July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
July 28, 2013, 1:30 p.m.
Blaine inhaled slowly, his long eyelashes fluttering open as he woke up. He blushed furiously as he noticed how close he was to Kurt and quickly pulled back slightly. "I-I'm sorry..I..I didn't mean.."
"It's okay. I just need the bathroom." Kurt said, not wanting Blaine to get scared.
Blaine nodded, letting Kurt go. His cheeks and neck getting redder by the second.
Kurt bit his lip and quickly walked out, his heart racing. He walked into the bathroom and sighed, brushing his fingers over his neck where the ghost of Blaine's lips still were. He got chills from it. Why was he feeling that way? Blaine was fifteen. And Kurt didn't even know if he was gay.. The older man washed his face. He couldn't think about Blaine like this..But he was so sweet and adorable..And those eyes.
No. This was wrong. If things went the right way, Kurt would be responsible for Blaine. A child. He couldn't risk that. He walked out to see Blaine curled in a tight ball, holding one of Kurt's pillows to his face.
"Hey. Are you feeling any better?" Kurt asked. Blaine looked up at Kurt with his wide amber eyes and nodded. "Good. I'll go make some breakfast."
"Okay. " Blaine said timidly.
Kurt smiled, lingering a moment before going downstairs.
Blaine got up before making the bed. What was he thinking last night? Kurt was probably weirded out by him now. He was so fast to hold the older man and Kurt probably didn't want it. Blaine felt so stupid.. Maybe he should apologize? Or just forget it happened? It might be too awkward to talk about. He just shook his head. What if Kurt didn't want him to stay anymore? The very thought made his chest tighten. What would he do? He had no where to go. How could he be so stupid to risk losing everything this nice man had given him? He slowly walked down the stairs, looking over at Kurt who was in the kitchen. Kurt was so kind. He would accept his apology..Wouldn't he?
Kurt pulled out bacon and things to make omelets. He set then down and started on making coffee.
Blaine padded into the kitchen, still wearing the button-up Kurt had given him ans a pair of boxer briefs. "K-Kurt?.."
"Yes?" He asked, turning to face Blaine.
"I-I just wanted to apologize..For last night.." Blaine whispered, his eyes downcast and his cheeks pink as he fiddled with the hem of the shirt.
"Why?" Kurt asked. "You were upset. I told you if you needed me, I'd be there."
"I know..I just..I don't want to make you..Uncomfortable.."
"Oh, Blaine. You didn't. I mean, it might become a problem if it was an every night thing. But it's okay." Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded, still looking completely embarrassed. Kurt walked over and ruffled Blaine's curls. "It's okay, really."
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled, giving a small nod.
"Want coffee or orange juice?"
"Orange juice please.."
They spent the morning together, Blaine helping Kurt clean the kitchen before going to take a shower and change. He came downstairs in the first outfit he tried on at the mall. Kurt smiled as he looked over his laptop. "I really like that one."
"So do I." Blaine smiled, his cheeks flushing a bit at the compliment. How did Kurt make him blush so much?
"You can pick out a movie if you'd like. I'm going to call your school and a few people to get things started."
Blaine nodded, walking over to the shelf and bending over looking through the DVDs. Kurt swallowed dryly as he looked at Blaine, his ass facing him. He licked his lips. It was so perfect. He couldn't stop his thoughts as he pictured the young boy bent over..on all fours on his bed while Kurt worshiped the amazing roundness, slowly spreading him open.. Kurt shook his head. No! That was not something he could think about. He sounded like a pervert. He tore his eyes away, looking back down at his laptop as shame built up inside of him. How could he have done that? It was wrong. It could never happen. But as time went on, he thought about it more and more. Every little thing Blaine did. Every smile, blush, and flutter of his lashes put Kurt's mind in that place. Kurt sighed heavily. "I'm going to work on this upstairs."
Blaine nodded. "Okay..If you need anything just tell me.." he said sweetly.
"I will," Kurt said, grabbing his laptop and going to his room. He shook his head as he walked in. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe it was because he had been so lonely before Blaine was here. But that wasn't an excuse for fantasizing over an underage boy..No matter how beautiful he was..Or how amazing it would feel to wrap his fingers around those dark curls.. Kurt groaned, pulling up the website for Blaine's old school to get the number. He finally got everything straightened out with the school, but there was so many legalities with getting Blaine over to him in the fostering system. Kurt ran his hands through his hair and closed his laptop. This would be harder than he thought. He leaned back, wondering if there was someone he could call to help him.
