Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Blaine stirred, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hey..."
"Get dressed sweetie, and don't wake Kurt, I want to talk to you about something.." she said. Blaine nodded drowsily and Marissa walked out of the room.
Blaine quickly got dressed and headed to the living room to sit by his mother.
"Hey sweetheart.." She said softly.
"What’s going on?" Blaine asked.
"From what I've been hearing...It seems you and Kurt have been having a lot of fun lately.." She said chuckling lightly.
Blaine's eyes grew wide. "Umm...yeah..."
"I'm just a little worried because, I've seen it happen before..." She said trailing off.
Blaine looked at her confused. "What?"
"I just don't want you and Kurt to feel like you...have to have sex...because...it can lose its intimacy when it's a...constant thing.." She said, looking at Blaine.
"Oh, we know. And we were kind of talking about this stuff last night before we fell asleep. I really wanted to apologize for last night..." Blaine said quietly.
"It's fine dear.." She said smiling. "But...I'm not trying to tell you how to run your relationship, because I can see how much you two love and care for each other, but maybe, you could take a break from...the sex for a bit. I'm not only saying this for my benefit, I just don't want to see you two get too caught up in the physical..."
Blaine nodded. "I get what you mean. I'll talk to Kurt about it."
"Thank you Blaine...It means a lot to me.." She said, pulling her son into a hug.
Blaine hugged her back. "I'm just glad you can handle all this without being mad or anything."
"Blaine, If you knew how I was at your age, you would understand." She said laughing lightly.
Blaine giggled. "What were you like?"
"Oh honey, you don't want to know.." She said laughing.
Blaine chuckled along with her. "Thanks, mom, for everything."
"You're welcome dear...How is Kurt taking you moving out?" She asked, shifting on the couch to get more comfortable.
"It's hard on both of us. But at least I'm going to the same school," Blaine said, trying not to think about having to take Kurt home.
"Thank you for coming to stay with me Blaine…I don't know what I would do If I was here alone.." She said, grabbing his hand. "I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.."
"I couldn't let you come out here alone. Especially after everything. Yeah, I will miss Kurt. But I really am happy to be with you again." Blaine smiled.
Marissa smiled back, hugging him again. "I'm going to get some coffee, what do you and Kurt want?" She asked, standing.
Blaine gave his mother their regular order before heading back to his room.
Kurt had sprawled himself over the bed, clutching Blaine's pillow to his face. His back rose and fell in a steady rhythm indicating he was still asleep.
Blaine smiled down at his adorable boyfriend. Kurt looked too peaceful to sleep so Blaine grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.
Kurt woke up as Blaine finished his shower and walked into the room. He gave his boyfriend a sleepy smile and stretched, making the cutest noise Blaine had ever heard.
"Good morning baby.." Kurt said softly, looking up at Blaine in the sunlit room.
"Good morning," Blaine smiled, walking to his dresser to find some clothes. "My mom went to get us some coffee."
"C'mere..." Kurt said softly, reaching his arms out to Blaine.
Blaine walked over, repositioning his towel as he sat down on the bed.
Kurt pulled Blaine down into his arms kissing him softly.
Blaine sighed, leaning down to deepen the kiss.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, sliding his tongue across Blaine's bottom lip.
Blaine parted his lips, allowing Kurt entrance as he lay down next to his boyfriend.
Kurt moaned lightly as he massaged Blaine's tongue with his own, pulling Blaine closer and trailing his hands down his back.
Blaine pulled away for a second. "I...umm...promised my mom I'd talk to you about something..."
Kurt recoiled a bit. "O-okay..What's wrong?"
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows. "Well...we don't have to...but she thinks we should take a break from sex...she's afraid we will think that we have to do it And possibly get bored with each other or something..."
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, confused.
"I don't really know. She just doesn't want us to get used to it and think that it's a necessity, I guess?" Blaine said, trying to explain.
"Oh…well...what do you want to do?" Kurt asks.
"I mean, it does make sense. But I don't feel like we have to," Blaine admitted. "But I want you to be comfortable."
"I don't feel like we have to either...but now that I think about it…we haven't been able to be alone in a room together without...you know.." Kurt said, looking away a little.
"That's why I think it kind of makes sense. I don't want you to think that it's all I want to do when I see you. I'm satisfied just talking to you. It just happens that you're fucking amazing when it comes to sex," Blaine giggled.
Kurt smiles at Blaine. "Whatever.." he laughs, pushing at his shoulder playfully before sitting up. "I think...I think it might be good for us to...take a break from it for a bit.." Kurt said, looking off thoughtfully.
"I understand. If you want to, I'd do that. I would like to just hang out sometimes," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled, giving Blaine a small chaste kiss. "Me too.."
"I should probably get dressed," Blaine giggled.
Kurt sighed smiling, looking up and down Blaine's body. "I can already tell this is going to be hard,” he giggled, burying his face in the pillow.
"Trust me, I know," Blaine laughed. "It'll be good for us though."
Kurt nodded into the pillow before turning his head to look up at Blaine. "I love you.." he said softly.
