June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
Kurt just made a noise, burying his face in the blanket. Carole chuckled as she stretched.
"I don't wanna get up.."
"So, stay in bed," Carole grinned. "You want me to make breakfast?"
Kurt nodded, hugging his pillow. "Can you get Blaine too?.."
"Sure thing, sweetie."
"Thank you.." Kurt said quietly. Carole kissed his forehead before getting out of bed. Kurt lay there for a bit, staring at the ceiling as the quiet whispers began buzzing through his head.
Blaine came in a few minutes later. "Good morning.."
"Morning.." Kurt said quietly.
"How are you..?"
"I missed you last night. .But I had a lot to think about..
"I understand. I missed you too." Blaine said softly.
"I want Sebastian to come to dinner tonight."
Blaine's eyes went wide. "What..? Why?"
"So we can work it out.."
"I'll call him.." Blaine sighed.
Kurt nodded and curled back up in bed. Blaine bad no idea what Kurt was doing, but he only hoped it went well. What if Claude came out? Being around Sebastian might make Kurt mad..
"Come lay with me.." Kurt said quietly. Blaine nodded, climbing into bed. Kurt cuddled up to Blaine, sighing happily.
"I love you." Blaine whispered.
"I love you too.."
Blaine closed his eyes, hoping things would go smoothly.
Later that day, Blaine walked out on the balcony with Carole so he could call Sebastian. He was almost shaking as he dialed the number and waited for the answer.
"Hello?" Sebastian answered.
"Sebastian? I-It's me.. Blaine.."
Sebastian was quiet for a long time. He was so quiet Blaine thought he might've hung up.
"Yeah.." Blaine said quietly. "Please don't hang up.."
"Where the fuck have you been?..You just don't come home one day? No call? Nothing!"
"I'm sorry.. I.. I should've told you.."
"Yes, you should've..Just..Where the hell are you?"
"I have an apartment.."
"Where?..We..We can just forget about this and you can come home.." Sebastian sighed.
Blaine bit his lip. He did t want to do this. "I can't do that.. This won't be easy for you to hear.."
"What?..Do you like have a boyfriend or something?..If there was someone else, you could've just told me instead of taking the ring Blaine..Fuck..Baby..Just come home.." Sebastian said quietly.
"I was scared, Sebastian. I was happy with you but.. I kept thinking about Kurt. About if there was a chance.. I found him." Blaine explained quickly. "He needed me.. He needs me.."
"And you think I don't? I've been fucking miserable without you, Blaine!"
"Not like this.."
"There is absolutely no reason you should stay with him Blaine. He didn't want you. You didn't have sex for months. For fuck's sake Blaine don't go crawling back to him when I am practically begging you to come back to me after you fucked me over!"
"Sebastian, please.. You don't know what happened.. Look.. I'm sure you don't want to. But Kurt wants you to come over for dinner.."
Sebastian gave a bitter laugh. "Oh this is just perfect..Fine..But I expect to be leaving with you."
"Just give me the address.."
Blaine gave it to him before getting off the phone and sighing. "This is going to be a disaster."
"Blaine...Its going to be okay..Finn and I will be here.."
"I'm scared for Kurt.. Sebastian can be..controlling.."
"How so?.." Carole asked quietly.
"He didn't like me around other guys much. He said he expects me to leave with him tonight.. And I'm not doing that.."
Carole nodded. "It's okay.." she repeated. Blaine sat down, trying to relax.
"Come on, let's start on dinner.."
Blaine nodded, getting back up and following Carole.
A couple of hours later, Kurt looked up as there was a knock on the door. Blaine got up before Kurt could and opened it. "Hey.."
Sebastian smiled, pulling Blaine into a hug. "Hey.."
Kurt watched the display and his blood boiled, "Excuse me.."
Blaine pulled back. "Sebastian.. This is Kurt."
"His husband." Kurt added.
"Husband? " Sebastian snapped, turning to stare at Blaine.
"Umm.. Yeah.." Blaine said awkwardly.
"What the fuck.." Sebastian groaned.
"Dinner's ready!" Carole called.
Blaine didn't say anything as he lead Sebastian and Kurt to the table. "This is Carole and Finn. Kurt's mom and brother."
"Hi.." Sebastian said, trying to swallow his anger.
"It's nice to meet you." Carole said softly.
Kurt sat down. "Blaine..." he said, patting the seat next to him. Blaine slid into the chair and motioned for Sebastian to sit across from him. Sebastian sat and Kurt scooted closer to Blaine, his hand twitching slightly as he pulled at his sleeve. Blaine rested a hand on Kurt's leg, giving a reassuring squeeze. They began to eat, the tension thick in the air.
"So..We just wanted to tell you Blaine is done with you." Kurt said simply, looking at Sebastian.