A few hours later there was a small knock at his door.
"Come in." Kurt said.
Blaine came in the room, looking up at Kurt. "I..I don't mean to say it too much..But..I really just wanted to thank you again...This just means so much to me.. I don't know if I'd even be alive without you.. "
"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. I'm having your school send me a copy of your files. We're transferring you to McKinley. Now, I just have to figure out the foster care stuff." Kurt explained.
Blaine nodded, climbing into the bed with Kurt. "You're amazing. " He smiled.
"I try." Kurt chuckled.
Blaine smiled up at Kurt. He couldn't believe how happy he was becoming.
"What are you in the mood to do today?"
"Well you could come downstairs and watch a movie with me.."
"Okay," Kurt smiled, closing his laptop.
They went downstairs and watched a few old movies, Blaine eventually fell asleep, his head in Kurt's lap. Kurt carefully ran his fingers through Blaine's curls. He thought about how he was going to be able to foster him. He knew he could give Sebastian, an old fling from high school and college, a call. But he knew the lawyer would want more from Kurt. But it would be worth it to give Blaine a good home.
Kurt carefully got up, setting a pillow under Blaine's head. He smiled as the teenager stirred lightly and curled up to the pillow. He grabbed his phone and went to the kitchen so he wouldn't wake Blaine up. He dialed the lawyer's number and sighed deeply before calling him.
"Well, hello there," Sebastian answered. Kurt could hear the grin through the phone.
"Hi Sebastian.." Kurt said softly. "I need a favor.."
"What is it?"
"I'm looking to remove someone from a foster home, and foster him myself.."
Sebastian was taken back by that. "Why?"
"Well..His name is Blaine, he's fifteen and before a few days ago he was a runaway..I just want him to have a good home." Kurt said softly.
Sebastian nodded though Kurt couldn't see. "Alright. Why don't you let me take you to dinner? We can get into more details about it and I'll see what I can do." Sebastian asked, thinking of old times with Kurt.
Kurt bit his lip. "Strictly professional..Right?"
"Of course." the lawyer lied.
Kurt rubbed at his neck softly. "What time?.."
"I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven."
Kurt nodded. "I really appreciate this Sebastian.."
"I don't mind at all. I'll see you tomorrow, Kurt."
"Bye Sebastian.." Kurt said before hanging up and sighing softly.
Blaine rolled over on the couch. He made a small noise in his sleep, eliciting a smile from Kurt. Kurt walked over, picking the younger up and carrying him to his bedroom. He set him in the bed and covered him up, running a hand over his curls. He couldn't help but notice how at ease and beautiful Blaine looked. Kurt kept his eyes on Blaine, running his thumb over his eyebrow. He bit his lip as he felt that stir of attraction again. He pulled back. If this was going to work, he'd have to make sure there was no possible way a court, if it got to that point, could say he was unfit. He turned the light off and walked out, closing the door and leaning back against it. What had he gotten himself into?
The next day, around seven, Kurt was getting ready for dinner and Blaine poked his head in the room while Kurt was putting the final touches on his hair. "Are you going somewhere?.." he asked timidly.
"I have a friend that can help us. He's taking me to dinner to talk about our options." Kurt said. "I'll leave money for a pizza or something."
"Oh..Okay..So..like a date?.." Blaine asked.
Kurt chuckled lightly. "No."
Blaine gave a small sigh of relief and Kurt noticed, raising an eyebrow
"You don't want me to date?" Kurt asked, seeming a little amused.
Blaine blushed fiercely. "N-no..it's not that..I just." The doorbell rang and Blaine was happy for the escape. "I'll get it." He said quickly.
Kurt chuckled as Blaine ran off.
Blaine opened the door and looked up at the tall, thin man.
"Hi," Sebastian grinned. He was wearing a nice, dark blue designer suit. "You must be Bryan."
"Blaine." The teen said in a dull tone. He already didn't like him.
"Right." Sebastian said, stepping around Blaine to get in. "I bet he's still doing his hair." The tall man started up the stairs.
"He is. Why are you going up if he's not ready?" Blaine said at the foot of the stairs.
"Trust me, kid. I've been up there plenty of times." Sebastian grinned wickedly.
Blaine couldn't help the shot of jealousy that went through him. Who did this guy think he was?
"Kurt?" Sebastian asked, knocking on the door.
