June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
June 14, 2013, 11:29 a.m.
"I can't believe how long it's been since I've seen Carole," Blaine smiled.
"I'm scared.."
"What if I don't remember things?.."
"She'll understand," Blaine said softly.
Kurt sighed. "Okay.."
"It's going to be okay. I promise."
"Thank you.." Kurt said, giving a small smile.
They got to the airport and waited at the baggage claim. After about ten minutes, Kurt gasped as he saw Carole. She walked quickly to Kurt and wrapped him in his arms, tears already in her eyes. "I missed you so much.."
Kurt hugged her back. She looked so different..was this Carole? She still wore her old perfume..it was..
She pulled back and cupped his cheeks. "Look at you.. It's so nice to see you sweetie.."
"I missed you too.." He said quietly.
Blaine gave Finn a quick hug. "Glad you came."
Finn nodded, turning to Kurt and opening his arms for a hug. Kurt slowly stepped forward, letting his brother hold him. Finn pet Kurt's hair, sighing softly." I missed you baby brother."
Kurt closed his eyes as the words soothed him slightly. "Me too.."
Finn smiled, letting Kurt go. They grabbed their bags and went out for lunch after Finn complained about being hungry. When they got to the apartment, the couple showed their family around and where they'd be staying.
"This is wonderful, boys.." Carole said sweetly.
"It's not very big.. But I can afford it," Blaine said.
"It's perfect. " Carole said softly.
"Thank you." Blaine smiled.
Finn smiled as he looked around. Kurt shuffled his feet nervously.
"Kurt, why don't we go for a walk? I'd love to see what it's like around here." Carole asked.
Kurt nodded, looking up at his step-mother.
Blaine waited for them to leave before looking to Finn. "How's Rachel?"
"She's good. She wanted to come with us, but she has to work."
Blaine nodded. "What about the tire shop?"
"I'm keepin' up with it. It's hard without Burt.." Finn admitted.
"I'm sure. I've thought about moving back.."
"Really?.." Finn asked, raising his eyebrows.
"I haven't mentioned it to Kurt." Blaine said. "It would be easier. He'd be around more people he knows. But I'm scared he'll have to go back.."
"Go back where?.."
"The hospital." Blaine said quietly.
"Why do you think he'll have to go back?.."
"I can't.. I can't say.."
"You can tell me, Blaine.."
"He doesn't like taking his medicine. When he doesn't.. Claude comes out. And he's a lot worse than what you got to see last time you were here."
"What happened?.."
"It doesn't really matter, I guess. It just.. worries me.." Blaine said quietly.
"Has he been better about it lately?.." Finn asked quietly.
"Yeah. He's had two or three slips. But after the last one, he's been good.."
"That's good, " Finn nodded.
"He really wants a kid.."
"Could he..handle it?.." Finn asked, sitting on the couch.
"He doesn't think he can. But Elizabeth came out yesterday. She thinks it would give him a reason to work on getting better," Blaine explained.
Finn nodded. The personalities still confused him a bit, but he understood.
"I mean, I really want that. But not yet.. I have to know he's better.."
"How will you know?.." Finn asked.
"I don't know." Blaine sighed. He really wanted to talk about what happened. But he knew if someone else knew, they'd want to send him back."
"It's gonna be okay, dude.." Finn said, placing his hand on Blaine's shoulder.
"I hope so.."
Kurt and Carole were walking down the street. The older woman couldn't help but notice how he was clutching to her hand like a frightened child.
"What's going on, sweetie?" She asked.
"Yesterday I found out Blaine was engaged to someone. ." He said quickly.
Carole raised her eyebrows. "And he never told you before?"
"I found pictures in a box and his old ring.."
"Did you ask him about it?"
Kurt nodded, squeezing her hand.
"What did he say?"
"He's not me and he doesn't want to be with him.."
"Do you know why they broke it off?" Carole asked.
"No..He never told me.."
"You should talk to him, Kurt."
"There's nothing to talk about..He's already told me it's over.." Kurt said, looking down.
"But you're still worried about it." Carole observed.
"I just don't know.." Kurt whispered, his heart speeding up.
"Well, when the time is right, you should talk to him."
Kurt nodded, leaning against his step mother.
"Are you feeling better now that you're home?"
Kurt nodded. "It's still hard sometimes.." he said as they sat on a bench.
"Tell me about it."
"The voices get louder when I'm home alone..It's hard not to hurt myself. ." Kurt said, laying across the bench and letting his head rest in her lap.