"That's not your choice now, is it? I believe that's Blaine's decision." Sebastian said, glaring at Kurt.
"We're married. " Kurt snapped.
"And technically he never broke off our engagement. What is that called? Oh, right. Cheating."
"He told me he doesn't want you anymore.." Kurt said darkly. His pulse was rushing as he stared at Sebastian.
"Kurt, please calm down.." Blaine said, starting to worry.
"I want you out of our life.." Kurt whispered.
"You really think you're better for him.? Can you provide for him? What do you do, Kurt?" Sebastian challenged.
Kurt paused. "I..I help at home."
Sebastian laughed. "You're serious?"
Kurt exhaled sharply. "Money doesn't matter..He loves me and hes done with you.."
"Blaine?" Sebastian asked. "Anything you want to add."
"Sebastian, please.." Blaine sighed.
"What? You invited me here. You must've wanted me here."
"It was Kurt's idea.."
"You're actually happier now? With him?" Sebastian asked in disbelief. "I gave you everything."
"He is." Kurt spat.
"Blaine's a big boy. He can answer for himself." Sebastian said, his voice condescending.
Kurt growled, clutching the edge of the table.
"Okay. I think we all can relax and enjoy dinner." Carole said.
Kurt slammed his hands down on the table before standing and yelling at Sebastian in a deep growl. " Vous restez loin de lui ou je te tue! Je n'ai pas peur d'y retourner! Sortez de notre vie!"
( You stay away from him or I'll kill you! I am not afraid to go back! Get out of our life!)
Sebastian sat back in his chair, a little terrified.
Blaine stood, holding Kurt back. "Shh.. Calm down, please."
Kurt's chest was heaving..That wasn't him..But it wasn't Claude. .What just happened?..He took a deep breath. Claude was fighting to get out, but he couldn't let him.
"You're fucking crazy.." Sebastian said seriously.
"Do not call him that!" Blaine defended, pulling Kurt close and trying to calm him.
Kurt was shaking and then it all went blank.
Claude ripped himself away from Blaine, almost jumping over the table, but stopping halfway as Blaine grabbed him by his thighs, his upper half slamming down onto the table. Carole gasped as Finn got up and helped pull Claude back. Finn locked an arm around his neck, and another around his waist. Claude laughed loudly. "I just wanted to play with him for a second!"
"What the fuck is wrong with him?!" Sebastian yelled.
Blaine grabbed Sebastian's arm and pulled him out onto the balcony. "Nothing is wrong with him.."
"Blaine! Wake up!" Sebastian yelled. "Look at him. What the hell was that?"
"He's sick!" Blaine yelled back, tears filling his eyes.
Sebastian immediately backed down. "What's wrong with him?"
"He..He has DID..He has multiple personalities and he has schizophrenia..It's not his fault.."
"Shit.." Sebastian sighed.
Blaine stayed silent, wiping his eyes.
"That's why you didn't come back.."
"And because I love him.."
"You don't love me..?"
"I do..But..Kurt..he's just.." Blaine whispered. "He's the one.."
Sebastian nodded sadly. "Okay.."
"I'm sorry, Bas.." Blaine said quietly.
"Can't change it." Sebastian sighed. Blaine looked down, tearing up again. "I should go.."
"Sebastian I wanted closure..Not this.."
"I don't know what to say. I came home and you were gone. Now you're married."
"I know, and I'm the worst person in the world for it.."
"I just.. You changed me." Sebastian said quietly. "I really thought I'd only be with you.."
"I know, Sebastian...I thought we would be together forever.." Blaine whispered.
"So when did it change..? Why after so long?"
"I needed to know..I needed to know if he still wanted me.."
"But why couldn't you say something when I asked you to marry me?" Sebastian asked desperately.
"Because I wanted to marry you.." Blaine said, grabbing his hands.
Sebastian bit his lip. "Really..?"
Sebastian have a sad smile. "I was so scared something had happened to you.."
"I'm okay.." Blaine said softly.
"Without me.."
"I don't know how you do it." Sebastian said, shaking his head.
"Do what?.."
"You saw that in there. How he reacted. I'm sure it can get worse that that."
"It was..It was way worse.."
"How so?"
"Just..He didn't know who I was..He was violent..that's why he has those scars on his face.."
Sebastian shook his head. "Can I ask what happened?"
"I don't know if I should say.."
"You don't have to."
Blaine nodded. "Well..He was raped..And..I think he might've developed PTSD..And he didn't want to be touched or have sex..But I didn't know what happened so I assumed he just didn't want me.."
"Oh my god." Sebastian gasped. "I don't know how you do it.."
"I just love him.."
Sebastian swallowed dryly, trying to hold back his tears. "I should go.."
Blaine looked down. "You know I still love you.."
"Please don't say that.. It hurts.. I-I miss you.."
"I miss you too.."