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt got up and pulled on his boxer briefs before walking to take a shower. This was going to be hard, for both of them, but in the end it would only make them stronger. Still, Kurt felt like he couldn't go five minutes without fucking Blaine into any imaginable surface, but that was the problem. He needed time to remind himself that they could be in a room together without fucking each other's brains out, like they were when they first started dating, but even then you could still cut the sexual tension with a knife. They would get through this. They had to.
Blaine cleaned up his room a little as Kurt took a shower. His mom came back with their coffee and Blaine thanked her and laid back on his bed, waiting for Kurt.
Kurt got out of the shower and walked into Blaine's room to get dressed when he saw him with the coffee. "Oh my God your mother is a saint.." He breathed out, happily taking the coffee as Blaine offered it to him.
"I know," Blaine said, smiling. "So what did you want to do today?"
Kurt took a sip of his coffee before going over to his bag and pulling out clothes. "Well, my original plans have been dashed." He chuckled.
"Oh, god! Don't even tell me...It will make it so much harder," Blaine laughed.
"I know.." Kurt giggled, slipping on his boxer briefs.
"so, do you have anything in mind?" Blaine asked.
Kurt put his hands on his hips, thinking for a moment. "Not really, what is there to do in the lovely Kirkwood?"
"Well, there's the Art Institute. If you wanted to go to a museum. I could also take you to lunch," Blaine suggested.
Kurt smiled, "That sounds great.." he said, turning to slip on his jeans.
"Okay, I'll go let my mom know." Blaine said, getting up to go talk to her.
Marissa looked up from her book as she saw her son walk into the living room. "Hey hun." She said smiling.
"Hey," Blaine smiled, sitting next to her. "So, I talked to Kurt. We're going to take your advice and just hang out for a while. Did you mind if we went to the museum today?"
"No, that's fine sweet heart. You two go have a good time. And thank you for talking to him...I know that must have been hard."
Blaine nodded. "Yeah, it'll be hard. But we think you're right. Thanks again!" he said, walking back to his room.
Kurt was buttoning up his vest as Blaine walked into the room. "Hey baby.." He said smiling.
"Hey," Blaine said, shutting his door. "Mom's cool with it. Which do you want to do first?"
"Whichever is fine me." Kurt said, grabbing his comb out of his bag.
Blaine watched as Kurt finished his hair. "Well, I'm kind of hungry after...well...last night," he giggled.
Kurt swallowed hard, looking at Blaine in the mirror. "Yeah...me too.." He said smiling.
"What are you in the mood for?" Blaine asked. "There's Italian, seafood, pizza, or Tuscan."
"Ooh Tuscan. Sounds fancy.." Kurt giggles, turning to look at Blaine.
Blaine laughed. "You ready?"
"Yeah.." Kurt says grabbing his bag and linking hands with Blaine.
They walked down to Blaine's car and rode to the restaurant. A young hostess seated them. A few minutes later, their waiter came to take their order. Blaine ordered the Margherita Flatbread before looking up at Kurt and telling him to order anything he wanted.
Kurt ordered the same thing as Blaine and rested his chin in his hand, smiling at fondly at Blaine.
Blaine took Kurt's free hand. "I love you," he said sweetly.
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"You're so beautiful, Kurt," Blaine smiled.
Kurt blushed lightly, looking away and smiling.
Blaine leaned forward kissing Kurt's cheek. "I swear, that gets more adorable each time."
Kurt giggles, "You're so sweet.." he says. After a while the waiter brings their food and Kurt looks up at Blaine as they eat. "Blaine, I know driving to and from Lima every day is gonna be tough on gas, so if you need any gas money, or for me to come pick you up, I will help."
Blaine smiled weakly. "Thank you, baby. I really don't want to take your money though...Me and my mom kind of worked something out and if it isn't enough, I'll find a job."
"Are you sure? I just don't want this being too hard on you.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded. "I'll make it work. You don't need to spend your money on my car."
"Alright baby.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"It's going to work."
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend, "I love you.."
"I love you, too," Blaine said happily as the waiter came to check on them.
After lunch they went to the museum for a couple of hours as they were leaving with joined hands Kurt looks over at Blaine.
"Ugh..I don't want to go home.."
Blaine smiled weakly. "I don't want you to either..."
"We'll see each other tomorrow though.." Kurt said as they reached the car.
"True," Blaine said, smiling more.
They got in the car and held hands on the way to Kurt's house. When they pulled into the driveway Kurt sighed softly, looking over at Blaine before leaning over and kissing him softly.
Blaine cupped Kurt's face, kissing him deeper.
Kurt opened his mouth, allowing Blaine's tongue to enter.
Blaine massaged Kurt's tongue with his own, sighing happily into the kiss.
Kurt leaned in closer, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled, trailing his hands down to Kurt's hips.
Kurt moaned softly, bringing his hands up to either side of Blaine's jaw, pulling him closer.
Blaine's breathing got heavier. "Kurt...fuck, if we don't stop, I won't be able to control myself..."
Kurt whined from the loss of Blaine's lips on his. "Yeah.." he said softly. He gave Blaine another soft kiss. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine said, opening his door to walk Kurt to the house.
