Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Story
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Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall: Chapter 18

E - Words: 8,603 - Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Sep 16, 2012 - Updated: Jun 14, 2013
152 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Sorry for the short notice. But this is the last chapter. Grab your tissues!!

After Kurt left the hospital, he still wouldnt speak, only to his therapist. Even then, he barely spoke. He sat on the sofa, scratching nervously at his wrist as the doctor looked at him.

"Have you been feeling any better?" The doctor asked.

Kurt just slowly shook his head, tracing the raised scars on his arm. "I still want to die."

"Why? What makes you not want to stay for your family?"

"He'll hurt them.."

"You don't think you can control him?"

"Not anymore."

"And why is that?"

"I could never control him. He made me think I could.." Kurt whispered. "I keep having dreams about killing my husband."

The doctor nodded slowly. "And you're opposed to going back to a hospital, correct?"

"Blaine is..I'd rather not, but either way he won't let me.." Kurt said. "I haven't told him about the dreams.."

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't want to scare him."

"I'm not encouraging this. But what has stopped you from doing it?"

"I could never hurt him..Or leave Jayde alone.."

"No, I mean, what is stopping you from taking your life so far?" The doctor asked.

Kurt looked down. "Blaine walked in the last time..I scared Jayde.."

"Do you think anyone could help you?"

"No.." Kurt said, wrapping his arms around himself.

Doctor Smithson thought for a moment. "Why do you come in here? Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I don't know..I just..I guess it helps.."

"I think I could help you, Kurt. I really do."

"How?.." Kurt whispered.

"Well, you haven't tried anything since you started seeing me. You're comfortable here. It's a safe place. I think this is good for you." Doctor Smithson said.

Kurt looked down. "Yeah..Me too.."

"I think you should try to get better again."

"I'm just so tired of trying..In the end..I just fail.."

"That's what I'm trying to help you stop."

Kurt nodded lightly. "Thank you, doctor.."

"You're welcome."

Kurt's hour was over and he didnt feel any better. He had a sick feeling in his stomach as he walked out to Blaine and Jayde.

"How was it, Daddy?" Jayde asked, reaching for her father's hand.

Kurt grabbed her little hand. "It was okay.."

She smiled as she swung their joined hands. "Good."

Kurt gave a small smile. "Baby?" He asked Blaine.


"When we get home..Can we just lay down?..You and I?"

Blaine smiled. "I'd like that."

"What about me?" Jayde asked sadly.

"How about..You come sleep with us tonight?..I just need some time with Daddy.." Kurt said softly.

"Okay." She said, satisfied.

They drove back to the house and Kurt walked up to the bedroom, slowly undressing. Blaine put a movie on for their daughter and made her something to eat before joining his husband. Kurt looked over at Blaine, smiling shyly. Blaine sighed quietly. "Your beauty still amazes me."

Kurt blushed, looking down. "Really?"

Blaine nodded. "You're gorgeous, Kurt."

Kurt finished undressing and slid under the blankets. "I can only imagine what you would think if I didn't have all of these scars.."

"The same." Blaine said as he laid next to his husband. "I love you."

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine. "I love you too, Blaine.."


Kurt just looked up at his husband, his eyes had something sad in them.

"What's wrong?" Blaine whispered.

"I..I don't know.."

"Come here." Blaine said, pulling him closer. Kurt scooted closer to his husband, sighing softly.

"Can I do anything to make you feel better?"

"I just want to be close to you.."

"I'm here baby."

Kurt took in a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around Blaine tighter.

"Are you excited to spend the day with Rachel tomorrow?"

Kurt gave a light smile. "Yeah..I heard she had the baby while i was in the hospital..How is she?.."

"Really good. Tired. But good." Blaine said.

"How's Barbara?"

"Beautiful and healthy. Lets just hope she's got Rachel's brain and gracefulness," Blaine joked.

Kurt gave a weak giggle. "Good."

"You'll love her."

Kurt hitched his leg around Blaine's hip. "I will.."

Blaine ran his hand up Kurt's leg and smiled warmly. Kurt gave a soft sigh, closing his eyes. His husband's touch relaxed him more than anything. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you."

"I love you so much, Blaine.." Kurt whispered. Although Blaine's touch relaxed him, it couldn't get rid of his horrible foreboding feeling he had in the back of his mind..

Blaine held Kurt close as he fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Kurt shot straight up, screaming loudly. Jayde cried out at the fright, clutching to Blaine. "Daddy!"

Kurt's breathing was ragged as he tried to calm down. "I-I.. I'm okay, baby.."

Blaine sat up quickly, instinctively grabbing Jayde. "Kurt..What's wrong?.."

"Just..a dream.." Kurt breathed out.

"Jayde..Give Daddy Kurt a kiss..I want you to go sleep in your room..Okay?"

Jayde nodded, doing as she was told. "Good night daddy.."

Kurt nodded. "Good night baby girl.."

Blaine waited for Jayde to walk out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..Just..Bad dreams..l-like always.."

Blaine held Kurt close. Something didn't feel right. But he decided to push that feeling away.

Kurt clutched to his husband, trying not to Break down. "I-I know I never said it..But I'm sorry..I-I'm so sorry.."

"For what?" Blaine asked.

"F-For trying to..kill m-myself.."

"It killed me to see that.. I feel.. Like you don't want to be with us.."

"I do..I want to be with you forever..But more than that, I want you and Jayde to be safe..That's the only way.." Kurt whispered.

"Kurt, you lost your mom when you were young. Imagine how Jayde would feel if she lost you."

"Imagine how she would feel if she lost you because of me.."

"I really feel like all of this is my fault."

"Ive been telling you it isn't for years, Blaine.."

"I know. But if I would've stayed, maybe this wouldn't be happening." Blaine whispered.

"I forgave you for leaving a long time ago.." Kurt whispered, looking up at Blaine with loving eyes.

"I never forgave myself."

"I know..I wish you could.." The older whispered, cupping Blaine's cheek and kissing him softly.

"Me too.."

"I love you so much, Blaine.."

"I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt sighed shakily, kissing Blaine again.

"Try to rest baby." Blaine said softly.

"O-okay.." Kurt whispered, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.

Blaine took a deep breath before trying to fall asleep again.

The next morning, Rachel came before Blaine left for work. She was there to help Kurt watch jayde, but mostly to make sure Kurt didn't try anything again.

"Do you want to go out anywhere today?" Rachel asked.

Kurt sat at the kitchen table, staring at the cup of coffee Blaine made him before he left. "No..I just..I dont feel all that well.."

"Are you sick?"

Kurt shook his head. "I don't think so.." he said softly as Jayde bounced into the room. "Aunt Rachel! Where'd your tummy go?"

Rachel chuckled lightly. "I had my baby. So the tummy is gone."

"Can I meet your baby?" She smiled.

"Yes. She'll be here when Uncle Finn stops by."

Kurt looked at his daughter and closed his eyes as he felt his hand twitch. He gave a soft sigh, trying to massage the muscles in his palm. He was so tired..Tired of dealing with this..

Rachel gave a sad smile. "It's okay, Kurt."

"What's wrong, Daddy?.."

"Daddy's tired.." Kurt whispered.

"Take a nap." Jayde said, happy that she could think of a way to help her father.

Kurt gave a weak smile. "Thank you baby..I will later.."


Kurt slowly took a sip of his coffee, letting the taste linger in his mouth.

"Aunt Rachel, will you play with me?"

"Of course, me if you need me Kurt.." Rachel smiled.

"I will." Kurt said dismissively.

Rachel nodded, following Jayde up to her room. They played for a while until there was a knock on the door. Rachel looked up and opened the door.

"Hey gorgeous." Finn grinned, holding their baby close.

Rachel smiled wide as Jayde rushed up. "The baby!"

Finn chuckled. "Let's go to the couch and I'll let you hold her."

They walked to the living room where Kurt sat, reading a book.

"Hey, Kurt." Finn smiled.

Kurt looked up. "Oh..Hey finn..You brought Barbara? .." He said quietly.

"I did." He said as Jayde jumped onto the couch.

"Can I hold her now? Pleasepleaseplease?" Jayde grinned.

"Be very careful and make sure to keep her head up." Finn said as he gently handed his daughter to Jayde.

Kurt watched as Jayde cradled the baby in her arms. It was odd that something that usually would bring him so much joy, had no effect on him.

"She's beautiful!" Jayde said excitedly.

Rachel smiled wide as Kurt reached over, gently rubbing over the infant's forehead. Barbara cooed as she looked up at her cousin.

"You're so pretty.." Kurt whispered.

"She's our little angel." Rachel grinned. Kurt nodded, looking to his own daughter.

"Am I your angel daddy?"

"Yes..You're my perfect angel.." Kurt whispered. "Daddy loves you very much..You know that right?.."

Jayde nodded. "And I love you. I have the bestest family."

"You're happy?.." Kurt asked.

"I'm always happy with you, Daddy."

Kurt's eyes filled with tears as he stood. "I'm sorry.." he whispered, hurrying upstairs.

"I'll be right back." Rachel said, running after Kurt.

Kurt was curled up in the bed, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. Rachel knocked before walking in. "Kurt? What's wrong?"

Kurt didnt say anything. He just curled up tighter.

"Kurt, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?!" Kurt yelled, sitting up. "I want to die!..But..I-I cant leave her.. I can't leave my baby.."

"Then don't." Rachel said seriously. "That little girl down there loves you more than anything. We'd all be broken if we lost you. But Jayde.. Jayde will suffer the most."

Kurt buried his face in his hands as he cried. Rachel rubbed up and down Kurt's back. "I know you're going through a lot. I can't begin to imagine how hard it is. But you're not alone. Please, Kurt. Please don't hurt yourself. If not for yourself, do it for Jayde. Stay here for her."

"That's why I can't stay..For h-her.."

"You've been doing so well, Kurt."

"No I wasn't.. Hes just been waiting..Something terrible is going to happen, Rachel..I can feel it in my bones.." Kurt rasped.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked, furrowing her brows.

"I don't know.." Kurt whimpered helplessly.

Rachel grabbed her best friend's hand. "You have my number. If you feel yourself losing control, call me. I don't care if its the middle of the night. I'll come over."

Kurt nodded, squeezing her hand as he broke down.

"Let it out."

Kurt felt like he was falling apart. Nothing felt real. His mind was slipping away and sanity was being replaced with paranoia. Rachel laid them down and held Kurt close. Kurt wrapped himself around his best friend, sobbing heavily until he eventually fell asleep. Rachel kissed his forehead and quietly headed downstairs.

"Is Daddy okay?.." Jayde asked.

"Yes. He's just tired and needs a nap."

She nodded and Finn stood. "I should probably get this one home for a nap.."

"Are you staying, Aunt Rachel?"

"Until your Daddy Blaine comes home." She smiled.


Rachel smiled, giving finn a kiss before he left and going to play outside with Jayde. Kurt woke up later that day, his head spinning. Claude's voice was echoing in his head. He couldn't make out what he was saying and it scared him. "What?!" Kurt yelled at the man in his mind. But the only response he got was the insidious laughter. Kurt got up and stumbled to the bathroom. He felt crawling under his skin, and he was seeing things, crows flying through the bathroom, fluttering violently as they flew around him. Kurt couldn't even scream as he fell, sheilding his head with his arms. Claude kept up his whispering, so low to keep Kurt terrified. Kurt's chest was heaving as he pulled his hair. "What do you w-want?.."

