June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
Kurt sat in his room, examining his sunflower sprout. He ran his finger over the tiny hairs on the stem before tracing the veins in the leaves. He had been on his medicine for about two weeks now and his hallucinations had decreased greatly. His memory lapses couldn't be helped, and he only heard the voices on occasion. Today was the day he would ask Blaine if he could go home with him and he couldn't be more excited.
Blaine came in with a bag of freshly baked cookies and knocked on Kurt's door. Kurt jumped up, hurrying to the door and opening it. "Blaine!" He grinned.
"Hey beautiful." Blaine said happily.
Kurt leaned in, giving Blaine a chaste kiss. "So..."
Blaine raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "What is it?"
"I think I'm better.." Kurt said seriously.
"Really?" Blaine asked. "That's amazing baby."
"So does that mean I can go home?"
"I would love that. But it's up to your doctor."
Kurt gave a pout, crossing his arms. "Fine."
"You know I want you home. But when it's safe for you." Blaine said softly. Kurt looked down, wringing his hands anxiously. "You want to go talk to her?"
Kurt looked a bit unsure, but nodded. Blaine leaned in for a small kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said quietly, his hand twitching a bit. Blaine smiled softly, leading Kurt out. "W-What if she says no?..What if she says I can't go with you?..I don't want to stay away from you anymore.." Kurt said.
"Well, if she says no, I have an idea."
"What is it?" Kurt whispered, as if it were a big secret.
"You'll see," Blaine grinned. Kurt nodded, grabbing the back hem of Blaine's shirt and walking with him. They walked to the doctor's office and Blaine knocked softly. Dr. Gaine called them in and smiled. "Mr. Anderson. How can I help you?"
"Hi. We were just talking. Kurt says he's been doing much better." Blaine said confidently.
"Really?.." She smiled.
"I..I haven't let him come out..And..I've only hurt myself once since I-I started the medicine.." Kurt got out.
Dr. Gaine nodded. "You have been better."
"Well, Kurt says he's ready to come home. And I wanted your opinion."
"Well I'm not sure he's completely ready to leave just yet.." she said.
"I understand. But what if we just tried it. Just one night. I'd bring him back tomorrow.. Just to see how he does. Like a sleepover, if you will."
Kurt perked up, bouncing a bit. "Oh.." he gasped, clasping his hands together hopefully.
"Hmm.." Doctor Gaine hummed. "I'm not sure.."
"I'll eat my food, and take my medicine and ill be so, so good.." Kurt pleaded.
"You'll bring him back by four tomorrow afternoon?" She asked Blaine, still a little skeptical.
"Of course." Blaine nodded.
"I'd like to talk to you a little more, Mr. Anderson. Alone.."
Blaine nodded again and told Kurt to go stand in the hall.
"I don't normally do these things. If I let you take him, I will need you to sign a form saying that at any sign of his other personalities are coming out or he tries to run or hurt himself, you will bring him back immediately. I understand that you love him. But you are not trained to handle these situations. I'd be taking a huge risk." The doctor started. "But.. I do have to agree that he has been getting better. And I am curious to see how this will affect him."
"I understand completely. But I am positive he'll be okay with me." Blaine said before signing the forms the doctor pulled out.
"Alright, Mr. Anderson. You are all set."
"Thank you doctor. " Blaine said before walking out to see Kurt, who was already on his way to his room.
Kurt was nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "W-What did she say..?"
"She said yes.." Blaine smiled. Kurt's eyes went wide. He squealed, wrapping his arms around Blaine and hugged him tight. Blaine grinned. "So, will Blaine be there?" Kurt asked excitedly.
Blaine couldn't help but be a little disappointed. "He will be."
Kurt smiled. "Oh god, I look terrible. I can't let him see me like this.." he said before striding back to his room.
"You look fine, Kurt."
"I have to fix my hair." Kurt said, running his hands through the chestnut tresses.
Blaine just chuckled. "Alright."
Kurt did what he could with his hair and changed into the clothes he came in. He also grabbed his sunflower sprout, cradling it carefully in his hands.