Kurt opened the door, smiling lightly as he saw Sebastian.
"Hey beautiful." Sebastian grinned.
"Kurt..Kurt works fine." Kurt said, giving Sebastian a quick hug.
"You ready?"
"I am." Kurt said, grabbing his coat.
Sebastian followed Kurt downstairs and looked towards Blaine. "Don't wait up, squirt."
"My name is Blaine." The teenager spat.
Kurt walked over to Blaine. I left twenty dollars for pizza..I won't be out that long." He said. Blaine nodded, pulling Kurt into a tight hug. "Keep the doors locked. I'm sure you'll be fine. But only open the door for the pizza guy. You have my number if you need it."
Blaine nodded, shooting another glare at Sebastian.
"We're going to be late." Sebastian sighed.
"Okay." Kurt sighed. "I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" Kurt said softly before walking out with Sebastian.
Blaine seethed as the door shut. He didn't like that guy.
Kurt walked with Sebastian to the car, smiling as he opened the door for him. He rolled his eyes when they pulled up to the extravagant restaurant. "You didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. It's been a while, and you deserve it." Sebastian said smoothly.
"Do you think you can help me?"
They got out and walked inside, Sebastian told him the reservation name and they were seated. "Kurt..Cases like this can get messy fast ." Sebastian said softly.
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, his voice thick with worry.
"When a child is removed from their biological parent or lawful guardian due to the risk or actual occurrence of physical or psychological harm. In the US, most children enter foster care due to neglect.. If a biological parent or lawful guardian is unwilling to care for a child, the child is deemed to be dependent and is placed under the care of the child protection agency.." Sebastian explained. "When they find out Blaine ran away, they'll either send him back to his previous foster family or assign him to a new one already in the system.."
"Why can't I just become one? He's staying with me already. What's so wrong with that?" Kurt asked. "I'm not in it for the money. I really just care for him."
"Kurt..Becoming a foster parent is a long meticulous process..They're going to want Blaine in a new home as soon as possible..if you want the kid to stay with you now, you might have to try and gain legal guardianship."
"So, get me the papers. I'll do it. I'll pay whatever. I'm not giving him to some random family." Kurt said, his voice rising. "You're the best lawyer I know. I need you to get him to be able to stay with me."
"Okay..Okay..Well...Chances are that the foster family hasn't reported him missing yet. I'll just have to contact them..See if they're willing to sign him over, or threaten to report them for child abuse, sending them out of the system and to jail." Sebastian said.
"You think you can scare them into just giving me custody?" Kurt asked desperately.
"I could do some digging..Make sure this doesn't go to court.." Sebastian nodded.
Kurt gave a sigh of relief. "You don't know how much this means to me."
Sebastian smiled, looking up at Kurt and grabbing his hand. "I'd do anything for you.."
The waiter came with the food and Kurt took the opportunity to pull his hand away.
Sebastian sighed softly before they began to eat, chatting and making small talk.
"So..After this, do you want to go get a drink?.." Sebastian smiled.
"Oh, I don't know, Sebastian.."
"Completely innocent. .Just one drink.." Sebastian said, holding his hands up.
"Alright.." Kurt agreed as his phone rang. He picked it up, panic overcoming him as he saw it was Blaine.
"Blaine? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine..Just..checking on you." Blaine said softly.
Kurt smiled. "I'm good. We're still eating."
"O-Okay..Will you be home soon?.."
"I might go get a drink after. It won't be too late. Don't worry, sweetie."
Blaine blushed at the name, and nodded "Alright..I'm gonna go to bed.."
"I'll check on you when I get home." Kurt said softly before hanging up.
"He's so sweet."
Sebastian tried not to roll his eyes as he nodded. "Seems like it."
"So, what have you been up to, Bas?"
"Working..Working a lot..I opened up my own law firm, so im doing pretty well for myself. You?"
"Always busy at work. Now just hoping the stuff with Blaine works out."
"You just need to relax.." Sebastian smiled, grabbing Kurt's hand again and kissing his knuckles. "Let's go get that drink.."
"Just one." Kurt said seriously.
"Just one." Sebastian nodded. Sebastian paid and they headed to the car.
They drove to a classy little lounge down the street and Sebastian ordered them a drink, a martini for Kurt and a glass of scotch for himself.
"Any new guys in your life?" Kurt asked.
Sebastian chuckled as they sat on the love seat together. "No, actually..How about you?.."
