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Inked: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,149 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 06, 2014 - Updated: Mar 06, 2014
172 0 0 0 0

When Wednesday finally came around, Blaine was in his room, trying to pick out an outfit. He wanted to look good without looking like he was trying too hard. He sighed deeply; dropping what he was holding and going back into his closet. Blaine grabbed his tight red skinny jeans. Now he just needed the right shirt. He looked through his closet and decided on a black button up with a white collar and a red bow tie. Blaine looked in the mirror. This was perfect.
He walked out to see Santana. "You ready?"

“Sure am."

Blaine nodded, smoothing down his clothes once more. When they got there, Santana looked around. "This is crazy."

"Right?" Blaine smiled as they walked up to the counter.

The man at the counter called for Kurt. When Kurt walked over Santana couldnt help but check him out. "Thats him?!"

"Yes.." Blaine said under his breath. "Hey, Kurt."

"Hey. So, this must be your friend." Kurt smiled.

“This is Santana." Blaine said. "Santana, this is Kurt."

"Hi," Santana grinned. "Blaine said you were drawing something for me?"

"I did." Kurt grinned. "I drew a few things." He said, pulling out his sketch book from under the counter. Santana leaned in to look. There were a few different sketches of stars and swirls and a few with flowers.

"I like this one. I really like how symmetrical both sides are. Its beautiful." Santana said, pointing to the stars and swirls. "Can we make it colorful?"

"Of course. I think some sunset colors would look great on your skin."

Santana lit up. "I love it."

"Good. Ill draw up the stencil. Just give me a second." He grinned before walking to the back.

"He is so hot!" Santana whispered.

Blaine bit his lip. "Hes okay.."

"Whatever. I cant wait to see this."

"See what?.."

"The tattoo.."

"Oh. Right.." Blaine said as Kurt returned. "Alright. Lets do this."

Santana stood in front of Kurt. "Do I need to take my jeans off?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah. But dont worry. I have a privacy curtain." He said, leading them to the back.

"I dont mind." Santana said. When they got to the back, Santana undressed and laid on the chair.

Kurt pulled the curtain shut and sat down next to her. Blaine sat in the corner, watching Kurt as he moved her panties down a bit more and placed the stencil. "There good?.."

Santana looked down and grinned. "Thats good."

Kurt smiled wide. "This is gonna look hot." He said as he put on his gloves and got his tools ready.

Santana licked her lips. "I cant wait."

Kurt started tattooing the Latina with a slow and steady hand. Blaine watched how concentrated he was. He looked like he was doing what he loved.. Santana hummed quietly.

"You okay?" Kurt asked softly, not looking up.

"Yeah. I kind of like it.."

Kurt couldnt help but chuckle. "I had a woman once. I was working on her lower back and she wouldnt stop moaning."

"I dont blame her. It feels good. But Im better at holding that in." Santana smiled.

Kurt just grinned and shook his head. "I like you guys.."

Blaine couldnt help but blush.

"We should go out sometime. Im sure you know more places than we do." Santana said.

"I dont really go out that much." Kurt said. "Im more of a curl up at home with a musical type of guy."

"We like that too." Santana grinned. "Especially Blaine. He gets really into singing along."

Kurt looked over at Blaine. "Thats awesome.."

"Whats your favorite?" Blaine asked.

"Oh god.." Kurt sighed in thought, looking back down. "I really love Les Mis..But I think I have to go with Rent."

"I love Rent. Have you ever seen Les Mis live?"

"When I was little. My mom took me." Kurt said softly.

"I love it." Blaine smiled.

"Me too.." Kurt said softly. "You know..I think its crazy how much we have in common when you look between us. I get stereotyped into this badass, tattooed, disrespectful kid..But Im really just a theatre nerd that likes classic movies and books..Its so easy to pin a label on someone. Especially here in LA."

Blaine nodded. "I can see that. Do you like being here?"

"I love it." Kurt said seriously. "More than anything. I feel like this is where I belong."

"Thats awesome. I hope we get the same feeling."

"I hope you do too."

Kurt worked on Santana for a little over an hour before he wiped her off. "Ready to look?"

"Yes." Santana said. She winced as she got up and looked in the mirror. "Oh my god! Its perfect!"

