Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall
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Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall: Chapter 7

E - Words: 5,499 - Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Sep 16, 2012 - Updated: Jun 14, 2013
493 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Thanks to everyone that reads this. This has come so much further than we imagined. And it's all because of you all : D. Also, a big thanks to imgoingtohell for the first song idea in this chapter!
Blaine didn't go see Kurt for a couple of days after that day. He couldn't believe Kurt forgot they were married. Something he'd wanted for so long. It was all he'd ever asked Blaine for and he couldn't even remember it.
One night after work, Blaine got on his computer and saw an email from Finn, asking for an update on Kurt. He responded, telling him what he needed to know and asking if Finn had told Rachel yet. He got a response a few minutes later saying Finn wasn't sure if Rachel should know. Blaine sighed heavily before typing back. "If you don't, I'm sorry but I will talk to her. She deserves to know, Finn."
Before he even got a response he sent an email to Rachel, explaining everything. It didn't take long for the little bit of guilt to sit in. Blaine went to lie down when his phone rang with a call from her.

Rachel sounded as if she had been crying as she quickly began to speak. "Blaine Anderson, if this is a joke, it isn't funny!"

"It's not, Rachel.. I'm sorry you didn't know.."

Rachel was quiet for a minute, trying to catch her breath. "Why?..Why didn't anyone?.."

"Finn was scared to tell you. Please don't be mad at him. Kurt's been through a lot.." Blaine said softly.

"I have to see him.."

"Are you sure you can handle it..? It's bad, Rachel.."

"How bad?..He's still Kurt..H-He's still my best friend.."

Blaine sighed before telling her everything except what caused this.

Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing. This couldn't be happening to Kurt..Strong, confident, happy Kurt..
"I'm coming." She said seriously.

"Alright.. Just let me know when you'll be here and I'll pick you up."

She nodded. "I'll email you...And Blaine?.."


"Thank you...For being there for him...I know it's probably the hardest thing you've ever had to do..But..He needs someone..And I'm glad its you.."

Blaine's breath caught. "T-Thank you, Rachel.."

"I'll see you when I come up..Bye Blaine. ." Rachel said before hanging up.

Blaine sighed heavily as he laid back down. He knew how hard it would be, but he had to go see Kurt before she came. He needed to make sure Kurt knew he wasn't leaving.
Just before he fell asleep, Blaine got a call coming in from the hospital. His heart raced as he saw the number. "H-Hello?.."

"Blaine.." It was Raleigh. "Kurt just attacked a nurse.."

"What?" He asked, sitting up. "Why?"

"He tried to take his ring off..I guess he's been hiding it, but we aren't allowed to have jewelry. .The nurse saw it and tried to get him to take it off..He just went ballistic..."

"Oh my god.. C-Can he have visitors?" Blaine asked as that guilt feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. He felt like he couldn't do anything right.

"I don't know..I'm sure they'll let you come now..I think he's calmed down.." Raleigh said.

"I'll be there soon.."

"Okay. Bye, Blaine."

Blaine said bye before getting up to get dressed and go see Kurt.

The woman at the front desk recognized Blaine and let him go in despite the fact that visiting hours were over. She knew why he was here. He walked back to Kurt's room to find him restrained to the bed, staring up at the ceiling with his left hand clenching and relaxing over and over. There was a deep scratch on his cheek that was still fresh along with some blood that Blaine assumed wasn't his own on his hands.
"Hey.." Blaine said quietly. He grabbed a Kleenex and got it a little wet from his tongue. He carefully brought it up to Kurt's cheek and dabbed at the blood. "I'm sorry.."

Kurt didn't say anything, keeping his eyes trained on the ceiling as his fist clenched again.

"I feel terrible." Blaine whispered, mostly to himself. "I should've known they wouldn't let you have it. I shouldn't have stayed home. I-I was hurt.. But it's not your fault.. I just feel so... so stupid.. I'm sorry, Kurt.."

Kurt looked over at Blaine. "It's been a long time."

"I know.. I'm sorry. I just needed to calm down.."


Blaine looked down. "You forgot..a-about the wedding.."

"Oh no, sweetie..I was married a long time ago..Long before you were born.." Kurt whispered, shaking his head.

