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Inked: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,602 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 06, 2014 - Updated: Mar 06, 2014
148 0 0 0 0

Blaine grunted as he dropped the last box. He wiped the sweat from his brow and looked around at the sea of clutter. "I cant believe most of these are your clothes." He sighed.

"What can I say? A girl needs a good wardrobe." Santana grinned.

Blaine collapsed back on the couch with his best friend. "I also cant believe were finally in LA.."

"I know!! So, were sticking to our plan, right? No boys?"

"Yes..No guys distracting me..But no girls either." He chuckled, giving her a look.

Santana giggled. "Fine. No girls."

Blaine grinned. "I cant wait to start my first documentary either..Maybe I can make it about the girl with ten thousand dresses." He teased, nudging her.

"Id make an interesting story. You might have to wait until Im famous though." Santana smiled.

Blaine sighed happily. "So. I know Ill be going to film school while were here..Have you decided what you wanna do yet?.."

"I dont know. Ill get a job and look for some cast calls for modeling."

Blaine nodded, leaning back. "That sounds good."

"When do you start school?"

"Monday." He said softly.

Santana wrinkled her nose. "Are we going out this weekend?"

"We can." Blaine grinned

"Good. Let's get unpacked."

Blaine grunted as he stood and they got started. It was a long day but they made a lot of progress. At the end, they had most of the boxes unpacked. They sat on the living room floor and drank a couple of beers, chatting happily.

"So..Do you really think youll be able to stay away from dating?..Sex too..All that does is complicate things.." Blaine said seriously.

Santana sighed. "I dont know. Im going to try."

"Hey, we promised.." Blaine said.

"I said Id try. I mean it." Santana said seriously.

"Okay..Well how about whoever breaks first pays rent for two months?" Blaine smiled.

"Thatll motivate me." Santana grinned. "Lets do it."

Blaine chuckled, linking pinkies with her.

"Youre going down."

"Please. I can go longer without sex than you can. You always had someone to hook up with.."

"I have my toys." Santana giggled. Blaine made a face before laughing lightly. "What? Dont act like you dont touch yourself."

Blaine blushed deeply. "Whatever."

Santana couldnt help but laugh. "Im going to shower."

Blaine just smiled as she walked out. He sipped his beer slowly before walking to the window. This would be a new beginning for him. To leave everything in Lima behind him. This city was beautiful. So much more than Blaine imagined. He gave a soft sigh. This would be his year.

Over the weekend, Blaine and Santana got settled in. The LA club scene was more than they couldve imagined. It was almost too much. Monday morning came along with a pounding headache. He groaned, getting up to make coffee.

Santana rolled out of bed as he poured a cup. "Oh, please tell me theres more."

"Plenty.." Blaine chuckled, pouring her a cup.

"Thank you." Santana groaned as she sat down. "Why did we do that last night?"

"I dont know.." Blaine sighed, taking an aspirin. "And I have to go to class.."

"Sorry.." Santana said softly. "Too bad its the first day. Cant skip."

"True.." Blaine sighed. "But I am excited." He said. "Im thinking of wearing my yellow bow tie today.."

"Fancy." Santana chuckled.

Blaine chuckled. "Ill see you when I get home." He said before going to change.

"Have a good day!" Santana called as he left. She drank her coffee before crawling back into bed.

Blaine walked onto the campus. It was a relatively new school, but they had a good reputation of teaching some up and coming directors and creators of amazing documentaries. Part of him was nervous. But he was mostly excited about this new life. He walked into his first class and sat next to a man that looked new as well.

"Hi.. Im Blaine.." He said.

"Hey..Im Derek..Are you new too?.." The tan man smiled.

Blaine nodded. "I am. I just moved here from Ohio."

"Really? Ive always lived in California.." Derek said. Blaine looked down and eyed a tattoo on his arm. It was amazing. It was film, wrapped around his forearm and climbing up to his shoulder.

"I love your tattoo.. Ive always wanted one but I-I dont know.."

Derek held his arm out. "You should totally get one. I love mine. The guy that did it is absolutely amazing.."

"Where do you go?"

Derek reached into his wallet and pulled out a black business card. There was a skull with a top hat on the front and under that it read VooDoo Tattoo.
"Ask for Kurt."

Blaine bit his lip. "Okay. Thanks!"

After school Blaine noticed the tattoo shop was only a few miles from the school. Maybe he could stop by and take a look at prices.. He wanted to do it now before he chickened out. When he reached the tattoo shop, he took a deep breath before walking in. He looked around and felt extremely out of place. Rock music came from the speakers and voodoo themed art and sculptures decorated the walls of the shop. He walked up the counter that displayed all kinds of body jewelry. Blaine wasnt even sure where most of them went.

Two men were behind the counter talking. One looked up and spotted Blaine. "Ive got this one." The man grinned as he walked over and leaned against the counter. "Thinking of getting pierced?"