Sebastian turned around, not knowing what to say.
"Are you okay?.."
Blaine sighed, pulling Sebastian into a hug..
Sebastian cursed himself as a single tear escaped him. "I feel like I did something wrong.."
You didn't..."
Sebastian shrugged as he held Blaine close.
"It wasn't you, Sebastian. ." Blaine said against his shoulder.
"No.. It was always him.."
Blaine bit his lip, closing his eyes.
"You should get back to him.."
Blaine nodded. "Thank you so much for coming.."
Sebastian just gave a forced smile. Blaine looked up at him for a moment before standing on his toes to kiss his cheek softly.
"I'll miss you.."
"I'll miss you too.." Blaine whispered.
Sebastian sighed, slowly walking back inside. "Well, nice to meet you two.."
Carole and Finn nodded, "It was nice to meet you as well.. " Carole said softly.
Sebastian took one more lingering look at his ex. "Do you still want the ring..?"
"Do..Do you want it back?.." Blaine asked.
Sebastian thought for a moment. "Fuck it.. I guess it wasn't every really important.. Sell it, I guess." He said, turning for the door.
"Sebastian..I'm not going to sell it.." Blaine said.
"Why do you want it?" He asked, facing the door.
"As a reminder..For memories.."
"Fine. Have a nice life, Blaine."
"Sebastian don't be bitter towards me. "
"Bitter? I'm not the one that disappeared. I'm not the one saying I want a ring for memories but get out of my life."
"Well if you want your fucking ring back, I'll go and get it." Blaine spat.
Sebastian groaned. "What don't you get? This isn't really about a fucking ring! It's about you! You call me and invite me over to tell me you never want to see me again? You must love this. Congrats, Blaine. You're the only one that could break my heart and you're doing it all over again."
"This isn't what I wanted! I wanted closure! I wanted to try and fix this.."
"Well, I hope you got your closure because I sure as hell didn't."
Blaine teared up for the millionth time that day. "Just go.."
Sebastian shook his head and held his tears in as he looked to Blaine. He waited a moment before finally leaving. Blaine closed his eyes, leaning against the wall as he started to cry softly.
Carole sighed as she walked over and pulled Blaine close. Maybe getting away from New York was the best thing for them.
Kurt was passed out in the bedroom, his chest raising and falling slowly as Blaine walked in. Blaine knelt down and watched Kurt. Why had this happened to them? He smoothed a hair off of his forehead, making him stir a bit. He wished he could go back and change all of this.. Make sure Kurt had never been in danger. They'd be happy now.. Kurt wouldn't be in so much pain.
Kurt shifted a bit, scooting closer to Blaine. Blaine reached out, running his fingertips down Kurt's cheek. He looked so peaceful when he slept. He wondered if he was at peace in his dreams..if he was happy. Kurt made a small noise, wrapping his arms around the pillow and smiling lightly. Blaine smiled, leaning down to kiss him sweetly. "I love you.." he whispered quietly. Kurt hummed softly, pulling the pillow closer. "What are you dreaming about?.." Blaine asked, giggling softly.
Kurt's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Hmm..?"
Blaine kissed his cheek. "Morning.." He smiled, "Well, not morning, but still.."
Kurt giggled. "Hey.."
"Hey.." Blaine smiled.
"What're you doing?"
"Just watching you sleep..What were you dreaming about?.."
Kurt looked down and sighed. "We had a baby girl. We took her to the park and were pushing her on the swings.. She was giggling and had this big smile like you.. It was perfect.."
Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt's forehead. "We'll have that..I promise..Tomorrow we're going to Lima to look at houses.."
"Is..Is Sebastian gone..?"
"Yeah baby..He left.."
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay..we're okay..Claude didn't hurt him.."
"B-But.. Carole saw.."
"She's seen before..She knows..Everyone is okay and we all love you so much.." Blaine whispered. "You want your medicine?.."
Kurt nodded, curling in on himself. Blaine kissed his forehead again before standing and going to get Kurt's pills. Kurt held back his emotions. What if his dream never came true? What if he didn't get better? He had been doing so well..How could he have let Claude out?..That means he could come out again.. It was only when his emotions got out of control. He just couldn't stop himself. Maybe he shouldn't be a parent.. Kurt was hugging his knees to his chest when Blaine came back.
"You okay..?" Blaine asked quietly.
"What if he comes out..? Around our daughter..?"
'Kurt..Sebastian just brought something out in you and you couldn't control yourself..That won't happen.." Blaine whispered.
"How do you know.." Kurt asked quietly.
"Because I know you..and I have faith in you, and us,and our baby girl.."
A tear fell down Kurt's cheek. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt softly before handing him his pills and a glass of water. Kurt sat up and took them.
"I'm proud of you.." Blaine said quietly.
"Really..." Blaine smiled.
