July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
Sebastian was shirtless and wearing a pair of Kurt's pajama pants.
"Morning kid."
"Blaine." The teen spat sharply. Sebastian just chuckled to himself as he made coffee. "That coffee to go?" Blaine asked, not looking up.
Sebastian turned around with amused eyes. "Nope."
Blaine sighed deeply, taking a big bite of his cereal and chewing fiercely. Sebastian sat down ad drank his coffee. "So, you like living here?"
"Yeah." Blaine mumbled.
"What school were you at before?"
"You talk a lot."
"Well, I'll be the one working on getting you to stay here. I can shut up if you want to go back," Sebastian said, raising and eyebrow at Blaine.
Blaine kept his eyes down, saying nothing.
"Now, you need to prepare yourself for this. These types of cases can turn real ugly."
"Uglier than last night?" Blaine mumbled.
"What was that?" Sebastian asked in a warning tone. Blaine just looked up at Sebastian with challenging eyes. "From the way he was screaming, I would say it was pretty hot," Sebastian said lowly, ruffling Blaine's curls as he stood to get more coffee.
Blaine was fuming. "He only had sex with you so you would help me.."
"So what was his excuse the other times?"
"I have no idea why anyone would have sex with an asshole like you." Blaine spat.
"You have quite a dirty mouth for a twelve year old." Sebastian smirked.
"I'm fifteen.." Blaine hissed.
"Close enough."
Blaine huffed, about to say something when Kurt came down and walked into the kitchen.
"Morning babe." Sebastian grinned.
"Morning.." Kurt smiled, kissing his cheek. Blaine looked down as he noticed Kurt's slight limp.
Sebastian's stomach growled. "Perfect timing. You remember how I like my eggs, right?"
"Of course." Kurt smiled, looking over at Blaine. He walked over to him and put a hand on his hip. "Why so quiet?..You want some eggs?.."
"No." Blaine said, not looking up.
Kurt cupped his cheek, tilting his face up. "Hey..Are you okay?.." He asked softly.
Blaine's heart fluttered in his chest. "Yeah.." He said softly.
"Okay.." Kurt said softly. " You're sure you don't want anything?.." he said quietly
"Do we have any bacon?" Blaine asked.
"We do." Kurt smiled, grabbing the bacon out of the fridge and starting on it.
"Can I help you with anything?" Blaine asked, ignoring Sebastian.
"Oh, no sweetie, its okay." Kurt smiled as Sebastian sat at the table, cutting his eyes at Blaine.
Blaine smiled as he got up to clean his bowl.
After breakfast Kurt ran out to get some groceries, leaving Blaine alone with Sebastian again. Blaine sat on the couch, his arms crossed as he stared at the lawyer.
Sebastian sighed. "I don't know if you staying here is a good idea."
Blaine felt a slight panic in him. "What?..Why?"
"I see how you look at him," Sebastian said. "It's not healthy."
"What are you talking about?" Blaine spat.
"I'm not stupid. You like Kurt. Every time he walks in, you light up. That's why you don't like me."
"I don't like you because you're taking advantage of Kurt..But no..I appreciate Kurt "
"He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. He just knows I can show him a good time. Something you couldn't do."
Blaine bit his lip, holding back his anger.
"I'm just saying it won't be healthy living with someone you like and who won't want you back." Sebastian said.
"I don't like Kurt like that.." Blaine said seriously.
"Alright." Sebastian sighed.
"Why are you still here anyway? "
"Don't feel like leaving."
Blaine rolled his eyes, looking away.
"Tell me about your family."
"Why do you care?.."
"Do you want to stay here or not? Kurt asked for help. Either you want it or not." Sebastian said seriously.
Blaine looked up at Sebastian. "My foster family or my real family?.."
"Real first." The lawyer said.
"They're dead."
"How did they die?" Sebastian asked, completely in work mode now.
"Car accident.."Blaine said, looking down.
"How old were you?"
"Thirteen.." Blaine whispered, trying not to think too much about the accident. His skin got chills as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"I know its hard.. But tell me what happened."
"My dad was driving.." Blaine said quietly. "A-and talking to me.."
"Was it just you and your dad?"
"No..My mom was sitting next to him.." Blaine said, his pulse quickening as he remembered his mother's screams.
"What happened next?"
"A-a truck hit us.." Blaine got out, clutching to a pillow lightly as he almost felt the impact. "Th-They hit us and..and we rolled.."
