Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall: Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,649 - Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Sep 16, 2012 - Updated: Jun 14, 2013
161 0 0 0 0

They were in the airport about to board the flight to New York. Blaine was searching for the sleeping pills for Kurt, but he couldn't find them.
"Babe.. I don't see them. Did you take them out?"

"No.." Kurt said, grabbing the bag from Blaine and digging through it's contents.

"I can go see if the little store over there has some sleeping aids.."

Kurt looked up as the speaker called for the last call to board. 'Blaine.." He whimpered.

"We have to go, Kurt.. I'll be here. Don't be scared.."

Kurt shook his head, gripping the arms of his chair.

"Look baby, I love you. You're going to be okay. You can do this." Blaine said softly.

Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes before closing the bag and standing.

You can do it." Blaine repeated as they boarded.

Kurt was practically shaking as they sat. Blaine gave Kurt the window seat, which he promptly pulled the shade down on. He helped Kurt get buckled in and pulled him close as he started to hum softly.

"I just want to go home..I don't want to be here.." Kurt got out.

"I know, I know," Blaine soothed. "Just focus on me. Don't think about where we are."

Kurt nodded, bringing a hand up to cup Blaine's cheek. Blaine looked at Kurt with love and devotion. "It's just us."

Kurt closed his eyes, giving Blaine a soft kiss as the engine started. He whimpered, squeezing his eyes closed.

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Shh, it's okay. I promise."

Kurt nodded again, burying his face in Blaine's neck. It was going to be a long flight. Blaine hummed a soft tune as he held his husband. Kurt didn't relax for the whole flight, his breathing growing frantic as they ran into some turbulence.
"I won't let you out.." He whispered. "I won't.."

"You can do it baby. Ignore him." Blaine said quietly. Kurt whined, clutching to Blaine tighter as the plane jerked.
"It's okay, Kurt. I'm here.."

The rest of the flight was relatively calm. Kurt only gasped a bit as they landed. He couldn't wait to get off of the plan. The passengers behind them let the couple go first. Blaine grabbed their bags and followed his husband. Kurt sighed happily as they walked into the airport. "Thank god.."

"You okay?" Blaine asked.

"Yes.." Kurt sighed, pulling Blaine into a hug.

Blaine held Kurt close. "I love you."

"I love you too.."

"Let's get home."

Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine's hand as they went to go get their bags. They got them and headed home.
When they walked inside, Kurt pulled his jacket off before lying down and spreading out on the carpet.

Blaine chuckled. "Missed home?"

Kurt nodded, humming happily. Blaine smiled as he put their bags in the bedroom. He heard the record player come on and smiled softly as he walked back out to see Kurt holding his arms out to him. Blaine gladly took Kurt's hands and pulled him close. Kurt laughed as Blaine took the lead and they danced around the room. Kurt was really smiling and laughing. He looked so happy. Blaine loved these moments. Kurt just looked so beautiful and worry free.. Blaine twirled Kurt around. His musical laugh filled the room again as he let Blaine hold him close. "Lets get married.." he smiled.

"I can't wait to marry you again." Blaine grinned. Kurt leaned in, pressing his lips to Blaine's and humming softly. "You're perfect.."

"No.." Kurt said smiling and, biting his lip.

"You are in my eyes."

"Well..You're perfect.." Kurt said, tilting his head and smiling.

Blaine chuckled. "You want to go surprise Raleigh?"

Kurt lit up. "Can we?"

"We can."

Kurt nodded, grinning. "Oh! I have to take pictures and show her!"

"Go get ready." Blaine smiled. Kurt nodded, walking off to the room. Blaine grabbed some clothes and went to shower.
A few minutes into his shower, he gasped sharply as Kurt pulled opened the curtain and stepped in with him.
"Oh my god, you scared me!" Blaine said, his heart still racing.

"I'm sorry." Kurt apologized, his eyebrows kneading together. "I didn't mean to."

Blaine chuckled. "It's okay. I just didn't hear you."