Kurt smiled wide as Santana hugged him. "Im glad you like it."

"Thank you!"

Blaine looked over. "Oh wow, Kurt..Thats amazing.."

"Thanks." Kurt said as he looked Blaine over. "Nice pants."

Blaine blushed. "Thanks.."

"Youre welcome. Come here, Santana. Ill wrap them."

Santana smiled, gave herself one more look in the mirror before turning back to Kurt.

He put the bandages over her hips. "Be careful with your jeans. Dont want them rubbing against you."

"Do you have hip tattoos?" She asked lowly.

"I do." Kurt said.

"Can I see?" She grinned.

Kurt unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down a little. He lifted he shirt and revealed the quote on his hips. "Dont Dream It, Be It" was written in a beautiful cursive.

"Oh wow.." Blaine whispered.

"You like it?"

"Its gorgeous." Blaine said softly.

"Thank you."

"Pretty hot." Santana grinned, carefully pulling her jeans up.

Kurt smiled. "Lets get you two up front."

Blaine nodded, walking with them to the counter. Kurt gave her a sheet that explained how to care for the tattoo after she paid.

"Ill see you guys later." Kurt smiled, looking at Blaine. "By the way..Those jeans look amazing on you.."

"O-Oh, thank you.." Blaine said, flustered.

Kurt gave a light chuckle. "Bye guys.." he said before walking back.

"Youre so into him." Santana said as they walked out.

"No Im not..Hes into me, but Im not interested.." Blaine said.

"Thats why you couldnt stop blushing?"

"Whatever. Youre the one that kept calling him hot.."

"He is. I love the tattoos."

"Theyre nice." Blaine said softly.

"I cant wait to put my yogas on." Santana sighed.

"I bet.." Blaine giggled.

The next day at school, Blaine got his first assignment. A short documentary on the subject of his choice. He was a little embarrassed when the first person that came to mind was Kurt. But he was so interesting. As was his work. He decided he would go ask today. After class let out, he picked up his equipment and got in the car and drove to the shop.

Kurt was surprised to see Blaine walk in. "Hey."

"Hi.." Blaine smiled. "I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.."

"Come to ask me out?" Kurt chuckled.

Blaine smiled. "Um..Not quite."

Kurt leaned on the counter. "Whats up?"

"Well..I remember you saying the other day how you want people to see that theres more to you than dyed hair and tattoos..And I need a subject for my first documentary."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "You want to film me?"

Blaine nodded. "I want to show people that people with body modifications like tattoos and piercings arent all...rude badasses." Blaine smiled.

"How does this work?" Kurt asked.

"Well..Id really just want to film you working..Ask questions and just find out about you.."


"We can start filming now if youre not too busy." Blaine smiled.

"Thats fine." Kurt said softly.

"Really? O-Okay. I just have to get my equipment." Blaine said excitedly.

Kurt chuckled. "Ill be in here."

Blaine rushed out and grabbed his camera, tripod and lighting equipment, struggling to keep it all in his arms as he walked back in.

"Calm down. Im not going anywhere." Kurt chuckled.

"Sorry..Im just really excited.." Blaine blushed.

"Its cute." Kurt smiled. "Where do you want to start?"

"We could go back to your chair." Blaine said softly. “And then maybe if you wanted we could film at your place for a while.."

"Okay." Kurt agreed.

Blaine smiled as they went back and started to set up.

"Youre twenty-one, right?" Kurt asked.

"I am." Blaine said, looking up at Kurt.

"Most people your age are more into partying than school. I admire that about you."

Blaine smiled. "Thanks..Ive always wanted to make something out of myself." He said, attaching the camera to the tripod.

"Good. Youve got it in you."

"Thank you.." Blaine said softly. "Are you ready?"

"Go for it."

Blaine fixed the light before pointing the camera at Kurt. He hit record and took a deep breath. "Scene one, take one..So..Just introduce yourself and tell me what you do.."

"My name is Kurt Hummel. Im twenty-four. I work at Voodoo Tattoo. I do tattoos and piercings."

"Where are you from?..What got you into tattooing and brought you here?"

