New To McKinley
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New To McKinley: Chapter 19

E - Words: 4,529 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
822 0 0 0 0

Blaine woke to an empty bed and slipped some sweatpants on and went to go look for Kurt. He found him sitting on the balcony, wearing Blaine's white button up and sitting with his knees drawn up under his chin. He held a coffee mug and his arms were wrapped around his legs. He had a distant look on his face as he looked off into the rising sun. His eyes looked glossed over and he wore no expression until he noticed Blaine watching him. A smile graced his lips and the dullness flew from his eyes as they met Blaine's through the sliding glass door.

"Good morning, beautiful," Blaine smiled down at his boyfriend. "How are you feeling?"

Blaine sat down next to Kurt. "Fine...tired.." He said softly, taking a small sip of his coffee.

Blaine leaned over, kissing Kurt on the cheek. "How long have you been up?"

"Since..." He thought for a moment. "Since five.." he said softly.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, baby?" Blaine asked, putting an arm around Kurt. "We have a big day today..."

"I know...I can't sleep.." Kurt said, sipping his coffee again as the expression he wore earlier began to creep over his features.

Blaine looked at Kurt worriedly. "Are you just nervous? Or is it something else?"

"I don't know.." Kurt sighed. "I'm just kind of...I don't know.."

"It's going to be okay," Blaine said reassuringly. "I'm pretty positive it won't be bad. But no matter what happens, I'm not going anywhere."

Kurt stayed silent; his eyes drifting back to look over the city as he clutched his coffee cup.

"Is there anything I can do?" Blaine asked, not taking his eyes off of Kurt.

"Just...hold me? Please.." Kurt asked weakly.

Blaine moved behind Kurt and let him rest himself on Blaine's chest, holding him tightly. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too.." Kurt whispered, his voice breaking a bit.

"Baby..." Blaine said, holding Kurt closer. "Talk to me. What are you thinking?"

"I'm just scared.." Kurt said, starting to cry. He set the coffee mug down and brought his hands to his face. "I'm scared Blaine.."

Blaine rubbed small circles on Kurt's back. "I am too. But we will get our results back and they will be negative for everything. I know it."

"It's just...I know you say you'll stay with me but what if I do have something, and I ended up giving it to you?...I…I'm just scared you'll leave me."

Blaine moved so he was in front of Kurt. "Look at me." He said seriously. "If one of us does have something, there are ways to make sure the other doesn't get it. And say that you're right and I got something from you. I don't care. We will get through it together. I love you, Kurt. Absolutely nothing could change that, baby."

Kurt collapsed into Blaine's arms sobbing. "I'm sorry Blaine...I-I'm so sorry…"

"For what?" Blaine asked, pulling Kurt close. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"For doubting you..." Kurt gasped.

Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "It's okay. I understand how you feel."

"I love you so much.." Kurt said, trying to calm his breathing.

Blaine lifted Kurt's chin, looking at him lovingly. "I love you too, Kurt. More than anything."

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine smiled into the kiss. He supped Kurt's face in his hand. "You have nothing to worry about, baby."

Kurt nodded softly, looking up at Blaine. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome," Blaine said sweetly. "Let's go get ready. I'll be there every step of the way."

Kurt smiled lightly. "Alright.."

Blaine helped Kurt up and they went to go take a shower. About an hour later, Blaine was laying on the bed, waiting for Kurt to finish his hair. There was a knock at the door and Blaine opened it to see his mom. He told her they'd meet her downstairs in a couple minutes before turning to tell Kurt.

Kurt turned around and looked at Blaine nervously. "O-okay."

Blaine took Kurt's hand as they headed down to meet his mom. "It's going to be okay, baby."

Kurt nodded softly, that bubble of doubt still evident in his expression.

Marissa lead them to a car that she had rented, not wanting to take a limo for this. They headed to a local clinic. Kurt was practically shaking by the time they got there. Blaine held him tightly as they walked in and signed in.

Kurt sat next to Blaine as they waited. A young man walked out of the office with tear stained cheeks and red eyes, clutching a piece of paper close to him. Kurt looked away, squeezing Blaine's hand as the young man ran to another, pulling him into a hug and sobbing. Later they walked out together and Kurt turned to Blaine. "Blaine..I can't do this.." Kurt said, on the verge of tears.