Kurt nodded, looking down at his husband. "Let me wash you?.."

Blaine nodded, handing Kurt a wash cloth. Kurt smiled, squeezing some of his body soap on it and starting to wash Blaine's chest. Blaine closed his eyes at the touch.
"You're just beautiful.." Kurt whispered.

"Thank you."

Kurt ran the rag over Blaine's body, watching with wide eyes as it passed over each curve.
"I love this." Blaine whispered.

"I love touching you." Kurt said, setting the rag down and replacing it with his hands. Blaine gave a soft sigh as he relaxed.

"I love you.."

"I love you too."

Kurt took his time washing Blaine, smiling lightly to himself the entire time. Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt softly. Kurt closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and inhaling softly. Blaine took the rag and slowly washed his husband. Kurt watched Blaine's face and kissed his forehead softly, smiling as his curls tickled his nose. Blaine made sure to go slow. He cherished moments like this. Moments Claude couldn't ruin. Kurt hummed softly, closing his eyes.
After their shower, the couple got dressed and headed out. Kurt looked out the window, unable to help the uneasy feeling that was settling on him as they approached the hospital.
"Remember, you're just a visitor today." Blaine said as they got out.

Kurt nodded, quickly grabbing Blaine's hand. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand as they went inside and signed in.

"Hey Kurt.." The nurse smiled.

"Hello.." Kurt said quietly.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Better.." He nodded, looking down.

"Good." The older woman smiled.

"Is Raleigh here?.."

"She is. Come on. I'll take you to her room."

Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand. They followed the nurse back. She knocked on Raleigh's door. "You have some visitors."

Raleigh looked up from her spot on the bed and her eyes lit up. "Kurt! Blaine!"

"Hey." Blaine smiled.

Kurt walked inside, pulling her into a hug.

"I miss you." Raleigh said sadly.

"I miss you too.." Kurt said, pulling her closer.

"How have you been? What's it like outside of this place?"

"I've been good." Kurt said softly, pulling away. "I brought pictures! "

"Come sit!" She grinned, jumping into her bed.

Kurt smiled climbing onto the bed with her while Blaine sat on a chair across from them.
"This is our apartment." He said, showing her on his camera.

"Oh, wow. It's nice."

Kurt smiled going through the pictures. "That's my brother Finn, and his wife, Rachel..And that..That's Blaine's ass."

"Ohmygod!" Raleigh giggled.

"What?!" Blaine gasped.

Kurt went to the next picture. "Nothing." He smiled.

"Why do you have a picture of that?"

"It's mine, I can have a picture of it if I want."

"You don't need to show people." Blaine muttered, clearly embarrassed.

"Its okay Blaine. I think you have a great ass." Raleigh smiled. Blaine just looked away as his blush grew. The two on the bed laughed together and continued to look through the pictures.
The couple spent the afternoon there with Raleigh. Raleigh seemed happy. She'd gained some weight, and had some color in her face, but she still looked like something was wrong..
"Blaine, can I talk to Raleigh alone..?"

Blaine nodded, smiling at them and stepping out.

"What's going on?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing's going on.." Raleigh said quietly

"Raleigh, I know you. Talk to me."

The younger girl sighed, looking down. "I was going to kill myself today."

Kurt gasped. He reached out for her hand. "Why?"

"I just want to go home.." She whispered, tearing up. "But they're never going to let me go. I've gained and lost and gained again..It's never good enough."

Kurt pulled his friend close. "You can go home. You just have to not lose it after gaining. Look at me.. I got to go home. You can too."

"You had Blaine to help you..I don't have anyone.."

"You have me.."

"I'm so glad you came.."

"Me too," Kurt said softly. What would happen when he moved to Ohio..?

"I've gained enough..I just need to keep it on..Even though I hate it.." Raleigh whispered.

"You look good, though." Kurt said seriously.

"Thank you..I'm trying to see it."

"You will." Kurt encouraged.