Kurt held hands with Blaine as they walked up to the door.
"I miss you already," Blaine said quietly.
"I'll call you tonight.." Kurt said, grabbing both of Blaine's hands
"Okay," Blaine said, smiling. "I love having your voice being the last thing I hear at night."
Kurt smiled back before kissing Blaine again. "I love you.."
"I love you," Blaine said softly.
Kurt leaned in again, capturing Blaine's lips in a slow deep kiss.
Blaine wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, not wanting this moment to end.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
Blaine held Kurt tight, hoping Burt didn't interrupt this bitter sweet moment.
They kissed for a while until he reluctantly broke the kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow.." Kurt whispered.
“Call me before you go to bed," Blaine said quietly.
"I love you.." Kurt says, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
Blaine stared lovingly into the taller boy's eyes. "I love you too."
Kurt gave Blaine another small kiss before unlocking the door. He opened it before looking back at his boyfriend. "Bye baby.."
"Bye, Kurt," Blaine said softly, turning to walk back to his car.
That night as Kurt got ready for bed, he couldn't help but think about how he would be sleeping alone for the first time in a long time.
Blaine had showered and gotten into bed early. He could still smell Kurt on his pillow.
Kurt lied down in Blaine's old room, the bed smelled so much like him. He wrapped himself up in the sheets, inhaling deeply before grabbing his phone and dialing Blaine's number.
Blaine's face lit up as he saw Kurt's picture flash across the screen.
"Hey sexy! I was just thinking about you."
Kurt giggled as he heard Blaine's voice chime over the phone.
"Hey Blaine.." He said smiling.
"I miss you," Blaine sighed.
"I miss you too.." Kurt said, cuddling deeper into the blankets, closing his eyes and smelling Blaine's lingering scent on the blankets.
"So...I was thinking about something..." Blaine said quietly.
"And what would that be?" Kurt asked.
"You did something when we first started dating, something I loved," Blaine began. "I miss it..."
"What was it?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine blushed. "You spoke in French..."
"Really? You miss that?" Kurt asked softly.
"So much," The curly haired boy admitted. "It's beautiful."
"Je t'aime tellement.. Je souhaite que je pourrais �tre l� avec vous pour que vous puissiez me tenir.." Kurt whispered through the phone.
I love you so much…I wish I could be there with you so you could hold me.
Blaine smiled. He didn't know what Kurt was saying but his voice was sweet. "I've never heard anything more wonderful."
Kurt smiled softly."Vous �tes le seul que je ne pourrait jamais aimer comme cela .. Il n'ya personne d'autre.."
You are the only one I could ever love like this…There is no one else.”
Blaine's smiled deepened. Kurt's voice was so soft and relaxing.
Kurt smiled happily as he talked to Blaine. He loved the happy little sighs that would drift over the other end when Kurt said, "Je t'aime." He was pretty sure Blaine knew it meant 'I love you' with how many times Kurt said it.
Blaine rolled over, closing his eyes and imagining Kurt next to him as he listened to his boyfriend.
Kurt gave a small sigh. "I wish I could be there with you.." he said, pulling Blaine's pillow closer.
"Me too.." Blaine whispered. "My bed still smells like you."
"I'm in your old bed.." Kurt admitted, feeling the threatening sting of tears in his eyes.
Blaine smiled weakly. "I miss you..."
"I miss you too...It's weird...not having you here to hold.." Kurt sighed, looking around the dark empty room.
"I know," Blaine exhaled loudly. "I don't remember the last time I slept alone."
"I miss you so much Blaine...It hurts.." Kurt whispered, curling in on himself.
Blaine held back a sob. "I know, baby. I miss you too..."
Kurt couldn't speak; he just lay there, listening to Blaine's steady breathing as he tried to control his.
"Maybe I can sneak over on sometimes...I don't think I can go that long without seeing you at nights.."
“You would do that?" Kurt whispered.
"As long as I could get back in time so I didn't get caught," Blaine said quietly.
Kurt gave a small smile. "You rebel.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine chuckled. "Only for you."
"I love you so much Blaine.." Kurt said softly.
"I love you too, more than anything," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled lightly. They lay there listening to each other breathe, imagining that the other was there with them.
Blaine took a deep breath. "What time is it?"
Kurt looked up at his alarm clock, "About eleven thirty...Why?"
"Do...do you want me to...come over?" Blaine whispered.
"Please...” Kurt whispered. "I really need you here...just...having you this far away kills me.."
"I'll be there soon," Blaine said, quickly getting up and changing.
"Call me when you get here so I can let you in.." Kurt said.
"Okay. I love you," Blaine smiled.
"I love you too.." Kurt said before they both hung up.
Blaine wrote a quick note, placing it on his bed in the off chance his mom woke up and checked on him. He quietly grabbed his keys and headed to Kurt's house.
About an hour later, Kurt smiled as he got a call from Blaine. "Hey, I'm coming now.." Kurt whispered, walking down the stairs lightly.
Blaine smiled widely as Kurt opened the door. "What if your dad wakes up?"