"Thank you, Blaine.. For everything you've done.."
"Don't thank me..I love being here with you..I'm so happy with you, Kurt.."
Kurt sat up. "Are you really? Happy, I mean."
"I am..I know we'll be even happier one day..But I am happy.." Blaine said softly.
"Me too.."
"You have no idea what that means to me to hear you say that.." Blaine said quietly.
"You came back, Blaine.. I couldn't not be happy."
Blaine smiled, a bit teary eyed as he leaned in to kiss his husband.
Kurt pulled Blaine close, kissing him sweetly. "You're making my dreams come true."
"I just love you so much.."
"I love you too, Blaine."
Blaine smiled, pulling Kurt close and sighing happily. "And maybe when we get settled in Lima..we can have a real wedding..renew our vows.."
Kurt's eyes lit up. "Really?"
"I want to have that with you.." Blaine nodded.
"Id love that."
"Me too.."
"You're perfect.."
"So are you, baby.."
The next day they all went to the airport. Blaine had called off of work for a few days and they had a few houses they wanted to take a look at. They were sitting at their gate, waiting for the plane. Kurt held onto Carole's hand tightly. "Are you okay sweetie? .." Carole asked softly.
"I'm scared.. I don't want to get on.."
"Baby..It's gonna be okay..Flying is really safe.." Blaine said. Kurt went quiet, trying to calm down. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's shoulders. "So you want one of your sleeping pills?" He asked quietly. He'd packed Kurt's essential medicine in his carry-on, including his newest anxiety medication.
"Please." Kurt nodded. Blaine pulled one out, handing Kurt his bottled water and a sleeping pill.
Kurt took it and sighed. "Thank you."
"You're welcome baby.." Blaine said as they announced their flight was boarding. They got in their seats, Kurt quickly curling up to Blaine and starting to fall asleep. Blaine helped Kurt buckle up and kissed his forehead before sitting back and closing his eyes. It wasn't a long flight. Before they knew it, the plane was landing. Blaine leaned over, kissing Kurt softly. "Kurt, we're here.."
Kurt mumbled. "Hmm?"
"We're in Ohio..Come on, you can sleep more in Carole's car.." Blaine said sweetly.
Kurt slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Okay.."
Blaine smiled endearingly. Kurt looked so adorable like this. They got off the plane and headed to Carole's. When they got there, Kurt was still tired from the medication, but Rachel was already there when they arrived. He smiled wide as he saw her. "Rachel..."
"Hey!" She grinned, pulling him into a hug.
Kurt hugged her back, smiling to himself.
"So, you're moving back?" She asked.
He nodded as they seperated. "Yeah.." He said softly. "Blaine's gonna let me help out at the shop.."
Rachel let out a small squeal. "I'm so excited to have my best friend back!"
Kurt's eyebrows shot up at the noise but he just smiled and accepted another hug from the brunette.
"Alright, Rachel," Finn chuckled. "He's really tired."
"It's okay..Come lay with me..We can talk.." Kurt smiled tiredly. Rachel nodded, leading him down to his old room. Kurt curled up in the bed, not even bothering to take his shoes off.
"Do you remember much about your room?" Rachel asked.
Kurt looked up and around the room. He remembered a few things. He looked over at the books on the shelf and picture frames. There was a record player and a stack of records. "Can you play something?.."
Rachel nodded, getting up and putting one of Kurt's favorites on.
Kurt closed his eyes as he listened to the record and smiled. "You know me too well.." he said as the old music flowed through the room.
"I do." Rachel said softly.
Kurt hummed softly to himself, running his hands across the soft sheets. "C'mere.."
Rachel smiled, going to lay with her best friend.
Kurt let Rachel cuddle up to him and sighed softly. "Are you pregnant yet?"
"Umm.. No.."
"Why not?.."
"We don't do that much.. But I don't think we're ready for kids.."
"Why?.." Kurt asked softly.
"Why what?"
"Why to both of those things.."
"Things have been tight with money.. And I don't know.. I don't feel that..sexy.."
"Rachel Hudson." Kurt said in a scolding tone. "You are sexy so shut up."
"I don't have any of those kinds of clothes or anything.. I don't know. I just.." Rachel sighed.
"Blaine and I have sex a lot. You don't need to try and be sexy..You want him right?" Kurt asked, closing his eyes again.
"I do.."
"Then take him." Kurt chuckled. "I plan on making Blaine fuck me in the bathroom later." He said bluntly before yawning.
Rachel's eyes went wide. "In the bathroom..?"
"Why not?" Kurt shrugged.
"I've only been with Finn in bed.."
"Rachel..You've been with Finn longer than Blaine and I..Right?.." He asked.
"Maybe you just need to mix it up." Kurt yawned again. "Yes, I hear you, I'm a slut. Just shut up so I can sleep." He sighed.
