Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Blaine made a small 'hmm' noise before his eyes fluttered open. "Mmm...Good morning gorgeous..."
"Good morning baby..." Kurt said quietly, nuzzling against his jaw.
Blaine inhaled deeply. "You smell good.."
"I haven't showered yet.." Kurt giggled.
"But you smell like you and I love that smell," Blaine said sleepily.
"You're just a silly, sleepy boy.." Kurt smiled.
"Nu uh!" Blaine said, pulling Kurt closer and kissing his neck. "I just love you."
"I love you too." Kurt smiled.
Blaine kissed his cheek. "What's going on today?"
"Hmmm...Nothing I can think of.." Kurt said, giving Blaine another chaste kiss.
Blaine smiled. "Good.."
Kurt grinned, kissing Blaine again. "I love you..."
"I love you too beautiful," Blaine said softly.
Kurt kissed Blaine's chest before cuddling up to him and sighing happily.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, holding him close. He wished everyday could be like this.
"Is there anything you'd like to do today my beautiful husband?"
Blaine blushed. "Anything with you baby.."
"Well I think I may have an idea of something.." Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's chest.
"Hmm, and what would that be?" Blaine asked smiling.
Kurt grinned, flicking his tongue over Blaine's nipple. "Hmm..I can't remember.." He said smiling devilishly.
Blaine shivered. "Really now? You're just mean," he giggled.
"Maybe you should remind me.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine turned onto his side, leaning down and attaching his lips to Kurt's pulse point.
Kurt made a soft purring sound. "Mmm..Blaine.."
Blaine kissed up to his ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth.
Kurt whined, wrapping his arms around Blaine and pulling his husband on top of him.
"Remember now?" Blaine whispered darkly in his ear.
"Not sure yet.." Kurt laughed breathlessly.
Blaine shook his head, his lips traveling down to Kurt's chest.
Kurt arched his back, moaning softly as he felt the stubble on Blaine's chin scratching his skin.
Blaine continued down, sucking one of Kurt's nipples into his mouth.
Kurt's hands rose up to tangle in Blaine's hair, pulling softly as Blaine nibbled at the hardening nub. "Blaine...Unh..."
Blaine moaned lightly, moving up to Kurt's lips. "Remember anything?"
"I think it might be coming back to me now..." Kurt smiled.
"Good," Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt moaned into the kiss, pulling Blaine's hair a bit harder.
Blaine whimpered. "Baby...Oh my God..."
"Mmm...You like that?" Kurt said, smiling lustfully.
"I love it..." Blaine breathed out, rolling over so Kurt was on top of him.
Kurt kissed Blaine roughly, biting his bottom lip and pulling back until it slipped out from between his teeth.
Blaine groaned, rolling his body against Kurt.
"Fuck Blaine...So eager.." Kurt giggled darkly.
Blaine whimpered at Kurt's tone. "Ohhh...your voice..."
"Mmm...You like my voice?" Kurt smiled. "I want you to do something for me Blaine.."
"What is it?" Blaine asked quietly.
Kurt reached over to the drawer and pulled out the vibrator. "I want to watch you..."
Blaine bit his lip. "How do you want to watch me?"
Kurt traced the tip of the toy across his lips. "You on top of me..."
Blaine nodded, flipping them over again and grinding down onto Kurt.
"Blaine.." Kurt moaned, gasping loudly.
"You're so hot Kurt..." Blaine breathed out, taking the toy and placing it at Kurt's mouth. "Suck.."
Kurt moaned, opening his mouth and allowing Blaine to push it in, sighing softly as he closed his eyes.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck...so sexy..."
Kurt hummed around the toy as Blaine pushed it further into his mouth, rolling his hips up a bit.
They had been together for so long...and they were married...But Kurt always found some way to surprise Blaine. He moved the toy in and out of Kurt's mouth until it was wet enough and straddled his husband.
Kurt whined a bit as Blaine pulled the toy out but smiled as he knew what was coming next.
Blaine carefully placed the tip at his entrance, slowly pressing it in and giving a strangled moan.
Kurt bit his lip, watching as inch after inch of the vibrator disappeared inside of his husband.
Blaine breathed out heavily as he pushed it in all the way, getting used to the stretch. He kissed Kurt deeply before pulling back and turning the vibrator on.
Kurt watched as Blaine let out a sharp whine, the dull humming filling the room.
Blaine slowly started moving his hips. "Ohhh...Kurt..."
"God damn..." Kurt panted, running his hands up and down Blaine's sides.
Blaine shivered, pulling, pushing, and twisting the toy inside him as he grinded his hips over Kurt.
"Talk to me Blaine..." Kurt whispered, reaching down to pump himself slowly.