Ralegh pulled him into a hug. "If you two wouldn't have come.."

"We did. I'll try to come more."

"You don't have to..I don't want you to feel obligated.."

"I want to. I want you to be okay."

Raleigh smiled, nodding lightly.

"You still have our number too." Kurt said.

"I do.." She smiled. Blaine knocked on the door, poking his head in. "Can I come back in?"

"Yeah." Kurt smiled at his husband.

Blaine walked inside. "You really look amazing Raleigh."

"Thank you.." She said as she put her arms around her stomach.

Kurt took her hands, pulling them away. "Hey..At least you don't have to hide this.." He said, gesturing to the cuts and scars on his face and arms. "You're beautiful..."

"No. I have to hide my fat."

"You're not fat.." Kurt said seriously, placing his hand on her cheek. "You're perfect."

Raleigh gave a weak smile.

Kurt grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her forehead, smiling as he pulled away.

"I really missed you.."

"I missed you too." He said softly.
They spent the day together, doing things around the hospital.
"I took care of your sunflower for you while you were gone." Raleigh said as they walked out to the garden.

"Look how big it is, Blaine!" Kurt grinned. He ran over to the flower. It was almost as tall as he was. He gently traced over the leaf and laughed happily before running over to Raleigh and hugging her tight.

"Its gorgeous. Thanks, Raleigh." Blaine said softly

Raleigh nodded as Kurt released her abd grabbed BlIne's hand. "It's taller than you!..I'll name it Blaine."

"Ohmygod." Blaine chucked.

Kurt giggled and kissed Blaine softly. "Visiting hours are almost over.."

"We'll come back soon." Blaine promised. Raleigh nodded, hugging them both. They said goodbye and walked her to her room before leaving.

Kurt looked over at Blaine as they left. "Do you think she'll be okay?.."

Blaine nodded. "I think if she can see that she's gorgeous then she'd be okay."

Kurt nodded, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Did she say something?"

Kurt sighed. "She was going to kill herself today.."

Blaine looked over quickly. "What?"

Kurt nodded. "If we didn't come..she would be.." He trailed off.

"But we did, baby. She's okay."

"It just..It's scary.."

"I know.. We'll come see her as much as we can." Blaine said softy. Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand. Blaine held onto Kurt's hand the whole way home.
That night, in bed, Kurt rested his head on Blaine's chest and toyed with the hair there.

"Yeah babe?"

"What would you do if I killed myself?.."

Blaine sat up quickly. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I-I was just asking.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

"I don't want to live without you."

"I know..Just..What would you do?.."

"I don't know, Kurt. Losing you again.. For good.." Blaine took a deep breath and held it in. "I-I can't.."

"What if we already had our daughter?.." Kurt asked.

"Kurt, where is this coming from?" Blaine asked seriously.

"I don't know..I just..I feel like I need to know.." The taller whispered.

"I wouldn't have a choice.."

Kurt looked down. He didn't know why he was thinking about this. He didn't like it. But he needed to know Blaine would be okay if anything happened to him.

"I won't have a kid if that's why you want one." Blaine said quietly. He laid down, his back to Kurt.

"Blaine..That's not why I want to have a child with you.." Kurt said seriously.

"Why are you thinking about this?"

"I-I don't know..."

Blaine sighed. "Please don't do anything to hurt yourself.."

"Are you mad at me?.." Kurt whispered, tugging lightly on his hair.

"No. Just.. I know I always hold you and everything. I-I just really need you tonight.."

Kurt scooted closer to Blaine, resting his chin on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around him. Blaine took another deep breath as he pressed himself back to Kurt. Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw softly, molding his body to Blaine's and tangling their legs together.
"I love you, Kurt.."

"I love you too.." Kurt whispered. "I like holding you.." He said after a while. "It's like its my turn to keep you safe.."

"I've needed this for so long.." Blaine said quietly.

"Why didn't you ask?.."

"I wanted to be strong for you.."

