June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked.
"Where are we?.." Kurt asked.
"We transferred you to a new hospital," Blaine said softly. Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together, his eyes darting down.
"What is it?"
"When did we leave?..."
"A couple of hours ago.."
Kurt nodded, bringing a hand up to pull his hair lightly.
"Come on.. We'll watch the weather channel.." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, still looking a bit distressed as they walked down the hall. Blaine took Kurt's hand as they sat on the couch and turned the television on. Kurt relaxed against Blaine, cuddling up next to him. "How are you feeling?" Blaine asked.
"Good.." Kurt sighed, watching the tv before the nagging voice in the back of his head.
'He was with someone else..' Claude said snidely.
"He didn't know," Elizabeth tried to reason.
"He fucked them. He got fucked by them..He forgot about you.." Claude countered.
"You heard him, baby. He thought of you all the time. He missed you."
Kurt shifted in his chair, not wanting to let on to Blaine that this was happening.
"He probably told them he loved them too.." Claude hissed.
"It wasn't the same. Blaine said it never felt right," Elizabeth said back.
Kurt brought hand up, slowly covering one of his ears as he tried to block them out.
"But he still did it," Claude argued. "He was not thinking about you when he was with the others. He stopped loving you.."
"He never stopped loving you, baby boy. Blaine wants to marry you. He loves you."
"Stop lying to him!" Claude hissed. "And after they are married, he will tire of him and leave him again. He is disgusted by you. Why do you think he held out so long? Filthy.."
"Don't listen to him! Blaine was waiting for the right time. You know him. He saved you baby.. He got rid of that disgusting man.. Now let's get rid of Claude.. Do not listen to him! He's only here because you're scared. But you're strong Kurt. You can overcome this."
Claude and Elizabeth began to argue in his head and Kurt couldn't take it, the screaming right in his ears. He curled up in a ball, the tears streaming down his cheeks as he dug his nails into his scalp.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hands and pulled him close. "Don't listen. Shh.. It's okay, Kurt.."
Kurt tried to pull away to pull his hair, scratch his arms, anything. But Blaine's grip was too strong.
"Don't let him hurt you," Blaine said, looking up and calling for a nurse.
"If I do they'll stop!" Kurt yelled.
"You have to ignore them baby.. Please.."
"I can't! It sounds like they're sitting right next to me..They're just as loud and clear a-As you! You don't know!" Kurt cried.
A nurse came running over. "We'll take it from here."
Kurt tried to pull away from them as well, frightened by the unfamiliar faces as they pulled him up. Blaine watched in horror, still not used to seeing this. They carried Kurt to a room and Blaine saw them inject him with something, making him stop screaming before the door was closed. "W-What was that?" Blaine asked.
"A mild sedative.." The doctor ensured Blaine, giving him a weak smile.
"Can I wait..?"
"Of course." She nodded. "If you'd like there's coffee in the dining room. Just ask one of the workers."?
Blaine gave a small smile, thanking her and doing just that. He sat in the empty dining room, sipping the coffee from his mug slowly. He thought about what Kurt said, staring down into the murky black liquid. Maybe this place could really help.. He just wanted to do everything he could to keep Kurt safe and happy and have him feeling better. Blaine sighed deeply. He wished he had someone that he could talk to about this.
Suddenly as if someone had been listening, a young girl that looked no older than eighteen sat next to Blaine and frowned at the sandwich she held. "Wanna trade?.." She asked, smiling. She had short brown hair and dull green eyes and had to have been the thinnest person Blaine had ever seen in his life.
Blaine gave a soft smile. "You can have it."
She nodded, thanking Blaine as she took the coffee and placed the wrapped up sandwich in front of him anyway.
"What's your name?"
"Raleigh..You?.." She asked, sipping the coffee slowly.
"Blaine," He said, smiling lightly.
"Blaine..Well I haven't seen you around here before Blaine..And you don't look like you belong here." She said, looking down at his clothes.
"I brought my boyfriend.."
She nodded, pushing the coffee away, seemingly done with it. She rested her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand. Blaine was somewhat afraid her arm was going to snap if any pressure was applied. "Tough break.." She said quietly. "If he's in here it's not for anything good.."
Blaine shook his head, unable to look away from her fragile frame. "He's been through a lot.."
"We all have.." She sighed, looking out the window. "I just got transferred here last week. To old to be an adolescent now. Happy birthday to me, huh?" She smiled, laughing lightly.
"Why are you here..? If you want to talk about it," Blaine said softly.
