt broke the kiss crying out as he clutched to Blaine. "I- I love you.."
Blaine kissed down Kurt's jaw, continually hitting that sensitive spot. "God, baby! I love you too."
Kurt panted harshly and tightened his muscles around Blaine. Letting out a strangled moan as he brought their lips back together.
Blaine moaned loudly, thrusting faster.
Kurt rocked his hips with Blaine's thrusts, gasping and panting as he felt himself getting closer.
Blaine's breath came out ragged as he thrust harder. He felt Kurt's muscles clench down on him, making him cry out in pleasure.
Kurt kissed Blaine's neck, his eyes screwing shut as he felt that heat pooling deep inside him. "Blaine...I'm.."
“Fuck...Me too baby.." Blaine moaned, thrusting faster.
Kurt came suddenly, crying out as he dug his nails into Blaine's back.
Blaine screamed Kurt's name as he spilled his seed inside his fianc�.
"Tell me you're not leaving.." Kurt panted desperately.
"I promise, baby. I'm here. I'm not leaving.."
Kurt let the tears fall again as he came down from his orgasm, holding Blaine close. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Did I do something?" Blaine asked seriously.
"No..I-I just feel like..with all of this shit that's going on..You-You'll get overwhelmed. And me being an emotional wreck through a-all of this isn't helping anything." Kurt said, crying softly into Blaine's shoulder.
"Baby, I'm here through everything. I love you with all of my heart baby," Blaine said softly.
"I love you too...I'm sorry.." Kurt sniffed.
"Don't be, baby. It's gonna be okay. I promise," Blaine whispered.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "Thank you.."
"It's what I’m here for baby."
Kurt cuddled up to Blaine's chest, wiping his eyes.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you, okay?"
Kurt sniffed, looking up at Blaine. "I love you too.."
Blaine held Kurt close, wiping away his tears.
Kurt pulled himself closer to Blaine. "You are so amazing."
"You've made me this way," Blaine smiled.
"No...It's just who you are…and I love you for it.." Kurt said softly.
"Thank you," Blaine smiled widely. "And this...the way we are...is why I know we will last."
Kurt smiled. "We will.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "I really need to catch up on school work..."
Kurt giggled. "Go get your French."
Blaine got up, slipping on his boxers but Kurt protested. Blaine laughed as he got his work and sat back down next to Kurt.
Kurt pulled up the covers and leaned against Blaine's shoulder. Helping him pronounce everything. Blaine groaned in frustration when Kurt said he wasn't going to tell him any of the answers.
"What?" Kurt giggled. "It's your work!"
Blaine glared at Kurt. "But if you tell me, we have more time for us and you speaking dirty in French!" he argued.
"But if I tell you all the answers, you won’t learn, and then how are you supposed to know what I'm saying?" Kurt smirked.
"But the homework is nothing you'll be saying. We don't do dirty talk in French class," Blaine pointed out.
"True.." Kurt sighed. "But if you don't learn the basics you still won’t know."
"Fine," Blaine groaned, turning back to the book.
"You'll thank me one day.." Kurt said, matter-of-factly.
"I'm sure I will," Blaine sighed as he conjugated a few more words on the sheet.
Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw as he worked. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine smiled.
"And I'm going to teach our child French, so when I don't want you to hear something I can just tell them in French." Kurt giggled.
"Thanks," Blaine said sarcastically, not looking up from his work.
Kurt laughed. "Oh, I mean.." Kurt cleared his throat. "I have faith that you'll learn this perfectly and remember it for the rest of your days." He said, slightly monotone.
Blaine just nodded, focused on getting his work done as fast as possible.
"Hey, don't ignore me." Kurt pouted.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "I'm not ignoring you baby. I'm just worried about getting my work done on time."
Kurt sighed, smiling as he grabbed Blaine's pencil and filled in the remaining blanks with his sharp hand writing. "There."
"I wasn't trying to get you to do that.." Blaine said quietly. "But thanks."
Kurt smiles. "I know. But l wanted to." Kurt said, moving the books off of Blaine's lap and cuddling up to him.
"I really don't want you to think I don't want to lay here with you...But do I have more?" Blaine asked. "I just don’t want to be behind..."
"Yeah, but it's just history, and you know you're good at that." Kurt said softly.
"Alright," Blaine nodded. "I'll do that in the morning."
Kurt smiled triumphantly, cuddling closer to Blaine.
Blaine giggled, wrapping his arms around his fianc�.
