New To McKinley
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 12

E - Words: 2,696 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
969 0 1 0 0

The drive home was quiet. Blaine stared out the window thinking about his parents as Kurt drove. When they reached the house, Blaine put on a brave face, holding Kurt's hand as they walked inside.

Carole was sitting on the couch with Burt. "Hey Dad...Home early?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah," Burt replied. "It got slow so I closed early."

Kurt looked over at Blaine and saw his expression. He pulled him into the kitchen. "Baby are you okay?" Kurt asked, placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.

Blaine smiled up at Kurt. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked softly.

"I'm good," Blaine says, kissing Kurt's cheek.

Kurt smiles before they walk back into they walk back into the living room. "So where did you two go?" Carole asks, looking up at the boys.

"We went out for lunch with my mom.." Blaine says.

"That sound's nice.." She said smiling.

"I actually want to talk to you guys about something we talked about with his mom today.", Kurt says, sitting on the love seat with Blaine and squeezing his hand.

Blaine sits back and gives Kurt a small smile.

"What about?" Burt asked.

"Blaine's mother wants to take us to New York for Fashion Week!" Kurt said excitedly, bouncing in his seat slightly.

Burt looked back and forth between the two boys. "What? Kurt, We haven't even met her." He turns to Blaine. "I'm sure she's great. I'm not doubting that. I just, we haven't met her..."

"She already offered to come and meet you if necessary." Kurt said, looking back at Blaine.

"She wants to meet you either way." Blaine corrected.

"What do you think Dad?" Kurt asks, looking at his father smiling.

Burt sighs. "I think New York is dangerous. It's nothing like Lima, Kurt."

"Dad...please, we'll be with his mom the whole time. It's Fashion Week Dad...In New York.." Kurt pleads.

Burt knew he'd give in. This was one of Kurt's biggest dreams. "I'll think about it."

Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand. "Thank you Dad!" He says smiling.

Blaine pulls out his phone to send a text to his mom.
Kurt's dad said he will think about it. Kurt looks pretty positive that he will say yes. Thanks again for today. I love you!

Later that night Kurt and Blaine sit on Kurt's bed, watching Rent. Blaine's mother still hasn't text him back and he was getting a little worried. Kurt looked over at his boyfriend, pausing the movie. "Are you okay babe?" Kurt asked.

Blaine moved closer to Kurt, nodding his head. "I'm alright," he said quietly.

Kurt turned to face Blaine. "Blaine, I know when something's wrong, talk to me baby.." He said softly.

"I-I can't.." Blaine whispered.

"You can always talk to me Blaine…Come here.." Kurt said, pulling Blaine into his arms.

"I know...It's just...if I talk about it...I'm going to break down. And...I just can't handle that..."

"It's okay Blaine.." Kurt said, kissing his temple.

"I don't want you to think I'm not happy.." Blaine said, trying to control his voice.

"Blaine..please..I don't want you to hold anything in.." Kurt whispered. "I want you to know it's okay to talk to me about anything.."

Blaine couldn't help it. The tears started streaming. "It was just so hard to see her and know that things aren't how they used to be.."

"I know.." Kurt said, stroking Blaine's hair and holding him close.

“I mean, I'm really happy here with you. You've helped me so much and I just love being with you. I just miss my mom.." Blaine sobbed.

That last sentence broke Kurt. He pulled Blaine into his arms. "I'm so sorry Blaine..I'm sorry you have to feel that way.." Kurt said softly.

"It's not your fault. You aren't the one who made it so I couldn't see her. I'll never forgive him for calling me that and everything..."

"I know Blaine..I just hate having to see you upset like this.." Kurt said.

Blaine sniffled. "That's why I didn't want to talk about it. I could just wait until I'm alone so it doesn't hurt you."

“Blaine no, You never have to be alone..Never..I'm always here for you. It's true I don't like seeing you upset, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to me.."

"I know I can talk to you. I just don't want to hurt you..."

"How could you hurt me by talking to me baby? If it makes you feel better.." Kurt says softly, stroking Blaine's curls.

"Because you don't like to see me this way?" Blaine whispers.

"But I don't like seeing you when you hold things in more. You get distant and quiet and..that's just not you Blaine.."

"I just wish I could forget about it. Forget about him." Blaine sighs.

"I know baby.." Kurt said, pulling him closer.

"She hasn't texted me back either..."

"Do you want to go see her tomorrow?" Kurt asked Blaine, looking down at him and wiping his tears.

"Yeah," Blaine says quietly, holding onto Kurt tightly.

"I love you Blaine.." Kurt said, kissing his head.

"I love you too, Kurt," Blaine says, his sobs slowing. "Thank you."

"You're welcome.." Kurt says, “Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"But...your dad..." Blaine whispers.

"It's fine, I'll go talk to him.." Kurt says softly. "I don't want you to have to sleep alone tonight.."

"Me neither.." Blaine says. "Thank you."

"I'll be right back.." Kurt says kissing Blaine softly and walking out of the room and downstairs. "Dad?" Kurt calls.

"In here," Burt calls from the living room.

