Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
"Thanks! I drank so much coffee already! I'm so hyper and excited!"
She watched as the shorter boy bounced in his seat. "You seem exited!" She laughed. "I'm not allowed to drink coffee because last time I did I got banned from shoe carnival.."
"I don't remember…But it involved stilettos.."
"Stilettoes are hot!"
"You really are hyper." Brittany laughed.
Blaine nods his head as he bounces in his seat.
Brittany feels a vibration in her pocket and pulls her phone out. "I got a text from Kurt!" She said smiling.
Blaine’s eyes grow wide. "What he say?!" he asks excitedly.
She read the text aloud. "I'm gonna sing a song for Blaine in glee club, don't tell him." She said smiling.
Blaine’s heart melted. "Awwweeeeee!!!!"
"I wonder what he's gonna sing.."
"I can’t wait!"
By lunch, Blaine had calmed down a bit, but he still had that exited feeling that Kurt would be singing to him! They kept stealing glances at each other across the lunch room, blushing furiously when eyes met. And by glee club Brittany was just as excited as Blaine.
Blaine walks in and sits next to Brittany. He smiles as she takes his hand.
Mr. Schuester comes in and starts talking about a number he wanted to do for regionals when Kurt quickly stood.
"Mr. Schuester...I would like to do my assignment.." He said smiling.
"The floor is yours, Kurt," their teacher said smiling. Blaine squeezed Brittany’s hand to try to calm himself.
"Noah.." Kurt said standing. Puck followed him with his guitar in hand. Kurt stood in front of everyone and Puck stood behind him. He gave a nervous little nod to the taller boy and he began to strum his guitar. He looked down shyly before he began to sing.
I don't know but
I think I may be
Fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
keep this to myself
Wait until I..
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding..
What I'm feeling..
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head,
Blaine watches Kurt intently. He listens carefully to the words and starts to tear up a little.
Kurt looks up at Blaine and more than half of the glee club's gaze follows his to look at Blaine.
I've been spending all my, time
Just thinking about you
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my.. life
And now i found you
I don't know what to do
I think I'm falling for you...
I'm falling for you...
A tear falls from Blaine's eye. Everyone probably thought they were ridiculous since it was Blaine third day at school. But he didn't care. This was real.
Kurt sings the rest of his song, his eyes trained on Blaine's as the rest of the Glee club looks on.
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you...
I'm fallin' for you...
Ooh no no
Oooh, I'm falling' for ya..
The club gives their applause before Santana stands.
"Hold up, now Kurt has a thing for the new guy? You're sure getting around.." She said looking over at Blaine.
Blaine sets his face in his hands as he shakes his head. "Santana...you have no idea what you're talking about..."
"Of course I do, you're with Brittany and now you're trying to get with Snow White over here." She said pointing to Kurt.
"That is sort of what it looks like dude." Puck said from behind Kurt. Kurt shot him a glare.
"Santana, I'm not with Brittany. We've just become really great friends," he says smiling at the blonde. "And as far as it goes with Kurt...Yes, I like him and we are going for coffee after glee club. So no, I am most certainly not getting around."
Santana slowly sat down, glaring at Blaine before looking to the front.
"Okay!" Mr. Schue started clapping Kurt on the back which caused him to look at his teacher out of the corner of his eye. "Great song Kurt.."
"Thank you." Kurt said smiling and going to sit back next to Mercedes who hugged him tightly. He looked up at Blaine and smiled as Mr. Schue continued talking about regionals.
Blaine smiled back at Kurt. He couldn't believe he had just said all of that. But at least now everyone knew.
After Glee club Brittany hugged Blaine. "Good Luck today, don't spill your coffee on him or anything okay?" She said hugging him.
"Thanks!" Blaine says, before walking up to Kurt. "So I was thinking we could take your car to your house then go? I can bring you home later? But only if you want.."
"Sounds good.." He said smiling. They began to walk to their cars. "Did you..did you like the song?" Kurt asked nervously.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "I love it. You have a beautiful voice!"
Kurt Blushed, looking away a bit. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome," Blaine smiles. "So you want me to follow you to your house?"
"Yeah. " He said smiling as they reached the parking lot. They each got in their separate cars and began to drive to Kurt's house.
"You ready?" Blaine asks as Kurt climbs in. "You can change the radio to anything you'd like."
"oh they don't play what I like on the radio.." He giggled, slipping on his seatbelt and looking over at Blaine.
"What do you listen to?" Blaine asks as he starts his car.
"ALOT of show tunes, jazz, and some top 40." He says smiling. "And whatever else peaks my interest. You?"
Blaine smiles. "Pretty much the same. But...Add a lot of Disney..."
Kurt smiled. Oh God he was perfect. "I think it was really..Brave of you to sing that song yesterday..Not a lot of people in this school really..accept gays. I bet it took a lot of courage to do that." He said softly.
