July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
Kurt was asleep on the couch, covered in wrapping paper and snoring softly. Blaine smiled, not wanting to disturb him. He went to the kitchen and rummaged through the food to make Kurt breakfast. He made some pancakes, trying to be quiet as he did so, and careful to not make a mess. When he finished, he set them on a plate and cleaned up. Blaine carefully walked into the living room. "Kurt..?"
Kurt hummed softly, stirring a bit. "Hmm?.."
"Merry Christmas.." Blaine said happily. "I made breakfast."
"Merry Christmas. ." Kurt smiled sleepily, sitting up before looking at the tree. "Look, Santa came." He giggled.
"Kurt.. That must have cost a lot.."
"Oh, it was nothing..I've always had that tree, I just never put it up. Just don't worry about it..It's Christmas. " Kurt smiled, sitting up and walking to the kitchen.
Blaine couldn't help but smile. He grabbed two plates and handed one to Kurt before bringing the stack of pancakes over.
Kurt moaned as he took a bite. "Ohmygod, Blaine..These are so good.."
"Really? I've never made them before.."
"They're perfect. " Kurt smiled. After breakfast they went into the living room and Kurt told Blaine to open his presents.
"Are some of them yours?" He asked as he picked one up.
"One or two." Kurt nodded.
Blaine shook his head, sitting on the floor and ripping into the presents. He was overwhelmed with all the amazing clothes and books. Kurt went all out. He got to the last one, a small box hidden in the branches of the tree. He opened it and found a picture frame, holding a picture Kurt had taken of the two of them at the Christmas lights display the night before. It read "Christmas 2012" at the bottom. Blaine looked up at Kurt with watery eyes. He shook his head. "This.. I-I.. Thank you.."
"Do you like it?" Kurt asked, smiling hopefully.
"I-It's perfect," Blaine said quietly, trying to hold his tears back.
Kurt grinned, sitting on the floor with Blaine. "I just wanted to commemorate out first Christmas together..The first of many.."
"I-I never thought..someone would care..about me.." Blaine whispered. "This means so much.."
Kurt pulled Blaine close, "I'll always care about you.."
"Thank you, Kurt.. For everything.." Blaine said, hugging the older man. "Oh! Hold on." He got up and ran to the kitchen. He sat back down and handed the card to Kurt.
Kurt smiled before gasping softly, "Blaine, this is beautiful.." He said softly before opening it. Blaine blushed as Kurt read it out loud.
"I lost everything when I was thirteen. My family. Hope. Happiness. But in just a few days, you have given me all of that. I can't thank you enough. You saved my life, Kurt. Merry Christmas. Hope to share many more with you."
Kurt smiled warmly, pulling Blaine into another hug.
"It's not much. But I did the best with what I had," Blaine said softly.
"I love it..This means so much to me.."
"Good! Did you have plans today? Because I have an idea.."
"What is it?.." Kurt smiled.
"Cuddling with blankets, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies."
"Well, Mr.Anderson..That sounds perfect.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine smiled. "I'll go get the blankets!"
Kurt nodded, standing and starting to clean up the wrapping paper. Blaine got a few blankets and came back down, cuddling up on the couch. Kurt smiled, climbing on the couch and snuggling up with Blaine, grinning wide as they turned on the tv. They watched a couple of movies. Blaine took a nap, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder. A little while after Blaine woke up, Kurt's phone rang. Kurt grabbed his phone, seeing it was Sebastian and answered. "Hey.." He said softly. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." Sebastian said back. "How're you and the kid?"
"Blaine and I are fine..Just watching some Christmas movies. You?"
"Good, good. I've been doing some digging." Sebastian said proudly.
"What did you find?" Kurt asked, his tone curious.
"I'd really rather not talk about it over the phone. Can we go to lunch this week?"
"Of course." Kurt said softly. "Strictly professional this time, right?" He chuckled.
Sebastian couldn't help but grin. "I could make that work."
"Why do I have the feeling you have something up your sleeve?.." Kurt asked, coming off a bit more flirty than he meant.
"Well, I'm always going to come onto you. But I can keep my clothes on when I want to." Sebastian chuckled.
"You'd better, Smythe..Call me later to schedule lunch." Kurt smiled.
"Will do. Enjoy your movies."