Kurt walks in. "Dad I need to ask you something.." Kurt said. He was going to have to go into this cautiously.

"What's up Kurt?"

"Dad, Blaine's going through a really tough time..He's really upset and I..I don't want him to have to sleep alone.." Kurt said, looking at the floor.

"What's wrong with him? Is Blaine alright?" Burt asked, his voice full of concern.

"He's fine..he just..he really misses his mom and he's thinking about his dad and..I just want to be with him tonight.." Kurt says looking up at his father.

"Just tonight. Keep the door open, Kurt." Burt replied.

"R-really?" Kurt asked, he expected more of a fight, "Thank you Dad.." Kurt said, walking over to hug his father.

"I can’t imagine what he’s going through," Burt says softly.

"Me either.. Thank you dad.." Kurt says before slipping up the stairs and back into his room.

Blaine looked up at Kurt as he came back in. "

"What did he say?"

Kurt slid under the covers with Blaine, holding him close. "He said yes.." He sighed happily, kissing the back of his boyfriend's neck softly.

"Thank you, Kurt," Blaine smiled, moving closer.

Kurt grabbed the remote and turned off the television before reaching around to grab one of Blaine's hands.

"I love you," Blaine whispered.

"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine smiled, nuzzling against Kurt's neck.

"When do you want to go see your mom tomorrow?" Kurt asked, trailing a hand up to stroke Blaine's thick curls.

Blaine sighed. Kurt could make him feel so relaxed. "In the morning, if you don't mind."

"That's fine.." Kurt said softly and kissing Blaine's forehead.

"Umm...Is it alright if I just go? I just want to make sure she's really okay..." Blaine said quietly.

"Of course..I understand Blaine.." Kurt said.

"Thanks, Kurt." Blaine said, kissing him softly.

"Good night baby.." Kurt whispered.

"Good night."

The next morning Kurt woke up to Blaine slipping on his jacket. He looked over at the clock, he had slept in a bit. "Hey.." Kurt said, stretching.

"Hey babe, sorry if I woke you up," Blaine said softly.

"No, you didn't.." Kurt sighed rolling himself up in the blankets and looking up at his boyfriend lovingly.

Blaine smiled. "You're so cute."

"Kiss me.." Kurt whispered, smiling.

Blaine sat next to him on the bed, leaning down to kiss him passionately.

Kurt sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine lied down next to Kurt, getting as close as he could.

Kurt's arms slid down to rest at Blaine's waist, pulling him closer as they kissed each other softly.

Blaine sighed happily, tangling his fingers in Kurt's hair.

Kurt let out a soft moan against Blaine's lips; he never realized until recently, he had a thing for Blaine pulling his hair.

Blaine smiled into the heated kiss. He really needed to leave soon but he didn't want to stop kissing Kurt.

Kurt gave Blaine a few more smaller kisses and one more deep one before parting lips with him. "You should go before I have to hold you down and ravish you.." Kurt said smiling.

Oh god. Now Blaine really didn't want to get up. "Another time?" he giggled.

"Promise..." Kurt said, giving Blaine one last kiss before he stood up, straightening his jacket.

Blaine smiled. "I'll be back soon, babe. I love you."

"I love you too!" Kurt called happily as his boyfriend walked out of the door.

Blaine drove to his mom's work. She had never just not responded to him before.

Blaine pulled up to the building his mother worked at before going in and taking the elevator to her office.

He walked up to her assistant's desk and she lead him to his mother's office. When Blaine walked in, he saw her sitting down with a terrible bruise on her cheek. Blaine ran over to her. "Mom, what happened?!"

"Blaine, don't worry about it dear..I just, I ran into the door yesterday.." She said nervously. The bruise had obviously been attempted to be covered with makeup.

"Mom, you're lying. You always look to your left when you lie. Did he do this to you?!" Blaine demanded.

She didn't look at her son, she couldn't. She felt the tears threatening to spill over.

Blaine ran out of the room and down to his car. His father had no right to take any of this out on her. He got in the car and drove to his house quickly.

He ran inside to see his father in the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His father asked, looking up at Blaine and standing.

Blaine was full of rage. "Why the hell would you hit mom?! If you have a problem with this, take it out on ME! This has nothing to do with her! Leave her out of this!" Blaine screamed at his father.

"I heard about your little coffee date with her and your little faggot boyfriend...I saw the text…I made her tell me about it. I don't want her to have anything to do with you.." His father replied, staring down at Blaine.

"She's her own person! She can do whatever the hell she wants! And don't bring my boyfriend into this! You don't even know him! I'm the one you have a problem with. Just leave mom alone!" Blaine was shaking with anger. Just being in the same house with his father hurt him. He wanted to make him feel what his mother felt. But Blaine had never been a violent person.

"Get the fuck out of this house, you don't belong here.." His father said, raising his voice and striding over to Blaine.

"I will stay away. You'll never have to hear from me again. Just leave mom alone!" Blaine said, trying to be calm.

"Do not tell me what to do in my own house!" He roared grabbing Blaine's forearm tightly.

Blaine tried to jerk away but he couldn't. "I just want mom to be safe.."