"Anorexia nervosa..Also Bulimia nervosa." She said without a second thought.
Blaine nodded. "I'm not sure if this helps but I don't think I've ever seen anyone that tiny."
"Thanks." She grinned, giving a laugh. "I've been workin' on it for two years." Her strong New York accent was starting to become more apparent the more she talked to Blaine.
"Does it help? Being here?"
"Not really..They just try to get me to eat..try to scare me into eating. Therapy, the whole nine yards." She shrugged.
Blaine sighed. "I don't know what to do."
"What's your boyfriend in here for?.." Raleigh asked softly.
Blaine explained the basics, leaving out the major parts that weren't his business to tell.
Raleigh made a long hissing noise. "Yikes.." She said, pulling a face. "You said he's getting better though right?.."
"Yeah. But I don't know. I've never been around this before. I don't know if I'll be able to take him home.. If I'll be able to marry him.." Blaine said, focusing on the coffee again.
"I wish I had someone like you here to look after me..This is kinda like one of them tragic romances." Raleigh said, before straightening up. "You just have to have faith. You know how strong he is, right?"
Blaine nodded. "I don't know if he knows though.."
"You just have to make sure he does." She said. "Remind him."
"Thanks," Blaine said, actually feeling better.
"You're welcome..Keep your chin up." She smiled,
"You too. And if you ever want someone to talk to and I'm here, I'll listen," Blaine said softly.
She nodded, smiling. "I'd rather talk to you than my therapist.." She chuckled.
"I understand," Blaine laughed lightly.
"And if I ever see Kurt around I'll stop and talk to him too..What's he look like?" She asked.
Blaine told her just about every detail of Kurt. How beautiful he is, the color of his hair and eyes. He blushed and looked down. "Sorry.. I get carried away sometimes.. But that would mean a lot to me if you did."
Raleigh grinned. "Don't worry, It's cute," she said. "And I will.."
Blair smiled. "Thanks.."
They sat and talked about just about everything until Raleigh looked over and saw Kurt standing timidly in the door. "Blaine?.."
Blaine turned. "Hey baby. Come sit. This is Raleigh."
Kurt slowly walked over, his arms wrapped around his middle as he inspected her face.
"Hi Kurt," she said softly. "I stay here too."
"You know Blaine?.." He said softly, a bit more out of it than usual. Blaine decided to blame it on the sedative.
"We just met," Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Sick.." Kurt said quietly, sitting down.
"I'm sorry," Blaine said, scooting over and taking Kurt's hand.
"I'm sorry...I yelled at you.." Kurt said quietly. His eyes darting from Blaine to the table.
"It's okay, Kurt. I know it's frustrating. But I don't want you to hurt yourself."
Kurt nodded, rubbing up and down his scabbed arms before looking up at Raleigh, who happened to be looking at them.
She gave a slight smile and changed the subject. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-nine..I think.." Kurt said timidly, looking over at Blaine to confirm this.
Blaine nodded. "What about you?"
"Just turned eighteen." She said sweetly. "You'll like it here.." Raleigh said to Kurt.
"Really?" Kurt asked.
"Really..They're all really nice.." Raleigh said softly.
Kurt nodded. "I like how it looks."
Kurt began to become more comfortable with Raleigh and the conversation turned to music.
"You know the rec room has a piano in it." Raleigh smiled.
"Do you remember playing?" Blaine asked.
Kurt nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"You should teach me sometime," Raleigh said. "I mess around on it. But I don't know what I'm doing."
"I-I could.." Kurt said, scratching lightly at the stitches on his wrist.
Blaine smiled, glad that Kurt chose this place.
"Can we go see it?.." Kurt whispered to Blaine, staring at the space beside his head before looking to him.
"Yeah," Blaine said softly.
Kurt smiled, looking to Raleigh. "Does she want to come?.."
Raleigh nodded, getting up and showing them where it was. Kurt hurried over to the piano, gasping softly as he let his fingers hover over the pristine white keys.
"Go ahead," Raleigh encouraged.
Kurt sat, taking a few deep breaths before hitting three random keys. The sound reverberating through the quiet room.
Blaine sat next to Kurt. "Don't think. Do what comes natural."
Kurt nodded, closing his eyes. "O-Okay.." he whispered, taking a moment before he slowly started playing. He sped up, playing the classical song he had been listening to this morning.
Raleigh leaned against the piano. "Wow.."
Kurt was concentrating on the music as Blaine nodded, grinning. "That's amazing.."