Carole petted his hair. "How do you ignore them? Or go against them?"
"Think about Blaine.."
"Does it help much?"
"A little..I still do it sometimes but where Blaine cant see.." Kurt whispered.
"Why, Kurt?"
"It helps.." Kurt said, looking up at her.
Carole sighed. "I wish you'd find a way that doesn't hurt you."
Kurt looked back down. He didn't want Carole to be upset with him.
"I just care about you."
"That's what everyone says.."
"Because we do." Carole said seriously.
Kurt sighed, nuzzling into her shirt. "Please don't tell Blaine.."
"I won't.."
"Thank you.."
Carole just nodded. Kurt laid there, feeling Carole against him..
"I've missed you, sweetie.."
"I've missed you too, mom.." Kurt whispered.
Tears welled in Carole's eyes. Kurt rarely called her mom but when he did, it really warmed her heart. Kurt wrapped his arms around her middle, sighing softly.
"I love you, sweetie.." Carole said quietly.
"I love you too.." Kurt whispered. They stayed out for a while before going back to the apartment. Finn and Blaine were in the kitchen when they walked inside, Kurt still holding Carole's hand tightly.
"Hey. How was your walk?" Blaine asked.
"Good." Kurt said, looking down.
"You okay babe?"
Kurt nodded, squeezing Carole's hand lightly as he looked up at Blaine. "I-I'm gonna go take a bath.."
"Okay. Call if you need something."
Kurt slowly let go of Carole's hand and walked off to the bathroom, quickly opening the drawer and pulling out Blaine's razor. He just had the explainable urge to break the tool and pull the sharp blades out so he could drag them across his skin. Maybe it was because he talked about Sebastian with Carole, but he felt like he needed this..
"I'll be right back," Carole said. She had a bad feeling when Kurt squeezed her hand. Almost as if he was asking for help. She walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"O-One minute!" Kurt called.
"Kurt..Its me.."
"I-I'll be right out.." Kurt stammered, trying to stop the bleeding from his arm and cleaning up the blood that spilled onto the white counter.
"Please don't do this, Kurt.."
Kurt closed his eyes as he panted. "Please don't tell Blaine."
"Open up." Carole said seriously. Kurt slowly cracked the door open, tears filling his eyes. Carole gasped at the sight of blood. She pushed the door open and grabbed a towel to apply pressure to the cut. Kurt hissed at the pain, immediately ashamed as Carole saw him. Why did everyone care so much? Why couldn't they just leave him alone?
"You don't need to do this." Carole said as softly as she could. "I'm here. Finn's here. Blaine is here for you."
Kurt didn't say anything, closing his eyes to keep the tears from escaping. Carole cleaned him up before starting on the counter. "I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered.
"Please, Kurt.. This isn't good for you.."
"It helps..It helps me feel better..A-And Blaine said he doesn't mind my scars.."
"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. It hurts him. All of us when you hurt yourself."
Kurt sighed, nodding. Now he didn't even have this to escape anything. "Are you going to tell him?.." Kurt asked.
Carole shook her head. "We can find another way."
"Another way to what?" Kurt asked, smoothing over the bandage Carole applied before pulling his sleeve down.
"To let this all out. I'll help you."
Kurt nodded as she finished cleaning before hugging her close.
"I love you, Kurt.. I just want you with us as long as possible."
"I love you too.." Kurt whispered, his voice breaking at the end.
"Let it out, sweetie." Carole said.
Kurt finally let the intense weight on his shoulders fall as the tears escaped him. His chest was heaving as he took deep swallows of air, clutching to her shirt. "I-I just hate m-myself for doing this to h-him.." Kurt sobbed.
"Oh, Kurt.. Don't. Blaine wants to be here. He wants you, sweetie."
"I don't understand w-why.." he hiccuped.
"Because he's in love with you. There's nothing that could change that."
Kurt bit his lip, closing his eyes as he let her hold him. Did Blaine really love him that much?..
Carole kissed Kurt's forehead to soothe him.
They stayed like that for a while. He missed this so much.. after a few more minutes they walked out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen.
"Come sit with me." Finn smiled at his brother. Kurt nodded, sitting at the table. He instinctively leaned over, resting his body against Finn's.
Finn smiled. "So, what do you do when Blaine's not home?"
"Read..Listen to music..Sometimes I clean. Just find things to do." Kurt said, picking at a splinter of wood on the table.