"Im from Columbus, Ohio. People werent that accepting of me because Im gay." Kurt explained calmly. "I wanted to go somewhere I could see myself being happy. Ive always loved art. Tattooing is an amazing way to express yourself. I wanted to do that for people."

"Did you find success easily in LA?" Blaine asked.

"Like with any profession, it takes time. It took me two years to get the reputation I have. It was well worth the wait." Kurt smiled into the camera.

"What do you find negative about the business?"

Kurt sighed as the thought. "People label me. They think because Im covered in tattoos that I must be into drugs or messing around. I cant be smart. I cant do anything with my life. Not everyone does this. But there are those people who just judge without even having a conversation with us.”

"Do you think that can ever change?.."

"Slowly." Kurt nodded. "More and more people start coming in. People you wouldnt expect to get tattooed. Its pretty cool to watch how it changes. But there will always be someone who is judging or doesnt agree. But theyre missing out."

Blaine smiled. "How does your family feel about all of this?"

"My mother passed away when I was young. But my dad is really supportive." Kurt said with a sweet smile. "I know my mom would be proud too."

Blaine waited a moment before stopping the camera. "Youre really good at this.."

"At what?" Kurt asked.

"Being interviewed.." Blaine smiled. "Can I get some close ups of your arms?"

“Sure." Kurt said. "I dont mind."

Blaine grabbed the camera and spent a while getting some shots of Kurts tattoos. After that, he began to pack up. "When you get off..Do you want to go get some coffee?.."

"Im off in half an hour. You can get coffee if youd like."

"I can wait for you." Blaine said softly. "I just need to put this stuff away.."

"Sounds good." Kurt said.

Blaine gathered his supplies and walked out to the car.

A girl with pink hair poked her head into his station. "Hes cute. Been too long since Ive seen you with a cute guy..."

Kurt shook his head. "Hes not interested."

"Everyones been talking about it around the shop. Hes so into you." She grinned.

“What are you talking about?"

"Hes all blushy and flustered when you talk to him..Just put on that old Hummel charm."

Kurt laughed. "Youre crazy. Ive tried."

"Since when do you give up?" She giggled as Blaine came back inside.

"I dont." Kurt smiled. "Im heading out early. See you tomorrow?"

"See you." She grinned.

"So, you wanted to go to my place?" Kurt asked.

"O-Oh. Yeah." Blaine smiled as Kurts friend giggled lightly. "Have fun boys.."

"Bye Skylar." Kurt said as he rolled his eyes.

Blaine looked over at her and smiled, giving a little wave.

"My bike is over here. You can follow me." Kurt said.

"Your bike?.." Blaine asked. "You ride a bicycle?"

Kurt laughed. "Motorcycle."

"O-Oh." Blaine blushed. "Sorry."

Kurt straddled the motorcycle and put his helmet on. "Get your car."

Blaine nodded quickly, and got in his car. Kurt started the engine and leaded the way. Blaine took a deep breath. He was just going to Kurts house to shoot a bit. Nothing major.

It wasnt a far drive. Kurt lived in a small house. One bedroom, one and a half baths. The living room was big. "What do you think? Its not much. But its enough for me."

Blaine smiled, setting his equipment down. "Its great..Do you mind if I film a bit?"

"Go ahead."

Blaine lifted his camera and attached everything to his belt before putting on his headphones. "Scene two take one..Okay. Just show me around." He smiled, positioning the camera on his shoulder.

"Youre adorable when you film." Kurt chuckled. "Well, this is my living room. And over here is my kitchen. I love to cook."

"What kind of stuff do you cook?"

"Anything. I like to try new things. What do you like?" Kurt asked.

"Cut.." Blaine giggled. "Kurt..Im interviewing you.."

Kurt grinned. "Start again."

"Scene two, take two..Tell me what you like to cook here.."

Kurt took a deep breath as he thought. "I dont know. I make pastas, chicken, casseroles. I like to try new things."

"Good..Okay. Show me around a bit more?.."

"What do you want to see?"

"Your room."

"Says the innocent one." Kurt chuckled as he led the way. Blaine blushed as he followed Kurt. Kurt walked into his room and sat on his bed. "So.. This is my room."