"Bye, Bas." Kurt said before hanging up. Blaine stiffened next to Kurt, wringing his hands together. "What movie next?.." Kurt asked, leaning against Blaine.
"Doesn't matter.."
"Hey..Don't be all grumpy." Kurt said, poking Blaine's side playfully.
Blaine jerked away and giggled. "That tickled."
Kurt laughed lightly. " I know." He said doing it again and again until Blaine was squealing.
"Kurt!" Blaine cried out in a fit of giggles. Kurt smiled wide, tickling Blaine before finally stopping, giggling lightly. Blaine was out of breath as he slumped against the couch. Kurt gasped at the sight of the panting boy and quickly looked away. "So what movie next?" He smiled.
"Hmm.. Are you up for a long one?" Blaine asked.
"Always." Kurt nodded.
"It's not a Christmas one.. But Phantom?"
"Ohmygod! I love that movie! Yes." Kurt grinned, bouncing.
Blaine chuckled, picking up his drink. He made a face as he realized it had cooled down too much. "I'm going to warm this up." He said. When he stood, his shirt had been lifted slightly and a small part if his back was exposed to Kurt. Kurt bit his lip, wanting nothing more than to reach out and trace his fingers along the olive-toned strip of skin. Blaine walked around the corner to the microwave. He was back by the time Kurt got the move in. The curly haired boy set the mug down and cuddled up to the older. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, holding him close. Blaine rested his head against Kurt's chest and sighed happily. This felt so right. He decided that tonight was the night he'd try with Kurt. He had a plan in his head. Now that he knew Kurt wanted him, I wouldn't go wrong..
That night, Blaine gave Kurt a tight hug before going to his room for bed. Kurt climbed in his own bed, curling up in the thick blankets with a book. Blaine waited until he knew Kurt was getting ready to fall asleep. He got out of bed and crept to the older's room.
Kurt was almost asleep when he heard the voice. "Hmm?..Blaine?.."
Blaine stepped in wearing only a muscle tank and boxers.
"I can't sleep.."
Kurt's eyes raked over Blaine's slender frame and bit his lip before looking away. "Do you want me to make you some warm tea or milk?.."
Blaine shook his head. "Can I lay with you? I'm cold.."
Kurt swallowed dryly, pulling the blankets aside. "Of course.."
Blaine crawled in and turned the lamp off. He cuddled up to Kurt, one arm resting just above the older's waist and his head positioned so Kurt would feel Blaine's warm breath against his neck. Kurt swallowed audibly as he settled in. Blaine's breath sent shivers down his spine and where his arm was positioned helped nothing. Blaine smiled to himself, nuzzling closer to the crook of Kurt's neck. Kurt bit his lip, closing his eyes and trying to relax. Blaine waited until he knew Kurt wanted this. He turned slightly, pressing his lips to Kurt's neck. Kurt gave a barely audible gasp, hoping Blaine was just asleep like before. But he wasn't. Blaine was encouraged that Kurt wasn't stopping him. He had watched a couple of videos online about this kind of stuff. He did it again, only this time licking over the spot and blowing on it. Kurt gave a quiet moan before pulling back. "Blaine, what are you doing?.."
Blaine moved his hand to Kurt's hip. "I know you want me."
"Blaine, we can't...It's wrong.."
"No one has to know," Blaine said, pulling himself closer to Kurt.
"Blaine.." Kurt sighed, his hands itching to touch the younger. "It's..It's not right."
"I heard you the other day." Blaine said quickly. "I came to check on you. You were moaning my name. You thought about me. You pictured me," he said, his voice dropping lightly. He gripped Kurt's hip harder. "You touched yourself while thinking of me. You want this. I want this. Fuck everyone else. They don't need to know."
Kurt's eyes rolled back as a moan escaped his lips. "B-Blaine.."
Blaine smiled, moving his hand to the front of Kurt's pants and gasping. "You want me."
Kurt growled, his hips thrusting up, he was already hard. "Yes..."
"You're so big.." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's neck. Kurt shivered, turning his head to look at Blaine. Blaine looked back at Kurt, their breath mingling together Kurt grabbed Blaine with forceful hands, gripping him and pulling him into a desperate, sloppy kiss. Blaine whimpered, wrapping his legs around the older. Kurt rolled on top of Blaine, thrusting his hips down as he kissed the teen deeply. The younger whined, reaching up to pull at Kurt's hair. "I've wanted you..For so long.." Kurt got out between kisses.
