Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Story
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Inked: Chapter 8

E - Words: 3,060 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 06, 2014 - Updated: Mar 06, 2014
158 0 0 0 0

The next morning, they went to the cemetery. Kurt held Blaines hand as they walked to her grave. Blaine carefully cradled a bouquet of blue roses in his arms. Usually death made him so emotional. But Kurt made him feel like he didnt need to be. Kurt seemed completely content as the approached the grave.
It was a nice spot, under the shade of an oak tree. Some fake flowers were set around the white headstone. Etched into it was her name, and sitting in front of it was a small framed picture of her, Kurt, and his father.
A light breeze blew by and Kurt sighed softly, holding his hand over his ribs where her portrait was on his skin. "I really wish you couldve met her..She was against tattoos, but I have a feeling shed still support me anyway." He smiled. "But she loved old movies. Like you do.."

Blaine looked over at his boyfriend and nodded, smiling lightly. "She seems like an amazing woman.." He said before leaning down and setting the bouquet in front of her headstone. "Your son is so perfect Mrs. Hummel.." he said softly. Thank you for bringing him into this world.." He stood and held Kurts hand. They remained silent as Kurt looked at the grave. Blaine let him have his time, glancing over to see any kind of emotion on his boyfriends face. He just stared, a type of numbness in his eyes along with a bit of longing.

After a while Kurt bounced back, looking to Blaine. "I-Im sorry. Are you ready to go?" He asked quietly.

"Thank you.”

"Im ready when you are. If you need more time, thats okay. Dont be sorry." Blaine said, squeezing Kurts hand.

"Im fine." Kurt said, looking down once more. "Lets go."


They walked back and Kurt was silent most of the ride back to the house, chewing on his fingernails in thought.

"Do you need to talk?" Blaine asked.

Kurt looked over. "Hm?.."

"Whatre you thinking about?"

"Oh..I dont know..Just..I always get weird after I go there..Im sorry..I just think too much.."

"Its okay, Kurt. Just know Im here for you."

Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaines hand lightly. "I just miss her. And its weird. Because I dont remember much about her. I only had her with me until I was ten.."

"But she was a huge part of you." Blaine said.

Kurt nodded, his free hand pressed to his tattoo. "She was..And I hate it. But the most I remember about her is her being sick. Being in that hospital and watching her get weaker.." a tear slipped down his cheek before he quickly wiped it away. "I-Im sorry. Just..Thank you for going with me."

"Dont be sorry, babe. It was hard on all of you."

Kurt sighed softly, leaning over to kiss his cheek lightly. "Thank you."

"Youre welcome, baby. I'm always here."

They parked in front of the house and Kurt cupped his cheek, kissing him softly. He kept their lips pressed together as he took a breath in and a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I love you." Blaine whispered.

"I love you too.." Kurt said, just as quietly before nuzzling into the crook of Blaines neck and holding himself close to him.

Blaine rubbed Kurts back. "Im here.."

"I love you too.." Kurt said, just as quietly before nuzzling into the crook of Blaines neck and holding himself close to him.

Kurt apologized again. Hed never done this. He never let himself cry in front of anyone. But Blaine was just so comforting, understanding, and warm. He made him feel like he was home.

"Dont apologize." Blaine said softly.

After a while, Kurt sat up and wiped his eyes, looking down. "God..I havent cried in so long.."

"Its healthy to cry once in a while."

Kurt gave a weak, humorless laugh "I try not to make a habit of it..” He looked over at Blaine and sighed softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Kurt. So much.."

Kurt kissed Blaine again before they went inside.

The next day they flew back to California and Kurt felt closer to Blaine than ever.

"When do you go back to work?" Blaine asked.

"Thursday." Kurt sighed, stretching out on the couch. "Come see me after school?.."

"Of course." Blaine smiled.

Kurt accepted a soft kiss from Blaine before he left to go home. Kurt sighed as the silence fell around him. He loved having Blaine here, but he needed this sometimes. The quiet to reflect. He got up and made some tea. He was pouring himself a cup when the doorbell rang. Kurt sighed as he walked to the door. He gasped when he saw Sebastian. "Why are you here?"

Sebastian sighed. "Hello to you too."

"Are you surprised?" Kurt asked curtly.

"Listen..I came to apologize. Can I come in?.."

"Fine." Kurt said, stepping aside.

Sebastian walked in and Kurt made a quick gait to the kitchen, offering him some tea. He accepted before sitting on the couch. Kurt brought the mugs out, handing him one before sitting next to him.
"I didnt mean what I said.." Sebastian said softly, holding his mug with both hands.