"Kurrtt, oh fuck..." Blaine moaned. "It feels...ah! so good..."
"Turn it up...Go a bit faster..." Kurt directed, licking his lips.
Blaine did as Kurt said, his back arching as he hit his prostate. "Oh shit! Kurt!"
"Fuck..That's right baby..Just like that.." Kurt moaned, tightening his grip on himself as he sped up his hand.
Blaine worked the vibrator faster, making sure to hit that bundle of nerves every time. "Fuck! Kurt! Fuck me, Kurt!"
God, his husband was sexy. Kurt stroked himself even faster, moaning harshly.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, looking down at Kurt with hungry eyes. He lifted Kurt's free hand, placing it on his throbbing member as he let out a sharp whine.
Kurt pumped Blaine in time with his other hand, rubbing his thumb over the head occasionally and using the precum as lube, making it easier.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck baby! OhgodI'mgonnacum!"
"Cum for me baby...Fuck..You're so sexy..Cum.." Kurt moaned, tightening his grip as he felt himself on edge.
Blaine cried out, screaming Kurt's name as he came in long, thick lines across Kurt's chest.
Kurt moaned loudly, cumming into his hand as he pumped Blaine through his orgasm.
Blaine collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily.
Kurt rubbed up and down Blaine's back as he turned off the vibrator. "You're so amazing..."
"You're so hot..." Blaine moaned.
"I should be the one saying that..." Kurt giggled.
Blaine chuckled, cuddling up to Kurt. "I love you."
"I love you too beautiful.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck before nuzzling against it.
Kurt was so happy. He was positive he wanted the rest of his life to be spent with Blaine. They lay like that for a bit until the house phone rang. Kurt groaned, slipping out from under Blaine to go pick it up.
"Hello?" He answered, a bit annoyed.
"Hey Kurt? It's Finn..Can I cone over?"
"Is Carole kicking you out again?" Kurt asked.
"No, I just need someone to talk to.. You're good at relationship stuff..." Finn said timidly.
"Alright. Come over.." Kurt sighed.
"Okay, cool, because I'm already here." Finn said happily.
Kurt groaned. "Come in. We'll be out as soon as we're dressed."
"Oh..Umm..Okay.." Finn said as Eva perked up at the sound of Finn's truck's door closing.
Kurt hung up and sighed, telling Blaine to get up as well. They got dressed and headed out to see Finn who was going through the fridge.
"Finn..This is our house you know..You still have to ask." Kurt said frustrated.
Finn looked up. "Sorry...Can I get something?"
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Fine..But we don't have much so don't eat us out of house and home..." Kurt said, sitting on the sofa.
Finn fixed himself something to eat and joined the couple.
"So, Finn...What's going on?" Blaine asked.
Finn set his plate on the coffee table, earning a glare from Kurt as he didn't use a coaster for his glass of water.
"It's just...Rachel.." He sighed.
"What happened?" Blaine asked, concerned.
"We've been hanging out a lot more lately and that's cool because I love her..But..She's been looking at me like she's expecting something and I didn't know what it was until this morning..We were watching one of those KAY commercials and she just..Looked at me and went off, asking when I was going to propose.."
Blaine's eyes went wide. "Oh my God...Is...Is that something you want?"
"I-I don't know..I mean, we're only eighteen..." Finn said quietly and Kurt's mouth hung open in shock.
Blaine looked at his husband. "Kurt? Baby? Are you okay?"
"You can't propose! You and Rachel's relationship is about as stable as a jenga tower for Christ's sake!" Kurt blurted out.
"Kurt!" Blaine snapped.
"It's true! Finn...I love her with all my heart and you as well but..You can't handle that..Not right now at least..Proposing right now would be throwing your life away! You still have college and football and- " Kurt ranted, but Blaine cut him off.
Blaine turned to Finn. "Kurt could calm down a bit. I do agree though. We have a different relationship. And even we go through some...crazy...times. But we're sure we know what we want and we have it all planned out. You and Rachel...You're still in Ohio...She wants to go to New York. Will you go with her? If you want kids, will you wait until she's at a place in her career where she's ready? You have so much to figure out first."
"Exactly!" Kurt breathed out exasperatedly, looking at his step-brother.
"But what do I do? She wants it now.." Finn said quietly.
Kurt took a deep breath to calm himself before speaking. "Rachel is the type of person who thinks she has her whole life mapped out ahead of her..She knows exactly what she wants and when something doesn't work out her way, she's gonna throw a fit...The best advice I can give you is to talk to her about it.." He said calmly.
"Kurt, she won't listen to me. You know she'll just do anything she can to get her way." Finn said seriously.
"Kurt, why don't you have a girls day with her and talk to her? Me and Finn can go do something. Maybe you can talk some sense into her.." Blaine suggested.