"Thanks," Blaine says, blushing. "Actually, before yesterday...Brittany was the only one that knew..."
"Really?" Kurt said cocking his head a bit. "Do your parents know?" He asked.
"No. I kind of just...stick to myself at home..." Blaine admits.
Kurt grabs Blaine's hand. "If you ever need to talk to someone about it..I'm here.." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine's heart sped up at the touch. "Thank you, Kurt," Blaine says, smiling at the taller boy.
"You're welcome.." he said squeezing his hand softly. He didn't let go of his hand for the rest of the ride.
Blaine pulls into the little coffee shop in town. Blaine grabs Kurt's hand again as they walk through the door. "What would you like?" He asks Kurt.
Kurt smiles as Blaine grabs his hand. "Grande non-fat mocha please.." He said smiling.
Blaine pays for their drinks and they go sit down. "Thanks for coming.."
"Thank you for asking me.." Kurt said smiling. "So..tell me about yourself." He said giggling and resting his chin in his hand.
"What do you want to know?" Blaine asked.
"Where did you move here from?" Kurt asked.
"Westerville, just a few hours away."
"Not that much of a change then?" Kurt said looking into Blaine's beautiful honey hazel eyes.
"Not really if you think about distance. But the schools are very different. I went to Dalton Academy before coming here."
"Dalton? The all-boys private school?" Kurt asked, sipping his coffee.
Blaine sighed a little, hoping Kurt wouldn't think he was just some rich preppy boy. "Yeah," Blaine says quietly.
"I actually thought about going there once.." Kurt said smiling.
"Really? Why didn't you?" Blaine asked.
"I decided that I would miss being at McKinley too much..." He said, brushing a hair behind his ear.
"Can I ask you something?" Blaine said, looking up into Kurt's gorgeous blue eyes.
"O-of course.." Kurt said.
"What was it like? Coming out, I mean..." Blaine asked shyly.
"Hard..I mean..everyone knew but..I denied it..And one night after this huge charade of me joining the football team and just alot of things that need to go unmentioned of me trying to prove to people I was straight..I just..told my dad. He accepted it..told me he pretty much knew since I was three." He chuckled.
Blaine laughed slightly with Kurt. "My dad isn't like your dad."
"How so?" Kurt asked softly.
"He's doesn't accept that 'lifestyle.' He thinks it's a choice people make and he wants nothing to do with it.." Blaine sighs.
"I'm so sorry.." Kurt says, placing a hand over Blaine's. "I know that most people from around here aren't as accepting..I just want you to know..like I said earlier if you ever need to talk.." Kurt said looking into Blaine's eyes.
Blaine smiles up at Kurt and nods his head. "Thank you, Kurt. And I'm here if you ever need to talk about anything or nothing at all."
Kurt smiled at Blaine. The rest of the date was amazing. They talked about everything imaginable before they realized how late it was getting. "I need to get home.." Kurt said looking at his watch. It was getting dark out.
Blaine stands and takes Kurt's hand as they walk to the car. Blaine smiles as he opens Kurt's door for him.
"Quite the charmer.." He said giggling and stepping in the car before Blaine closed the door behind him.
Blaine climbed into the driver's seat, quietly singing along to the radio as he drove to Kurt's house.
They get out and Blaine walks Kurt to the door. "Thank you for the coffee.." Kurt says, looking at Blaine smiling.
"You're welcome," Blaine says, squeezing Kurt's hand a little. "Hey, Kurt?"
"Yeah?" Kurt says looking up at him.
"Can...Can I...kiss you?" Blaine asked nervously.
Kurt smiled, trying not to squeal with excitement. This was the moment he'd been waiting for. "Yes.."
Blaine smiled as he slowly leaned in. He gently placed his hands on either side of Kurt's face and gingerly pressed their lips together.
Kurt inhaled sharply before relaxing into the kiss and leaning forward a bit, bringing them closer. He lightly rested his hands on Blaine's hips. This was amazing. It was perfect and sweet and amazing and beautiful and amazing and Kurt couldn't believe this was actually happening.
Blaine sighed, smiling against Kurt's lips. This was so much more wonderful than he had ever imagined.
As much as he didn't want to Kurt slowly pulled away, letting his eyes flutter open to look at Blaine. He smiled widely before removing his hands from Blaine's hips. "Wow.." he whispered.
Blaine reached down and held Kurt's hands. A shiver runs through Blaine's body. "That was...amazing..."
"It was.." Kurt says smiling. He leaned in and gave Blaine one more small kiss. "Thank you for today.." He said. They exchanged goodbyes and Kurt slowly walked inside, closing the door behind him. He leaned back against the door and let his squeal out. Almost positive Blaine would be able to hear it on the other side of the door, but he didn't care. He just had his first kiss! (that he counted) and it was more than he could ever ask for!
