New To McKinley
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 20

E - Words: 6,580 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
863 0 0 0 0

-A Month Later-
Blaine was up in his room, packing all of his things. He had helped his mom pick out an apartment and today was moving day. He dreaded this day. Blaine was excited to be with his mom. But he would have to drive an hour to and from McKinley every day and any time he went to see Kurt. He was willing to do it to see his boyfriend. Blaine sighed as he finished packing.

Kurt sat outside Blaine's door, fanning at his eyes to try and hide the fact that he'd been crying. He knocked lightly on the door.

Blaine opened the door and looked at Kurt with a pained expression. "Hey..."

Kurt tried to smile, to be strong for Blaine. "Hey.."

Blaine sat down on the bed, looking around at the empty room. He was going to miss this house so much.

Kurt sat down next to his boyfriend and started rubbing small circles on his back. He was going to miss him so much. He would miss sneaking into his room at night, waking up to his face on the weekends, having breakfast with him...He was going to miss everything.

Blaine brought his hands to his face and sighed. "I don't want to leave..."

Kurt pulled Blaine close to him, resting his boyfriend's head on his chest.
"This isn't goodbye.." Kurt said softly, repeating what he had been telling himself all day.

"I know," Blaine whispered. "I'll just miss you when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sneak into your room. I'll miss every little thing we do here."

“Me too.." Kurt whispered, petting Blaine's curls softly. He pushed back the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Blaine turned and wrapped himself around his boyfriend, kissing him, lips full of heat and passion.

Kurt moaned softly against Blaine's lips, eyebrows rising at his boyfriend's sudden enthusiasm. He wrapped his arms around Blaine’s waist, backing up onto the bed as Blaine crawled on top of him.

Blaine trailed his hands up and down Kurt's sides. "I love you so much, Kurt."

"I love you too..." Kurt breathed out, looking up at Blaine, his eyes full of love.

Blaine smiled before attaching his lips to Kurt's pulse point.

Kurt mewled lightly, clutching to Blaine's back. Everyone was home, but he knew people would leave them alone today.

Blaine slowly lifted the hem of Kurt's shirt, tracing the soft skin it exposed.

Kurt moaned lightly, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back on the mattress. "Oh Blaine.."

Blaine pulled Kurt's shirt over his head, gingerly nipping at his boyfriend's nipples.

Kurt inhaled sharply, his back arching off of the bed towards Blaine's mouth.

Blaine raked his nails down Kurt's chest, kissing his way down to his navel.

"Blaine...Oh God.." Kurt moaned, tracing his hands down his chest to rest on Blaine's head.

Blaine quickly unfastened Kurt's pants and slipped them off, throwing them to the side. He pressed light kisses along Kurt's length over his briefs.

Kurt writhed beneath Blaine, looking down at him as he pressed kisses up his growing member.

Blaine slowly pulled the fabric down, taking Kurt deep in his mouth.

Kurt bit back a moan and let out more of a choked sob as Blaine took him. He felt so amazing; it pained him to know they weren't going to be able to do this all of the time anymore.

Blaine pulled back, sliding up to Kurt. "Baby...Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"

"No...I'm fine…I promise.." Kurt said, trying not to cry.

"W-we don't have to.." Blaine said quietly.

"No...No, I want to...I do.." Kurt said. "I'm fine baby…I'm fine…”

Blaine nodded, kissing back down Kurt's chest. He just wanted this moment to last. He wasn't ready to leave. Blaine slid his mouth back over Kurt's length, sucking hard as he hallowed his cheeks.

Kurt moaned softly, his hands falling back down to Blaine's curls, wrapping them in them lightly.

Blaine hummed around Kurt's throbbing cock. He lifted up, looking up and Kurt. "What do you want baby?"

"I..I want you to fuck me...please...I need to feel you..." Kurt whimpered, looking down at Blaine.

Blaine moaned at Kurt's plea. He reached for the lube and quickly slicked up his fingers, pressing one into the amazingly tight heat.

Kurt tried desperately to keep his moans contained, biting down hard on his lip as Blaine worked his finger inside of him.

Blaine added a second and third finger, slowly stretching him. "Tell me when, baby."

"Now…please..." Kurt breathed out, pulling at the sheets underneath him.

Blaine shivered at Kurt's need. He quickly undid his jeans, pulling them and his briefs down just enough to feel the release. He quickly covered himself in lube before lining himself up with Kurt.

Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, pulling his boyfriend inside of him quickly, gasping at the rough stretch.

"Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine moaned, pushing in more. "You're so tight..."

Kurt panted harshly as Blaine thrust into him. "Blaine...Kiss me..."

Blaine kissed Kurt passionately, thrusting faster. He was going to miss this so much.

Kurt moaned lightly against Blaine's lips as a tear finally slipped down his cheek. He clutched to Blaine, trying not to cry more than he already was.
"I love you.." he gasped.

Blaine kissed the tear that fell. "i love you too. Forever, i promise."

Kurt pulled Blaine closer, burying his face in his neck as he thrust into him. "Blaine...Oh God..." He breathed out.