"Baby, you can do this. We're not going to have anything. This is just to prove to each other that we don't. I love you so much, Kurt. This won't change us. It will only show us that we don't have anything to worry about," Blaine said, taking Kurt in his arms.

Kurt hugged Blaine tightly, trying to hold back the tears. "I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "We don't have to do this. I just know you wanted to when my mom brought it up."

"I want to...I'm just scared.." Kurt sighed. They sat there a while before the Phlebotomist came into the waiting room, "Anderson?"

Blaine felt his heart sink. He was terribly afraid but had to be strong for Kurt. He stood up and kissed his boyfriend before walking to the back.

The doctor took Blaine in the back and asked him a few questions before prepping him to take his blood. "A little young to be doing this, huh?" The doctor said. "I haven't gotten a teenager in a while...It's very responsible of you to be doing this."

Blaine nodded. He could barely think, let alone talk. "J-just want to be safe..." he managed to get out.

"It usually helps if you talk during these...Takes your mind off of things.." The doctor said politely, placing Blaine's arm on the rest and tying the band around it.

"I-I don't really know what to talk about.." Blaine said quietly. All he could think about was what Kurt had been telling him earlier.

"Well who was that you were sitting with?" The doctor asked, trying to get Blaine to calm down a bit, he looked so nervous.

"Erm..." Blaine bit his lip. "My mom and boyfriend." he said quietly, not knowing how the doctor felt on that subject.

"What's he like?" The doctor asked, not skipping a beat as he pulled out what he needed.

Blaine took a deep breath. "He's the most amazing person I've ever met." He closed his eyes as he continues. "I'll never forget the first time I saw him. I looked up and saw this perfect angel. He's funny, beautiful, always knows what to say, and he just makes me feel so loved."

"He sounds amazing." The doctor said smiling as he wiped the alcohol pad across the crook of Blaine's elbow.

Blaine jumped as he felt the cold against his skin. He had forgotten what he was doing. "He's perfect," Blaine sighed happily.

"Are you two from here?" The doctor asked, searching for Blaine's vein.

Blaine shook his head. "We're from Ohio. It's our first time here. My mom brought us."

"Do you like it so far?" He asked, reaching for the needle.

"It's beautiful," Blaine started, looking away so he couldn't see the needle. "It's so much more than I expected."

The doctor pushed the needle in, making sure the blood was flowing correctly before looking up at Blaine. "What have you done since you've been here?" He asked.

Blaine winced a little but it wasn't as bad as he thought. "We saw the sky line, went to fashion shows, went to a few restaurants...There's so much to do!"

They talked for a few more minutes before Blaine was done. The doctor placed a bandage around Blaine's arm.
"It'll be about an hour." The doctor said.

Blaine nodded and walked back out to Kurt with a smile.

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Hey.." he said shakily.

Blaine took Kurt's hand. "It isn't bad. He'll get you to talk about something that relaxes you and it's over before you know it."

"Alright.." Kurt says, standing as the doctor calls his name. He kissed Blaine softly before walking back to the room.

The doctor sat him down as he prepared what he needed. "Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Very..." Kurt admitted, fumbling with his hands.

"Don't be," He said smiling. "What's something that makes you happy? That just completely relaxes you?"

"My...My boyfriend.." Kurt said blushing.

The doctor nodded. "Tell me about him."

Kurt inhaled as he watched the doctor. "He's just perfect and funny and sweet. He's been so supportive today...I just love him.." he said, a small smile working its way out.

He extended Kurt's arm, looking for the vein after using the alcohol pad. "You two are very brave to be doing this. Most people would rather not know. But then again most people aren't like the two of you." he said smiling.

"What do you mean? Kurt asked, a little less nervous.

"The way you talk about each other," The doctor explained. "Most people your age don't have that. It's...just amazing the way of you lights up when you talk about the other." he said as he stuck the needle in.

Kurt flinched, looking away as the needle pierced his skin. He relaxed softly. "Thank you.." He said, keeping his eyes away from his arm.

"Are you enjoying yourself here? Your boyfriend mentioned that you were just visiting." The doctor asked as he drew Kurt's blood.

"I love it...It's magical here." Kurt said, smiling and looking at the ceiling.