"Do you want to take a bubble bath with me?" Kurt asked smiling.
Blaine's face lit up. "You know I’d never turn down a bubble bath."
Kurt giggles getting up quickly and going to run the bath.
Blaine watched as Kurt walked to the bathroom. He waited a few minutes before following suit.
Kurt was under the bubble-topped water of the large Jacuzzi tub when Blaine walked in, smiling as the hot water melted away the remaining stress of his day.
"You're adorable," Blaine giggled, sliding into the tub in front of Kurt.
"How so?" Kurt asked, same expression on his face as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's chest.
Blaine sighed happily. "You just are."
"So are you.." Kurt smiled, playing with the bubbles.
Blaine chuckled, leaning back against his fianc�.
Kurt held up a palm full of bubbles in front of Blaine's face and smiled.
"Blow.." He said happily.
Blaine shook his head a little before leaning down and blowing the bubbles out of Kurt's hands.
Kurt smiled as he watched the small flecks of foam float down. His mom always did that with him when he was younger and she gave him bubble baths. Kurt decided not to tell Blaine that. Every time Kurt mentioned his mother Blaine seemed so heart-broken. Kurt thought it best to keep that memory to himself.
This was a side of Kurt Blaine hadn't seen before. He relaxed, watching as Kurt played with the bubbles.
Kurt let his thoughts drift away as he sculpted the bubbles into abstract blobs, stacking them higher with his thin fingers until they fell over.
Blaine tilted his head, kissing Kurt's jaw. "I love you, Kurt."
Kurt tilted his head to look down at Blaine.
"I love you too Blaine.."
Blaine took a deep breath, closing his eyes and leaning back on Kurt.
Kurt hummed softly as he grabbed his loofah and poured his favorite body soap on it before beginning to wash Blaine's chest softly.
Blaine gave a soft moan, leaning back to kiss Kurt’s neck.
Kurt smiled to himself as Blaine kissed his neck, moving to wash his shoulders.
Blaine turned over, letting Kurt was his back as he sighed softly.
"I love you Blaine...And all the little...adorable things you do only make me love you more.." Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine's temple as he washed his back gently.
Blaine let out a tiny giggle. "I love you too, Kurt."
"Like that.." Kurt said softly, smiling against Blaine's temple. "Your laugh.."
Blaine couldn't help but laugh again as he nuzzled against Kurt's neck.
Kurt smiled as he basked in the sound. "You're just...so amazing Blaine.." Kurt said, closing his eyes.
"Not as amazing as you," Blaine smiled, kissing his fianc� again.
Kurt kissed Blaine back softly.
"Lies." He said smiling as Blaine pulled away.
"You don't even know how amazing you are," Blaine whispered.
"I'm really not that great Blaine.." Kurt scoffed. "I wonder every day what I did to deserve you."
"We deserve each other," Blaine said firmly.
Kurt gave Blaine a small smile. "You're perfect.."
Blaine giggled. "Nowhere near it."
"You're just full of lies today aren't you?" Kurt joked.
Blaine shook his head. "You're just silly."
Kurt giggled lightly, smiling up at Blaine. He was silent for a moment. "Your eyes are gorgeous.."
Blaine blushed, looking at Kurt under his this lashes. "Thank you."
"I remember...when we first started dating and I told you that and you said, 'they're just brown'.." Kurt said smiling lightly.
"They pretty much are," Blaine said softly.
"See, now, no...I see hazel, and amber, and all of these gorgeous shades of...this honey yellow. I've never seen anything like them.." Kurt whispered. "They're not 'just brown'.."
Blaine's blush deepened. "I love you."
Kurt kissed Blaine's blush softly. "I love you too.."
Blaine giggled happily, resting against Kurt's shoulder.
They stayed in the bath, taking turns washing each other until they got out to go lay in Kurt's bed. Kurt went to go make popcorn and Blaine realized then just how freezing it was in Kurt's room.
He got underneath Kurt's covers, throwing them over his head as he curled up and waited for Kurt.
Kurt walked back in the room and His eyebrows kneaded together when he didn't see Blaine in the bed. He set the bowl down. "Blaine?"
"Under here!" Blaine called from under the sheets.
Kurt smiled fondly at the bed. "What are you doing?" He giggled, walking over to the bed.
"IT'S COLD!" Blaine groaned, wrapping his arms around his legs.
Kurt sat next to Blaine. "I think it's actually pretty warm.." Kurt said, confused as to why is fianc� was cold.
Blaine shook his head even though Kurt couldn't see.