"Oh, Kurt," Blaine moaned. He steadied his thrust so they were sweeter.

Kurt relaxed a bit as Blaine's thrusts slowed; he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, pulling him down to kiss him again.

Blaine kissed Kurt languidly, moving to his neck to suck at his pulse point.

"Blaine...Fuck..." Kurt moaned as he felt Blaine glide over his prostate.

Blaine slowly brushed over the little bundle of nerves. "Kuurrtt, I’m close baby.."

Kurt's body rocked up as the pleasure shot through him each time Blaine hit that spot. "Please…Just...hold on...please...Kurt whispered. He knew they were taking a huge risk in doing this right now, but he still didn't want it to end.

Blaine slowed his thrusts. "I know, I know.." he whispered, trying not to cry.

Kurt pulled Blaine back in for another kiss, drawing in a shaky breath as more tears slipped down his face.

As soon as Blaine saw the tears, he let go. The tears spilt from his eyes as they inched closer, trying to hold this moment.

Kurt pulled Blaine close to him, sliding his hands down his sides. "Blaine...I...I can't hold on...I'm going to.."

"Me too, baby..." Blaine moaned as he came deep inside Kurt.

Kurt felt Blaine start to fill him and he let out a sharp gasp, coming between them as his orgasm wracked his thin frame.

Blaine slowed as they rode out their orgasms. Blaine collapsed against Kurt. "I love you so much," he whispered, letting the tears continue.

Kurt held Blaine, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his temple soothingly. "I love you too.." he panted softly.

"I'll be back, Kurt. As much as I can. I'll sneak over at night of you need me. I'll always be here..." Blaine soothed.

"I'll do the same for you Blaine...I swear…I promise.." Kurt whispered.

"We're going to be fine. No matter how far I am, I won't ever leave you," Blaine said softly.

Kurt nodded lightly, looking up into Blaine's eyes. Blaine slowly pulled out of Kurt making his lover gasp a bit. Kurt got up and quickly dressed himself before sitting on Blaine's lap, holding him close.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. "I'm not ready..."

"I know.." Kurt said, stroking Blaine's hair.

Tears were flowing down Blaine's cheeks again. "I'm sorry, Kurt."

"Why baby?" Kurt asked quietly.

"making you cry..." Blaine whispered.

"No...Blaine...You didn't...It's just the situation…It's not you.." Kurt said.

"I know. I just...I wish I could stay with you...I don't want you to think that I don't want to..."

"I never thought that Blaine…I know you do.." Kurt soothed.

Blaine rested his head against Kurt's shoulder, trying to ease his tears.

There was a small knock on the door.
"Blaine, your mom's here.." Finn said through the wood.

Blaine's heart sank. He looked up at Kurt and kissed his cheek. "Do you want to help me unpack tomorrow since it'll be Sunday?"

"Yeah.." Kurt said softly, hugging around Blaine's neck.

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "Walk me out?" he sniffled.

Kurt nodded, slowly climbing off of Blaine's lap and picking up the one bag he had left.

They walked downstairs and Blaine thanked the Hummel-Hudson family for everything they had done for him. They hugged and said their good byes before Kurt walked Blaine to his car.

Kurt waved to Blaine's mother as she sat in her car waiting for Blaine to follow her in his car. They walked by Blaine's car and Kurt put his bag in the trunk.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, letting the tears fall. "I-I love you."

"I love you too...I'll see you tomorrow.." Kurt said, nuzzling into Blaine's shoulder.

"I'll come get you so we can have more time together," Blaine said softly.

Kurt turned his head, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine kissed Kurt back. "I'll text you as soon as i get there."

"Alright..." Kurt said, resting his forehead against Blaine's.

Blaine wiped away a tear that fell from Kurt's eye. "For always," he whispered.

"For always.." Kurt whispered back before leaning in to kiss Blaine softly again.

Blaine gave Kurt a weak smile as they pulled away. "I've got to go..."

“I know.." Kurt says, still holding onto Blaine.

"What if you stayed the night...?" Blaine asked quietly.

"Would that be okay?" Kurt asks quietly.

"I know my mom won't mind. It'll keep me calmer. But what about your dad?"

"I'll go talk to him.." Kurt said looking at Blaine.

"Okay," Blaine smiled.

Kurt gives Blaine one more small kiss before hurrying inside.
"Dad?" He calls.

"Yeah, kid?" Burt said from the living room.

Kurt walks into the room. "Dad...Is it okay if I stay with Blaine tonight? He wants me to help him unpack.”

Burt took a deep breath and looked up at his son. "Will his mother be there?"

Kurt nodded at his father, twisting his hands nervously.

"Kurt..." Burt said sternly. "Behave yourself."

"Thank you Dad! I promise I will!" He said, going to hug his father tightly.

Burt hugged Kurt back. "Be home before curfew tomorrow."

Kurt smiled, agreeing before running up the stairs and packing a bag before going downstairs, bidding his family goodbye, and hurrying out to Blaine's car.

Blaine had talked to his mom to make sure it was alright and she said yes. He was smiling as Kurt came out with his bag and climbed into the driver's seat.