"Do you go outside much?"
"I walk down the street to the library sometimes." Kurt said softly.
"What do you read about?" Finn asked.
"He's been reading a lot of parenting books lately.." Blaine smiled.
"Parenting?" Carole asked. "Are you two trying to start a family?"
"We've been thinking about it.." Blaine said softly, giving Kurt a light smile.
"I really want a daughter.." Kurt said quietly.
"I think you'd make a great dad, Kurt.." Finn smiled.
"Really?" Kurt asked, looking at Finn with wide eyes.
Kurt smiled at his stepbrother. "Thank you."
"You're welcome.." Finn said sweetly. Kurt relaxed against Finn and sighed softly.
"If everything goes well and you feel up to it, we could start looking into it at the beginning of next month.." Blaine said softly.
"Do you think I-I'm ready?"
"You might be by then.." Carole said.
"I hope so.."
She walked over, kissing his forehead softly.
A while later, Blaine and Carole were sitting outside.
"I really missed you Blaine.." Carole smiled.
"I missed you too, Carole."
"While we were walking..Kurt brought up something that concerned me.."
Blaine looked over at Carole worriedly. "What is it?"
"He said something about you being engaged to someone?.."
"Oh.. Yeah, I was.."
"He just seemed really upset about it.." Carole said softly.
"But I told him that I left Sebastian for him. I'm with Kurt. I want to be here."
"He told me he knows that.."
"So what's troubling Kurt?"
"I just think maybe he might be upset because you didn't tell him more about it.." Carole said, looking at Blaine.
"He was already so upset. I had to calm him down. He would've hurt himself if I kept going." Blaine said.
Carole nodded. "Maybe you should try talking to him.."
"I don't know if he'd want to hear it.." Blaine said quietly.
"I think it would help."
Blaine sighed. He hadn't told anyone what he did to Sebastian.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Carole asked.
"I just..left one day.. He proposed and it was great. But, I started wondering about Kurt and if we still had a chance.. So I left and went to find him.."
"So..You never actually left him?.."
Blaine shook his head in shame. Carole was unsure of what to say. "Blaine..I think you need to call him.."
"He'll hate me. And Kurt.. He'll be scared I'll go back to him.."
"Blaine..He deserves to know.." Carole said. Her voice soft, yet serious.
"You're right.. Maybe I can while you're here..? In case Kurt needs you?"
"That sounds perfect. " Carole smiled.
"Thank you," Blaine said quietly.
"You're welcome sweetie. She said, leaning over to hug him.
"I know you're just now seeing him. But do you think he's okay..?"
He's better than the last time I saw him. He never even recognized me.." Carole sighed.
Blaine nodded, so many thoughts filling his mind.
"You okay?" She asked softly.
Blaine nodded. "Just.. So much has happened in the past few weeks."
"You're handling it well " The older woman said.
"I'm just glad I can work again.."
"What stopped you?.."
Blaine froze, refusing to look at Carole. She always could tell when someone was lying. "I was in the hospital. Had a few bruised ribs."
"What happened? " She asked. She was already in 'concerned mother' mode.
"I got jumped by some random guys on my way home." Blaine said.
"Blaine.." Carole sighed. "Don't lie to me."
"Carole..." Blaine whispered. He couldn't tell her.
Carole's eyebrows kneaded together as she realized. "Kurt...?"
"He didn't mean to.."
"What happened?.." She asked quietly.
Blaine gave a shakily breath, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he explained.
"Blaine..He might need to go back.."
"No." Blaine said quickly. "He's taking his medicine. He's getting better. I can't do that to him."
"What about you?..This is taking so much out of you, Blaine.." Carole said seriously.
"I don't care what I go through or what I have to do. I promised him I'd bring him home and we'd start a family. I-I can't.. I can't take him back."
"But what happens if after you have that little girl, Kurt stops taking his medicine again?" Carole asked calmly.
"He won't. Seeing her will make him try harder. And I'll watch. I'll make sure." Blaine said seriously.
Carole sighed softly. "Blaine..In the end, it's up to you..but I don't know.."
"Me neither.." Blaine admitted quietly.
"We'll just have to see.." Carole said.
Blaine perked up as he heard the crackle of his record player playing. He leaned over, looking in through the door. Kurt was standing with Finn in the living room, showing him where to place his hands and correcting his posture before they started to dance. Kurt laughed loudly as Finn stepped on his foot and shoved him playfully before they began to dance again.