Blaines eyes went wide as he looked up to see two bright blue eyes looking back at him. The man was amazingly pale with gorgeous features. He had a nose ring and fire engine red hair poking out from under a grey beanie. With the over-sized black tank top he was wearing, Blaine could see all of the tattoos covering his arms, sides and chest.

The man chuckled as he eyed Blaine up and down. "What can I help you with?"

Blaine bit his lip before smoothing down his shirt. "Im thinking about getting a tattoo..I was told to ask for Kurt?.."

"You found him." The man grinned. "First tattoo?"

Blaine nodded. "Yeah..I want to do it before I talk myself out of it.."

"What do you want? Give me an idea and Ill sketch something."

"Well..Im in film school. I just love movies. Documentaries are my favorite.." He said, wringing his hands nervously. "I really want something that Im passionate about."

Kurt nodded. "I did a film one not too long ago. Go get something to eat. Dont want you passing out. Ill have a drawing in twenty minutes."

Blaine flushed. "P-Passing out?"

"Trust me. Do this, youll be fine."

Blaine nodded. "O-Okay. Ill be back."

Kurt smiled. "I hope you come back."

He didnt miss Blaines blush as the film student walked out of the shop.

Blaine walked down to the first fast food restaurant he saw. He was so nervous. What if Kurt started and he couldnt handle the pain? What if he hated it? Maybe this was a bad idea.. He sighed as he ate his food. But Kurt was going through all of this trouble to sketch something for him.. He decided he would at least check it out first. He finished up and headed back to the shop. He walked in and straightened his bowtie as he looked around for Kurt.

Kurt walked out from the back. "Perfect timing stud." He grinned. "Come take a look."
Blaine blushed at the name before walking over to look at Kurts sketchbook. "What do you think?"

Blaine gasped softly. It was beautiful. A film reel with film trailing off of it. It was so detailed. "Its..Its amazing.."

Kurt couldnt help but grin. "Where do you want it?"

"I dont know. Where do you think?.."

"Take your shirt off."

"Excuse me?" Blaine asked.

"Would you rather have it on your leg? By the looks of those pants, you wont be able to roll them up. Youd have to take them off." Kurt chuckled. "Turn around. Im thinking on your back. Left shoulder blade."

Blaine blushed as he untied his bow tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Are you sure youre ready for this?" Kurt asked, looking into his eyes.

"I think so.." He said as Kurt led him back to his chair.

They got the paperwork ready and Kurt made the stencil. He placed the outline on Blaine olive toned skin. "Take a look in the mirror."

Blaine stood with his back to the mirror and looked over his shoulder. "Oh wow.."



"Come sit down. Wont take too long."

Blaine nodded, straddling the chair and wrapping his arms around the back of it.

Kurt scooted his chair close to Blaine. He pulled his tools over and opened everything in front of Blaine. "I like to show you that everything I use is fully sterilized. Im very serious about my work. If you need a break at any time, tell me."

Blaine nodded, exhaling nervously as Kurt put his gloves on and nearly jumping out of his skin as he heard the loud buzz of Kurt testing the machine. Kurt put a comforting hand on Blaines shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Y-Yeah..Sorry..Just. Nervous.."

"Take a deep breath and then Ill start."

Blaine took a deep breath in and slowly released it. He felt the needle against his skin and relaxed. "That actually isnt that bad.."

"Some places are worse than others. This isnt too bad.." Kurt said. "Do you live around here?"

"I just moved here last week." Blaine said softly.

"From where?"


"Move here with your boyfriend? Living the dream in LA?" Kurt asked.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "I dont have a boyfriend..But yes. I moved here with my best friend to go to film school.."

Kurt hid his smile. No boyfriend. "I bet youll be getting tons of guys trying pretty soon."

"Im not interested in any guys." Blaine sighed.

"Oh.. Im sorry. I just assumed.." Kurt said awkwardly.

"No, no. I mean, Im gay..Im just trying to stay single this year."

"I see." Kurt said. "Why is a cute guy like you trying to stay single?"

"To focus on my goals. No guys. No distractions." Blaine said seriously.

"Makes sense." Kurt said as he continued his work.

"How about you?..Does your boyfriend know you flirt with your clients?"

"Only the cute ones." Kurt couldnt help but chuckle. "No boyfriend."

Blaine winced slightly as Kurt continued the line work. "Really? For some reason I find that hard to believe.."

"Why is that? You think Im sexy?" Kurt teased.

"I didnt say that.." Blaine blushed, glad he wasnt facing Kurt. "You just seem like the type that would have guys all over him.."

"I didnt say I dont. Maybe Im just not into the ones trying."

"So just sex then?" Blaine said.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"You say you arent into them. But you also seem like the recreational sex type.."

"So, you think Im a whore. You should be careful when talking to the person with the needle."

