Come Live With Me
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Come Live With Me: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,748 - Last Updated: Jul 28, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Feb 14, 2013 - Updated: Jul 28, 2013
512 0 9 0 0

Blaine Anderson was thirteen when his parents died. It was unexpected. Just a regular trip to the grocery store. Blaine was in the back seat, telling his father all about his day and his father was smiling, nodding attentively as his mother would throw in little tidbits, asking him about certain things. His father was turned around, looking at Blaine when it happened.
A truck plowed into the right side of the car, sending them flying across the intersection. All Blaine remembered was the crash of metal, and his mother screaming before there was another impact and then silence. He opened his bleary eyes to see blood. So much blood. Neither of his parents were moving, sagging lifeless in their seats. All Blaine could do was scream.
Blaine shot up in his bed, a cold sweat dripping down his neck as his eyes darted around the room of his latest foster home. His chest heaved as he clutched to the blankets. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, trying to calm himself before his new 'parents' woke up. That was the last thing he needed. He curled into himself. Two years and that dream still plagued him. He shivered under the thin, itchy blanket before laying down and clutching to the pillow. It was two weeks before Christmas. His second without them. His second without laughs and smiles and love. He slowly climbed out of bed. There was no way he could lie here and think about this. He Looked at the bruises on his arms. He couldn't take this. He packed a bag, only what he needed and left.
It was freezing outside and the snow crunched under his worn sneakers. He pulled his hood up and kept walking. He had no idea where he was going, but he couldn't stay there. Not in that system. He couldn't continue being passed from family to family. His current foster parents were the worst. Abusive and greedy. He couldn't stand it. It was about three in the morning. Blaine had no idea what to do. But he couldn't stay with them. He needed to get out. He kept walking until he got to a bridge on a back road. He sat underneath it and put his head in his hands. He couldn't help but think of his nightmares. The crash that took everything away from him.
Blaine pulled his blanket out and curled up next to a support beam, trying to hide himself from the occasional car that would pass. He got as comfortable as he could, trying not to let the tears overcome him. It took almost two hours for him to fall asleep.
It was like that for two days. He used the little money he had on canned foods from the gas stations. All he had interms of opening them was a small butterfly knife. And using that he always end up cutting his hands badly on the can or on the knife, but it was worth it to have a little food in his stomach, but it didn't last. He ran out of money by the end of the week and had no idea how to get any food of his own. He cursed himself for the tattered, oversized coat he bought at the thrift store. That could've gone towards food or clean water, but it got too cold at night to not have it. He slept as much as he could that Sunday evening. It was hard to get sleep in the snowy winter. Blaine's fingers went numb from the cold as he curled up under the bridge again. In the middle of the night, he woke up to the sound of a car slowing and pulling over. Blaine's heart started to race as a man stepped out. Blaine curled up tighter, reaching for his knife as his eyes went wide, staring at the ground as he counted the footsteps.

"Are you okay?" Said the tall figure in the dark. Blaine didn't say anything. Maybe if he thought he was sleeping he would go away. "My name is Kurt. I just want to help." The guy said softly.

"Please go away.." Blaine whispered, his voice shaking.

"You must be starving. Let me buy you breakfast. We can walk up to that McDonald's if you don't want to get in my car." Kurt said. The boy sounded like he couldn't even be eighteen. He felt bad for him. The least he could do was buy him a meal.

Blaine looked up at Kurt with wide, honey hazel eyes. Why was he trying to help him? No one ever helped him..

Kurt gave him a warm smile as he knelt down. "What do you say? I'm not asking for anything in return. Just a meal."

Blaine looked up at the man. He had kind blue eyes that Blaine wanted to fall into and just forget about everything. He swallowed, giving a small nod.

Kurt took his hand and helped him up. "Walking or warm car?"