Sebastian bit his lip, not sure what to say. He wasn't good with emotions.
"I-I..We got hit again and I blacked out..And..When..When I woke up..Oh god...I can't.." Blaine panted, curling in on himself as he felt the panic rising in his chest. His heart was thundering against his rib cage. He felt like someone had his wind pipe in a vice grip.
The door opened and Kurt walked inside, gasping as he saw Blaine. He ran over, wrapping his arms around the teenager. "What happened?!" He asked Sebastian. "Shh, Blaine.. I'm here sweetie."
Blaine clutched to Kurt, gasping harshly.
"I-I was just asking him about what happened to his parents." Sebastian said quickly.
"Take a deep breath, Blaine. It's okay.." Kurt tried to soothe.
Blaine nodded, trembling as he tried to relax. That had never happened before. .Then again..he'd never really talked about the accident that much..
Kurt pressed his lips to the top of Blaine's head as he ran his hands up and down the younger's arms.
Blaine's breathing began to slow and he looked up, "I-I'm sorry.." He gasped.
"Shh, don't be sorry. It's okay," Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded, taking slow, deep breaths. Kurt sat next to Blaine and looked to Sebastian. "Maybe we should do this another time."
Sebastian nodded, crossing his arms. "Alright.."
"I'll call you later."
Sebastian's eyebrows shot up. "Alright. ." He said again before nodding and walking out of the house.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded, wiping his eyes.
"Yeah...I don't like him.."
"Why not?"
Blaine just shrugged.
"I just don't.."
"Does this have to do with last night?" Kurt asked.
Blaine looked down. "No.."
"Then what is it?"
"I just don't like his attitude..I don't..He's all..Cocky big shot lawyer. " Blaine sighed. "And last night you told me it wasn't a date."
"He's always been cocky. And it wasn't meant to be a date. It just turned out how it did. I'm twenty-five Blaine. It's not like I'm too young to do those things." Kurt said, not meaning for it to sound as bad as it did.
Blaine looked down. "Okay..Sorry.."
Kurt sighed. "Look, Sebastian's an ass. I know. But he's the best lawyer around here. And if this goes to court and if I wouldn't have called him, he could have gotten hired to prove that you should go back to your foster family or another one. It's better that he's on our side."
Blaine nodded. "You're right.."
"He's going to try to scare your foster parents into giving me custody so we don't wind up going to court. Is there anything you can think of that would help Sebastian?"
"I'll think about it.." Blaine said, looking up at Kurt with his big, amber eyes, red and puffy from crying.
Kurt ran his hand down Blaine's cheek. "Go wash your face. I'll put a movie on."
Blaine blushed at the touch and nodded before getting up and walking upstairs. Kurt sighed deeply as he searched through his movies. Blaine came down and sat on the couch with Kurt. Blaine smiled as he saw what movie Kurt put in. "The Little Mermaid?" Blaine giggled.
"It always made me feel better." Kurt admitted.
Blaine grinned, leaning against Kurt. " Me too.."
"Are you okay? Really?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah..I will be.." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, wrapping an arm around Blaine. Blaine gasped softly before relaxing and scooting closer to the older man. They settled on the couch together and watched the movie. Blaine watched in silence as Kurt sang in his ear. It was really relaxing and Kurt's voice was amazing.
Ariel and Prince Eric were in the boat. Sebastian started the intro to Kiss The Girl and Blaine's heart beat sped up. Kurt began singing softly.
" There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl.."
Blaine licked his lips before singing the next verse.
"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you, too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl.."
Kurt gasped at the sound of Blaine's voice. He looked over as he sang.
"Sing with me now
My, oh, my
Look at the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Ain't that sad
Ain't it shame, too bad
You gonna miss the girl.."
"Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl.." Blaine sang, looking up into Kurt's eyes.
Kurt swallowed hard as the tension between he and Blaine grew. He wanted so badly to lean in and kiss him. But he knew it was wrong. Instead, he kept singing, still looking at the younger boy.
Don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Float along
Listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Music play
Do what the music say
You wanna kiss the girl.."
Blaine leaned up slightly, his eyes hopeful.
"You've got to kiss the girl
Why don't you kiss the girl
You gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl.."
Kurt parted his lips slightly as his eyes darted to Blaine's perfect pink lips. He started to lean in but quickly sat back, biting the inside of his mouth. "Ill be right back." He said before standing and practically running upstairs. Kurt ran into his room and closed the door, leaning back against it as his chest heaved. What the fuck just happened? What had he been thinking? But Blaine leaned in..Blaine wanted him to do it.