"What? Kurt..?"

"Kurt?..No..I believe his name was Francis..Sweet man..Very..." Kurt trailed off, staring at the ceiling again. "He left me.."

"Who are you?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I believe we've met.." Eleanor said. "But I doubt you would remember..I don't blame you..I'm not much to remember.."

"No, I remember. Why did he leave?"

"Everyone leaves.."

"I don't think that's true."

"Why not?.." She asked, looking up at him.

"Because some people want to stay." Blaine said.

She sighed, looking back to the ceiling. "Eventually. .Everyone leaves.." she said before her eyes faded to gray and she was gone. Blaine sighed, wondering who would be there next. Kurt didn't say anything for a long time, simply clenching and unclenching his fist again.

Blaine turned and sat beside Kurt as he started to sing.
"Made a wrong turn once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me.."

Kurt's hand stopped moving as his eyes drifted to his husband.

"You're so mean when you talk
About yourself. You were wrong.." Blaine stopped as he saw Kurt.
"Change the voices in your head
Make them like you instead.."

Kurt's eyes began to fill with tears as he pulled lightly against his restraints.

"So complicated, look how we all made it
Filled with so much hatred, such a tired game
It's enough, I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same..
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than, less than perfect
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me.." Blaine sang, petting Kurt's hair before finishing.
"You're perfect, you're perfect
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are perfect to me.."

Kurt's restraints only made his tears come more freely as he fought to get to Blaine.

"Shh, baby, it's okay.." Blaine said, cupping Kurt's cheek.

"Can you please?..Please.." Kurt whispered, looking up at his wrists.

"I'll ask a nurse," Blaine said as he got up.

Kurt looked distressed as Blaine stood. "D-Don't go.."

"What about your wrists?"

Kurt sighed, looking down.

"I'll just go to the door. I won't leave." Blaine promised. He walked to the door and luckily there was a nurse down the call. Blaine called for him and asked him if they could take Kurt's restraints off. He nodded, asking if he was sure Kurt was okay.

"I'm sure." Blaine said and followed the nurse into the room. He walked up to Kurt and unbound his ankles and then his wrists. "Feeling better?" He asked softly. Kurt nodded and looked to Blaine. The shorter man sat back down on the bed and took Kurt's hand.

"If you need anything just call.."
The nurse left and Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine, kissing him deeply. Blaine returned the kiss and lied down with his husband. Kurt rested his body on top on top of Blaine's, moaning softly.

"Kurt.." Blaine whispered. "Are you okay?"

"I just missed you so much.." Kurt got out shakily. "I'm s-sorry I forgot, I just want you to stay.."

"I'm here. I'm not leaving. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I was scared.."

"Of me?. " Kurt asked quietly.

"Not exactly." Blaine sighed. "Of you forgetting that we're married. Or that you'd remember what happened before we left my house.."

Kurt sat up, looking confused. "Blaine..That was just..It happens.."

"It was my fault." Blaine interrupted. "I stopped being careful. I wasn't thinking."

Kurt hushed him with a kiss. "It's okay.." He whispered before looking down at the blood on his hands and frowning.

"Hey, come here," Blaine said, pulling Kurt closer. "It's late. Try to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up."

"I'm gonna wash my hands.." Kurt said, standing and walking to the small half bathroom connected to the room. Blaine curled up in the bed as he waited. Kurt came back out without his shirt on and climbed back in bed with Blaine, nuzzling into his neck.

"I love you, Kurt.."

"I love you too.."

Blaine kissed Kurt softly and tried to fall asleep.

The next day Blaine woke up to Kurt's wide eyes staring back at him.

"Babe?" He asked groggily.


"What're you doing?"

"You look really beautiful when you sleep."

Blaine blushed lightly. "Thank you.."

"I love you.."

"I love you too, gorgeous. How are you feeling?"

"Sore.." Kurt said softly, toying with Blaine's curls. "I miss my ring too.."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think about you not being able to have one here.."

"I knew.." Kurt shrugged. "I..I don't remember what happened after he grabbed my hand.."

"It's okay. Its over now and as soon as you get to leave, you'll never have to take your ring off." Blaine said softly.