Kurt smiled at Blaine, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek after he climbed in the car.

Blaine followed his mom to their new apartment, holding Kurt's hand the whole way.

They reach the apartments in a little under an hour and Marissa leads them up to the apartment.
"This is lovely.." Kurt says smiling as they walk in.

Blaine gave Kurt a tour of the apartment. The kitchen was a decent size with a half circle island in the center and nice stools sitting around it. There was a flat screen against one wall in the living room along with a beautiful couch and the sliding door that lead to the balcony. They had to full bathrooms. The whole apartment was already decorated. Marissa definitely had great taste. There was an office next to the living room and next to that was Blaine's room.

Kurt looked around the apartment smiling. "It's beautiful!" Kurt mused. They walked into Blaine's room which was littered with boxes; it seemed to be the only room in the house not unpacked.

"Thanks," Blaine said, looking around. He couldn't believe he was there. He had never imagined any of this happening.

Kurt smiled up at Blaine before beginning to open boxes. "Come on, the sooner we unpack your room, the sooner it'll feel like home."

"True," Blaine said, getting up and opening a box.

Kurt smiles as he pulls out a navy blue and red blazer. "What's this?" He asks, holding it up to his body.

Blaine blushed. "My Dalton uniform..."

Kurt looks up at his boyfriend, taking the blazer off of the hanger it was on. "I wanna see you in it! I bet you looked cute.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine's blush deepened. "Umm...okay," He said, pulling the blazer on.

"Oh wow…you look so...Dapper.." Kurt said smiling and smoothing the lapels down softly.

"Dapper?" Blaine asks. "You like it?"

Kurt nodded.
"You look really cute." He muses.

Blaine looked down, embarrassed. "It's just a blazer," he giggled.

"You look adorable in it.." Kurt says, grabbing the collar in pulling Blaine in for a soft kiss.

Blaine smiled into the kiss, bringing his arms around Kurt's neck.

Kurt giggled as he pulled away from the kiss. "My little schoolboy." He said kissing his nose.

That gave Blaine an idea. But he'd push it to the side for another time. "We should probably get back to unpacking," Blaine laughed.

"Yeah.." Kurt said, releasing Blaine and smiling. He turned back to the boxes pulling out random articles of clothing.

Blaine placed his blazer back on the hanger and into his closet. He found his box with posters and corkboard with old pictures of him and his friends and started to hang them up.

Kurt walked over to Blaine and watched him hang up the pictures. “Who are they?" Kurt asks, resting his chin on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine smiled, pointing and naming people. "Most of them were Warblers with me. These two, that's Wes and David. They were my best friends."

"Where are they now?" Kurt asked softly.

"Still at Dalton. They graduate this year," Blaine said, smiling at the pictures.

Kurt smiled at his boyfriend. "They look nice.."

"They are," Blaine said. "Maybe we can hang out one day so you can meet them."

"You said only Brittany knew you were gay...Did they know?" Kurt asks.

"They are," Blaine said. "Maybe we can hang out one day so you can meet them."

"You said only Brittany knew you were gay...did they know?" Kurt asks.

"I'm pretty sure they know. But I never talked about it..." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt hummed thoughtfully as Blaine put up the rest of the pictures. A few hours later they finally finished unpacking most of Blaine's room. They lied on the bed, cuddled close to one another.

Blaine nuzzled against Kurt's chest. "Would you...want to meet them sometime?"

"I would love to.." Kurt said, looking over at the corkboard mottled with pictures.

Blaine smiled. "I'd really like that. I miss them."

"Have you seen them since you moved?" Kurt asked.

"No," Blaine sighed. "I talked to them after my first day at school. But they've been so busy with Warbler practice and school work. They won't have much free time until after their next competition. But I really want them to meet you."

"You know were probably going to be competing against them right?" Kurt said, looking down at Blaine.

"I know," Blaine said. "It doesn't really bother me. I mean, I do miss them. But I love being at McKinley with you."

Kurt smiled down at his boyfriend, pulling him closer. "I love you.." He sighed happily.

"I love you too," Blaine cooed. "Thanks for staying tonight."

"I love being with you…I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.."

Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer, sighing into the kiss.

Blaine moaned, bringing Kurt's lower lip between his teeth.

Kurt let out a whimper as he felt Blaine lightly bite down. His hands slowly drifted to Blaine's ass, rubbing it lightly.

Blaine moaned against Kurt's lips, rolling his body against his boyfriend's.

Kurt squeezed Blaine's perfect ass, moaning lightly before breaking the kiss. "You can’t be loud okay? Your mom's still here.." Kurt panted.

"O-Okay," Blaine breathed out. "I'll be quiet..."

Kurt reattached his lips to Blaine's, palming at his ass. God Kurt loved it, he was an ass man and what could he say? Blaine's was amazing.

Blaine wrapped a leg around Kurt's hip, rocking his own onto his boyfriend’s.

"Blaine.." Kurt breathed out before attaching his lips to Blaine's neck, grazing his teeth across it lightly.

Blaine let out a soft 'Oh' as he felt Kurt's teeth. "Baby..."

Kurt bit down lightly, pulling Blaine on top of him.