Kurt closed his eyes. Those pink lips immediately popped into his mind. He wanted to know what they tasted like. He wanted to know how they felt against his own. What they would look like kiss-swollen or wrapped around his cock. Kurt groaned. The thought of Blaine's mouth stretched around him.. Fuck, he wanted it so bad. There was so much Kurt could show him. The very thought made Kurt moan softly, heat gathering at the base of his spine. He brought his hands up and scratched down his own chest. He thought about how it would feel if they were Blaine's hands. Another moan escaped him and his head fell back. Kurt's body rolled and he leaned back against the door. He knew it was wrong. But he didn't care right now. Kurt slid his hands down over his pants, imagining Blaine in front of him. The innocent look that would be in his eyes as he touched Kurt's member for the first time. Blaine would be scared, nervous and excited. He'd be so beautiful and sexy, letting Kurt lead him. Kurt gasped softly, pulling his member out slowly and stroking himself.
Blaine bit back his tears. He was so close to what he wanted. What if Kurt wouldn't want Blaine around anymore? He got up and quietly walked up the stairs. He was about to knock but heard a noise on the other side of the door. Blaine stopped, leaning in to listen. He gasped as he heard Kurt moan. He put his ear to the door, listening closer. Kurt was moaning and gasping. .was he?..oh god.. Blaine leaned against the door, listening closely. He was.. Kurt was touching himself. After they almost kissed! Blaine bit his lip, trailing a hand to the front of his tight jeans.
"Blaine.." Kurt gasped, rolling his hips up as he pumped himself.
Blaine's eyes went wide. He pressed one hand against the door, wishing he couch see, and using the other to reach into his pants and stroke himself.
Kurt rolled his body. Blaine would be so perfect..so tight and amazing.
Blaine tried to imagine Kurt's more experienced hands on him. He wanted to wrap himself around the older man, feel his weight against him.
Kurt groaned as he thought of all the ways he could take the young boy. "Fuck..." He whined..
Blaine sped up, thrusting into his fist.
Kurt was already so close. His voice rose with his moans, gasping Blaine's name.
Blaine bit his lip, a single tear slipping from his eye as he came in his pants.
Kurt gave a small cry as he came , his eyebrows kneading together.
Blaine listened as Kurt came down. He wanted to open the door and see him. But he quickly went to his room to clean up.
Kurt opened his eyes, panting softly. He slumped against the door as he thought of Blaine. What would he do when he saw him? Could he act normal? He would have to.. he cleaned up before going downstairs and starting on dinner.
Blaine came back down a while later. "What are you cooking?"
"Just some chicken and mashed potatoes. ..is that okay?.."
"Of course," Blaine said, walking closer. "Can I help?"
"I-I'm okay.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine just nodded as he sat at the table.
Kurt couldn't look at Blaine as he cooked. He just wanted him so badly.
"Thanks for picking out that movie. It really made me feel better." Blaine said.
"I'm glad.." Kurt said softly.
"When do you go back to work?"
"After Christmas." Kurt said.
"Will you still have time for me..?" Blaine asked quietly.
Kurt looked back at Blaine. "Of course. ."
Blaine looked down, hoping Kurt was right.
Kurt sighed softly, looking back at hos food. "Well, Christmas eve is tomorrow. .Anything special you want?"
Blaine shook his head. "I haven't really had a Christmas since my parents.."
"If you don't want to, I understand...But I'd like to be able to do something for you.." Kurt said, smiling back at Blaine.
Blaine nodded. "O-Okay.."
"Are you okay?.."
"Yeah." Blaine said quietly. Kurt nodded, turning back to the food. Blaine bit his lip, getting up and going to sit in the living room. What would it be like when Kurt went back to work? How would Christmas be? The last few years, Blaine would hide in his room all day during the holidays. Would celebrating with Kurt feel like he was forgetting his family? He sighed softly. All he really wanted was to be happy. Happy with Kurt..
They ate dinner in silence, Blaine looking up at Kurt every so often. They wanted each other..And now Blaine knew.. He also knew he'd have to plan this just right to get Kurt to go along with it. He'd wait until after the holidays.
The next day, Kurt was gone most of the time. Blaine didn't know what he was doing, but he had the house to himself until about five. He didn't have money so Blaine found paper and some markers to make a card for Kurt. He'd always been a good artist, so he took some extra time, making sure his lines and letters were flawless. He smiled as he read over it. It was perfect.