Blaine pulled down his wool cap a bit, still looking a bit scared. "I-I.." He whispered timidly. He didn't want to make the man walk, but he didn't like the idea of getting in the car with a stranger. but he seemed nice and kind.. Blaine carefully reached down, his hand trembling as he grabbed his bag. "Can..Can i sit in the back?..please?.."

"Of course," Kurt said, walking to open the door for the shivering boy. He waited for Blaine to get in and shut the door before sliding into the driver's side and blasting the heat.

Blaine closed his eyes, sighing happily at the heat. it felt so amazing. It felt like so long since he'd been warm. He held his hands out, letting the hot air bring the feeling back to his nearly-frostbitten fingers.

Kurt stayed quiet as he drove down the street and into the fast food restaurant. They got out and went inside. Kurt ordered a meal for both of them, getting an extra biscuit for the kid. He sat down with the food and smiled. "So, what's your name?"

Blaine looked up at Kurt. "I..It's...Blaine.." He said quietly. it felt strange to speak after so long.

"It's nice to meet you, Blaine." Kurt said, opening his biscuit. "Eat up. If you're still hungry, let me know."

Blaine carefully reached for his food and unwrapped it, slowly taking a bite. Oh god, it was so good, he wanted to cry. He wanted to take his time, but in the end, he quickly ate it, barely taking the time to breathe.

Kurt gave a sad smile. It broke his heart to see a boy so young out on the streets. "Did you run away?"

Blaine looked up at Kurt with wide eyes as he unwrapped his second biscuit. He nodded slowly, looking down.

"Do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help?" Kurt asked, taking a bite of his hash brown.

Blaine just looked down. "I can't go back.." He said quietly.

Kurt bit his lip. He did have an extra room.. "Are you in trouble?"

"No..I just.." Blaine pulled his sleeves down to cover his hands, hiding the cuts and scabs. "I can't.." He said, keeping his eyes downcast.

Kurt gave a small sigh. "Well, I have an extra room at my place. No one should be out there in this weather."

Blaine's eyes went wide. "I-I..W-why are you being so nice to me...why did you stop?..No one.." he trailed off, looking down again.

"I saw someone who needed help. If I was in your position, I'd hope someone would stop for me." Kurt said softly. "I'm just a nice guy. You'll have your own space and I'll be there if you need someone to talk to."

Blaine was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. this was all too much. There had to be something Kurt would want from him. A catch..This was too good to be true.

"I just want to help, Blaine." Kurt said seriously.

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes and he got that warm feeling in his chest again. "I just.. No one's been nice to me in so long.."

"Well, now I am. And there's only one thing I want." Kurt said, chuckling as he saw the slight panic in Blaine's eyes. "I want you to not be sleeping outside. And I have a free room. So, why not give it to someone that needs it?"

Tears gathered in Blaine's eyes as he looked down at the food in his hands before back up at Kurt.

"Will you come?"

Blaine took a shaky breath before nodding slowly.

"Good. Are you still hungry?" Kurt asked, smiling.

Blaine bit his lip, ashamed of the loud growl that escaped his stomach.

"Come on, order what you want." Kurt said softly as he stood.

"Y-You've already done enough..I-I'll be okay.." Blaine said. "Really."

"You're still hungry. Go order. You'll be nice and full then get to go home and sleep in an amazing and warm bed."

Blaine nodded, going up and ordering another biscuit along with a bottle of water. He quickly ate that, happy to have some food in his stomach after so long.

Kurt smiled as he watched the young boy in front of him. After Blaine finished, Kurt took him home and gave him a tour before showing him where his room would be.
"I'll be right down the hall if you need anything. Anything at all."

Blaine nodded, hugging his bag to his chest. Kurt's house was so nice..How long would he let him stay here?..

"Get some sleep sweetie." Kurt said softly before heading to his room.

Blaine walked into the room and set his bag on the bed. He slowly took off his coat and the small amount of clothing he had. He pulled back the thick blankets and curled up under them, smiling wide. He was in a real bed. He couldn't believe how soft it was. Blaine had never imagined a bed so comfortable. He pulled the blankets over his head and sighed happily, sleep quickly taking him.