Kurt looked to his husband and nodded. "I'll get this worked out.." he said, grabbing the phone and calling Rachel.
Rachel answered on the first ring.
"Kurt! Thank God! I need your help with Finn!"
"Really? Well why don't we talk about it over lunch?" Kurt said before Rachel could get another word in.
"Where should I meet you?" Rachel asked.
"Meet me at that little vegan cafe you're so fond of." Kurt giggled. "In about an hour."
"See you then. Bye Kurt!" Rachel said happily before hanging up.
Kurt sighed as he put the phone on the receiver and looked to his brother. "Don't worry Finn, I'll talk some sense into her."
"Thanks, Kurt," Finn smiled softly.
"So how does the batting cages sound?" Blaine asked. "I haven't been in a long time.."
"Cool." Finn grinned.
"You play baseball?" Kurt asked, surprised.
"Just for fun," Blaine shrugged.
Kurt bit the inside of his cheek. "You should show me how to play sometime..I've always wanted to learn.." Kurt said, in his best coy voice. Anything that involved Blaine and physical activity was a good thing.
"Kurt, what are you talking about? You hate baseball..." Finn said. "I tried to get you to come play with me and Sam and you refused.."
Blaine saw Kurt glare at Finn for a second before looking back at Blaine with those eyes. Blaine smiled. "I'd love to teach you.." He said, leaning in to whisper the last part. "But just so you know...you'll be getting...dirty."
Kurt shivered, biting his lip. "Fine by me.."
Blaine chuckled. "I can't wait to see this."
"What? You think I can't do it?" Kurt giggled.
"Blaine, if you can do this, you're a miracle worker.." Finn chuckled.
Blaine giggled. "I didn't say you couldn't. I just meant it will be...interesting.."
Kurt smiled, looking down. "I agree.."
Finn looked back and forth, confused.
"Well, let me change and we can get going," Blaine smiled.
Finn nodded as Kurt got up and followed him into the room so he could change as well.
Blaine turned to Kurt. "Are you serious about learning or do you just want to watch?"
"I'm serious..I want to prove Finn wrong." Kurt said smiling as he walked to the closet.
"Just let me know when," Blaine smiled.
Kurt nodded, a determined look on his face as he got changed.
Blaine changed and kissed Kurt softly. "I'll see you later, baby."
Kurt gave a small wave as Blaine left and went to fix his hair before going off to meet Rachel.
Rachel was waiting impatiently for Kurt at the cafe. She sighed when Kurt finally sat down. "You need to talk to your brother.."
"And why is that?" Kurt asked before ordering a tea from the waitress.
"He hasn't proposed! I've been trying to hint at him and I...may have...gotten a little...crazy this morning...But Kurt...I want to marry Finn. We're ready..." Rachel said quickly, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Rachel..May I be blunt?"
"You may be ready..But have you ever thought that Finn might not be?" Kurt asked.
Rachel's eyebrows furrowed. "Why wouldn't he be?"
"Rachel..He's an eighteen year old boy...Well..So am I but that's not the point...He hasn't even gotten his college stuff together..He can barely commit to a brand of deodorant.." Kurt said seriously.
"But...It's me...We've been dating through high school and...Why wouldn't he want to marry me...?"
"Rachel..Don't jump to those conclusions...I'm sure he does want to marry you..You have your life planned, fantastic..But he's still trying to figure his out.." Kurt said softly.
Rachel nodded. "I don't want to push him...I just...I guess I just know what I want.."
"With Blaine and I, we both knew what we wanted..But we also talked about it.." Kurt said.
"But Finn isn't always the best at knowing what he wants to say...So he kinda gives in to whatever. I want him to be on bored...I guess I just get a little jealous...When I see you and Blaine and how happy you two are..." Rachel sighed. "I want that.."
"And I don't have any doubts that you will..You will have it Rachel. Finn loves you so much.." Kurt said, grabbing her hand.
Rachel smiled softly. "I'll try to..back off a bit...Thanks Kurt.."
"You're welcome Rachel.." he smiled. Now let's get some food.
Finn watcher in amazement as Blaine hit the ball, sending it flying to the other side of the cages. "Dude!" He grinned. "Why didn't you play in high school? We could've used you."
Blaine shrugged. "Didn't think about it."
"Did you play at your old school?" Finn asked as the pitching machine shot out another ball and Blaine hit it again.
"For fun. But not on a team or anything," Blaine said, focusing on the ball. He missed this. This and swimming were always his stress relievers.
Finn got in the cage next to him as the machine whirred to life. "Do you really think you're gonna be able to teach Kurt?"
Blaine let out a loud grunt as he hit another ball. "I think it will take some time but yes."
