New To McKinley
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 18

E - Words: 4,386 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
827 0 0 0 0

The next morning as they were getting dressed, there was a knock at the door. Blaine opened it to see his mom. "Hey, mom. What’s up?"

She smiled at her son before stepping inside. "I'd like to talk you boys for a second."

"Alright," Blaine says, stepping aside so she could walk in. He went to get Kurt and they sat in the den area.

She sat across from them smiling a bit too pleasantly at her son and his boyfriend.

"What did you want to talk about?" Blaine asked.

"So, it sounded like you two were...having a...a bit of fun last night.." She finally said.

Kurt blushed, looking at Blaine with wide eyes.

Blaine stared down and the floor, mortified. "Oh, god..."

"I was just wondering...if you were taking necessary...precautions.." She said, looking at the boys.

Blaine blushed a deep red. "Mom...neither one of us has ever been with someone else..."

"It doesn't matter Blaine, there's a number of things you can be born with that can be transferred.." She said seriously.

"Mom..." Blaine groaned. "We'll be careful. I promise. But please...this is embarrassing..."

Kurt just continued staring at the floor.

"Blaine, I understand that this is uncomfortable dear...But I just want to make sure you two were being safe."

"I swear. We will be. From now on. I promise. Just least not in front of Kurt..." Blaine pleaded.

"No, it's fine Blaine...I-I didn't know that.." Kurt said looking up, despite the brilliant shade of crimson on his cheeks.
"Is there anything you two want to know?" Marissa asked.

"Nope. Not me. Not at all," Blaine answered quickly.

Marissa looked at Kurt. "Did you have any questions?"

"E-..Exactly, what can happen if we don't" Kurt asked. He was actually very curious about this. He didn't exactly have anyone at home willing to talk about it.

Marissa looked up at Kurt. "Well, you can get all kinds of diseases or infections. Some don't have cures either. You can get very sick."

Kurt tensed up. That didn't sound good at all. "Oh.." he said simply, eyes darting over to a very uncomfortable looking Blaine.

"Like I said earlier, you can be born with some of these as well. I just don't want anything to happen to either of you." Marissa said concernedly.

"How do we know? I mean, could we go get tested?" Kurt asked cautiously.

Marissa nodded. "There are free clinics. You just go in and asked to be tested."

Kurt looked over at Blaine. Hopefully it wasn't too late. "What do you think?" Kurt asked his boyfriend.

"That's fine. I understand," Blaine said quietly.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, placing a hand on Blaine's knee.

Blaine let out a deep breath. "Yeah. This is just...weird to talk about...with my mom..."

Kurt gave a weak smile, he would actually much rather talk to Blaine's mom about this than his father. Just thinking about it made him cringe.

"If...If you'd be more comfortable, I could take you..." Marissa says, turning to Blaine. "And Blaine, honey, I know this is embarrassing for you. But I just want you to be alright. You can come to me for anything."

Blaine smiled at his mother weakly. "Thanks mom.."

"I really don’t think I could ask my dad to take me, so that would be really great actually." Kurt said.

Marissa took both their hands. "I'll always be here for both of you."

Kurt smiled, "Thank you.. Even though we might have kept you up last night." Kurt joked.

Blaine groaned.

"It's alright," Marissa giggled.

Kurt elbowed Blaine playfully. "It's okay Blaine.." he giggled.

Blaine gave a nervous smile. "Yeah..."

"Well, I'm going to finish getting ready,” she stood and pulled Blaine into a hug before Kurt. "Thank you for listening boys.." She said smiling before walking out.

They both nodded and headed back to look for outfits for the day. They were going to see Wicked after all.

"What a wonderful way to start the day.." Kurt chuckles, looking through his bags.

Blaine sighs. "I am completely mortified."

Kurt looks up at Blaine and smiled. "Come on, it wasn't that bad.."

"My mother heard me getting fucked by my boyfriend. I'm going to be completely paranoid now..."

"At least she wasn't mad.." Kurt giggled.

"True," Blaine sighed. "I know it could've been worse. But still."

"Remind me to buy condoms while were out." Kurt said.

"A-Alright," Blaine says, pulling out his tightest pair of skinny jeans.

Kurt smiled, looking at his boyfriend. "You're so cute when you're all nervous.."

Blaine blushed as he smiled. "Wouldn't you be if it were Carole? Oh, god. She'd probably squeal over that too," Blaine laughed.