"He wouldn't be up for talking about it. And I wouldn't even know how to try to bring it up.."
Kurt opened his eyes and looked at the brunette. "I want you to have Finn take you to dinner. Have a night out to just be with each other. Take him home and don't even go to your room. I want you to pull him close and tell him to fuck you against a wall. Or on the kitchen counter. Not make love to you. Tell him to fuck you, Rachel. Pull his hair. Scratch him. Be loud for him. See what he does." He said calmly before closing his eyes again.
A wide-eyed Rachel stared back at her friend. She had never imagined something like that. Would Finn like it?..
"It'll work. " Kurt added before Blaine opened the door and came trotting down the stairs. Rachel leaned back against the headboard as she thought about it.
"Hey.." Kurt smiled at his husband.
"Hey baby. I was just coming to check on you."
"I'm okay..Claude won't shut up but I'm ignoring him.."
"What's he saying?"
"The usual.." Kurt said, stretching.
"Do you need more of your medicine?" Blaine asked.
Kurt just shook his head. "I'm okay..I'm not that tired anymore."
"What do you want to do?"
"Where are the houses we're gonna look at?.."
"They aren't far from here." Blaine said. "Want to look at a couple?"
Kurt sat up, nodding as he stood. "Think about what I said, Rachel."
Blaine raised an eyebrow as Rachel squirmed slightly but chose to ignore it.
"Blaine, did you bring my jacket?..I don't want my arms to show..A-And can you ask Carole if I can use some of her cover-up?.." He asked as they reached the top of the stairs.
"I'll ask then get your jacket." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, running his hand up and down his forearm self-consciously. Blaine got the makeup from Carole and grabbed the jacket. He waited in the living room while Kurt applied the cover-up. Kurt covered up his scars as best as he could, still not happy with the end result, before he walked out to Blaine and put on his jacket.
"We'll be back before dinner." Blaine told Carole before kissing her cheek.
Carole nodded. "Have a good day boys."
They said bye before getting into Carole's car and going to the first house. It was small, quaint, and one story. They found the key, where the seller told Blaine it would be, before walking inside. It was a two bedroom with one and a half baths. There wasn't much space in the kitchen or living room. And barely any closet space. Kurt walked around the living room and sighed. "What do you think?..'
"Not really feeling it.." Blaine admitted.
"Good, neither am I."
Blaine chuckled. They put the key back and went to the next house. The next was a town house. It was nicely sized with a good price for rent. Two story. Three bedrooms three baths.
"How do you feel here?" Blaine asked as they walked into the master bedroom.
Kurt didn't say anything. He walked to the center of the room and laid across the cream colored carpet. "I'm not sure.."
"It's definitely one I'd be interested in. But I want to see the others too." Blaine said as he checked out the big, connecting bathroom.
Kurt sat up as he remembered what he told Rachel earlier. Maybe it didn't have to be their bathroom. The idea excited him slightly as he hugged around his thighs, resting his chin on his knees. Blaine came back out and looked at his husband. "What are you thinking?"
Kurt bit his lip, raising an eyebrow.
"Here?" Blaine asked. He knew that look.
"I don't know what's gotten into you lately.. But this is hot.."
Kurt grinned, cocking his head to the side. "I've just been feeling a lot better I guess.."
"Come here." Blaine said lowly.
Kurt smiled, standing and walking over to Blaine.
The younger pulled him close, leaning in to kiss him deeply. Kurt moaned softly, kissing him back. Blaine picked his husband up and took him to the bathroom. Kurt gasped in surprise before wrapping his arms and legs around Blaine. Blaine growled, gripping Kurt's ass. Kurt pulled his lips away to give off a sharp gasp. "Blainee.."
"Talk to me. Tell me what you want to feel."
"I want you to undress me..Slowly..I wanna feel your soft lips all over me..Kiss me..Then I want you to let me touch you..Your cock..I want to feel it..in my hand..I want to taste it..Feel it on my face.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine's head fell back as he moaned. He slowly lifted Kurt's shirt, admiring his pale skin before leaning in to kiss his neck. Kurt gasped softly, giving a quiet moan as Blaine set him on the counter top. "Yes.."
The younger let his hands explore down Kurt's torso and to his back as he kissed down his husband's chest. Kurt gave small little pants as he arched his back.
"So perfect." Blaine whispered.
"I love you.." Kurt said, just as quietly.
"I love you too," Blaine said as he reached the top of Kurt's pants, licking just above the fabric. Kurt whined, leaning back slightly and watching Blaine. Blaine slowly unbuttoned the pants. He leaned in closer, breathing over Kurt's boxer briefs. The stimulation sent a tremor through Kurt as his member twitched. Blaine looked so sexy like this..He'd never felt more in control of his body and mind than in this moment and it was so perfect.. Blaine mouthed over Kurt and hummed quietly. "Blaine.." Kurt whimpered. Blaine removed his husband's pants before scratching down his sides. Kurt took in a shaky breath, his body rolling slightly. Blaine growled as he pulled the boxer briefs off. He nuzzled against Kurt's hardening cock ad breathed in. "I love how you smell.."