He slowly took the needle out and put a bandage on Kurt's arm. "Well, you're all done. You can either wait in the patient area or come back in about an hour and we will have your results."

"Thank you.." Kurt said, walking out to Blaine.

Blaine stood when he saw Kurt walk out. "How'd it go?"

"Better than I thought.." Kurt said, hugging Blaine.

Blaine smiled. "Good. Did...Did you want to wait here or go do something?"

"It doesn't matter to me.." Kurt said softly.

"I think I'll go crazy if I just sit here..." Blaine admitted.

Kurt looked over to Marissa. "Do you want to go out to lunch?"

"Sounds good," She said happily. "Are you two okay?"

"I'm still kind of nervous.." Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's hand.

"I'm sure it will all be over soon, honey," Marissa soothed. "Where do you want to go eat?"

"Just somewhere small...I really think I only need something light right now" Kurt sighed, placing a hand on his stomach.

Marissa nodded and took them to a small cafe down the road.

They all ordered coffee and sat there, chatting lightly about random things, mostly about tomorrow being their last day in New York.

"Was there anything you wanted to do before we leave?" Marissa asked.

"I've fulfilled all of my New York dreams..." Kurt said dreamily. "What about you two?"

"Not really," Blaine said, shaking his head. "But it's kind of been all about us. Is there anything you want, mom?"

"Well that's because the trip was for you two." She said happily. "But most of the thing I wanted to do, we've done."

"Most?" Blaine asked. "Is there more?"

"Well, I just wanted to go to central park.." She giggles.

"Then we'll go," Blaine smiled.

Marissa smiled at the boys. "Alright! Sounds like a good way to kill time." She said, sipping her coffee.

They finished their coffee and headed to Central Park.

Marissa smiled as they stepped out of the car. "Wow, it's beautiful." She mused.

Blaine took Kurt's hand as they started walking. "I can't wait to live here..."

Kurt's heart fluttered. Did Blaine want to live here with him? Or was he just saying in general. Kurt decided to not get his hopes up and just looked ahead, nodding lightly.
"It would be amazing." He said.

"A dream come true," Blaine said quietly, smiling at Kurt as a blush slowly appeared.

"I would like that too.." Kurt said, attempting to be subtle.

Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt's cheek. "It will happen."

"With...with you?.." Kurt asked.

Blaine's blush deepened. "I would love that..."

Kurt smiled widely, squeezing Blaine's hand.

Blaine looked down for a second. "Y-You would like that?"

"Nothing would make me happier.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine got butterflies in his stomach. "I love you so much, Kurt."

"I love you too.." Kurt said, blushing as he noticed Marissa smiling at them.

Blaine smiled back at his mom. They walked around for a while, just taking in all of New York.

Kurt looked at his watch. "It's almost time.." He said quietly, the fear quickly resettling itself in his stomach.

Blaine felt his stomach drop. "Yeah..." He said quietly. He held Kurt's hand tightly, trying to be calm for his boyfriend.

They slowly walked back to the car and Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder as they silently drove back to the clinic.

Blaine held Kurt close until they arrived. They walked up to the front desk hand in hand to get their results.

They gave the receptionist their names and she handed them each an envelope.
"You first.." Kurt said nervously, on the edge of tears.

Blaine was almost shaking as he opened the envelope. He slowly read the letter. He looked up at Kurt with a sigh of relief. "Clean..."

Kurt smiled and took Blaine's face in his hands, kissing him softly.

Blaine sighed happily into the kiss. "Your turn," He said softly.

Kurt's hands shook and tears formed in his eyes before he started to slowly open the envelope. He took out the paper and read it carefully. As soon as he finished reading it, he started crying, throwing his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine was so overwhelmed. He knew it would turn out this way; but to see the proof just made it so much better. "God, I love you so much, baby!"

"I was so scared Blaine..." Kurt sobbed, clinging to his boyfriend.

Blaine held Kurt close. "I know. I was too. But know it’s official. We don't have to worry about it."

Kurt pulled away from his boyfriend, smiling through tear filled eyes. "I love you.." He said softly.

"I love you too," Blaine whispered, leaning in to wipe Kurt's tears away.

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, pulling him closer.

Kurt pulled away, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
"I feel so much better.."