"Which part?"

"All of it..Especially saying that you werent worth my time.."

"It doesnt really matter anymore. We arent together." Kurt said.

"I know that.." Sebastian sighed. “But I just..I want you to know that..I was just upset. And Im an asshole. But youre an amazing person Kurt. Talented. Kind.."

"You were upset?"

Sebastian nodded, fiddling with the tag on his tea bag.


Sebastian sighed deeply, closing his eyes and looking up at Kurt. "I was jealous."

"Of Blaine?" Kurt asked. "I can see why."

Sebastian just looked down again. "Yeah.."

Kurt just looked forward. He didnt want Sebastian here.

"Im just..Im sorry Kurt. I know that I dont deserve forgiveness. But..Youre special..And..I miss you."

"I cant just wait around for you to want me. Ive moved on, Bas."

Sebastian looked hurt by Kurts words. "Ive always wanted you.."

"Not enough to just be with me."

"Thats not true..I was always only with you..Those other guys didnt mean anything to me.." Sebastian tried to defend.

"Then why be with them?!" Kurt asked, getting angry. "You dont just go fuck other guys when youre with the person you want!"

"Because I was stupid!" Sebastian got out. "You were good for me. You kept me balanced! And now I cant keep myself from falling."

Kurt took a deep breath and looked away. What was he supposed to say?

Sebastian took a shuddering breath before pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes. "Im just so sorry, Kurt.." His voice broke and Kurt closed his eyes. Hed never heard him sound so vulnerable.

"Bas.. Im sorry. But I cant.."

Sebastian sat up, turning away from Kurt so he couldnt see his face. Kurt heard him sniff. "Yeah. Well..You have Mr. Perfect now..So.."

"Dont do that."

"Dont do what? Its true..Hes what you want. You even said you see why Im jealous of him.."

"Because he realizes he doesnt need anything else? He doesnt go off and fuck other guys. He is amazing. But I dont want to throw it in your face." Kurt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Sebastian looked to Kurt. "I can change.."

"I have a boyfriend."

Sebastian felt like hed been punched in the stomach. He bit his lip, holding back tears. "Y-Yeah..Im..Um.." He stood. He couldnt let anyone see him like this. Especially not Kurt. "I should.." a tear slipped down his cheek. "I should go..Thanks for the tea."

"Sebastian.." Kurt sighed.

"What?" He asked, not daring to look at him.

"Im sure you can change. I dont hate you. Im just with someone else now."

Sebastian nodded. "I know. But I dont want to change for anyone else..Do you see what you do to me, Kurt?.." He asked, finally looking over at him. "Now Im the one crying over you. Were even."

"You say that like I wanted this." Kurt said, shaking his head.

"I wouldnt blame you if you did." Sebastian said quietly.

"Im not looking for revenge. I just want to be happy."

Sebastian nodded, staying quiet for a while. "I want you to be happy too, Kurt. Youll be happy with him. Hes good for you." Sebastian paused, wiping his eyes. "Safe."


"Hes safe." Sebastian said. "Sweet guy. Making something of himself..Me? Im not worth anyones time..But yeah. Youll be happy with him."

"Youll find someone." Kurt said.

Sebastian just sighed, wiping his eyes again. "I should go." He sniffed.


Sebastian looked up as Kurt stood and walked him to the front door. "Im sorry for bothering you.."

"Youre not bothering me."

Sebastian gave a small, weak laugh. "Yeah, whatever.."

"Hey.." Kurt said softly. "I forgive you."

Sebastian looked at Kurt and Kurt watched as tears filled his eyes. "Th-Thank you.."

"Thanks, Bas."

Sebastian gave a small surprised gasp as Kurt pulled him into a light hug.

"Youll be okay. I promise."

Sebastian nodded, sniffing as he hugged Kurt back. "Okay.."

"Take care of yourself." Kurt said as he pulled back.

"Ill try.." Sebastian nodded, giving a weak smile. "Bye, Kurt.."


Sebastian walked back to his car and Kurt sighed lightly as he watched him leave. He just needed alone time now. He walked to his room and undressed before climbing in bed. This was such a long day. He felt so bad for Sebastian.. But he was too late. He rolled over and grabbed one of his pillows. It still smelled like Blaine. He couldnt help but smile as he nuzzled against it. Pretty soon, Kurt was relaxed and asleep.