"You'll see soon enough." Claude's voice sounded more menacing than usual as he faded away slowly. Suddenly there was silence and Kurt looked up. The room was quiet and empty. Save for his rapid heartbeat. He stood on shaky legs and carefully peeked around the corner. He wished Blaine would hurry up and get home..

A few minutes later, Rachel came up the stairs to check on Kurt. Kurt was still cowering in the bathroom when the door opened.

"Kurt?" Rachel got out before gasping. "Kurt, what happened?"

"I need Blaine.." Kurt whimpered quietly.

"Hold on, Kurt. I'll call him."

Kurt nodded as Claude's voice started to come back. "No..Please stop.." he whined.

Rachel shakily dialed Blaine's number.

Blaine answered quickly. "Rachel..Is everything okay?.."

Kurt was shaking like a leaf as he pulled his hair harder.

"No. Kurt needs you now." She said urgently.

"I'll be right there." He said quickly before hanging up.

Kurt stood, walking past Rachel and down to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked as she followed.

Kurt said nothing, opening a drawer and rummaging through it.

"Kurt." Rachel said, reaching out to try and stop him.

"Stop!" Kurt yelled, making Rachel jump back as he stared at her with menacing eyes.

"Jayde. Jayde, sweetie, go to your room." Rachel said quickly. Kurt grabbed Jayde's wrist before she could walk past him.

"Kurt! Let go of her right now!" Rachel yelled, grabbing his arm.

Kurt jerked Jayde away. "You stay away from my baby!!" He growled.

"Then calm the fuck down!" Rachel screamed as Blaine ran in.

"Kurt! Kurt, let her go!"

Kurt's chest was heaving as he held Jayde behind him. Who were these people?.. "Stay away from her!"

"Baby, please. Calm down. It's just me. It's Blaine. Please, don't hurt her." Blaine pleaded.

"I would never hurt her.." Kurt whimpered, grabbing a knife off of the counter and pointing it at him. "You keep away from her!"

Blaine put his hands up as Jayde started to cry. "I'll back away. Just put the knife down."

Kurt had tears streaming down his face, his hand shaking as he kept the blade in Blaine's direction.

Blaine slowly backed off. "She's my daughter too, Kurt. Please, put the knife down."

Kurt looked back at Jayde. The little girl looked terrified.

"Please, daddy," Jayde whimpered. Kurt slowly lowered the knife, gasping harshly as Jayde ran past him to Rachel. Rachel knelt down and held her niece close. "Shh. It's okay, Jayde."

"Don't touch her!" Kurt yelled, starting towards Rachel.

Blaine stepped in and grabbed Kurt's wrists. "Kurt. Listen to me. That's your sister-in-law. She won't hurt Jayde."

Kurt's eyes went wide as he tried to struggle away from Blaine . "Baby..Baby.." He whimpered.

"Kurt, calm down. She's okay. It's okay."

Kurt closed his eyes as a violent tremor ripped through his body. "Fuck!" He got out in a wail of pain.

Blaine tried not to panic. "Baby, please. Calm down. Take a deep breath. You're okay.."

Kurt's knees gave out from under him and he collapsed to the floor, Blaine still holding his wrists as the knife clattered on the kitchen tile.

Blaine knelt down quickly. He cupped his husband's face in his hands. "Baby? Kurt?"

Kurt's eyes were vacant and hooded as he looked at his husband.

"Daddy?.." Jayde whimpered.

"Rachel, please take her upstairs." Blaine said quietly.

"No, what's wrong with Daddy?!" Jayde cried, struggling to get to Kurt.

"He needs to rest, Jayde. Come on." Rachel said, keeping her back.

Jayde screamed as Rachel picked her up and carried her upstairs. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Tears stung Blaine's eyes as he held his husband. "Please, Kurt. We need you. I need you.."

Kurt's dull gray eyes stayed locked on Blaine as another tremor shot through him. Blaine didnt know what to do as the tears streamed down his face. Kurt grinned as Claude's laughter rumbled low in his stomach.


Claude shook his head, a menacing grin plastered to his face as he started to laugh harder. "I didn't think it was going to be this easy!"

"Why cant you just leave us the fuck alone?" Blaine yelled.

Claude reached down, grabbing the knife. "Because you left him alone.."

Blaine tried to grab Claude's wrist but he wasn't fast enough. Claude knocked Blaine onto his back and climbed on top of him, holding the knife to his throat. Blaine took a shaky breath, trying to hide his fears. Claude tilted his head to the side, staring down at Blaine. "You didn't even have a second thought..You left him..Got fucked by other men..You didn't even think about him, did you?.."

"I thought about him every fucking day!" Blaine spat, trying to fight against Claude.

Claude pushed the knife down more, causing Blaine to hold still. "You deserve to suffer.." he smiled, leaning down to bite down at Blaine's ear. "I wonder if you scream like he did.." he whispered.

"No.." Blaine whimpered.

Claude gave a dark chuckle. "Oh yes..He screamed for you Blaine..And you'll scream for him..and he won't come..Just like you didn't come for him.."

Blaine shook his head. "No."

"No?" Claude laughed, looking down at Blaine with an amused expression. Blaine looked away, looking for anything in reach to fight back. Claude leaned down to kiss Blaine's neck, moving the knife momentarily. Blaine found his opening as his hand closed around a wine bottle from the rack. Blaine gripped the neck of the bottle and brought it down against the floor, shattering it and spilling the wine all over the tile. Blaine brought the sharp, broken edges to Claude's neck. This was his chance. He could end all of this. He looked up and realized it was still his husband. Even if it cost him his life, Blaine knew he couldn't hurt Kurt.

In the shock of the noise Claude dropped the knife and was pushed back against the counter, Blaine holding the jagged glass to his neck. He looked scared for a moment before starting to laugh.

Blaine pressed the edge closer, creating the smallest cut. He hoped Claude would bring Kurt out. Just for moment. It would scare his husband but Blaine didn't care as long as Claude left. Claude gasped, but to Blaine's despair, Kurt didn't emerge. "What are you planning on doing with that?.."

Blaine searched Claude's face, not saying a word.

"I'm sure Kurt would love to see this...But that's what you want isn't give him an opening.. If he comes out..You know I can come back..Just like..that.." Claude snapped his fingers and suddenly his expression turned terrified. "B-Blaine?.."

Blaine didn't think about Claude's words. He dropped the broken bottle and held Kurt close. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized this would be the last time he had with his husband. He cupped Kurt's cheeks in his hands. "I love you, Kurt. I love you so much. I-I know you don't understand this yet. But.. I forgive you. I know it's not you. I love you." He say quickly.

"What's happening?.." Kurt whimpered as he broke down into hysterical tears.

"I don't want you to worry about anything, okay? J-Just remember that I love you more than anything."

"I-I love you too.." Kurt gasped, cupping Blaine's face in his hands.

Blaine pressed himself against Kurt and kissed him deeply. "Don't be scared."

"Don't leave me..Please..I'm scared, Blaine..I dont want to wake up to something else..p-please..don't let him take me again..." Kurt sobbed.

"Don't let him. Stay with me. Just look at me. Do everything you can to stay with me and things will be okay. I need you to fight him Kurt." Blaine said as Rachel came downstairs. Blaine hurried over to her. "Go upstairs. Whatever you hear, don't come down. Promise me, you'll take care of Jayde. Please, Rachel."

"Blaine I won't let him hurt you! Jayde is terrified, she thinks you're gonna die!"

"I want my baby!" Kurt sobbed, pulling his hair roughly.

"Go upstairs. Tell her everything is fine. Put music on to calm her. I don't want her to hear anything." Blaine said quickly. "Go Rachel. Lock the door too."

Rachel swallowed roughly, nodding before hurrying upstairs. Kurt was panting harshly, fighting for dominance in his mind.

Blaine ran back to Kurt and pulled him close. "You can do it, Kurt."

Kurt pulled away, standing and pacing through the kitchen, the shattered glass cutting his feet as he walked over the razor sharp shards like they were nothing.


urt shook his head as he grabbed another knife and started upstairs.

"No!" Blaine yelled, running over and grabbing him. "It's me that you want. Take me!"

Kurt's eyes were dull as he pushed Blaine away and continued up the stairs.

Rachel heard the commotion and grabbed Jayde. "Come on, in the closet, sweetie."

Blaine ducked under Kurt's arm and stood in front of him. "Leave her alone!"

Kurt stared at Blaine with something dark in his eyes. He grabbed Blaine's throat and slammed him against Jayde's door. Blaine gasped harshly as a deep voice growled and Blaine was thrown to the side. Kurt kicked Jayde's door open. Blaine got back up and tackled his husband. "No!"

They fell into the room and Blaine saw it was empty, only hearing a whimper come from the closet. He gasped as he was pushed, sent flying off of Kurt's body and against Jayde's bookshelf.

Blaine struggled to get back up before pinning Kurt down. "Rachel, take her to your house now!"

Rachel grabbed jayde and opened the closet door. "Daddy! Daddy please don't fight! P-please!" Jayde screamed.

Blaine used all of his strength to keep his husband down as Rachel ran out of the room. Kurt struggled under blaine, letting out a loud guttural growl. Blaine waited until he heard the front door shut. "Kurt, baby, I know you're in there. Please, come back."

Kurt's eyes flashed back to the dark black Blaine knew belonged to Claude. The menacing laugh filled the room as he ripped his arm free, driving the tip if the knife into Blaine's arm.

"Ah!" Blaine cried out, falling back.

Claude stood over Blaine. "I've been waiting for this.."

"Fucking do it. Get it over with. You win." Blaine said through his teeth.

Claude bent down, smiling wide as he ran the tip of the knife down Blaine's neck to his stomach. "You never got to say goodbye to your little girl.."

Blaine closed his eyes. Jayde was the last thing he wanted to think about. She was safe now. That's what mattered.

Claude chuckled, pulling back before plunging the knife deep into Blaine's stomach. Blaine curled in on himself as the pain shot through him. Claude pulled out and stabbed Blaine three more times beforeKurt gasped as he looked down at Blaine. "B-Blaine...No!" He cried out, dropping down to his knees.

Blaine was gasping harshly, his hands over his stomach. Kurt cupped Blaine's face in his blood-covered hands. "No..Don't leave me.." he sobbed.


"I'm so sorry.." Kurt whispered, petting Blaine's face and hair. "I-I..I..Don't g-go.."

Blaine looked up at his husband, a tear slipping down his cheek as he took his last breath. Kurt let out a pained cry, pulling Blaine into his arms. "No! no..Blaine...B-Blaine, don't leave me!"

He cried and screamed as the body in his arms didn't move. He sat there, crying over his husband's body for hours until he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Blaine?.." Finn's voice called. Kurt wiped his eyes, more of his lover's blood streaking across his face.

Finn walked into the room and gasped. "Shit! Kurt, what did you do?!"