"Dude, it's impossible to watch sports with him, let alone play them.." Finn chuckled, swinging and hitting the ball.
"I'm up for the challenge. He listens to me more anyways," Blaine laughed.
"True.." Finn chuckled. "Well.." He said before swinging and hitting another ball. "What if I struck you a deal?"
"What kind of deal?" Blaine asked.
"If you can teach Kurt to play, and play well, I'll buy you both lunch." Finn said smiling. "You and Kurt against me and Sam."
"That's actually not very fair. But I accept this challenge," Blaine said smiling.
"Hey, that's how it goes..Sam's not that great at baseball anyway, so depending on how good Kurt is, it should be pretty equal." Finn said shrugging.
Blaine chuckled. "Alright. I'm up for it. But let me talk to Kurt."
"Okay." Finn said grinning. "Just be sure you're ready to feed me and Sam.."
We'll see about that," Blaine said, hitting the next ball perfectly.
A while later, he and Finn bid each other goodbye before Blaine started on his way home.
He couldn't wait to get home and shower. He thought about how he would convince Kurt to Finn's deal.
When he walked inside, Kurt was already there, laying back on the couch and playing with Eva. "Hey baby.." Kurt said happily.
"Hey," Blaine smiled. "How was lunch?"
"Good..I convinced Rachel to stop with her crazy." Kurt giggled, turning so he was hanging upside down off of the couch while Eva tried to lick his face.
"Good. Finn just can't handle that right now.." Blaine said. "Speaking of Finn..."
Kurt grinned as he pushed the fluffy white dog away playfully, only to have her come bounding back. "What about him?" Kurt asked, looking up at his husband.
"He has challenged me. If I can teach you to play baseball and play well...If we beat him and Sam, he'll take us to lunch," Blaine said, searching Kurt's face for a reaction.
"Sounds fun!" Kurt said cheerfully.
Blaine smiled happily. "Really? You'll actually let me teach you the game?"
"I told you I was serious earlier." Kurt said smiling.
"Well yeah. But I didn't know if you'd be up for learning the rules and all," Blaine smiled.
"It doesn't look too hard. Swing a bat, catch a ball.." Kurt said shrugging as he stood.
Blaine giggled. "Yeah. Sure."
"Why do you say it like that?" Kurt asked.
"There's more to it than that baby," Blaine said seriously.
"Well I guess you have all day tomorrow to teach me...Coach." Kurt said, laughing lightly.
"We need to get you some clothes," Blaine said, trying not to think about how hot it could be with Kurt calling him coach.
"Like what?" Kurt asked, walking back to the room.
"Like clothes people who play baseball wear," Blaine laughed.
"Well I don't know!" Kurt giggled.
"That's why you have me. Come on, let's got to Academy Sports and we'll pick something out. And I can explain the game on the way."
Kurt smiled. "Okay, let's go!" He said, happily bouncing over to Blaine.
Blaine kissed him softly before walking out to the car. As he drove he started describing the game. "Okay, I'm sure you know there are two teams. They alternate between offense and defense. There are nine players on each side. The person in the middle of the mound is the pitcher, the one that throws the ball. The catcher catches the ball if it's not hit. The infielders are the first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, between second and third base, and the third baseman. There are three outfielders...The left fielder, center fielder and right fielder. Do you understand so far?"
Kurt just stared at Blaine, his mouth hanging open slightly.
Blaine giggled before continuing. "Now to offense. Each team has nine players in its batting order and they stick to that order through the entire game. We won't really have to worry about that. It will be you and me switching. You have three chances to hit the ball before you are out. If you hit the ball, you run to the first base, then to second if Finn or Sam isn't there to get you out. If you get to the base before they get there, you're safe. If you hit the ball over the outfield fence, between the foul lines, it's called a home run and you run all the bases until you're back home."
"Okay.." Kurt said nodding.
"And those are just the basic rules. There's plenty more. But we'll stick with this. It will make more sense once I can show you what everything means," Blaine said smiling as they pulled into a parking space.
"Sounds good.." Kurt said as they got out.
They went inside and got the right uniforms, gloves, and everything they needed for each of them before heading to the bats. "Okay, so here's when you kind of have to choose for yourself. You don't want one that's too heavy or too light. You need one that fits you. Pick one and pretend like you're going to swing to see how it feels."
"This one." Kurt said as if he'd completely ignored what Blaine said. It was a light bluish color, and there was no doubt in Blaine's mind that that's why he picked it.
"Now act like you're going to use it. I want to see your stance..." Blaine said softly.
Kurt raised an eyebrow before just raising the bat and resting it on his shoulder.
