Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall
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Making Friends With Shadows On My Wall: Chapter 1

E - Words: 4,946 - Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Sep 16, 2012 - Updated: Jun 14, 2013
982 0 13 0 0

Patient File

Kurt E. Hummel
Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Shows symptoms of self harm, and violence toward others when exposed to stimuli.


Mood swings
-Suicidal tendencies
-Sleep disorders (insomnia)
-Compulsions and rituals
-Psychotic-like symptoms (including auditory and visual hallucinations)

Stimuli: Homophobic slurs, Lilies, and some hallucinations.

Two alternate personalities along with host.


A pair of shoes clicked along the linoleum tile of the hospital as a man of twenty-eight made his way to the front desk. He looked at the kind looking woman and told her the name of who he was here to see. She smiled politely and asked him to follow her. The man smiled, nodding as he did just that, walking down the hall, through a pair of double doors and into an office.

A doctor sat at the desk, his glasses perched on top of his head as he looked up at the man.
"May I help you?.." The doctor asked.
"I'm Blaine Anderson..I was told to come here. I've come to visit Kurt?..Kurt Hummel.." Blaine said timidly, taking a seat in front of the polished mahogany desk. He looked over the cluttered table. It was covered in pictures, knick knacks, and file folders. The doctor introduced himself as Doctor Hanson and smiled at Blaine.

"Do you mind me asking your relation to Mr. Hummel?.." Dr. Hanson asked.

"Oh..Well..I'm an old friend of his.." Blaine said quietly.


"Blaine!" Kurt giggled loudly, holding his arms out to shield the water Blaine was splashing at him.

"You already know how to make this stop!" Blaine laughed, mercilessly splashing him.

"Fine! Fine!" Kurt giggled, making his way across the pool and pressing his lips to Blaine's. The shorter boy hummed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's slim waist.

"Our first summer..Living together.." Kurt whispered.
"I can't believe it.."

"Neither can I.." Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt again. "Who says nineteen is too young?.."

"My father.." Kurt giggled, leaning against the wall of the pool at their apartment complex.

"Well, I'm pretty sure your father knows how much I love you.."

"I love you too.." Kurt smiled, his eyes as blue as the water they swam in.
(End flashback)

"Well he actually hasn't gotten any visitors since he was checked in.." Dr. Hanson said.

"At all?.." Blaine asked quietly. "What about his father?"

"His father passed shortly before he checked in.." The doctor sighed, seeming genuinely hurt at this. Blaine shook his head, looking down. This all seemed so surreal...Burt was gone, and here he was, visiting Kurt in a /mental/ hospital..
"May I see him?..If that's at all possible?.." Blaine asked, pulling on his fingers nervously. He hadn't seen Kurt in years..Would he remember him? Blaine wondered how different he would be now..If he would be one of his alters when he saw him..All Blaine knew about Dissociative Identity Disorder was what he read on the internet over the weekend. He had no idea who Kurt was anymore..If he was still the same person..

"Of course..He's actually had a very good day today.." Dr. Hanson smiled.
Blaine nodded. He was a combination of happy, scared, and nervous as they made their way down the pristine white halls of the hospital. They got to a room with a white door that had a simple white window in it, allowing Blaine to see inside.
It was all white, as was expected. He saw a bed, pushed against the wall. Scraps of paper, that appeared to be from magazines, were pasted to the wall above the bed. Across from that was a small television on the opposite wall, bolted to it and out of reach. Other than that, the room was quite empty. There was a nicely sized window on the wall next to the bed, and on the bed was a sleeping form, clad in white scrubs.

The doctor knocked on the door and the form did not move, his face to the wall. He opened the door and closed it behind him, Blaine walking in as well. "Kurt..We have a visitor here for you.." Dr. Hanson said.

No movement.


Completely still.

Blaine sighed. "Kurt..It's me, Blaine.."

Kurt's shoulders stiffened before he slowly turned his head. "Blaine.." he said. His voice still as smooth as silk. His tone sounded curious, as if repeating an odd word one has never heard before. "Blaine.." He said again, turning to look at him.