"Are you ready?" Blaine asked softly.
"Yes.." Kurt smiled. Blaine lead Kurt outside and to his beat up car, opening the door for him. Kurt didn't get in, but wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and kissed him deeply. Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, placing his hands on his slender waist.
"Mmmm.." Kurt hummed, pulling away and licking his lips.
Blaine giggled. "You're so cute."
"Nuh uh.. " Kurt smiled, his lips brushing over Blaine's.
"Mhmm," Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt again. Kurt gave a soft moan and Blaine almost growled. He'd almost forgotten how much he missed the sound.
"Let's get home.." Blaine whispered. Kurt nodded, smiling at Blaine and climbing in the car. Blaine slid into the driver's seat and headed out for the long ride. Kurt kept his eyes outside, taking in the sights. "What do you think?" Blaine asked.
"It's so big!"
"Are you hungry?"
"Nope! " Kurt smiled. Blaine nodded, turning the radio on. Kurt bounced as a song he knew came on and he happily sang along. Blaine smiled as they headed home. It was about an hours drive and they finally made it. "Here we are."
Kurt looked up at the apartment building. "Oh Blaine.." he gasped. Blaine got out and opened Kurt's door, holding his hand as he got out. Kurt had a big smile on his face. "It's so perfect. "
"Really?" Blaine asked as they went inside.
"I love it.." Kurt whispered, in awe of the simple apartment.
"You want something to drink?" Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head as he walked around, examining every aspect of the new space. Blaine sat down on the couch and watched Kurt explore. His eyes were wide with excitement as he found Blaine's photo album.
"Can I?.." He whispered, looking over at Blaine.
"Of course."
He slowly walked over to the couch and climbed on, sitting back on his haunches. He opened the book and smiled as he saw a few pictures of Blaine and Cooper when they were younger. Blaine leaned over, telling Kurt about each picture. He came to the picture of he and Kurt before they moved to New York.
"Who is that?..Why is your arm around him?...Should I be jealous?" Kurt asked quickly as he pointed to himself.
"No baby. That was you a long time ago." Blaine explained.
Kurt quirked an eyebrow curiously. "Why don't I remember things?"
"I'm not sure. I think, maybe, since there are things you don't want to remember, other things are blocked out too."
"I remember that night..After West Side Story..When we went to your house and..well..You remember." Kurt giggled, pulling lightly on one of Blaine's curls and watching it spring back.
Blaine grinned. "I remember."
"I was so happy that night..I can't remember anything after that..I..ugh..I don't like this.." Kurt groaned.
"I know baby. It might come back though."
Kurt sighed, looking down. "I don't deserve you.."
"Why do you say that?" Blaine asked.
"Because..I'm..not right.." Kurt whispered.
"You don't remember some stuff. But most of the time, you know who I am. That's all I need, Kurt. I love you."
"How can you love me?..I'm not him.." Kurt said quietly, poining at himself in the picture.
"You are, Kurt." Blaine said seriously. "I will always love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said shakily.
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "I wish you could see what I do."
"I don't even know who I am.."
"You're Kurt Hummel. You're going to get better. You were better enough to come stay a night with me. You can do this. Then we will get married."
Kurt sniffed, nodding.
"I love you."
"I love you so much.."
Blaine leaned in to kiss Kurt softly. Kurt returned the kiss, humming softy.
"So perfect.." Blaine whispered. Kurt gave a weak smile. He had no idea how Blaine could think those things about him.
"What do you want to do while we're here?" Blaine asked.
"Anything is fine.."
"We could watch your old favorite movies and do take out. You used to love that."
"Sounds..g-good.." Kurt said, scratching his neck lightly. Blaine knew that look. He was trying to ignore Claude.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah..I just..shut up..you weren't supposed to ruin this.."
"I'm everywhere you go, Kurt. You can't get rid of me." Claude laughed menacingly.
Kurt growled, reaching up to pull his hair. "I won't let you ruin this.." He whispered.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Claude said cockily.
Blaine turned and pulled Kurt closer, wrapping his arms around him. "Don't let him out, baby. I'm right here.. I'm with you."
