New To McKinley
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 17

E - Words: 3,070 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
883 0 0 0 0

The next morning, Blaine wakes up to a frantic Kurt searching for the perfect outfit. They were going to the first show. "Good morning," Blaine smiles.

"Morning sleepy head." Kurt says digging through his suitcases.

Blaine giggles, slowly getting up and stretching. "Need any help finding something?"

"I have nothing to wear!" Kurt groans.

"Kurt, you brought half your closet..."

"I know but everything seems all wrong now.." Kurt sighs.

Blaine wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "You'll look stunning in any of them."

Kurt smiles giving Blaine a small kiss. "You're sweet.."

"Just telling the truth baby."

Kurt gave Blaine another kiss and turned back to his bags before he remembered that he went shopping last night with Marissa. He rushed to his bags he left at the door.

Blaine turns and picks out a nice pair of slacks and a navy blue button up with a matching vest.

Kurt sees Blaine and smiles. "See you can just pick something out and still look amazing." He said, digging through his shopping bags.

"Kurt, baby, you could go in nothing but your boxers and still be the sexiest person there." Blaine says, kissing him.

Kurt giggles and kisses him back. "I love you.."

"i love you too," Blaine chuckles. "Keep looking. You'll find something."

As if on cue Kurt gasped, pulling out a gray Alexander McQueen space dyed cardigan. "This!"

"It's perfect," Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiles widely. "You're perfect.." he says, turning to kiss Blaine.

Blaine giggles before kissing Kurt. "I try."

Kurt rushes to the room to get dressed in his cardigan and black skinny jeans. He wears his grey buckled up boots and a black scarf. He does a little spin for Blaine. "What do you think?" He asks smiling.

Blaine stares up and down at Kurt. "You look fantastic!"

Kurt blushes as Blaine's eyes roam across his tightly clothed body. "Thank you.." He smiles. "But now I have to do my hair." He chimes before strutting off to the bathroom.

Blaine shakes his head. He was sure Kurt would be the death of him. Especially with the way he walked and the way his clothes showed off his amazing body.

A little later there's a knock on the door.

Blaine opens the door to see his mom in a gorgeous red dress. "Wow! Mom, you look amazing!" Blaine says, smiling.

"Why thank you!" She says smiling and doing a little spin. "Is Kurt ready?"

"Umm...let me check," Blaine says, turning to go to their bathroom. "Hey, baby. You ready?"

Kurt was still nitpicking with his hair and the scent of hairspray hung heavy in the air."Allmoost.." He says, lightly running the comb along the edges of his coiffe.

"You're perfect," Blaine whispered.

Kurt looks at Blaine in the mirror and smiles. He set the comb down before walking over to kiss Blaine softly. "Thank you baby.."

Blaine smiles. "My mom is waiting for us," he says, taking Kurt's hand.

Kurt smiles as he and Blaine walk out together to his mother.

Marissa jumped excitedly when she saw the two of them walk in. "Look at you two! You are so cute!"

Kurt smiled at the shorter woman. "You look great!!"

"Thank you!" She giggles. "You ready? We're going to stop for breakfast first."

"Sounds good! What show are we going to today?" Kurt asked her, linking arms with Blaine.

"Vivienne Westwood," Marissa says calmly.

Kurt's eyes go wide."Wha- R-Really?" He gasps.

Marissa giggles. "Yes. Are you going to be alright?"

"I don't know.."

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand. "Breathe, baby.."

Kurt exhaled. "Okay.." he said giving a small laugh.

Blaine chuckled as the head down to the limo. "So, where are we eating?" he asks.

"This lovely place, just down the street from the show." She said smiling as they stepped into the limo.

Kurt watched out the window as they rode to the restaurant. When they arrive they walk inside and are seated right away. Blaine looked over at his mom. "Thanks again, mom."

"It's no problem. I really enjoy having you two here with me." She smiled.

Blaine smiled at his mother. "It feels so good to be able to do this again."

Marissa smiled at her son. "It does.."

They laugh and talk while they finish eating. Marissa leads them back to the limo and they head towards the fashion show.

Kurt was so excited! He linked arms with Blaine as they exited the limo and made their way inside. "Oh, God I can't do this.." Kurt whispered to his boyfriend, trying to keep up the facade of being calm.

Blaine smiled. Kurt was so happy. He loved seeing his boyfriend this way. "Just, please don't pass out," Blaine giggles.

Kurt giggled before gasping. "Blaine! That's Anna Wintour!" He whispered gesturing towards an elegant looking woman with a pageboy bob haircut.

"You're so adorable," Blaine says, not taking his eyes off of Kurt.

Kurt smiles at his boyfriend. He was so excited and happy to be here.

"Alright, let's go find our seats." Marissa said, smiling at the two.