Blaine gasped as their eyes met. Kurt was thin, his cheeks more hollow, and containing less color than Blaine remembered. His hair was wild, but seemed to suit him, and eyes were the same shining blue, but with more of a spark to them. They contained the air of something that made Blaine feel like he never wanted to see some of the things they had.
"Blaine.." He said again.

"Yes..Blaine..Blaine Anderson.." Blaine said softly.

"I know you..I remember you.." Kurt said sitting up, and tilting his head to the side curiously.

"He's an old friend of yours.." Doctor Hanson said as Kurt tapped his fingers on his cheek, staring at Blaine with wide eyes.
"I know you.." He repeated, standing. Blaine couldn't help but notice that he still had the amazing poise and posture he was known for.

Kurt continued tapping his blunt nails on his cheek as he studied Blaine's face.

"It's good to see you Kurt.." Blaine said, smiling.

"I forgot.." Kurt whispered.
"What?" Blaine asked.
"I don't know who you are..Who are you?..Are you my new nurse?" Kurt asked.

"He has memory lapses.." The doctor said softly. "He seems to be alright. Would you like me to leave you alone?" Dr. Hanson asked.

"Please.." Blaine said as Kurt sat back on the bed, folding his sheet carefully. The doctor told him a nurse would be right outside and walked out. Blaine smiled at Kurt, who was unfolding the sheet and doing it again.
"Mind if I sit?.." Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head and Blaine sat next to him. "Are you sure you don't remember me?.." Blaine asked quietly. Kurt shook his head again, tapping his fingers on the perfectly folded sheet.

"I like your pictures.." Blaine said quietly.

"Thank you." Kurt said, his head quickly jerking up to look at Blaine before he turned to the wall. "I got them from magazines. They're beautiful."

"They are.." Blaine agreed, looking over the pictures. Fashion models, shoes, purses. Even a few random ads for food, or medication.

Kurt stood, reaching under his pillow and pulling out a faded photo. "This is my boyfriend."

"Really?.." Blaine asked, looking over at the picture. It was of he and Kurt, dressed for prom.

"He's gone." Kurt said simply, placing the picture on the floor and frowning at it, seemingly unhappy with it's position before scooting it over less than a centimeter and smiling.

"Who are you?.." Kurt asked again.

"I'm Blaine.." Blaine said softly.

Kurt's face dropped. "You're not Blaine. Blaine is dead..Blaine is dead.." Kurt whispered, his breathing becoming frantic. "They told me you were dead.." He reached up, pulling on his ears roughly and backing away from Blaine. "H-He did it..He said I did it..I did it.." Kurt panted, looking down and squeezing his eyes closed.

"Kurt..I'm not dead..You didn't do anything.." Blaine said, growing concerned as Kurt turned to face the wall, dragging his fingers down the white paint.
"He said it..He said I did it.." Kurt gasped, clawing at the wall as if he was trying to dig his way out.

"Who Kurt?.." Blaine asked grabbing Kurt's wrist to try and calm him.
Kurt paused before spinning around and ripping his wrist from Blaine's hand.
"Don't you dare touch me you filthy little p�d�!" Kurt growled, his voice had changed. He now spoke with a French accent, his voice low and rough, and his eyes were so much darker than they were only moments ago.

This wasn't Kurt.

Even his posture was more slouched, his face and body language were completely changed.
"Who do you think you are?!" the voice raged.

"Who are you?.." Blaine asked.

"I am not your pitiful little girl that was 'ere before..I am Claude Damion.." He said, staring at Blaine before turning to the door. "Que tu es emmerdant..Nurse!" Claude yelled. "Please come get this p�d� away from me before I kill him myself!" He growled, banging on the little window.

The nurse instructed Claude to back away from the door and opened it slightly before Blaine started to walk out, shooting one last look at "Claude" before walking out of the door.

"Tante de merde!" Claude yelled, spitting at the glass.

Blaine stared through the glass at the man who wasn't the Kurt he knew. His eyes were burning with hate as he stared at Blaine. He had to back away, unable to look at what
was behind the window. "How long until he goes back..To..Um..Normal?.." Blaine asked, shaking slightly at the experience.