A few minutes later Kurt walked in and Blaine quickly hid the card. "Hey! Get your coat." He grinned.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise! Come on!"
Blaine grabbed his jacket and followed Kurt. They walked out and got in the car, Kurt grinning wide.
"You're kind of creeping me out.." Blaine admitted.
"What?" Kurt laughed. "I'm not allowed to be excited now?"
"I didn't say that," Blaine giggled. "I just get nervous about surprises."
"You'll love it. Trust me." By the time they got there, the sun had already gone down. Kurt pulled into a gravel parking lot, packed with cars.
"What is this place?" Blaine asked.
"Come on and find out!" Kurt smiled, getting out of the car. Blaine got out, wrapping his coat around him tighter. They walked up a path and Blaine gasped as they walked over a hill and he saw it. A long winding path with acres of glittering Christmas lights. It was so beautiful. Arches and moving displays and so many colors.
"Kurt.. I-it's beautiful.." Blaine said quietly.
"I went with my mom when I was little..I loved it so much, I thought I should bring you."
Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand. He looked up with tears in his eyes. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome.." Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine into a light hug. "Come on.."
Blaine couldn't stop smiling as he walked with Kurt. Everything was so perfect and beautiful.. They walked around and looked at all of the decorations.
"Do you like it?.." Kurt asked softly.
"I do.."
Kurt grinned, "Good.."
Blaine looked up at the older man. "I can't thank you enough."
"It's no problem. .I love having you with me.."
Blaine blushed. "Me too.."
Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand .
Blaine's heart sped up again. "I have something for you at the house.."
"Really? You're so sweet." Kurt giggled, admiring the lights.
"It's not much.."
"If it's from you, it's perfect." Kurt said softly.
Blaine swallowed audibly. "So, what's up after this..?"
"Well..If you're up for it, we could bake cookies and watch a movie. Then, you're going to bed." Kurt smiled.
"Why? Is Santa coming?" Blaine teased.
"You never know..But he won't if you're awake." Kurt giggled.
"You've already done too much for me, Kurt.."
"Hush.." Kurt said sweetly.
"I-I'm serious.. I have nothing to give back.." Blaine said quietly.
"I don't want anything back, Blaine..I love being able to help you."
Blaine nodded. "I appreciate all of this.. So much.."
"I know..You deserve to be happy, Blaine..."
Blaine smiled and blushed as his stomach growled. "I didn't know if we were going out so I didn't eat.."
"Come on..Let's go grab a bite." Kurt giggled. Blaine laughed, leaning against Kurt as they walked to the car. They went out to a small diner, sitting in a booth together.
"I know it's none of my business. But can I ask you something?" Blaine asked.
Kurt looked up. "What is it?.."
"I know you're trying to help.. But.. But are you going to..keep umm..sleeping with that douc-..lawyer..?"
"I..I don't think I should talk about that with you Blaine.."
Blaine sighed, looking down. "Sorry."
"It's okay..C'mon. Whaddaya want to eat?"
"I'm not really hungry now.."
"Blaine..." Kurt sighed. "I know you're hungry.."
"I'll try.. But I really don't feel hungry anymore." Blaine said, staring down at his hands.
"Hey...look at me.."
Blaine waited a moment before looking up with wide, sad eyes.
"I didn't mean to upset you..I don't know what's happening with Sebastian and I..But..We're just friends..Okay?.." Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded. "I don't like how he treats you. There're other people that could be so much better to you."
Kurt sighed, nodding. "Well..I just need to keep him around long enough to get us through this.."
"This is for us.."
Blaine smiled. "For us."
Kurt caught himself, "Well..For you to stay with me, us.."
"I know," Blaine said. "So we can be a family."
Kurt nodded, smiling lightly. Blaine picked up his menu and picked something random.
That night, they did as Kurt said. baking the cute little cookies with the Christmas trees on them, watching an old cheesy Christmas movie before sending Blaine to bed.
Kurt smiled as Blaine went up the stairs. He stood, walking to the closet and opening it. It was going to take a while, but he was determined.
Omg loved this story...beautifully done...I can picture everything...please I urge you to continue this one! It's awesome really!
We are definitely continuing! Thank you!
I love how Blaine talks shit to Sebastian. Aww I love how they like each other. Where is Kurt's friends and family? Are they gonna be in here?
They will be. We're just starting to really get into it.