When he woke up, Blaine had never felt so relaxed. He looked out the window. The sun way high in the sky. How long had he slept? He slowly crawled out of the bed, pulling his clothes on and poking his head out into the hallway. It was quiet but he heard footsteps downstairs. Blaine swallowed. Should he leave?..was Kurt only offering him a place to stay for one night?.. He went into the room, made the bed, and grabbed his bag, slowly walking down the stairs.

Kurt perked up as he heard Blaine. "Hello, sleepyhead. You sleep well?"

Blaine stood with his mouth slightly agape. "I-I did..Thank you.."

"I made lunch. Soup. Thought you'd like something warm." Kurt said.

Blaine looked down at his bag before looking back at Kurt. "Umm..

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"

"I just...I thought.." Blaine whispered.

"I meant what I said. I don't want you out there in the cold or on your own. You can stay here."

"How long?.."

"I don't know. I don't see why we need to put a time frame on it. You need a place to stay and I have one."

"I'm sorry..I guess I'm not used to stability.."

"I understand. Come have some soup." Kurt said, standing and making a bowl for him. "Tell me about yourself."

Blaine put his bag down and sat at the table. "There's not much to say.."

"I'm sure there's plenty. Is there anything you want to know about me?"

Blaine bit the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. "Where do you work?.."

"I work as a internal publications manager at a publishing company.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine nodded, staying quiet for a minute. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-five. What about you?"

"Fifteen.." Blaine said softly.

"Can I ask how you wound up on the street?" Kurt asked softly. "I won't judge you."

Blaine sighed softly. "I ran away from my foster home.."

"How come?"

"I..I just couldn't stay..They were abusive..only fostering me for the money.."

Kurt gasped. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Blaine." The older man sighed, shaking his head lightly. "Well, you're here now and don't have to worry about them."

Blaine nodded. "T-thank you.."

"I'm glad to help. I really am." Kurt said softly. Blaine looked up at the older man, something stirring inside of him. "Eat up. You can shower and I'll lend you an outfit. It'll be too big but it will work. I'm going to take you to get a few things and I don't want to hear any objections." Kurt said, smiling at the boy in front of him.
Blaine blushed, nodding as he started to eat. Kurt stood and started to clean the kitchen. He couldn't believe what Blaine had been through. He was just glad it was him that had found him and not some freak that would take advantage of such a sweet, young boy. Blaine finished his lunch and took his bowl to the sink, washing it, and going upstairs to take a shower. Kurt picked out an outfit for Blaine and laid it out on his bed. He wanted to know more about Blaine. He was so young and sweet. He wanted to help him. Get him back to school. Kurt was stepping out of the room when Blaine came out of the bathroom. He couldn't help but notice how the water dripped down the young boy's chest. Kurt gasped at his thoughts and turned around. "I-I'm sorry.. I-I put clothes on..on your bed."

"It's okay.." Blaine blushed, "Thank you.." He said before hurrying to the room.

Kurt nodded and walked downstairs. How could he have thought that even for a second? The boy was fifteen. He ran a hand through his hair. It was just a one time thing. He wouldn't let those thoughts invade his mind again. Kurt shook his head, grabbing his messenger bag to make sure he had everything he'd need for the day.

Blaine came out of the room in Kurt's clothes, which were too big for him, and Kurt couldn't help but notice how cute he looked in the oversized button up. He chuckled to himself. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah.." Blaine said, pulling on his coat.

Kurt knew there wasn't much in Lima, Ohio for a young fashionable teenager. He drove a few towns over to a big mall. The one he shopped at when he was younger and still did at times. Blaine looked out the window as they pulled into the parking lot. This was the mall his parents used to take him to..

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked.

Blaine looked to Kurt and nodded. "Y-yeah..Of course."

Kurt gave a small smile as they walked inside. "So, what kind of clothes do you like?"