"He's so happy.." Blaine said softly.
Carole looked inside as well, smiling at the sight. "He is.."
"Do you think he could handle moving back home..?"
"I think it would be good for him.." Carole said softly.
"I'm going to talk to him soon.."
Carole nodded as Kurt walked over. "Dance with me." He said, holding his hand out to Blaine. Blaine took his hand and grinned as he followed. Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and resting their foreheads together. Carole watched the men dance in front of her. She was so thankful for Blaine.
"I missed you.." Kurt whispered.
"I missed you too baby."
Kurt grinned, pressing his lips to Blaine's. "I love you.."
"I love you more than anything." Blaine said softly.
"When we have our little girl I hope she looks like you.."
"Why?" Blaine asked.
"Because you're beautiful."
"You're sweet.. I want to talk to you about something.."
"What is it?."
"How would you feel about moving to Ohio?" Blaine asked softly.
Kurt pulled back slightly. "I-I don't remember much about Ohio.."
"I know. But Finn and Carole will be there. Rachel too."
Kurt looked down. "When do you wanna go?.."
"I don't know. Do you even want to go?" Blaine asked. "It's up to both of us."
"I..I kind of want to..I just don't remember.." Kurt admitted.
"Well, we can start with a visit. Go look at houses and see everyone."
"Can we afford to move?.."
"I'll make it work. I can go and work with Finn. He took over your dad's tire shop."
"He did?.." Kurt asked. "I..I want to help somehow..."
"I'm sure that would work. Then we'd both work and have a little more money." Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled wide. "Really?"
Blaine nodded. "Does that sound good?"
"I'd love that..When can we..think about having a baby?.."
"I think we should get settled in Ohio then get that started."
Kurt nodded, sighing softly. "Blaine..I have to tell you something.."
"What is it..?"
"Carole saw earlier. .But..I've still been..I.." Kurt sighed, looking down. "I just think if we're going to be taking these next s-steps together. .we should be honest with each other.." he whispered, his hand twitching slightly.
Blaine took Kurt's hands. "Whatever it is, I won't get mad. I'll help you however I can."
Kurt pulled his sleeve up, revealing the bandage Carole put on him earlier.
Blaine gasped. "Kurt.."
"I'm sorry..I've. .Ive been doing it...in places you wouldn't see.." Kurt whispered.
"Shh.. We'll work through this.." Blaine said quietly, pulling Kurt close and almost forgetting they had company. "We'll get through this."
Kurt nodded as the record stopped and the taller looked over. "Thank you.."
"I love you.."
"I love you too.."
Blaine turned to look at Carole. "How long are you staying?"
"Two days if that's fine. You two can come back with us to look at houses.."
"Id like that. I just have to talk to my boss." Blaine said.
Carole nodded, smiling.
They sat around and talked for a while before finn helped Blaine get the air mattresses ready. Carole said goodnight before retiring to the bedroom. Kurt, Blaine and Finn laid on their respective air mattresses, kurt holding Blaine close.
"Goodnight." Blaine said softly.
Kurt smiled to himself. He waited until he heard Finn's gentle snores before he reached between Blaine's legs. Blaine gasped. "Kurt.."
"Hmm?.." Kurt hummed.
"What are you doing..?"
"Touching you."
"But Finn.."
"Shh.." Kurt whispered, reaching into his husband's boxers and cupping his balls. Blaine's eyes slipped close as a small gasped him. Kurt grinned, kissing Blaine as he massaged them slowly.
"Kurt.." Blaine moaned quietly. Kurt let his hand roam up, tracing his fingertips up his shaft before pulling away, turning over and pushing his ass back. Blaine gripped Kurt's hips and rolled his body against his husband. Kurt gasped softly, bringing a hand up and placing it on the back of Blaine's neck.
"What if he wakes up..?"
"I-I don't know..Just..Ah Don't stop.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck and moaned to his ear. "What do you want baby?"
"I want you inside of me.."
Blaine gasped, licking his palm and slicking himself up. Kurt gasve a soft sigh, rolling his hips. Blaine pulled their boxers down, placing himself at Kurt's entrance. Kurt lifted one of his legs, looking back over his shoulder. He needed this distraction..This always cleared his mind.. Blaine spread Kurt and slowly pressed in. Kurt gave a small gasp, pushing his hips back more. Blaine held his breath to keep his moan in. Kurt gave a barely audible moan, pulling on the hair at the nape of Blaine's neck. Blaine bit and kissed Kurt's neck as he moved his hips. Kurt pulled a bit harder, leaning back more against Blaine as he felt the hot drag of Blaine sliding in and out of him. "Baby.." Blaine whispered hotly.