Kurt looked up at Finn and pulled the knife out of Blaine's body. "I didn't..I-it was Claude!" He said, pulling his husband closer protectively.

"Oh my god.." Finn got out as he turned around. "Stay here.. I'll be right back."

"W-Where are you going?"

"Just the hallway. I'm going to call someone."

Kurt looked down at the knife. "Finn..?"

"Yes, Kurt?"

"Please..Make sure Jayde always knows how much her daddies loved her.." Kurt whispered, putting the knife to his neck.

Finn slowly turned around to face Kurt. Something in his voice didn't sound right. "KURT, NO!"

Kurt quickly dragged the knife across his skin, slitting his own throat and falling forward across Blaine's body.

"NO!" Finn yelled again at the sight of his dead brother. He stood there in shock, unable to process what had happened until his phone rang with a call from his wife. He shakily lifted the phone to his ear. "R-Rachel..He killed him.."

"No.." She whispered. "W-Where's Kurt?"

"He..He just...Oh my god..I-I can't..Rachel.." Finn whimpered before breaking down.

"Finn? Please tell me he's okay. Finn?"

"He slit his own throat.."

Rachel immediately burst into tears.

Finn closed the door, unable to stand the sight any longer. "I..I think he wants us to take care of Jayde.."

"I-I promised Blaine..that w-we would.."

"Is that my daddy?.." Jayde whimpered. She hadn't stopped crying since they left.

"It's uncle Finn." Rachel said as calmly as she could.

"When are my daddies coming?..I-I want my daddies.."

"Finn, call 911 and I' to Jayde.."

Finn nodded and hung up.

"I want my daddies!" Jayde yelled.

Rachel sat down on the couch and sighed. "Jayde, come sit with me."

Jayde climbed up on the couch and cuddled up to Rachel, holding her close.

"I-I don't know how to tell you this, sweetie." Rachel started. "But.. You're going to stay with me and Uncle Finn now."

"No..I live with my daddies.."

"You're daddies aren't.. They aren't coming back.."

"What?..where are they?" Jayde asked.

"They're..not with us anymore." Rachel said carefully.

"They left me alone? Where'd they go?.."

"I know this is hard, Jayde. But, they're in heaven now."

The little girl gasped and even more tears flooded her eyes.

"Oh, sweetie," Rachel sighed, holding her niece close.

"I want my daddies.." She sobbed.

"I know, I know.."

Jayde didn't understand. Why were her daddies taken from her? They were so happy.

Rachel let Jayde cry until she fell asleep before calling Carole and breaking the news to her. Carole cried with Rachel when Finn walked inside, pale as a ghost.

Rachel politely got off the phone and walked to her husband, pulling him close. "I shouldn't have left.."

"You had to..You had to keep her safe.."

"They're dead, Finn.." Rachel whispered, clutching to her husband's shirt.

"I know.." Finn whispered. Rachel gasped as a sob escaped her. Finn wrapped his arms around his wife. "I-I'm just glad..You or Jayde didn't have to see them like that.."

"I'm so sorry, Finn."

Finn just shook his head, trying to forget the image burned into his mind.

The family got the funeral and will arranged over the next week. Blaine's will stated that he wanted Finn and Rachel to gain custody of Jayde. Most of his money went to her, and the rest went to the hospital Kurt went to.

Jayde sniffed as she was handed a letter from each of her parents, tucking it into her bag to get Rachel to read later. Kurt wrote several more letters for each of his family members and one to Blaine, which was given to Rachel. They made a few more funeral arrangements before heading back to the house. Jayde held the envelopes close, petting over her parents' handwriting slowly.

Rachel walked into the room they made for Jayde. "Hey sweetie.."

Jayde looked up. "Hi.." She said, still holding the unopened envelopes.

"Do you want to read them?"

"I'm scared to.."


"Because then they'll never say anything to me again.."

"You can open them whenever you're ready." Rachel sighed. "How did you get so smart?"

"My daddies.." Jayde said sadly.

"Your daddies were very smart."

Jayde nodded, hugging her unicorn close.

"You know they didn't want to leave, right?"

Jayde nodded slowly. "What happened to them?.."

"You know how Daddy Kurt was sick, right? In his mind? It made that scary guy come out?" Jayde nodded again, looking down. "The man you saw fighting Blaine wasn't Kurt. It was the scary man. Your daddies fought really hard. They didn't want to leave. But the man hurt them." Rachel explained.

Tears filled Jayde's again. "Daddy Blaine said he wouldn't let him hurt anyone.."

"He tried, Jayde. Daddy Blaine tried so hard. But the man was stronger."

Tears began to slip down her cheeks as she hugged the unicorn. "I-I miss him.."

Rachel pulled her niece into her lap. "I know, sweetie. I do too. I miss them so much.." She said as her own tears came.

Jayde buried her face in Rachel's neck.

"It's okay to cry, Jayde." Rachel said quietly.

"Daddy s-said to be strong.."

"You are strong. But even the strongest people cry."

Jayde whimpered lightly. "I-I know.."

Rachel kissed the top of her hair. "We'll get through this. I promise.

"Why won't they come back?.."

"It doesn't work that way. I wish it did. They deserve to be here." Rachel said softly. "But now, you have to keep on living and remember all the things they taught you."

"I don't want to remember..I want them to be here..D-Daddy Kurt was gonna show me how to play the piano.."

"I know it's not the same, but I can help you." Rachel said.

Jayde just cried as she held her aunt. Rachel closed her eyes, wondering how they would get through this pain.

"When will I get to see them?..B-Before they bury them."

"At the wake."


"Day after tomorrow. All their family and friends will be there to say bye. It might be too scary to see them, Jayde."

"I-I want to say goodbye.."

"Okay, sweetie."

Jayde whimpered, closing her eyes. Rachel sighed as she held the little girl close.

"I-I..Can you read me the letters?.."

Rachel nodded, grabbing Blaine's first.

"Hey baby girl,

I'm writing this just in case anything were to happen to me. I want you to know that none of this is your fault. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Your Daddy Kurt was an amazing person. He was just sick and couldn't stop it. He loved you very much. As do I. You are the most amazing thing that had ever happened to us. You're our angel. And I need you to promise me that you'll stay strong. I know it's hard, baby. But help take care of Aunt Rachel and your cousin Barbara. Teach her what we've taught you. I hate that I'm not there to watch you grow up. But always know, I'm watching you from heaven. I'll always be in your heart. Never forget that, Jayde. I'm so sorry things had to be this way. But I know you can get through this. I wish I could be there for you when you start middle school and high school. Times can get really tough. But never give up. It only makes you stronger. You are the most beautiful girl and you're my princess. You can be anything you want. Aunt Rachel will be there to help you get where you need to go. Wherever that is, I know I'll be proud of you. Stay strong, sweetie and know none of this was your fault.

I love and miss you.

Daddy Blaine."

Jayde wiped her eyes, her tiny shoulders trembling. Rachel rubbed her back softly, opening Kurt's.

"My beautiful Jayde,

I hope you understand why I had to leave you. I had dissociative identity disorder. Your father and I never really explained this to you, but it is a disease that has tortured my mind for years. With how my condition is progressing, I'm worried that you or your father could get hurt by my alternative personality, Claude. I always want you and your father to be safe. So I hope you understand why I had to leave. You are an amazing little girl and I have no doubt in my mind that you will grow up to be an amazing woman. I wish I could be there to watch you bloom, but this is for the good of everyone. Your Daddy Blaine will take care of you, and if he can't, then know your Aunt Rachel and Uncle Finn love you just as much as we do. I'll always be with you. Just know I'm free now and I miss you so much.


Daddy Kurt."

Rachel couldn't keep her hands from shaking as she finished reading. Jayde closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Do you have any questions?" Rachel asked.

Jayde shook her head. "C-Can I be alone?.."

Rachel nodded. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Jayde nodded back, laying down in her bed.

Finn was downstairs, reading over his letter from Kurt again, tears in his eyes.

"Hey.." Rachel said sadly. She still hadn't read hers.

Finn sniffed, quickly wiping his eyes as he folded the letter. "Hey.."

"Are you okay?" She asked as she sat in his lap.

Finn wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. "Yeah..How's Jayde?.."

Rachel shook her head. "She wanted to read the letters."

Finn looked down. "What'd they say?.."

"How amazing she is and to be strong. They didn't want this to happen but for her to remember that we love her just as much as they did." Rachel said as more tears came. "K-Kurt explained why it happened. I-I don't know i-if I can do this, Finn.."

"If you can do what?.." Finn whispered.

"Everything.. Not without them.."

"Yes you can..we're strong..We have to be..For Jayde..For them.." Finn said seriously.

"What if I'm not good enough? I'm not them.. And we have a baby."

"What do you think Kurt would say if he could hear you right now?" Finn asked.

"That I'm Rachel Berry Hudson and I can do anything..." Rachel sighed.

"Exactly.." Finn smiled up at his wife.

"I just miss them.. How's your mom?.."

"She's trying to get through it.." Finn said softly.

"Is there anything we can do to help her?"

We could bring Jayde and Barbara over.." Finn said, rubbing up and down Rachel's back.

Rachel nodded. "I think she'd like that."

"Me too.."

"Will you get Jayde? I'll get Barbara's diaper bag ready."

Finn nodded, kissing Rachel before walking to Jayde's room.

The funeral came too quickly. None of the family felt ready. Especially not Jayde. She hadn't said a word all day. She wore her red dress despite the occasion. The dress Kurt would coo over and say "You know, that's daddy's favorite dress.." she smoothed it down as they walked into the funeral home. A red dot in a sea of black. She didn't like black. It was so sad.. She knew her daddies wouldn't want everyone to be sad.

Rachel saw her mother-in-law crying by the open casket. "Oh, Carole.."

Jayde squeezed Finn's hand as Rachel hurried over to Carole. Her breathing sped up. There they were. Two boxes side by side. "Daddy?.." She whispered.

Finn knelt down. "Are you sure you want to see?"

Jayde looked up at Finn. "I-I think so.."

"If it's too hard or too sad, you don't have to." Finn said softly.

"I want to.."

Finn picked his niece up. "We can't touch them though."

"Why?...I want to hug them.."

"Because.. They're not.. alive anymore.."

Jayde's bottom lip quivered as she looked down. Daddy told her to be strong..She couldn't cry.. Finn took a deep breath as he walked over to the caskets. Jayde looked over and gasped softly. They just looked like they were sleeping. She reached out, touching Kurt's face and a shock flew through her body as she pulled back. His skin was cold and stiff. She screamed, burying her face in Finn's chest. "Daddy stop it!"

"What happened?" Finn asked, stepping back.

Jayde panted harshly as she turned to face her fathers' bodies. "Wake up!!"

Everyone watched as Jayde panicked. Finn rushed out of the room with his niece and sat down on a bench. "They won't wake up, Jayde."

Jayde was beginning to hyperventilate. "D-D-Daddy!"

Finn held his niece close as he tried to calm her down.

Jayde reached up, pulling on her curls. "I want my daddies!"

Finn's eyebrows knitted together as he recognized the motion. He walked back and called for his wife.

Rachel hurried over. "What is it?

Finn spoke as quiet as he could as Jayde yelled and cried. She's doing that hair pulling thing Kurt did.."