Blaine couldn't hold back. He laughed as he watched Kurt. "No..Baby, come here..." Blaine said, walking up so he was behind Kurt. He pressed his body to his husband's, pulling his hips back and getting him to lower his body slightly. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's arms, showing him how to hold the bat. "It also helps if you swing your hips a little," Blaine said softly, showing Kurt what he meant.
Kurt blushed as Blaine moved them together. "You're a good teacher." He smiled.
Blaine giggled, sliding his hands down to Kurt's waist as he glided their hips together. "You think so?"
Kurt nodded. "Mhmm..."
Blaine stood up straight, smacking Kurt's ass. "Now we just have to see if you're a good student."
Kurt's blush grew. "Blaine!" He giggled, looking around the empty aisle.
"What?" Blaine giggled.
"You're so bad." Kurt said twirling the bat a bit.
Blaine leaned in, kissing the spot under Kurt's ear. "Maybe you'll have to teach me a lesson then..."
"I thought you were teaching me..." Kurt smirked.
"In baseball," Blaine said simply.
"True.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine softly. "So, is this one good?" He asked, gripping the bat like Blaine showed him.
"How does it feel?" Blaine asked.
"How is it supposed to feel?"
"Like I said, not heavy but not light. It has to feel comfortable."
Kurt smiled holding the bat out and weighing it in his hands. "I think this is good.."
"Alright," Blaine smiled, taking the bat and going to pay before they walked out to the car.
Kurt bounced along behind Blaine, smiling wide as they got into the car.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "Do we have a cooler?"
"Ummm..A little one at the house."
"Alright. In the morning we can stop to get some Gatorade and water to fill it up. It's gonna be a long day," Blaine warned him.
"Ominous.." Kurt smiled as they started back to the house.
Blaine laughed. Kurt really had no idea that it would be a long, hard day for him.
The next day, Blaine woke up before Kurt, smiling down at him. Blaine would never get tired of this...Waking up to the sun light on Kurt's face. He was beautiful. He bent down, kissing Kurt's forehead lightly.
Kurt made a soft sound, his eyes opening to see Blaine. "Good morning.." He said softly, his voice thick with sleep.
"Good morning beautiful," Blaine smiled. "Are you well rested?"
"Mhmmm..." Kurt said stretching.
Blaine giggled. "I'll make breakfast. You're gonna need it."
Kurt nodded, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Blaine kissed him softly before getting up and making breakfast for them.
Kurt got up and took a shower before slipping on some boxer briefs and walking into the kitchen.
"Perfect timing," Blaine smiled, making Kurt's plate.
Kurt grinned, walking over to Blaine and kissing him softly. "Thank you baby.."
"You're welcome," Blaine said, sitting down with him as they ate.
They ate their food and went back to the bedroom to get changed.
Blaine smiled. "You look good in that.."
Kurt chuckled, "As do you.."
Blaine giggled, "Come on babe."
Kurt smiled as Blaine grabbed their things and the cooler as they went out to the car.
They went and got drinks and ice to put them on before heading to the community's baseball field.
They pulled up and got out together, bringing their things to the field.
Blaine sighed trying to figure out what to start with. He showed Kurt all the positions and what each of them do before leading him to the home plate and showing him how to stand. "Alright. I'm gonna go to the pitcher's mound and throw the ball to you. Just keep your eye on the ball and try to hit it.."
Kurt nodded, standing the way Blaine showed him.
Blaine walked over to the mound and carefully threw the ball to Kurt.
Kurt panicked, squeaking and quickly backing away from the plate as the ball flew past him.
Blaine walked over to his husband. "Don't be afraid of the ball. It's me. I won't hurt you."
"I know.." Kurt breathed out. "Okay..I've got it this time.."
Blaine nodded, getting the ball and walking back to the mound before softly throwing it to his husband.
Kurt swung and missed, groaning to himself.
"Baby, it's okay. No one gets it at first. It takes practice." Blaine said softly.
Kurt picked the ball up, tossing it back to Blaine and nodding. He exhaled slowly, getting back into his stance. Blaine threw it a few more times, Kurt missing each time, growling in frustration each time.
"Okay..This time.." He said, for the thousandth time. Looking determined.
Blaine smiled at him. "You can do this baby. Imagine someone you don't like...Imagine it's them..." He said before tossing the ball.
Kurt narrowed his eyes, imagining the ball was that creep who tried to sleep with Blaine, whoever it was. He reared back swinging as hard as he could as the ball connected with the bat with a loud crack.
Blaine looked at Kurt with shocked and amazed eyes, running over to him, picking him up and twirling him around. "Baby! That was amazing!"
"I did it? I did it! Ah! I did it!" Kurt squealed, wrapping his arms and legs around Blaine.