"When can I leave?.."

"I don't know baby. But guess what? I'll have a surprise for you in a few days. A big one."

Kurt's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Blaine nodded. "Yup. I hope you like it."

Kurt grinned, bouncing.

Blaine leaned in to kiss his husband. "You're so cute."

Kurt simply shook his head.

Blaine went home that night. Kurt was good all day. He took his medicine and just stayed close to his husband all day. Maybe with him being there, Kurt wouldn't have as many outbreaks. Blaine couldn't wait for Rachel to get there. There were so many things he needed to talk about but he couldn't tell Kurt. He tried going to work every day but with how much attention Kurt was needing, he barely had time for anything. He called out three to four times a week. His bills were barely getting paid. His boss was being as understanding as he could and Blaine was extremely grateful, but there was just too much. He knew he was only so much his boss could let him miss. He barely had enough money for rent, let alone food. He was losing weight like crazy. Blaine was surprised Kurt hadn't noticed. But he definitely wasn't ready to explain that.
He drove to the airport the day Rachel was coming and waited for her at the terminal. She grinned as she saw Blaine. "Hey!"

"Hey.." Blaine grinned, letting her pull him into a hug.

"It's been way too long." she sighed.

"It has.." He said quietly. He must have looked terrible. Stress was wearing away at him.

They were walking out to the car when Rachel finally taking in Blaine's appearance. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.." Blaine said, giving her a weak smile.

"Are you sure?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah." Blaine said quickly, opening the door for her.

"Well, just know I'm here if you want to talk."


"Anytime, Blaine. So, what have you been up to?"

"Just work..And visiting Kurt.."

"Does he know I'm here?" Rachel asked.

"I told him I had a surprise for him.." Blaine explained.

Rachel nodded, remaining silent for a few minutes. "How is he..?"

"He had a bad day the day before yesterday. .But he was really good yesterday.." Blaine said as they drove.

"Can I ask how this happened..?"

"Can I ask how this happened..?"

"Um..I don't think i'm at liberty to say.." Blaine sighed.

"I understand.."

Blaine nodded. "You want to head over there first?.."


Blaine nodded again, driving to the hospital. Rachel got more and more nervous as they came to a stop and Blaine parked the car.
"Do you think he'll remember me?"

"I think so. It took him a minute but he remembered Finn.." Blaine said softly.

"I can't believe Finn didn't tell me.."

"He was trying to protect you.."

"But Kurt needs us." Rachel said seriously.

"I know..But you're here now.." Blaine said as they got out of the car and walked inside. They got signed in and walked to Kurt's room.
"Wait out here." He said to Rachel before going inside. "Hey Kurt."

Kurt was picking at the scab on his cheek as he looked up at Blaine.

"How are you?" Blaine asked softly.

"I had a dream that we had kids..I loved them. ." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine smiled. "They would be perfect."

"They were.." Kurt said softly.

"Are you ready for your surprise?"

Kurt grinned, sitting up. "Yes."

Blaine went out and got Rachel. She gasped as she saw Kurt's thin, pale frame. He looked so fragile. "Hey Kurt.."

Kurt squeezed his hands into fists and inhaled sharply. "Get out.."

"Wh-What? Kurt.. I-It's me.. Rachel.." The brunette said frantically.

"Get out...Get out..Get out!" Kurt yelled, grabbing fistfulls of his hair.

"Rachel, please. I'll calm him down." Blaine said, hurrying to Kurt's side. "Baby.. Shh, it's okay.."

Rachel ignored Blaine, stepping closer to him.
"Don't touch me!" Kurt growled.

"Rachel! Please!" Blaine almost yelled. Rachel pulled Kurt into a hug and Blaine gasped as Kurt panted harshly but didn't move. Blaine pulled Rachel away. "You don't know what he's been through! Give me a damn minute alone." He spat.

"Rachel.." Kurt whispered.

"Yes, it's me." Rachel said softly. "It's me, Kurt."

"Wh-Where have you been?.." Kurt asked, looking up at her.

"Ohio. You wouldn't return my phone calls.. I missed you so much.." Rachel said through teary eyes.