"No. I kind of like being single." Kurt admitted.
"Really?.." Sebastian asked, taking a sip of his drink and putting an arm around the back of Kurt's seat. "Well I guess I do to. There's no shame in having a little fun. "
"There is in too much fun." Kurt said, eyeing his ex.
"That's not necessarily true.." The lawyer said smoothly.
"How so?"
Sebastian leaned closer, his breath ghosting over Kurt's neck. "There's no such thing as too much fun.."
Kurt bit his lip. Sebastian knew all of his weak points. And if he refused him, he might not help.
"Too many people can turn pretty disgusting," he said, trying to ignore his racing heart.
"Well..I just want one person.." Sebastian whispered, his green eyes smoldering as he looked up at Kurt.
Kurt fluttered his lashes. "I-I think I need another drink.."
Sebastian smiled, watching as Kurt finished his drink before ordering him another. Kurt looked back at Sebastian. Those eyes always saw right through him. Maybe.. Just maybe this could take his mind off of Blaine.. Sebastian scooted closer to Kurt, squeezing his thigh softly. "What's on your mind?.."
Your eyes," Kurt whispered.
"What about them?.." The taller man asked, just as quietly.
"The way they look at me." Kurt said, running the tip of his tongue along his lips.
Sebastian gave a crooked smile, leaning in a bit more. "And how do they look at you?.." He murmured.
"Like you're undressing me right here. Like they know only you can take control of me and own me." Kurt said lowly.
Sebastian gave a small, quiet moan, squeezing Kurt's thigh. "Is that what you want?.." he asked, his lips less than an inch from Kurt's. Kurt stared into the darkening green eyes as he nodded. Sebastian smiled, pressing his lips to Kurt's and squeezing his thigh tightly. Kurt gasped, opening his mouth to Sebastian. Sebastian slipped his tongue into Kurt's mouth, biting his lip and pulling back. "Wanna get out of here?.."
Sebastian smiled, kissing Kurt again before standing and holding out his arm to him. Kurt took his hand and they hurried home. They pulled in, Kurt opening the door. As soon as he did so, Sebastian pushed him inside, pulling him close and kissing him deeply. Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian and moaned against his lips. Sebastian pushed Kurt against the door, grinding his hips against him and giving a possessive growl.
"Bas.." Kurt moaned, lifting his leg and wrapping it around Sebastian's waist. Sebastian picked Kurt up, keeping him pressed against the door. "Gonna take you right here. " He smiled.
"Yes.. Please.."
"Umm..Kurt?" Blaine said from the couch.
Kurt gasped harshly, pushing at Sebastian. "Blaine.. What are you doing up?"
Sebastian sighed deeply, setting Kurt down.
"I fell asleep watching a movie.." Blaine said, glaring at Sebastian.
"Oh.. Um.. You should go to bed. Its late.."
Blaine nodded, standing and stomping up the stairs to his room.
Kurt sighed, slumping against the wall. "I'm sorry.."
"It's okay.." Sebastian said softly, leaning down to kiss Kurt's neck.
"Bas.. Blaine's awake.."
"Then be quiet.." Sebastian whispered, pulling him over to the couch. Kurt tried to protest but Sebastian pressed their lips together. Sebastian sat on the couch, pulling Kurt on top of him as they kissed deeply. Kurt rocked his hips down roughly. It had been so long since he'd been with someone.
"Want you to ride me..Miss that tight ass around me." Sebastian whispered. "You want my cock in you?..Fucking you so hard you just want to fucking scream?.."
Kurt whimpered, reaching between them and palming Sebastian. "Y-Yes.. Oh fuck.."
Sebastian groaned, thrusting up. He reached down, unzipping his pants and pulling out his long, thick, member. Kurt moved down his body, deep-throating Sebastian. Sebastian groaned, his head falling back as he rested his arms on the back of the couch. "Oh fuck..So good.."
Kurt sucked hard, bobbing his head fast. Sebastian brought a hand down, threading his fingers through Kurt's hair. "Just as good as I remember, babe.."
Kurt moaned and pulled off with a pop.
"Tighter too," he breathed out as he pulled his shirt off. "Haven't even used toys."
"Fuck.." Sebastian growled. "Hurry up and strip.."