Blaine nodded, pulling Kurt along. They found their seats and Kurt just couldn't sit still.

Kurt grasped Blaine's hand as his mother sat down on the other side of Blaine. They were right next to the runway! "This has to be the most significant experience of my life.." He said excitedly.

Blaine leaned over. "So last night didn't mean anything?" He whispered, laughing.

Kurt looked over at Blaine. "That was even better.." Kurt says, kissing Blaine's cheek.

Blaine's heart fluttered a bit. "I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too..." Kurt said, kissing Blaine softly. The lights dimmed and focused on the runway and Kurt bounced excitedly in his seat.

Blaine sighed happily as he sat back in his seat. Their eyes were glued to the runway as the models started walking.

Kurt watched in awe as the models clad in beautiful clothes walked. At the end of the show Vivienne Westwood herself came out and thanked everyone for coming before walking backstage, models in suit.

Blaine had a lot more fun than he had expected. He smiled widely and turned to Kurt. "What'd you think?"

"It was so amazing! I can't believe I'm here!" Kurt said standing.

Blaine and Marissa stood as well. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand as they headed out. "What's the plan for the rest of the day?" Blaine asked his mom.

"Well is there something you two wanted to do?" She asked, looking back at the two.

Blaine looked over at Kurt. "What do you want to do?"

Kurt smiles and looks down a little. "I know it sounds stupid, but I really just want to go on the street." He said softly.

Marissa's face lights up. "That's not stupid at all. Let's go!"

Kurt smiles as Blaine’s mother rushes the both of them into the limo.

"I'd really like to see the skyline at night before we leave.." Blaine suggested.

"We could do that." Marissa said smiling.

"That sounds beautiful Blaine.." Kurt says smiling."

Blaine shrugged. "Just something I've always wanted to see."

Kurt smiles, squeezing Blaine's hand resting his head on his shoulder as they rode.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head as they arrived. He opened the door and helped his boyfriend and mother out of the limo.

Kurt thanks Blaine as he helps him out of the limo before a huge smile spread across his face as he looked around. "Oh wow.." he gasped.

"I know..." Blaine whispers. "It’s beautiful..."

Kurt smiles, grabbing Blaine's hand and squeezing it. "God, I never thought I would be here.."

"I'm so happy I'm able to share this with you," Blaine grins.

"Me too." Kurt said, melting at that smile he couldn't resist.

Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt sweetly.

"Come on you love birds," Marissa giggled.

Kurt smiled as he and Blaine walked down the street with Marissa, talking about everything they could think of involved with this magical place. Kurt stopped in his tracks when he saw the theatre where Wicked was being performed. "Oh my God.."

Marissa stopped beside him. "So you like Wicked, huh?"

"With every fiber of my being.." he whispered.

"Well..." Marissa began. "I've been planning this trip since the night I told you about it...and I bought tickets for tomorrow..."

Kurt just stared at her let out a noise between a choked gasp and a sob.

"Are you okay?" Marissa asked. She looked towards Blaine. "Maybe i should stop surprising him..."

"I'm fine.." Kurt gasped, placing a hand on his chest. “It just..these two days have been so amazing already.." He said, tearing up.

Marissa pulled Kurt into a tight hug. "The two of you deserve it."

Kurt hugged her back. "Thank you so much.."

"You're welcome, sweetie." She said quietly.

He released her, wiping his eyes and smiling. "I'm sorry.." he laughed. "I shouldn't be crying."

"It's okay, Kurt. You're just excited and happy," Blaine says softly, taking his hand.

Kurt smiles at his boyfriend happily. "Yeah.. I am.." He says softly.

They walk around for a few hours, just exploring New York. Marissa stopped at a little, lovely restaurant along the way, suggesting they should go in.

They walk in and are seated right away. "Thank you for everything." Kurt said to Marissa across the table.

"You're welcome," She says, grabbing both of their hands. "I'm really glad you're both here."

"We love being with you.." Kurt says smiling.

Marissa started to tear up. "Thank you so much. And thanks for taking care of taking care of my baby for me..."

Kurt started to tear up as well. "I love him so much..I would do anything for him.."

Blaine took Kurt's hand. "I love you too, baby. So much!"

Kurt smiled, wiping his eyes again and squeezing Blaine's hand.

They ate their dinner and headed back to the hotel. Marissa decided to just let Blaine and Kurt go see the sky line. the two of them went to their room to get ready.

Kurt slips on a coat. "Today was so amazing.." He says smiling happily at his boyfriend.

"It was...But just wait until you see this..." Blaine says, smiling.

Kurt smiled. "Can't wait.." He says giving Blaine a small kiss.

Blaine kisses him back before grabbing his jacket. "You ready, babe?"

"Mhm.." Kurt replies linking arms with Blaine.