Kurt focused on Blaine. The way Blaine smelled, the feel of his shirt, everything. Blaine kissed the side of his neck, trying to help. "Please let me have this.." Kurt whispered.
"He needs to know. He needs to know you're not the same person. You'll never be normal. He'll never be happy with you!"
Kurt whimpered, pulling his hair harder. "H-He says i'm perfect.."
"You are perfect," Blaine repeated.
"Yes, Kurt. You're perfect for me."
Kurt bit his lip hard, before reaching to clutch to Blaine. Blaine rubbed up and down Kurt's back. "I love you. I love you so much."
"I-I...I love you too.."
"Try to shut him up, Kurt. Try to block him out. Just try.." Blaine said in Kurt's ear. "Remember...When we met.. I sent you that text. It said 'Courage'. You can do this, Kurt. Have courage."
"Courage?.." Kurt said quietly.
"Yes, baby. Courage. It's inside of you. You just have to find it." Blaine encouraged. Kurt nodded, trying to find the strength to clear his mind. He heard a faint voice coming from inside him. It was his mother. "Kurt.. You can do this."
Kurt pried his eyes open, looking up at Blaine. "I can do this.."
"You can." Blaine smiled.
Kurt took a few minutes to calm down. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Don't be." Blaine said softly.
"Kiss me.."
Blaine smiled as he leaned in to kiss Kurt. Kurt hummed softly, kissing Blaine back. Blaine brought a hand up and rested it on the back of Kurt's neck. Kurt brought a shaky hand up and let it lay on Blaine's as he traced his tongue over Blaine's lips. Blaine gasped softly, opening his lips for Kurt. Kurt slipped his tongue into Blaine's mouth and leaned against him. Blaine trailed his hands down to Kurt's hips and let out a quiet moan. Kurt returned the sound. This was the only time when he felt he was real. Nothing was on his mind but Blaine. He was the only thing that invaded his senses.Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and growled in the back of his throat. Kurt gave a soft gasp, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
"I love you so much.." Blaine whispered between kisses.
"I..love you too.." Kurt said just as quietly. "I want you..Blaine.."
"Are you sure?" Blaine asked softly. Kurt nodded, despite the uncertainty that flickered in his eyes. "Just like last time. If we need to stop, tell me. It will be okay."
"Okay.." Kurt said, already cursing the whisper in the back of his head. Blaine lifted Kurt and carried him to his bedroom. He laid them down and slowly started to undress each other. Kurt kept his eyes open, watching how Blaine moved, how the fabric slid over his olive skin. Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said quietly. Blaine brought a hand up ans cupped Kurt's cheek as he slicked himself up. Kurt ran his hands over Blaine's shoulders and back, pressing small kisses to his lips. He reached between them and traced his fingertips over Blaine's shaft, gasping quietly. Blaine smiled at the touch. "I've missed this."
"I...So did I..Wait..I want to.." He flipped them over, wrapping his hand around Blaine's length. Blaine gasped. His eyes darkened as he moaned. Kurt looked down at the thick flesh in his hands. He slowly ran his hand up and down, squeezing lightly. "Big.." He breathed out shakily.
"Mmm, Kurt.."
Kurt looked up at Blaine before leaning down to lick and kiss up his shaft. He cringed a bit at the taste of the lube, but the feel of Blaine on his lips and tongue was too good to resist. Blaine let his head drop back onto the pillows. "Kurt.."
Kurt pulled off. "Blaine..I need to see your face.."
Blaine scooted up the bed, sitting up slightly and smiling at his boyfriend. Kurt smiled back, leaning in to kiss him softly before going back down and sucking the head into his mouth. Blaine gasped, tangling his hands in his own hair. He slowly pushed his head down, taking Blaine to the hilt.
"Oh my god.." Blaine breathed out. Kurt hummed softly, swallowing around him. Blaine let out a small whine of pleasure as he looked at Kurt with lust-filled eyes. Kurt pulled off, climbing up Blaine's body. "You're so sexy, Kurt." Blaine whispered, their lips almost touching.
Kurt smiled, "Really?.."