Blaine shivered, thrusting his growing cock onto Kurt's.

Kurt gasped, rolling over on top of Blaine and pinning his hands down by his wrists.

Blaine looked up with lust-filled eyes, smiling widely.

Kurt smiled back before reattaching his teeth to Blaine's neck, biting roughly.

Fuck! That felt so good! Blaine bit his lip, holding back a loud moan.

Kurt bit down harder and sucked slightly, marking his boyfriend's gorgeous olive skin.

Blaine rocked his hips up, doing anything he could to not be loud. But damn! Kurt knew how to drive him crazy!

Kurt pulled off of Blaine's neck, admiring the bruise he left there before kissing from it , up to Blaine's lips, grinding his hips down into Blaine's harshly.

Blaine gasped against Kurt's lips. Kurt wanted him to be quiet but he was doing everything that made him scream. Blaine writhed beneath Kurt.

Kurt reaches in between them and starts to unbutton Blaine's jeans before yanking them off along with his boxer briefs. He kissed Blaine's chest through the fabric of his shirt before removing that as well, admiring Blaine's amazing body.

Blaine shook with wanting. He smiled nervously as Kurt took in his body.

Kurt trailed a hand lightly down Blaine's chest all the way to his member, wrapping a hand around it and pumping slowly. “Blaine...I want to try something...If that's okay with you.." He said softly, looking down into Blaine's eyes.

"Anything..." Blaine nodded. "What is it?" he breathed out.

He blushed lightly, looking down. "I-I want to" Kurt finally said.

"T-to me? Or you?" Blaine asked quickly.

"I want to do it to you..." Kurt said, looking into Blaine's eyes again.

Blaine's breath hitched. "Y-yes..."

Kurt smiled lightly before releasing his boyfriend's cock."Turn over.." He said softly.

Blaine quickly turned over onto his hands and knees. He was really nervous and always thought this would be weird. But he was willing to try for Kurt.

Kurt got on his knees as well, planting feather light kisses down Blaine's back and over his ass.

Blaine arched his back a little as Kurt kissed him, holding as still as he could.

Kurt moved closer to where he wanted to go. He brought his hands up, spreading Blaine open and admiring him for a moment. He knew Blaine was probably uncomfortable so he leaned in, licking Blaine's entrance softly.

Blaine gasped. That was nothing like what he expected. It was a little weird since he had never felt this. But at the same time it felt so good.

Kurt noted Blaine's gasp and licked at him again, slower this time.

Blaine let out a small moan, slowly bending his head back.

Kurt pulled away. " this okay?" He asked.

"M-more than o-okay," Blaine stuttered.

Kurt smiled before leaning back in and licking at Blaine's tight hole. He closed his eyes and moaned lightly, getting lost in the deed.

Blaine tangled his hands in his sheets. "Kurrttt..."

Kurt lightly pressed his tongue further, slowly pressing through the tight ring of muscle.

Oh god! Blaine was not expecting this feeling. He slightly pushed his hips back, encouraging Kurt.

Kurt felt Blaine push back and his breathing increase slightly. He moved his tongue deeper, curling it up a bit as he slowly moved in and out.

Blaine arched his back. ", so good..." he whispered.

Kurt moaned at Blaine's voice, speeding up his movements and reaching one hand around to grab Blaine's member, stroking him softly.

"Oohhhh babbyyy..." Blaine moaned, leaning into a pillow so his mom couldn't hear.

Kurt sped up his movements in his hand and tongue moaning lightly, this was so much hotter than he ever could have imagined.

Blaine's breathing became really heavy as he arched his back as much as he could. He never thought this could feel so amazing.

God Blaine sounded so amazing when he tried to stay quiet, panting heavily and every now and then a small whimper would break through.

"Kurt...shit! Baby, I'm so close, so close..." Blaine moaned loudly into the pillow.

Kurt sped up his hand, pushing his tongue deeper into Blaine.

"UNNGHHH!" Blaine almost yelled as he came hard, panting Kurt's name.

Kurt slid his tongue out of Blaine, stroking him softly through his orgasm.

Blaine rolled over onto his side, looking up at Kurt as he tried to control his breathing.

Kurt lied down next to Blaine, rubbing small circles on his back.

Blaine pulled Kurt in for a deep kiss, running his hand down Kurt's sides. He slowly ran his fingertips over his boyfriend's hard cock. "What do you want?"

Kurt moaned lightly. "Y-your mouth..."

Blaine smiled mischievously as he slowly got on his knees, positioning himself between Kurt's thighs.

Kurt watched as Blaine unzipped Kurt’s jeans, freeing his throbbing cock from its confines. Kurt exhaled at the release, looking at Blaine intently.

Blaine teasingly licked the slit of Kurt's throbbing cock, looking up into his boyfriend's eyes.

Kurt gasped, keeping his eyes locked with Blaine's. Fuck, he looked so hot like that.

Blaine sucked the Kurt into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the head.

Kurt moaned lightly, propping himself up on his elbows to get a better view of his gorgeous boyfriend.
"Baby..." He moaned softly.