"It won't be until he calms down..It could be a couple of hours.." She sighed as Blaine heard some bangs coming from the room, making him jump. The nurse sighed. "I think you should go sir.." She said, ushering him away before he looked back seeing Claude banging on the door, screaming French obscenities.

The tears filled Blaine's eyes quickly as he was ushered away from the scene. He couldn't believe what was happening..What had happened to Kurt to make him this way? Blaine replayed their last few days together. What could've happened to make Kurt this way? It killed Blaine to see his ex like that. He drove home and his mind was racing with a million questions. How could he have missed something that would do this to a person? Why hadn't Kurt come to him? He wanted to go see Kurt again tomorrow and get some questions answered. But for now, he needed to be alone. Seeing Kurt today, brought back all those feelings, making Blaine realize he had never really gotten over Kurt. He still loved the man, even in his dazed, forgetful state..He was still Kurt.. When he got home he curled up in the bed and tried not to cry. He closed his eyes and saw Kurt talking about how he had killed him. Who was Kurt talking about? Had the voices in his head convinced Kurt that He was dead? That was understandable after how long they were apart. But why would they tell Kurt that he did it..? He knew one thing was for sure, he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. That didn't stop him from trying. But every time he closed his eyes, horrific images of Kurt flew through his mind. He got up to get a glass of water, a cold sweat on his forehead. Blaine downed the glass and refilled it. He chugged the second glass down before sitting down at the table and allowing the tears to come Blaine's entire frame shook as he sobbed. All he wanted was to hold Kurt close and tell him he'd fix everything. But he couldn't..He left him alone for years when he was sick and he wouldn't never forgive himself for that. He hadn't known. But he should've. Blaine let out a strangled scream of frustration at himself. He picked up the glass and threw it at the wall, groaning loudly as it shattered. He looked at the pieces of sharp glass. How easy would it be to end this pain? Would it be best for Kurt? For Blaine to disappear? No. He couldn't think like this. Maybe he hadn't been here in a long time. But he was now. And he had to be there for his love. He didn't understand why it hurt this much so quickly. He wished everything was back to the way it was. When they were young and in love. No one could touch what they had. Things were simple back then. He got up and carefully swept up the glass before going back to the bedroom. Blaine curled himself around the flat pillow that he had taken from their apartment when he left. The smell of Kurt was gone. But the memories were still there. Eventually he got a couple hours of sleep, but they were restless.

When he woke up, he felt like the walking dead. But he wanted to spend the day with Kurt and get him to recognize him. Maybe he'd bring pictures or the little stuffed animal Kurt had won him on their first date. He grabbed the things and put them into a duffel bag. Blaine skipped breakfast, only stopping for coffee and headed to the institution. The nurse recognized him and checked his bag before bringing him back to Kurt's room. They walked in and saw Kurt laying down just as he had yesterday. "Kurt..?"

Kurt was quiet, silent and unmoving as Blaine tried to get his attention.

"It's me.. Blaine.."

He opened his eyes, turning over in his bed before sitting up quickly, a huge smile plastered to his face. "Blaine!"

Blaine couldn't help but smile back. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I missed you so much.." Kurt gasped, running to Blaine and hugging him tightly.

Blaine hugged him back. "I missed you too, Kurt.."

Kurt turned his head, kissing Blaine deeply. Blaine stood there, frozen before melting against Kurt. Kurt ran a hand through Blaine's hair, moaning softly. Blaine gasped as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's tiny waist. Kurt pulled away, cupping Blaine's cheeks in his hands and smiling.

"I've missed that.. Missed you.."

Kurt giggled lightly. "How was work?.."

Blaine's eyebrows knitted together. "Umm.. Work is fine.."

"I tried to get dinner done before you came home, but I was really busy.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine bit his lip, deciding it was best to go along with whoever this was. "It's okay. I understand.."

Kurt turned away before freezing, his eyes going blank.


Kurt didn't move except to turn to Blaine, the dull gray eyes glazed over.

Blaine turned to the nurse before looking at Kurt. "What's wrong?"