"No, No thats not what I meant." Blaine said quickly. "I-I just meant..I dont know..Youre attractive enough for that.."

Kurt chuckled. "Im kidding. But no. I may not look it, but Im a bit more traditional for that."

"Really? How so?" Blaine asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Why are you so curious?" Kurt asked.

"I-Im not..But like you said..You dont look it.."

"I believe in love. When Im with someone, Im with them completely. Yes, I flirt. Its fun. But Im not into games or just fucking around. Im twenty-four. I like to have fun. But as for relationships, I have a pretty specific type. Most people dont fit it." Kurt shrugged. "That just means when I find someone I know Im interested in, I know it will be serious but fun. Not drama."

Blaine nodded slowly. "Thats how I feel about it..Ive just been hurt one too many times.."

"Well, dont be so careful you push the right guy away."

Blaine bit his lip. "How is it coming?.."

"Give me two minutes."

Blaine nodded, resting his chin on the chair and closing his eyes. Kurt finished and cleaned him off. "I gave it a little vintage vibe. Go check it out."

Blaine stood and walked over to the mirror, looking at his tattoo. "Oh my god.."

"You mind if I take a picture for my portfolio?"

"Not at all..Its amazing.." Blaine grinned.

"Glad you like it." Kurt said. He took his picture and covered the tattoo. "Well get you up front to pay and you can be on your way.."

Blaine nodded shyly. "Listen..My Friend Santana likes to go out..Maybe I could get your number and we could all go out together some time?.."

Kurt smiled. "Yeah. Here.." He said as he wrote his number on his card and gave it to Blaine.

"Thanks.." Blaine smiled before pulling on his shirt and going to pay.

Kurt checked him out and bit his lip as he watched Blaine leave. Blaine drove back to the apartment. He had to lean forward a bit because his tattoo was really sore, but he loved it and couldnt wait to show Santana.

When he got home, Santana was in her room finishing the last of her boxes. He grinned as he saw her. "Hey. It looks great in here."

"Thanks! How was school?"

"Really good actually.." he said, sitting on her bed. "I got a tattoo.."

"What?!" Santana asked quickly.

Blaine chuckled, beginning to unbutton his shirt.

"Just randomly decided to get one?"

"Well. I met this guy in class today and he had an amazing tattoo of film wrapped around his arm and he convinced me to go to the same guy to go get one myself."

"Are you interested in this guy?" Santana asked.

"No." Blaine laughed lightly. "But the artist seemed really..nice. His name is Kurt. And I invited him to hang out with us sometime."

"Youre so going to cave before I am."

"No Im not." Blaine said, rolling his eyes. "Im just trying to make friends so Im not stuck with you all the time." He laughed lightly.

"Very funny."

Blaine pressed a big kiss to her cheek before turning around. "Okay. Pull that off, but carefully. It still stings."

Santana slowly pealed the tape off. "Oh wow.. Thats gorgeous."

"He is..I-It is." Blaine said quickly.

Santana raised an eyebrow. "Hmm."

"Maybe you could get one! We still have money left over from staying under budget with furniture."

"Maybe. I dont know. If I want to model, I have to be careful of what I get and where I put it."

"But now they have that special make-up to cover tattoos. "Come on, San..a little one."

"I dont know what to get." Santana sighed.

"Chicken." Blaine mumbled under his breath, holding back a grin.

"You think Im scared?"

Blaine just shrugged. "I dont know..I just know that I thought you wouldnt be afraid of needles."

"Im not." Santana said. "Id actually welcome the feeling. I just need to figure out what I want."

"How about something on your hip?.."

"Hmm. Id like that." She stood in front of her mirror and pulled her pants down a little. "Yeah. I like that. Maybe some kind of star type thing."

"We can go together Wednesday. Im dont have any classes."

"Is he working then?"

"I dont know.." he said, fingering the card in his pocket.

"You should call and ask." Santana said.

Blaine nodded, pulling the card out and dialing Kurts number. It took a few rings before he answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Kurt..I-Its Blaine. From earlier today?"

"Hey, whats up?"

"Well, I showed my tattoo to my roommate and she loves it. I was wondering if Wednesday youd be working because shed like to get a tattoo from you.."

"I work until seven on Wednesday. Does she know what she wants?"

"Something girly with stars on her hip." He chuckled. "I told her youd figure something out."

"Okay. Ill draw up a few designs before you come in."

"Okay. Well see you then?.."

"Sounds good. See you, Blaine."

"Bye.." Blaine smiled.

"So were going Wednesday?" Santana asked.

"We are." Blaine grinned.

"You sure you want to spend this money on a tattoo?"

"Trust me. Itll be worth it. Hes great."

"Okay." Santana said excitedly.

Blaine couldnt stop thinking about Wednesday. He was excited to go with Santana to get her tattoo. He wouldnt let himself think he was excited to see Kurt. They promised each other. No boys. He couldnt do that.


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