"Me too.. Oh, Kurt.." Blaine whimpered. "I want you.."
"I want you too.." Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear, rocking his hips.
"Ah! S-Show me.. I want you to show me everything.."
Kurt moaned deeply, kissing Blaine again as he pulled the younger's tank top off. Blaine looked up at Kurt with wide, innocent eyes. Kurt gasped, leaning down to kiss and suck at Blaine's neck.
"Ungh! Oh god!"
Kurt pulled off, moaning. "Sound so good..Taste amazing.."
Blaine was lost in Kurt. "T-Touch me.."
Kurt smiled, "I will, baby boy.." he said, kissing Blaine again before he sat up, pulling his own shirt off.
"You're perfect.." Blaine whispered, tracing down Kurt's chest. Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's hand and kissing it softly as he rolled his hips down again. Blaine's head fell back. "Oh my god.."
"Feel that?.." Kurt moaned. "What you do to me?.."
"Y-Yes.. Kurt.."
"So sexy.." Kurt whispered, their clothed members slidding together.
Blaine shook beneath Kurt. "Please.. I want to feel.."
Kurt nodded, pulling back slightly and slowly pulling Blaine's boxers down. Blaine took a deep breath, his eyes wide.
Kurt paused. "Is this okay?." He asked quietly.
"Yes.. I want everything with you.."
Kurt smiled lighty, leaning down to kiss him and moaning at the feel of his lips. he pulled off his own boxers before pressing their bodies together again. Flesh to flesh. Blaine's mouth fell open as he finally got to feel. He slowly reached over to turn the light on. The curly haired boy made his way down, wrapping his hand around Kurt. Kurt moaned deep in his throat, pushing himself up and hovering above Blaine so he could look.
"Oh my god.. You're so..big.."
Kurt shivered, closing his eyes and giving a small gasp.
Blaine used his other hand to cup Kurt's cheek. "Kurt.. Will you show me how it feels?"
"How what feels?.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine swallowed audibly. "S-Sex.."
"Blaine..You're not ready for that yet.." Kurt said sweetly.
"B-But.." Blaine tried to protest.
"Shh..You're not ready.." Kurt said, giving him a soft kiss. "Just let me show you..I wanna make you feel good..."
Blaine nodded. "Okay.."
Kurt smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling it away before pressing their bodies together and slowly rocking against him. Blaine gasped. He imagined being with Kurt so many times. But nothing.. nothing compared to how amazing it felt. Kurt kissed the teen deeply, moaning against his lips as skin slid over skin. Blaine clutched to Kurt, his hands roaming the older's back.
"Blaine..Oh god..You feel so good.." Kurt whispered in his ear.
"A-Ahh.. Kurt.."
Kurt gasped at the sound, rolling his hips faster, reaching down to run his hands over the trembling boy's thighs .
"I-I'm.. I'm going to.."
"Let go, baby boy.." Kurt moaned softly. Blaine arched his back as the coiling in his stomach increased. He had felt it before. But nothing this intense. His mouth fell open with a loud gasp and moan as he came between them, his vision going white for a moment. Kurt rocked against Blaine, helping him come down before leaning in and kissing him sweetly. Blaine panted heavily as he looked up at Kurt. He smiled wide. "Wow.."
Kurt giggled softly. "You're so beautiful.."
Blaine blushed and shook his head. Kurt nodded kissing Blaine again and rolling onto his side.
"Can I..help you..?"
"Only if you want.." Kurt said softly.
"I do.." Blaine sat up and crossed his legs. He reached out a gripped Kurt at the base and slowly pumped him. "Like this..?"
Kurt gasped, pulling the sheets off of them and settling on his back. "Yeah.."
Blaine watched himself. The heat.. The veins throbbing against his hand.. It all felt just right..
"A little tighter.." Kurt whispered Blaine did so and Kurt /groaned/. "Fuck! Just like that, baby..Oh god."
Blaine gasped. Kurt was so sexy.. He sped up his hand, watching the older man intently. Kurt was pulling his own hair, his eyes squeezing closed and Blaine watched as the thick length in his hand swelled even more before shooting out ropes and ropes of come across his stomach. Blaine pumped Kurt until no more came out and he relaxed against the bed.