Kurt got chills, looking down at Blaine who was giving him those perfect bedroom eyes. "Y-Yeah?.." He whispered, swallowing. Blaine nodded, kissing the base before standing to kiss Kurt deeply. Kurt groaned, licking into Blaine's mouth before pulling back to take his shirt off. Blaine kept his eyes on his husband. He was so beautiful and sexy. Kurt ran his hands down Blaine's arms, gasping as he dug his fingers into the firm muscle of his bicep. "Fuck.."
"You like my arms?" Blaine grinned.
Kurt nodded slowly, running his hands back up and down again, keeping his palm cupped around the thick muscle. Blaine's biceps had to be his favorite thing in the world, next to his eyes. Blaine licked his lips as he watched his husband. Kurt gasped as Blaine intentionally flexed the muscle, causing it to harden and swell under his fingers. It drew a sharp little moan from the taller. "Blaine.."
Blaine gripped Kurt's hips and leaned in, biting his ear. "You like that, baby?"
"Yes..Oh god, yes.." Kurt gasped, squeezing the firm flesh harder. Blaine growled in Kurt's ear. Kurt whimpered. He had planned on trying to drag this out while he still felt in control, but now he was losing it. He was nearly dizzy with lust and the heavy heat radiating from Blaine. "Blaine, I need you now.."
Blaine moaned, pulling Kurt closer. "Suck me.. Get me ready for you baby."
Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's arms once more before sliding off of the counter and getting on his knees. He unzipped Blaine's jeans and reached into his boxers, pulling his thick cock out. Blaine was so turned on his member was leaking. Blaine leaned against the wall as he looked down at Kurt. "So sexy.."
Kurt licked at the head, moaning at the taste of his husband before kissing down the shaft and nuzzling the base. He inhaled slowly, taking in his husband's smell just as Blaine had done to him. He closed his eyes, moaning softly as he released the breath. "So good.."
Blaine let a small whimper escape him. "Baby.."
Kurt moved back, sucking the tip into his mouth before starting to bob his head, sucking him slowly.
"Oh Kurt.."
Kurt slowly got Blaine's length wet and slick before standing.
Blaine tuned him around and spread Kurt's legs. "I want you to watch yourself in the mirror. See how sexy you are."
Kurt whined softly, looking at Blaine through the glass. "I-I don't think I am.." he said quietly
"You are baby." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's neck. "You're perfect."
Kurt watched in the mirror. All he saw was Blaine. Beautiful, perfect, Blaine..And when he looked at himself he just saw his scars..And how thin he was.
Blaine took his time exploring Kurt's body in the mirror. "Most beautiful man I've ever seen."
Kurt closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath.
"If I thought otherwise, I wouldn't be doing this. But baby.. You're so damn hot."
Kurt opened his eyes, looking at him again. "I am?.."
"So hot, Kurt. I love just looking at you. Every part of you turns me on.
"Really? .." Kurt asked in barely a whisper.
"Yes baby. I love all of you. Especially when you're trying to tease me or of you're mad at me. When you strut out of the room.. Fuck.. I love it."
Kurt gave a soft moan as Blaine slid his hands over the slight curve of his waist. "I-I love you.." he said quietly.
"I'm so in love with you, Kurt."
Kurt turned his head kissing Blaine softly. "I need you.."
Blaine spread Kurt's perfect ass, slowly pushing in. Kurt inhaled deeply, his eyes slipping closed.
"Shit babe.."
"Blaine..So good.." Kurt moaned. Blaine groaned as he pressed in. Kurt whined, rolling his body slowly. Blaine gripped Kurt's hips, kissing along his neck and shoulder to let Kurt get used to the stretch.
"Go.." Kurt whispered. Blaine locked eyes with his husband in the mirror as he gave slow thrusts. Kurt's lips parted as he panted softly. "Blaine.."
Blaine sped up slightly, moaning against Kurt's skin. Kurt reached down, placing his hands over Blaine's as his voice grew a bit louder. "Kurrtt.." Blaine gasped, pushing Kurt forward to angle him.
Kurt gasped, bending forward. "Yes!"
Blaine clawed down Kurt's back, speeding up and hitting his prostate. Kurt looked in the mirror. He and Blaine looked so good together..So perfect. "Blaine!"
"Love it when you're loud," Blaine gasped.
Kurt whined loudly as the pleasure built in him. Blaine was rubbing over his prostate with each thrust and each brush over the nerves drew a cry from him.
The sounds Kurt made sent chills through Blaine. "Fuck! Yes, Kurt.."