Blaine nodded. "Very."
Kurt blushed, leaning in to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine moaned, pulling Kurt closer.
"Please..I need..Blaine.."
Blaine nodded, rolling his hips up. Kurt moaned deeply, tugging on Blaine's curls. Blaine spread Kurt before lowering him. Kurt gasped harshly. "Blaine..." He whispered shakily.
"Oh fuck, Kurt.."
Kurt looked down at Blaine. "I..I..love you.."
"I love you too.. So much.." Blaine whispered. Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine sweetly before he began to rock his hips. Blaine rested his hands on Kurt's hips, moaning his boyfriend's name. Kurt let out a loud whine at the sound, threading his fingers through the thick, dark curls on his lover's head. "Blaine..I want your hands on me like this forever..Y-You make me so...ah..happy.."
Blaine rocked his body with Kurt's. "So do you, baby.."
Kurt's moans grew louder, as he sat up, running his hands down Blaine's chest. Blaine gasped, tilting his head back. "Blaine..Blaine!" Kurt moaned. Blaine rolled his hips with Kurt's movements. Kurt gasped harshly, his mind blank as he lost himself in the pleasure.
"Kurt.. Oh Kurt.."
They moved together, panting harshly. It almost felt.. normal. Blaine gave a needy whine as he thrust up harder. Kurt gasped sharply, beginning to bounce himself on Blaine's member. "Ohgod..Ah! Yes!"
Blaine's eyes darkened further as he watched Kurt ride him, reveling in his moans.
"Blaine...ungh..F-Fuck me.." Kurt panted. Blaine saw his cheeks get even darker at the the word and his teeth kneaded his perfect, pink bottom lip.
"Shit, Kurt! So fucking sexy.." Blaine moaned loudly.
Kurt gave a small cry as Blaine grabbed his hips and thrust up. "Ah! Oh, righthere! Ungh!"
Blaine continued to thrust up, hitting that spot every time. Kurt couldn't handle it, it only took about three more thrusts before he was coming undone. His back arched and his mouth hung open as he came across Blaine's chest. Blaine gave a low grunt as he spilled himself inside Kurt. Kurt trembled, his hands lightly twitching on Blaine's chest as he came down. The younger laced their fingers together, panting heavily.
Blaine gave a sated smile as he slowly stroked Kurt's side.
"I love you.."
"I love you too."
Kurt pulled off and rested his head on Blaine's chest. They laid there like that before falling asleep in each others arms.
Blaine woke up in the middle of the night and Kurt wasn't in the bed. He panicked, getting up and going to look for him. He looked in every room and he was nowhere to be found until Blaine looked to the balcony. Kurt was standing in one of Blaine's button-ups and nothing more. He was leaning over the railing, gazing down at the busy streets. Blaine sighed heavily as he opened the door. "Baby?"
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked as he wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind.
Kurt simply nodded.
"What are you thinking about?"
"When will I get to stay here with you?.."
"I don't know.. I wish you could stay." Blaine whispered.
"So do I...Can we go get married? "
"You want to get married now?" Blaine asked softly.
"I'll always want to get married to you." Kurt said, sitting up.
Blaine bit his lip. "Stay right here. I'll be back."
Kurt looked up. "Where are you going?..."
"My room." Blaine said before going inside. It took a few minutes before he came back, looking nervous. "I bought this when we used to live together." He said. He got down on one knee and held up a small black box. Inside was a beautiful silver band with emeralds. "I know diamonds are traditional. But these are rare.. L-Like what we have. So, Kurt Hummel.. Will you accept this ring to be my husband?"
Kurt gasped softly. "Blaine..Of course..." He whispered. "Yes..."
Blaine stood, sliding the ring on Kurt's finger. "You want to go down to the courthouse? Its not that late.."
Kurt pulled Blaine close, kissing him deeply.
Blaine melted against Kurt. "I love you more than anything, Kurt.."
"Blaine...I-I know I want this...but. Are you sure you do?.."
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have held onto this." Blaine said seriously. "You're all I want."
Kurt smiled, tears welling up in his eyes as he wrung his fingers. "Blaine...Blaine..I.."