"That was.. So hot.."
Kurt smiled. He reached down, using his finger to wipe up some of the come and sucking it off.
Blaine's eyes went wide at the gesture. "Oh my god.."
Kurt chuckled softly, leaning over to kiss Blaine, letting him taste him. Blaine bit his lip as he pulled back. He never thought something could be so hot.. Kurt simply smiled at Blaine before grabbing some tissues and cleaning them both off gently. Blaine cuddled up to Kurt. "Best Christmas ever.."
Kurt nodded. "I got everything I wanted.."
"Was it hard..? Not to try?"
"I just wanted to pull you close and kiss you..Every day.."
"Now you can.."
Kurt nodded, grinning. "I can.."
Blaine pressed a kiss to Kurt's neck. "No more annoying lawyer sleeping over?"
Kurt nodded. "I promise.."
Blaine smiled. "I'm so happy you found me.."
"So am I.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's curls.
Blaine hummed quietly. "Goodnight, Kurt."
"Good night Blaine.."
Blaine woke up in Kurt's arms the next morning and grinned. He looked so happy. Just like Blaine felt. Blaine pulled him closer kissing his neck softly. Kurt mumbled in his sleep, pulling Blaine closer. Blaine giggled, licking a stripe up Kurt's pulse point. Kurt moaned, his eyes fluttering open. "Mmm, morning.."
Blaine gave a grin. "Morning..."
Kurt leaned in for a kiss. Blaine inhaled softly, cupping Kurt's cheek as he kissed him. Kurt smiled. "Come on. Get dressed. I don't want to cook.
"But I don't want to get out of bed.." Blaine said.
"We can always come back," Kurt chuckled.
Blaine smiled, looking up at Kurt with wide, loving eyes. "But that means we have to get dressed, too.."
"Well, you could stay here alone," Kurt teased.
Blaine sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Fine." He giggled.
Kurt kissed him again before standing up and stretching. "I'm going to shower."
"Okay." Blaine said, blushing as he admired Kurt's body. Kurt strutted out of the room, knowing Blaine would be watching. Blaine let out a deep breath before getting up and going to get dressed.
When Kurt got out he had a missed call and text from Sebastian.
"Hey. Lunch today?"
"What time? Im about to take Blaine out for breakfast. " Kurt replied.
"One or two?" Sebastian asked.
"Sounds good."
"See your sexy ass in a couple of hours. ; )"
Kurt rolled his eyes, setting his phone down. He got dressed and found Blaine. "Ready?"
"Yeah." Blaine grinned. "Let's go."
They went to a local breakfast buffet. "This is my guilty pleasure." Kurt giggled.
"Really?" Blaine smiled. "My parents used to take me.."
"Is it too much?" Kurt asked softly.
"Oh, no. It's fine. Good memories." Blaine said. Kurt nodded, wrapping an arm around Blaine. They ate a big breakfast, Blaine already full after his second plate.
Kurt smiled lovingly. "Were you able to think of anything for Sebastian?"
Blaine sighed at the mention of the lawyer. "Umm..Well..In my other foster homes, they'd have monthly inspections with someone from the agency..We never did.."
Kurt nodded. "I'm meeting with him for lunch. He says he found something that will help."
Blaine nodded, pushing his uneaten eggs around his plate.
"Blaine, it's just lunch."
"I know.." Blaine sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"I just... I don't like how how he looks at you, or talks to you, or touches you.."
"He won't be doing any touching today," Kurt said softly. Blaine looked up at Kurt, nodding lightly.
"I promise." Kurt said.
The younger smiled. "I believe you..."
"Good. Come on, lets get home."
Blaine obeyed, Kurt paying the bill before they drove back to the house. They laid in bed for an hour, kissing and enjoying each other. "What does it feel like?.." Blaine asked.
"What does what feel like?"
Kurt smiled. "With the right person, it feels really good. It will hurt the first time. But..feels so good."
"I want you to be my first.." Blaine whispered
"Me too.." Kurt said just as quietly.
Blaine smiled. "When will I be ready? I feel like I am now.."