"He won't...Come on." Kurt whispers smiling. He grabs Blaine's hand as the quietly sneak up to Kurt's room.
Blaine carefully climbs into Kurt's bed and holds him close.
Kurt cuddled against Blaine's chest, breathing in deeply. He missed him so much already and they were only apart for a few hours. This was going to be harder than he thought.
Blaine ran his hand up and down Kurt's back. "I'm going to start looking for a job this week..."
"Really?" Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine.
"Well, if I can get a job, I can do this more often," Blaine said, referring to coming over at night. "I'll have the money to do it."
"I'll look for one too…I don't want you to have to be the only one driving everywhere. I can come see you too...We're both going to have to work at this." Kurt said softly.
"I understand if you want to," Blaine said. "But I don't want you to feel like you have to."
"I don't baby, I just want you to know you don't have to be the only one working.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you."
"Whatever.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine laughed. "Well, like most people wouldn't even offer to help."
"I'd do anything for you Blaine...I love you.." Kurt said smiling and kissing Blaine's neck lovingly.
"I love you too," Blaine said, curling up closer.
They lay like that for about an hour before Blaine heard Kurt's breathing even out as he fell asleep.
Blaine kissed Kurt. "I've got to go..."
Kurt mumbled something before pulling Blaine closer.
"Baby, you're falling asleep.." Blaine said quietly.
"I don't want you to go.." Kurt whimpered sleepily.
"I know, but I can't stay all night," Blaine soothed.
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's chest. "I know.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "I really don’t want to go..."
"I don't want you to either.."
"Kidnap me," Blaine giggled.
"I would.." Kurt sighed, looking up at his boyfriend.
"That sounds kind of fun actually."
Kurt giggled, his eyes slipping closed as he snuggled closer.
"How so?"
"Being held captive by you," Blaine said. "It could be interesting."
Kurt smiled."Shh...you're making my mind wander.."
"Mine too," Blaine laughed. "This is going to be hard.."
"Don't say hard.." Kurt laughed lightly.
Blaine chuckled. "I'm sorry."
Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek. "You have to get up early huh?"
"Yup, gotta long drive to McKinley..." Blaine said softly.
"It's already one...you can go home baby.." Kurt said, looking up at him.
"I'll see you in the morning, love," Blaine said, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt kissed Blaine back ."I love you...drive safe okay?"
“I will, baby. I love you too," Blaine whispered.
Kurt watched as Blaine quietly walked out of the room, listening intently until he heard his car start. He grabbed the pillow Blaine was laying on and pulled it close, trying to fall asleep again.
Blaine drove home quickly, crawling into bed and letting himself fall into a deep sleep.
The next day at school Kurt was at his locker waiting for Blaine when he felt someone standing behind him, he quickly turned around, seeing David Karofsky looming over him. "What do you want?" Kurt asked, trying to keep up a brave voice.
Blaine was sluggishly walking down the hallway when he looked up and saw a bulky football player hovering over Kurt. His boyfriend didn't loo afraid, but Blaine immediately thought of the guy Kurt had mentioned when they first got together. This had to be Karofsky. Blaine ran up to them, slamming the bigger guy into the lockers next to Kurt. Blaine glared up at the taller boy. "Stay away from my boyfriend," he growled.
Dave glared down at Blaine before pushing him back forcefully.
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do fairy boy?" He asked, pushing Blaine again.
Kurt looked on in horror. "Stop!" He yelled trying to get in between them only to have Karofsky swing back and slam him into the locker.
Blaine lost it. He swung his arm, punching the jock square in the jaw. "Don't fucking touch him!"
Karofsky jumped at Blaine, knocking him into the ground as they started fighting. Kurt stared on feeling helpless as he watched the two viciously assault each other, luckily, Coach Bieste and Mr. Schuester were right down the hall and came running. Mr. Schue pulled Blaine away while Coach Bieste grabbed Dave. The two continued to try to get at each other as the teachers struggled to restrain them.
"What the hell is going on here!?" Coach roared.
Blaine struggled in his choir teacher's arms as he tried to get back to Karofsky. "He won't keep his damn hands off Kurt!"
"I didn't touch him until YOU came along!!" Karofsky yelled, trying to get at Blaine again.
"Don't even act like you wouldn't have, you stupid prick!" Blaine shouted back.
"Shut the fuck up you stupid fag!" He roared.
Kurt's hand flew over his mouth and the crowd they'd attracted gasped.
"You're the one to talk! You may fool everyone else, but not me, closet case!" Blaine yelled, jumping out of Mr. Schue's arms and darting back to Dave.
Dave broke free, running back at Blaine and they started throwing blows again before being pried apart again by their teachers.
"You're coming with me!" Bieste yelled, pulling Dave down the hall. "This isn't over Anderson!" Karofsky snapped, as the coach pulled him down the hallway. Kurt stared after him, tears in his eyes before looking over at Blaine.
Blaine ran over to Kurt, taking him in his arms. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."
Kurt looked at Blaine, "Blaine…just...I can't do this." Kurt said, prying himself out of Blaine's arms and rushing down the hall, tears running down his face.