Kurt laughed. "Point taken." He said before slipping off his shirt.

Blaine pulled his dark blue skinny jeans up and bent over to look for a shirt. "Which goes better with these?"

Kurt looks over at Blaine and can't help but stare as his boyfriend bent over. His ass looked so amazing in those jeans.

Blaine held up two shirts, turning to his boyfriend. "Kurt?"


"Which shirt goes better with these jeans?" Blaine repeats.

"The, uh..the red one." Kurt says swallowing.

Blaine narrowed his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." Kurt said, grabbing his shirt and buttoning it up.

Blaine walked over, gingerly cupping Kurt's face between his fingers. "You sure?"

Kurt swallowed again, "Y-yeah.." he said quickly.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you."

Kurt whined lightly as Blaine's lips left his. "I love you too.."

Blaine smiled before walking off to the bathroom to style his hair.

Kurt sighed, watching Blaine as he walked off. This was going to be a long day.

Blaine tamed his curls and did a little twirl for Kurt. "How do I look?"

Kurt swallowed again, admiring his boyfriend. "Amazing.."

Blaine blushed. "Thank you.."

Kurt walked over and kissed Blaine softly. "You're welcome.."

Blaine smiled, lifting his arms up at stretch and revealing a little bit of skin above his jeans.

Kurt's eyes stayed glued to that strip of skin. He gasped lightly, tracing his fingers along it.

Blaine shivered. Damn, that felt good!

"I'm's just...those jeans.." Kurt whispered.

"Don't be sorry..." Blaine said softly. "I like it.."

Kurt smiled giving Blaine a small kiss. "I should get ready..

Blaine nodded. "I'm gonna go get us some coffee."

"Alright.." Kurt said, kissing him again.

Blaine went downstairs to the coffee bar and ordered their drinks. When he got back to their room he stopped as he saw Kurt. "Oh. My. God."

“What? Is something wrong?" Kurt asked concernedly.

Blaine shook his head. "No...You're just...Perfect.."

Kurt blushed, smoothing his outfit down. He knew Blaine loved it when he wore vests and ties. "Thank you.." He says softly.

"You're welcome," Blaine smiled, handing Kurt his coffee.

Kurt kissed Blaine on the cheek as he took his coffee.

Blaine led Kurt out to the balcony as they drank their coffee. "So...about what my mom said...what do you think?"

"About which part?" Kurt asked sipping his coffee.

"Going to the clinic," Blaine said quietly.

"I think we should...Just to get it out of the way.." Kurt said, looking over the city.

Blaine nodded. "Did you want to wait until we're home? Or go ahead and do it?"

"I don't know...what did you want?" Kurt replied, looking over at his boyfriend.

"I'm not sure. It kind of scares me.." Blaine admitted.

"Me too.." Kurt said, staring into his coffee.

Blaine took a deep breath. "Did you want to go ahead and do it? We don't have to. But I mean, we'd get our results faster..."

"Yeah...That would be better than just putting it off." Kurt sighed.

"Ugh...just thinking about it makes me feel gross..."

"You're not gross Blaine.." Kurt says, grabbing Blaine's hand. "No matter what that test says...I'll still love you and stay with you.."

"I'm pretty positive neither of us has any of that. Just thinking about it though.." Blaine whispered.

"I know.." Kurt sighs. "I hate things like this..I don't want to be told there's something wrong with me.."

Blaine turned to Kurt. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you." he says seriously.

"We don't know that.."

Blaine chuckled. "I do. There's nothing that would make me think any less of you."

Kurt turned to look at Blaine with tears in his eyes, giving a weak smile. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Kurt. Nothing could change that."

Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Blaine held him close, rubbing small circles on his back. "But on a happier note...We gotta finish getting ready to go see Wicked!"

Kurt smiled, wiping his eyes. "I know...I'm so excited!"

Blaine giggled. "I know. You should've seen your face. Do you know how hard it was to not tell you?!"

"You KNEW!?" Kurt said, in shock.

"Yeah. She wanted to know if that's something you'd like so she asked me." Blaine explained.

"I had no idea..." Kurt said, smirking at his boyfriend.

"I know," Blaine laughed. "It was really hard to keep that in though."

Kurt giggled, "Well, I’m amazingly over exited!"

"Good!" Blaine chuckled.

Kurt gave Blaine a small kiss." taste like coffee."

Blaine smiled. "So do you," he giggled. "You ready to go?"