Blaine kissed Kurt deeply. "Yes you did! Oh my God! That was amazing!"
"Where'd the ball go?" Kurt asked, looking around.
"Far. We probably won't find it. That's why there are extras." Blaine stopped looking at Kurt for a moment. "Who were you thinking of?"
Kurt didn't want to bring this up, but Blaine wanted to know. "Whoever you met at Scandal's the other night.." he said as Blaine set him down.
Blaine didn't know what to say at first. He just kept his arms around his husband. "Well you have nothing to worry about. And that was pretty damn impressive. I can't wait to tell Finn!"
Kurt giggled, bouncing a bit. "Let's do more!"
Blaine smiled happily. "I'm proud of you baby."
Kurt grinned kissing Blaine softly. "What's next coach?" He giggled.
"Catching," Blaine smiled. "I'll hit the balls and you have to run around and catch them."
"With my hands?" Kurt asked.
Blaine laughed. "No. With the glove. It would hurt that way."
"Makes sense.." Kurt said, watching as Blaine rolled up his sleeves and grabbing his bat.
Blaine pointed to second base and told Kurt to stand out there and try to catch the balls.
Kurt watched Blaine's arm as he pointed, admiring the way the muscles stretched out.
Blaine got in his all too familiar stance, ass sticking out perfectly, arms flexed as he held the bat. "You ready babe?"
"Huh?" Kurt asked looking back to his husband's face as he stood where Blaine told him.
"Are you ready?" Blaine asked again.
Kurt shook his head. "Umm..Yeah." He said, simply standing and holding his gloved hand up in the air.
Blaine giggled, throwing the ball in the air and hitting the ball in Kurt's direction.
Kurt squeaked again, dodging the ball as it landed where he was previously standing.
"Baby, if you don't watch the ball, it could hit you. Keep your eyes on the ball," Blaine instructed, hitting another ball.
Kurt tried to do as Blaine told him, but he just couldn't stop staring at Blaine. He jumped as it got to close to ignore, swinging his glove at it as he jumped to the side.
Blaine tried not to laugh. "Come on, Kurt. You can do this," he said, completely oblivious to why Kurt was distracted.
Kurt sighed, throwing the ball back to Blaine before standing with his legs apart.
"Looks like you're a better pitcher than catcher," Blaine said, doubling over with laughter at the pun.
Kurt stuck his tongue out at Blaine. "Hush.."
Blaine giggled, hitting another ball to Kurt.
Kurt missed again, the ball flying over his head as he jumped up. "Ugh!"
"It's okay baby. Just keep watching the ball. You'll get it," Blaine smiled, getting back into his stance.
"How am I supposed to watch the ball when you're so damn distracting?" Kurt called.
Blaine stood up normally. "What are you talking about?"
"Y-your arms and the way you poke your ass out! You expect me not to look?" Kurt blurted out before he could stop himself.
"What? Kurt, I'm seriously not trying to do anything but teach you baseball..." Blaine said seriously.
Kurt sighed "I know.." He walked over to his husband, "You just don't know how sexy you are..."
Blaine shook his head. "You're delusional."
"You know you're going to lose that argument already.." Kurt giggled, rubbing up and down Blaine's arms.
Blaine shivered. "Doesn't mean I won't try," he chuckled.
Kurt smiled. "You know what your arms do to me.."
"They're just arms, Kurt. Arms you see every day," Blaine said simply.
"Arms that are incredibly sexy..." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine smiled. "You're ridiculous.."
"No, because that's just like me saying," he started swaying his hips slowly. "They're just hips Blaine. Hips you see every day.."
"But those are sexy..." Blaine whimpered.
"And so are these.." Kurt said, running his fingertips over Blaine's biceps.
"Fine," Blaine sighed, biting his lip as he kept looking at Kurt's hips.
Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's hands and placing them on his hips as he ran his up Blaine's arms. "Exactly.."
Blaine captured Kurt's lips in a deep kiss, panting as he pulled back.
Kurt whined as Blaine pulled away, grabbing his shoulders and crashing their lips together again.
Blaine lifted Kurt, wrapping his legs around his waist. He settled his hands on Kurt's ass, carrying him back to the car.
Kurt groaned as Blaine pressed him against the car door, digging his nails into his back.
Blaine sucked on Kurt's pulse point. "Fuck...Kurt!"
"W-what happened to practicing?" Kurt said, giving a mix between a laugh and a moan.
"You distracted me," Blaine said, kissing up to Kurt's ear. "We'll practice after..."
Kurt whimpered. "Fuck me Blaine.."
Blaine set Kurt down for a second, letting the back seats down and climbing in after Kurt.
Kurt lay back, pulling Blaine on top of him. "Blaine...Unh!"