"Blaine...You have to come with me.." Mr. Schue said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Blaine watched as Kurt ran away. He wanted to follow him but Mr. Schue pulled him along to the office.
After school that day Kurt sat in his car, his head resting on the steering wheel. He felt terrible; he hadn't been able to concentrate all day. Blaine had bruises all over his face and his lip was split. It was all Kurt's fault. Kurt heard a small tap on the window and looked up seeing Blaine standing outside. Kurt wiped his eyes and sat back in his seat, unlocking the door.
Blaine looked down, trying to hold back his tears. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you..."
Kurt looked over at Blaine as he sat down in the car. "You didn't embarrass me Blaine.." Kurt said quietly.
"Why did you run?" Blaine asked, looking down. "You've been avoiding me all day. I don't know what I did wrong. I know I shouldn't have said all those things...But...I just, I don't know. It hurt me when I saw him glaring at you and I just snapped..."
"I..I don't know...I panicked...I hated seeing you like that...I mean look at yourself Blaine.." Kurt said, putting a hand on Blaine's bruised cheek.
"It takes a lot for me to do that...I'm not a violent person..." Blaine said faintly. "But I'm not going to stand around and let some guy harass you. You mean so much to me; I can't let him do that to you. And I'm fine. It's not something I haven't been through before. Don't worry about it."
"Blaine...I am going to worry about you...That was the scariest thing...I felt so helpless...And what do you mean it's happened before?.."
"I know that. I just mean, I'm okay. It could've been worse." Blaine explained. "I used to get this kind of stuff all the time before Dalton..."
"You shouldn't have to go through this here too.." Kurt said softly, running a finger over Blaine's split lip.
"It isn't your fault," Blaine said seriously. "I refuse to sit back and let him do as he pleases."
"Blaine, you didn't have to do that..." Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine into his arms.
"What was I supposed to do? I walk in and the first thing I see is this huge jock that you told me about inches away from your face, looking completely angry. You're saying if someone was doing this to me, and you saw it, you wouldn't have done anything? If so, that's you. I can't let someone do to you what I've been through. I won't let anyone do that to you. I don't care what I have to do to prevent it."
Kurt looked at Blaine. "Of course I would have done the same for you.. And Blaine...What happened to you?" Kurt asked. "You were still bullied even though you never came out?.."
"You don't have to come out for people to assume. I never had a girlfriend or even showed even a little interest in a girl. It doesn't take much for someone to assume and start spreading rumors that lead to other things." Blaine said, staring out the window. "It doesn't matter. It's in the past."
Kurt looked at Blaine. "Baby…I know it might hurt...but do you want to talk about it?.." he asked, grabbing his hand.
"It'll just hurt you." Blaine whispered. He could feel the tears stinging behind his eyes. "You've been hurt enough."
"Blaine…talk to me.." Kurt soothed, placing a hand under Blaine's chin and turning it to look at him.
"People just didn't accept it. They called me the same things Karofsky calls you. I didn't even have a chance to confirm or deny the rumor. They pretty much chased me out of the school..." Blaine explained, still fighting the tears.
Kurt pulled Blaine close. "I'm so sorry Blaine.."
"It's fine. I left because of it and went to Dalton. And now I'm here...with you," Blaine said, giving Kurt a small smile.
"I don't want you to have to go through that again.." Kurt said, looking at Blaine.
"Maybe this is what he needed. To know that you aren't alone and if he wants to try something againa, I will be there. And I'm sure the rest of the glee club would be there too."
"Yeah.." Kurt said softly, "I just don't want him coming after you too...you heard what he said...He said it wasn't over.."
Blaine shrugged. "If he does, I'll deal with it then."
"Blaine.." Kurt said wearily.
"Yeah?" Blaine asked quietly.
"Just...don't fight him again.."
Blaine nodded. "I was just so scared he was going to put his hands on you. I didn't want you to feel that. I didn't know what else to do..."
Kurt nodded lightly. "It's okay...I was just so scared...I never want to see that again."
"I know. I can't even tell you how horrible I feel..."
"Blaine, If it was me, I probably would have done the same thing.." Kurt said softly.
"I know," Blaine said. "But the look on your face before you ran...I shouldn't have hit him. I should've just pulled you away or something..."
"Blaine…It's okay baby.." Kurt soothes, placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.
Blaine tried to smile. "I...umm...have something to tell you..."
"What is it?"
Blaine looked down. "We were both suspended..."
"I can't say I'm surprised...How long?" Kurt asked.
"The week..."
Kurt sighed, sitting back in his seat. "We'll still be able to see each other at night right?...Did they call your mom?"
"I'll still come over," Blaine said softly before sighing. "Yeah, they called her. She's upset but calm. I don't want her to see me like this though..."
Kurt looked over at Blaine. He looked like he got hit by a bus. He couldn't even imagine the questions he got. Since he was still here he assumed they made him stay for the rest of the day.
"Can...Can I come to your house?" Blaine asked quietly. "I'm not ready to go home..."
"Yeah...do you want to follow me in your car or ride with me?" Kurt asked, grabbing Blaine's hand.