"Yep!" He said kissing Blaine again. "But that doesn't mean I want to stop kissing you.." he said softly.

Blaine leaned in for another kiss. "Me neither. I could do this forever."

Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and kissing him softly.

Blaine sighed happily. "I want to be like this forever..." he whispered.

"Me too.." Kurt said softly, resting his forehead against Blaine's.

Blaine kissed Kurt's nose. "We're going to be late if we don't go..."

Kurt jumped up, "You're right!" He gasped, running to grab his coat.

Blaine giggled, following Kurt. They met Marissa outside and climbed into the limo.

Kurt looked more excited than when they arrived in New York. He bounced excitedly, quietly humming Wicked songs to himself.

Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder, listening to the sound of him humming. It was so relaxing.

Kurt turned to kiss the top of Blaine's head, smiling wide.

Marissa looked at the two boys in front of her. "You two are so adorable."

Kurt smiled at Blaine's mother, blushing slightly.

Blaine gave a little giggle and closed his eyes, getting lost in Kurt's soft singing.

When they got there Blaine linked arms with Kurt as they walked to get their programs.

Kurt bounced excitedly as they found their seats. Blaine held Kurt's hand as they waited for the show to start.

"I can't believe we're here!" Kurt said smiling. Their seats were perfect, not too close, not too far. Everything was perfect!

Blaine turned back to his mom. "Thanks again, for everything. This trip has been simply amazing!"

"I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves.." She smiled.

Blaine smiled. He didn't see how this trip could get any better.

The lights started to dim and Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand in excitement as the music began.

Blaine smiled as Kurt sang along to every song. They watched the stage intently until it was over. Blaine looked over at Kurt and saw tears on his cheeks. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Blaine asked quickly.

"I'm fine.." He said smiling and wiping his tears as they stood to leave. "That was just amazing.."

Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt softly. "I'm really happy you enjoyed it."

Kurt smiles. "I did.." He turns to Marissa, grabbing her hand. "Thank you so much.." He said softly.

Marissa pulled him in for a tight hug. "You're welcome, honey."

Kurt hugs her back before they start to go back to the limo. " have a...a question."

She turned to look at Kurt. "What is it?"

"Can we uh...stop at a drug store?" He asked nervously.

Marissa giggled. "That's fine."

"Okay.." he gave a sigh of relief, slipping into the limo.

Blaine blushed and kept looking out the window.

"Blaine, don't be embarrassed dear, it's perfectly natural.." His mother assured him.

"I know," Blaine said quietly. "I just never thought I'd be doing this with my boyfriend and mom."

She gave a small laugh, "I know. I just want you to feel like you can talk to me about these things."

Blaine nodded. "I know I can. It wouldn't be so weird if you would've found out in a different way..."

Kurt looked away guiltily and his mother gave another small laugh.

Blaine gave in and laughed with her. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought. He just never thought his mom would be this okay with things.

They made it to the pharmacy and Kurt got out of the limo. "You wanna come?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"Yeah," Blaine said quietly, stepping out with his boyfriend.

They walk inside and find what they were looking for. Kurt's eyes skim over the assorted boxes."Soo.." He says, rocking on the balls of his feet. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"Well..." Blaine started. "Do you want just regular ones? Or something different?"

"I don't know.." Kurt said examining a box before quickly replacing it on the shelf.

"There's so many..." Blaine said quietly. "Normal, ribbed, warming, cooling, just wow..."

Kurt picked up another box, "I don't think we need them to shoot out rainbows or anything.." he says reading the back.

Blaine laughed. "Well what about these? The ice part is something I've kind of always thought was interesting..." he says, holding up a box of Fire and Ice.

Kurt examined the box. "Yeah...those’ll work." He said smiling.

Blaine grabbed the box and went to pay for them, blushing as he did so.

The cashier handed Blaine the box in a little white bag after he paid and they walked back out to the limo.

Blaine put the bag in Kurt's messenger bag before they climbed back in.

After a slightly awkward ride back to the hotel Kurt and Blaine made it upstairs to the room, saying goodnight to Blaine's mother before stepping inside.

Blaine sighs, taking off his jacket and shoe. "I'm so glad that is over..."

Kurt smiles taking off his jacket as well. "Well at least we have some now."

"True. I don't mind going out and getting them. It's just being with my mom..."

"It's alright, I know I would be freaked out if it was Carole too.." Kurt said, pulling off his shoes before unbuttoning his vest.

