New To McKinley
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 15

E - Words: 2,667 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
886 0 0 0 0

Later that morning Brittany clapped happily as she saw Blaine walk into class.

Blaine gave her a big hug. "I miss you! You need to come hang out with us on the weekends!"

"I will!" She says hugging him back. "You're in a good mood!"

"I'm singing a song today!"

"What song?" She asked, sitting back in her desk and smiling.

Blaine smiled widely. "Ain't no other man by Christina Aguilera."

Brittany smiled. "Did you and Kurt do it last night or something?" She asked.

Blaine blushed. "No, we didn't."

"Well, I know guys are always happy and stuff like this when they have sex." She giggled.

Blaine got quiet. "We didn't have sex though."

"I'm sorry Blaine..I believe you." She says grabbing his hand.

"Oh, no! I'm not upset!" Blaine says, looking up at her.

"What...OH! What did you guys do?" She asks, smiling again.

"Shhh! People are going to hear you!" Blaine whispers.

"Tell me!" She whispered.

Blaine blushed a deep shade of red. "I...I don't say these things..."

Brittany cocked her head in confusion.

"I don't know how to say these things out loud..."

"Text me.." She giggles pulling out her phone.

Blaine sighed, taking out his phone.
"He...used his fingers..."

Brittany looked over at Blaine after reading the text. "Really?" She gasped. "Did you like it?" She whispered.

"So much!" Blaine admitted.

Brittany giggled. "Did you do it to him?"

Blaine nodded his head, looking down at the floor. He had never talked about this kind of thing out loud.

"So I'm guessing you two are getting serious?" She asked.

"Yeah," Blaine smiles. "I really love him."

"Awww!" Brittany muses. "I'm so glad you're happy Blaine!"

"Thanks," Blaine blushes. "How are you and San?"

"Well...we're dating..but she refuses to tell anyone.." She sighed. "But I'm just happy to be with her.."

"What?! Oh my god!" Blaine says excitedly. "It's a step up at least!"

"Yeah." She said smiling.

Blaine squeezed her hand. "Hey, it'll work out."

"Thanks Blaine.." She says smiling.

Later Kurt meets Blaine at glee club outside of the door.
"Hey.." He says smiling.

Blaine pulled Kurt in for a tight hug. "Hey, babe."

"Whoa, you're still in a good mood." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine kissed his cheek. "Yes, I am."

Kurt smiled grabbing Blaine's hand as they walked inside.

Blaine led Kurt to their seats, smiling at Brittany and Santana.

Kurt leaned over and laid his head on Blaine's shoulder, placing a small kiss on his neck. Santana looked over at them with a knowing look.

Blaine looked away, hoping he wouldn't give anything away. He raised his hand. "Mr. Schuester, I'd like to sing a song if that's okay.."

Mr. Schue looked up at Blaine. "Yeah, of course." He said smiling.

Blaine smiled up at Kurt as he started to sing.
I could feel it from the start,
Couldn't stand to be apart.
Something about you caught my eye,
Something moved me deep inside!
Don't know what you did boy but
You had it and I've been hooked ever since.
I told my mother, my brother, my sister and my friend
I told the others, my lovers, both past and present tense.
Everytime I see you everything starts making sense.

Kurt smiled as he realized the song. The rest of the glee club started to do catcalls before swaying to the music.

Blaine danced around the room, finally ending up standing in front of Kurt.
Ain't no other man, can stand up next to you
Ain't no other man on the planet does what you do
You're the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
You got soul, you got class.
You got style with your bad ass - oh yeah!
Ain't no other man its true - all right -
Ain't no other man but you.

Kurt blushed, giggling as his adorable boyfriend sang to him, the rest of the glee club watching and dancing along.

Blaine danced around Kurt before ending the song a little early. He smiled down at his boyfriend before sitting next to him.

The club applauded, cheering. Kurt leaned over, kissing Blaine's cheek and smiling.