"Ah! Ah! Blaine! " Kurt got out, his legs were trembling and threatening to give out as he clutched to the counter.
Blaine ran a hand along Kurt's quivering thigh. "So fucking sexy.."
"Fuckmeohmygod.." Kurt groaned, bending over the counter more and pressing his face to the cool surface. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. He'd never felt anything this intense before. Blaine let his hands roam his husband's body, scratching, teasing, leaving his mark.
"B-Blaine! I-I..Oh fuck!" Kurt panted, holding back with everything he had.
"Look at me." Blaine growled. "I want to see you come."
Kurt looked up at Blaine before starting to come as soon as their eyes locked. His knees buckled as his body trembled, falling apart completely. That look was all Blaine needed to go over the edge, losing himself as he released his seed in his husband. Kurt gasped as he felt Blaine swell and fill him. "Blaine.." He whispered.
Blaine panted as he kissed up his husband's back. "I..love..you.."
"I love you so much.."
Blaine slowly pulled out and ran his hands along Kurt's sides lovingly.
"That.." Kurt smiled.
"I know.."
"You're amazing.."
"So are you baby."
"I wanna sleep.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine laughed. "Is this the one?"
"I think so.." Kurt smiled. Blaine cleaned up their mess and they got dressed before heading back to Carole's.
Carole smiled as they walked inside. "Hey boys. That was fast. How was house hunting?.."
"Good." Blaine said softly. "Kurt's tired. But we found the one we want."
"It's nice.." Kurt grinned.
"Good. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." She smiled.
Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's arm. "Can we go see my Dad?.."
"Did you want to sleep first? Or after?"
"After.." Kurt said softly.
"We'll be back. Do you need anything while we're out?" Blaine asked Carole.
"No, thank you.." Carole said softly.
They got back in the car and headed to the cemetery.
Kurt was a little nervous. The last memories he had of his father were when he was alive.
When they got out, Blaine took Kurt's hand. "Are you sure you're ready?"
"I don't know..I don't remember what happened...Finn said I was there, but.."
"It's okay, baby. Whatever you want, in here."
Kurt nodded, pulling his hood up and getting out of the car. Blaine took his hand as they walked to the grave. Kurt's hands were shaking as he stopped in his tracks, the grave about ten feet away. Blaine was quiet but kept his hand in Kurt's.
"I..I don't know if I can do this.."
"You don't have to," Blaine said softly.
"I want to.." Kurt whispered.
"Take your time."
Kurt nodded before they started walking again. It was a nice day out. Blaine sat down beside the headstone, motioning for Kurt to do the same. Kurt sat, tracing his fingers over his father's name. "Dad.."
Blaine looked at the flowers in front of them before giving an encouraging nod to his husband. Kurt already had tears in his eyes as he looked down. "I just..I wish I knew what to say.."
"What would you say if he was here?" Blaine asked.
Kurt sniffed, pulling his hood down and tangling his fingers in his hair. "I-I just want to see you one more time.."
Blaine rubbed over Kurt's leg. "It's okay to let it out."
Kurt closed his eyes, curling in on himself and letting Blaine hold him close.
"Do you want to go?.." Blaine whispered.
"N-No." Kurt gasped in Blaine's arms. Blaine nodded, petting Kurt's hair. Kurt's body went ridged before falling still.
"Kurt?.." Blaine asked quietly.
"I miss him.." Elizabeth whispered shakily.
Blaine nodded. "I know..It's okay.."
Elizabeth looked up at Blaine. "Kurt's getting stronger. He doesn't need me anymore.."
"Elizabeth..He'll always need you."
She reached up and cupped Blaine's cheek. "I told you as he gets better, I'll start to fade. It's my time to go.."
"But..I.." Blaine whispered. A selfish part of him didn't want her to leave.
"Take care of my baby, okay?" Elizabeth said softly.
"I will.." Blaine said, holding back tears.
Elizabeth laid back down, slowly letting go. Blaine closed his eyes, looking over at Elizabeth's grave. It was never really her..It was a personality Kurt developed..He just had to remember that.. But how would Kurt handle it..?
Kurt opened his eyes and looked up at Blaine. "Mom?.."
Blaine bit his lip and shook his head.
"What?.." Kurt whispered.
"She's gone.." Blaine said quietly.
"No..I need her.." Kurt said, sitting up and putting his hands over his ears. "I don't wanna lose you again!"
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "I know baby.. I know.."
"Mom.." Kurt whispered. "I want my mom and dad..." Kurt got out before breaking down.
Blaine just held Kurt as tightly as he could. There were no words that could help.
The older man sobbed in his husband's arms. "It's just him..I-Its only him.."
"You can do this Kurt.. I'm with you.. We'll get rid of him. I promise.."