Blaine pulled Kurt towards him, holding his boyfriend close. "I'm just glad you're here with me."

"Yeah.." Kurt said softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Kurt." Blaine whispered, kissing his forehead.

Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss at Blaine's neck softly.

Blaine sighed at the relaxing touch. He rolled his head to the side, exposing more of his neck.

Kurt rested his hands on Blaine's shoulders as he started to nip at Blaine's jaw.

"Mmmm, Kuuurrtt," Blaine sighed, backing them towards the bed.

Kurt moans as Blaine lies him down and lies on top of him, kissing him softly.

Blaine kissed over to Kurt's ear. "What do you want, baby?" he whispers hotly.

Kurt gasped lightly."I..I want you inside of me..please.."

Blaine bit back a low growl as he started unbuttoning Kurt's shirt.

Kurt looked up at Blaine with lust filled eyes as his boyfriend undressed him.

Blaine threw Kurt's shirt to the side before quickly bring his hands to his boyfriend's pants.

Kurt lifted his hips up, allowing Blaine to slide off his jeans.

Blaine took a moment to admire the angel below him. "You're the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Kurt blushed, "I love you.."

Blaine smiled sweetly, "I love you too." He leaned down, kissing up Kurt's chest to his lips.

Kurt's hands trailed down to the hem of Blaine's shirt before pulling it over his head.

Blaine smiled down at Kurt, reaching down to take off his own jeans.

Kurt kissed Blaine when they were both unclothed. "Do you have them?" Kurt panted.

Blaine nodded, reaching over for the little bottle of lube.

Kurt spread his legs, panting as he watched his gorgeous boyfriend.

Blaine slicked up his fingers before slowly sliding one in.

Kurt moaned lightly, letting the burn of the stretch dull before asking for a second and then a third.

Blaine worked his fingers, occasionally brushing over that bundle of nerves that drove Kurt crazy.

"Blaine.." Kurt panted. "I'm-ah!- I'm ready.."

Blaine's breathing sped up. He reached down to Kurt's bag and pulled out one of the condoms, clumsily putting it on.

"Blaine please.." Kurt whimpered.

Blaine lined himself up against Kurt's tight entrance, slowly pushing in.

Kurt gasped, moaning at the stretch. "God, Blaine.." That felt so amazing, once the pain dulled he felt the tingle from the special effect of the condom, it felt a little weird, but not terrible.

Blaine moaned loudly as he pushed all the way in. He was starting to feel the heat. It wasn't bad, really. But something didn't really feel right. Blaine pushed the thought away and started thrusting in and out of his boyfriend.

Kurt moaned, clawing down Blaine's back as he thrust in and out of him. Okay, that seemed to be getting a little warm. Kurt tried to ignore it, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist. After a while, Kurt's entrance felt like it was on fire."Ow! Fuck Blaine, stop, I can't take it anymore!" Kurt cried. That didn't feel good at all, that just burnt like a bitch!

Blaine quickly pulled out of Kurt, tearing the condom off of himself. "Fuck! I tried to ignore it..." Blaine says, running to the bathroom to ease the fiery sensation.

"Shit!" Kurt cries out. "Fuck! That burns!" Kurt said jumping out of bed.

Blaine turns the shower on cool and jumps in. He felt like he had literally stuck his dick in a container of icy hot.

Kurt ran into the bathroom and wet a rag, hastily rubbing his hole of the offending stuff. He felt it inside of him and he tried to get as much of the sensation away as possible. "Fuck!" He groaned at the pain.

Blaine stood in the shower, frantically trying to get the burn to ease. "I'm sorry Kurt...God, I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your f-ow! Fuck! Fault Blaine.." Kurt said, as he tried to rid himself of the burn.

"I'm the one that...Ugh! Shit...picked it out..." Blaine groaned, the sting not lessening.

"You didn't know this would happen..Shit!" Kurt hissed. "I think the water makes it worse!" Kurt groaned, throwing the rag in the sink.

"I know...Fuck!" Blaine yelled. For a second, he thought about asking his mom what to do for burns but he knew she'd ask what happened. He quickly decided not to.

A couple hours later, Kurt and Blaine lie on the bed. The only reminder of the pain was the discarded condom on the floor and a deep throbbing where the burn was before. "Let’s not use those anymore.." Kurt mumbled from face down in the mattress.