Kurt didn't say anything, looking into her eyes.

Rachel grasped Kurt's hands. "I thought I had lost my best friend.."

Kurt looked down at their hands. "You did.." He whispered.

"But I know where you are now. We can talk on the phone all the time," She said in a hopeful tone.

"I'm not..the same person.."

"Then we can get to know each other again. I don't care where I am or where you are. I just want my best friend back."

Kurt looked up at her and then to Blaine.

"Are you okay..?" Blaine asked his husband.

"Yeah..I just..Not used to this.."

"Used to what?"

"People caring..O-Other than you.."

"I care. Kurt, I had no idea what happened to you. Finn didn't want to hurt me by telling me. God.. I cried for so long just from missing you. No one has ever filled that best friend role like you. No one ever could." Rachel said.

"Thank you. ." Kurt whispered.

The brunette smiled warmly. "Any time."

Blaine was amazed how normal Kurt was acting around Rachel. He was almost jealous. How could Rachel just come and have it this easy with him when Blaine had been struggling for months?

Rachel sat down on the floor and began to talk to Kurt, filling him in on her life back in Ohio. He just watched her, nodding and understanding. He even asked a few questions.

"I-I'm going to get a drink.." Blaine said after a few minutes. He needed a minute alone.

Blaine sighed as he walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. He wasn't sure if he should've left them alone, but he just didn't know how to feel. He had been working so hard for this. To help Kurt. But Rachel seemed to make more progress in ten minutes than Blaine had since he came back. He grabbed a coffee and sat at a table alone, sighing softly.

Raleigh came up a few minutes later. "Hey Blaine!"

"Hey.." Blaine said, giving her a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" She asked, sitting down.

"Yeah..Just..Kurt's friend is visiting..And..He's just acting so normal..I mean, don't get me wrong. That's great..But..In a few minutes he seems more comfortable around her than me.."

"It's the first time he's seeing her, right?" Raleigh asked.

"Yeah. He started to get anxious when she first showed up, but.Then it was like nothing." Blaine sighed.

"Well, maybe he's just trying that much harder to seem like nothing's wrong. I mean, they're old friends. With you, he loves you. You're here all the time. Maybe he just doesn't want her to see it."

"Maybe.." Blaine said quietly, stirring his coffee slowly.

Raleigh rubbed Blaine's back softly. "It'll be okay, Blaine. Kurt loves you."

"I know.." Blaine smiled. "Thanks Raleigh.."

She nodded. "I got to see that ring before they took it. It's beautiful.."

"Thanks..I'm trying to get him home so he can wear it all day." Blaine said as Kurt and Rachel walked into the cafeteria.

Kurt sat down next to his husband. "I'm kind of hungry.."

"You want me to get you something, baby?.." Blaine asked softly.


Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek and walked off to get him some lunch.

"Do you like it here?" Rachel asked.

"Mhm." Kurt smiled, tapping his fingers on the table. "Raleigh's nice."

"Hi." Raleigh said, giving a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Hudson.." Rachel smiled.

"Nice to meet you.."

Kurt smiled, tracing patterns in the table.

"Do you ever get to leave? Or go outside?" Rachel asked.

"We have a garden." Kurt said softly.

Rachel nodded. She felt terrible Kurt was in here.

"I have a sunflower growing out there..Blaine gave me the seed..It got too big for the pot, so the nurses helped me plant it outside." Kurt sighed, looking out the window.

"Do you want to show me after you eat?" Rachel asked. "I bet it's beautiful."

Kurt nodded as Blaine came back and handed him a tray. Kurt sighed, pulling his hair and making quiet shushing noises.

Rachel looked to Blaine before back at Kurt. "Are you okay?"

Kurt just closed his eyes. "Shut up.." He whispered.

Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt. "Do you want to go to your room?"

Kurt shook his head, whispering under his breath and gripping Blaine's shirt with his free hand. Blaine picked him up and told Rachel he'd be back. Kurt let himself be carried to the room and pressed his face into Blaine's chest.

"Don't listen, Kurt. Push them away." Blaine said softly.

"I don't want her to see..." Kurt whimpered.

