New To McKinley
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New To McKinley: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,706 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
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The next morning Brittany waited outside Blaine's door, rocking on the balls of her feet.

Blaine grabs his stuff and hurries out the door. "Sorry...It took a little longer to get dressed today..."

"You look good. Are you trying to impress someone?" She asked as they walked to her car.

"Possibly.." Blaine says, winking at her.

"I have some eye drops if you need them.." She said smiling as they got in the car.

Blaine just laughed. "I'm alright. Thank you though."

They arrived at school and at lunch, Brittany was upset that she hadn't seen Santana all day. She sat with Blaine at a small table as they chatted and laughed.

"Hey Britt?" Blaine asked. "Can I ask you something..."

"Anything." She said, dipping her french fries in her mashed potatoes.

"So, I was thinking..." Blaine starts. "About maybe...asking Kurt to go to coffee...with me..."

"You totally should! He's over there." She said pointing to where he was sitting with Mercedes and Tina.

"Oh...Umm...I was thinking about waiting until after glee club...: Blaine says nervously. "So he'd be alone..."

"Well that makes more sense...He totally keeps looking over here.." She said smiling.

"Should I wait? Or just do it? I mean, what if he rejects me?" Blaine asks, panicked.

"No time" she said smiling. "And he won’t reject you. You're totally hot. Now go!"

Brittany almost pushes him out of his seat. Blaine stands up and catches Kurt's eyes. His heart flutters. Blaine takes a deep breath before stepping forward.

"Ooh, Don't look now but short tan and handsome is walkin' this way.." Mercedes said, tapping Kurt's shoulder. He looked back and his eyes met Blaine's as he was walking towards their table."Ohmygod.." He breathed out.

Blaine tries to calm himself as he starts walking to Kurt. He gets about half way and Santana steps in front of him.

"Hey short stuff, a word?" She says, grabbing his arm and pulling him to sit at the nearest table.

Kurt's heart sank and he turned around slowly. "I should have known.." He said softly.

Blaine sighed. "Sure..." He knew this wasn't going to go well.

"Listen," she said running a hand down the side of his face. "I know you might have a thing for Brittany, but she's taken, okay? But this.." she said, leaning back in her chair, crossing her legs and gesturing to herself. "You can totally get on this whenever."

This was so not what Blaine was expecting. "Umm...I don't know what you've heard, Santana...But I don't have a thing for Brittany. She's just the first person I met..."

"I'm not stupid, okay? I see you holding hands, and how you two spent the night watching little Disney movies. She's taken." She said, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"She's been a great friend. Brittany's sweet. But she's not my type..." Blaine says, trying to find a way to get out of this. He looked back at Kurt who was staring down at the table.

She just nodded looking between him and Brittany and finally settled on him. "Just let me know when you wanna get up in this..You're cute.." she said patting his cheek before standing and walking away.

Blaine just shakes his head and laughs a little. Blaine stands up to try going over to Kurt again but the bell rings and he had to get to class. He caught Kurt's eyes and gave him a small smile.

Kurt looked over at Blaine and gave him a weak smile and a small wave before quickly walking off with Tina and Mercedes.

Blaine waved back and walked over to Brittany, giving a sigh of disappointment.

"What was that about?" She asked, picking up her tray.

"Santana told me to tell her when I'm ready to have her..." Blaine says laughing.

"That's Santana.." Brittany said laughing a bit and walking to throw her tray away.

"The rest of the day is going to go so slow now..." Blaine groaned.

"You'll get your chance.." She said smiling. "Plus, this week's glee club assignment is to find a song about how we feel in our lives right now. You could sing a song for Kurt." She says, happily.

"I'd like that...Do you think it would be too over the top to sing it in front of everyone though?" Blaine asks.

"That's up to you." She said smiling and linking arms with him as they walk out of the cafeteria.

"I guess we'll see," Blaine says as they walk to class.

Glee club rolls around and Brittany walks up to a very nervous looking Blaine. "Hey, are you okay?" She asks, grabbing his shaking hands to still them.

"Yeah...I decided on a song..." Blaine says, his voice cracking.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Crush...By David Archuleta..."