"Do you play?" Raleigh asked Blaine.
"Yeah. We used to play together." Blaine said softly.
"That's so sweet.."
"We were in glee club." Blaine smiled. "He has the most beautiful voice."
"Oh! I love singing," Raleigh said, her eyes lighting up.
"Really?.." Blaine grinned. "I'd love to hear it.
Raleigh blushed lightly.
Kurt stopped playing. "Do you want to sing something?" He asked quickly.
"Oh.. I-I don't know what to sing.."
"What's your favorite song?" Kurt asked, looking back down at the piano and running his fingertips over the keys.
"Well there is one that I've been listening to a lot.."
"What is it?.." Blaine asked softly.
"Unpretty.." Raleigh said quietly. Kurt nodded, taking that as his queue to begin playing.
Raleigh took a deep breath, turning around so she couldn't see them and started to sing.
"I wish could tie you up in my shoes
Make you feel unpretty too
I was told I was beautiful
But what does that mean to you
Look into the mirror who's inside there
The one with the long hair
Same old me again today
My outsides look cool
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I'm through
It's because of you
I've tried different ways
But it's all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I'm just trippin'.."
Kurt smiled at her voice and as did Blaine. She had a very soulful voice for such a small girl.
"You can buy your hair if it won't grow
You can fix your nose if he says so
You can buy all the make up
That M.A.C. can make
But if you can't look inside you
Find out who am I too
Be in the position to make me feel
So damn unpretty
I'll make you feel unpretty too.." She ended the song early, turning back around.
Kurt stopped playing, giving quick little claps and smiling wide. "You're very good..Who are you again?.."
"Raleigh.." She said softly.
"I love your voice." Kurt said sincerely.
Blaine nodded in agreement. "That was amazing.
Raleigh's blush returned. "Thank you.."
Kurt nodded, his hand twitching on the piano a bit. "Ugh.." he growled in frustration.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked.
"My hand..It's been doing it all week."
"Does it hurt?"
"A little.." Kurt said quietly.
"Tell you doctor next time you see her," Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, gripping his wrist as his hand twitched again.
"You want to see her now?" Raleigh asked. Kurt nodded, seeming more frustrated than scared as his hand started to spasm under his grip. Blaine wrapped an arm around his boyfriend as they walked to Doctor Gaine's office.
"Kurt." She smiled as they walked in. "How are you feeling?"
"Kinda sick.. But my hand is twitching.."
She raised an eyebrow. "When did this start?" She asked, walking up to him and gently taking his hand in hers.
"I don't know.. About a week ago." Kurt told her.
She led him back to her examination room, but not before telling Raleigh her therapist wanted to have a word with her. Kurt sat down while she examined his arm and wrist, "Kurt, do you know how deep the cut on your wrist was?.."
Kurt shook his head. "No.."
"Well..I think you might've hit a nerve or a group of nerves.."
"I didn't do it.." Kurt said seriously.
"I'm going to have to examine you a little more. If it's nerve damage, it is permanent. But physical therapy can help."
Kurt nodded, his eyebrows kneading together as she flexed his wrist.
"Have you had any feelings of weakness, dry eyes or mouth, numbness, tingling or pricking?" Doctor Gaine asked.
"U-Uh..I don't think so.." Kurt said, looking down at his hand.
"Good. We'll set you up in physical therapy and keep an eye on it."
Kurt nodded, looking over at Blaine.
"Will it get worse..?" Blaine asked.
"He could lose feeling and not be able to use his hand at all, but that's what we're trying to prevent."
Blaine nodded. "Okay.."
Kurt looked worried, squeezing Blaine's hand as he examined his own.
"We'll fix it in time baby.. Just don't scratch at it anymore.."
Kurt nodded biting his lips. "O-Okay....."
"I'll get that set up. Is there anything else I can help you with, Kurt?"
"I want to start taking medicine.." Kurt said, making Blaine raise an eyebrow. Burt specifically told the doctors he didn't want to have Kurt medicated.
"Are you sure?" Doctor Gaine asked.
"I want this to be over.." Kurt said, nodding.
"I'll go over your file again and see what would be best."
Kurt nodded, looking down at his hand again.
She dismissed them and blaine walked Kurt back to his room. "What changed your mind?"
"I've always wanted it..Dad doesn't.." Kurt said.
"Why didn't he..?"
"Because..He didn't want to see me drugged up.." Kurt said quietly.
"Why do you want it?" blaine asked.
"So I can get better and go home with Blaine.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine nodded. "Okay.."