"You want to?" Blaine asked, grinning. Kurt smiled wide, nodding. They got dressed and headed out.
They went to the Justice of the peace and it was simple. The court provided witnesses and they exchanged vows. Kurt had a bit of trouble, tripping over his words and getting a bit confused, but Blaine knee what he was trying to say. As soon as they were told to, Kurt threw his arms around Blaine and kissed him deeply. Blaine smiled into the kiss, holding Kurt close.
"I love you so much.." Kurt smiled. "I love you.."
"I'm so in love with you." Blaine said, tears in his eyes.
Kurt smiled wide. "Let's go home.."
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt again before picking his husband up and carrying out the door. When they got back, they laid in bed, cuddling and kissing softly.
"Thank you." Blaine whispered.
"For what?.." Kurt said, just as quietly.
"Tonight.. It's so perfect.."
"We're married.."
"We are.."
"I never thought this would actually happen.." Kurt whispered. "I just always thought I was gonna be alone and stuck there and crazy..Well..I still am..Just a little less...But I'm your husband...And you..I love you.." Kurt said.
"You're not crazy. You're my beautiful husband that I am completely in love with."
Kurt grinned wide, leaning in to kiss his husband. "You're perfect.." he whispered.
"So are you baby."
The older man rested his head on Blaine's chest, tracing his fingers through the hair there before slowly falling asleep.
The next morning, Blaine got up and cooked them a big breakfast. They spent the day together, laughing and enjoying marriage. Kurt had gotten into the habit of wearing Blaine's button up, and nothing else. He loved it and it made him feel like Blaine was always holding him because it smelled like his cologne. It was almost time to leave and Blaine was trying to get Kurt dressed.
"You should keep that shirt. You look...really good in it.." Blaine said, biting his lip.
"Really?" Kurt smiled, cocking his hips to the side slightly.
"Mmm, yeah.."
Kurt bit his lip and began walking down the hall, swinging his hips slightly.
"You can't even imagine what it makes me want to do." Blaine said lowly, following Kurt.
Kurt smiled, turning around. "Why don't you show me?.."
Blaine raised an eyebrow as his eyes darkened. He grabbed Kurt by his hips, roughly pressing him against the wall.
Kurt gasped, his heartbeat beginning to pound like a hammer as he squeezed his eyes shut. A dark alley, strange breath on his skin. Lips. Hands. Invading. Pushing, ripping. Stealing. Kurt tried to fight but the man was too strong. No one heard his screams as he was slammed against the brick, forced to look into his eyes. The eyes he'd never forget. Kurt screamed, trying to push Blaine off of him.
"NO! Stop! Stop please!" He yelled.
Blaine immediately pulled back. "Baby? What happened? What's wrong?"
Kurt crumpled into a ball on the floor before trying to scoot away from Blaine. "D-Don't touch me! Go away!"
"Kurt.. It's me. It's Blaine.."
"Don't!..Don't.." Kurt had his head between his knees, sobbing harshly as he pulled his hair. Blaine backed up, his eyes with with fear. what had he done? Kurt was shaking, whimpering softly as he huddled into a corner. "B-Blaine...Blaine...Blaine.."
Blaine crouched down, making sure not to get too close. "I'm right here, baby. Blaine's here.."
Kurt peeked out a bit, his eyes filled with fear and tears.
"It's just me. It's safe. I promise.."
"O-okay.." Kurt whispered, lifting his head more.
"It's okay. Slowly baby.. It'll be okay." Blaine encouraged.
Kurt took a few deep breaths. "What..What just happened?"
Blaine shook his head. "I don't know.."
Kurt closed his eyes. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Don't be. I shouldn't have.." Blaine said quietly. "Come on. I have to get you back."
Kurt looked down, tears filling his eyes. Whatever just happened, it made Blaine not want to touch him anymore.
"O-okay.." he said, slowly standing on shaky legs. Blaine got Kurt's things together, fighting tears as they headed back. Kurt sat as far away from Blaine on the ride back, huddled against the car door and sniffling quietly. This is not what he thought marriage was supposed to be like.. They got back and got Kurt checked in. Blaine walked Kurt to his room and kissed the top of his head. "I love you.."
