New To McKinley
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New To McKinley: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,594 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
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My name is Blaine Anderson. I'm a Junior at McKinley High. I'm the new kid. Great. I get to be the one that no one knows because they all have their little cliques. Wish me luck!
Blaine takes a deep breath and turns the handle to his first period class and slowly walks in.

Brittany was having a good time pretending her pencils were all of the power rangers as her teacher droned on about Geometry when someone walked in. He was sort of short and tan. His eyebrows looked like triangles, which made sense because they were in Geometry after all, and his black hair was slicked down with gel. She watched him curiously as he timidly handed their teacher the pass.
"Have a seat by Ms. Pierce, Mr... Anderson." The teacher said, looking at his name on the pass and pointing to Brittany.

Blaine smiled shyly and sat down next to the tall blond. He took out his notebook and pencil before catching up on the notes.

Brittany looked over at the shy looking boy, staring intently as he took his notes.

Blaine looks at Brittany out the corner of his eye and sees her watching him. Did he have something on his face? Did a lock of hair fall out of place? Why was she staring so hard?

"Are you from England?" She asked quietly, toying with her cupcake pencil topper.

Blaine looked up confusedly. "Umm...No..." He said quietly.

"Well, you have really nice handwriting..and I see how English people write in the movies..It's yours." She said simply.

"Thank you," Blaine said, smiling. "So...You're Brittney, right?"

"Yes I am." She said smiling. "How did you know?" She asked, oblivious to the fact that it was written across her binder in bold black letters.

"Umm...The teacher told me to sit by Brittany and this was the only open seat..."

"Oh wow.." She said looking away, as if having a deep thought. "Do you wanna make out?" She asked looking back at him.

'What?!' Blaine thought. " In front of the whole class?"

"If you want." She said smiling.

Blaine blushed. "I'm sorry, Brittany. That's not really my 'thing'."

"Well we can after school..Santana wanted to hang out, but you're really cute, so.." She said flatly, spinning her pencil topper.

"Well, I'd love to just hang out...if you'd like..." Blaine suggested, trying to be nice.

"Really?" She asked perking up a bit. "A guy's never asked me to just hang out before...What's your name?"

"Well...I'm...different..." He smiles. "I'm Blaine Anderson."

"It's really cool to meet you.." She said smiling. "I have glee club after school today; you should come and hang out there so we can go somewhere afterward." Brittany suggested.

"That sound's good. Where is that?" Blaine asked.

"In the choir room by the cafeteria." She said smiling. "After fourth period."

"Okay. I'll meet you there!" Blaine said excitedly. Maybe starting a new school wouldn't be so bad.

After classes that day, Brittany waited outside the choir room for Blaine, rocking on the balls of her feet. She saw Santana walking down the hall towards her. "Hey San!' She said happily, not moving from her spot.

"Hey Brittbritt!" Santana says as she walks over. "Why are you standing out here?"

"I'm waiting on Blaine." She said, clutching her bag to her chest and smiling.

"Blaine?" Santana asked, stepping back. "Who is Blaine?"

"My new friend. I met him today in Geometry." She said happily.

"Oh?" Santana asked, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm going to sit down."

"Yeah, I’ll see you inside then." She mused.

Blaine walked down the hallway and smiled as he saw Brittany. "Hey!"

"Hi Blaine!" She said happily, skipping up to him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Are you sure it's okay if I wait here for you?" Blaine asks nervously.

"I'm positive.." She said, pulling Blaine into the choir room by his hand.

Blaine walked in behind Brittany. He blushed as everyone turned to look at him.

"Everyone, this is Blaine." She said, keeping her fingers laced with his as she introduced him. "He's new."

Santana glared at him. She'd be damned if she let him take Brittany from her.

Kurt looked up at the boy Brittany was introducing. Oh my god...he was beautiful. He looked at his and Brittany's intertwined fingers. Once again, he had fallen for a straight guy. This was turning out to be one hell of a year.

Blaine leaned over to whisper to Brittany. "Can we sit down? Everyone is staring..."

"Yeah, you can come sit by me." She said, pulling Blaine up the risers to go sit in two empty seats as Mr. Schue walked in.

Mr. Schue started to introduce their lesson for the week. "Oh, do we have a new member?" He asked when he noticed Blaine.

"Oh...Umm...I...I'm Blaine..." Blaine introduced himself. "Brittany asked me to come sit and wait for her to finish..."

"You should totally audition.." Brittany said leaning over to whisper to Blaine.

"In...In front of everyone?" Blaine asked, nervously.

"You can do it.." She said supportively squeezing his hand.

"But...I don't even have anything prepared..." Blaine protests.

"Well what's your favorite song?" She asked. The rest of the glee club was looking back at them expectantly.

Blaine blushes. "Umm...Teenage Dream..."

"Go on then!" She said, urging him forward.

Blaine stands in front of everyone, staring at the floor as he convinced himself he could do this.

"Are you going to sing or not?" Santana asked, bluntly.