"I don't know. I just think we should take it slow. It's more meaningful that way. You should work your way up to your first time."
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt's chest softly.
"There are other things we can do before that."
"Like?.." Blaine asked, looking up at him with curious eyes.
Kurt grinned, bringing Blaine's hand up. "Well, we have fingers. Those feel good. We also have our mouths," he said before sucking two of Blaine's fingers into his mouth. Blaine gasped, his cheeks flushing red.
"You're so cute.. So innocent," Kurt whispered.
"Y-You just..God.." Blaine smiled, tracing his fingers along Kurt's bottom lip. Kurt grinned, running his hands down Blaine's hips. Blaine gasped quietly, releasing a small whimper. Kurt ran his hands to Blaine's ass. "Can't wait to show you what I can do here."
"T-Tell me?.."
Kurt leaned in so his lips were at Blaine's ear. "I'd start with my mouth. Have you on your hands and knees. Spread your round ass and tease you with my tongue."
Blaine couldn't stop the loud moan that escaped him at the very idea of Kurt doing that to him.
Kurt chuckled. "You want that?"
Blaine nodded quickly. "Y-yes..Yes..God, yes.."
"If my baby boy is good, maybe I'll reward him tonight."
Blaine nodded, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck. "Yes, sir.."
Kurt gasped. "Oh, I like that."
Blaine bit his lip, looking up at Kurt and smiling at him.
Kurt sighed as he noticed the time. "I've got to get ready."
Blaine frowned, pulling Kurt closer.
Kurt chuckled. "It's only an hour."
"Okay " Blaine smiled. Kurt kissed Blaine deeply before getting up. Blaine watched Kurt as he got ready, cuddling up to his pillows. Sebastian knocked at the door and Kurt turned for one more kiss. "I'll be back soon."
"Okay..I'll miss you.."
"Miss you too," Kurt smiled as he headed down the stairs.
He opened the door for Sebastian and smiled. "Hey."
"Hey," Sebastian said, holding his hand out. Kurt raised an eyebrow before grabbing it. Sebastian opened the passenger side door and helped Kurt in before sliding into the drivers seat.
"Well you're being awfully gentlemanly for a professional meeting." Kurt said.
"Trying to keep my mind off of your body," Sebastian said as he drove.
Kurt sighed, "Sebastian."
"What?" Sebastian asked.
"You know what." The younger man said.
"I said I'm trying to keep my mind off of you. By doing things I normally wouldn't do." Sebastian glanced over at Kurt. "Unless you want me to think about you."
Kurt simply shook his head. "Where are we going?"
"Downtown. An Italian restaurant by my work."
"Sounds good.."
They got there and Sebastian gave his keys to the valet. The men were seated and ordered.
"Did he think of anything that would help?"
"Well he told me no one from the agency ever came to inspect the house.." Kurt said, sipping his water.
Sebastian nodded. "Well, the man was good at paying people off."
"What do you mean?.." Kurt asked.
"He likes young girls. I found an old file against him. A girl pressed charges for sexual harassment. But it was closed before anything could be fully investigated. Well, I got a hold of her and apparently he paid her to drop the charges." Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. "She's not the only one. Most of the baby sitters the family hired had a similar story."
Kurt's hand went over his mouth. "Oh my god..It..It was only girls, right?.."
"I have nothing leading to him doing anything to Blaine. Only the hitting. Not that it isn't bad enough."
Kurt nodded. He was so happy he could be a way out for Blaine.
"Does he happen to have any of the bruises still? Or pictures of them?"
"I don't think so." Kurt said softly.
Sebastian nodded. "We won't be able to use that. It would be Blaine's word against his father's. But I'm pretty positive that I can get them to give up custody."
"He's not his father." Kurt said seriously.
"You know what I mean, Kurt. He is his foster father. Until we get him to sign those pictures."
Kurt sighed, nodding.
Sebastian looked at Kurt. "We're going to win this."
Kurt nodded. "Thank you, Sebastian.."
"You're welcome. Kurt.. I want to talk to you about something."
"What is it?.." Kurt asked.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I can find him a good family."
"Yes. I want him here with me." Kurt said.
Sebastian sighed. "Blaine likes you, Kurt. I mean he has feelings for you. Feelings you can't return. It's not healthy."