The next day he woke up and stretched before looking to his clock. Blaine was about to be out of class. He sighed. He didnt want to get up, but he needed to take a shower before his boyfriend arrived. Kurt groaned as he stood up and stretched. An idea struck him as he walked to the bathroom. He was getting a little tired of the red in his hair. And he had a few hours until Blaine was going to be here. Maybe he would go blue. Kurt got dressed and ran to the store. He bought the dye and hurried home. He colored his hair and showered. He looked in the mirror as he dried his hair. It came out a gorgeous teal. He grinned happily as he got dressed. He really hoped Blaine would like it. Not long after Kurt got dressed, Blaine knocked on the door. Kurt pulled on a beanie before walking to open the door.

"Hey." Blaine grinned.

"Hey." Kurt smiled, kissing his cheek. "How was class?


"I was about to get started on dinner. Just sit down and relax." Kurt said, walking to the kitchen.

"Can I help?"

"Ive got it." Kurt called. "Want any wine? A beer?"

"Beer please."

Kurt poured himself a glass of wine before pulling his beanie off and mussing the blue locks a bit. He smiled at his reflection in a nearby mirror before grabbing Blaines beer and bringing it out to him.

Blaine gasped. "Oh my god!"

Kurt grinned, straddling Blaines lap. "Do you like it?"

"I love it.."

Kurt handed Blaine his beer and smiled. "Really? I was a little worried you wouldnt."

"No. I really think it looks amazing."

"Im glad.." Kurt grinned, bouncing a bit with his happiness.

Blaine held Kurts right hip. "So good.."

Kurt looked at Blaine and his smile grew even more. "Yeah?" He said, wrapping his arms around Blaines neck.

"Yeah." Blaine said, setting his beer aside.

Kurt leaned down to kiss Blaines neck softly. "Long day?.."

"Not too bad. Just rather be with you."

Kurt gave a soft hum, bringing his hands down to rub over Blaines chest. "Thats so sweet.."

"I just love you." Blaine said softly.

"I love you too.." Kurt said, slowly untying Blaines bow tie.

Blaine licked his lips as he looked up at Kurt. "I hope you havent started on dinner yet."

Kurt gave a soft chuckle. "Not yet.." He said, pulling it off slowly before starting to unbutton his shirt.

"Good." Blaine smiled.

Kurt unbuttoned the plaid shirt halfway before leaning down to kiss across his collarbones gently.

Blaine tilted his head back. "Kurt.."

Kurt gave a soft moan as he traced his tongue up Blaines clavicle. "Yes, sir?"

Blaine moaned at Kurts words. "You make me feel so good.."

Kurt nibbled on Blaines earlobe. "I love making you feel good, sir.."

"Oh god.." Blaine gasped, gripping Kurts hips.

Kurt practically purred. "Wanna make you feel so good.."

"Yes.. What do you want to do, baby?"

"I want you to fuck me..But I want you to take your time..I want to feel you.."

Blaines hands slowly moved up Kurts sides. "You want my cock?"

Kurt gave a shaky gasp. "Yes, sir.."

"Fuck.. Undress me.."

Kurt nodded, unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way before pulling it off and running his fingers through the light dusting of hair across Blaines chest. Blaines breathing deepened as he reached for Kurts shirt. Kurt lifted his arms, letting Blaine pull off the loose black tank top, revealing the pale, art covered skin.


The artist smiled, reaching down to peel Blaines skintight capri pants off before standing to pull off his torn jeans.

"How are you so beautiful?" Blaine whispered.

Kurt couldnt help but Blush as he looked down. He was already half hard, his body flushed in all of the right places as he climbed back onto Blaines lap.

"You are literally perfect to me." Blaine said as he explored Kurts body.

Goosebumps raised along Kurts skin as Blaines hands traced the swirls of ink. "Literally?.." Kurt whispered, skeptical.

"Youd still be perfect without the tattoos. But these.." Blaine traced each tattoo. "These are all a part of you.. They tell a story about you.. And god, your face.. Baby, I wouldnt change one thing about you."

Kurt closed his eyes as he felt Blaines calloused hands slide over him. Tears stung his eyes at his boyfriends words, but they didnt fall as he leaned back a bit. "Blaine.."

"Yes baby?"

"I love you.." Kurt breathed out, gasping as the pad of Blaines thumb ran over his nipple.

"Im so in love with you." Blaine said sweetly.

The words filled Kurt with something warm. He placed his hands over Blaines and gasped quietly. "Im in love with you too Blaine..I-I.." He breathed out. His body was on fire between his emotions and Blaines strong hands.