They talk and giggle as they walk towards the skyline. Right before they get there, Blaine covers Kurt's eyes and leads him to the view. He slowly removes his hands, revealing the gorgeous scene.

Kurt gasps. "Oh my God..." He breathed out, taking in the beautiful sight.

Blaine stood behind Kurt, placing his hands around his waist. "I know..."

Kurt stared at the glittering city for a while before turning his head to look at Blaine. "I love you.."

Blaine smiled happily. "I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt turned to face him and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, kissing him softly.

Blaine sighed into the kiss. This felt so perfect. He hoped that one day he could move here with Kurt.

Kurt smiled as they parted lips slowly. "That was the second best kiss of my life.." he whispered.

"What was the first?" Blaine asked, looking up at Kurt.

"Our first kiss.." He says softly.

Blaine's heart felt like it did a flip. "You're so amazing.."

Kurt gave a small smile before kissing Blaine again.

Blaine's hands trailed down to the small of Kurt's back, pulling him closer.

Kurt wrapped his arms tighter around Blaine's neck, deepening the kiss.

Their breathing sped up as they pressed against one another. Blaine wished every day could be like this.

"We should go back to the hotel.." Kurt gasped.

Blaine nodded in agreement. He took Kurt's hand as they briskly walked back.

They reached the hotel room and Kurt took Blaine in his arms kissing him passionately.

Blaine picked Kurt up, wrapping his boyfriend's arms around his waist as they kissed fiercely.

Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, moaning softly as he felt Blaine's tongue in his mouth.

Kurt's moans sent chills through Blaine as he pressed him against the wall.

Kurt gasped as his back hit the wall. He kissed down Blaine's jaw, biting his neck.

Blaine let out a loud gasp. Kurt added the perfect amount of pressure that he loved.

Kurt kissed where he bit, licking it lightly.

Blaine moaned quietly, clawing his nails down Kurt's back.

"Blaine..." Kurt gasped, quickly and clumsily sliding off his jacket before throwing it to the floor.

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck lightly. "Yes, baby?"

"I love you.." He said, kissing Blaine again.

"I love you too, Kurt. So, so much," Blaine pants, kissing Kurt deeply as he threw his jacket to the side.

Kurt patted Blaine's back as a signal to set him down. He did and he quickly took off his scarf and shirt before unbuttoning Blaine's vest.

Blaine breathed heavily as he watched Kurt undress him. He lightly ran his fingertips up and down Kurt's slender frame, becoming more and more excited as each piece of clothing was shed.

Kurt finally got Blaine completely undressed, staring at his body before Blaine started unbuttoning his skinny jeans.

Kurt threw his shirt to the side and Blaine pulled his jeans off. Kurt's skin was a beautiful white and just silky smooth. he ran his fingertips down Kurt’s stomach before sliding his boxers off.

Kurt sighed at the release before slowly sliding Blaine's boxers off, sinking down to his knees, sliding his hands down Blaine's thighs.

Blaine shivered at the touch. "Kuurrtt..."

"Yes?" Kurt asks playfully, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine breathed heavily. "God, you're beautiful..."

Kurt giggles before slowly sucking the head of Blaine's member into his mouth, sucking softly.

Blaine lets his head fall back against the wall as he let out a loud moan.

Kurt let his eyes slip closed as he took more of Blaine, rubbing his hips softly.

Blaine stared down at his boyfriend. He looked so hot like this. Blaine's moans grew louder as Kurt took more of him.

Kurt looked up, locking eyes with Blaine and moaning lightly.

He looked down into Kurt's deep blue eyes. "Fuck!" Blaine groaned as the vibrations spread through him.

Kurt pulled off, slowly licking the precum from the tip of Blaine's cock, keeping his eyes on Blaine's.

Blaine writhed between the wall and his boyfriend. God, Kurt looked amazing. "Kurt...God..." he whispered.

Kurt stood, slowly kissing Blaine and rubbing his thumbs across his hip bones.

Blaine takes a deep breath, rolling his hips towards Kurt.

Kurt slides his hands around to cup Blaine's ass, bringing their hips together.

Blaine moaned loudly, running his nails down Kurt's sides and resting at his waist.

Kurt whimpered, pulling Blaine close ."We should...bed.."

"Y-Yeah," Blaine breathed out, hurrying to the bed.

Kurt lied down on the bed on top of Blaine, kissing his neck and grinding his hips into Blaine.

"God! Kurt!" Blaine panted. "Again, please..."

Kurt bit down on Blaine's neck, grinding into him again. God, he could never get tired of this.

"Ahh, fuck!" Blaine groaned. "You feel so good, Kurt.."

Kurt pulled away from Blaine's neck looking into his eyes. "What do you want?" He panted.