"Are you going to sing it in front of everyone?" She asked softly.

"Yeah..." Blaine says, a whole new wave of shaking rolling through him.

"You're gonna do great.." she said hugging him. "Don't break your leg.." She said seriously.

Mr. Schue walked in and Blaine stood up. "Mr. Schue? I'd like to sing something, if that's alright..."

"Sure Blaine, go ahead. Is this your assignment for this week?" Mr. Schuester asks.

"Yes," Blaine says as he walks to the front of the class. He takes a few breaths before starting.
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
'Cause the possibility
That you could ever feel the same way
About me
It’s just too much
Just too much...

Brittany gives an exited little clap as the music starts and Kurt looks up at Santana. Of course the song was for her.

Blaine continues singing. He peaked up at Kurt. But he was looking towards Santana. God, he thought he wanted her? Could Kurt really not see it?

Kurt looked away from a smug looking Santana, back at Blaine, who looked back down. He always managed to fall for the wrong guys. He crossed his legs, leaning back in his seat a bit as he silently cursed his luck.

Blaine finishes the song and looks back to Kurt, who still wasn't looking at him. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe he wasn't Kurt's type.

Everyone applauds as Blaine goes back to sit next to Brittany. Mr. Schue praises him in the song before Rachel gives her rendition of Funny Girl and Mercedes sings Just fine. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom.." Brittany says, walking out of the room and leaving it with just Blaine, Puck, and Kurt in the room. Puck and Kurt were having a debate about Puck's jacket before he finally gave up and left, leaving just Kurt and Blaine in the choir room. Kurt quietly packed up his sheet music as he heard Blaine slowly walk over to him.

This was it. It was now or never. Blaine was shaking with nerves. "Hey...Kurt? Can...can I talk to you?"

Kurt looks up and stands. Great, he probably needed advice about Santana.."Yeah, what do you need?"

Blaine takes a deep breath. "Umm...I...I was wondering...If maybe you'd like to go...out for coffee sometime...with me?"

Kurt inhaled sharply and his eyes widened as he looked at Blaine. "I...I thought you were with..Santana." He stuttered.

"No. I was coming over to talk to you at lunch. But she got in the way and said I could have her whenever. But...she's not my type...." Blaine says, looking into Kurt's beautiful eyes.

Kurt's heart seized up. "Are you?.." Kurt half asks, trailing off.

Blaine understands Kurt's unfinished question and nods his head.

"Oh wow.." Kurt says smiling. He was gay. A guy Kurt likes was actually gay. Progress. "Oh, and yes..I..I would love to go out for coffee with you.." Kurt said smiling widely.

Blaine gives a sigh of relief. "I was so sure you were going to turn me down...So, tomorrow? After school?"

"I wouldn't turn you down.." Kurt giggles. "But yes, that sounds...amazing." He breathes out smiling.

Brittany walks into the room. "You ready, Blaine?"

Blaine turns to Kurt. "Thank you...I...I can't wait!" he says before linking hands with Brittany.

Kurt waits for Blaine and Brittany to leave before he heaves a sigh and collapses back into the chair with a hand over his heart, smiling ear to ear. This had to be one of the greatest days of his admittedly short life.

"So he said yes?" Brittany asked as they walked down the hall.

Blaine waits until they get to her car before jumping excitedly. "He said yes! Britt! I am taking Kurt to coffee!!!"

"Oh my God! That's so great Blaine!" She said happily. Did you get his number? I have it if you didn't she said smiling and starting the car.

"No, I do need it though. I wanna text him tonight.." Blaine smiles. "I can't believe this!"

"Here, it's under Kurt.." She said, handing Blaine her phone and starting to drive. "I'm so proud of you Blaine.." She said, tilting her head and smiling.

Blaine transfers the number to his phone. "Thanks, Britt! I couldn't have done that without you."

"I'm awesome at helping people.." She said smiling. "Let's go out and celebrate."

"Yes!" Blaine agreed. He was sure moving to another high school would be horrible. But here he was on his second day and he has a potential boyfriend.

They stopped at Breadstix and had a small meal before she pulled into her driveway and offered to walk Blaine back to his house. They walked hand in hand and Blaine saw his father was outside working on the car.