"She saw him do it when he was upset..She thinks it'll help.." She said, picking Jayde up. "Don't pull your hair.."

She said gently.

Finn gave a sigh of relief. He hadn't thought of that.

Jayde slowly opened her fingers. "O-okay.."

"Are you ready to go back over there? You don't have to look." Rachel said.

Jayde nodded slowly. Rachel kissed her cheek before walking back. Jayde sat in the back, hugging her unicorn she brought. Finn and Rachel took care of th funeral, making sure to check on Jayde every so often.

Jayde whimpered quietly when she was alone in the building. "Daddy.." She whispered. The little girl looked up and saw her parents standing at the end of the aisle, smiling. She gasped. "Daddies!" She cried happily, quickly running to them before she blinked and they disappeared. What was going on? She just saw them.

"Daddies?..Daddies!" She called but no one answered. She was starting to get scared.. "Aunt Rachel!?"

A couple minutes later, Rachel walked around the corner. "Oh god. There you are!"

"I saw my daddies!" She said happily, running to her. "They're okay!"

"What? What're you talking about?" Rachel asked.

"I saw them! They were standing right there, smiling!" She grinned, pointing.

"Jayde, they aren't here."

Her smile slowly faded. "But..I saw them.."

"It was just your imagination, sweetie. You've been through so much."

Jayde looked down before she looked back where her parents stood.

"Come on. Lets get you home." Rachel sighed.


Rachel took her niece's hand as they walked down the hall to where everyone was leaving. Jayde slowly looked up and saw Blaine again, standing in the crowd.

"He's right there!" She said excitedly as she pointed.

Rachel looked over, "Jayde..There's no one there."

"But I see him!"

"Jayde.." Rachel sighed, pulling her away. "Come on.."

"No!" She cried, starting to pull her aunt in the other direction.

"Jayde, look! He's gone!" Rachel said, tears gathering in her eyes.

Jayde looked around as panic filled her chest. "I saw him.."

Rachel bent down, picking her up and hurrying to the car. A new wave of tears flooded Jayde's eyes. Finn was putting Barbara in her carseat when Rachel walked up.

"We need to get home."

"Okay..What's wrong?.." Finn asked softly.

"She thinks she sees Kurt and Blaine." Rachel said quietly.

"I did!" Jayde protested.

"Jayde, it's not possible."

"Yes I did!" She said seriously. "They were standing at the front and they smiled at me! They were happy! I want to go to them!" She yelled.

"Jayde." Finn said in a warning tone, afraid she would make Barbara cry.

"No! Take me home!"

"We are going home." Rachel said as she climbed into the front seat.

"Take me home to my daddies!!" She screamed. Rachel brought her hands up to massage her temples as her daughter started to cry. "Take me home!" Jayde yelled.

"Jayde!" Finn snapped. "You're going home with us. Stop it."

Jayde bit her lip, looking down and sniffing lightly.

Finn hated yelling at her. He just needed her to calm down and stop disrespecting them. Barbara slowly calmed down and Jayde just squeezed her unicorn. They drove home in silence. Jayde quickly climbed out of the car, squeezing her unicorn tighter. When Rachel opened the door, Jayde ran up to her room.

Finn looked to Rachel. "What do we do?.."

"I don't know.."

Jayde jumped onto her bed, burying her face in the pillow. She knew her daddies were okay, she just knew it.

Finn gave her a little while to calm down before walking upstairs and knocking on his niece's door.

"Go away!"

"Jayde, please let me come in." Finn said softy. Jayde just cuddled under her blanket, sniffing. Finn slowly opened the door. "I'm sorry, Jayde."

"I know my daddies are okay."

"It's not possible, sweetie. You saw them.. In the caskets.."

Jayde whimpered. "I saw them.."

Finn sighed. "Where?"

"They were standing up front by their pictures..And then I ran to them and they went away. Then I saw Daddy Blaine when we were leaving."

"Jayde, I think you wanted to see them so badly that you imagined them."

"They were real!" She said, sitting up.

"I know it may seem like it. But it wasn't real."

Jayde just looked away, "It was real to me.."

Finn saw the expression in her eyes and sat down. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to. You know, I've never really been a father before a couple of weeks ago. This is new to me too. I didn't mean to upset you."

Jayde automatically pressed herself to Finn's chest and sniffed. "I just want my daddies back.."

"I know. I do too."

Jayde closed her eyes, letting Finn hold her. Finn's mind raced. He understood why Rachel dismissed Jayde pulling her hair. But he wasn't ready to rule that out yet.

Later that night, Jayde laid in her bed, crying softly.

"Don't cry, angel.." Kurt said softly.

Jayde gasped, quickly looking up in the direction of the voice. Kurt stood there, smiling lightly at his daughter.

"W-What's happening? I want to be with you."

"You can't.." Kurt said softly. He looked ao different. So happy. He walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. "But your Daddy and I will always be with you.."

"Why can't Aunt Rachel see you?" Jayde asked.

"Only you can see us..I went through the same thing..But you have to try and move on.."

"But I don't want you to leave me."

"I don't want you to go through this.."

"But it's just you and Daddy. I need you."

"Jayde..If you don't try to fight this..You'll be sad and sick..Just like I was.." Kurt whispered, touching her hand. She felt nothing.

"But how can I be sad if you're here?" Jayde asked.

"Because..You just have to trust me, babygirl.." Kurt whispered.

"What will happen if I can't fight it?"

"I don't know.." Kurt said quietly.

"How do I stop it?" Jayde asked, hoping Kurt would still stay.

"Ignore anything you see that shouldn't be there..Especially Daddy Blaine and I.."

Jayde's bottom lip quivered. "But you're my daddy.."

"I'm not alive anymore, love..I'm in your mind and heart.."


"You miss us too much, sweetie.." Kurt said quietly.

"I don't want you to leave."

"I know.." Kurt said, looking down at her with tears in his eyes.

"I-I miss you and Daddy Blaine. I need you."

"No you don't..You think you need us.."

"Yes I do."

"Listen to him Jayde.." Blaine said softly, standing behind her bed.

Jayde gasped as she turned to see him. "B-But.."

"We know what's best.."

"Daddy.." Jayde said weakly as she crawled over the bed to get to Blaine.

Blaine sighed softly. "You can't touch us Jayde..We're not real.."

"Stop saying that.."

"It's true.." Blaine said holding out his hand. Jayde tried but whimpered when she felt nothing.

"We're basically your...imaginary friends.." Kurt tried to explain. "But we shouldn't be.."

"But you're good.. N-Not like that man.."

Kurt smiled. "I know baby..I had a good person in me too..She was my mommy.."

"Why is it bad?" Jayde asked.

"Because..I want you to grow up to be happy and healthy Jayde.." Kurt whispered.

"So.. You want me to ignore you?.."

Kurt looked down and Blaine walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder.


"What if you talk to me? Or if I need to talk to you?"

"We'll try not to..And you have your aunt and uncle.." Blaine said.

"B-But if you really need to talk to us..Go to our graves..Then we can..O-only emergencies.." Kurt said, earning a look from his husband.

"But talk to our graves. If you see us, don't talk to us. Talk to the graves. We'll be listening." Blaine added. Kurt looked down, sighing sadly.

"O-Okay.." Jayde said softly.

"We have to go now." Blaine said, leaning down to kiss her forehead, though she couldn't feel it. "I love you, baby girl."

Kurt did the same. "I love you so much, Jayde. Remember, you'll always be our princess.." He said, trying not to cry.

"I love you too daddies...Please don't go..Just stay tonight.."

"We can't, baby." Kurt sniffed. "This isn't good for you."

"Just once.." She pleaded. Blaine gave his husband a weary look.

"Just tonight.." Kurt whispered to Blaine.

"Jayde, you have to promise us that you will ignore us after tonight." Blaine said seriously.

"I promise!" She smiled.

"Alright." Blaine sighed. He couldn't help but give a small smile as Jayde snuggled back into bed with a parent on each side.

Even though Jayde couldn't feel them, she could imagine the warmth she used to feel. She sighed happily, closing her eyes. "G'night daddies.." Jayde yawned.

"Goodnight." They older men said together.

A pair of shoes clicked along the linoleum tile of the hospital as a woman, holding the hand of an eleven-year-old made her way to the front desk.

"Jayde Anderson.." Rachel said softly. She hadn't come to see the eighteen year old girl in a few days, but she hoped she would understand.

Jayde sait in the rec room, her head resting on Blaine's shoulder. "I wish I could stay where you did Dad..It sounds nice.." She said to Kurt.

"It is. But I like this place." Kurt said.

"Me too." She smiled as Rachel walked into the room. Jayde sat up, smiling. "Hi Aunt Rachel..Hi Barbara."

"Hey.." Barbara said, looking at the floor.

"Hey sweetie. Sorry I haven't been here in a few days." Rachel said softly.

"Oh its okay..Dad thought you wouldn't come today.." She said, looking over at the empty space beside her and smiling.

"Well, we're here." Rachel said.

"How was school, Barbara?" Jayde asked.

"Boring. I'm ahead of everyone." The young girl sighed.

"I knew she'd be smart.." Blaine grinned.

"Just like Rachel." Kurt agreed. "Beautiful too."

Jayde giggled. "Well, look who your mom is.."

"Why can't you come home?" Barbara asked. "When can you?"

"Umm..I don't know.." She said softly, chewing on her bottom lip and looking to Rachel.

"It's complicated, sweetie." Rachel told her daughter.

"How?..I miss having her home.." Barbara said.

"We'll talk about it later."

Jayde sighed softly. "You wanna go walk?.." She asked Barbara.

"Yes." Barbara nodded. Jayde smiled, standing and grabbing her hand.

"I'll grab some stuff from the cafeteria for when you get back," Rachel said.

Jayde nodded, walking to the small park like area outside.

"How's Uncle Finn?" Jayde asked.

"He's good. Misses you.."

"I miss him too. And Grandma."

"Then why can't you come home?..You never hurt anyone.. You just..Talk to yourself.."

"I don't know." Jayde sighed. "I still see my dads all the time. I guess they're worried it'll get worse."

"But that's not bad..Everyone has imaginary friends."

"They're supposed to go away when you get older."

"Everyone's different." Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy." Jayde said quietly.

"No one's crazy..People just deal with things in different ways..When others find it too different they call it bad things." Barbara said softly.

"Thanks, Barbie."

"No problem. So..What were..are your dad's like?.."

"Happy. They're perfect. I wish you could get to know them. They love when you come."

"Really?" Barbara grinned. "Well..Mom's shown me pictures. They looked happy."

"I miss being home with them."

"You remember..?"

Jayde nodded. "I remember a lot."

Blaine couldn't help but grin as he and Kurt walked ahead of them.

"What have you been up to?" Jayde asked her cousin.

"Not much..Just school, dance, piano, acting, vocal lessons, ballet. The usual."

Jayde gave a small chuckle. "Not much at all."

Barbara giggled lightly, pulling Jayde into a hug.

Jayde sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too.." Barbara smiled.

Jayde gave a small smile as she pulled back. Kurt and Blaine stood on either side of their daughter and Jayde sighed happily. Despite everything..Losing her parents and finding them again within herself..She truly was happy.
A/N: Sorry for the short notice. But this is the last chapter. Grab your tissues!!