Blaine hears Kurt's squeal and smiles to himself. He gets into his car and drives home. As soon as he parks his car he texts Brittany.
"Just got home! Need to talk! : )”
Brittany read the text and sat up from laying upside down off the edge of the bed. She text back quickly.
"Be right over!"
Blaine smiles and sends a text to Kurt.
"I had an amazing time with you...I have another question for you though..."
Kurt read the text and smiled to himself before texting back.
"Me too, and what is it?"
"Well...I thought of something I'd like to talk to you about. But I'd rather talk face to face about this...Can I pick you up before school tomorrow?"
"Of course see you then."
"Good night, Kurt "
Blaine sees Brittany skipping towards him and he gets out his car. "Wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure, then you can tell me about you and Kurt's hot date!" She said smiling and grabbing his hand.
"Britt, it was amazing!" Blaine sighed happily. "We talked so easily! It was like we were supposed to be together...I know that sounds cheesy but...it did.."
"Did you kiss him?" She asks quickly, bouncing a little.
"Yes!!! Britt, it was wonderful! I have never felt like that before!" Blaine says, smiling widely.
"I'm glad you liked it, I kissed him before..it was just kind of like he wasn't there." She said, swinging their hands.
Blaine looked up at her. "You've kissed Kurt?"
"Yeah, but he was like going through this thing...He wore overalls.." She said.
Blaine nods. "Well he was definitely there for this kiss!"
"It sounds like loooovveee!" She said smiling.
"I can see myself falling for him..."
Brittany smiles. "You sound so happy."
"I really am," Blaine says, squeezing her hand. "Thanks for helping me through this."
"That's what friends are for right?" She said, walking on the edge of the sidewalk and holding her arms out to balance.
"So..." Blaine began. "Tomorrow I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend..."
"That's awesome Blaine." She said looking over at him.
Blaine smiled. "Thanks. So how was the rest of your day?"
"I made Santana some cupcakes!" She said smiling. I'm gonna bring them to her tomorrow."
"I think she'll like that," Blaine says sweetly. "Have you talked to her?"
"I tried texting her but she said she was practicing her song for glee." She said, hopping off the edge of the sidewalk and grabbing Blaine's hand again.
"Who do you think she's going to sing about?"
"Probably Sam or Puck, like always." She said sighing.
Blaine squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry, Britt. What are you going to sing?"
"I'm not sure I was thinking about Realize..by Colbie Callait.." She said softly.
"I think that would be beautiful, Britt.."
"It's for San.." She said squeezing his hand.
Blaine smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "You'll make it through this. You want to go watch a movie at my house?"
Brittany sniffed and wiped her eyes before giving a small smile. "Yeah.." She said, hugging him tightly.
They walk to Blaine's house hand in hand. He leads her to his room. "What do you want to watch?"
"Can we watch a Disney movie?" She asked, "I like when you sing the songs.."
"Of course, I have all of them..." Blaine says, smiling
She smiled as they cuddled up on his bed and watched The Little Mermaid. "So...Now that Kurt is gonna be your boyfriend...Are you gonna tell your parents?" She asked about the middle of the movie.
Blaine stiffens. "Well...if he says yes, then yeah. I don't really feel ready yet but I don't want to hide Kurt."
"If aren't ready..why would you?" She said looking up at Blaine.
“Because Kurt doesn't deserve to be kept a secret. If he's mine, I want people to know..."
"You are like..amazing.." She said smiling.
Blaine cuddles closer to Brittany. "Why do you say that?"
"Because I don't know anyone that would do that.." She said softly. "I mean, San says she isn't ready..but I know she wouldn't do that for me.."
"When she's ready, she will..." Blaine says, kissing her forehead. "It just takes time, hon."
"Waiting is so hard though..I love her.." She whispered, her voice breaking a bit.
Blaine runs his fingers through her hair. "I know. It hurts. It's okay to cry, Britt. I'm here..."
Brittany buries her face in Blaine's chest and starts crying silently, little sniffs breaking the silence after Blaine paused the movie and held her close.
Blaine strokes her hair and back. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" he whispers.
She nods softly.
"You can stay with me, Britt. I'll always be here for you," Blaine whispers before starting to sing to her quietly.
Brittany listens to Blaine's soothing voice as she cries softly into the fabric of his shirt, holding herself close to him as she slowly fell asleep.
Blaine holds her close as her breathing evens out. He pulls his phone out and texts Kurt.
"Sorry, I know it's late. Britt's sleeping over and will probably ride with us in the morning. Is that okay?"
It takes a few minutes for Kurt to reply, but he does.
"That's fine, can't wait to see you tomorrow "
Blaine smiles.
"Me too. Good night "
"Goodnight (:"
Blaine smiles at Kurt's text and puts his arms around Brittany again, slowly falling asleep.
I like all these relationships. And Blaine and Britt are adorable. Of course not as doable as Kurt and Blaine;-)