"Well..I really just wear whatever. ." Blaine said, pushing his curls out of his eyes.

"Well lets try here. Point out whatever you like."

Blaine nodded as they walked into the nearest store. Blaine picked out a couple of pairs of jeans, sweaters, and button ups. His eyes lit up as he saw a rack of ties and bow ties.

"Those are nice," Kurt encouraged.

Blaine smiled, walking over to them. He used to have a lot of bow ties. They reminded him of when he was happy. Kurt helped him pick a few out and they went to the changing room. Kurt was excited. If there was one thing he was an expert at, it was fashion. Blaine came out of the dressing room in some dark, skin-tight jeans that were cuffed at the ankles, a red sweater on top of a white button up, and a black bow tie.

Kurt gasped. "I love it! What do you think?"

Blaine smiled. "I like it.." He said, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Next outfit!" Kurt grinned. His eyes went wide as Blaine turned. He didn't mean to notice. But it was hard not to see Blaine's perfectly round ass in his pants.

Blaine ran his hands up his thighs slowly. "You don't think these are too tight?.."

Kurt coughed to clear his throat. "I think they're great."

Blaine smiled, walking back into the changing room. Kurt fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he waited. Blaine came out with the next outfit on and then the next, all getting the thumbs up from Kurt. Kurt paid for them and they went to a couple more stores. With each store, Kurt kept noticing things about Blaine's body. The slender frame. Tight, slightly sculpted abs. The way his unruly curls would spring around his eyes. Oh, those honey hazel eyes.. When they finished shopping, Blaine smiled at Kurt, pulling him into a hug.
"What's that for?" Kurt asked, smiling back at Blaine.

Blaine pulled away, blushing. "Thank you.."

Kurt bit his lip at the sight of the younger's blush. "I'm glad to help. Hope you're not tired. We're going grocery shopping next."

Blaine shook his head, smiling up at Kurt. They loaded the bags into the car and went to get food for the house. "What are your favorite meals?"

"Anything really..I'm not picky.." Blaine said timidly.

"You don't have even one favorite?"

Blaine looked down and bit his lip. "Well..I do like spaghetti."

"Then I will make that tonight." Kurt said.

"Really?" Blaine asked, perking up.

Kurt nodded. "I'll make that with cheesy garlic bread and a salad."

Blaine smiled, looking up at Kurt with wide, happy eyes. Kurt had to look away from those gorgeous eyes before he got lost in them. They finished shopping and headed home, where Kurt started cooking. Blaine sat at the table, watching Kurt. The older man was so kind. He couldn't believe everything that was happening. Blaine let his eyes roam Kurt, taking in his features. He moved so gracefully. He was elegant. How was someone so amazing? Blaine rested his chin in his hand, watching Kurt with admiring eyes. Kurt got to chopping all of the vegetables as the noodles cooked.
"I-is there anything I can do to help?.."

"Ummm... You can turn on my iPod. It's connected to the stereo. Then get the lettuce and cheese in the bowl."

Blaine nodded, walking to the living room and clicking on the iPod. Kurt smiled as a random song came on and started swaying his hips. Blaine's mouth went dry as he watched Kurt. He hadn't actually listened to music in so long. And it had been even longer since he danced.

Kurt looked back and smiled at Blaine. "Bowls are in the cabinet up top."

Blaine nodded, walking over to the cabinet and pulling down a few bowls. Kurt finished up what he was doing and walked over to Blaine. He was still dancing when he reached for the drawer next to the teenager, his arm almost brushing him. Blaine blushed, stepping back. "Sorry."

"No, you're okay. I just need one of these spoons." Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded, looking up at Kurt with wide eyes. Kurt turned the stove and oven off before pulling the cheesy bread from the oven.
"It's ready," He grinned.

"That smells amazing.." Blaine whispered.

"Thanks. I made plenty." Kurt smiled, making their plates. Blaine sat at the table, smiling as the older man Brought the food. It reminded him of home..

"I like having you here." Kurt said softly as he sat down.