Kurt froze. "Well..Then its just a crush and it'll pass.." he said, shrugging.
"You're sure about that? Look, I just don't want this to come back to bite you in the ass."
"It wont. He's fifteen. Let him have a crush." Kurt said, waving it off.
Their food came out and Kurt smiled. "Looks great.."
"It does," Sebastian smiled. They ate and chat for a bit, exchanging small talk. "I'm going to go see them the day after tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes."
"Thank you Sebastian. You have no idea what this means to me.." Kurt said softly.
"I'm always here for you." Sebastian smiled.
Kurt couldn't help but smile back. The waiter came up ans offered them some wine and Kurt bit his lip. "I don't know.." He said, sipping his water.
"Professional." Sebastian said softly. "You do look good.. But I agreed."
"Thank you.." Kurt smiled before Sebastian dismissed the waiter.
"I don't know why you have to wear something that looks so good on you though." Sebastian grinned.
"Everything looks good on me." Kurt teased, laughing lightly.
"And off of you," Sebastian said, winking at Kurt. Kurt rolled his eyes, chuckling. He hated how easy this was. Flirting with Sebastian. "It's true and you know it."
"Professional." Kurt reminded him, smiling nevertheless.
"I'm keeping my hands off." Sebastian chuckled.
"For how long?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You seem like you want them on you," Sebastian stated, licking his lips. Kurt shivered and closed his eyes. He told Blaine he wouldn't..Well, technically he said Sebastian wouldn't be spending the night anymore. But still, it was wrong. Sebastian scooted a little closer in the booth. "I'm only behaving because you asked.. All you have to do is take it back."
Kurt looked at Sebastian over the rim of his glass as he took a sip. Sebastian knew exactly how to get to him. "Sebastian...I.."
"What is it?" Sebastian asked, his voice low.
There it was..That voice..That voice that would normally send him into a frenzy, tearing Sebastian's clothes off.
"I..I need a glass of wine."
Sebastian grinned, gesturing to a waiter. He told the waiter to leave the bottle and poured Kurt a glass before pouring one for himself. Kurt nodded, taking a big swallow to calm himself.
"Better?" Sebastian asked, giving a sly smirk. Kurt nodded, taking another small sip.
"Drink up. We're celebrating an early win."
Sebastian held his glass up for a toast and Kurt did the same. They clinked glasses, Kurt finishing the rest of his off. Sebastian took a small sip and slid over a little more. Kurt licked his lips of the wine and nodded his thanks as Sebastian refilled his glass. The lawyer turned so he was facing Kurt. "You've been through a lot lately. You should relax and have some fun.."
Kurt looked to Sebastian. "I've been having fun..Blaine and I baked cookies and went to the light path Christmas eve." He defended, taking another sip.
"You can't have this kind of fun with a kid." Sebastian said lowly.
Kurt's eyes rolled back at the sound of Sebastian's voice. "Bas.."
"What's holding you back, Kurt?"
"N-Nothing..I just..I promised Blaine I would be home as soon as I could.."
"We can be quick. I can make you feel real good."
"Yeah?.." Kurt whispered, his better judgment slipping.
"My office is right around the corner. Fuck you on my desk like old times?" Sebastian whispered in Kurt's ear.
Kurt turned his head, his lips brushing over Sebastian's. "I want your secretary to hear me scream.."
"We'll make the whole office hear."
Kurt moaned, leaning in and kissing Sebastian deeply. Sebastian reached under the table and gripped Kurt's upper thigh. "Let's go.." Kurt gasped. Sebastian paid and lead Kurt out to the car, racing to his office. They walked inside, most of the workers recognizing Kurt. They knew why he was here and it actually made him feel kind of..bad..
Sebastian close his office door and slammed Kurt against it, kissing his neck. Kurt gasped, moaning softly as his head fell back. "Sebastian.."
The lawyer picked Kurt up, bringing him to the desk and clearing it. Kurt whined as Sebastian laid him down on the polished mahogany, looking up at him with lust blown eyes. "Gonna fuck you so good. Make you fucking scream." Sebastian growled, pulling at Kurt's pants buttons.
"Oh god, yes, Sebastian.." Kurt panted. Sebastian was about to pull them down when Kurt's phone rang. Kurt sat up, quickly reaching for his phone and seeing it was Blaine.