"Me too," Blaine smiled. "No more worrying."

Kurt smiled back. "Yeah.." he said, giving Blaine one more small kiss.

Marissa walked up and gave them a hug. "So...I kind of need a favor..."

Kurt looked at the shorter woman. "Anything.." He said smiling.

"So...To keep us all out of trouble..." She began. "If your dad asks, tell him that we all shared a room. There were two beds and Blaine insisted on sleeping on the couch..."

"Alright," Kurt laughed.

Marissa giggled along with Kurt. "Well, now that that is over, we have a full day. What do you want to do?"

Suddenly, Kurt felt extremely tired. "I think I need to take a nap.." Kurt sighed. Now that he wasn't as anxious as he was earlier, he seemed to actually be able to sleep if given the chance.

"Well, would you mind if I go shopping or something with my mom? I mean, I really don't want to leave you alone but I kind of want to spend some time with her," Blaine asked softly.

"No, I don't mind.." Kurt said smiling. "You two go ahead, I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted.." Kurt yawned.

"You hardly slept," Blaine said. "You deserve sleep. We won't be long."

"Alright.." Kurt says softly as they walk out to the car.

They head back to the hotel and Blaine walks Kurt to their room. "You sure you'll be okay alone?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright.." Kurt says, giving Blaine a sleepy smile.

Blaine kissed Kurt. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too.." Kurt said softly, hugging Blaine and pulling him in for another kiss.

Blaine kissed Kurt passionately. He pulled away and kissed him on his cheek. "I'll be back soon. I love you."

Kurt said goodbye to Blaine before walking into the room and changing. He slid under the covers and quickly fell asleep. He was so happy that everything was how it should be.

Blaine walked back down to meet his mom. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, I'm just happy to be spending time with you.." She said, smiling at her son.

"Me too," Blaine said excitedly.

They decided to go walking around the city, stopping in stores and other places. "I've found a few apartments back home.." She said, looking up at Blaine as they walked down the busy street.

Blaine was happy for his mom but he wasn't looking forward to leaving Kurt's house. "Really? Where at?"

"About an hour from Lima." She said.

Blaine's heart sank. "Oh. H-have you picked one?"

"I was actually hoping you would help me pick.." Marissa said hopefully.

"Of course," Blaine said. "But isn't that kind of far? You know, for your work?"

"It is.." She said. "I just couldn't find a lot of places close by.." She sighed. "I'm trying to find a place closer to Lima...for you."

Blaine nodded his head, staying quiet.

"Blaine...Do you want to move back in with me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. Please don't think I don't. It's just...I really want me and Kurt to work out. What if the distance ruins us?" Blaine asks, tears forming in his eyes.

She grabs her son's hand as she stopped walking. "Blaine...I'm sorry.."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, mom," Blaine said quietly.

"I'll try to find an apartment closer Blaine.." She said seriously.

"You don't have to go out of your way for me..." Blaine said, looking down. "I'll find a way to make it work."

"Blaine…I want you to be happy darling...I don't want you to be living with me and be miserable."

"If I'm miserable, it'll be because I did something wrong. Not you," Blaine said. He didn't want his mother to feel bad for this. He didn't admit it; but he still blamed himself for all of this.

"But if you're away from Kurt..."

Blaine took a deep breath. "I don't know..."

"That's what I'm worried about Blaine…I don't want you to resent me for it..." She said, placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.

"I could never resent you." Blaine said. "I'll get a job so I can afford the gas to drive back and forth to McKinley and so I can see him."

"Are you sure?" She asked softly.

"I'm not leaving you alone." Blaine said firmly. "I'll figure something out..."

"What are you going to tell Kurt?" She asked as they slowly started to walk again.

"I...I have no idea..." Blaine whispered.

"I'm so sorry Blaine...I never wanted you to have to go through this.." She said, looking up at her son.

Blaine shook his head again. "It isn't your fault. But I really just can't think about it right now..."

"You want to go get something to eat?" She asked Blaine, rubbing small circles on his back.

Blaine nodded, giving a weak smile. "Please."

Later that day when they return back to the hotel, Kurt is still asleep in the bed under a huge mountain of blankets.