"You are..But everything strong needs support..Or it'll break.."

Blaine turned around and wrapped himself around Kurt. "I don't want to break.."

"Then let me support you.." Kurt said quietly, cupping his cheek.

"I will." Blaine nodded.

Kurt nodded back, leaning in to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine gasped, melting against his husband. Kurt pulled Blaine closer before rolling on top of him and deepening the kiss. Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist and let out a broken moan. Kurt held Blaine close, rolling his hips down and pulling lightly at Blaine's shirt.

"Please.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt nodded, kissing down Blaine's neck before pulling his shirt off. Kurt admired his husband in the dim light before undressing him the rest of the way and pulling his own clothes off.

"You still think I'm beautiful..?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I know you are.." Kurt said softly, running his hands up Blaine's stomach and across his chest.

Blaine gasped softly. "Thank you.."

Kurt smiled before grabbing the lube out of the drawer. Blaine licked his lips as he spread his thighs slightly. Kurt reached down, slowly spreading the lube across his length. Blaine watched his husband. "You're so perfect.."

"Shh.." Kurt whispered, kissing his forehead. "Let me take care of you.."

Blaine nodded, relaxing against the bed. Kurt gripped the base of his member, pushing in slowly as his kissed Blaine's cheeks and forehead. Blaine gasped, pulling Kurt closer.
"I've got you.." Kurt said quietly, stroking Blaine's hair. Blaine fluttered his eyes open and looked up at his husband. Kurt looked down at Blaine with loving eyes before leaning in to kiss him. He began rolling his hips, his breath hitching slightly at the tight heat. Blaine moaned quietly, losing himself in Kurt. Everything about this was perfect, exactly what he needed. Blaine had tried so hard to be strong for Kurt. But his husband was right. He needed to let go and let Kurt take care of him. Kurt watched Blaine. He had never seen him more exposed. He kissed his neck softly, creating the perfect angle as he thrust a bit faster. Blaine's mouth fell open in a silent moan. This is what he craved with the men he had been with after he left Kurt. He searched for this feeling. All the love and commitment. This..finally having it back.. Blaine let a tear slip down his cheek as he let the familiar feeling come back. Kurt slowed down. "Blaine, why are you crying?..A-Are you okay?..I'm sorry.." He said quickly.

Blaine shook his head. "No.. Don't stop. I-I missed this.. I just.. I love you so much.."

Kurt nodded, wiping the drop away before pressing their lips together and moving his hips in that amazing way.

"Kurt!" Blaine gasped.

Kurt gave a small inhale as he heard Blaine say his name. He pulled him closer, giving deep, slow thrusts into his lover. Blaine wrapped his arms around his husband's neck and tightened his legs around his waist. Kurt gave a quiet moan. This felt so good. Not just the sex..But being so close to Blaine. He looked so..different. Relaxed. Blaine always tried to be so composed. This was a new side of him.. Blaine closed his eyes, letting himself give in to his husband. Kurt kissed Blaine's ear, panting softly against it. "Blaine.." he moaned.

"K-Kurt.. I'm close.."

Kurt nodded, pulling back and watching Blaine's face as he sped up his hips. Blaine arched his back as the coiling in the pit of his stomach increased. He let out a loud moan of his husband's name as he came between them. Kurt gasped, watching Blaine's face in amazement as he gave a few more thrusts and came, panting softly. Blaine clutched to his husband as they rode out the orgasms. Kurt kissed Blaine deeply before grabbing a tissue to clean Blaine up. Blaine relaxed on the bed. "So perfect."

Kurt smiled lightly before pulling him close. "I love you. "

"I love you so much."

"I love you too.." Kurt said, stroking Blaine's hair.

Blaine curled up to Kurt as sighed happily.

"I've never seen you like this.."


"Well..Not that I just seem so..Relaxed.." Kurt said.

"I am." Blaine smiled sleepily.

Kurt kissed Blaine. "Goodnight, baby.."

"Mmm, night."


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