Kurt sighed quietly, leaning against the wall as his mother's voice entered his ear.
"He didn't want this for you Kurt, and neither do I.."
'What if it helps? I don't want him around..' Kurt thought to his mother.
"And what if it changes who you are?.." She asked. Kurt sighed aloud. "Then it does..But I won't be crazy anymore.." He said quietly.
Blaine looked up. "What?"
Kurt blinked, looking over at Blaine. "What?.."
"You said you won't be crazy anymore.."
"I did?..Oh.." Kurt said quietly.
"Just..Thinking out loud.." Kurt whispered.
"You're not crazy," Blaine said seriously.
Kurt looked over at Blaine. "What do you call it?.."
"I don't know. But you're here, talking to me. You're not crazy."
Kurt shook his head, looking down.
"Why do you think that?"
"I-I'm in a mental hospital..Look at me..I hallucinate, I have multiple personalities, I forget things..I-I forget you..If you didn't know me, you would say..I was crazy.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine sighed. "People don't know much about these things. It isn't what they know. I love you. This isn't your fault, Kurt. Sometimes, bad things happen. We have to deal with them however we can. You will get better. You will come home. And we will get married."
Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine. "Thank you.." He whispered.
"You just have to believe it," Blaine said, walking over and taking Kurt's hands. "You might feel weak. But you are one of the strongest people I know."
Kurt didn't feel that way, but he nodded again.
"Please believe me.. I know I don't deserve it.. But I need you to believe in us.."
"I love you.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with tear-filled eyes.
"I love you too.." Blaine said quietly.
"I do believe in us.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine gave a weak smile, hoping it would be enough to get them through this. Kurt looked up, whimpering softly before burying his face in Blaine's neck. "What's wrong..?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I-I don't know..I'm sorry..I'm scared..I'm tired.."
Blaine rubbed Kurt's back softly. "What's scaring you? You can tell me."
"I feel like I'm gonna die.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine pulled back, cupping Kurt's cheek. "Why do you say that?"
"I don't know..I just do..I..I feel like it's coming..I-I'm scared...But..Sometimes I feel like I want it.." Kurt whispered shakily.
"Kurt.." Blaine said in a broken whisper.
Kurt couldn't look at Blaine as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry.."
"You can be honest with me. It's just.. I tried to move on when I thought you didn't want me.. I tried. But I can't. I-I can't live without you, Kurt.."
Kurt took in a shaky breath, "Don't say that.."
"I'm not happy without you.." Blaine said quietly.
"What if something happens..?"
"Like what?"
"If..Claude..Hurts me.." Kurt whispered, pulling a hand up to pull his hair a bit.
"He can't do it if you don't let him." Blaine whispered. "I don't know if I could.. I just.. I can't.."
"But if he does..Promise me you won't do..Anything.." Kurt whispered desperately.
Blaine was quietly for a long, drawn out minute. "I'll try.."
"Promise me." Kurt said, raising his voice.
"Why?" Blaine asked. "You don't know.. I'm nothing without you.."
"God dammit, promise me Blaine!" Kurt yelled.
"Kurt, I don't fucking know what would happen! I don't want to think about it! I lost you once.. I can't do it again.." Blaine breathed out, biting his lip to hold his tears in. Kurt brought both of his hands up to his hair and sank to the floor, resting his forehead between his knees. "This isn't easy for me.. To see you like this. But I'm here.. Fighting for you. But I don't know if..if you really want to try.."
Kurt looked up at Blaine suddenly "W-What do you mean I don't want to try?..."
"Try to be okay and go home with me. You sound like you're giving up then telling me I'm not allowed.."
"You can't give up..A-And I can't help feeling like I want to..I-I have him in my ear..I.." Kurt dug his nails into the sides of his neck. "I can't!"
Blaine dropped to his knees and took Kurt's hands. "I didn't say you can't feel that way. But you're telling me you.. That you love me.. Then trying to prepare me for losing you. I can't do that.." Blaine whispered.
"I just don't want you to hurt y-yourself..." Kurt whimpered.
"If you're asking be not to kill myself, I can tell you I dont plan on it. But i won't be happy. I won't have a life. I'll be alone.."
"I'll try..I want to be with you..I-I want to stay w-with you as..as long as I can.." Kurt whispered, his eyes filled with tears.
"Please don't give up.." Blaine begged, holding Kurt closely.
"I won't..I won't.." Kurt whispered, clutching to Blaine.