Santana shot a look at them. "They so got it on last night!"

Kurt flushed red.

"What?!" Finn gasped, looking over at them.

"Congratulations dude." Puck says, patting Blaine on the back.

"What? No...No one said that..." Blaine stammered.

"Oh please, something went down between those silk sheets. It's written all over your faces." Santana said matter-of-factly.

"Dude, is that why you've been asking for him to sleep in your room?" Finn asks, looking at Kurt.

"No!" Kurt snaps.

"I've been in his room for personal reasons that I's rather not talk about," Blaine says. "Not that it's anyone else's business."

"None of this is anyone's business!" Kurt snaps, looking at Santana.

"The more you deny it, the more we will believe it." Santana says, staring at Kurt.

"We didn't have sex! Is there some unwritten rule that two people have to have sex to be happy together?" Kurt asked harshly, glaring at the Latina.

"Umm, yeah! Where the hell have you been?“ Santana spat back.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Just because you give it up to anyone you meet doesn’t mean everyone else does." Kurt said.
The club gasped.

Santana rolled her eyes as she stood and stomped out of the classroom.

Kurt slowly sat back in his chair, crossing his legs. He knew what he said was beyond uncalled for, and he realized he should go talk to her as the silence and stares of his fellow club members sank into his skin.

Brittany got up, running after her girlfriend.

Blaine turned to Kurt. "Are you okay...?"

"I'm fine.." He answered, looking at the floor.

"Santana!" Brittany called, jogging down the hallway.

Santana ran down the hall and out the front door, heading for her car.

Brittany caught up with her grabbing her arm before she reached her car. "Santana..."

"What?" Santana responded, looking down at the pavement.

"He didn't mean it.."

Santana pulled away. "Don't even try to act like it's not true."

"Santana don't.." Brittany whispered, pulling her into her arms.

Santana gave in and let Britt hold her.

"He didn't mean it San..He was just kind of mad..." She said softly.

"He's right..." Santana said quietly.

"No..because you won't just sleep with're with me..and I love you." Brittany said.

"I love you too, Britt. So much..." Santana whispered. "And I wish I could go in there and just tell everyone that I am capable of being with just one person. But...I'm just...not ready..."

"I know.." Brittany said softly, stroking Santana's hair.

Santana looked up at Brittany. "I really do love you though, Britt."

Brittany smiled softly. "I love you too.”

Santana leaned in, giving Britt a quick kiss. "Want to come to my house with me?"

"Yeah..'" Brittany replies, a small blush gracing her cheek.

Brittany follows Santana to her house. When they get there, they go upstairs to lay on Santana's bed. "Hey, Britt?"

"Yeah boo?" Brittany asked, her head in Santana's lap.

Santana ran her fingers through the blonde's hair. "Thanks for today. For everything, really. Especially being so patient. You deserve so much more. But I just wanted to thank you for waiting for me.."

Brittany smiled up at her girlfriend. "I love you Santana..I would have waited forever..”

Santana got tears in her eyes. "I love you too, Brittbritt. I have for a long time."

Brittany sat up to give Santana a soft kiss. "Good.." she giggles.

Kurt stares out of the window on the drive home, he feels like an asshole. He hadn't meant to say something that harsh to Santana, but he was defending Blaine and himself. He still felt terrible.

Blaine reached over to take Kurt’s hand. "i know you feel bad, baby. But if you wouldn't have said it, someone else would have. Santana is strong and she'll forget about it soon."

Kurt looked over and gave Blaine a weak smile. "I'm sorry.."

"For what, baby?"

"Because we were even put in that position to have to explain ourselves. Like you said, what we do is very intimate and I wanted to keep it that way.." Kurt explains.

"Well yeah. But if they're assuming things, it’s kind of different. I mean, it’s not like you told them what we did."

"Yeah.." Kurt says softly. "But still.."

"Hey," Blaine says softly. "Don't worry about it. As long as Finn doesn't repeat it to your dad, I'm fine."