Blaine slowly turned the camera, taking in everything in the room before setting the camera down. "Wow..Its nice.."

"Thank you." Kurt said as he laid down. "This is where I come to relax."

"I see.." Blaine said, lowering his headphones. "But I was promised a cup of coffee.."

"When?" Kurt smiled.

"Im a guest." Blaine giggled. "I dont know how things work here in LA, but you are being a very poor host.."

"Maybe thats because theres been a camera in my face and Im not allowed to ask questions."

"Well now you can.."

"What do you want in your coffee?"

"Just a little sugar." He smiled, watching Kurt get up.

Kurt headed to the kitchen and made a cup for Blaine. Blaine set the rest of his equipment on his bag and sat at the table, watching Kurt. Kurt handed the coffee to Blaine. "Better?"

Blaine took a sip and smiled. "Thanks.."

"Youre welcome."

"So..where all do you have tattoos?"

"Pretty much all over." Kurt said.

"Anywhere unmentionable?" Blaine giggled.

"Wanna find out?" Kurt said lowly.

Blaines cheeks flushed red, his eyes going wide. "A-Actually, I was hoping I could get a shot of all of your tattoos..With you covering yourself, of course.."

"Is this for your documentary? Or is this for you?" Kurt asked.

"F-For my documentary.." Blaine said, looking down and sipping his coffee.

"Ill show you my upper body." Kurt said.

"Why not your legs?..If you dont mind me asking, that is.."

"Its on camera. If I put shorts on, you can see some. But I believe certain parts should be kept private. Or with the one special person that is lucky enough to get me to open up." Kurt shrugged.

Blaine stared at Kurt for a moment, his heart fluttering. "O-Of course..I understand."

"Good. Drink up."

Blaine nodded, looking down as he finished his coffee.

"So, whats next?" Kurt asked.

"Ill set up. And you can just get comfortable." Blaine said, standing.

"What do you mean?"

"O-Oh..Id like you laying down on your bed if thats okay.."

"Is there a reason?" Kurt asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"I think it would just make it more relaxed..A little," he cleared his throat. "Just a little sexy.."

"Alright.." Kurt said before walking back to his room. What was Blaine up to with this documentary?

When Kurt was ready, Blaine came in and began to set up the lighting on one side of the bed. Kurt took his shirt off and laid back, hands behind his head. Blaine turned off the overhead light and turned around to look at Kurt before putting on his camera equipment.

"So, what is this supposed to be about?"

"What do you mean?.." Blaine asked, putting his headphones on.

"What youre filming. Its for school, right? What is it about?"

"Well..It was really the subject of my choice..I really just want it to be about defying stereotypes. I want people to know you."

Kurt nodded. "Thats nice that you thought of me."

Blaine grinned, his eyes running down Kurts body. "U-Um..Well first things first, I just want to ask you what tattoos mean to you..then, get some close ups of your tattoos." He said, bringing the camera over and sitting near the edge of the bed.

"Tattoos, in general, express who you are. Well, for some people its a spur of the moment thing. Or a drunken night. I, however, do not tattoo people that have been drinking. Just for the record." Kurt said. "But I believe they should mean something to you. All of mine have a meaning."

"Which is your favorite, and what does it mean?"

Kurt pointed to a blue rose over his heart. "This was for my mom."

Blaine moved the camera to the beautifully detailed rose. "Why a blue rose?"

"Her favorite flower was a rose. She was really into romance and love." Kurt said with a smile. "My dad thought roses were too common. He said she didnt deserve a common flower. So, he went to a floral shop on their first anniversary, before they were married. He told the woman how my mom loved roses but he needed something extra special. She showed him the blue roses they had. They were a royal blue. Dad said he knew how beautiful theyd look with my mom holding them. She had gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes. He was right. My mom fell in love with those flowers. Dad bought them for her every year." He looked up at the ceiling and stayed quiet for a moment, collecting himself. "He still buys them. Takes them to her grave on her birthday and their anniversary.."

"Thats beautiful.." Blaine said softly. "Was that your first tattoo?.."

Kurt nodded. "It was."

"Which tattoo is your favorite artistically?.."

Blaine spent nearly an hour asking Kurt about his tattoos before standing to walk around Kurt. "Would you mind t-turning over?.."