"C'mere.." Kurt giggled, sliding under the sheets.
Blaine curled up with Kurt. "Thanks..."
"I don't see how you're cold.." Kurt giggled.
"Because it's cold!" Blaine chuckled.
"It is not!" Kurt smiled.
"Well I am!" Blaine argued, snuggling closer.
Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head. "You're cute.."
"You're warm," Blaine giggled.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, smiling to himself. "We really have to go to school tomorrow.."
Blaine sighed. "Yeah, I know..."
Kurt let Blaine nuzzle under his chin into his neck as he sighed as well.
"Are you going to be alright at school?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I think so.." Kurt said softly, looking at the wall.
Blaine kissed Kurt's chest. "If you need me, just text me and I’ll be there."
"Alright.." Kurt said in almost a whisper, kissing the top of Blaine's head.
"Hey, Kurt?" Blaine asked hesitantly.
"Yeah?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"Who's changing their last name?" Blaine asked.
Kurt looked down at Blaine, silent for a moment. "I never thought about that.."
"Me neither," Blaine said quietly.
"Well what do you think?" Kurt asked softly.
"I don't really know..."
"Let's just both change our last name to something ridiculous like...Santiago." Kurt said with a straight face, and accentuating the "oohh" sound.
Blaine laughed loudly. "Sounds like a plan."
"Alright, Blaine Santiago." Kurt giggled.
Blaine chuckled, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips. "I love you.." he whispered.
"I love you too," Blaine grinned.
Kurt pulled Blaine close as he cuddled up under the blanket with him, the movie and popcorn forgotten. "Warm enough?" Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead.
"I could be warmer," Blaine said, kissing Kurt’s neck.
Kurt inhaled softly through his nose, pulling Blaine closer.
"Thanks for letting me come over," Blaine said softly as he lightly bit Kurt's neck. "Thank you for coming...I need you here...It was weird...being alone.." Kurt got out between gasps.
Blaine moaned. "I'm sorry," kiss, "I just," kiss. "I want you so bad.."
Kurt closed his eyes, tilting his head back to expose more of his neck.
Blaine kissed his way to Kurt's pulse point, sucking harshly.
Kurt gasped sharply, his hand gripping at the back of Blaine's neck.
Blaine moved up to Kurt's lips. "I want you inside me," he whispered darkly.
Kurt nodded quickly, as he attached their lips, kissing him deep.
Blaine rolled his body onto Kurt's, quickly pushing him over to straddle his fianc�.
Kurt moaned as Blaine ground his hips down into his. "God...Blaine..." Kurt panted, his voice going higher than he would have liked.
"Mmm...I love the way your voice changes like that," Blaine sighed, kissing Kurt’s jawline.
Kurt gave a breathy laugh. "Really? Because I hate it." He breathed out.
"It shows just how much I can make you let go," Blaine whispered, licking a firm line up the shell of Kurt's ear.
Kurt whimpered, clutching to Blaine. "Fuck.."
"See?" Blaine whispered hotly. "I can make you fall apart so easily."
Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together as he dragged his nails down Blaine's back. "God yes.."
Blaine smirked. "Just how badly do you want to be inside me?"
"So bad Blaine…Please let me.." Kurt panted.
Blaine bit back a moan. "Tell me. Tell me what you want to do to me?"
"I want to fuck you baby...Please.." Kurt begged.
Blaine moved back to Kurt's ear. "I want you to ruin me."
Kurt swallowed hard. "Fuck Blaine.." He moaned before pulling him down for a heated kiss.
Blaine kissed Kurt with everything he had. He pulled away slightly, "Fuck me...please..."
Kurt moaned at Blaine's plea, grabbing his hips hard and thrusting up against him. "Get the lube." He said quickly.
Blaine did as he was told, sliding back over Kurt and slicking up his own fingers.
Kurt watched Blaine with hungry eyes as he positioned himself above him, slipping his fingers inside of him.
Blaine moaned, grinding himself down against Kurt as he stretched himself.
"God Blaine, you're so fucking hot.." Kurt groaned.
Blaine sped up his movements, arching his back as he moaned. "Kurt...I need you..."
"Get on your hands and knees.." Kurt said, sitting up a bit.
Blaine's breath caught momentarily. He slid off of Kurt and positioned himself as his fianc� had told him to.
Kurt got up and kneeled behind Blaine rubbing his ass softly.
Blaine sighed at the touch, slightly leaning back.
Kurt brought one hand to Blaine's hip as he held his cock steady, slowly pushing into him.