"He won't..With as much as I know about him and Rachel he wouldn't dare.." Kurt says, laughing lightly.

"Then there's nothing to worry about," Blaine giggles.

"Yeah...I love you Blaine.." Kurt said, looking over at his boyfriend.

"I love you too, baby."

A sudden urge swelled in Kurt to tell Blaine something he felt last night. "Blaine, last night, I came /this close/ to asking you to fuck me.." Kurt said, holding up two fingers closely. "I just think we should wait a while to do that again, because things might get out of hand. And things won't work out like we planned.. I mean, I can still do it to you, but I don't think I can handle it."

Blaine nodded. "Kurt...That felt amazing! But I know how you feel. And in the heat of the moment, I probably would have..." Blaine admits.

Kurt shivers at the thought. "It did feel amazing, but I think we should just..lay off of that for a little bit." He said grabbing Blaine's hand.

"Me too, baby," Blaine agrees. "I feel the same way."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to agree with me, I want you to feel comfortable talking about this stuff with me.." Kurt says in a rush.

"No, Kurt. I do feel that way. I mean, I absolutely loved that. But I don't want to rush our relationship."

"Yeah." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand reassuringly. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt says softly.

Before they knew it, they were at the airport for Fashion Week in New York. They both decided they had a big enough cushion in their grades to take a few days off, they also brought some school work along for the more important classes. Kurt rocked excitedly on his heels as they waited to board the plane. It took him all week to pack; it was Fashion Week after all.

Blaine held Kurt's hand. He was so adorable. His mom had been doing a lot better. They hadn't heard a word from his father. Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. He was so happy to have him.

"I seriously CAN NOT thank you enough for this." Kurt said to Blaine's mother, smiling widely.

Marissa smiled up at Kurt. "It's no problem, honey. I'm happy to talk the both of you."

Kurt smiled, holding Blaine's hand in a death grip as he bounced, waiting for their flight to start boarding.

Blaine giggled. Kurt was just so adorable. He was so happy to be here with him and his mother. Things were finally looking up.

"Are you exited Blaine? I'm excited, oh my God! It's gonna be so amazing!" Kurt let out in a rush.

Blaine leaned over and kissed Kurt. "I am very excited," he smiled.

Kurt laughed, "I feel ridiculous.."

"Don't," Blaine says, taking Kurt's face in his hands. "This is something you've always wanted."

Kurt gave Blaine a small smile. "You keep me sane.."

Blaine giggled. "I love you."

Kurt leaned in to give Blaine a small kiss. "I love you too.."

"Come on you love birds, our flight is boarding." Marissa said smiling.

"Ohmygod, come on!" Kurt said quickly standing.

Blaine took Kurt's hand as they boarded the flight. They found their seats and got settled.

Kurt bounced excitedly in his seat, thanking Marissa at least five more times, smiling ear to ear.

"How do you have so much energy?" Blaine giggled. "You've been bouncing all morning."

" and enthusiasm." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "You're so cute."

Kurt rolls his eyes, laughing a bit. He grabs Blaine's hand, "So are you, my unnaturally calm boyfriend."

"I'm just thinking," Blaine laughs.


Luckily Blaine's mother was sitting across the aisle. "What we talked about...Do...Do you still want that?" Blaine whispered.

Kurt smiled. "I do.."

"You're sure right?" Blaine asked quietly. "I don't want you to think that you have to..."

"Blaine." Kurt said, taking Blaine's face in his hands. "I want to have sex with you." He said sternly.

Blaine got chills. "Okay," he smiled widely.

"Are you sure?" Kurt asks.

Blaine kissed Kurt. "I'm definitely sure."

Kurt smiles "Okay.." He bounces excitedly as the plane started to move.

Blaine sighs happily, leaning back and closing his eye as he plans the perfect night for then.

About an hour and a half later, they landed in New York. Kurt kissed Blaine softly to wake him up.