Kurt nodded as he slowly turned onto his stomach. Blaine filmed across his back and down his legs. Kurt closed his eyes as Blaine did this thing. Blaine did this for a bit before turning off the camera. "Okay..Thank you.."

"Youre welcome, Mark." Kurt smiled.

Blaine set the camera down along with everything else. "I love all of your tattoos.." Blaine said softly.

"Thank you."

Blaine bit his lip. Kurt looked so amazing spread over the bed..He watched as the older man turned on his back and a small shiver ran down his spine.

"Whats next?" Kurt asked. "Do you do editing and stuff?"

"Yeah..I was..Hoping I could film you working or something sometime this week.." Blaine whispered.

"As long as the person Im tattooing is okay with it."

"Yeah.." Blaine said softly, stepping up to the bed. Kurt nodded before looking to Blaine. Blaine gasped quietly as their eyes met. Kurt kept his eyes on Blaines. Was Skylar right?

Blaine let out a small whimper before leaning down and pressing a ghost of a kiss to his lips. Kurts eyes went wide before he processed what just happened.

"I-Im sorry.." Blaine whispered.

"Dont be.. Please.." Kurt said quietly. "What happened to no boys?"

"I-I want you, Kurt.." Blaine breathed out, climbing onto the bed on his hands and knees.

Kurt took a deep breath. He wanted Blaine too. But not like this. "Lets talk about this."

The spark in Blaines eyes quickly faded. "Im sorry..I-I shouldnt have.."

Kurt sat up. "Blaine, stop. What Im trying to say is let me take you out. I dont believe in just jumping into something. Even though looking at you in your skinny jeans kills me. I like to do things slowly."

Blaine looked up. "Really?..Oh god..Im so sorry about that..I just..Youre so hot..I..Oh god.." He blushed, hiding his face behind his hand.

Kurt chuckled. "Hey.. Its okay. Youre pretty damn hot yourself."

"Whatever.." Blaine said shyly.

"Let me take you to dinner tomorrow."

"I-Id like that.." Blaine smiled.

"What do you like?"

"Anything. Really. But, god you should put your shirt on.."

Kurt couldnt help but laugh as he got up to get dressed.

Blaine sighed softly. "So..Im sorry if kissing you was too much..I mean it wasnt really a kiss, kiss..But still."

"It wasnt too much." Kurt said softy. "I just thought you werent into me."

"I-I am.." Blaine smiled shyly.

"Good." Kurt grinned. "Im into you too."

Blaine grinned, looking down. "I think I should get home.."

"Okay.." Kurt said, biting his lip.

Blaine stood and kissed Kurts cheek. "Pick me up at seven?.."

Kurt nodded. "Ill walk you out."

Blaine gathered his supplies and walked out with Kurt.

"Are you afraid of motorcycles?" Kurt asked.

"Ive never been on one.." Blaine said, bending over to put his equipment in the back seat.

"If I bring mine tomorrow, will you ride with me?"

"Yeah." Blaine smiled, shutting the door. "I cant wait."

Kurt held back a smile. "Ill see you tomorrow.."

Blaine looked up at Kurt, fiddling with his keys. "Yeah..Night, Kurt.."

"Goodnight gorgeous." Kurt said as he headed inside.

Blaine sighed, biting back a smile as he got in the car and drove home.

When he got home, Santana was in the shower. Thank god. Blaine ran to his room and closed the door. He quickly undressed and climbed in bed. He wanted Kurt so badly. He reached into his drawer and pulled out his vibrator before reaching down to rub over himself. He had been turned on the entire time they were filming.

"Fuck.." He whispered. He pictured Kurts long, talented fingers wrapped around his hard cock. "Kurt.."

Blaine scooted down the bed and slicked up the vibrator. He spread his legs before slowly pushing it in. "Ooohhh fuck!"

Santana wrapped her towel around herself before leaving the bathroom. She was on her way to her room when she heard a loud moan.

"Kurt..Ah! Fuck me..Ungh!" Blaine moaned, moving the toy deep and fast.

Santana gasped. He was with Kurt! She pushed the door open quickly. "I KNEW IT!"