Kurt blinked a couple of times before his eyes turned a dark blue. "Who are you?.."

"I..I'm Blaine. Blaine Anderson.."

"Are you my new nurse?.." Kurt asked, tilting his head to the side.

Blaine shook his head as he held back tears. "I brought you something."

Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine warmly. The shorter pulled out the stuffed animal and handed it to Kurt. Kurt's grin widened and he sat on the floor, crossing his legs and tapping on the plastic eye of the bear.

"Do you like it?"

"It's cute.." Kurt said absently.

Blaine nodded. "Do you want me to go..?"

"No, you make him go away. He's quieter when you're here.." Kurt whispered.

"Who is..?"

Kurt just smiled, patting the spot next to him on the ground and motioning for Blaine to sit. Blaine sat down, wanting to ask more but he didn't want to push Kurt. Kurt leaned against Blaine, sighing softly.

"What are you thinking about?" Blaine asked.

"Too many things.." Kurt shrugged, looking up at Blaine.

"Like what? You can trust me.."

"I don't know really..It's hard to think with them talking..All they do is talk, and fight. I can't sleep." Kurt said, his voice growing quieter with each syllable.

Blaine leaned in a little closer. "What do they talk about?"

"She's always so protective of me..And he's saying he should kill me but she won't let him." Kurt said dismissively, almost as if he were speaking about something as trivial as the weather.

"Who wants to kill you?" Blaine whispered.

"Claude." Kurt sighed, rolling his eyes as he sat the bear straight up.

"Why would he want to hurt you?"

"He doesn't like me. He calls me a faggot and tells me you never loved me." Kurt said simply.

Blaine slowly reached over and took Kurt's hand. "Truth is, I've never stopped loving you."

Kurt's hand gave a harsh twitch at the contact before he relaxed. "My boyfriend wouldn't like that." He said softly. "Blaine..He's my boyfriend."

"I am Blaine.. I'm right here, Kurt.."

"No..Blaine's not here..He left me. Nine years, three months, and two days ago." Kurt said, tapping his fingers on the floor.

"But he's back now.. He's here with you.." Blaine said, trying to hold back his tears. "I'm sorry Kurt.. I didn't know.."

"Didn't know what?.." Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine, his eyebrows raised.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore.. I should've stayed.." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt's breathing started to get heavier and he pulled away from Blaine, his hands flying over his ears.

"What? What are they saying?" Blaine asked, getting on his knees and cupping Kurts cheek. "Stay with me.."

"No..Nononono..." Kurt whined, grabbing handfuls of his hair and pulling hard.

"Don't listen to them. Focus on me.. Blaine.. Your boyfriend.. I'm right here.."

"Shut up!" Kurt screamed grabbing Blaine's shoulders and pulling him close. He buried his face in Blaine's shirt and screamed loudly, digging his blunt nails into his shoulders.

Blaine winced but held Kurt close as his tears streamed down his cheeks. "I love you.. I always have. You're beautiful and perfect. I won't leave you again. I'm here baby.."

Kurt went quiet suddenly, his grip on Blaine's shoulders loosening and his body sagged a bit.

"It's okay, Kurt.. Relax.." Blaine whispered in the taller's ear. Kurt nuzzled into Blaine's neck, sighing quietly. Blaine kissed the side

"Are you okay?" Blaine whispered.

"Mhmmm..." Kurt hummed.

Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt's hair. "I have to go to the restroom baby. I'll be right back.."

Kurt nodded, loosening his arms around Blaine. Blaine slowly stood and made his way out of the room. He walked to the restroom, his heart and mind racing after what happened. He thought about Claude. Where had Kurt come up with him? Why did he want to kill Kurt? Blaine splashed a bit of water on his face and took deep calming breaths. After calming down a bit, he walked back to the room. Kurt sat on the bed, his legs crossed. "Where have you been?"

"I just stepped out for a minute.. I told you.." Blaine said, confused.

"I've been calling you since six..It's three in the morning Blaine, what the hell is going on?" Kurt snapped. Blaine took a deep breath, he remembered this fight. He was working late and forgot to call Kurt.