Kurt looked down, scratching lightly at his wrist. "I love you too.." he whispered.
"I have work.. I'll come back tomorrow.." Blaine said, looking anywhere but at Kurt.
"I'm sorry whatever I did, I'm sorry..I won't wear your shirts like that a-anymore and..I-I'm sorry I cried..I'm sorry. I just forget sometimes. I won't forget.. and..I just.." Kurt's breathing was rapid. He was shaking and digging his nails into his skin. "I'll be better..I-I'll be better.."
Blaine swallowed his tears and slowly wrapped his arms around Kurt. "You didn't do anything, Kurt. I did."
"No..No...I'm wrong..I'm wrong..I'm wrong.." Kurt got out, his voice slowly raising. "You..I can't be there..I'm sick..I'm wrong..I'm disgusting!"
"No you're not! If you were, I would not have married you. I fucked up." Blaine said seriously.
"You didn't do anything! You didn't!" Kurt clawed down his forearms and began whispering harshly to himself. Blaine couldn't really make it out, but gasped as he remembered, Kurt hadn't taken his medicine. He quickly ran to get a nurse before coming back and trying to calm Kurt. Kurt was huddled Back against the wall, sobbing heavily. His arms were bleeding a bit and he was still whispering. He wouldn't look at Blaine, keeping his head tilted down.
"She's almost here baby.. Just hold on.." Blaine whispered.
"You can't stay with him he'll hurt you..He'll hurt you or himself..One of you will end up dead.." Kurt growled darkly.
"Kurt.. what're talking about..?"
"Blaine..You tried but you can't deal with this. You're too fragile to have the violent instability.."
"You're wrong."
Claude chuckled, looking up at Blaine with that menacing glare "He is weak..How do you think I got out?..He can't stop me without the drugs.."
Just then, the nurse came in with sedatives and Kurt's medicine. Claude glared at her, slowly backing away. Two men stepped in first, each grabbing an arm as she gave Kurt the shot. He thrashed a bit before he looked up at Blaine with confused eyes and slowly faded into sleep.
Blaine sighed to himself, deciding to call into work and wait for Kurt to wake up. He laid in the bed with him, stroking his hair as the nurses bandaged his arms and left. Kurt slowly woke up almost two hours later. He looked up at Blaine. "You're still here?.."
Blaine nodded. "I couldn't leave you like that after last night.." he said, lacing their hands together.
"Last night?.."
Blaine held Kurt's ring finger up and kissed it. "Mhm.."
"When did I get that?.." kurt whispered.
"Last night. We got married.. You don't remember..?" Blaine asked, his eyes wide with fear. Kurt sat up, confused. He looked between Blaine and his ring. "Kurt, please remember.."
"What are you talking about?..We aren't married.." Kurt said seriously.
"I-I'm gonna..go.." Blaine whispered as his heart broke.
"Wait.." Kurt said, his eyebrows kneading together.
"I know you..But..I'm sorry.."
"You did nothing wrong.."
Kurt nodded, looking ashamed.
"I'll see you tomorrow.." Blaine bit back his tears as he walked out.
Thank you so much sweetie :D
You are an amazing writer you got me hooked on the first chapter now I'm yearning for more! This story is different from what I usually read here, but it's seriously the best ever. I love the plot, I love everything about it. Please update soon!! Again, you are amazing.
This was really good. It was nice to see Blaine and Kurt have some time by themselves and to see Kurt be able to push Claude away when he was taking his medicine. I felt so bad for Blaine when Kurt didn't remember that they had gotten married. I can't wait to see what happens next.
i just busted out crying in my phylosopy class...i dont know if you care but i've been...i had ..have mental issues... this story...i just dont know what to tell you...your an amazing writer/storyteller though..
Idk if thats a good or bad thing.. Of course we care about our readers. You all keep us going. If you ever want to talk, we're here :) Thank you..
Omggg that's all I can say for this chapter :( But I just want to hug Blaine