Blaine hallowed his cheeks and took Kurt's length into his mouth.

Kurt's head fell back as he held back a moan, biting his lip and groaning a bit. "Fuck...Blaine.." He panted.

Blaine sucked Kurt harder, massaging his boyfriend's thighs.

"Blaine…wait...wait.." Kurt gasped, looking back down at him.

Blaine pulled off. "W-what's wrong? Was it bad?" he asked in a panic.

"No, no baby, it's amazing, you're amazing...I was just wondering if you maybe...wanted what I did for you...If you don't I completely understand."

Blaine kissed Kurt deeply before quickly removing his jeans and briefs. He pulled Kurt's shirt over his head. "Turn over," Blaine whispered hotly.

Kurt moaned lightly complying with Blaine's demand, sitting up on his hands and knees.

Blaine ran his nails down Kurt's back, kissing the lines that he left behind. He kissed his way to Kurt's beautiful, firm ass. "A-are you ready?"

"Yeah.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine slowly spread Kurt, lightly running his tongue around the tight ring.

Kurt gasped, curling his fingers into the sheets. Oh God, that felt way better than he thought it would.

Blaine pulled back for a second. "Is that alright?" he asked Kurt.

"Oh God, please don't stop.." Kurt begged.

Blaine smiled, licking the hot ring before slowly pressing in.

"Ah!" Kurt cried before burying his face in the pillow.

Blaine pressed in as far as he could, curling his tongue upwards.

Kurt couldn't believe how good that felt. "Oh fuck...Blaine..." Kurt panted before moaning into the pillow again.

Blaine licked harder and faster moaning slightly as he brought a hand around to pump Kurt's leaking cock.

"Blaine...I- I'm not gonna last long..." Kurt panted, gripping the sheets.

Blaine quickened his movements, grabbing Kurt’s ass with his free hand. God, Kurt was so sexy like this!

Kurt felt the heat coiling low in his stomach as his moans grew louder into the pillow.

Blaine curled his tongue more firmly, licking as far as he could in the amazingly tight heat.

Kurt cried out into the pillow, his legs shaking as he came hard into Blaine's hand.

Blaine slowly pulled back, stroking Kurt as he rode out his orgasm.

Kurt collapsed into the mattress, panting heavily.

Blaine sat up, leaning against the headboard as he stroked Kurt's hair.

Kurt pulled himself to lay against Blaine's chest, kissing it softly.

"How do you feel?" Blaine asked.

"Amazing..." Kurt breathed out.

Blaine smiled down at his boyfriend, rubbing small circles on his back.

"I love you.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you too," Blaine said softly. "We should probably get dressed. My mom's cooking dinner..."

Kurt made a small noise, holding Blaine tighter and nuzzling closer to his chest.

Blaine giggled, running his fingers through Kurt's hair.

"I don't wanna get up.." Kurt mumbled.

"I know, baby," Blaine whispered. "We can always come back though."


"Come on," Blaine said, starting to move. "So mom doesn't think anything."

Kurt whined again as Blaine got up.

Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt's cheek. "I'll make it up to you later."

Kurt smiled softly up at his boyfriend before slowly standing.

Blaine pulled Kurt close, kissing him softly.

Kurt smiled at Blaine. "I love you Blaine.."

"I love you too, Kurt. More than anything."

Kurt kissed Blaine again before getting dressed.

Blaine quickly got dressed and headed out to see his mom.

"You two hungry?" Marissa asked them from the kitchen.

"Very," Blaine said. "We finished my room."

"Good, your room looked like it was going to take days.." she laughed.

"It's easier with two people," Blaine laughed. "And Kurt found my Dalton uniform..."

"He did? You always looked so handsome in it." She smiled.
"I agree.." Kurt says sitting down at the island and smiling as well.

Blaine blushed deeply. "It's so weird to not wear it."

"Well I'd imagine…You wore it every day for your freshman, sophomore, and part of your junior year." Marissa said, looking back at the food she was making.

Blaine nodded. "What are you cooking?"

"Just some chicken alfredo", she said, smiling up at her son.
"It smells delicious!" Kurt mused, smiling.

"She makes the best!" Blaine said excitedly.

Marissa smiled at Blaine, "Alright dear, dinner's ready.." She says chuckling.

Blaine practically jumped up to make himself a plate.

Kurt got down as well, "No, no, let me get it, go sit down.." Kurt said, stepping in front of Blaine and smiling.

Blaine smiled at Kurt. "Okay," he said, going to sit at the island.

Kurt got Blaine's food, kissing him on the head softly as he set the plate in front of him before going to fix his own plate.

"Thank you!" Blaine said happily before taking a bite.

"He's so cute.." Kurt said to Marissa under his breath.

Marissa giggled. "He really is. He really hasn't been this happy until he found you." she said, smiling.

"I could say the same thing about him.." Kurt said, smiling at the Filipino woman.

"I'm really glad you have each other. I hope this isn't weird, but I think of you as family. I couldn't picture anyone better for Blaine." Marissa said, starting to tear up a little.

Kurt started to tear up as well, pulling her into a hug.