Blaine says hello to his father as they walk past him. They weren't very close. "Thanks again, Britt. For everything.."

"You're welcome Blaine..See you tomorrow." She said hugging him before walking home, waving to Mr. Anderson a she passed him. Once she was down the road Blaine's father called for him.

"Yes sir?" Blaine asked when he reached his father.

"She's cute..Girlfriend already?" He said, wiping his grease covered hands on a rag.

"Just a really good friend," Blaine sighed.

"Oh.." He said. Blaine couldn't help but detect a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Your mother has dinner ready." He said, going back to working on the car.

"We ate. But thanks," Blaine says, walking up and jumping onto his bed.

Blaine's phone vibrated with a text from Brittany.
"Txt him, u no u want 2."

Blaine smiles as he starts a new message.
"Hey! It's Blaine...I got your number from Britt. I hope that's okay.."

Kurt's heart leaps when he reads the text, quickly saving the number in his phone before texting back.
"Hi Blaine! And that's okay, I was going to text Britt and get yours actually."

Blaine got butterflies as he read the text.
"Just in case you haven't figured it out. That song was for you.."

Kurt smiled widely.
"That was so sweet. I loved it. "

"I'm glad. So do you drive? Or did you want me to drive tomorrow?" Blaine asks.

"I have a car, but you can take me if you like." Kurt replies.

Blaine smiles. "I'd like that."

Kurt sighed as he got a text from his father to meet him at the garage.
"Well, my dad needs me to help him down at the shop. Can't wait for tomorrow!" He quickly sent to Blaine.

'He works on cars too?' Blaine thought. "Okay. I will see you tomorrow! “

“I climbed up through your window if that was okay.." Brittany said from behind Blaine, sitting in his computer chair.

Blaine jumped, almost falling out of his chair. "That's alright. What's up?"

"My parents are fighting again...Is it…okay if I stay with you for a few hours?" She asked timidly.

"Of course," Blaine says, getting up to hug her.

"Thank you.." She says, hugging him back. "I've only known you for like, two days but it feels longer.." She said smiling.

"I know what you mean. It hasn't been long at all and I'm closer to you than I've ever been with anyone," Blaine says, smiling.

"So what did your man say?" She asked, spinning in the chair as he sat back on the bed.

Blaine sighed happily. "He loved my song!"

"Everyone did, it was awesome Blaine.. What else did he say?" She asked, pulling her feet up to sit cross-legged.

"That he drives but I could drive him tomorrow. If I wouldn't have texted him, he was going to get my number from you." Blaine explains, lying next to her.

She lies down and throws her arm across his middle, pulling him close. "That's so sweet. You guys are like...Romeo and Juliet...except you won't die and your families don’t hate each other...and you're both guys." She said smiling.

Blaine giggles. "Let's hope not."

"So why aren't you still texting him?" She asked, looking up at her friend.

"Oh, he had to go help his dad at the garage.."

She just nodded. "We should go see him so you can talk to him more.." she suggested.

Blaine loved the idea. "I don’t want to seem like a creep..."

"You won't seem like a creep...Come on.." She said standing.

Blaine smiles. "Alright.."

Brittany climbs out of the window and climbs down from the second floor. "I'll meet you at my house; my car's always got something wrong with it so we can have an excuse to come." She called up to Blaine.

"Let me change. I'll be down in a minute.." He says as she climbs out.

Brittany quietly walks off to her house and climbs in her window, leaving a note for Lord Tubbington in case he wondered where she was. She climbed back out of the window and went to her car she got inside and started it and sure enough, the engine light was on. She turned on the radio and danced in her seat a bit, waiting for Blaine.

Blaine changed into a nice navy blue shirt and his favorite pair of skinny jeans. He walked outside and told his dad he was going to hang out with Brittany before walking to her car.

"Hey Blainers!" She said as he got in the car. "You look good! Ready?"

Blaine blushed. "Thanks! Yeah. But what do I say when I see him?"

"Hi.." She said smiling as she pulled out of her driveway.

Blaine laughed. "I'll do that.."