Blaine sighed. "I was working."

"So you can't answer your fucking phone?" Kurt hissed.

"It was on silent. I lost track of time baby.. I'm sorry.."

Kurt shook his head mumbling under his breath and crossing his arms.

"Please Kurt.. Let's not fight.." Blaine said softly.

Kurt looked over at Blaine with tears in his eyes. "I was so scared.."

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm home now.."

Kurt walked over to Blaine, pulling him close. "I'm so sorry.."

"Shh it's okay. I didn't mean to scare you.."

"I love you so much.." Kurt sighed.

"I love you too.."

Kurt pulled back before leaning in to kiss Blaine softly.

"We okay?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah.." Kurt said sweetly.

"Let's get you in bed.."

Kurt nodded. "Come lay with me.."

Blaine led Kurt to the bed and covered him up before cuddling up to him. Kurt kissed Blaine softly, smiling. Blaine smiled back, wondering how long it would be before one of Kurt's other identities would come out. It was the middle of the day, but Blaine let Kurt sleep. He carefully got out of bed and went to see Kurt's doctor.

Dr. Hanson was sitting in his office when Blaine walked in. "Mr. Anderson..How are you?"

Blaine sighed. "I don't know.."

"Well how is Kurt?..I haven gone to check in on him today.." The doctor said, digging through a file drawer.

"Better than yesterday. Claude hasn't come out. But he.. He said something to me.."

"What did he say?.." Dr. Hanson asked.

"He said that.. They fight in his head. That Claude wants to.. hurt him.." Blaine said carefully.

"He has had some problems with self harm..These voices, or specifically Claude can take over as distinct personalities and make him do things to himself.." The doctor explained.

"How..? He doesn't have anything in his room.."

"Well we try to keep his nails trimmed but he scratches, punches the walls..He can get very violent at times." Dr. Hansen sighed.

"What do you do when it happens?" Blaine asked.

"Restrain him to the bed and sedate him."

"Is there anything to help him..?"

"Well his father asked, before he was checked in, that when the time came that he had to be checked in, we not try to use any medicinal ways of treating his symptoms. He wanted us to use therapy, which has been slightly successful thus far.."

Blaine nodded. "How does it work? With the other personalities?"

"He has two, one being Claude, and the other Elizabeth.." The doctor said.

"His mother..?"

The doctor nodded.

"Do people ever.. I don't want to say get cured.. But do they get better?"

"They do..But usually it's with the help of medicine." Doctor Hanson said.

Blaine sighed. "Do you think Kurt will be able to ever leave..?"

"Well his case is a very severe one, but he has been improving with therapy..Maybe in a few weeks you might even be able to take him out."

Blaine perked up. "Really?"

"If he improves enough." The doctor smiled.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Memory training..Talking to him about his past..Being there with him. He's never had any visitors and he usually just laid in bed all day but since yesterday he's been up and about."

Blaine nodded. "Do you know why he thinks I'm... dead?"

"The voices can tell him anything..His mind is very fragile right now..And he'll believe anything they say to him."

"Alright.. Do you know how he became this way?"

The doctor looked down, sighing softly. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you that because of doctor-patient confidentiality..But..If Kurt chooses to tell you, then he will."

Blaine rested his head in his hands. "I understand."

"How are you taking this?.." Dr. Hanson asked softly.

Blaine bit his lip. "I-I honestly don't know.."

"If you ever need any help..We have therapists you can see." The doctor said.

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome." He smiled. "If you could go get Kurt, it's almost time for lunch."

Blaine thanked the doctor again and went to get Kurt. Kurt was up again, looking through Blaine's bag and going through the pictures. "Do you remember any of them?"

"This is my boyfriend..Who's that with him?.." Kurt asked, pointing to himself.

"That's you when you were in high school.."

Kurt stared at himself curiously before laughing loudly. "I don't look like that.."

"What do you think you look like..?" Blaine asked.

"Not like that.." Kurt chuckled, seemingly amused by the idea.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing..He just looks so..Clean cut.."

"And you're not?"

"I don't look like it." Kurt said, quickly flipping through the pictures.