"I know baby.. It's okay. She's in the cafeteria." Blaine gently laid Kurt on the bed and held him close. "What are they saying?"

"They're telling me to hurt myself..I-I don't want to..I don't want her to see...I don't..I don't want you t-to see..Fuck.." Kurt was shaking in Blaine's arms.

"Don't do it, Kurt. You can fight him. You're stronger than you think baby. I'm here for you. I love you. You don't have to listen to them."

"..I-I..Ungh.." Kurt gasped. "I hate you..I'm not afraid of you.."

"That's it baby.. You can do this."

Kurt pulled away from Blaine, sitting up and rocking before he stopped and his eyes went vacant.

Blaine sat up, not wanting to reach out just yet. "Kurt?"

Kurt's eyes went dark and he smiled over at Blaine. "That was easy.." Claude chuckled.

"Fuck you, Claude." Blaine growled, getting up and slamming Kurt's door before heading to get a nurse. He certainly wasn't in the mood for Claude.

Blaine sighed as he heard the footsteps behind him and the thick French accent. "Blaine, where are you going? I'll be good, I promise." He laughed.

Blaine didn't respond as he kept walking.

Claude just laughed louder, walking up to Blaine and putting an arm around his shoulder. "Awee you don't like me, joli gar�on?"
(Pretty boy)

Blaine shrugged him off. "Get off me."

"Oh don't be like that.." Claude chuckled. "I'm being good, no?"

"Just annoying."

"Well, I am not going anywhere. .I think I'll stay out for a while..It's nice to stretch my legs after being stuck in you're boyfriend's fucked up mind.." Claude sighed dramatically. "I'm in the mood for some lunch." He grinned, turning on his heel and walking towards the cafeteria. Blaine sped up to get a nurse just in case. He didn't want Rachel to see this. Claude walked into the cafeteria and grinned as he saw Rachel, sitting in his previous seat.

"Be careful." Raleigh whispered.

"What?.." Rachel asked, turning to Raleigh before eyeing Kurt. He didn't seem himself.

"So I cannot come eat lunch with the two of you?" Claude asked, placing his hand over his heart and pretending to be hurt.

"Kurt? Why are you talking like that?" Rachel asked.

Claude just laughed and Raleigh turned to Rachel. "That's not Kurt."

"Then who are you?"

"Claude Damion.." The alter smiled, picking up his fork. "Heureux de vous rencontrer.."
(Pleased to meet you.)

"Are you the only one that can come out?" Rachel asked Claude.

Claude shook his head as he began to eat.
"He has Claude, Elizabeth, And Eleanor. ." Raleigh explained.
"But I'm the best." Claude chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at Rachel.

"I'm sure you are," Rachel said sarcastically. "Elizabeth? As in Kurt's mother?" she asked as Blaine and a nurse came in. Blaine sat down as the nurse stayed at the door and watched.

Raleigh nodded lightly.

"Slut." Claude spat at the mention of Elizabeth.

Rachel's jaw dropped. She was about to protest when Blaine grabbed her arm. "Don't."

Claude laughed loudly. "No, let her speak!"

"She was not a slut. Mrs. Hummel was a beautiful and caring wife and mother." Rachel said firmly.

"That's why she got knocked up at eighteen. You do not have to live with her. All day long. 'Blah blah blah, don't kill my son'." Claude mocked before laughing again. Rachel's eyes went wide for a moment before she controlled herself. She hadn't thought Claude would be that violent.
"Oh don't act so surprised...I do a lot of damage to my little Kurt..Isn't that right Blaine?.." Claude smiled, leaning against Blaine.

Blaine sighed as he scooted away. "I really can't stand you."

"And why is that?.." Claude grinned.

"You're annoying and hurting Kurt. I will find a way to beat this. And you'll be gone forever. Can't wait."

"Oh, I'm sure you don't mean that.." Claude said, leaning over to kiss Blaine's neck .

Blaine groaned, getting up and sitting across from Claude. He couldn't push him away since he'd just use that as an image to hurt Kurt.

Claude shook his head, laughing. "God, he is so weak I can hear him fighting..trying to get out..He's calling for you Blaine..Just like that night.."