About ten minutes later they pulled up to Hummel Tire & Lube. The door to the garage was open and Kurt was bent over the engine of some car, covered in grease. He cursed his luck for forgetting his cover-alls, but a white t and black skinnies would have to do.

Brittany turned to Blaine. "There he is, come on.."

Blaine grabbed her hand. "Oh. My. God...."

"What is it?" She asked, looking at Blaine's face, his eyes wide and his jaw hanging open.

"Look at him! God! I can't do this...."

"Okay, so he's a little dirty, come on, he's still Kurt." She said starting to get out of the car.

Blaine laughed and slipped out of the car. He linked hands with Brittany to keep calm.

"Hey Kurt!" Brittany called. "Something's wrong with my car again.."

"Well did you-" Kurt started as he stood and turned around. He froze as soon as he saw Blaine. "Blaine...hi." he said smiling and brushing a hair off of his forehead, causing more grease to smear across his face.

God! Kurt looked amazing like that! "Hey...Britt asked me to come along...I hope that's alright..." he says smiling.

"Yeah...yeah...that's fine.." Kurt said flustered, as he wiped his hands on his t shirt that hugged his torso so nicely. "I'm sorry about…all this." He said quickly, motioning to his appearance.

"You look great..." Blaine says, blushing a deep shade of red.

Kurt smiles, blushing as well. "Thank you…So...So do you..." he said softly.

Blaine's heart fluttered. "Thank you.." he said shyly.

Kurt and Blaine's eyes linger for a moment before Brittany pipes up. "So Kurt, my car sounds like it's gonna explode sometimes.." She said softly.

Kurt just looked at her. "Bring it in Britt, I'll look at it for you.."

Later Kurt was bent over the engine of her car. " are in desperate, desperate need of an oil change..." He said looking up at her.

Blaine sat back and watched Kurt. He was sure that he couldn't get any hotter. But damn! Seeing him bent over in his skinny jeans and dirty, tight, white shirt, he looked amazing! Blaine couldn't keep his eyes off of Kurt.

Kurt and Brittany were going back and forth about the importance of changing your oil when Burt walked over. "Kurt, I need you to-...who's this?" Kurt stood, turning to his father. "Oh, Dad, this is Blaine. Blaine, this is my dad." He said smiling.

"H-hi! It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hummel!" Blaine said, reaching out to shake his hand.

Burt looked him up and down for a moment before grabbing his hand to shake it firmly. "You know he hasn't shut up about you since he got home." He said, tilting his head toward Kurt.

"Dad!" Kurt protested.

Blaine giggled. "So I guess he told you I asked him to go to coffee with me? Would that be okay with you, sir?" Blaine asked politely.

Burt looked at Blaine again for a moment. "Yes, that's fine..." he said before turning to Kurt. "Be home at a reasonable time...I like this kid..." he said before walking back off into the shop.

Blaine winked at Kurt as his father walked away.

Kurt practically melted.

"I didn't know you worked on cars.." Blaine says, smiling at Kurt.

"Huh?" Kurt asks before regaining his composure. "Oh! It's just something I've always done with my dad..It's really relaxing." He said smiling before turning back to Brittany's car.

"That's really cool!" Blaine says, hoping he didn't sound stupid.

"Yeah..most people don't really see me doing this kind of stuff. It's not like I blame them or anything, I mean, look at me..well when I'm at school." He chuckled, toying with Brittany's engine.

"I...I think you look pretty great, actually.." Blaine admits.

Kurt looks back at Blaine, blushing again. He was so sweet. A while later of chatting, Brittany's car was finally fixed. Kurt closed the hood with a slam, wiping his sweat beaded forehead. "Okay Britt, I fixed everything.."

Brittany jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you, Kurt!" she said happily before turning back to Blaine. "You ready? Or do you want to stay here and flirt some more?"

Kurt giggled, looking over at Blaine and raising an eyebrow. "It's okay I have to go home and shower anyway.." he said, running his hand through his hair.

Blaine blushed. "I-I'll see you tomorrow, Kurt."

"Bye Blaine..."Kurt said, walking over and giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek before walking off.