Blaine sighed as he saw Kurt. He didn't know how he'd tell him. Blaine went to the bathroom and ran a hot bath before climbing in, bringing his knees to his chest and letting the tears fall.

Kurt woke up about ten minutes after Blaine came in. He pushed the blankets off of himself and stretched, yawning loudly.

Blaine sat in the tub trying to ease his breathing. Everything had just started working out. What if this was the end? He couldn't even think of that.

Kurt stood, stretching and looking at the bathroom, seeing a light beneath the door.

Blaine was staring at the bottom of the tub, zoned out when Kurt walked in.

Kurt saw the tears in Blaine's eyes and hurried to sit next to him on the floor. "Blaine, what's wrong?" He asks quickly.

Blaine shook his head, not moving his eyes. He didn't know how to tell Kurt.

“Blaine...Look at me.." Kurt said seriously.

Blaine took a deep breath and finally looked over to his boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.

Blaine paused, the pain he felt was displayed all over his face. "M-my mom...She found a couple apartments..."

Kurt's heart sank. "O-Oh.." he whispered.

Blaine looked back down at his feet. He didn't know what to say. What if Kurt didn't want to be with him if Blaine wasn't close enough?

"Where are they?" Kurt asked, looking down as well. He couldn't believe it, he knew this day would come; he just hadn't imagined it so soon.

"I don't know exactly. But they're an hour away from Lima..." Blaine whispered the last part as the tears streamed down his face.

"Are...are you going with her?"

"Kurt..." The tears came faster now. "I don't know what to do."

Kurt reached over the tub, pulling Blaine into his arms. "It's okay...It's gonna be okay.."

"How? If I don't go, my mom is alone. If I do go, I won't be with you as much. If you even will still want me..."

"Blaine, don't say that...I'll always love you and want you...You can go with her Blaine.." Kurt soothed.

"But we won't be able to see each other as much." Blaine said quietly.

"I know Baby, but we'll still be able to see each other at school and on the weekends.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine looked over at Kurt. "Promise me? You'll always be here?"

"Always..I swear.." Kurt whispers, kissing Blaine's head.

"I'm sorry..." Blaine whispered.

"Why?" Kurt asked softly.

"It's just one thing after another since I tried opening up to me dad. And I'm just dragging you along with it. I'm so sorry," Blaine said, wrapping his arms around his knees again.

"'s okay...I love you and I'll always be here for you…Just...come lie in the bed with me.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's temple.

Blaine nodded as Kurt handed him a towel. He dried himself off and slipped on a pair of briefs before climbing into bed.

Kurt climbed in behind Blaine, pulling him close. "I love you baby.."

Blaine nuzzled against Kurt's neck. "I love you," he whispered.

"We'll get through this could live days away and I'd stay with you.." Kurt said.

Blaine lifted his head, cupping Kurt's face with his right hand. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met."

"I feel the same way about you.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine starred lovingly at his boyfriend. "Kurt?"

"Yes Blaine?"

"It's our last night..." Blaine said quietly. "I was wondering something..."

"Anything.." Kurt assured him.

"What would you think of bundling up and sleeping on the balcony? So we can look out over the city?" Blaine asked.

"That sounds beautiful.." Kurt says, brushing some curls off of Blaine's forehead.

Blaine smiled up at Kurt, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Kurt and Blaine stood, gathering all of the Blankets and going out into the cold air. Luckily, there was a futon that folded down. They quickly lied down on the futon, looking through the glass barriers at the sparkling city as they held one another close.

Blaine couldn't believe they were here, looking out over New York City. Blaine turned over, facing Kurt. "Kiss me..."

Kurt pulled Blaine into a deep passionate kiss, placing his hand lightly on his hip.

Blaine gasped. "Baby...Please...I want you..."

Kurt looked at Blaine in the pale moonlight. "O-out here?"

"Yes," Blaine breathed out. "U-unless you...don't want to..."

"Oh I do.." Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine before going in the hotel to grab the lube. He returns and quickly dives under the blanket to escape the cold, kissing Blaine again as he settled himself.

Blaine moaned into the kiss. "I love you, Kurt," Blaine whispered, his hands sliding down his boyfriend's back.

"I love you too.." Kurt said, against Blaine's lips as he pulled him closer.

Blaine shivered from excitement. He wrapped his legs around Kurt, pulling him on top of himself.