"I'll follow you so I can put my stuff up.."
Kurt leaned over, kissing Blaine softly. "Alright."
Blaine smiled back at Kurt before stepping out of the car. "I love you, Kurt..."
"I love you too baby.." Kurt says smiling lightly.
Blaine shut the door and walked over to his car, following Kurt to his house.
Kurt got out of his car and walked over to Blaine's, helping him out. He was still sore. "You okay?" Kurt asks.
"Kind of scared..." Blaine admitted. "But I'm okay..."
"It'll be alright. Carole and my Dad are still at work.." Kurt said as they walked to the door.
Blaine took a deep breath. "Okay.." he whispered, squeezing Kurt’s hand.
They walked inside and Finn was sitting on the couch. "Hey you guys.." he said looking up. He heard about the fight, like most of the school, so he chose not to say anything about Blaine's appearance.
"Hey, Finn," Blaine said, giving him a small smile.
Kurt said hello to Finn before they went upstairs to Kurt’s room. Kurt sat back on the bed and Blaine sat between his legs, lying with his back on Kurt’s chest. "Are you still sore?" Kurt asked, petting Blaine's curls.
"Yeah," Blaine nodded. "Being with you helps me not think about it though."
Kurt smiles, kissing the top of Blaine's head. "I love you Blaine.."
Blaine leaned his head back, looking up at his boyfriend. "I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "You wanna watch a movie?" Kurt asked quietly.
"I'd like that," Blaine smiled.
Kurt slipped out from under Blaine and put in Cinderella before letting Blaine lie back on him, turning off the light.
Blaine snuggled up close to Kurt's chest as they watched the movie.
A little towards the end of the movie, Burt came in the door. "Hey Dad.." Kurt said, looking up at his father.
"Hey boys. How was school?" Burt asked.
"Good.." Kurt says softly, petting Blaine's curls.
Blaine stiffened against Kurt's chest.
Burt smiled. "Is Blaine staying for dinner?"
Kurt looked down at Blaine; He didn't want to say yes in case Blaine didn't want his family to see him like that. "Do you want to Blaine? Or are you and your mom doing something?"
Blaine didn't know what to do. Either way, they would see his face and ask what happened. He looked up at Kurt. "Do you want me to stay?"
"I want you to...but if you're busy, I understand.." Kurt said looking down at his boyfriend.
"I'll call and ask..." Blaine said quietly. He really wanted to talk to Kurt before he made a decision.
Burt nodded and walked out of the room. Kurt looked down at Blaine. "What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. I'm scared to see my mom. But I don't want you to feel like you have to tell everyone..." Blaine whispered.
"It's whatever you want Blaine.." Kurt said.
Blaine looked down. "I just...I don't want you to be uncomfortable..."
"I don't want you to be either...I know my dad and Carole will question you about it..." Kurt said.
"Well, they'll ask whether it's tonight or some other time..." Blaine said. "But it also means telling them about Karofsky...And I didn't know if you wanted them to know..."
"My Dad already knows people mess with me...We don't have to go into detail.."
Blaine nodded. "Well...Do you mind telling them? I was so mad, I really don't remember the whole thing..."
"Yeah..If it's okay with you.." Kurt said softly.
"I would kind of prefer it so you can say just what they need to know," Blaine said, relaxing next to Kurt again.
"Alright.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's head.
Blaine smiled back at Kurt. "Thank you..."
"You're welcome baby...You want me to go talk to them before you come down?" Kurt asked.
"If you want to...I'll go. It doesn't matter," Blaine said.
"Do you want to together?"
Blaine gave a small smile, "Yeah."
They both got up and walked down the stairs, Burt was in the living room and Carole was in the kitchen.
Blaine kept his head down as he slowly walked behind Kurt.
Burt looked up at the boys, "Dinner's almost ready you two.." he said as they walked into the living room. He saw Blaine as they walked past him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...Blaine...C'mere kid.." Burt said, straightening up in his seat.
Blaine took a deep breath before looking up at Burt. "Yes sir?"
"What happened to you?" Burt said, looking up at the teenager. His face was mottled with bruises.
Blaine looked over at Kurt hoping he'd start talking before Blaine did.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and they sat down on the love seat.
"Dad...Blaine...Got into a fight today.." Kurt said softly.
Burt looked over at Blaine. "That doesn't sound like you...What happened?"
"Someone was...messing with me and Blaine confronted him." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hand.
Blaine looked up at Mr. Hummel, hoping he wouldn’t ask many more questions.
Burt shifted his eyes to Kurt. "Messing with you how?"
"It's not important Dad...Just...stupid stuff.." Kurt said, looking down.
"And Blaine just came up and hit the guy?" Burt asked.
"No...it's more complicated than that...He had a good reason...It just.." Kurt trailed off, not sure how to justify what Blaine did without telling his father everything.
Burt looked back and forth between the two boys. "Just what? Blaine wouldn't hit someone over nothing."
Kurt sighed, looking up at his father. "Dad..." Kurt said softly. He really didn't want to tell him.
"Fine." Burt said. "But if this kid lays a finger on either of you again, I want to know."