"Shh! Stop!" Kurt whispered harshly before answering. "Hello?"
Sebastian sighed and Blaine spoke. "Hey..I'm sorry..It's just been a while and I guess I just got a little worried.."
"Don't be worried, sweetie. I'll be home soon. W-We're just finishing our meal."
"Okay..I just wanted to check..Kay..Have fun.." Blaine said sweetly.
"See you soon."
"Bye." Blaine said before hanging up.
"I should get going." Kurt said quietly.
"What?..No..We were just about to-"Sebastian started.
"Sebastian.. We can't do this anymore."
"Why not?" The lawyer asked incredulously.
"I-I.. I can't. I love this. I do. But I need to get everything settled at home instead of confusing things." Kurt explained.
"What's there to confuse?" Sebastian asked.
"Nothing. I just think we shouldn't do this while you're working on Blaine's case."
Sebastian sighed, helping Kurt up and nodding.
"I'm sorry," Kurt said, straightening his clothes. "I'll catch a cab."
"I can take you home.." Sebastian offered.
"Just..I gotta straighten up in here..Can you go sit in the waiting room?.."
"Of course." Kurt sighed, walking out and closing the door.
Sebastian's secretary eyes him over the top of her computer. The busty blonde always shot Kurt a glare as he left. Kurt walked over to her desk and chuckled. "Listen here honey. You're just jealous that he keeps coming back to me when you'd drop to your knees in an instant for sixty seconds with him." He said cockily, grinning wide as he walked over to the waiting area. She sat with her mouth agape, staring at Kurt for a moment before back at her computer. Kurt gave her a bitch stare as Sebastian walked out.
'You ready?" Sebastian asked.
"Of course," Kurt said, linking his arm with the lawyer's. He turned and grinned at the secretary. "Have a great day!"
She glared at him as they walked out together. Sebastian was quiet as they drove to Kurt's. They pulled into the driveway and Kurt looked over at Sebastian. "Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You're just being oddly quiet.."
"I'm twenty-six and have never been told no before. It's just.. a different feeling I guess."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"What is there to say? You suddenly don't want to fuck me. Whatever. There's plenty of others that would." Sebastian said casually.
Kurt sighed. "It's not that I don't want to.."
"Okay. What is it?"
"I just..I don't know..But I wanted you Sebastian, you know I did.'
"Then you didn't. It's fine, really." Sebastian said, turning his green eyes to Kurt. He chuckled to himself. "Maybe I'll go mess with my secretary."
Kurt huffed. "Have fun.." He said, getting out of the car.
"Run back to your boy crush." Sebastian called before spinning out of the driveway.
Kurt growled deep in his throat. "I will!!" He yelled.
Blaine raised an eyebrow as Kurt walked in. "Did you two fight..?"
"No..Just..Differences in opinion.." Kurt sighed.
"You don't look happy.. Am I..going back..?" Blaine asked quietly, as panic settled in his chest.
"Oh no baby, of course not.."
Blaine gave a big sigh of relief. "I-I missed you.."
"I missed you too.." Kurt said, sitting next to him and pulling him close.
Blaine smiled, snuggling against Kurt. Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine softly.
"So, everything's okay?"
"Everything is perfect."
Blaine nodded. "So.. When do I start school?"
"January sixth..."
Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "I'll miss you.."
"Me too."
Kurt looked down at the younger boy, cupping his jaw. "You're so beautiful.."
Blaine's heart fluttered. "Thank you.."
The older man smiled, gently pulling Blaine into his lap. Blaine gasped, straddling Kurt. Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's sides to the small of his back. Blaine bit his lip. "I like when you touch me.."
"I like touching you.." Kurt said admiring the natural curve of Blaine's body. Blaine gave a soft moan. Kurt shivered at the noise, pulling Blaine close so they were chest to chest.
"Kurt.." Blaine whispered.
"What did you do while I was gone?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"Laid here.. Thinking about you.."
"What'd you think about?.."
"The things you said you'd do to me."
Kurt ran his hands down to Blaine's perfect, round ass. He squeezed lightly, smiling. "Did you touch yourself?.."
"Y-Yeah.." Blaine said quietly.
"Ohh..Baby, you're not supposed to do that without me.."Kurt said, pouting his lip.