"I'll always be here. I promise. And there's a phone out there. If you want to call me, you can. I'll always be here."
Kurt nodded again. "I just want to be happy with you..I-I want to get married..And be normal..And..And..I can't..Give you that.." Kurt panted, gripping the carpet, feeling like the floor was falling from underneath him. The walls were shifting and the only thing not moving was Blaine. He grabbed onto him, whimpering.
"You can, Kurt. You already make me happy. You just have to get through this first."
Kurt nodded, the tears coming more freely as the world crumbled around him. "I-I'm so scared.."
"I know.. If you feel him coming, find a nurse or me. Someone will be here to stop him from hurting you."
Kurt nodded again, panting harshly. "There's someone else.."
"What?" Blaine asked, the fear obvious in his voice.
"I-I don't know.." Kurt squeezed his eyes closed.
"I don't know!" Kurt yelled, squeezing his eyes closed.
"I-I don't understand.." Blaine whispered, not wanting to upset Kurt more.
Kurt shook his head, whimpering softly.
"I'm sorry.."
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, trying to calm his breath.
Blaine looked at the window and sighed. "It's getting late.."
"Don't go.." Kurt whimpered.
"I don't think they'll let me stay.."
Kurt, sighed shakily. "I can't do this without you.."
"Yes you can, baby. I know you can. And if you need to talk when I'm not here, why don't you go to Raleigh? She's pretty nice."
Kurt nodded, his breath slowing a bit.
"You won't be alone," Blaine said softly.
"O-Okay.." Kurt whispered. He gasped harshly, his body tightening around Blaine.
"What is it?" Blaine asked quickly.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, his eyes almost brown as he examined Blaine's face.
"What's wrong, Kurt?"
"Who's Kurt?.." Kurt asked, his voice lower, yet feminine. "Who are you?.."
"I'm Blaine.."
"How did you get in here?.."
"I came to see my boyfriend. Who are you?" Blaine asked softly.
"Eleanor..And I'm sorry, but your boyfriend isn't here.." She said standing. This personality was different, Blaine noted how she wasn't aware of Kurt and the others like the rest were.
"Do you want to talk while I wait for him..?"
"Talk?.." She asked timidly. "I-I don't know..I..I wouldn't know what to talk about.."
"Anything," Blaine said softly. "What do you like to do?"
"I-I don't do much.."
"Well, why not?" Blaine asked.
"It's just me here.." She explained, giving a nervous laugh.
"Do you like music? Or movies?"
Eleanor nodded, looking down.
"Maybe we can be friends?" Blaine asked. "I can bring in movies on my phone."
"Oh no, sweetie..I couldn't bother you like that..I try not to bother anyone anymore.."
"You're not bothering me." Blaine said softly.
"I-I just..I've accepted being alone.." She whispered.
"How come? No one should be alone."
"I don't have any family..I've just..Always been alone.." Eleanor said, sitting in the chair.
"Well I'm here now," Blaine smiled.
"And you'll leave.." She whispered before closing her eyes, freezing up a bit.
"I'll go home. But I'll be back."
She shook her head before crossing the room and grabbing Blaine's hands. She started to say something, but stopped and gasped harshly and Blaine knew Kurt was back in control.
"Hey.." Blaine said quietly.
"What just happened?.." Kurt whispered.
"I met the new one.."
"Th-The new one?..." Kurt asked, eyes wide.
"What new one?.."
"Her name is Eleanor." Blaine explained.
"I-I don't want a new one.."
Blaine sighed, pulling Kurt close. "I know baby.."
Kurt was shaking. Someone else in his head, hearing and seeing everything he did..He was four people..He wasn't he..He was them.
"We'll figure this out.." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt nodded. "I-I..I love..You.." He got out.
"I love you too, Kurt. Do you want to lay and rest before I go?"
"Will you hold me?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"Yeah. Come on," Blaine said, leading Kurt to the bed. Kurt nodded, climbing into the soft bed with his boyfriend. Blaine cuddled up to Kurt, holding him close. Kurt was still shaking, holding on to Blaine for dear life. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "Are you scared to go to sleep..?" Kurt nodded, looking up at Blaine.
"He can't get you now. He's gone. In jail by now. He can't hurt you anymore.."
Kurt nodded again, kissing Blaine's jaw.
"I love you so much, Kurt."
"I love you too.." Kurt sighed. They laid like that for awhile until a nurse came in and told Blaine visiting hours were over. Kurt still hadn't fallen asleep and whimpered softly, tightening himself around Blaine. "I have to go, baby.."