"She'll be safe if she stays away from you.." He says darkly.

Blaine takes a deep breath, pushing the tears away. He had never seen his father like this. "If that's what it takes..."

He pushes Blaine slightly towards the door, releasing his arm and staring at Blaine.

Blaine drove back to his moms work and left a note with her assistant.
Mom. Come to Kurt’s after work.
Text me when you get there.
We need to talk.
Love you.

Later, Kurt looked up and saw Blaine walk into the house with tear stained eyes. Kurt stood quickly and ran to him, pulling him close. "Blaine! What happened? Are you okay?"

Blaine shook his head, collapsing on the floor. "He hit her..."

“Oh my god.." Kurt gasped, getting down on his knees and pulling Blaine into his arms.

"He won't stop unless I stay away from her..." Blaine sobs.

"Blaine there's got to be something we can do.." Kurt said, resisting the tears that threatened to spill over. He couldn't cry. He had to be strong for Blaine.

Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's arms. Blaine hisses when he touches the bruise from where his dad had held him. "You didn't see him..."

Kurt pulls back a bit, apologizing under his breath before lifting his arm and pulling his sleeve back to examine the bruise. "Blaine.."

Blaine pulls his sleeve back down. "It's nothing.."

"It's not nothing.." Kurt says seriously looking at Blaine. How dare he do that to Blaine? Kurt helped Blaine up and sat him on the couch before hastily grabbing his coat and keys.

Blaine grabbed Kurt. "You're not going. I don't want you around that."

Kurt looked at Blaine, "He has no right to do that to you or your mother Blaine!" Kurt said, trying to break free from Blaine's hold.

"I know, Kurt. I'm going to take care of it. Just wait." Blaine pleads.

Kurt stares at Blaine. "Blaine I just...I can't...I can't sit here and let this happen...I love you..."

"I know, baby. But I'm about to take care it." Blaine says, looking into Kurt's eyes.

"I just want to go over there and...just...kick his ass.." Kurt growled before clinging to Blaine, crying.

Blaine held Kurt close. "I know. I wanted to as well. He's not worth it. My mom is supposed to stop by after work and I’m gonna talk to her. She doesn't know I went to see him..."

"I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered, clutching to his boyfriend.

"It's not your fault. This really is nothing compared to my mom. I'm going to talk to her about something when she gets here. I'm going to fix this."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Blaine opened it to reveal his mother.

Blaine ran to the door letting her in quickly.

She pulled him into a hug, "Blaine...I’m so sorry.." She whispered.

"I...I went to see him..."

"Blaine no...What did he do to you?" She asked frantically.

"He just grabbed me. Not like you. But if you keep seeing me, he won't stop.." Blaine broke as he finished his sentence.

"Blaine..." She said, hugging him tightly.

Blaine sobbed. "I can’t let him do this to you."

"Blaine, I can't lose you to him.." She whispered.

"If you stay in that house, it won't stop."

She was silent for a moment. "I'll leave him.."

"You love him..." Blaine sighs.

"I love you more.."

Blaine hugged his mom tightly. "But where will you go?"

"I'll stay at a friend's house for a while until I can get an apartment.." She said wiping her son's eyes. "I don't want to live like this anymore.."

"If he's there, he won’t let you leave without a fight." Blaine says quietly.

"I can handle it...I love you Blaine." She said, stroking his curls softly.

"I'm so sorry, mom." tears spilling from his eyes. "I started this.."

"No..Don't apoligize..You didn't do anything wrong Blaine.." His mother whispered, looking up at her son.

"But he's doing this because I'm gay.." Blaine sobbed.

"Exactly…He's doing it darling.." She said softly.

"Because I came out..." Blaine said quietly.

"You couldn't hide who you are Blaine.." She explained.

"I love you, mom..."

"I love you too Blaine.." She said hugging him tightly.

"Are you sure you want this? You don’t have to do it for me.."

"Anything for you.." She whispers.

"Will you need help?" Blaine asks.

"No sweetie...Stay here with Kurt...he'll take care of you.." She says, looking over at the taller boy, giving a weak smile which he returns.

"But do you need help getting out of the house? I'll go if you need me," Blaine said softly.

"I'll be fine, Blaine.." She says, brushing a stray curl off of his forehead.

"If you need anything, please let me know. I feel terrible. I should've been there to stop him."

"Blaine...don't think that…" she said kissing his cheek. "I'll call you tonight okay?"

Blaine nodded. "Please do."

She bid Blaine and Kurt farewell before walking out. And Kurt walked over to pull Blaine into his arms again.

Blaine rests his head against Kurt's shoulder. "I'm scared.." he whispers.

"I know baby...let's go lie down" Kurt said softly, kissing his cheek as to comfort him.

Blaine took his hand as they climbed the stairs.

Blaine changed and the both lied down in Kurt's bed. Kurt clutching Blaine close. It was still day time, but Kurt just wanted Blaine to sleep so he could forget about all of this, at least for a few hours.

Blaine cuddled next to Kurt, quietly crying until he finally fell asleep.


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I really hate men like that