Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Blaine rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "What are you doing...?"
Kurt quickly raised the camera and took a picture of a sleepy Blaine.
Blaine groaned. "Kurrrttt..."
"What?" Kurt asked, examining the picture smiling.
"I haven't even showered....." Blaine mumbled.
"You still look adorable.." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine shook his head, throwing a pillow over his face.
"Hey Mr. Grumpy Gills.." Kurt said feigning a pout and throwing himself on top of his boyfriend.
Blaine giggled, looking up at Kurt.
"You have to be happy..right now." Kurt said smiling.
"Why?" Blaine asked, smiling at Kurt.
"Because I said so.." Kurt replies.
Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt, pulling him close. "Kiss me."
"Why should I? You were being grumpy.." Kurt teased.
"You were taking pictures of me in my sleep! Looking all gross and stuff!"
"You don't look gross..you look cute.." Kurt said, tracing the features of Blaine's face with his finger.
"I'll look better after a shower," Blaine sighed, knowing he would lose this argument.
"Nope..you always look beautiful.." Kurt smiled, tracing a line from Blaine's forehead to the tip of his nose.
Blaine smiled. "I love you."
Kurt felt like he could fly when Blaine said those words.
"I love you too.."
Blaine's smile grew wider. "So...I was thinking..."
"What were you thinking?.." Kurt asked softly, running his finger over Blaine's eyebrow.
"Maybe, only if you want...we could have lunch with my mom today?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I would love to.." Kurt said smiling.
"Thanks, Kurt. I really want her to meet you!"
"I really want to meet her too.." Kurt said, continuing to run his finger around Blaine's face.
Blaine trailed his hands down, letting them rest at Kurt's waist.
"Are you happy here?" Kurt asks, his eyes watching his finger as it trailed along Blaine's jawline.
"I really miss my mom," Blaine admits. "But I am happy here," he said, smiling.
"I wish I could just..make everything better.."
"You already have," Blaine says, holding Kurt closer.
Kurt stops tracing Blaine's face and kisses him softly.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too, Kurt. So much. You really have no idea just how much you've done for me."
Kurt nuzzles in the crook of Blaine's shoulder and sighs happily.
Blaine hugged Kurt tighter. "You're so cute."
"No.." Kurt said into Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine giggled. "Yes!"
Blaine slid his hands up Kurt's sides, stopping to tickle him.
Kurt squealed with laughter. "Blaine!"
"Admit it!" Blaine teased, tickling him more.
"No! Stop you're gonna make me snort!" Kurt laughed, attempting to get away from his boyfriend but failing miserably.
Blaine rolled on top of Kurt, refusing to stop. Kurt was so adorable.
"Blaine! No!" Kurt laughed. He tried as hard as he could to hold it back but he let out a snorting laugh. He covered his mouth with one hand and tried to stop Blaine's hands with the other.
Blaine finally stopped, lying against Kurt's chest. He giggled to himself. "That was cute."
"No it wasn't.." Kurt protested, his cheeks red with embarrassment.
Blaine pulled Kurt close, nuzzling against his neck. "I thought it was absolutely adorable."
"And I think you're adorable when you first wake up but you disagree."
"What would you think if you woke up and saw me taking pictures of you?" Blaine asked.
"I would take the camera and destroy it." Kurt said simply.
"Even though you're 120 percent gorgeous at all times of the day!"
"I look like the crypt keeper when I wake up!" Kurt laughs.
"Far from it," Blaine says sweetly, kissing Kurt's neck.
Kurt smiles. "You're so sweet.."
Blaine sighs happily. "I should probably call my mom.."
"Yeah.." Kurt says smiling up at Blaine before giving him a small kiss.
Blaine reaches for his phone and dials his mother's number.
"Hello Blaine dear, how are you?" His mother chimed. Blaine had made a habit of calling his mother at least twice a week.
"Hey mom! I'm good. How are you?" Blaine asked cheerfully.
"Fine, just cleaning up the house a bit." She said happily.
“Do you have any plans today?"
"None." She said laughing lightly. "Why?"
"I wanted to know if you'd like to go out to lunch with Kurt and I," Blaine said.
"That sounds lovely Blaine, I would like that." She replied.
"Thanks, mom! What time is good for you?" Blaine asked, happily.
"Whenever actually, I just finished cleaning when you called."
"Want to meet up around 1:30?" Blaine asks. "Where do you want to go?"
"We could go to that cafe you and I used to go to on Sundays." She mused.
Blaine's heart swelled at the memory. "I'd really like that!"
"I'll see you then sweetheart..I have to go get dressed and shower. I love you dear." She said softly.
"I love you too, mom!" Blaine said before hanging up. He turned back to Kurt. "We should get ready."
"Mmkay.." Kurt said smiling at his boyfriend and sliding out of bed before stretching.
"Do you want to help me pick an outfit?" Blaine asked Kurt.
Kurt's eyes lit up at the idea. "If you want me to.."