Blaine grinded down onto Kurt. "Will your ride me...?"
Kurt nodded, climbing on top of Blaine and pulling his shirt off.
Blaine held onto Kurt's hips. "Fuck you're so sexy..."
Kurt leaned down, biting and sucking on husband's neck.
"Unnnghh!" Blaine moaned, thrusting his hips up.
"You're so hot Blaine..." Kurt gasped.
Blaine sat up to take his shirt off, throwing it to the side. "Kurt...I want to watch you work your hips on me...please..."
Kurt nodded, pulling his pants off and allowing Blaine to do the same.
Blaine shivered as he watched Kurt lower his body. "God, you're beautiful..."
Kurt reached into the glove box and grabbed the lube, returning to his husband and slicking up his stiffening member.
Blaine gasped. "Baby..."
Kurt quickly climbed on top of Blaine, placing his husband's length at his entrance.
Blaine sucked in a deep breath, gripping his hips as Kurt lowered himself.
Kurt shuddered as he felt Blaine fill him. "Blaine..." He moaned.
Blaine's muscles tensed as the tight heat surrounded him, his upper body arching up as he groaned loudly.
Kurt smiled down at Blaine as slowly started rolling his hips. The position was a bit awkward because Kurt had to crane his neck because of the roof, but Blaine still felt amazing.
Blaine's eyes locked on Kurt's hips, reaching up to roam up and down his husband's torso.
Kurt moaned deeply as he grinded down onto Blaine, rolling his body and gyrating his hips.
Watching Kurt sent chills through Blaine. "Kuurttt...You're so amazing baby.."
Kurt gave a small gasp as Blaine reached down, tracing his tattoos.
He loved watching the way the beautiful way the feathers danced on Kurt's hips. Blaine didn't understand why he got so upset about them in the first place. They fit Kurt perfectly..
"Blaine...I-I love you..." Kurt moaned, rotating his hips slowly.
Blaine locked eyes with Kurt. "I love you so much, Kurt..."
Kurt moved his hips faster, his moans becoming louder and higher. "Baby..Oh fuck!"
Blaine gripped Kurt's hips, thrusting his own to meet his husband's movements.
Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's chest as he panted. "Oh fuck!...Blaine, I'm gonna cum..."
"Me too, baby...Cum for me," Blaine breathed out.
"Shit...Blaine..Blaine!" Kurt cried, shooting himself onto Blaine's chest.
Blaine came as he watched Kurt come undone. "Oh my God..." Blaine panted.
Kurt leaned down, burying his face in Blaine's neck. "Thank god no one's out here..."
Blaine giggled. "Yeah, definitely don't feel like getting arrested for indecent exposure at a community baseball park."
"Then we should get dressed.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly before finding something to clean himself up with and getting dressed. "I brought some sandwiches. Want to eat then practice some more?"
"Sounds good.." Kurt smiled.
They finished getting dressed and sat in the dugout as they ate and hydrated. "Do you want to work on catching some more? Batting? Or try pitching?"
"I think I'd like to try my hand at pitching." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine smiled. "Alright. You ready?"
"Always." Kurt said grinning.
Blaine kissed Kurt once more before handing him a glove and sending him to the pitcher's mound.
Blaine tossed Kurt the ball and Kurt tossed it up in the air and catching it. "So what do I just throw it?"
Blaine giggled. "Throw it to me and I'll show you.."
Kurt nodded, tossing Blaine the ball.
Blaine demonstrated to Kurt how to throw underhanded and overhanded. "Most people step forward with their right leg then their left as they throw overhanded. Like this.." he said, throwing the ball to Kurt.
Kurt caught the ball, smiling at the fact that he caught it before winding up and throwing the ball with surprising speed, right down the middle.
Blaine hit the ball with just enough force to send it right back to Kurt, not wanting to hit too hard and make Kurt feel bad.
Kurt's reflexes kicked in and he lifted his glove, catching the ball.
Blaine looked up, smiling that huge, goofy grin. "Good job, baby!"
Kurt raised his hands in triumph. "I like pitching!"
Blaine giggled. "You're adorable."
Kurt grabbed the ball, "You ready?"
Blaine nodded, getting back into his stance that he now knew Kurt loved.
Kurt bit his lip and smile before winding up again and sending the ball shooting from his hand and whizzing past Blaine as he swung and missed, the ball hitting the fence with a clatter.
"That's a strike right?" Kurt smiled.
Blaine couldn't help but smile. "Yes. Want me to stop going easy on you?"
"Bring it on.." Kurt said grinning cockily.
Blaine smirked, throwing the ball back to Kurt.
Kurt smiled, rearing back before throwing the ball, a bit harder than before.