Blaine stirred, slowly opening his eyes. "Huh?"

"We're here.." Kurt says softly.

Blaine stretched as he stood. They grabbed their bags and headed into the airport.

Kurt felt like he could fly as they stepped into the airport. "I can't believe it.." he whispered.

"You haven't even gotten out of the airport," Blaine giggled.

"But we're still in New York!" He enthused.

"True," Blaine laughed. They grabbed their luggage and headed outside. When they got out of the doors, there was a man standing next to a long black limo, holding a sign that read "Marissa Anderson."

Kurt nearly collapsed, he held on to Blaine's shoulder before letting out a loud exited laugh. "Oh my God!"

Marissa chuckled, leading the boys over to their ride. "Is it too much?" she giggled.

Kurt couldn't speak, this was amazing! He just looked at the shorter woman pulling her into a tight hug.

Marissa hugged him back. "I'm so glad your parents said yes, Kurt."

"Me too!" He said breathlessly before releasing her.

They slide into the limo and head to their hotel. Kurt watched out the windows, eyes full of amazement.

"It's so beautiful.." He gasps.

Blaine smiled as he watched his boyfriend. About 20 minutes later, they arrived at their hotel.

Kurt stepped out of the limo and gasped, eyes shooting everywhere until they rested on their gorgeous hotel.

Blaine looked up at the elaborate hotel. "Mom...this is amazing..." He said quietly.

"I'm glad you boys like it." She said smiling as they walked inside. Blaine had to lead Kurt by his hand as he looked around excitedly.

"Kurt, let's get our stuff settled, then we can explore," Blaine giggles.

"I'm just looking!" Kurt laughed as Blaine led him inside.

Marissa chuckled, looking back at the boys. They finally get Kurt to the elevator and ride up to their floor.

Kurt bounces excitedly as they get to their room and once inside he gasps. "Oh..oh my God.."

Blaine dropped his bags by the door and looked around their room. It was huge! Marissa walked in behind them. "This room is for the two of you. Mine is right next door. I'm not going to hover over you. But if you need anything, let me know."

Kurt nodded before pulling her in for another hug, thanking her again. She hugged them both before going off to her room. Kurt smiled before throwing himself face down on the bed and screaming excitedly into the mattress.

Blaine laughed loudly, before joining Kurt on the bed.

Kurt turned his head to look at his boyfriend. "We're in New York.." he says smiling.

"I can't believe it..." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt turned on his side before pulling Blaine into a kiss.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, wrapping his legs around Kurt.

Kurt kissed Blaine deeper, running his hand up and down his thigh.

Blaine moaned lightly. He was in New York with his boyfriend. He couldn’t believe it.

Kurt pulled away smiling at Blaine. "Okay, I guess I'm a little too excited.." he giggled, his hand still rubbing Blaine's thigh.

"No. I am too. I just don't show it as much," Blaine smiled, resting his head against the crook of Kurt's neck.

Kurt giggled, kissing the top of Blaine's head. "I love you.."

"I love you too, baby." Blaine smiled. "I can't believe we're here..."

"Neither can I!" Kurt enthused smiling.

"Want to walk around?!" Blaine asked happily.

"Yes!" Kurt said smiling and practically carrying Blaine out of bed.

Blaine giggled. "Let me go tell my mom real quick." he walked to the room next to them and knocked on the door.

Marissa opened the door smiling. "Yes dear?"

"Do you mind if we go walking around?" Blaine asked.

"Just keep a leash on Kurt.." She teased.

"I will," Blaine laughed. "We'll be back in a bit."

"Alright." She says kissing Blaine's cheek before he walked back to his and Kurt's room to find him in a completely different outfit.

"So that's why you packed so much," Blaine giggled. "You ready?"

"Yep!" Kurt says smiling and grabbing Blaine's hand.

Author’s note: Had to split this. Up next, they walk around and talk more about losing the big v ;)


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