Blaine sighed. "It's time for lunch."

Kurt nodded, continuing to flip through the pictures.

"Will you come sit with me..?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay.." Blaine said quietly as he sat next to Kurt.

The nurse poked her head in. "Kurt..Come on, we have to go eat.."

Blaine looked over at Kurt, not knowing how he'd react.

"No." He said, not looking up.

"Kurt, you know you have to eat." the nurse said.

"No." He said again, calmly.

She sighed heavily. "Do you want me to get your doctor again?"

Kurt looked up, sighing deeply before standing and straightening his clothes.

"Thank you. Now come on sweetie."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, and led him to the small cafeteria. They got their plates and sat down. Kurt stared at his food distastefully, poking at his corn with his fork.

"You don't like the food here?"

"I don't like food at all.." Kurt mumbled.

"Why not?"

Kurt simply shrugged until his nurse eyes him and he slowly began to eat, frowning distastefully.

"I was talking to Dr. Hanson. He said I might be able to take you out someday.."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, his eyes lighting up a bit.

"Would you like that?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded before grabbing his water and chugging it quickly.

"Do you like when I'm here?"

Kurt set his water down and leaned over, pressing a chaste kiss to Blaine's lips. "Yes." He said before turning back to his food.

Blaine smiled as he ate. "Me too.."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, smiling to himself.

"What do you do for fun?"

"Sometimes the nurses give me magazines." Kurt said before laughing loudly. "Then I rip out the nice ones and put them on my wall.

"I brought a few new ones if you want to look at them.."

Kurt nodded, laughing again before going silent, eyes trained on the roof.

"What are you thinking?" Blaine asked curiously.

"There's a bird up there." Kurt said quietly, as if trying not to startle it.

Blaine looked up, not seeing anything. "What does it look like?"

"A crow.." Kurt said quietly before his eyes darted around the ceiling.

"What is it doing..?"

"There's six.."

"What are they doing?"


"Do you know why..?"

Kurt was quiet for a long time before he shook his head, quickly looking down.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.." Kurt said quietly.

"Okay.." Blaine said just as quietly. Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand as he squeezed his eyes closed. Blaine scooted closer. "It's okay. You're safe.."

Kurt relaxed a bit, sighing shakily as he started reciting something under his breath. Blaine tilted his head, trying to hear Kurt.

"He's gone..He can't hurt me..He's gone..He can't hurt me.."

"No one will hurt you, Kurt.. I won't let them.."

"He did.."


"Please don't.." Kurt whispered, drawing his knees to his chest.

"Don't what? Kurt, what's wrong?"

"Stop!" Kurt almost-yelled.

"Kurt please.." Blaine whispered. Kurt shook his head, digging his nails into his scalp.

"Nurse!" Blaine called, grabbing Kurt's hands. Kurt tried to pull his hands away from Blaine but couldn't pull away. "No!" He yelled before the nurses hurried over. Blaine let the nurses take over and watched as Kurt was carried out. He buried his face in his hands as he heard the screams of his love fading down the hall. He couldn't take this. Why couldn't he get through to Kurt? Still, it had only been two days..But he could barely stand seeing Kurt like this. Blaine knew he couldn't do this alone. But who could he turn to now?..Especially with this? He guessed he could go see the therapist Dr. Hanson suggested.. But he didn't want to just spill his guts to a stranger..He would wait here for a while, go talk to Kurt a bit more, and try to figure this out. Blaine went to wash his face and found a familiar nurse. "How is he?"

"He calmed down as soon as he got him into the room..May I ask what happened before Kurt panicked?.."

"He kept staring at the ceiling. He said six crows were watching.." Blaine explained. "Then I told him he was safe and he was whispering something about someone being gone and that they couldn't hurt him.."

She nodded, sighing softly. "Well, if you go in to see him Mr. Anderson..Please try to keep him calm.."

"I will.."

"Thank you.."

Blaine sighed as he walked down the hall. The fluorescent lights giving an almost eerie feel. He made it to Kurt's room and saw him laying on the floor, holding the bear. He gave a light knock. "Can I come in?"