Marissa hugged him before letting him fix his plate again. Blaine looked up at them, confused, but smiled and started eating.

Kurt got his plate and sat down next to Blaine, kissing his cheek softly.

Blaine grinned at his boyfriend. Kurt made him so happy.

After dinner that night, Kurt and Blaine went up to Blaine's room and cuddled up on the bed, watching The Little Mermaid.

Blaine sang along to all the songs, holding Kurt close.

Kurt smiled as 'Kiss the Girl' came on, and Blaine sang the song with his lips less than an inch from Kurt's, backing away when Kurt tried to move in for a kiss.

Blaine sang to Kurt, kissing him as the song came to an end.

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine back. "I'm gonna go take a shower.." he said softly.

"Okay," Blaine smiled. Now was his chance to do what he had thought of earlier. He just hoped it ended well.

Kurt gave Blaine another small kiss before standing and walking to the bathroom.

Blaine waited until he heard the water. He got up and wet his hair with his spray bottle and gelled his hair down before putting on his old uniform, hoping Kurt would enjoy it.

After Kurt got out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into Blaine's bedroom.

Blaine sat at his desk, watching the end of the movie when Kurt came out.

Kurt smiled as he saw Blaine in his Dalton uniform. "Well...hey..." Kurt smiled.

"Hello there," Blaine said, turning to face his boyfriend.

"Well don't you look nice?" Kurt said smiling as he slowly walked over, towel riding lower with each step.

Oh, god! That towel was going to be the end of Blaine. "You look even better."

Kurt smiled, straddling Blaine's lap in the chair. He grabbed his tie, pulling Blaine close.

Blaine rested his hands on Kurt's waist, running his thumbs over his hip bones.

Kurt shivered at the touch. "How'd you know seeing you in this turned me on?" He asked.

"I-I didn't," Blaine said. "You only said it was cute...but you only got to see the blazer..."

Kurt chuckled. "Well I think it's really...really sexy.."

Kurt's words sent chills down Blaine's body. His breathing sped up as he gingerly trailed his fingertips up Kurt's body.

Kurt moaned lightly, arching his back and letting his head fall back.

Blaine raked his nails down Kurt's back. "Kiss me..."

Kurt pulled Blaine by the tie and kissed him deeply, moaning against Blaine's lips.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, slipping his hands under Kurt's towel to feel his perfect ass.

Kurt gave a light whimper, pulling off the towel and pulling himself closer to Blaine.

Blaine gasped, grabbing Kurt's ass roughly. "You'll be the death of me," Blaine giggled.

"I should be the one saying that.." Kurt panted smiling.

"You really don't know how sexy you are," Blaine breathed out, lightly taking one of Kurt's nipples between his teeth.

Kurt mewled, arching his back again. "N-not really.."

"Really? Because you turn me on to no end!" Blaine said, sliding his hands back to Kurt's waist. "Your beautiful face, your silky smooth skin, your slender frame, your legs, god, your ass, and baby, those hips! And let’s not forget your big dick," Blaine said quietly, licking his lips.

Kurt gasped at Blaine's words, shivering as Blaine's eyes traveled down to his rapidly growing member.

Blaine smiled up at Kurt, pulling him closer. He licked a firm line up the shell of Kurt's ear. "Mmmm, what do you want to feel, baby?"

"Whatever you want Blaine...Fuck.." Kurt whispered.

"I really want to feel you fill me," Blaine said darkly.

Kurt moaned at Blaine's words, climbing off of his lap. "Bend over the desk." He said.

Blaine quickly did as he was told. "You're so fucking hot in charge."

Kurt smiled down at his boyfriend, standing behind Blaine and rubbing his cock up and down Blaine's still clothed ass.

Blaine moaned as he felt Kurt behind him. "I want you so bad..."

"How bad?.." Kurt asked, pressing against Blaine.

"Fuck! Baby, I need you! I want to feel you stretch me. Make me feel it tomorrow..." Blaine breathed out.

Kurt growled deep in his throat, reaching around to undo Blaine's belt, pushing his hard cock against his ass.

"Uunnghhh!" Blaine groaned, lifting up a bit to give Kurt more access.

Kurt unzipped Blaine's pants and pulled them down, leaning back and squeezing his ass roughly.

"Kuuurrrttt..." Blaine pleaded. He wanted his boyfriend to thrust into him roughly, not bothering to stretch him before.

"Where's the lube baby?" Kurt asked rutting against Blaine.

"N-nightstand.." Blaine breathed out quickly.

Kurt reached into the nightstand and grabbed the lube.
"Do you want my fingers first?" Kurt asked.

Blaine shook his head, writhing under Kurt. "I want to feel your thick cock stretch me..."

Kurt moaned, quickly slicking up his length before positioning himself at Blaine's entrance. He slowly pressed in, gasping at how tight Blaine was.

"Ahhh!" Blaine gasped. "Faster, please..."

"I don't want hurt you.." Kurt panted.

"You won't," Blaine breathed out. "If it does...I'll tell you to slow down..."

Kurt nodded lightly before thrusting into Blaine's tight ass.
"FUCK!" Kurt cried.