"I do," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled before going to the dresser Blaine kept his clothes in and picking out a pair of dark black denim skinny jeans, a gray cardigan and a blue and white striped v neck. "You like it?" Kurt asked happily.
"It looks great," Blaine smiled, getting up to wrap his arms around Kurt.
Kurt smiled kissing Blaine softly. "I wanted to talk to you about last night.." He said softly.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. Oh god. What if he wasn't good enough? "What about it?" Blaine asked nervously.
"It was amazing.." Kurt said happily, "I just wanted you to know, that even if we do progress in our...physical relationship...I'm still not ready to go...all the way.." He said looking into Blaine's eyes.
Blaine let out a sigh of relief. "I feel the same way, Kurt. You're so amazing. And what we do is enough for me. I didn't ask you out because of that. Even if we just sit on your couch, I love it. But I know I am definitely not ready to go all the way, either." Blaine explains.
Kurt smiles lightly. "Okay.." He says, leaning forward to give Blaine a small kiss.
Blaine smiled. Kurt was so amazing. "And I want you to know, even though that was so wonderful last night, that isn't the reason I said I love you. I really do love you, Kurt."
"That's not the only reason I said it either…I really love you too Blaine...more than anything.." Kurt said softly.
Tears gathered in Blaine's eyes. He hugged Kurt close. "You make me so happy, babe."
Kurt smiled. "I'm happy that you're happy.." He said, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.
Blaine blushed. "I really can't wait for my mom to meet you."
Kurt smiled. "I'm actually really nervous.." He said, giving a small laugh.
"Don't be," Blaine said softly. "I know she's going to love you."
"I hope.." Kurt breathed out, grabbing Blaine's hands.
"Trust me. She will. I'm a lot like her. She'll see how amazing you are."
Kurt gave Blaine a small smile. "You're the amazing one.."
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. And don't worry about the 'perfect outfit.' You always look perfect."
Kurt giggled as Blaine walked out to go take a shower. He walked back to his room and did the same in his bathroom. When he got out Kurt fixed his hair and picked out a white v neck with his admiral cardigan and a gray scarf with gray skinny jeans. He walked downstairs to see Finn spread out on the couch eating Cheetos and watching football.
"Do you ever shower?" Kurt asked him.
"Just because I don't have all these moisturizing techniques or spend hours on myself doesn't mean I don't shower." Finn say, rolling his eyes.
"You're covered in cheese and you've been wearing the same shirt for two days."
Finn huffed. "Why aren't you with your lover? I thought you were like attached at the hip."
"He's in the shower.." Kurt said, sitting down on the seat next to the couch Finn was on, and crossing his legs.
"Another hot date?" Finn teased.
"Actually, I'm going to meet his mother." Kurt said smiling lightly.
Finn smiled. "Getting serious, huh? I'm really happy for you, Kurt."
"Yeah..thanks.." Kurt said blushing a bit. "What's going on with you and Rachel?" Kurt asked, looking up at his step-brother.
"I don't know. We're good. I just kind of nod my head a lot. She's usually just talking about herself." Finn laughs.
"That's usually how it goes." Kurt giggles before he hears Blaine start down the stairs.
Blaine walks into the living room, sitting next to Kurt. "You look perfect."
Kurt smiles kissing Blaine on the cheek. "So do you." He says smiling. "You ready to go?" Kurt asks.
"Yeah," Blaine says, taking Kurt's hand.
They stand and Blaine grabs his keys. "Wash yourself Finn!" Kurt calls before they walk out the door.
Finn mumbles something but they don't hear what. "What was that about?" Blaine asked.
"Nothing, just Finn and his personal hygiene." Kurt giggles, swinging their joined hands as they walk to Blaine's car.
Blaine chuckles as he climbs into the driver's seat. He starts the car and heads to the cafe.
"What if she really doesn't like me because I say something stupid and she thinks I'm just some stupid guy and I don't know how to function, then she won't want me to be with you and she'll judge me for the rest of my life because of one thing I said?!" Kurt breathes out frantically as they pull up to the cafe.
Blaine parks the car and takes Kurt’s face between his hands. "Breathe, Kurt. I'm sure she's just as nervous. But she will love you. You're beautiful and smart. Just everything. And you mean the world to me. She will love you."
Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Okay.." He said softly.
Blaine kissed him softly. "You're going to be wonderful."
Kurt gave a small nod before composing himself and stepping out of the car.
Blaine grabbed his hand and lead him inside. They entered the little cafe and Blaine spotted his mother quickly. His eyes lit up. He missed her so much. They walked up to where she was sitting. "Hey mom! This is my boyfriend, Kurt."
She stood and smiled at Kurt, pulling him onto a tight hug before pulling away and looking him over. "So handsome!" She said smiling causing Kurt to blush. She turned to Blaine, and pulled him into a hug as well. "I missed you so much Blaine.." She said softly. She was a little shorter than Blaine with black hair and tan skin. Kurt's guess was that she was Filipino. She looked so happy to see her son again; it made Kurt tear up a bit.
"I've missed you so much, mom! We really need to do stuff more often!" Blaine says happily. He pulls a chair out for Kurt before sitting down himself.