"What night?" Rachel asked.
"Don't worry about it, Rachel. Can he hear what's going on out here?" Blaine asked.

"He won't remember.." Claude said dismissively. "And why don't you tell her Blaine?..Tell her what you did..Why it's your fault.."

"It wasn't my fault. It wasn't Kurt's either." Blaine said. He wouldn't let Claude get to him.

"Blaine..What is he talking about?.." Rachel asked.

"It isn't my business to tell." Blaine said seriously.

"Go ahead. Tell her Blaine.." Claude said, giving his sinister grin.

"Kurt wouldn't want me to."

"Kurt wouldn't want me to do this.." Claude said, grabbing his fork and rai sing it to stab himself in the arm. Rachel shreiked before Blaine jumped over the table and caught his wrist. They fell to the floor and Blaine pinned Claude down as the nurse came running over. Before the nurse made it over Kurt looked up at Blaine with scared eyes. "B-Blaine?.."

"He's okay," Blaine said. "He's gone."

"Wh-What's going on?.."

"Claude came out and tried to hurt you."

Tears quickly gathered in Kurt's eyes and he tried to pull away from Blaine.

"Kurt, its okay.."

"N-no..No it's not.." Kurt whimpered.

Blaine hugged Kurt close. "I'm here baby.. We stopped him.."

"She's gonna be afraid of me.."

"She won't. She was scared of him hurting you. Rachel's not afraid of you. Come on. we'll get you some water and calm down. Rachel will still be here."

Kurt nodded as Blaine helped him up. "O-okay.."

Blaine got Kurt some water and walked him to his room.

Kurt buried his face in Blaine's neck, crying softly. "I-I thought...I had this under control.."

"I know baby. You will. I promise." Blaine said reassuringly.

"C-Can..Can we go to the piano?..."

"Of course," Blaine said softly, holding his husband's hand as they walked. Kurt sat at the piano, his eyes red from crying.
"What do you want to play?"

Kurt shrugged, tapping at the keys absently. Blaine leaned over and kissed Kurt's cheek. "I love you. You know that, right? No matter what."

Kurt nodded, sniffing lightly. "I wish..We could still..Be normal. .I have dreams...Of what our life would be like if I wasn't like this.."

"Me too. But it is this way and I plan to make the best of it with my husband.

Kurt shook his head as he started to play a melody slowly. He spoke quietly.
" There was a time when love was blind..
And the world was a song..
And the song was exciting..
There was a time..
Then it all went.. wrong.."

Blaine sat back and watched Kurt. He knew the song but tried to just focus on his husband's voice.

Kurt played slowly before beginning to sing.
"I dreamed a dream in time gone by..
When hope was high, and life worth living..
I dreamed that love would never die..
I dreamed that God would be forgiving..
Then I was young and unafraid..
And dreams were made and used and wasted..
There was no ransom to be paid.
No song unsung, no wine untasted.."

Blaine bit his lip, fighting the swelling of his heart.

"But the tigers come at night..
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame.."
Kurt sang loud and clear before his voice wavered on the last note and a tear slipped down his cheek.
"And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather..."

The younger man couldn't hold back any longer. He turned so Kurt couldn't see him and let his tears out. Blaine felt weak and hated himself for not keeping it in. Kurt didn't need to see his tears.

"I had a dream my life would be..
So different from this hell I'm living!
So different now from what it seemed..
Now life.. has killed the dream..
I dreamed.."
Kurt barely whispered the last line, his voice trembling as he tapped out the last notes.

Without turning, Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand. "I-I.. I-I'm so sorry, Kurt.."

Kurt couldn't speak. He simply squeezed Blaine's hand as he rested his head on his husband's shoulder. His body shook with suppressed sobs, the only sounds that escaped him were tiny gasps and sniffs.

Blaine felt like the world's worst husband. Just one little drive. That's all it would've taken for none of this to happen. He turned and wrapped himself around Kurt, hugging him as tightly as he could.

"I love you.." Kurt whispered.

"Do you blame me..?" Blaine said so quietly Kurt almost didn't hear.

"No.." Kurt said, pressing his forehead to Blaine's. "No.."