Blaine took a deep breath and started to sing.

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

The band started playing behind him and everyone started nodding their head appreciatively. That is except for Kurt. He couldn't take his eyes off of this Blaine guy.

Santana stared at the boy in front of her. She had to admit, he was gorgeous. She thought she might have to take him from Brittany. Or share. That would be alright.

Blaine looked around the room as he continued singing. He saw that they all stared at him with admiring eyes. Blaine started getting more comfortable. Well, until he saw him. He was beautiful. But what was he thinking? Blaine couldn't read his expression. He tried to look away; but he just couldn't. Blaine continued singing, not taking his eyes off the gorgeous boy sitting in the stands.

Kurt inhaled sharply as Blaine looked right into his eyes as he sang. His voice was gorgeous, his eyes were gorgeous, he was dressed decently. He was perfect.. Brittany smiled at him supportively from her seat, swaying in her seat with the rest of the glee club.

The song came to an end and Blaine was still staring into the other boy's eyes. Everyone started to clap, bringing him back to reality. He slowly walked back and took his seat next to Brittany.

"Wow!" Mr. Schuester said clapping. "I think I speak for all of us when I say Welcome to Glee club!" The rest of the club applauded looking back at Blaine smiling.

Blaine's face turned a deep red. "Thank you," he said quietly.

"Hey bro, don't be so shy!" Puck said, clapping him hard on the back.

"Yeah dude, that was great!" Finn said smiling.

Blaine smiles widely. Today had been much better than he had ever hoped. He turned to Brittany. "Thanks for bringing me here..."

"No problem, you rocked." She said grabbing his hand again.

Santana turned around and glared at Blaine when she saw their hands linking together. She scoffed and turned back around.

After glee club Brittany went to the bathroom and the rest of the club congratulated Blaine on the way out. Kurt decided this was his chance. He walked up to Blaine. "Hi!" He breathed out, holding out his hand to Blaine.

Blaine's heart sped up. "H-hi!' he said, shaking the boy's hand.

"I'm Kurt Hummel.." He said smiling. "Blaine right?" He clutched to the strap of his bag.

Blaine looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. "Y-yeah...It's nice to meet you, Kurt," he said, smiling.

Kurt almost melted at that smile. "You too.." He sighed "You did an..amazing job singing.." He said smiling shyly.

Blaine blushed and looked down. "Thank you...It...It means a lot..."

Kurt flushed. He was so cute.. "Maybe we can do a duet sometime.."

Blaine's heart fluttered. "Umm...Yeah....W-We should!" Blaine said, a little too excitedly.

Kurt giggled. "See you around Blaine.." He said giving a little wave and walking away.

Blaine stared after Kurt as he walked away. He was definitely the most beautiful person Blaine had ever seen!

Kurt bid goodbye to Brittany as he walked out and she walked back in. "Okay Blaine, I can't find Santana to tell her we can't hang out so I guess we can just go." She said, grabbing Blaine's hand.

"Okay," Blaine smiles, taking her hand. "So where are we going?"

"Let's go to the park." She said, pulling Blaine into the hallway and down the hall happily.

Blaine smiled as she led him to the park. He sat on a swing and looked over at Brittany. "Thanks...For talking to me so quickly. You're really nice."

"You're really nice. You're the first guy I've met that didn't ask me to see my bra other than Kurt." She said.

Blaine giggled to himself. There was a reason for that. "Speaking of Kurt...What is he like?"

"He's super nice. But he's a total capital G gay..He helps me pick out my clothes sometimes and he can sing really good."

Blaine smiles. "And everyone is okay...with him being gay?"

"Mostly, well everyone in glee club. The rest of the school is mean to him, but he doesn't let it get to him." She said, swinging a bit.

Blaine nods his head, not being able to get Kurt off his mind.

"Santana's not as brave as he is though..she won't tell anyone." She said looking down.

Blaine looked back up at the blonde. "What? Santana'"

"She told me not to tell anyone.." Brittany said looking up at Blaine.

"I won't tell anyone. You can trust me," Blaine says, smiling sweetly. "So...Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I used to..But we broke up because Santana told me to wait for her..whatever that means."

"Brittany...Can I ask you something..." Blaine asked quietly.

"Yeah.." She said smiling.

"Do...Do you like girls?"

"I do, I mean..I like Santana..I like boys too though."

Blaine nods his head. "Well...That explains why she was looking at me that way.."

"What do you mean?" She asked Blaine.

"She isn't ready for people to know, but you're the one she wants to be with," Blaine says simply. "She kept looking at me when you grabbed my hand."

"Oh, yeah. She always looks at me like that when I'm with a boy, but I mean..If she isn't ready for me than why should I wait for her?" She said softly, looking down.

"That's true. I mean, I understand where she's coming from. But you shouldn't have to stop your life..." Blaine agrees.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked, her smile returning.

Blaine freezes for a moment. ""

"How? You're like gorgeous!" She said giggling.

"Thanks," Blaine says, blushing. "Promise not to tell?"