Kurt shook his head as his sobs shook him.
"We can.. You're strong, Kurt.. Stronger than you think.."
"He's stronger..."
"Not stronger than you." Blaine said seriously. "I won't let him take you too."
Kurt sniffed, pulling Blaine closer.
"I love you, Kurt.. I love you so much.."
"I love you too.."
"It's going to be okay.." Blaine whispered.
"I wish I could believe that.."
"Please.. Think of moving here. We'll work together and save up.. We'll have a family.."
Kurt looked up at Blaine with red, puffy eyes. "I just want to be normal..."
"Well, I love you how you are." Blaine said seriously.
"Crazy? .."
"I don't think you're crazy."
Kurt sighed. "But I am..I take an anti-psychotic e-every day Blaine. How am I supposed to explain that to our child?.."
"Baby, when the time is right, she'll understand. She will love you more than anything. Not everyone that winds up in those hospitals is crazy. Remember Raleigh? She's not crazy. You're not crazy, Kurt. You just need help getting over what happened."
Kurt nodded. "W-When we go back home..Can we go see her?.."
"Of course," Blaine said softly.
Kurt sighed, looking between his parents' graves. "I wish they were here..."
"Me too.. But they'll always be in your heart."
Kurt nodded, smoothing his hands over the crisp grass. They stayed a while longer, talking about what Kurt did remember about his parents. After they left Kurt was really quiet most of the ride "You should go see your parents while you're here.." He said quietly.
Blaine sighed. "You're right.."
Kurt nodded, grabbing his hand.
"I haven't talked to them in a while."
"You need to.." Kurt said quietly. He would give anything to have another conversation with his parents. He didn't want Blaine to have any regrets when it came to his.
"I know. I'll call tomorrow."
Kurt nodded again. "When can we move here?.."
"A couple of weeks."
Kurt smiled lightly. That was sooner than he expected. They got back to Carole's house and Finn and Rachel had already left.
"Where's Finn and Rachel?" Kurt asked Carole.
"Rachel said they already had dinner plans."
Kurt smiled knowingly and walked into the kitchen, hugging Carole tight. "I love you.."
"I love you too, sweetie. Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm just grateful for you.."
"I'm always here for you, Kurt."
Kurt nodded, holding her for a minute and then letting go.
"Go get washed up. I'll get the table ready."
Kurt nodded, walking off to the bathroom.
"He no longer has Elizabeth.." Blaine said quietly when Kurt was gone.
Carole looked up. "Well..It could be taken as a sign of him getting better..But is he okay?.."
"It was just like losing them again.."
Carole looked down. "I'm really glad you can be here for him.."
"Thank you. It'll be easier once we get moved in. I think having Rachel will help him too."
"That's good.." Carole smiled.
Blaine nodded. "How has is been here?"
"Good..Quiet.. Finn is here with Puck most of the time so they keep me busy. "
Blaine chuckled. "Oh god. How is Noah?"
"Still the same as he was in high school." Carole giggled.
"Who?" Kurt asked as he came back in.
"Puck..Noah? Do you remember him?" Carole asked.
Kurt thought for a moment. "With..the Mohawk?"
"Yes!" Blaine grinned.
"He was always horny." Kurt chuckled as he sat down.
"He still is.." Carole said, laughing lightly.
They sat down and had an amazing home cooked meal.
After that they were off to bed. Kurt curled up in the sheets, looking up at his husband.
"How are you feeling?" Blaine asked.
"Good..Still a little upset though.."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't really know what to say..I feel like a part of me is missing.."
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "I wish I could fix it."
"Me too.."
"I am so sorry, Kurt.."
"We knew it would happen."
"It doesn't make it easier."
"It means I'm getting better.." Kurt said softly.
"True. Now we just have one left." Blaine sighed. "But we'll do it."
"I don't think so.." Kurt admitted.
"Why not?"
"I feel him..He still has such a strong presence in me.."
"I think we can do it. It might take a lot longer. But I think we can." Blaine said softly. Kurt looked up at Blaine with loving eyes. He admired how much faith he had in him.
Blaine leaned in to kiss Kurt softly. "Let's try to relax for now."
Blaine held Kurt close as they fell asleep.
By now I should know better than to read your updates whilst in a public setting. I think I used up my allotted self-control for the month in the last five minutes, desperately trying not to become a weepy mess in front of no less than 20 strangers.
Omg :( Im sorry
Every time I got questions they answer them lol Like I was gonna ask Why isn't Rachel pregnant or hasn't had any kids yet and Are they ever going to see Raleigh. It seems like Kurt is getting better but I know more will probably be happening with Claude right? I liked the way Claude came out and was getting crazy on Sebastian. Elizabeth is gone and they say he only has one more to get rid of but what about Eleanor?
She wasn't as prominent as the others. She was pretty desolate. She faded away as well.