"Not at all..?"

"He doesn't blame you.." Elizabeth said softly, stroking Blaine's hair.

"I do.." Blaine said through his tears. "I could've prevented it.."

"You had no way of knowing..He walked home every day..The routine never changed.."

"I-I want to help him..g-get better.. I just feel like...I-I'm making it worse.."

Elizabeth held him, rubbing up and down his back, humming softly. Blaine cried against Kurt's body. He had kept this in for far too long.

"I'm here..It's okay.." She whispered, kissing his forehead. "You aren't making him worse.."

Blaine finally looked up. "Does he have a weakness?.. Claude?"

"He comes out when Kurt is afraid, or angry..He scares him by whispering to him that he's going to kill him, or you..All kinds of..terrible things..But..Kurt tries to think of you to keep him away..It usually works..But Claude's getting confident..That's why he came out so easily earlier.."

"How can we get Kurt to not be afraid?" Blaine asked, his voice pleading. "I want to bring that bastard down. I want him gone."

"He'll always be with him, Blaine..I'll be gone before he will.." Elizabeth said sadly.


"Claude was the first to invade Kurt's mind..He's the strongest..." Elizabeth explained.

"But Kurt needs you.."

"I know..The medicine gets rid of us Blaine..I'm not as strong as Claude..I won't be with him forever.."

"But he'll go away?" Blaine asked.

"He might.." Elizabeth said softly. She kissed his forehead. "Stop blaming yourself.." she whispered before Kurt's eyes were vacant again.

Blaine took a deep breath, calming himself and wiping the tears away as Kurt slowly came back.

Kurt blinked rapidly and saw Blaine was crying. W-Was it him?.."

Blaine shook his head. "No. Your mom."

"Why are you crying?.."

"I'm okay.." Blaine said softly. "I just feel like I'm the reason...all of this happened.."

"What happened?.." Kurt whispered.

"You being here. Claude being a part of you. Just, everything.. I wish I could take it from you.."

"You do.." Kurt whispered before leaning in to kiss him deeply. Blaine cluthed to his husband as their lips moved together.
"I love you so much.." Kurt panted, tgreading his fingers through Blaine's hair.

"I love you too.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt straddled Blaine's lap, deepening the kiss. Blaine gasped, gripping Kurt's hips. Kurt let out a soft moan, gently dragging his nails down Blaine's back.
"Kurt..." Blaine gasped, pulling him closer. Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine's neck and sucking at a few places. "I love you so much." Blaine whispered, tilting his head back.

"I love you too.." Kurt got out, before sucking a bruise onto Blaine's neck. Blaine mewled, scratching down Kurt's back.
Kurt shuddered. "Blaine.."

"I wish we were alone.."

Kurt made a pouty noise, nodding. Blaine knew he should hold back but he leaned back in and pressed their lips together. Kurt moaned deeply, rolling his hips down roughly.
"Fuck.." Blaine got out. "I want you, Kurt.."

"I-I want you so bad.." Kurt panted, looking into Blaine's eyes.

"Your room?"

Kurt nodded, biting Blaine's lip and pulling back. Blaine grinned, carrying Kurt to his room and forgetting about their friend. When they got to the room Blaine laid Kurt down on the bed, the blue eyed man smiling.
"I love you.." Blaine whispered.

"I love you too.." Kurt said, cupping Blaine's cheek

Blaine reached under Kurt's shirt and scratched down his stomach.

Kurt's back arched, moaning softly. "Please Blaine.."

As Blaine pulled Kurt's pants down a little, Rachel came in and gasped.

"Rachel.." Kurt said calmly.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked Blaine.

"Umm..Well I think it's pretty obvious.." Blaine said, raising an eyebrow.

"Isn't that a little inappropriate in this situation?" Rachel asked, looking between Kurt and Blaine. How could Blaine take advantage of Kurt like that?

Kurt pulled his pants up. "We..Do it all the time.."

"You do?" Rachel asked in disbelief.

Blaine sighed, pulling Rachel into the hallway. "Rachel..It's not what you think.."

"He's sick, Blaine!"

"Rachel its one hundred percent consensual, I assure took me so long to agree to it after what happened.