"Fuck me.." Kurt breathed out. Blaine quickened his thrusts, doing everything he could to keep quiet. Kurt couldn't stop the soft cry that burst from his lips as Blaine hit his prostate. "Ah!"
"Shh.. Baby shh.." Blaine whispered.
"You..you feel so good.." Kurt said, just as quietly.
"You too baby.. So good.."
Kurt gave a quiet moan, Moving his body with Blaine's. Blaine sped up, scratching down Kurt's chest. The taller shivered, arching his back. "Ungh..yes.."
"Oh fuck, Kurt."
They continued like that until Kurt was having a hard time being quiet.
"Baby.." Blaine gasped as his thrusts became erratic. Kurt squeezed the sheets, whimpering quietly as he got closer. Blaine panted against Kurt's neck. He pulled Kurt closer as they came together. Kurt whined as he reached his release. "Blaine.." He whispered.
Blaine moaned in Kurt's ear before turning his head to kiss him. Kurt returned the kiss, breathing heavily through his nose. Blaine hummed as he slowly pulled out. Kurt gave a quiet gasp, smiling to himself. "So good.."
"You're so sexy, Kurt.."
Kurt blushed, closing his eyes before gasping quietly as he heard Claude's voice in his ear..
"Jesus, you really are a slut.."
"No.." Kurt whimpered in his mind.
"Every time you have a little bit of anxiety you bend over, waiting for his cock.."
"He loves me!" Kurt yelled back, his body tensing next to Blaine.
"Please.." Claude scoffed. "You're just his live-in whore."
Kurt shook his head. "No.. No..Nonono.."
Blaine sat up slightly. "Kurt?.."
"No.." Kurt whimpered, trying to push Claude away.
"That's all you're good for. A fuck. You take it so well like the cockslut you are.." Claude growled.
Kurt clutched to Blaine. "Go away.. You're wrong. Blaine loves me!"
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, kissing his forehead. "It's okay baby..I'm here..I love you so much.."
"Don't let him lie to you, Kurt. He was going to marry someone else. Not you. He just wants you for your ass." Claude said maliciously.
Kurt gasped softly. "Shut up!"
"He felt sorry for you. That's why he's still here. You saw those pictures. Blaine was so happy. He's not with you. He'll never be completely happy with you!"
Kurt pulled away from Blaine, jumping up and rushing into the bathroom. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! I hate you!!" He cried out, pulling his hair.
Finn sat up quickly and groaned. "What's going on?"
"I don't know. " Blaine said before getting up and rushing to the bathroom. He jiggled the handle and found it locked.
"Why can't you just let me be happy?.." Kurt sobbed.
"You aren't meant to be happy. You're crazy. He'll never love you."
"He does love me..A-And he says I'm not crazy!" Kurt got out.
"Then why do you have voices in your head? Why do you hurt yourself? Deep down, you know this wont work. He'll want more. You won't live up to the Kurt he thinks you are."
Kurt couldn't breathe, everything felt like it was crashing down on him as he cowered in the corner.
"H-He love..loves me.."
"Don't lie to yourself." Claude whispered. "You know how to get rid of it."
"W-what?..." Kurt whispered.
"You know where the razors are. Do it, Kurt. You know you want it."
Kurt shook his head. "No..I wont.." He whispered as Blaine knocked on the door.
"Finn! Get me the screwdriver. It's in the junk drawer in the kitchen." Blaine called to his brother-in-law. He wouldn't let Kurt hurt himself. "Baby? Open up! It's me.. I'm here.."
"Blaine.." Kurt whispered, too terrified to move fron the corner.
"Don't listen to him, Kurt. I'm here. I'm never leaving. I promise."
"W-What about Sebastian?.."
"I left him, baby. I came back for you. Please, come out and we can talk about this."
"I can't." Kurt whimpered as Finn came back with the screwdriver. Blaine worked on taking the door knob off. It took a few minutes but he got it and pushed the door open. Kurt looked up at his husband, tears streaming down his red cheeks. Blaine knelt down and pulled Kurt close. "Calm down baby.. I'll tell you anything you want to know.."
Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine and holding onto him like a lifeline. Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and held him. Kurt wrapped his arms and legs around Blaine, letting himself cry.