Blaine whined at Kurt's slow pace. He needed to feel his fianc� deep inside of him now.
Kurt put his other hand on Blaine's hip, breathing growing heavier as he buried himself deep inside of him.
Blaine's head fell back as Kurt pushed back so slow it was tantalizing.
Kurt moaned softly as he pulled out slowly before pushing back in agonizingly slow.
"Kurt..." Blaine whined. "Please..."
"You want me to fuck you?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine nodded fiercely. "Hard.." he breathed out.
Kurt gripped Blaine's hips, pulling out all of the way, leaving Blaine feeling empty.
Blaine whimpered, looking back at Kurt with pleading eyes.
Kurt thrust into Blaine quickly, pulling him back hard.
"Ahhh!" Blaine cried out. "Fuck...yes..."
Kurt pounded into Blaine digging his nails into his hips.
Blaine rolled his body back, panting has his fianc� fucked him. "KURT! SHIT!"
Kurt moaned loudly, reaching up to tug at Blaine's curls.
Blaine arched his back to the point it hurt. "Baby! Fuck! Don't stop!"
Kurt pulled harder as he fucked Blaine." Blaine...God baby.."
Blaine panted under his fianc�. "FUCKKURTYES! UNNNGGHHH!"
Kurt panted as he slammed into Blaine. "Talk to me baby...Unh!"
"I love your cock! You fill me so much, Kurt," Blaine screamed. "Mmm , make me take it like your little slut!"
Kurt growled low in his throat ."Fuck baby...God you're my little fucking slut. Taking my cock hard." He panted.
Blaine's breath came out in short gasps. "Oohhh yes! KURT! Fuck me harder!"
Kurt panted harshly "Blaine..SHIT!" Kurt cried out, pulling Blaine up by his hair so he was flush against his chest. "Tell me when you're close.." Kurt growled in his ear before taking the lobe between his teeth.
"Baby..." Blaine moaned, thrusting his body back onto Kurt's throbbing cock. Kurt breathed heavily in Blaine ear. "Fuck! I'm...I'm close..."
Kurt pulled out of Blaine quickly and turned him around, pushing his head down by his leaking cock. "Suck." He said firmly.
Blaine whined loudly, pouting until Kurt was in front of him. Blaine hallowed his cheeks as he sucked his fianc� deep into his throat.
Kurt moaned and his head fell back as Blaine bobbed his head. "God...Blaine…You love sucking me like this don’t you?" Kurt said darkly, thrusting his hips up a bit.
Blaine moaned around Kurt, looking up and locking pleading eyes with his fianc� as he sucked harder.
"No...I'm not letting you cum yet.." Kurt said, smiling a bit as he tightened his grip on Blaine's hair. He held his fianc�’s head still before shifting a bit and slowly guiding his hips, sliding in and out of his mouth.
Blaine whimpered, trying to ignore his aching cock. He kept his tongue on the underside of Kurt's member, licking a firm line from the base to tip.
Kurt continued thrusting in and out of Blaine's mouth before pulling out all the way, stroking himself. "Do you want my cum?" Kurt asked, panting.
Shit! Kurt was so damn sexy like this! "Yes. Please, can I have your cum?"
"Where do you want it?" Kurt asked, stroking faster.
"M-my face...everywhere..." Blaine panted.
Kurt groaned as he positioned himself in front of Blaine, stroking himself as he felt he was getting closer to the edge. "B-beg for it.."
Blaine gasped. "Please, baby. I want to taste you. I want your cum all over my face, Kurt..."
Kurt moaned loudly, his eyebrows kneading together and his mouth dropping open, gasping harshly as he came hard in thick ropes all over Blaine's beautiful face.
Blaine hungrily licked the cum he could reach, closing his eyes and panting as Kurt finished.
Kurt's breath came out in short gasps as he stroked himself through his orgasm. He tilted Blaine's head up towards him, licking some of the cum off of Blaine's cheek.
"Fuck...Kurt..." Blaine growled. He swore Kurt just kept getting sexier.
Kurt smiled, licking the rest of his cum of fianc�’s face before kissing him deeply.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, deepening the kiss. "Baby...Please..."
"What do you want Blaine?" Kurt asked, kissing down his jaw to his neck as they lied back on the bed.
"Please...I want your fucking mouth..." Blaine whispered with need. Kurt smiled to himself against his skin.
"But it's right here.." he says softly, taking one of his nipples in between his teeth.