"Come here." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt leaned forward, pressing his body against Blaines as his chest heaved with desperate breaths. Blaine kissed Kurt deeply as he stood, keeping his boyfriend in his arms. Kurt moaned deeply, wrapping himself around Blaine. Blaine ran into the wall on his way to the bedroom. He giggled against Kurts lips as he carried him into the room. Kurt smiled, laughing with him as they made it to the room. Blaine laid Kurt on the bed and climbed on top of him. Kurt bent his legs at the knees and wrapped his arms around Blaines neck

"I want you so bad.."

"Tell me about it..Please?.."

"I want to make you feel how much I love you. I dont want to fuck you now. Let me show you."

Kurt looked into Blaines eyes and something shifted inside of him as he nodded. "Okay.."

Blaine kissed Kurt slowly as he rocked his body down. Kurt moaned softly, cupping Blaines cheek in his hand and moved with him. Blaine moaned deeply. Kurt was in heaven. Hed never felt like this before. Blaine undressed them the rest of the way. Kurt looked at Blaine and exhaled nervously. "I-Ive never done this.."

"Never done what?"

"This slow..This sweet.." Kurt whispered. "Guys Ive been with..Never wanted to.."

"I want to." Blaine said softly. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt said.

Blaine kissed Kurt as he slicked his fingers with lube. Kurt let out tiny moans as he angled his hips up, waiting for Blaine.

"Youre so beautiful."

Kurt gasped against Blaines lips as he pushed a finger in. Blaine slowly fingered Kurt. Kurts head fell back, his moans soft in Blaines ear. "Blaine.."

"So perfect," Blaine whispered as he added another.

Kurt let out a shaky gasp, arching his back off of the bed.

"Are you ready?"

Kurt nodded. "I need you..."

Blaine pulled out and positioned himself. Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine and looked up at him with loving eyes. Blaine pushed in slowly, keeping his eyes on Kurt. Kurt gave a small whine, gripping Blaines shoulders.

"I love you.."

"I love you too.." Kurt got out. Blaine kissed Kurt as he rolled his hips. Kurt moved with Blaine, moaning softly. He was so used to frantic movements trying to get each other off..But this was different.

Blaine cupped Kurts cheek. "Youre gorgeous.."

Kurt smiled lightly. "So are you.."

Blaine kissed Kurt passionately. Kurt moaned into Blaines mouth as he made love to him. Blaine growled lightly as Kurts legs tightened around him. Kurt shivered at the noise. Hed never felt like this before. Hed never felt so much love mixed with sexual attraction. He pulled Blaine ever closer, crying out as he hit his prostate.

"Fuck.." Blaine groaned, focusing on hitting that spot again.

Kurt yelled out Blaines name again as he did. "Yes! Ah!"

"Kurt.." Blaine moaned loudly. Kurt tangled his fingers in Blaines curls, pulling hard. Blaine bit down on Kurts neck as he sped up. Kurts breath quickened as he clutched to Blaine.

"I'm close.."

"S-So am I.."

Blaine gasped as he neared his release.

Kurt leaned forward, trembling around Blaine. "Blaine. I-Im yours.." He moaned in his ear before coming hard.

Blaine gave a low grunt as Kurt fluttered around him. He gave a few more thrust and let go. Kurt tightened and relaxed his muscles, moaning softly as he let Blaine fill him.


"I love you.."

"I love you too."

Kurts body relaxed under Blaine, keeping him close. "That was perfect.."

"Youre perfect."

Kurt smiled, turning his head to kiss Blaine softly. "We forgot to use a condom.." He whispered calmly.

"Oh god.. I-Im sorry.." Blaine said worriedly.

"No, Its fine.." Kurt said, rubbing Blaines back soothingly.


"I like it..How you feel.." Kurt said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked at Blaine and smiled lightly.

"It did feel amazing." Blaine smiled.

Kurt gave a soft chuckle. "God..You make me feel..I dont know how to describe it.."

"I hope thats a good thing." Blaine giggled.

"It is. Trust me.." Kurt said. "But with that..I should make dinner..But I dont wanna get dressed."

"Dont." Blaine grinned.

Kurt smiled back before kissing Blaine and cleaning up. He stood and winked at his boyfriend before walking to the kitchen and swinging his hips. Blaine shook his head and smiled. He was so in love with this man. He pulled on his boxers, not brave enough to wander Kurts house nude. He sat on the couch and watched his boyfriend. As he watched him his eyes scanned over his tattoos. They definitely meant a lot to Kurt..

Blaine felt so lucky to have met Kurt. He wanted to do something to show Kurt how much he cared..He decided hed start saving money and in a few months hed do something special.


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