Blaine cried out, quickly throwing the covers over himself. "Santana, what the hell?!"

"Oh shit! Youre alone!"

"Of course Im alone!" Blaine said, fumbling to turn off the vibrator.

"You said Kurts name!" She said in defense.

"Im not allowed to fantasize? Jesus.." Blaine sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Ill umm.. Ill just go now.."

"Thank you.." Blaine laughed lightly. He sighed as the door closed. He wasnt even hard anymore..He put his toys away and looked over as his phone buzzed with a text.
"I cant wait until tomorrow. I cant stop thinking about you. -Kurt"

Blaine blushed as he replied. "I cant wait. Im really excited about that ride. -Blaine"

Kurt grinned. "So am I..But dont worry. Ill go slow."

"Dont go too easy on me."

Kurt chuckled. "Youre gonna get me in trouble.."

"How so? : )"

"I think you know." Kurt replied.

"I know lots of things. You have impeccable timing by the way. -B"

"Why is that? -K"

"I was just..thinking about you.. -B"

"Thinking? -K"

"Mhm.. -B"

"What about?..-K"

"Your tattoos. How gorgeous you are.. -B"

"Thats all? -K" Kurt sent with a grin.

"Wouldnt you like to know;) -B"

"I would..Do you mind if I call you?..-K"

"Sure.. -B"

The phone rang a few seconds later.

"Hey.." Blaine said shyly.

"Hey..Sorry..I just really wanted to hear your voice again.." Kurt said sweetly.

"Thats okay." Blaine said. "I like hearing yours."

Kurt couldnt help but smile. "I hope I didnt interrupt your..thinking.." he giggled.

"Santana already interrupted my...thoughts.."

"Oh, god.." Kurt chuckled. "I hardly ever have time to think."

"I try not to..often.. Sometimes, you just have to.." Blaine said quietly.

He almost swore he heard Kurt give a small moan. "And you had to as soon as you left?.."

"Well.. When I got home.. I couldnt stop thinking.."

Kurt bit his lip, closing his eyes. "About?.."

"You.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt shivered, giving a small gasp. "Blaine.."


"I-Im sorry..I want to take this slow but..Fuck..Its so hard.."

"I know.. It was so hard not to touch you today. Its a very good thing you didnt take your pants off.." Blaine giggled.

Kurt gave a low noise, smiling to himself. "God..Youre too hot.."

"Me? No.."

"You are..I have an um..Situation here that proves it.."

Blaine blushed deeply. "Oh my god.."

"Sorry, sorry." Kurt said quickly.

"Ugh.. I really want you. Tomorrow will be torture. All Ill be able to think about is what youre going to be doing with that.. situation.."

"I want you too.." Kurt whispered.

"What happened to Mr. Old Fashioned?" Blaine chuckled lightly.

"I usually am.." Kurt said seriously. "And I want that with you..But its just kinda difficult.." he laughed softly.

"I want it too. But youre so sexy.."

Kurt shivered at Blaines voice, scratching across his hips. "So are you.."

"Thank you." Blaine whispered.

"I think I should go before I push my luck too much..Unless you dont want me to..But I will if youre uncomfortable.."

"Im not uncomfortable. But if we dont stop.. Tomorrow we wont be able to keep our hands off each other."

"Thats true.." Kurt chuckled. "Ill just have to be patient..I have a feeling itll be worth the wait.."

Blaine bit his lip. "Me too. After all, teasing and anticipation makes it better.."

Kurt gave a low moan. "God, babe..I have to take care of this..But Ill see you tomorrow.."

"Y-Yeah.. At seven..."

"I cant wait to see you.." Kurt said sweetly.

"Im super excited."

"Oh god, that is so adorable.." Kurt chuckled. "Bye Blaine.."

"Bye Kurt.."

Blaine hung up and sighed deeply. Was he really going to date this hot, sweet, guy? How did this happen? It was so hard to find good guys. Kurt was beautiful. He looked bad ass but was sensitive and old fashioned. Blaine felt so lucky to have met him so soon. Maybe if he could hide it from Santana a little longer, shed cave before finding out about them. He giggled to himself at the thought. She was bound to give in. But for now, he had to get some sleep. He had a long day of editing ahead of him.


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