Kurt nodded, relieved that his father let it go so easily.
Burt looked back to Blaine again. "I don't know what happened, but thank you for being there Blaine."
Blaine smiled weakly and nodded at the older man. Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand again, thanking him with his eyes as well.
Blaine gave Kurt a little kiss on his cheek as Carole walked in.
Carole did a double take as she saw Blaine. "Oh God, honey what happened?" She gasped.
Blaine sighed quietly. "I got into a fight because someone was messing with Kurt. We're both suspended."
"Are you okay? She asked, walking over and placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.
Blaine gave her a weak smile. "I will be."
She pulled him into a tight hug. "If you need anything, let me know, okay sweetie?"
Blaine hugged her back. "Thank you, Carole."
"Any time hun.."
Carole announced that dinner was ready and led everyone to the dining room.
"It smells delicious!" Blaine said, smiling.
"Thank you dear.." Carole said smiling. Dinner went better than Kurt expected. Nothing else was said or asked about the fight and by the end of dinner Blaine was laughing and smiling again. He knew it was time for him to go home and that still stirred the nervousness in his stomach a bit.
Blaine thanked Carole and Burt for having him over for dinner before Kurt walked his boyfriend to the door.
Kurt walked outside to Blaine's car with him."Are you okay?" Kurt asked, sensing Blaine's light distress at the thought of his mother seeing him this way.
Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. "I don't know."
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, holding him close. "I'm sorry Blaine.."
Blaine shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong...I just don't know how my mom will react..."
"I know...I just still feel like it’s my fault.." Kurt whispered.
"Baby, no," Blaine said, looking up at his boyfriend. "You didn't do anything. It was him."
"I just feel like…If I wasn't like this...we wouldn't have to go through this.." Kurt sighed.
"Like what? Gay?" Blaine asked, upset. "If you're saying that...it’s like saying if you weren't...with me it wouldn't happen..."
"No...not that...I'm not ashamed of my sexuality...Just...If I dressed more normally…Stopped humming show tunes as I walk down the hall...Acted...normal..."
"Hey," He gingerly placed his hands on either side of Kurt's face. "This.." he said, pointing to Kurt's clothes, "is normal for you. This is you. This is all part of the only person I am completely in love with. I love every little thing about you. Especially the little things like that adorable 'botch face' you give people when you're annoyed. Just hearing you talk or sing, makes my day better. Everything about you is amazing. You don't need to change. I love you."
Kurt smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"I love you too.."
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly.
"For always," he smiled.
Kurt kissed Blaine again, holding him close. "I don't know what I would do without you.."
Blaine relaxed in Kurt's arms. "Luckily, we don't have to worry about that."
Kurt smiled lightly, not wanting to let go of Blaine.
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "Want me to come back tonight?"
"Blaine...you need your sleep.."
"I don't have school tomorrow..." Blaine said quietly.
"I know, but still.."
"If you don't want me to, it's okay."
"No, baby, It's not that I don't want you to...I'm just worried about you.." Kurt said concernedly.
"What's there to be worried about?" Blaine asked.
"I just don't want you to over exert yourself driving all the way over here in the middle of the night...something could happen.."
"Okay," Blaine said quietly, nuzzling back against his boyfriend's neck.
"Please don't think I don't want you to.." Kurt said, rubbing up and down Blaine's back.
"I know," Blaine said seriously. "I know you're right. I just like seeing you..."
Kurt pulled Blaine closer before he saw the porch light behind him flash, his father's signal for him to come inside. Kurt sighed. "I love you..."
"I love you too," Blaine's voice was almost a whisper.
"I'll call you.." Kurt said, looking down at Blaine.
"Okay, baby," Blaine said before kissing him softly and walking to his car.
Kurt walked over to the door, watching as Blaine drove off, giving a small wave.
Blaine drove home, dreading what was ahead of him. He just wanted to forget what had happened.
Marissa looked up from her book as Blaine walked inside.
"Oh, Blaine.." She said, rushing over to her son and taking him into her arms.
Blaine hugged her, trying not to break down.
"I'm sorry, mom..."
"It's okay.." She said, stroking his hair softly.
Blaine gave a weak smile as they walked over to the couch. Blaine leaned against his mother, letting her sooth him as the tears came.
"What happened sweet heart? What did he do?" She asked, continuing to pet her son's curls.
"I don't know exactly...I just walked in and there he was...hovering over Kurt. Kurt didn't look scared...But the look on the guy's face...I didn't like it. I just felt like he was going to do something and I couldn't let that happen..." Blaine explained. "I shoved him. I think he called me 'fairy boy' or something. But Kurt tried to stop him when he turned to me and he pushed Kurt. Then I lost it and punched him. Somehow we wound up on the ground just wailing on each other..."
She skimmed a hand across her son's forehead, listening as he told her what happened. "Are you okay?"
Blaine wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'm trying to be...I didn't tell Kurt...But all I can think about is what would happen if dad saw me...I can just hear him telling me it's my fault and I brought it on myself..." he said quietly.
She pulled Blaine against her chest. "It's okay, Blaine...You don't have to worry about him anymore...It's okay..." She soothed.