"Pinky promise.." She said, holding out her pinky and smiling.

Blaine locked his pinky with hers. "I'm more like...Kurt..."

Brittany looked at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean? You like nice clothes? That cardigan is really cute by the way.." She said, swinging their connected pinkies between them.

Blaine giggled. "Thanks...But I meant...I'"

Brittany cocked her head to the side a bit and smiled. "Wow..that's really cool..Now Kurt won't be alone and stuff..But don't worry, your secret's safe with me.." She said reassuringly.

"Thank you, Britt.." Blaine said, smiling. "But Kurt doesn't even know me. I'm probably not even his type.."

"Well, he's never had a boyfriend so no one really knows what his type is." She said, squinting up into the sun.

"I've never had one either," Blaine admits. "You're the first person I've told.."

"You didn't tell anyone at your old school?" She asked, looking over at Blaine.

Blaine shook his head. "People weren't accepting..."

"Is that why you left?"

"No. My dad got transferred here so we moved." Blaine said, staring at the clouds above them.

"Well I hope things will be better for you here." She said smiling.

"Thanks," Blaine says. "They already are.."

Brittany felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and fished it out, seeing Santana's number across the screen. She really hoped she wasn't mad. "Hang on's Santana.. Hello?" She said answering the phone.

"Hey Britt! Where are you?" Santana asked.

"At the park with Blaine..I tried to find you after glee to tell you we couldn't hang out today, but you weren't in the bathroom and I didn't know where else to look.."

"Oh." Santana's heart sank a little. "Well...can I see you tonight?"

"Blaine and I are going to watch a movie. He's going to explain the Lion King to me. We can do something this weekend though San." She said smiling.

"Alright..." Santana sighs. "I'll talk to you later.."


“Yeah Britt?"

"I want to talk to you about something, but I can't now..just know it'll be soon.." Brittany said, looking over at Blaine.

"Umm...Okay..." Santana says, confused. "Just let me know when."


"Bye..." Santana says, hanging up.

Brittany looks over at Blaine. "You want to go get some ice cream?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah!" Blaine says, jumping off the swing.

That night after Blaine went home Brittany lied in bed before pulling out her phone and texting Blaine.

"Hey Britt!"

"I can't sleep, come outside?"

"I'll meet you at the mailbox. "

Luckily Blaine only lived a couple houses down from her. She slipped on her slippers and climbed out of her window so her dad didn't see her leave.

Blaine grabs his shoes and quietly heads out their side door and meets Brittany outside.

"Hey!” she said happily, hugging him."Wanna go for a walk?"

"Sounds good! I couldn't sleep either," Blaine says, smiling.

They walk for a while, hand in hand until she turns to him."Do you like Kurt?"

Blaine sighs. "I don't know yet. I mean, I don't really know him. But god! He's beautiful!"

"I saw the way you were looking at him while you were singing. You looked like a puppy.." She said smiling.

Blaine blushes a deep red. "Was it that obvious?" God. If Brittany could see it, there was no way no one else didn't see it.

"Well now that you told me you like boys i could tell." She said, swinging their conjoined hands. "Before it just looked like you were just staring at him. You make me feel tall." She said smiling.

Blaine giggles. "Yeah...I'm kind of short..."

"It's cute..I'm more of a cat person but I think you could make me like puppies.." She said laughing.

Blaine laughed. "So, why couldn't you sleep?"

"Thinking about Santana…You?"

"Just...Wondering about Kurt.."

"What are you wondering?" She asks looking over at Blaine.

"Everything..." Blaine sighs. "What he likes...What his type is...And oh, those gorgeous eyes...."

"You loooove him" she teased, poking his side playfully.

"Stooopppp, I'm ticklish!" Blaine giggles.

Brittany continues tickling him for a bit, causing him to laugh louder until they both lie in the grass at a small park, laughing happily.

Blaine pants beside Brittany as they laugh. "I've never had a friend like you. This...It feels good..."

"Yeah.." She said, looking over at Blaine and smiling. "You're the only person I know that hasn't called me stupid.."

Blaine hugged her tightly. "So, you don't understand some things. That doesn't make you stupid."

"Thank you Blaine.." She says hugging him back.

"Any time, Britt." He says smiling.

"My cat is probably wondering where I am.." Brittany sighed, rolling on her back and looking at the stars.

"Yeah, I should probably get back before my parents see that I'm gone..."

Brittany stands, grabbing Blaine's hands and pulling him up. "Let's go then." She said smiling.

They walked back to their houses hand in hand. Blaine hugs Brittany. "I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yeah, you can ride with me in the morning." She said opening her window.

"Alright," Blaine says, smiling. "Text me when you're ready."

"Bye Blaine!" She said, climbing into the window.

"Bye, Britt!" Blaine whispers before turning back to his house.


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I like this friendship.

Awww Britt is so nice XD oh and i agree with blaine kurt's eyes are preeeetty X3

I really like the Brit/Blaine friendship :D