Blaine's heart melted as Kurt's lips brushed his cheek. "B-Bye..." he said weakly.

Brittany smiled at Blaine. "You looooveee him." She teased before walking over to the car.

Blaine blushes even more. "Briittttt...."

"Blaineee.." she says, mocking his tone before jumping in the driver's seat.

Blaine climbs into the passenger seat. "He just kissed me..." Blaine sighed happily.

"It was just on the cheek though, I'd call that a rip off.." Brittany said. "He can speak French, why doesn't he just French kiss too?" She asked as if it made perfect sense.

Blaine giggled. "Not everyone starts off that way. Some people take it slow..."

"I think that's boring, but watching you two, it's sweet." She said pulling out and onto the road.

"Thanks," Blaine smiles. "I'm really nervous about tomorrow. I mean, we're going to be alone.."

"You're gonna do great.." She said reassuringly. "He really likes you..I can tell."

"I hope so," Blaine says quietly. "Hey, thanks for bringing me here today."

"You're welcome. I could tell you liked looking at Kurt all covered in grease.." She giggled.

Blaine let his head fall back to the seat. "He looked so hot!"

Brittany laughed at her friend. "You couldn't take your eyes off of him.."

Blaine looked up at her. "Did you see the way his jeans fit him?!"

"I did..I might have to borrow those from him.." She trailed off.

Blaine giggled. "It feels really good to have someone to talk about this too.."

"Blaine, you're my best friend. You can always talk to me." She said, grabbing his hand.

"Thanks," Blaine smiles. "Can I ask you something?"

"Mhmm.." she said, looking over at him happily.

"You said you broke up with your boyfriend, right? When Santana came up to me yesterday, she told me that you were taken..."

"She tells all of the guys she thinks like me that..she just doesn't want me to be with anyone.." She said, looking back at the road.

"Oh, okay. Makes sense. She really should just come out and say it though.." Blaine says.

"I wish she would.." Brittany said softly.

"Have you tried talking to her?" Blaine asked.

"Every time I try to, she changes the subject.." Brittany said, looking over at Blaine.

Blaine gives her a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Britt.."

"It's okay.." she says, squeezing his hand. They make it back to Brittany's house and she pulls him in for a tight hug.

"Thanks again for today! He says happily.

"You’re welcome Blaine..Thank you for being my friend.."

"I love being your friend!" Blaine smiles. "I’m gonna drive myself tomorrow though. So I can take Kurt after school."

"Alright See you in class.." she said hugging him again before getting out of the car.

Blaine says bye to her and walks up to his room. He lies on his bed, thinking about Kurt. It all seemed so surreal.

His phone vibrated with a text. It was from Kurt.
"Hey! Thank you for stopping by with Britt. It really made my day."

Blaine smiled widely.
"No problem. It was great seeing you!"

"I'm about to go to bed though. Just wanted to say goodnight. "

"Good night, Kurt. See you tomorrow "

Kurt smiled and held his phone to his chest as he lied in the bed. He really couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Blaine laid down and tried to sleep. But all he could do was think about the next day. He pulled out his phone and texted Brittany.
"Hey, you up?"

Brittany saw her phone vibrate and saw a text from Blaine.
"Yup Can't sleep?"

"Too excited about Kurt.."

"That's so cute!"

"What if he wants me to kiss him...?"

"Then go for it! "

"But...I've never kissed anyone..."

"I don't think he has either."

"I just want it to be perfect...What if I'm not good enough for him?"

"Blaine, you can't think that. You have to go in with confidence; nothing is sexier in a man than confidence."

"That's true. I guess I'm just nervous. I mean look at him. He looks like an angel!"

"And he likes you. "

"I still can't believe that! I don't even know him but he makes me so happy already.."

"I'm happy for you! Does this mean you're going to tell your parents?"

"Oh, god...I don't know...If it turns into something, I will. But not until I'm sure."

"I really hope everything works out for you."

“Thanks Britt! I'm really happy to have a best friend like you!"

"Thanks Blaine. That means a lot…I'm going to try to sleep. You should do the same! Big day tomorrow!"

"Thanks Britt. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Good night "


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So adorable! I love mechanic kurt, kinda hot