Blaine let out a little whine. "I want you to fuck me...Please..."

Kurt gasped at Blaine's words, reattaching his lips to Blaine's neck.

Blaine tilted his head, exposing more of his neck. He moaned loudly as Kurt grazed his teeth over his skin.

Kurt bit down on Blaine's neck, reaching for the lube on the table.

Blaine exhaled sharply. "God, that feels so good..."

Kurt sat back on his heels before slicking up a finger and spreading Blaine's legs slowly.

Blaine shivered with excitement, staring up at his amazingly sexy boyfriend.

Kurt pushed the tip of his index finger inside of Blaine, watching Blaine as he moaned beneath him.

Blaine slowly spread his legs wider as Kurt pushed further into him. "Kuurrttt, baby...."

Kurt fingered Blaine slowly. "You okay?" He asked breathlessly.

Blaine nodded quickly. "Another, please..."

Kurt moaned lightly, pulling out and quickly slicking up another finger and gingerly pressing in.

Fuck, that felt good! Blaine lifted his hips, giving Kurt better access.

Kurt sped his movements, scissoring his fingers as he stretched Blaine. He watched in amazement as the beautiful body before him writhed beneath his touch.

"Kurt! Another, please!" Blaine begged.

Kurt pulled out once more before adding a third finger, pushing in and out of him faster as he felt his fingers slide over Blaine's prostate.

Blaine cries out, "Kurt! Fuck! I need you....I need you so bad!"

"I know Blaine.." Kurt said softly, I just don't want to hurt you.."

"You won't," Blaine assured him. "I-I'm ready..."

Kurt pulled out of Blaine before slicking up his achingly hard cock and leaning over Blaine and positioning himself at Blaine's hole.

Blaine started up at his boyfriend. "Please, Kurt..."

Kurt slowly pushed into Blaine, moaning softly as he felt the tight heat surround him.

Blaine threw his head back, focusing on relaxing his body and getting used to the stretch.

Kurt pushed in until he was fully inside of Blaine, panting lightly.

"Unngh!" Blaine moaned loudly as the pain subsided. "O-okay..."

Kurt kissed Blaine softly as he started moving his hips slowly. Blaine was so tight, he felt amazing.

Kurt lightly pressed against Blaine's prostate. "KUURRT! God!" He practically yelled.

Kurt moaned as he watched Blaine. He looked so amazing, and the sounds he made. "Fuck..Blaine.."

"God, Kurt! Fuck me, please!" Blaine begged.

Kurt gasped before speeding up his thrusts, occasionally hitting his prostate.

"Ahhh! YES! KURT! Right there!" Blaine screamed. Kurt brushed against that bundle of nerves roughly and damn, it drove Blaine wild.

Kurt moaned louder. "Blaine! Oh God.." He gasped, speeding his thrusts. He grabbed Blaine's hips and rested is forehead against Blaine's.

Blaine scratched down Kurt's back, grabbing his ass tightly. "Kurt! Baby, harder please!"

Kurt pounded into Blaine harder, slamming against his prostate with each thrust. "Shit! Blaine!"

"GODDAMNFUCKKURT!" Blaine's voice was so loud, but shit, he couldn't help it. Kurt drove him crazy with every thrust. "Babe, I’m so close...."

"Me too Blaine...God!" Kurt moaned, thrusting harder as he felt himself near his release.

"NNNUUUGGHHH!" Blaine cried out as he came between the two of them.

Kurt came soon after, crying out Blaine's name as he spilled himself inside of his boyfriend.

Blaine panted heavily, moaning Kurt's name over and over.

Kurt's thrusts slow to a stop as he pants over Blaine.

Blaine breathes heavily. "Kiss me..."

Kurt locks their lips in a heated kiss, moaning softly as their tongues slid across one another.

Blaine sighed happily, massaging Kurt's tongue with his own.

Kurt slowly pulls out of Blaine, never pulling away from his lips.

They turn on their sides, tangling their legs together.

"I love you.." Kurt whispers against Blaine's lips.

Blaine gives a slight moan. He'd never get tired of hearing those words. "I love you too."

Kurt kisses Blaine softly again, pulling them closer together.

Blaine smiled into the kiss. He loved this. Just being with Kurt. They could just lie in bed, doing nothing, and he'd be perfectly happy just to be with him.

Kurt broke the kiss and cuddles up to Blaine, pulling the covers over them and sighing happily.

Blaine reached over and turned the light off before wrapping his arms around Kurt.

"Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

"Yeah, Kurt?" Blaine whispered.

"I love much.."

Blaine smiled. "Kurt, I love you more than anything."

Kurt snuggled closer to Blaine relaxing into Blaine's warm embrace.

"Good night, boo."

Kurt smiled at the pet name. "Night baby.." he yawned before drifting off to sleep.


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