Blaine collapsed on the desk. "Unghh! Yessss, ba-by!"

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hips, slamming into him as he dug his nails into his skin.

A low growl escaped Blaine's throat. "Shit! Kurt, your cock feels fucking good!"

"Fuck Blaine! God, you- you're so tight.." Kurt moaned.

Blaine thrust his hips back, meeting Kurt's movements as his boyfriend pressed against his prostate. "KUUURRTT!" Blaine groaned loudly.

Kurt reached up, grabbing Blaine's gelled down hair and pulling back roughly so Blaine's back was against his chest.

Blaine panted as he felt Kurt tangle his fingers in Blaine’s hair.

"Talk to me baby.." Kurt groans, slamming harder into him.

"Talk to me baby.." Kurt groans, slamming harder into him.

Blaine's breath hitched. "Mmm, I love your cock, baby. You're so fucking amazing..."

"God, Blaine..Shit.." Kurt moaned. He reached around under Blaine's shirt, clawing down his gorgeous stomach while the other gripped his hip.

"OHHH, KUURRRTTT! Yes, baby! So fucking good!" Blaine panted.

"You're so hot like this Blaine...Fuck.." Kurt panted.
There was no doubt in Kurt's mind that Blaine's mom could hear them, but Kurt didn't care, Blaine sounded amazing like this, screaming as Kurt's length drove into him.

Blaine leaned his head back onto Kurt's shoulder. "Grab my ass...please..."

Kurt growled deep in his throat before clawing around to Blaine's ass, squeezing roughly. "Blaine, you're so fucking beautiful.."

"Ahhhh...fuck, yes! That feels so fucking good!" Blaine almost screamed, arching his back as much as he could.

"Baby...You…You sound so amazing," Kurt moaned pushing Blaine back down to bend over the desk as he sped up his thrusts.

Blaine steadied himself, holding onto each side of the desk, pushing his hips back to meet Kurt's thrusts.

"Scream for me baby.." Kurt commanded, angling himself to hit Blaine's prostate again.


Kurt gripped Blaine's hips again, thrusting harder and reaching under his shirt and blazer, clawing down his sides.

"KUURRTT! I'M ABOUT TO CUM...DON'T STOP!" Blaine panted.

Kurt moaned loudly, slamming into Blaine a few more times before he felt the heat coiling in his stomach. "Blaine...Tell me you want my cum baby...Fuck.."

"I want it! God, I want your cum so badly! Fill me, please!" Blaine pleaded.

Kurt groaned, tossing his head back. A few thrusts later his bucked even harder as he buried himself deep inside of Blaine, filling him with his hot cum.

Kurt's name spilled from Blaine's lips repeatedly as he lay there, collapsed on his desk.

Kurt slowly slid in and out of Blaine as they both came down from their high.

Blaine panted, trying to catch his breath. He turned his head to look up at Kurt. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too.." Kurt gasped, slowly pulling out of Blaine. "Are you okay?" He asked as he saw Blaine wince and inhale sharply.

"I'm wonderful," Blaine sighed happily.

"You said you wanted to feel it tomorrow.." Kurt giggles softly kissing Blaine's cheek and helping him over to the bed.

"Mmm, and I will," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt smiled as Blaine undressed the rest of the way and cuddled up to him on the bed. "You know your mom is still awake right?" Kurt whispered before turning off the bedside lamp, throwing the room into darkness.

Blaine groaned. "That's why I refuse to leave my room tonight. And I was only listening to you.." he chuckled.

Kurt laughed lightly and pulled Blaine closer. "You could have said, 'No Kurt, my mom's two rooms away.' "

"Actually, I couldn't," Blaine giggled. "That was too good to not be loud!"

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's jaw lovingly. "I love making you scream.."

Blaine got chills. "Mmm, me too."

Kurt chuckles lightly. "I'm glad I didn't go to Dalton, I wouldn't be able to handle seeing you in that every day."

"You really like it that much?" Blaine asked shyly.

"It just makes you look so...Innocent.." Kurt said darkly.

Blaine shivered. "Fuck, Kurt...your voice..."

Kurt smiled. "It just makes me want to ruin you..."

"Oh,'re going to make me hard again if you don’t stop..." Blaine said breathing heavily.

"With just my voice?" Kurt asked smoothly, smiling to himself. "That's so hot baby.."

Blaine scooted closer to Kurt. "Your voice is just so sexy. Especially like that..."

"Well now you have me thinking about how I make you scream.." Kurt said, moving his lips to Blaine's ear.

Blaine let out a sharp whine, moving his ear closer to Kurt's mouth.

"When I fuck loud you are.." Kurt said before licking up the shell of Blaine's ear.

Blaine's breathing hitched. "Fuck, baby! I love when you talk dirty!"

"I know you do...Fuck, I wish I could have heard you when I was rimming you.."

"D-do you w-want to?" Blaine asked quietly.

"Mmmm...Yes baby..I want to hear you.." Kurt moaned against Blaine's ear, taking the lobe between his teeth and biting down lightly.

"Ahhh, fuck, Kurt!" Blaine moaned loudly. "Mmm, I want to feel you..."