After Kurt left the hospital, he still wouldnt speak, only to his therapist. Even then, he barely spoke. He sat on the sofa, scratching nervously at his wrist as the doctor looked at him.

"Have you been feeling any better?" The doctor asked.

Kurt just slowly shook his head, tracing the raised scars on his arm. "I still want to die."

"Why? What makes you not want to stay for your family?"

"He'll hurt them.."

"You don't think you can control him?"

"Not anymore."

"And why is that?"

"I could never control him. He made me think I could.." Kurt whispered. "I keep having dreams about killing my husband."

The doctor nodded slowly. "And you're opposed to going back to a hospital, correct?"

"Blaine is..I'd rather not, but either way he won't let me.." Kurt said. "I haven't told him about the dreams.."

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't want to scare him."

"I'm not encouraging this. But what has stopped you from doing it?"

"I could never hurt him..Or leave Jayde alone.."

"No, I mean, what is stopping you from taking your life so far?" The doctor asked.

Kurt looked down. "Blaine walked in the last time..I scared Jayde.."

"Do you think anyone could help you?"

"No.." Kurt said, wrapping his arms around himself.

Doctor Smithson thought for a moment. "Why do you come in here? Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I don't know..I just..I guess it helps.."

"I think I could help you, Kurt. I really do."

"How?.." Kurt whispered.

"Well, you haven't tried anything since you started seeing me. You're comfortable here. It's a safe place. I think this is good for you." Doctor Smithson said.

Kurt looked down. "Yeah..Me too.."

"I think you should try to get better again."

"I'm just so tired of trying..In the end..I just fail.."

"That's what I'm trying to help you stop."

Kurt nodded lightly. "Thank you, doctor.."

"You're welcome."

Kurt's hour was over and he didnt feel any better. He had a sick feeling in his stomach as he walked out to Blaine and Jayde.

"How was it, Daddy?" Jayde asked, reaching for her father's hand.

Kurt grabbed her little hand. "It was okay.."

She smiled as she swung their joined hands. "Good."

Kurt gave a small smile. "Baby?" He asked Blaine.


"When we get home..Can we just lay down?..You and I?"

Blaine smiled. "I'd like that."

"What about me?" Jayde asked sadly.

"How about..You come sleep with us tonight?..I just need some time with Daddy.." Kurt said softly.

"Okay." She said, satisfied.

They drove back to the house and Kurt walked up to the bedroom, slowly undressing. Blaine put a movie on for their daughter and made her something to eat before joining his husband. Kurt looked over at Blaine, smiling shyly. Blaine sighed quietly. "Your beauty still amazes me."

Kurt blushed, looking down. "Really?"

Blaine nodded. "You're gorgeous, Kurt."

Kurt finished undressing and slid under the blankets. "I can only imagine what you would think if I didn't have all of these scars.."

"The same." Blaine said as he laid next to his husband. "I love you."

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine. "I love you too, Blaine.."


Kurt just looked up at his husband, his eyes had something sad in them.

"What's wrong?" Blaine whispered.

"I..I don't know.."

"Come here." Blaine said, pulling him closer. Kurt scooted closer to his husband, sighing softly.

"Can I do anything to make you feel better?"

"I just want to be close to you.."

"I'm here baby."

Kurt took in a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around Blaine tighter.

"Are you excited to spend the day with Rachel tomorrow?"

Kurt gave a light smile. "Yeah..I heard she had the baby while i was in the hospital..How is she?.."

"Really good. Tired. But good." Blaine said.

"How's Barbara?"

"Beautiful and healthy. Lets just hope she's got Rachel's brain and gracefulness," Blaine joked.

Kurt gave a weak giggle. "Good."

"You'll love her."

Kurt hitched his leg around Blaine's hip. "I will.."

Blaine ran his hand up Kurt's leg and smiled warmly. Kurt gave a soft sigh, closing his eyes. His husband's touch relaxed him more than anything. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you."

"I love you so much, Blaine.." Kurt whispered. Although Blaine's touch relaxed him, it couldn't get rid of his horrible foreboding feeling he had in the back of his mind..

Blaine held Kurt close as he fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Kurt shot straight up, screaming loudly. Jayde cried out at the fright, clutching to Blaine. "Daddy!"

Kurt's breathing was ragged as he tried to calm down. "I-I.. I'm okay, baby.."

Blaine sat up quickly, instinctively grabbing Jayde. "Kurt..What's wrong?.."

"Just..a dream.." Kurt breathed out.

"Jayde..Give Daddy Kurt a kiss..I want you to go sleep in your room..Okay?"

Jayde nodded, doing as she was told. "Good night daddy.."

Kurt nodded. "Good night baby girl.."

Blaine waited for Jayde to walk out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..Just..Bad dreams..l-like always.."

Blaine held Kurt close. Something didn't feel right. But he decided to push that feeling away.

Kurt clutched to his husband, trying not to Break down. "I-I know I never said it..But I'm sorry..I-I'm so sorry.."

"For what?" Blaine asked.

"F-For trying to..kill m-myself.."

"It killed me to see that.. I feel.. Like you don't want to be with us.."

"I do..I want to be with you forever..But more than that, I want you and Jayde to be safe..That's the only way.." Kurt whispered.

"Kurt, you lost your mom when you were young. Imagine how Jayde would feel if she lost you."

"Imagine how she would feel if she lost you because of me.."

"I really feel like all of this is my fault."

"Ive been telling you it isn't for years, Blaine.."

"I know. But if I would've stayed, maybe this wouldn't be happening." Blaine whispered.

"I forgave you for leaving a long time ago.." Kurt whispered, looking up at Blaine with loving eyes.

"I never forgave myself."

"I know..I wish you could.." The older whispered, cupping Blaine's cheek and kissing him softly.

"Me too.."

"I love you so much, Blaine.."

"I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt sighed shakily, kissing Blaine again.

"Try to rest baby." Blaine said softly.

"O-okay.." Kurt whispered, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.

Blaine took a deep breath before trying to fall asleep again.

The next morning, Rachel came before Blaine left for work. She was there to help Kurt watch jayde, but mostly to make sure Kurt didn't try anything again.

"Do you want to go out anywhere today?" Rachel asked.

Kurt sat at the kitchen table, staring at the cup of coffee Blaine made him before he left. "No..I just..I dont feel all that well.."

"Are you sick?"

Kurt shook his head. "I don't think so.." he said softly as Jayde bounced into the room. "Aunt Rachel! Where'd your tummy go?"

Rachel chuckled lightly. "I had my baby. So the tummy is gone."

"Can I meet your baby?" She smiled.

"Yes. She'll be here when Uncle Finn stops by."

Kurt looked at his daughter and closed his eyes as he felt his hand twitch. He gave a soft sigh, trying to massage the muscles in his palm. He was so tired..Tired of dealing with this..

Rachel gave a sad smile. "It's okay, Kurt."

"What's wrong, Daddy?.."

"Daddy's tired.." Kurt whispered.

"Take a nap." Jayde said, happy that she could think of a way to help her father.

Kurt gave a weak smile. "Thank you baby..I will later.."


Kurt slowly took a sip of his coffee, letting the taste linger in his mouth.

"Aunt Rachel, will you play with me?"

"Of course, me if you need me Kurt.." Rachel smiled.

"I will." Kurt said dismissively.

Rachel nodded, following Jayde up to her room. They played for a while until there was a knock on the door. Rachel looked up and opened the door.

"Hey gorgeous." Finn grinned, holding their baby close.

Rachel smiled wide as Jayde rushed up. "The baby!"

Finn chuckled. "Let's go to the couch and I'll let you hold her."

They walked to the living room where Kurt sat, reading a book.

"Hey, Kurt." Finn smiled.

Kurt looked up. "Oh..Hey finn..You brought Barbara? .." He said quietly.

"I did." He said as Jayde jumped onto the couch.

"Can I hold her now? Pleasepleaseplease?" Jayde grinned.

"Be very careful and make sure to keep her head up." Finn said as he gently handed his daughter to Jayde.

Kurt watched as Jayde cradled the baby in her arms. It was odd that something that usually would bring him so much joy, had no effect on him.

"She's beautiful!" Jayde said excitedly.

Rachel smiled wide as Kurt reached over, gently rubbing over the infant's forehead. Barbara cooed as she looked up at her cousin.

"You're so pretty.." Kurt whispered.

"She's our little angel." Rachel grinned. Kurt nodded, looking to his own daughter.

"Am I your angel daddy?"

"Yes..You're my perfect angel.." Kurt whispered. "Daddy loves you very much..You know that right?.."

Jayde nodded. "And I love you. I have the bestest family."

"You're happy?.." Kurt asked.

"I'm always happy with you, Daddy."

Kurt's eyes filled with tears as he stood. "I'm sorry.." he whispered, hurrying upstairs.

"I'll be right back." Rachel said, running after Kurt.

Kurt was curled up in the bed, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. Rachel knocked before walking in. "Kurt? What's wrong?"

Kurt didnt say anything. He just curled up tighter.

"Kurt, talk to me."

"What do you want me to say?!" Kurt yelled, sitting up. "I want to die!..But..I-I cant leave her.. I can't leave my baby.."

"Then don't." Rachel said seriously. "That little girl down there loves you more than anything. We'd all be broken if we lost you. But Jayde.. Jayde will suffer the most."

Kurt buried his face in his hands as he cried. Rachel rubbed up and down Kurt's back. "I know you're going through a lot. I can't begin to imagine how hard it is. But you're not alone. Please, Kurt. Please don't hurt yourself. If not for yourself, do it for Jayde. Stay here for her."

"That's why I can't stay..For h-her.."

"You've been doing so well, Kurt."

"No I wasn't.. Hes just been waiting..Something terrible is going to happen, Rachel..I can feel it in my bones.." Kurt rasped.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked, furrowing her brows.

"I don't know.." Kurt whimpered helplessly.

Rachel grabbed her best friend's hand. "You have my number. If you feel yourself losing control, call me. I don't care if its the middle of the night. I'll come over."

Kurt nodded, squeezing her hand as he broke down.

"Let it out."

Kurt felt like he was falling apart. Nothing felt real. His mind was slipping away and sanity was being replaced with paranoia. Rachel laid them down and held Kurt close. Kurt wrapped himself around his best friend, sobbing heavily until he eventually fell asleep. Rachel kissed his forehead and quietly headed downstairs.

"Is Daddy okay?.." Jayde asked.

"Yes. He's just tired and needs a nap."

She nodded and Finn stood. "I should probably get this one home for a nap.."

"Are you staying, Aunt Rachel?"

"Until your Daddy Blaine comes home." She smiled.


Rachel smiled, giving finn a kiss before he left and going to play outside with Jayde. Kurt woke up later that day, his head spinning. Claude's voice was echoing in his head. He couldn't make out what he was saying and it scared him. "What?!" Kurt yelled at the man in his mind. But the only response he got was the insidious laughter. Kurt got up and stumbled to the bathroom. He felt crawling under his skin, and he was seeing things, crows flying through the bathroom, fluttering violently as they flew around him. Kurt couldn't even scream as he fell, sheilding his head with his arms. Claude kept up his whispering, so low to keep Kurt terrified. Kurt's chest was heaving as he pulled his hair. "What do you w-want?.."