"I'm sorry, sir.."
"I told you if you were good, I'd do that for you.."
"I am good.." Blaine said.
"You are...You are very good, baby boy.." Kurt smiled. "But you weren't while I was gone.."
"But I can't help the things you do to me.."
"Show me..Show me what you did, baby.."
Blaine bit his lip, touching himself over his pants. Kurt bit his lip as Blaine palmed himself, sitting back a bit. Blaine blushed deeply, rolling his body. Kurt rested his hands on Blaine's knees, running them up his thighs slowly. Blaine gasped. "Kurt.."
"So sexy.."
Blaine undid the button of his pants, looking into Kurt's eyes. Kurt licked his lips, his eyes hungry Blaine swallowed hard as he slowly pulled his hard member out. He looked at Kurt with wide, innocent eyes. Kurt smiled, his eyes trailing down Blaine felt self conscious as the older looked at him. What if he wasn't good enough or if Kurt got bored? "You're so perfect." Kurt whispered.
"Really..?" Blaine whispered.
Kurt nodded, leaning in to kiss Blaine softly. "Beautiful.."
Blaine smiled, kissing him back and rocking his hips down. Kurt gasped, reaching out and wrapping his hand around Blaine's length. Blaine gave a shaky breath against the older's lips as a desperate moan escaped him.
"Sensitive..." Kurt smiled.
Kurt licked across Blaine's lip, moaning softly as he pumped him.
"Mmm.. Ah!" Blaine gasped, resting his forehead on Kurt's shoulder.
"Feel good?.." Kurt whispered.
"So good.."
Kurt smiled, kissing along Blaine's neck.
Blaine clutched to the older man. "Oh god."
"Blaine..." Kurt moaned, before sucking on a spot on his neck.
"Feels so..so good.."
Kurt smiled. "You feel so good in my hand, baby.."
Blaine rocked his hips as another moan escaped him. Kurt reached around, pulling Blaine's pants down to expose his ass. The younger gasped, pulling himself closer to Kurt.
Kurt ran his other hand over the smooth skin, moaning softly. "You shouldn't have touched yourself while I was away, baby boy.."
"W-Why..?" Blaine gasped.
"That's what I'm here for now..to touch you however you want..Whenever you want.."
Blaine mewled, starting to fall apart. "Kurt.."
"I don't want you to touch yourself without my permission is that understood?.." Kurt said softly
Kurt stopped. "Yes what?.."
Blaine gave a loud whine. "Yes sir."
Kurt chuckled softly before starting to pump him quickly again.
"Ah! Oh god! Kurt!"
"You wanna come for me?..Want to make a mess on my hand and watch me lick it up?.." Kurt moaned.
Blaine nodded quickly, unable to respond coherently. Kurt licked up the shell of Blaine's ear before biting the lobe softly. Blaine clutched to Kurt as he cried out, spilling himself in the older's hand. Kurt hummed, pumping Blaine as he came down. Blaine sagged against the older's body, breathing heavily. Kurt brought his hand up, slowly licking some come off of his finger. The curly haired boy gasped, leaning in to kiss Kurt deeply. Kurt moaned, slipping his tongue into Blaine's mouth. Blaine growled, the noise surprising the both of them. Kurt gasped softly, pulling back and smiling. "Well.."
The younger blushed deeply as he looked at Kurt. Kurt giggled, kissing him softly. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "I'll never get enough of this."
"Neither will I.." Kurt said, pressing his lips to Blaine's jaw.
"Can I ask something?"
"Of course.."
"What if.." Blaine hesitated, unsure of himself. "What if I can't do...what he does..?"
"Blaine..Just these little touches..The way you looking at me..Touching you..All of that makes me feel better than he does."
"But..I..I-I don't know how..to do those things right.."
"You don't have to Blaine..I love how you touch me..You're just..Perfect. ." Kurt whispered.
Blaine's heart was beating against his ribs rapidly. "Thank you.."
Kurt smiled warmly. "You're welcome.."
Blaine gave a loud yawn and cuddled up to Kurt's chest. Kurt giggled, picking Blaine up and carrying him up to his room.
I just want them to be happy!! Like Sebastian should just leave Kurt alone.
Ommg I love this. I am glad Kurt didn't have sex with Sebastian again. Please update soon.