"But how do you know for sure?"

"Rachel..He tells me it's the only thing that feels normal to him..When we're together in that way..He feels grounded...And after..He's so relaxed and he can sleep..He has insomnia, Rachel.." Blaine explained.

"Do his doctors think it's okay?" Rachel asked.

"Well..They don't exactly know..."

"Blaine. What if it doesn't help him?"

"And what if it does?.."

"I don't know, Blaine.."

"Rachel..He's my husband..He wants me to.."

"Okay, Blaine. As long as you know."

Blaine just sighed. "Forget it..You're right.."

"I don't know as much as you do about his situation. I'm just worried." Rachel said softly. "What was that earlier?"

"What was what?.."

"When he tried to hurt himself.."

"That wasn't him..That was Claude.." Blaine said, leaning back against the wall.

"Who is he?"

"Umm..He's the personality that takes over when Kurt is hurt, angry, or scared.." Blaine said softly.

Rachel nodded. Would Kurt ever get better?

"I'm..I'm just trying to get him home with me...This...This is.. literally.. killing me.." Blaine whispered.

"I don't know how you do it.."

"Neither do I.." Blaine admitted.

"How do you balance work and being here?" Rachel asked.

"I don't...I have to take off every other day..My boss has been really lenient about it..But..Its too much..I-I just know I'm gonna get fired.." Blaine said, sinking down to the floor as he sighed.

"Oh god, Blaine.."

"But..It's worth it..I nean..I'm pretty close to losing my apartment, but I could probably afford a little one bedroom on the outside of town..And the money I save with rent could go towards gas to see Kurt..Even though he'd be further away.."

"Blaine.. Can I do anything to help?" Rachel asked, bending down to sit next to him.

Blaine bit his lip, as he shook his head. "I-I can do this..Carole still covers Kurt's medical expenses..when I can take him home I'll be able to go to work as long as I keep the apartment safe.."

Rachel chewed on the inside on her lip as she tried to think of what she could do.

"If Kurt is good for the rest of the week..I'm going to ask his doctors to put him up for evaluation..To be released.." Blaine said quietly.

"But what about what just happened?" Rachel said seriously. "You'll be working and if..if Claude comes out.."

"Well..I'll just have to Claude-proof the apartment." Blaine said determinedly.

"You think they'll let him out?"

"I really hope so.."

"Do you want me to stay longer? I can help out a bit?"

"Really..I'm okay Rachel..Finn needs you at home.." Blaine said, pulling at the sleeve of his sweater. He had been wearing baggy clothes a lot lately so no one would notice the weight loss.

Rachel sighed, an idea already forming in her mind.

"Really..I'll be okay.." Blaine said. "Kurt's being really quiet.."

Rachel got up with Blaine and went back inside. Kurt was sitting on his bed, fiddling with the corner of his blanket and whispering to himself. "If you would just be good and stay quiet we can go home with Blaine. .But no..You have to fuck up everything by coming out and making Blaine mad..He hates you.."

"Baby?" Blaine asked softly as he moved closer.

Kurt looked to Blaine before back at the blanket. "I can't believe you..Just stay away from Blaine..We need to go home and we won't be able to if you keep fucking with me."

"Is he talking to Claude out loud..?" Rachel asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah..He does that sometimes.." Blaine said, sitting next to his husband. Rachel studied Kurt. The look on his face made her think Claude was yelling or fighting back.

"Just shut up..I'm not taking your shit anymore you..piece of shit.." Kurt growled. Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut, shuddering for a second before relaxing.

"You okay?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded, looking up at Blaine. "He's pissed.." He giggled.

Blaine couldn't help but laugh as he kissed Kurt's cheek. "You're getting stronger."

Kurt grinned, pulling Blaine into a hug.


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Awe perfect chapter! That song Kurt sang was so appropriate for the whole situation! I really hope you update more regularly I love this fic. A long wait for this one, but very worth it(:

I hate Claude. Blaine shuold let Rachel help out in any way she could. I know it hurts Blaine alot but damn if he aint a good husband. And it never said anything about Blaine telling Rachel they were married, did he? or did she just not really pay attention to what he said right there?