"You'll see soon enough." Claude's voice sounded more menacing than usual as he faded away slowly. Suddenly there was silence and Kurt looked up. The room was quiet and empty. Save for his rapid heartbeat. He stood on shaky legs and carefully peeked around the corner. He wished Blaine would hurry up and get home..

A few minutes later, Rachel came up the stairs to check on Kurt. Kurt was still cowering in the bathroom when the door opened.

"Kurt?" Rachel got out before gasping. "Kurt, what happened?"

"I need Blaine.." Kurt whimpered quietly.

"Hold on, Kurt. I'll call him."

Kurt nodded as Claude's voice started to come back. "No..Please stop.." he whined.

Rachel shakily dialed Blaine's number.

Blaine answered quickly. "Rachel..Is everything okay?.."

Kurt was shaking like a leaf as he pulled his hair harder.

"No. Kurt needs you now." She said urgently.

"I'll be right there." He said quickly before hanging up.

Kurt stood, walking past Rachel and down to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked as she followed.

Kurt said nothing, opening a drawer and rummaging through it.

"Kurt." Rachel said, reaching out to try and stop him.

"Stop!" Kurt yelled, making Rachel jump back as he stared at her with menacing eyes.

"Jayde. Jayde, sweetie, go to your room." Rachel said quickly. Kurt grabbed Jayde's wrist before she could walk past him.

"Kurt! Let go of her right now!" Rachel yelled, grabbing his arm.

Kurt jerked Jayde away. "You stay away from my baby!!" He growled.

"Then calm the fuck down!" Rachel screamed as Blaine ran in.

"Kurt! Kurt, let her go!"

Kurt's chest was heaving as he held Jayde behind him. Who were these people?.. "Stay away from her!"

"Baby, please. Calm down. It's just me. It's Blaine. Please, don't hurt her." Blaine pleaded.

"I would never hurt her.." Kurt whimpered, grabbing a knife off of the counter and pointing it at him. "You keep away from her!"

Blaine put his hands up as Jayde started to cry. "I'll back away. Just put the knife down."

Kurt had tears streaming down his face, his hand shaking as he kept the blade in Blaine's direction.

Blaine slowly backed off. "She's my daughter too, Kurt. Please, put the knife down."

Kurt looked back at Jayde. The little girl looked terrified.

"Please, daddy," Jayde whimpered. Kurt slowly lowered the knife, gasping harshly as Jayde ran past him to Rachel. Rachel knelt down and held her niece close. "Shh. It's okay, Jayde."

"Don't touch her!" Kurt yelled, starting towards Rachel.

Blaine stepped in and grabbed Kurt's wrists. "Kurt. Listen to me. That's your sister-in-law. She won't hurt Jayde."

Kurt's eyes went wide as he tried to struggle away from Blaine . "Baby..Baby.." He whimpered.

"Kurt, calm down. She's okay. It's okay."

Kurt closed his eyes as a violent tremor ripped through his body. "Fuck!" He got out in a wail of pain.

Blaine tried not to panic. "Baby, please. Calm down. Take a deep breath. You're okay.."

Kurt's knees gave out from under him and he collapsed to the floor, Blaine still holding his wrists as the knife clattered on the kitchen tile.

Blaine knelt down quickly. He cupped his husband's face in his hands. "Baby? Kurt?"

Kurt's eyes were vacant and hooded as he looked at his husband.

"Daddy?.." Jayde whimpered.

"Rachel, please take her upstairs." Blaine said quietly.

"No, what's wrong with Daddy?!" Jayde cried, struggling to get to Kurt.

"He needs to rest, Jayde. Come on." Rachel said, keeping her back.

Jayde screamed as Rachel picked her up and carried her upstairs. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Tears stung Blaine's eyes as he held his husband. "Please, Kurt. We need you. I need you.."

Kurt's dull gray eyes stayed locked on Blaine as another tremor shot through him. Blaine didnt know what to do as the tears streamed down his face. Kurt grinned as Claude's laughter rumbled low in his stomach.


Claude shook his head, a menacing grin plastered to his face as he started to laugh harder. "I didn't think it was going to be this easy!"

"Why cant you just leave us the fuck alone?" Blaine yelled.

Claude reached down, grabbing the knife. "Because you left him alone.."

Blaine tried to grab Claude's wrist but he wasn't fast enough. Claude knocked Blaine onto his back and climbed on top of him, holding the knife to his throat. Blaine took a shaky breath, trying to hide his fears. Claude tilted his head to the side, staring down at Blaine. "You didn't even have a second thought..You left him..Got fucked by other men..You didn't even think about him, did you?.."

"I thought about him every fucking day!" Blaine spat, trying to fight against Claude.

Claude pushed the knife down more, causing Blaine to hold still. "You deserve to suffer.." he smiled, leaning down to bite down at Blaine's ear. "I wonder if you scream like he did.." he whispered.

"No.." Blaine whimpered.

Claude gave a dark chuckle. "Oh yes..He screamed for you Blaine..And you'll scream for him..and he won't come..Just like you didn't come for him.."

Blaine shook his head. "No."

"No?" Claude laughed, looking down at Blaine with an amused expression. Blaine looked away, looking for anything in reach to fight back. Claude leaned down to kiss Blaine's neck, moving the knife momentarily. Blaine found his opening as his hand closed around a wine bottle from the rack. Blaine gripped the neck of the bottle and brought it down against the floor, shattering it and spilling the wine all over the tile. Blaine brought the sharp, broken edges to Claude's neck. This was his chance. He could end all of this. He looked up and realized it was still his husband. Even if it cost him his life, Blaine knew he couldn't hurt Kurt.

In the shock of the noise Claude dropped the knife and was pushed back against the counter, Blaine holding the jagged glass to his neck. He looked scared for a moment before starting to laugh.

Blaine pressed the edge closer, creating the smallest cut. He hoped Claude would bring Kurt out. Just for moment. It would scare his husband but Blaine didn't care as long as Claude left. Claude gasped, but to Blaine's despair, Kurt didn't emerge. "What are you planning on doing with that?.."

Blaine searched Claude's face, not saying a word.

"I'm sure Kurt would love to see this...But that's what you want isn't give him an opening.. If he comes out..You know I can come back..Just like..that.." Claude snapped his fingers and suddenly his expression turned terrified. "B-Blaine?.."

Blaine didn't think about Claude's words. He dropped the broken bottle and held Kurt close. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized this would be the last time he had with his husband. He cupped Kurt's cheeks in his hands. "I love you, Kurt. I love you so much. I-I know you don't understand this yet. But.. I forgive you. I know it's not you. I love you." He say quickly.

"What's happening?.." Kurt whimpered as he broke down into hysterical tears.

"I don't want you to worry about anything, okay? J-Just remember that I love you more than anything."

"I-I love you too.." Kurt gasped, cupping Blaine's face in his hands.

Blaine pressed himself against Kurt and kissed him deeply. "Don't be scared."

"Don't leave me..Please..I'm scared, Blaine..I dont want to wake up to something else..p-please..don't let him take me again..." Kurt sobbed.

"Don't let him. Stay with me. Just look at me. Do everything you can to stay with me and things will be okay. I need you to fight him Kurt." Blaine said as Rachel came downstairs. Blaine hurried over to her. "Go upstairs. Whatever you hear, don't come down. Promise me, you'll take care of Jayde. Please, Rachel."

"Blaine I won't let him hurt you! Jayde is terrified, she thinks you're gonna die!"

"I want my baby!" Kurt sobbed, pulling his hair roughly.

"Go upstairs. Tell her everything is fine. Put music on to calm her. I don't want her to hear anything." Blaine said quickly. "Go Rachel. Lock the door too."

Rachel swallowed roughly, nodding before hurrying upstairs. Kurt was panting harshly, fighting for dominance in his mind.

Blaine ran back to Kurt and pulled him close. "You can do it, Kurt."

Kurt pulled away, standing and pacing through the kitchen, the shattered glass cutting his feet as he walked over the razor sharp shards like they were nothing.


urt shook his head as he grabbed another knife and started upstairs.

"No!" Blaine yelled, running over and grabbing him. "It's me that you want. Take me!"

Kurt's eyes were dull as he pushed Blaine away and continued up the stairs.

Rachel heard the commotion and grabbed Jayde. "Come on, in the closet, sweetie."

Blaine ducked under Kurt's arm and stood in front of him. "Leave her alone!"

Kurt stared at Blaine with something dark in his eyes. He grabbed Blaine's throat and slammed him against Jayde's door. Blaine gasped harshly as a deep voice growled and Blaine was thrown to the side. Kurt kicked Jayde's door open. Blaine got back up and tackled his husband. "No!"

They fell into the room and Blaine saw it was empty, only hearing a whimper come from the closet. He gasped as he was pushed, sent flying off of Kurt's body and against Jayde's bookshelf.

Blaine struggled to get back up before pinning Kurt down. "Rachel, take her to your house now!"

Rachel grabbed jayde and opened the closet door. "Daddy! Daddy please don't fight! P-please!" Jayde screamed.

Blaine used all of his strength to keep his husband down as Rachel ran out of the room. Kurt struggled under blaine, letting out a loud guttural growl. Blaine waited until he heard the front door shut. "Kurt, baby, I know you're in there. Please, come back."

Kurt's eyes flashed back to the dark black Blaine knew belonged to Claude. The menacing laugh filled the room as he ripped his arm free, driving the tip if the knife into Blaine's arm.

"Ah!" Blaine cried out, falling back.

Claude stood over Blaine. "I've been waiting for this.."

"Fucking do it. Get it over with. You win." Blaine said through his teeth.

Claude bent down, smiling wide as he ran the tip of the knife down Blaine's neck to his stomach. "You never got to say goodbye to your little girl.."

Blaine closed his eyes. Jayde was the last thing he wanted to think about. She was safe now. That's what mattered.

Claude chuckled, pulling back before plunging the knife deep into Blaine's stomach. Blaine curled in on himself as the pain shot through him. Claude pulled out and stabbed Blaine three more times beforeKurt gasped as he looked down at Blaine. "B-Blaine...No!" He cried out, dropping down to his knees.

Blaine was gasping harshly, his hands over his stomach. Kurt cupped Blaine's face in his blood-covered hands. "No..Don't leave me.." he sobbed.


"I'm so sorry.." Kurt whispered, petting Blaine's face and hair. "I-I..I..Don't g-go.."

Blaine looked up at his husband, a tear slipping down his cheek as he took his last breath. Kurt let out a pained cry, pulling Blaine into his arms. "No! no..Blaine...B-Blaine, don't leave me!"

He cried and screamed as the body in his arms didn't move. He sat there, crying over his husband's body for hours until he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Blaine?.." Finn's voice called. Kurt wiped his eyes, more of his lover's blood streaking across his face.

Finn walked into the room and gasped. "Shit! Kurt, what did you do?!"

Kurt looked up at Finn and pulled the knife out of Blaine's body. "I didn't..I-it was Claude!" He said, pulling his husband closer protectively.