"Really?.." Blaine asked quietly.

Kurt nodded. "It gets lonely."

Blaine looked down. "I know the feeling.."

"When do you go back to school?" Kurt asked.

"I-I don't know..But..My school isn't in Lima.."

"Where is it?"


Kurt's eyebrows furrowed together. "How'd you get all the way out here?"

"I-I walked.. Took a couple of days. But.. I-I didn't want them to find me.." Blaine explained quietly. "I bet they haven't even reported me missing.. Just to keep getting their checks."

Kurt's heart broke for the poor boy in front of him. He reached out, placing his hand over Blaine's. "I'll call your school tomorrow. We'll get all your information and transfer you to McKinley. It's public. But I went there. And I'm getting a restraining order on them. You won't ever have to worry about going back or going to another family."

Blaine looked up, amazed. "Really?.."

Kurt nodded. "Yes. I will make sure you don't go back."

Blaine smiled, wide, his joy seeming to radiate from him and fill the kitchen as he ate his meal.

Kurt forced a smile. He knew it would be difficult. But there was something inside of him that said it would be worth the fight.

After they ate, Blaine thanked him again and again before Kurt chuckled, sending him off to bed. Kurt cleaned up downstairs before filling a glass with wine and calling his best friend, Rachel.

It took a few rings, but she picked up.

"Hey Rach.. How are you?"

"Good, good.. I wish I could be home for the holidays with you, but I'm doing well. How are you?"

"Good. I have news.."

"What kind of news?.." Rachel asked.

Kurt sighed, taking a sip. "Well, I was on my way home from Dad's house and found this fifteen year old boy sleeping under a bridge. I felt so bad for him. So, I offered him my spare room.."

"You what? Kurt that's..That's so sweet..How long are you letting him stay?.."

"A while. He was in a bad foster home. I'm going to try to get him transferred to McKinley so he can stay here."

"So..You're going to foster him?" Rachel asked.

"If I'm allowed, yes. I really like this kid. He deserves a good home." Kurt said sincerely.

"That's. Amazing, Kurt.." The brunette smiled.

"Thank you, Rachel."

They talked for a little while longer before Kurt decided to retire to the bedroom. He went to sleep and in the middle of the night he woke up to his door creaking open slowly.

"Kurt..C-Can I sleep in here?.." Blaine asked, his voice wavering as if he were crying.

Kurt sat up. "Are you okay?"

"I just..I..I..Can I?..please?" The young teen asked.

"Yes, of course." Kurt said, pulling down the covers and scooting over. "What's wrong?"

Blaine just quickly climbed into the bed, cuddling up to Kurt. He was shaking like a leaf. Kurt hesitated before running his hands up and down the younger's arms.

"I-I keep having this dream...About my parents..dying...And e-each time..I-It feels more r-real.." Blaine stammered.

Kurt gasped quietly, continuing to rub Blaine's arms and back. "Shh, I'm here. It's okay.."

Blaine let out a small sob, resting his forehead on Kurt's collarbone. He'd never had anyone to comfort him after those dreams. It was so different.

"I'm always here.. Not going anywhere.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, clutching to him like a lifeline. He had no idea why he trusted this man so much, but he did.. Without thinking, Kurt gently pressed his lips to the top of the younger's head. Blaine inhaled sharply, but didn't move, tightening his hold on Kurt's shirt.
"You're safe now," Kurt said against the dark curls. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Blaine nodded, his breathing slowly calming down. Kurt held the teenager close until he finally drifted to sleep.


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I realy like this story :) Please keep writing :)

Please update soOn! This is just amazing! I adore this story!

Thanks. We will. But we have a lot of stories.

Please continue this story. I really enjoyed it and it seems it hasn't been updated in a while. Please keep writing this.

We will but we gave five or six other stories too.

I hope you update soon please continue :)

Ommg I loved "Making friends with shadows on my wall" sooo much I had to read more of your storys and I am already in love with this one.