"Agreed," Blaine said quietly. "That was just horrible."

Kurt threw an arm across Blaine's chest, pulling himself close. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty stupid," Blaine laughed.

"Why? You didn't know...neither did I.." Kurt said looking up at Blaine.

"I know. Just, when I saw it, I just had this idea of how it would be. But I was far off," Blaine giggled.

"What was your idea? Kurt asked his boyfriend.

Blaine blushed. "'s kind of weird..."

"What is it?" Kurt asked softly, tracing patterns on Blaine's chest with his finger.

"I don't know...Just the idea of the ice part...It seemed interesting."

" you have an ice kink?" Kurt asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow.

Blaine's blush deepened. "Umm...maybe...." he said quietly.

"You can talk to me about it.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine looked over at Kurt. "Umm...well...what do you want to know?"

"Well what do you like about it?" He asked Blaine.

"I don't really know. It's not like I've tried anything with it." Blaine started. "But sometimes, when you're really horny...your mouth is cold. It feels really good..."

Kurt smiled, getting out of bed and slipping on his boxers and slipping on his button up. "I'll be right back.." He said.

Blaine watched as Kurt got dressed. "Umm...Okay?"

Kurt walked into the kitchen, grabbing the ice bucket and walked out of the room to the ice machine. He filled up the bucket and returned to the room.

Blaine looked up as Kurt walked in. He looked at the bucket full of ice. "Are you serious?" He asked, smiling widely.

Kurt smiled mischievously, nodding and setting the bucket on the bedside table.

Blaine licked his lips as he watched Kurt intently.

Kurt strut over to his bag, pulling out some ties. "I have an idea..." Kurt said darkly.

Oh god! Kurt's voice was so sexy when it dropped like that. "W-what's that?" he asked.

"Can I..tie you to the bed?" Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine under his lashes.

Blaine closed his eyes, leaning his head against the headboard as he imagined it. "Mmmm, yes, please..."

Kurt smiled, sauntering over to the bed and grabbing one of Blaine's wrists and tying it to the bed post. He continued until each of his limbs were tied to a post.

Blaine grew harder as he watched his boyfriend tie him up. He had never expected to tell Kurt about the ice thing but he was so glad he did.

Kurt kneeled on the bed grabbing a piece of ice and trailing it down Blaine's chest.

"Oh, god..." Blaine gasped at the sudden cold. He bit his lower lip, watching Kurt.

Kurt smiled to himself, tracing the piece down over Blaine's hip.

Blaine slightly lifted his hips, panting heavily. "Kuuurrrttt!"

Kurt popped the ice into his mouth before slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

Blaine breathed heavily as he watched Kurt undress himself. "You're so fucking hot, Kurt..."

Kurt slipped off his shirt, clad only in his boxer-briefs before licking across one of Blaine's nipples, his tongue still cold from the ice.

"Ahhhh!" Blaine moaned. Kurt's tongue sent shivers throughout his body. "Mmm, yesss...."

"I though you didn't want your mom to hear you.." Kurt said teasingly.

Blaine whined. "I don't...But fuck! That feels good..."

Kurt chuckled, grabbing another piece of ice, trailing it down Blaine's neck.

"Baby..." Blaine moaned, squirming beneath Kurt.

"Yes?" Kurt asked, trailing the ice lower.

Blaine writhed under his boyfriend. " fucking good..."

Kurt trailed the ice down back over his boyfriend's hips. He leaned over, licking the small trail of water off of the hot skin.

Blaine gasped at the feel of Kurt's tongue. "Kuuurrttt...fuck!" he moaned loudly.

"What do you want baby?" Kurt asked looking up at Blaine.

Blaine let out a sharp whine. "M-my thighs..."

Kurt kissed Blaine's hip before taking the ice between his lips and sliding it down Blaine's inner thigh.

Blaine struggled, pulling at the ties. "Damnitkurtshit!" Blaine panted.

Kurt smiled with ice poking out of his lips and running it lightly up the underside of Blaine's throbbing member.

"FUCK!" Blaine yelled. "Don'tstoppleasedon'tstop..." he breathed out in a rush.

Kurt took the head of Blaine's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it with the ice.

Blaine rolled his hips. "God! More! Please!"

Kurt slowly took more of Blaine , keeping the ice between his tongue and the underside of his boyfriend's length.

Blaine rocked his hips up, moaning loudly. "Your...m-mouth...d-damn baby..."