Kurt thrust down into Blaine moaning lightly against his neck. "Blaine..." He moaned.

"Kuuurrtt...." Blaine breathed out. "I-I need you..."

"I know calm...I don't want to hurt you.." Kurt says, pulling off Blaine’s boxer briefs.

Blaine's breathing sped up as he nodded. He ran his fingertips up and down Kurt's sides.

Kurt grabbed the lube before slicking up a finger and gingerly pushing into Blaine's tight entrance.

Blaine gasped, rolling his body under Kurt's. "Mmmm," Blaine moaned as the slight pain subsided.

"Tell me when you're ready.." Kurt said, adding another finger.

Blaine pulled Kurt in for a kiss. He let his boyfriend stretch him, adding a third finger. "Now...Please...I'm ready..."

Kurt sat back a bit, pulling his underwear down just enough to free his cock. He moaned lightly at the release; positioning the leaking head of his member at Blaine's waiting hole.

Blaine writhed underneath Kurt. "Fuck! Now! Please, Kurt!" Blaine begged.

Kurt moaned at Blaine's plea and slowly pushed into him, gasping hotly as he felt the tight heat surround him.

Blaine pulled Kurt down for a deep, hot kiss. He moaned loudly as his boyfriend pushed all the way inside of him. "Mmm, I'm so full baby..."

Kurt gasped. "D-do you like that?...Dirty talk?" Kurt asked, letting Blaine adjust to the stretch.

"Talk to me..." Blaine nodded, tightening his legs around Kurt's waist.

"Blaine… feel so fucking fucking tight.." Kurt breathed out, slowly moving his hips.

"Uunnnggh! God! Yes!" Blaine moaned, his voice getting louder with each thrust. "Ahh! I love the way you fuck me hard!"

Kurt sped up his movements. "I love how you take my you were born for it...fuck.." he moaned, watching Blaine.

"Fuck! Kurt, pound me with your big fucking cock!" Blaine groaned. Kurt thrust faster, hitting Blaine's prostate hard. "God, baby! Make me your little slut!"

Kurt practically choked on the air he was breathing. "Oh fuck! Blaine! You like taking it like this don't you? Hard and fast like the slut you are.."

"Yes! I love being your cock slut! Nnngh!" Blaine moans increasing.

"Fuck!" Kurt growled through his teeth as he pounded into Blaine as hard as he could.

"SHIT, KURT!" Blaine yelled. "You make me so fucking full! AHH! Fuck me baby!"

"Do you love my cock?" Kurt asked, looking into Blaine's eyes.

"Yes! I fucking love your cock! good!" Blaine moaned, scratching down Kurt's back.

"Blaine.." Kurt moaned, "I'm gonna cum.." He said, thrusting faster.

"Me too, Kurt," Blaine breathed out. "Cum deep inside me...fill me, please!"

Fuck, the way Blaine was talking turned him on to no end. He never thought Blaine would be into this because even mentioning condoms turned him into a blushing virgin, but here he was, calling himself a slut and begging for Kurt's cum.
"Oh shit…Blaine...Fuck...S-say you're my slut...Fuck!" Kurt was so close to the edge, but Blaine was so hot like this.

"I'm your slut, baby. Only yours forever," Blaine moaned. "Shit! Kurt...I'm about to cum. Fill me baby!"

That's all it took for Kurt to comply, pumping furiously into Blaine as he came deep inside of him, moaning loudly.

"Ahhh! YES! UUUNNNGHHH!" Blaine yelled as he came hard between them.

Kurt panted on top of Blaine, sweating despite the cold. He gingerly pulled out, moaning lightly with over sensitivity.

Blaine collapsed next to Kurt. He pulled him close kissing him slowly. "Damn, Kurt...."

Kurt giggled lightly, "You okay?" He asked smiling.

"Mmm, yesss" Blaine panted. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt said softly, pulling him in for a slow languid kiss.

Blaine smiled into the kiss, sighing softly.

"I love you so much baby.." Kurt said, against Blaine's lips.

Blaine smiled, running his tongue across Kurt's bottom lip. "Good night."

Kurt shivered at the touch and pulled Blaine close, meshing their warm bodies together. "Good night Blaine..." He sighed happily.


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