Kurt stood, quickly undressing and pulling the lawyer's pants off. Sebastian pulled Kurt into his lap. "Been keeping that hole nice and tight for me?.." He whispered, lifting his hand and placing two fingers at Kurt's swollen lips. Kurt nodded, sucking Sebastian's fingers into his mouth. Sebastian smiled at Kurt in the dim light, pulling his fingers out after a minute and reaching down to trace over his hole. Kurt's breathing became heavier as he pressed his ass back.
"You want it?" Sebastian smiled, pushing the tip of his index finger in to the first joint.
"Say it.."
"I want it."
"Want what?.." Sebastian chuckled.
"Just fucking finger me," Kurt growled.
Sebastian smiled, kissing across Kurt's chest as he pushed his finger into him.
Kurt gasped as he rocked his hips. "Fuck.."
"Want more?.."
"Yes.. More please."
Sebastian pulled out before adding a second finger. "Fuck, you're tight.."
Kurt hissed at the stretch. "God, I want that cock inside me.."
"How bad?.." Sebastian whispered, speeding up his fingers.
"So bad. Been too long. Want that ah.. That thick dick stretching me." Kurt breathed out.
"Fuck, keep talking.." Sebastian groaned, scissoring his fingers.
"Ah! Shit, Bas. Stretch my tight hole. Just for you baby."
Sebastian pulled Kurt down. "Damn baby...I might just have to fuck that slutty little mouth of yours after I make you come.."
Kurt's breath mingled with Sebastian's. "You want to fuck my throat? Hear me choke on you?"
"Mm..I know you can take it..Such a hot little slut.." Sebastian whispered.
"Oh, I know I can," Kurt said cockily. "But I know how much you love the sound of me choking on you."
Sebastian shivered, reaching up and wrapping his hand around Kurt's throat, but not squeezing. "I'll have you begging for my come, Kurt..Want me to make a mess all over that pretty face?.."
"Oh fuck yes," Kurt gasped.
Sebastian pulled Kurt close, kissing him deep and dirty. He pulled his fingers out and placed the tip of his cock at Kurt's hole. Kurt bit down on Sebastian's lip, sucking it into his mouth as he waited. Sebastian slowly pushed Kurt's hips down, moaning shakily. "Kurt.." The other man was so tight he didn't know if he would last long enough to fulfill his earlier suggestion.
"F-Fuck.. Keep going.." Kurt gasped harshly.
Sebastian nodded, thrusting up quickly. Kurt bit his lip, holding in a sharp cry. "Ohmygod.."
Sebastian wrapped his arms around Kurt and quickly began to fuck up into him. Kurt buried his face in Sebastian's neck. "Ungh.. Fuck!"
"You fucking feel me?.."
"Y-Yes.. Ungh! So big.." Kurt whimpered. Sebastian pulled Kurt down, kissing him deeply as he thrust into him. Kurt reached up, pulling the lawyer's hair roughly as a whine escaped his lips. Sebastian slid his hands down Kurt's sides, moaning and spreading Kurt open. Kurt's thighs were already trembling. "Bas! Fuck me!"
Sebastian stood, flipping them on the couch so he was on top of Kurt, losing all rhythm and just pounding into him. Kurt couldn't stop the loud cry that escaped him. He scratched down Sebastian's chest and bit his neck to muffle his moans. Sebastian groaned as Kurt wrapped his legs around him, speeding up. "Bas! S-So close.."
"Come for me.." Sebastian panted in his ear. Kurt arched his body up, pressing his lips together to hold in his scream as he came hard. Sebastian thrust through Kurt's orgasm before pulling out and coming across Kurt's stomach. Kurt panted harshly as the warmth settled on him. Sebastian leaned down, licking across his stomach and cleaning up their come. Kurt shivered. "Oh god.."
"Taste so good.." Sebastian smiled, climbing up Kurt's body to kiss him softly. Kurt moaned, kissing him again. They went upstairs, Sebastian undressing the rest of the way and they climbed into bed together, Kurt cuddling up to an indifferent Sebastian.
All the while, Blaine laid in his room, his pillow over his head as he tried to sleep. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Kurt said it wasn't a date. He had laughed when Blaine suggested it.. Blaine couldn't help the feeling of anger, and betrayal, and..Jealousy.. He tossed and turned all night. He felt stupid for having these feelings for Kurt. Kurt was an adult. He wouldn't want him. And besides, he was attracted to total assholes like that.. Blaine finally got to sleep. It was a restless sleep.
Omgg I thought Kurt didn't want Sebastian like that? But he seemed liked he loved him being there with him :/