Kurt dragged his nails down Blaine's thighs, moaning lightly and looking into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine looked down, catching Kurt's gaze. Watching his boyfriend do this to him, made Blaine fall apart even more.

Kurt kept his eyes locked with Blaine's, sucking harder and moaning.

Blaine pulled at the restraints. Something about having no control really turned Blaine on.

And something about having complete control turned Kurt on. He bobbed his head faster, sliding his hands down Blaine's shaking legs.

Blaine threw his head back. "K-Kurt...I'm about to...cum..." He panted.

Kurt moaned around Blaine's cock before pulling off and beginning to quickly work him with his hand, biting at his hip bones.

Blaine's moans turned to screams as Kurt bit down harder. He watched his boyfriend pump him a few more times before Blaine lost it.

Kurt watched as Blaine came, screaming out his name and shooting the hot liquid all over Kurt's hand and his lower stomach.

Blaine panted as his body went limp in the bounds. He looked up at Kurt with lazy, spent eyes.

Kurt looked up at Blaine before slowly licking the cum off of his hand and beginning to work on his stomach, moaning at the taste of his boyfriend.

Blaine watched Kurt with wide eyes. "That has got to be the sexiest thing ever..."

Kurt finished cleaning up Blaine with his tongue before moving up to kiss him deeply, letting him taste himself.

Blaine moaned as Kurt's tongue entered his mouth. The thought of tasting himself on someone never really appealed to him. But there was something about Kurt that just made everything seem sexier. Kurt pulled away from the kiss, smiling at Blaine. Blaine looked up at the pale angel above him. "I love you so much, Kurt." he whispered.

"I love you too.." Kurt said kissing Blaine's sweat beaded forehead before beginning to untie him.

As Kurt untied him, Blaine fell limp against the bed before curling himself up to his boyfriend's chest.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, kissing the top of his head and stroking his curls.

Blaine closed his eyes and let out a gentle sigh.

Kurt tried desperately to ignore the straining erection in his boxers, but Blaine looked so peaceful and tired He just held him, breathing in the scent that was pure Blaine.

Blaine wrapped himself around, bringing the closer. He felt Kurt's massive erection. Blaine moaned in his boyfriend's ear. "What do you want, baby?"

"Blaine..You can sleep.." Kurt assured him. "You don't have to.."

"No...I really want to," Blaine said hotly.

Kurt gave a small gasp. "Y- your mouth..please.." He whispered.

Blaine hurriedly got on his knees and pulled Kurt's briefs down. "God you're beautiful!"

Kurt moaned, looking down at Blaine with lust full eyes.

Blaine smiled seductively at Kurt as he rolled his tongue around the head of his throbbing cock.

Kurt watched, moaning lightly as Blaine teasingly licked the tip of his member.

Blaine kissed the tip lightly before taking all of Kurt in his mouth.

Kurt gasped before crying out. "Blaine!"

Blaine moaned around Kurt's achingly hard member as he bobbed his head faster.

Kurt's hands trailed down to Blaine's hair, his finger tightly fisting in the curls as his hips thrust up lightly into Blaine's mouth.

God, he loved when Kurt pulled his hair. Blaine moaned louder, sending vibrations through Kurt.

Kurt whimpered fisting his hands tighter as Blaine's tongue did amazing things around his cock. "Blaine..Oh fuck.."

Blaine lifted his head to look at his boyfriend. "Cum for me, baby," he whispered before sinking his mouth back over Kurt.

Kurt groaned at Blaine's words, his head rolling back to rest on the headboard as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. "Blaine...I'm about to...O-Oh fuck!!"

Blaine moaned as Kurt came deep in his throat. He made sure to lick every last drop of his boyfriend’s sweet seed.

Kurt panted heavily, sliding down the headboard to lie down on the bed. His eyes fluttered shut as he tried to even out his breathing.

Blaine slide up next to Kurt. "I'm guessing you enjoyed yourself?" He giggled.

Kurt opened his eyes slowly and nodded lightly.

Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly.

Kurt kissed Blaine back languidly, placing his hand on the back of his neck.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, massaging Kurt’s tongue with his own.

Kurt moaned softly before breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against Blaine's. "I love you.."

Blaine smiled sweetly, "I love you too."

Kurt cuddled up to Blaine's chest, kissing it softly.

Blaine yawned loudly. "Good night, Kurt."

"Night babe.." Kurt said happily.


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