"Oh my god.." Finn got out as he turned around. "Stay here.. I'll be right back."

"W-Where are you going?"

"Just the hallway. I'm going to call someone."

Kurt looked down at the knife. "Finn..?"

"Yes, Kurt?"

"Please..Make sure Jayde always knows how much her daddies loved her.." Kurt whispered, putting the knife to his neck.

Finn slowly turned around to face Kurt. Something in his voice didn't sound right. "KURT, NO!"

Kurt quickly dragged the knife across his skin, slitting his own throat and falling forward across Blaine's body.

"NO!" Finn yelled again at the sight of his dead brother. He stood there in shock, unable to process what had happened until his phone rang with a call from his wife. He shakily lifted the phone to his ear. "R-Rachel..He killed him.."

"No.." She whispered. "W-Where's Kurt?"

"He..He just...Oh my god..I-I can't..Rachel.." Finn whimpered before breaking down.

"Finn? Please tell me he's okay. Finn?"

"He slit his own throat.."

Rachel immediately burst into tears.

Finn closed the door, unable to stand the sight any longer. "I..I think he wants us to take care of Jayde.."

"I-I promised Blaine..that w-we would.."

"Is that my daddy?.." Jayde whimpered. She hadn't stopped crying since they left.

"It's uncle Finn." Rachel said as calmly as she could.

"When are my daddies coming?..I-I want my daddies.."

"Finn, call 911 and I' to Jayde.."

Finn nodded and hung up.

"I want my daddies!" Jayde yelled.

Rachel sat down on the couch and sighed. "Jayde, come sit with me."

Jayde climbed up on the couch and cuddled up to Rachel, holding her close.

"I-I don't know how to tell you this, sweetie." Rachel started. "But.. You're going to stay with me and Uncle Finn now."

"No..I live with my daddies.."

"You're daddies aren't.. They aren't coming back.."

"What?..where are they?" Jayde asked.

"They're..not with us anymore." Rachel said carefully.

"They left me alone? Where'd they go?.."

"I know this is hard, Jayde. But, they're in heaven now."

The little girl gasped and even more tears flooded her eyes.

"Oh, sweetie," Rachel sighed, holding her niece close.

"I want my daddies.." She sobbed.

"I know, I know.."

Jayde didn't understand. Why were her daddies taken from her? They were so happy.

Rachel let Jayde cry until she fell asleep before calling Carole and breaking the news to her. Carole cried with Rachel when Finn walked inside, pale as a ghost.

Rachel politely got off the phone and walked to her husband, pulling him close. "I shouldn't have left.."

"You had to..You had to keep her safe.."

"They're dead, Finn.." Rachel whispered, clutching to her husband's shirt.

"I know.." Finn whispered. Rachel gasped as a sob escaped her. Finn wrapped his arms around his wife. "I-I'm just glad..You or Jayde didn't have to see them like that.."

"I'm so sorry, Finn."

Finn just shook his head, trying to forget the image burned into his mind.

The family got the funeral and will arranged over the next week. Blaine's will stated that he wanted Finn and Rachel to gain custody of Jayde. Most of his money went to her, and the rest went to the hospital Kurt went to.

Jayde sniffed as she was handed a letter from each of her parents, tucking it into her bag to get Rachel to read later. Kurt wrote several more letters for each of his family members and one to Blaine, which was given to Rachel. They made a few more funeral arrangements before heading back to the house. Jayde held the envelopes close, petting over her parents' handwriting slowly.

Rachel walked into the room they made for Jayde. "Hey sweetie.."

Jayde looked up. "Hi.." She said, still holding the unopened envelopes.

"Do you want to read them?"

"I'm scared to.."


"Because then they'll never say anything to me again.."

"You can open them whenever you're ready." Rachel sighed. "How did you get so smart?"

"My daddies.." Jayde said sadly.

"Your daddies were very smart."

Jayde nodded, hugging her unicorn close.

"You know they didn't want to leave, right?"

Jayde nodded slowly. "What happened to them?.."

"You know how Daddy Kurt was sick, right? In his mind? It made that scary guy come out?" Jayde nodded again, looking down. "The man you saw fighting Blaine wasn't Kurt. It was the scary man. Your daddies fought really hard. They didn't want to leave. But the man hurt them." Rachel explained.

Tears filled Jayde's again. "Daddy Blaine said he wouldn't let him hurt anyone.."

"He tried, Jayde. Daddy Blaine tried so hard. But the man was stronger."

Tears began to slip down her cheeks as she hugged the unicorn. "I-I miss him.."

Rachel pulled her niece into her lap. "I know, sweetie. I do too. I miss them so much.." She said as her own tears came.

Jayde buried her face in Rachel's neck.

"It's okay to cry, Jayde." Rachel said quietly.

"Daddy s-said to be strong.."

"You are strong. But even the strongest people cry."

Jayde whimpered lightly. "I-I know.."

Rachel kissed the top of her hair. "We'll get through this. I promise.

"Why won't they come back?.."

"It doesn't work that way. I wish it did. They deserve to be here." Rachel said softly. "But now, you have to keep on living and remember all the things they taught you."

"I don't want to remember..I want them to be here..D-Daddy Kurt was gonna show me how to play the piano.."

"I know it's not the same, but I can help you." Rachel said.

Jayde just cried as she held her aunt. Rachel closed her eyes, wondering how they would get through this pain.

"When will I get to see them?..B-Before they bury them."

"At the wake."


"Day after tomorrow. All their family and friends will be there to say bye. It might be too scary to see them, Jayde."

"I-I want to say goodbye.."

"Okay, sweetie."

Jayde whimpered, closing her eyes. Rachel sighed as she held the little girl close.

"I-I..Can you read me the letters?.."

Rachel nodded, grabbing Blaine's first.

"Hey baby girl,

I'm writing this just in case anything were to happen to me. I want you to know that none of this is your fault. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Your Daddy Kurt was an amazing person. He was just sick and couldn't stop it. He loved you very much. As do I. You are the most amazing thing that had ever happened to us. You're our angel. And I need you to promise me that you'll stay strong. I know it's hard, baby. But help take care of Aunt Rachel and your cousin Barbara. Teach her what we've taught you. I hate that I'm not there to watch you grow up. But always know, I'm watching you from heaven. I'll always be in your heart. Never forget that, Jayde. I'm so sorry things had to be this way. But I know you can get through this. I wish I could be there for you when you start middle school and high school. Times can get really tough. But never give up. It only makes you stronger. You are the most beautiful girl and you're my princess. You can be anything you want. Aunt Rachel will be there to help you get where you need to go. Wherever that is, I know I'll be proud of you. Stay strong, sweetie and know none of this was your fault.

I love and miss you.

Daddy Blaine."

Jayde wiped her eyes, her tiny shoulders trembling. Rachel rubbed her back softly, opening Kurt's.

"My beautiful Jayde,

I hope you understand why I had to leave you. I had dissociative identity disorder. Your father and I never really explained this to you, but it is a disease that has tortured my mind for years. With how my condition is progressing, I'm worried that you or your father could get hurt by my alternative personality, Claude. I always want you and your father to be safe. So I hope you understand why I had to leave. You are an amazing little girl and I have no doubt in my mind that you will grow up to be an amazing woman. I wish I could be there to watch you bloom, but this is for the good of everyone. Your Daddy Blaine will take care of you, and if he can't, then know your Aunt Rachel and Uncle Finn love you just as much as we do. I'll always be with you. Just know I'm free now and I miss you so much.


Daddy Kurt."

Rachel couldn't keep her hands from shaking as she finished reading. Jayde closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Do you have any questions?" Rachel asked.

Jayde shook her head. "C-Can I be alone?.."

Rachel nodded. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Jayde nodded back, laying down in her bed.

Finn was downstairs, reading over his letter from Kurt again, tears in his eyes.

"Hey.." Rachel said sadly. She still hadn't read hers.

Finn sniffed, quickly wiping his eyes as he folded the letter. "Hey.."

"Are you okay?" She asked as she sat in his lap.

Finn wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. "Yeah..How's Jayde?.."

Rachel shook her head. "She wanted to read the letters."

Finn looked down. "What'd they say?.."

"How amazing she is and to be strong. They didn't want this to happen but for her to remember that we love her just as much as they did." Rachel said as more tears came. "K-Kurt explained why it happened. I-I don't know i-if I can do this, Finn.."

"If you can do what?.." Finn whispered.

"Everything.. Not without them.."

"Yes you can..we're strong..We have to be..For Jayde..For them.." Finn said seriously.

"What if I'm not good enough? I'm not them.. And we have a baby."

"What do you think Kurt would say if he could hear you right now?" Finn asked.

"That I'm Rachel Berry Hudson and I can do anything..." Rachel sighed.

"Exactly.." Finn smiled up at his wife.

"I just miss them.. How's your mom?.."

"She's trying to get through it.." Finn said softly.

"Is there anything we can do to help her?"

We could bring Jayde and Barbara over.." Finn said, rubbing up and down Rachel's back.

Rachel nodded. "I think she'd like that."

"Me too.."

"Will you get Jayde? I'll get Barbara's diaper bag ready."

Finn nodded, kissing Rachel before walking to Jayde's room.

The funeral came too quickly. None of the family felt ready. Especially not Jayde. She hadn't said a word all day. She wore her red dress despite the occasion. The dress Kurt would coo over and say "You know, that's daddy's favorite dress.." she smoothed it down as they walked into the funeral home. A red dot in a sea of black. She didn't like black. It was so sad.. She knew her daddies wouldn't want everyone to be sad.

Rachel saw her mother-in-law crying by the open casket. "Oh, Carole.."

Jayde squeezed Finn's hand as Rachel hurried over to Carole. Her breathing sped up. There they were. Two boxes side by side. "Daddy?.." She whispered.

Finn knelt down. "Are you sure you want to see?"

Jayde looked up at Finn. "I-I think so.."

"If it's too hard or too sad, you don't have to." Finn said softly.

"I want to.."

Finn picked his niece up. "We can't touch them though."

"Why?...I want to hug them.."

"Because.. They're not.. alive anymore.."

Jayde's bottom lip quivered as she looked down. Daddy told her to be strong..She couldn't cry.. Finn took a deep breath as he walked over to the caskets. Jayde looked over and gasped softly. They just looked like they were sleeping. She reached out, touching Kurt's face and a shock flew through her body as she pulled back. His skin was cold and stiff. She screamed, burying her face in Finn's chest. "Daddy stop it!"

"What happened?" Finn asked, stepping back.

Jayde panted harshly as she turned to face her fathers' bodies. "Wake up!!"

Everyone watched as Jayde panicked. Finn rushed out of the room with his niece and sat down on a bench. "They won't wake up, Jayde."

Jayde was beginning to hyperventilate. "D-D-Daddy!"

Finn held his niece close as he tried to calm her down.

Jayde reached up, pulling on her curls. "I want my daddies!"

Finn's eyebrows knitted together as he recognized the motion. He walked back and called for his wife.

Rachel hurried over. "What is it?

Finn spoke as quiet as he could as Jayde yelled and cried. She's doing that hair pulling thing Kurt did.."