"Can I call you?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"Always. I keep my phone on me at work just in case." Blaine said softly.
"O-Okay.." Kurt said, loosening his grip a bit.
Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt. "Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight.." Kurt whispered, running his fingers down Blaine's cheek and letting him climb out of bed.
Blaine gave a reassuring smile before walking out. "Can I see Doctor Gaine before I go?"
"Of course. She's in her office." The nurse said softly.
Blaine walked to her office and knocked on the door. Dr. Gaine instructed him to come in and smiled as she saw him. "Mr. Anderson. What can I do for you?"
"I umm.. I have a few questions.."
"Well I'd be glad to answer them." She said, gesturing to the seat in front of her desk. "Have a seat."
"Are Kurt's alters random? Or is there a reason each one is the way they are?" Blaine asked.
"The personalities are coping mechanisms to deal with things too painful, or to release pent up emotions. They are completely random on who they can be, but the personalities are usually based on the inner turmoil..." The doctor explained.
"So, Claude.. Kurt, somewhere inside of him, he feels like how Claude acts?"
Dr. Gaine grabbed Kurt's file. "He seems like he comes from the anger and the depression..He is an outlet for Kurt's self loathing, and..I don't mean this the wrong way, Mr. Anderson..But maybe deep down, the part of him that resents you for leaving..Claude is just all of those feelings, multiplied tenfold and embodied in Kurt's rapist..The person he hates."
"I know he does.. I hate myself for leaving. If I would've known, I wouldn't have left.." Blaine said quietly. "He refused to talk. I thought.. I thought he didn't want to be around me.."
"You shouldn't beat yourself up for it." Dr. Gaine said softly.
"I left him alone.."
"And you're back.." The woman said softly.
Blaine nodded. "When the alters are present, does Kurt know what's going on?"
"It depends on the strength of Kurt's mind at the moment. Most of the time, he blacks out and has no idea what's happening..But others he can push through and return from the state.
"That makes sense. What can cause new alters to appear?"
"Stress..Suppressed emotions.." She said looking up at Blaine. "Did..Kurt have a new alter?.."
"Could you describe it to me?.." Dr. Gaine asked, typing into her computer.
"Eleanor. She's older and thinks everyone will leave her. Very quiet and reserved." Blaine explained.
The doctor nodded, typing a few things. "What happened before Kurt entered the altered state?.."
"He doesn't want to be alone. He wanted me to stay.."
Dr. Gaine nodded, looking up at Blaine. "That could've brought it out..New place..Unfamiliar faces.." She said quietly.
"When he comes and talks to you.. How do you go about it? If he says Claude hurt him, do you go along with it or tell him Claude is a part of him?"
The doctor sighed. "I think Kurt is very much aware that Claude is a part of him. But to Kurt, it isn't his mind doing these things..We'll just simply ask him how he feels after he reemerges from the altered states..But this is his mind's way of telling us he needs someone else to do and express these things that he can't.."
Blaine nodded. "I feel much better that he's here. But.. What kinds of medicines are you thinking of giving him? And how do they work?"
"Antidepressants, an antipsychotic, anxiety medication, sleep aids at night, and stimulants..It should keep him under, and hopefully in control.." Doctor Gaine smiled.
"All of those..? Isn't that dangerous?"
"There's always a risk of side effects, Mr. Anderson. But this is what Kurt needs to recover."
"Okay.." Blaine said quietly, still unsure.
"And I understand that this is under Kurt's request, but you being the closest thing he has to a family right now, I'd like to clear it with you before we medicate him.." Doctor Gaine said.
Blaine took a long breath, deep in thought. "I'm scared they might be too much or make him like.. not him.."
"The point is to get him back to the way he was, Mr. Anderson..We could start with a low dosage if it makes you more comfortable.."
"Please," Blaine said.
She nodded, writing a few things down on a pad.
"Thank you so much, Doctor Gaine.."
"You're welcome, Mr. Anderson." She smiled.
Loving it =) Very interesting story and I like his different personalities. Well done.
Thank you :)
Eleanor? Another one :/. When the voices argue in his head Blaine tells Kurt not to listen to them but one is his mom and she tries to calm him down, shouldn't he listen to her? I know he shouldn't so he can get rid of the voices in his head but she seems to be trying to help. I hope Kurt can get better. I was gonna ask why Burt didn't want Kurt medicated and Kurt should ask them for meds cause they may help him so I am glad he did. I like Raleigh and I hope she can be there for Kurt