Blaine wrapped his arms around her. "I just want you to know, this had nothing to do with all this. We moved and then I got into a fight. It's not going to be a habit or anything. I-I just snapped. And I'm so sorry..."
“I know.." Marissa said softly.
Blaine rested his head in her lap as he steadied his breathing.
"Why was that boy by Kurt?" She asked, looking down at Blaine as she rubbed small circles on his back.
"He's been harassing him. I hadn't ever seen it though. Kurt doesn't talk about it much but the way he looked at Kurt. I think he's gay, mom...But is scared."
"Why would you think that?" His mother asked.
"I've seen him before. Not with Kurt though. When he thinks no one is looking, he will look at another guy. And I think he just might be jealous that Kurt is happy with being open and it makes him mad that he doesn't have that. I could be wrong. It's just what I thought. I kind of called him a...closet case today..."
"Did he say anything to you?" She asked, her voice calm and even.
"Just about every derogatory word you can use for gay. It doesn't bother me though," Blaine said evenly.
"I'm so sorry honey.." She said softly.
"It's okay, mom. I'll be fine once my face heals. I just don't want him around Kurt." Blaine said. "When we first got together, he told me about Karofsky but I could tell he was holding back. But I didn’t want to pressure him. I don't know what it was though..."
"Are you gonna try to talk to him?"
"To Kurt? I don't know..."
"I think you should try...That was months ago right? He should trust you enough to open up.." She assured him.
"That's true..." Blaine said quietly.
"If that boy messes with either of you again, let me know okay?" Marissa said, stroking Blaine's dark curls again.
Blaine nodded. "He said it wasn't over. But I don't think he will. I'll tell you though."
She leaned down, kissing his forehead.
"Try and get some sleep dear.."
"Thank you, Mom. I love you." Blaine smiled, getting up to walk to his room.
"Love you too.." She said picking up her book again.
It was almost ten. Kurt would be calling soon. Blaine grabbed his phone and decided to take a hot bath before lying down.
Kurt crawled into the bed in Blaine's old room, inhaling deeply before pulling out his phone and calling his boyfriend.
Blaine smiled when he heard his phone and answered quickly.
"Hey baby."
Kurt smiled as he head Blaine's voice. "Hey...How are you feeling?"
"Better. What are you doing?" Blaine asked.
"Lying in bed.." Kurt said, rolling himself up in the blankets. "You?"
"Relaxing in a bath," Blaine replied.
"I wish I was there with you.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine smiled weakly. "Me too. I hate not laying with you."
"So do I...Bathing with you sounds amazing right now too.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine let out a soft moan. "Now you have me thinking about that."
Kurt giggled lightly, smiling to himself.
"Who do you think will break first?"
"You.." Kurt said smiling.
"Hmm...we'll see," Blaine giggled.
"What, you think I will?" Kurt asks, as if Blaine's words offended him.
"I'm going to make it my goal to get you to break," Blaine smiled.
"I have will power made of steel Blaine." Kurt laughed.
"Okay," Blaine said. "We'll see."
"Yes we will.." Kurt smiled.
"Even though I know I can make you hard with just my voice.." he teased.
Blaine took a deep breath. "You also had your mouth on my ear. And I wasn't trying to not be hard..." he said, defending himself.
"So what, you're saying I couldn't do it right now?" Kurt asked, his voice dropping an octave.
"I'm sure you could. But will I break? No." Blaine said coyly.
"Masturbating still counts." Kurt said matter-of-factly.
"I know," Blaine said seriously.
"So you're telling me, that even if I did make you hard, you wouldn't do anything about it?" Kurt asks, unbelieving.
"Well I'm not that mean.." Kurt sighed, giggling a bit.
Blaine sighed. "Good."
Kurt smiled at Blaine's relief. "I love you.."
"I love you too, baby." Blaine smiled.
"What did your mom say when you got home?" Kurt asked softly.
"That she’s sorry and to tell her if something happens again."
"That's good.." Kurt said, rolling over to lay on a different pillow to renew Blaine's scent.
"Yeah." Blaine sighed. "Do you really think he'll start something again?"
"I don't know.." Kurt admits.
"I'm sorry baby.." Kurt sighs, letting his eyes slip closed.
"It'll be alright," Blaine said calmly.
"I hope so.." Kurt whispered.
"If not, I'll figure something out. I promise." Blaine said reassuringly.
"We'll get through it together.." Kurt said.
Blaine smiled. "Always together."
Kurt curled up in the bed, sighing happily.
"I love you, Kurt." Blaine said as he got out of the tub.
"I love you too baby.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine sighed. "It's gonna be a long week..."
"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked.
"I'll be at home alone while you're at school."
"Yeah.." Kurt sighed, clutching Blaine's pillow close.
"I'll be there as much as I can though," Blaine said softly.
"Do you want me to come over to your house sometimes?" Kurt asked.
"If you want to. I'd like that," Blaine smiled. "But only if you want to..."
"I do.." Kurt said happily.
"I can't wait," Blaine said, smiling darkly to himself.