"She saw him do it when he was upset..She thinks it'll help.." She said, picking Jayde up. "Don't pull your hair.."

She said gently.

Finn gave a sigh of relief. He hadn't thought of that.

Jayde slowly opened her fingers. "O-okay.."

"Are you ready to go back over there? You don't have to look." Rachel said.

Jayde nodded slowly. Rachel kissed her cheek before walking back. Jayde sat in the back, hugging her unicorn she brought. Finn and Rachel took care of th funeral, making sure to check on Jayde every so often.

Jayde whimpered quietly when she was alone in the building. "Daddy.." She whispered. The little girl looked up and saw her parents standing at the end of the aisle, smiling. She gasped. "Daddies!" She cried happily, quickly running to them before she blinked and they disappeared. What was going on? She just saw them.

"Daddies?..Daddies!" She called but no one answered. She was starting to get scared.. "Aunt Rachel!?"

A couple minutes later, Rachel walked around the corner. "Oh god. There you are!"

"I saw my daddies!" She said happily, running to her. "They're okay!"

"What? What're you talking about?" Rachel asked.

"I saw them! They were standing right there, smiling!" She grinned, pointing.

"Jayde, they aren't here."

Her smile slowly faded. "But..I saw them.."

"It was just your imagination, sweetie. You've been through so much."

Jayde looked down before she looked back where her parents stood.

"Come on. Lets get you home." Rachel sighed.


Rachel took her niece's hand as they walked down the hall to where everyone was leaving. Jayde slowly looked up and saw Blaine again, standing in the crowd.

"He's right there!" She said excitedly as she pointed.

Rachel looked over, "Jayde..There's no one there."

"But I see him!"

"Jayde.." Rachel sighed, pulling her away. "Come on.."

"No!" She cried, starting to pull her aunt in the other direction.

"Jayde, look! He's gone!" Rachel said, tears gathering in her eyes.

Jayde looked around as panic filled her chest. "I saw him.."

Rachel bent down, picking her up and hurrying to the car. A new wave of tears flooded Jayde's eyes. Finn was putting Barbara in her carseat when Rachel walked up.

"We need to get home."

"Okay..What's wrong?.." Finn asked softly.

"She thinks she sees Kurt and Blaine." Rachel said quietly.

"I did!" Jayde protested.

"Jayde, it's not possible."

"Yes I did!" She said seriously. "They were standing at the front and they smiled at me! They were happy! I want to go to them!" She yelled.

"Jayde." Finn said in a warning tone, afraid she would make Barbara cry.

"No! Take me home!"

"We are going home." Rachel said as she climbed into the front seat.

"Take me home to my daddies!!" She screamed. Rachel brought her hands up to massage her temples as her daughter started to cry. "Take me home!" Jayde yelled.

"Jayde!" Finn snapped. "You're going home with us. Stop it."

Jayde bit her lip, looking down and sniffing lightly.

Finn hated yelling at her. He just needed her to calm down and stop disrespecting them. Barbara slowly calmed down and Jayde just squeezed her unicorn. They drove home in silence. Jayde quickly climbed out of the car, squeezing her unicorn tighter. When Rachel opened the door, Jayde ran up to her room.

Finn looked to Rachel. "What do we do?.."

"I don't know.."

Jayde jumped onto her bed, burying her face in the pillow. She knew her daddies were okay, she just knew it.

Finn gave her a little while to calm down before walking upstairs and knocking on his niece's door.

"Go away!"

"Jayde, please let me come in." Finn said softy. Jayde just cuddled under her blanket, sniffing. Finn slowly opened the door. "I'm sorry, Jayde."

"I know my daddies are okay."

"It's not possible, sweetie. You saw them.. In the caskets.."

Jayde whimpered. "I saw them.."

Finn sighed. "Where?"

"They were standing up front by their pictures..And then I ran to them and they went away. Then I saw Daddy Blaine when we were leaving."

"Jayde, I think you wanted to see them so badly that you imagined them."

"They were real!" She said, sitting up.

"I know it may seem like it. But it wasn't real."

Jayde just looked away, "It was real to me.."

Finn saw the expression in her eyes and sat down. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to. You know, I've never really been a father before a couple of weeks ago. This is new to me too. I didn't mean to upset you."

Jayde automatically pressed herself to Finn's chest and sniffed. "I just want my daddies back.."

"I know. I do too."

Jayde closed her eyes, letting Finn hold her. Finn's mind raced. He understood why Rachel dismissed Jayde pulling her hair. But he wasn't ready to rule that out yet.

Later that night, Jayde laid in her bed, crying softly.

"Don't cry, angel.." Kurt said softly.

Jayde gasped, quickly looking up in the direction of the voice. Kurt stood there, smiling lightly at his daughter.

"W-What's happening? I want to be with you."

"You can't.." Kurt said softly. He looked ao different. So happy. He walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. "But your Daddy and I will always be with you.."

"Why can't Aunt Rachel see you?" Jayde asked.

"Only you can see us..I went through the same thing..But you have to try and move on.."

"But I don't want you to leave me."

"I don't want you to go through this.."

"But it's just you and Daddy. I need you."

"Jayde..If you don't try to fight this..You'll be sad and sick..Just like I was.." Kurt whispered, touching her hand. She felt nothing.

"But how can I be sad if you're here?" Jayde asked.

"Because..You just have to trust me, babygirl.." Kurt whispered.

"What will happen if I can't fight it?"

"I don't know.." Kurt said quietly.

"How do I stop it?" Jayde asked, hoping Kurt would still stay.

"Ignore anything you see that shouldn't be there..Especially Daddy Blaine and I.."

Jayde's bottom lip quivered. "But you're my daddy.."

"I'm not alive anymore, love..I'm in your mind and heart.."


"You miss us too much, sweetie.." Kurt said quietly.

"I don't want you to leave."

"I know.." Kurt said, looking down at her with tears in his eyes.

"I-I miss you and Daddy Blaine. I need you."

"No you don't..You think you need us.."

"Yes I do."

"Listen to him Jayde.." Blaine said softly, standing behind her bed.

Jayde gasped as she turned to see him. "B-But.."

"We know what's best.."

"Daddy.." Jayde said weakly as she crawled over the bed to get to Blaine.

Blaine sighed softly. "You can't touch us Jayde..We're not real.."

"Stop saying that.."

"It's true.." Blaine said holding out his hand. Jayde tried but whimpered when she felt nothing.

"We're basically your...imaginary friends.." Kurt tried to explain. "But we shouldn't be.."

"But you're good.. N-Not like that man.."

Kurt smiled. "I know baby..I had a good person in me too..She was my mommy.."

"Why is it bad?" Jayde asked.

"Because..I want you to grow up to be happy and healthy Jayde.." Kurt whispered.

"So.. You want me to ignore you?.."

Kurt looked down and Blaine walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder.


"What if you talk to me? Or if I need to talk to you?"

"We'll try not to..And you have your aunt and uncle.." Blaine said.

"B-But if you really need to talk to us..Go to our graves..Then we can..O-only emergencies.." Kurt said, earning a look from his husband.

"But talk to our graves. If you see us, don't talk to us. Talk to the graves. We'll be listening." Blaine added. Kurt looked down, sighing sadly.

"O-Okay.." Jayde said softly.

"We have to go now." Blaine said, leaning down to kiss her forehead, though she couldn't feel it. "I love you, baby girl."

Kurt did the same. "I love you so much, Jayde. Remember, you'll always be our princess.." He said, trying not to cry.

"I love you too daddies...Please don't go..Just stay tonight.."

"We can't, baby." Kurt sniffed. "This isn't good for you."

"Just once.." She pleaded. Blaine gave his husband a weary look.

"Just tonight.." Kurt whispered to Blaine.

"Jayde, you have to promise us that you will ignore us after tonight." Blaine said seriously.

"I promise!" She smiled.

"Alright." Blaine sighed. He couldn't help but give a small smile as Jayde snuggled back into bed with a parent on each side.

Even though Jayde couldn't feel them, she could imagine the warmth she used to feel. She sighed happily, closing her eyes. "G'night daddies.." Jayde yawned.

"Goodnight." They older men said together.

A pair of shoes clicked along the linoleum tile of the hospital as a woman, holding the hand of an eleven-year-old made her way to the front desk.

"Jayde Anderson.." Rachel said softly. She hadn't come to see the eighteen year old girl in a few days, but she hoped she would understand.

Jayde sait in the rec room, her head resting on Blaine's shoulder. "I wish I could stay where you did Dad..It sounds nice.." She said to Kurt.

"It is. But I like this place." Kurt said.

"Me too." She smiled as Rachel walked into the room. Jayde sat up, smiling. "Hi Aunt Rachel..Hi Barbara."

"Hey.." Barbara said, looking at the floor.

"Hey sweetie. Sorry I haven't been here in a few days." Rachel said softly.

"Oh its okay..Dad thought you wouldn't come today.." She said, looking over at the empty space beside her and smiling.

"Well, we're here." Rachel said.

"How was school, Barbara?" Jayde asked.

"Boring. I'm ahead of everyone." The young girl sighed.

"I knew she'd be smart.." Blaine grinned.

"Just like Rachel." Kurt agreed. "Beautiful too."

Jayde giggled. "Well, look who your mom is.."

"Why can't you come home?" Barbara asked. "When can you?"

"Umm..I don't know.." She said softly, chewing on her bottom lip and looking to Rachel.

"It's complicated, sweetie." Rachel told her daughter.

"How?..I miss having her home.." Barbara said.

"We'll talk about it later."

Jayde sighed softly. "You wanna go walk?.." She asked Barbara.

"Yes." Barbara nodded. Jayde smiled, standing and grabbing her hand.

"I'll grab some stuff from the cafeteria for when you get back," Rachel said.

Jayde nodded, walking to the small park like area outside.

"How's Uncle Finn?" Jayde asked.

"He's good. Misses you.."

"I miss him too. And Grandma."

"Then why can't you come home?..You never hurt anyone.. You just..Talk to yourself.."

"I don't know." Jayde sighed. "I still see my dads all the time. I guess they're worried it'll get worse."

"But that's not bad..Everyone has imaginary friends."

"They're supposed to go away when you get older."

"Everyone's different." Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy." Jayde said quietly.

"No one's crazy..People just deal with things in different ways..When others find it too different they call it bad things." Barbara said softly.

"Thanks, Barbie."

"No problem. So..What were..are your dad's like?.."

"Happy. They're perfect. I wish you could get to know them. They love when you come."

"Really?" Barbara grinned. "Well..Mom's shown me pictures. They looked happy."

"I miss being home with them."

"You remember..?"

Jayde nodded. "I remember a lot."

Blaine couldn't help but grin as he and Kurt walked ahead of them.

"What have you been up to?" Jayde asked her cousin.

"Not much..Just school, dance, piano, acting, vocal lessons, ballet. The usual."

Jayde gave a small chuckle. "Not much at all."

Barbara giggled lightly, pulling Jayde into a hug.

Jayde sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too.." Barbara smiled.

Jayde gave a small smile as she pulled back. Kurt and Blaine stood on either side of their daughter and Jayde sighed happily. Despite everything..Losing her parents and finding them again within herself..She truly was happy.


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