"Mhmm.." Kurt hummed.

Blaine walked in slowly and took a seat by Kurt. "How are you feeling?"

Kurt looked up at Blaine, sighing softly. "They're fighting again.."

Blaine took a deep breath. "Can you tune them out?"

"I try but it doesn't work.."

"When you talk, can you hear them?"

"Not as much.."

"Why don't we keep talking then? Or you could try singing," Blaine suggested.

"What song?.." Kurt sighed softly.

"Anything that you like."

Kurt nodded, laying back and staring at the ceiling and humming softly. "I can't remember any songs.." He said after a while.

"Well what if I sing? Do you think you could concentrate on my voice?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded, smiling a bit. Blaine took a deep breath, reaching out for Kurt's hand and starting to sing.
"When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?"

Kurt hummed along with Blaine, squeezing his hand. Blaine smiled at Kurt as he continued.
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down on your face
And I..."

Kurt quietly opened his mouth and sang with Blaine, his voice just as soft and angelic as Blaine remembered. Blaine gasped but quickly recovered. It had been so long since he heard the beautiful voice. He couldn't help the silly grin that spread across his face as they finished the song.
"Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

Kurt smiled to himself, humming the final bars of the song.

"You're voice is beautiful.." Blaine whispered.

"So is yours..Oh!" Kurt said, sitting up quickly.

"What is it?" Blaine asked. Kurt stood, reaching up to turn on the television and sitting back down on the floor. Blaine turned around and looked up to see what was happening. He looked over and saw that the weather report was on.
"You like the weather channel?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded, his eyes trained on the screen. "It's like..They can predict the future." he said in an almost child-like way.

Blaine smiled softly. "In a way, they can."

Kurt nodded, cuddling up to Blaine as he watched the screen. Blaine thought as they watched the television. It was then when he realized no matter how tough this got, he could do this. Little moments like this gave him the strength to be there for Kurt. Kurt eventually crawled up into the bed and relaxed a bit before falling asleep again. Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt's forehead and headed back home. The sound of Kurt's screams still rang in his ears, but not as prominently as the soft sound of his singing. He barely got any sleep that night. But the thought that Kurt might get better got him through.


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I like it. =) Very different. Poor Kurtie. =( *snuggles Kurt*

Will be updating soon and whether or not that can happen is revealed!

I can't wait to see what happens next. Hopefully Blaine can help Kurt get better and they can be happy again.

Thank you! Will be updating in a couple of days and will reveal something major!

I love the song selection! It gave a whole different point of view to both of the songs. I'm loving it but stupid Claude, he just HAS to be mean! I hope Kurt gets better and I can go home.... Can't wait for the next update!

True enough, there are many touchy subjects in this story, including more triggers for myself than I anticipated before beginning to read. Nonetheless, your tale tugs at my heartstrings in all the right ways. I look forward to following these characters and allowing them to infiltrate the, oftentimes neglected, emotional side of my [swiftly dwindling] soul.

Please make a happy end :(

This is the best story i have read and I check everday for an update. I really admire your work. Keep writing!

Omg thank you so much! :D sorry it takes so long to update. We just have so many. But we don't plan on ending this quite yet! :))

OMGG I just found this story and it looked very interrsting and now I'm like in awe. Your writing is AMAZING. This story idea is AWESOME. And yes I have already cried :/ It's heart breaking but It's already one of my favorites and I only finished the first chapter ;) But I am so glad I don't have to work tomorrow cause I don't plan on sleeping tonight I gotta keep reading. And I am very anxious to fing out how Kurt got like this. Great first chapter I just want to hug them both and help Blaine help Kurt get better.. Yeah I'll shut up now....

A friend on fb just rec'd this and I have to say that even after just one chapter I am hooked! This Blaine is wonderful and I am beyond eager to know more! I have so many questions! What happened to Kurt... Why did Klaine break up? Why did it take 9 years for Blaine to look for Kurt...etc. So many questions! Gah! I love it!

So glad you like it! All of those questions are answered later. :) also, updating soon! Like by this weekend

I really just have nothing to say... i just....please dont take it as a bad thing