Blaine moaned, leaning his head back. "Ugh! You...tease!"
Kurt chuckled lightly, licking over Blaine's nipple softly.
Blaine arched his back. "Pleeeeaaaasseee!"
Kurt decided to take pity on Blaine and moved where Blaine wanted him, kissing his hips softly as he placed a finger at his entrance, slowly pushing in.
Blaine cried out in pleasure, writhing beneath Kurt. "Oh fuck! More please!"
Kurt loved how Blaine was like this. He pushed another finger in, moving them in and out quickly as he got so close to Blaine's prostate, but not quite hitting it.
Blaine worked his hips, trying to get Kurt where he wanted him. He moaned and panted as his fianc� continued to tease him.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, he looked so hot, flushed and panting. He brushed over Blaine's prostate once before continuing to get close.
Blaine cried out at the touch. "FUCK! KURT!" he yelled, his hips bucking harshly.
Kurt moaned softly, smiling to himself as he continued teasing Blaine, licking the head of his leaking cock lightly.
Blaine tangled his hands in Kurt's hair. "Baby...I need it..."
Kurt gave a light moan as Blaine pulled his hair. "I know baby.." He said, smiling.
Blaine gave a frustrated sigh, pulling Kurt's hair harder.
"Fuck Blaine.." Kurt gasped, pushing his fingers deep inside of Blaine.
Blaine couldn't take it much longer. "Kurt...I-it hurts..."
Kurt quickly took all of Blaine deep down his throat, moaning deeply.
Blaine arched his back as much as he could. "FUCKYESGODKURT!"
Kurt fingered Blaine faster as he bobbed his head, sucking hard.
"UNNGHHH!" Blaine moaned louder than he ever had. "F-fuck...I-I'm c-close..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, hitting his prostate with his fingers as he pressed his tongue to the bottom of Blaine's cock.
Blaine repeatedly screamed Kurt's name as he shot his hot cum deep in his fianc�’s throat.
Kurt swallowed around Blaine, moaning at the taste of his cum.
Blaine threw his head back, his eyes screwed shut as Kurt sucked him hard.
Kurt pulled off of Blaine's cock as he went soft, releasing it with a satisfying 'pop'.
Blaine panted heavily, his hands gripping the sheets as he tried to calm his breathing.
Kurt slid up to kiss Blaine passionately.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, sighing happily.
"I'm sorry.." Kurt said, still smiling.
"Don't be," Blaine said softly. "You were so hot."
Kurt kissed Blaine. "You were too baby...so fucking hot.."
Blaine blushed. "How? I felt like I looked ridiculous..."
"No...You looked amazing…How desperate you were.."
Blaine's blush deepened as he tried to hide his face on Kurt's neck.
Kurt smiled, giggling lightly. "I might have to do that more often.."
"It was so, so good," Blaine admitted.
"I'm glad you liked it.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine gave a small moan. "Don't forget...you've still got to punish me..."
"I know.." Kurt chuckled.
"I can't even imagine how that's gonna be," Blaine smiled.
"You're gonna love it.." Kurt smiled. "I have things planned.."
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "Really?" he asked, smiling wide. "When?"
"I'll tell you soon enough.." Kurt winked.
Blaine pretended to pout. "Just at least give me a heads up. I have an idea too..."
"What would that be?" Kurt smiled.
"Do you really want to know? Or be surprised?" Blaine asked.
"I don't know.." Kurt said tracing little patterns on Blaine's chest.
"Well it is up to you. I honestly don't see the big deal. But I know you do..."
"Surprise me then." Kurt giggled.
"Just don't forget to let me know so I can...prepare it..." Blaine said smiling.
“Alright baby.." Kurt says softly, kissing Blaine’s chest. He was quiet for a minute. "Blaine?" Kurt asked quietly.
"Yeah, babe?"
"What...What if he doesn't wake up?"
"He will," Blaine said reassuringly.
Kurt nodded weakly, pulling Blaine closer.
"I don't know how to explain it..." Blaine said softly. "I just have this feeling that it will work out."
"I hope.." Kurt said, his voice just above a whisper.
"It will. I promise," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's forehead.
"I love you Blaine.." Kurt said, curling up to Blaine.
"I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt closed his eyes, kissing Blaine's chest.
Blaine rubbed small circles on his fianc�’s back. "Try to get some sleep baby."
"I'll try...I love you Blaine.."
"I love you too, Kurt. Good night."
"Good night.." he whispered, slowly falling asleep on Blaine's chest.