"I love you.. I love you so much.." Blaine whispered as he rubbed Kurt's back.
"I-I love you too.." Kurt said, his body trembling.
"Take deep breaths baby.."
Kurt slowly calmed down, sniffing lightly.
"Come on. I'll make some warm milk for you."
Carole met the in the kitchen. "Is he okay?"
Blaine nodded. "He's fine..He just had a moment."
"Can I help with anything?"
"I'm okay..Ill just make him some warm milk and he'll go to sleep.." Blaine sighed.
"Wake me up if you need anything." Carole said softly. She kissed her sons before going back to bed.
Kurt sat at the table, leaning against Finn with his eyes closed.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked softly.
Kurt nodded slowly, wrapping an arm around his middle. Finn hugged his brother as blaine got the milk from the microwave. Kurt perked up, happily taking the mug. "I'm sorry I woke everyone up.."
"Its okay baby. Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked.
"I just..Claude started talking about Sebastian.." Kurt whispered.
"Who's Sebastian?" Finn asked.
Blaine sighed, knowing he needed to explain. "Kurt and I had been broken up for a couple years. I met Sebastian and eventually he proposed. I said yes but I started thinking about Kurt. I had to know if we still had a chance. So, one day, I left to find Kurt. I didn't tell him.."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, his eyebrows kneading together. "You..didn't tell him?.."
"No.." Blaine said quietly. "I saw you and knew what I wanted.. I should tell him. I need to tell him."
Kurt didn't know what to say as he stared at Blaine.
"You don't have to say anything. I know. I'm terrible. But I couldn't go back after seeing you. I felt so guilty for leaving.."
"Y-You're not terrible..But you couldn't break it of with your /fiance/ before coming back to me?"
"I didn't think! I saw you and nothing else mattered to me. I know it's fucked up, alright?"
"Stop it.." Kurt said seriously. "You have to fix this.."
"I know. I'm going to do it before Carole leaves."
Kurt ran a hand through his hair, pulling lightly.
"Kurt, I don't want you worrying about this." Blaine said seriously.
"What else am I supposed to do?.."
"Let me handle it."
Kurt nodded, sipping his milk slowly.
"I'll tell you everything. I just want you to know that I'm coming back to you."
"Do you still love him?..at all?"
"It's hard to explain. I do. But there's only one person someone can call 'the one'. And for me, that's you." Blaine said as he took one of Kurt's hands.
"You love him?.." Kurt whispered.
"Not like I love you."
Kurt just shook his head. "I'm going to sleep with Carole. ." He got out, standing and walking to the bedroom.
Blaine sighed. "This is why I never said anything."
"It's a good thing you did, though.." Finn said softly.
"I don't know.."
"It's better than hiding it, dude.." Finn said,, patting Blaine's back.
"Thanks," Blaine said quietly before going back to his air mattress. Kurt climbed into the bed, carefully cuddling up to his step mother and holding back tears.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Carole asked.
"Blaine told me about Sebastian..H-He said he still loves him..Not like he loves me..But still..It hurts.."
"Oh, sweetie.." Carole said softly, holding Kurt close.
Kurt sniffed lightly. "He said it was only me.."
"Because he knows he only wants to be with you. I loved my husband before I met your father."
"But..I.." Kurt whispered, "I just want to be happy.."
"You will be. With Blaine," Carole said softly.
Kurt sniffed, nuzzling closer. "I love you.."
"I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt sighed, closing his eyes. "I just want this to be over.."
"What to be over?"
"Kurt, it'll get better."
"It's like..One step forward and two steps back..He would be so much happier living a normal life with Sebastian...I'll never be able to give him that.."
"He wants that with you. He wants a family with you." Carole said, holding Kurt close.
"I can't make him happy..He's always worrying about me..Im just a load on him.." Kurt whispered.
"That's not true. Blaine loves you more than anything. He doesn't have to be here. He wants to be."
Kurt shook his head. He just felt like a burden to everyone around him.
"This will work. You have to believe it. I do.."
"It's so hard.." Kurt got out.
"I know. But hey, you'll be moving to Ohio and you'll have all of us."
Kurt nodded. "C-can I sleep with you tonight?.."
"Of course." Carole said, kissing his head. Kurt cuddled up to her closer, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep. Carole tried getting him to relax until she fell asleep.
Omg Blaine isn't going to see Sebastian is he? Can't he just explain it to him over the phone. So Kurt never met Sebastian? I like that they are moving back to Ohio.