Kurt smiles before sitting down. "It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Anderson." Kurt said smiling.
"Oh no, honey. With the way my son talks about you, you can call me mom. If you’re comfortable with that. I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Marissa said cheerfully.
Kurt didn't know what to say, he smiled, tears gathering in his eyes but he quickly blinked them away. "Of course.." He said happily.
She took his hand and squeezed it lightly. "I don't know how to thank you for taking care of Blaine. It..." She paused, taking a deep breath. "It killed me when his father did that. Just, if you ever need anything, please don’t be afraid to come to me."
Kurt smiled, squeezing her hand back. "Thank you..I..I'll be sure to do that." He said softly.
Blaine took Kurt's free hand under the table. "Thanks for coming mom. It feels so good to see you!"
"I know..I miss you so much. I wish we could do this more often." She said softly, giving her son a soft smile before the waitress came and took their drink orders.
"So, Kurt, Blaine tells me you're really into fashion?"
"Oh, yes, very much so.." Kurt says laughing lightly.
"Well...I get tickets to all kinds of fashion shows. If your parents would let you go, I'd be more than happy to take you and Blaine."
Kurt smiled widely. "That...That sounds amazing!" He said smiling and placing a hand on his chest. He looked back and forth between Blaine and his mother. "It wouldn't be any trouble would it?" He asked.
"Not at all. As long as you have permission. And I'll be more than happy to meet your parents so they'd know who you'd be with. Just from the things Blaine has said about you, I just know you'd absolutely love New York!"
Kurt felt like he couldn't breathe. "N-New York?" He rasped out.
Blaine's mother smiled. "You'd love it!"
Kurt couldn't speak as the initial shock set in. New York? He'd always wanted to go to New York, it was his dream!
Blaine looked over at Kurt. "Are you okay? Don't forget to breathe!" he giggled.
"I'm sorry, I'm just a little shocked.." He giggled, smiling widely.
Marissa chuckled. "Well I guess I shouldn't go into the details right now?"
"I'm fine..I think.." Kurt said, giving a breathy laugh.
"Well the next one is going to be..." She paused for a second, "Fashion Week. It's February 9-16th. Then September 13-20th.."
Fashion Week?! Kurt was going to die, that was it, he was going to have a heart attack in that chair and die. It was January right now! "S-sounds good.." He squeaked.
"Well, talk to your parents about it. I would love to meet them either way," Marissa smiled.
“That...that sounds amazing.." Kurt said smiling. He felt like he couldn’t say anything else as he squeezed Blaine's hand.
"We should talk about something else before Kurt explodes," Blaine giggles.
Kurt blushed, giggling lightly.
Marissa smiled sweetly. "You two are so adorable. I'm so happy you have each other."
Kurt smiled at Blaine's mother. "Thank you..I'm happy I have him too..I really care about him.." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine.
She looked down at her son, tears in her eyes. "It's really good to see that beautiful smile on your face again."
Kurt smiled at Blaine who teared up as well.
"Thanks, mom," Blaine says. "So...are you and dad still not talking?"
"It's been..limited conversation.." She said softly.
"I'm sorry, mom..." Blaine's voice was almost a whisper.
"Blaine..Don't be sorry sweetie..It's not your fault, don't you dare say it is.." She said, looking at her son.
Blaine takes a deep breath. "I'm the reason he's taking it out on you."
"He's taking it out on me because I refuse to see things his way.." She says.
"I should've just told you though. I knew he wouldn't be happy about it.."
"Blaine, honey..you did the right thing by telling both of us." She said, grabbing his hand.
Blaine smiled weakly at the touch. "I just don't want him to put you through this."
"I'm fine dear.." She said, squeezing his hand.
Blaine nodded his head as he sniffled.
They ate their meal, chatting happily and the mood slowly lightened as they finished. "Thank you for lunch." Kurt says to Blaine's mother happily.
"Any time dear," She said smiling. "It was great to meet you! And don't forget to talk to your parents."
"Oh trust me, I won't." He said standing and hugging her tightly.
Blaine hugged his mother. "Thank you, mom. It was so amazing to see you. I really needed this."
Marissa kept her arms around her son. "It was so good to see you Blaine.." She whispered, kissing his cheek. "You don't wear as much gel in your hair.." She said smiling and running her hand through the loose curls.
Blaine smiled at the touch. "It doesn't take as long either!" he laughed.
"I bet.." She said placing a hand on his cheek. "I love you honey.." She said, pulling him into another hug.
"I love you too," Blaine whispered, trying to fight the tears.
"Text me when you find out what Kurt's parents say okay?" She said, softly, looking up at her son.
"I will," He said smiling. "I'll see you later mom."
"Bye dear.." She said. "Bye Kurt" She said hugging Kurt again. She walked out of the cafe.
"You ready to go?" Blaine asks quietly.
"Yeah.." Kurt says grabbing Blaine's hand.
"Do you mind driving?"
"Of course not baby.." Kurt says softly as they walk out of the cafe and get into the car.