"How bad?" Kurt asks, licking where he bit softly.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's and placed it over his achingly hard cock. "So fucking bad!"

"Fuck Blaine.." Kurt gasped, wrapping his fingers around him and pumping him slowly. "I love your big cock..."

Blaine gasped. "Baby, fuck...please..."

"Please what?" Kurt asked teasingly, rubbing his thumb over the slit.

"Y-your tongue," Blaine said quickly.

"My tongue is right here.." Kurt smiled, licking his ear again.

Blaine writhed against Kurt. "Baby...please..."

Kurt planted kissed down Blaine's neck, continuing to stroke his boyfriend until he reached between his legs, planting open mouthed kisses on his inner thighs.

"Oh, fuck! Kurt," Blaine moaned, spreading his legs further.

"Turn over baby.." Kurt said darkly, releasing Blaine's cock.

Blaine quickly turned over, his hands holding onto the pillow tightly.

Kurt massaged Blaine's ass softly, planting feather light kisses on the small of his back.

"Kurrttt," Blaine groaned. He was so fucking good at teasing. Blaine shook beneath him.

"Be patient baby.." Kurt said softly, rubbing up and down Blaine's legs.

Blaine let out a small whine, pressing his forehead against the pillow.

Kurt decided to take pity on Blaine and spread Blaine's cheeks, gliding his tongue over Blaine's red sore hole.

"Oh, god! Kurt!" Blaine moaned loudly.

Kurt licked slowly and evenly, moaning at the sounds Blaine was making.

Blaine lifted his hips, meeting Kurt's talented tongue. "Fuck!"

Kurt grabbed Blaine's ass, squeezing roughly as he spread him further, gently pushing his tongue inside.

"Kurt!" Blaine cried out his boyfriend's name. He felt so fucking good inside him.

Kurt curled his tongue inside of Blaine, God, Blaine was so hot like this, Kurt couldn't help but start to work his hips, rutting against the mattress.

Blaine writhed beneath Kurt. "Fuck, baby...mmm!"

Kurt pushed his tongue deeper, moaning loudly and sending vibrations through Blaine.

Blaine gasped. "Kurt!"

Kurt worked himself faster, fucking Blaine with his tongue.

Blaine screamed out Kurt's name repeatedly, moving his hips with Kurt’s tongue.

Fuck, Kurt loved how loud Blaine was, he worked his hips faster into the mattress, letting out a deep growl.

"Shit, Kurt!" Blaine cried out.

Kurt reached under Blaine, pumping his leaking cock quickly.

Blaine bit his pillow, moaning as loud as he could as Kurt pumped him.

Kurt felt the heat pooling low in his stomach as Blaine's moans rang through the room, pumping his hand and tongue faster.

"Fuck! Baby, I’m gonna cum...shit!" Blaine screamed.

Kurt moaned loudly, thrusting his faster as he neared his release.

"God damn, baby. Fuck!" Blaine screamed as he came hard.

Kurt came shortly after, moaning loudly into Blaine as he shuddered through his orgasm.

Blaine collapsed against the bed, panting loudly.

Kurt pulled himself up next to Blaine, kissing his head softly.

Blaine sighed happily, cuddling next to Kurt.

Kurt pulled the covers over them, snuggling up to Blaine. "Your mom isn't going to let me come over anymore.." Kurt said, giggling.

"I'll convince her to," Blaine chuckled.

"She's gonna get sick of this." Kurt sighed, smiling.

"I'll have to just keep quiet."

"But I love when you're loud.." Kurt pouted, nuzzling into Blaine's neck.

"Maybe we can go somewhere else. Talk a walk and find a place for us?" Blaine suggested.

Kurt smiled. "Like where?"

"I don’t know. But we can look."

"That would be so romantic.." Kurt giggles, kissing his boyfriend softly.

Blaine laughed, holding Kurt closer.

"I love you Blaine...more than anything...I'm so lucky to have you.." Kurt whispers.

Blaine started to tear up. "I feel the exact same way, baby."

Kurt heard the tears in Blaine's voice. "Don't cry Blaine.." Kurt said softly, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm not," Blaine said quietly. "You just make me so happy, Kurt."

Kurt smiled kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine kissed Kurt back before letting out a loud yawn.

Kurt gave a small smile at his boyfriend. "Blaine?..."

"Yeah, baby?" Blaine asked softly.

"I...I...Nevermind...G-good night Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine pulled Kurt closer. "What is Kurt? You can tell or ask me anything."

"I just...I don't know if it's too early to be saying this or not.."

"Saying what?" Blaine asked. "You can say anything. I want to know what you're thinking."

"A...a couple of nights ago I had a dream...about us and...we were married…and happy...and...I could really...really picture us like that someday.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine smiled. "Kurt, when we were in New York and you asked me if I meant that I wanted to move there with you, I was serious. It'll always be only you."

Kurt smiled at Blaine. "I love you so much Blaine...There will never be anyone else.." He whispered.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you too."

Kurt nuzzled into Blaine's neck sighing happily.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "Good night."

"Good night baby..." Kurt said softly.


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