Blaine concentrated, swinging the bat and sending the ball flying over Kurt's reach.
Kurt watched as the ball flew over the fence before looking back at his husband.
"Okay.." He smiled, grabbing another ball from the bucket.
Blaine grinned, grabbing another and tossing it to his husband. "I think we need to practice with batting and catching before we leave. Though you definitely are a damn good pitcher."
Kurt smiled, tossing the ball up and catching it. "Why thank you.."
Blaine shook his head. "You're just dying to rub this in Finn's face, aren't you?"
"Just wait until I'm better at catching and batting.." Kurt giggled.
"What have I done?" Blaine laughed.
Kurt smiled. "Shut up and show me how to bat..Coach.." He giggled, walking over to Blaine.
Blaine blushed lightly. He showed Kurt where the strike zone is and what it means. He explained the rules for balls and strikes. Kurt seemed to catch on quickly. Blaine got behind Kurt, holding him close and placing his hands on his husband's hips. "It helps some people to bounce a couple times before the ball is pitched. Also remember to swing your hips."
Kurt smiled, bouncing a bit, like Blaine said, and pushing his hips back as he swung them. "Like this?"
Blaine had to hold back a moan. "Perfect...Now step inside the box. This is where you stand when you're ready.." Blaine's hands fell down to Kurt's thighs, "Bend your knees and keep your back straight. This helps keep your balance.."
Kurt smiled as Blaine touched his thighs. "Now what's the right way to swing?"
Blaine traveled back up to his hips. "Move your hips toward the pitcher and back a couple times. This relaxes you..Move your weight backwards, keeping the back around armpit level not at the back of your head. That's a common mistake. As you're about to swing, shift your weight forward, never taking your eye off the ball.."
Kurt smiled as Blaine moved with him, looking back at his husband.
Blaine bit his lip. "And don't forget to imagine you're squishing a bug...or whatever does it for you when you hit the ball...That seemed to help earlier.."
Kurt nodded. "So..Like this?" He said, turning his body and extending his arms as he slowly swung the bat.
Blaine shook his head. "Are you sure you've never done this before?"
"Positive.." Kurt giggled.
"Well you learn quickly, Mr. Hummel," Blaine laughed.
"I've been told.." Kurt said, turning his head to kiss Blaine softly.
Blaine kissed him back. "So you think you're ready?"
Kurt gave Blaine one more chaste kiss. "I think so.."
Blaine walked over to the pitching mound and watched at Kurt did his own stance. He paused for a moment. Watching Kurt like this was kinda hot... Blaine shook his thoughts away before pitching a fast ball.
Kurt bent his knees a bit more, narrowing his eyes and rearing back before swinging. He hit the ball, sending it a good distance.
Blaine tried to jump up but it was useless. His lips turned up into a smile. He didn't want to bring it up again. But it felt good that Kurt wanted to pretend the ball was Sebastian.
"Finn won't know what hit him.." Kurt grinned.
"That's for sure!" Blaine smiled as Kurt tossed him another ball.
Kurt took his stance, waving the bat a bit as he watched the ball.
Blaine threw a curve ball this time but Kurt does as Blaine told him and watched, hitting the ball and sending it flying across the field.
Kurt grins as he watches the ball. "I think I'm getting good at this." He giggled.
Blaine smiled widely. "You're doing amazing."
They kept batting for a bit until Blaine decided that Kurt still needed to work on catching. He sent him to the outfield and started hitting balls to him, which he would either run from or miss.
"Blaine, I'm really not good at this!" Kurt called.
"You can do it, baby," Blaine called back. "It just takes practice.."
It was starting to get hot and Kurt was getting tired of running back and forth as Blaine hit the balls to him. "Blaaaiine.." he whined.
"What?" Blaine called, hitting another ball to him.
Kurt ran after it but missed again. "This isn't as sexy as I pictured it in my head!" He panted.
Blaine laughed. "I told you it would be a long day. You just didn't believe me."
"No. I knew it would be long..I just thought I would be panting from a different type of exhaustion." Kurt groaned, resting his hands on his knees.
Blaine blushed. "Wanna make a deal?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Catch one ball. Just one. And I'll make sure to have you panting in any way you want," Blaine said, grinning.
Kurt stood up, still breathing heavily. "Just one?"
"Just one," Blaine smiled. "You in?"
Kurt nodded, a smile spreading across his features as he stood with his legs parted a bit.
Blaine licked his lips, taking a second to look at his husband before throwing the ball up and hitting it towards Kurt.
Kurt concentrated, running a few feet to the left and reached out, the ball landing in his glove with a thump.
Blaine smiled. "See? You just needed something to motivate you!"
Kurt smiled. "Well you are very good motivation.."
Blaine blushed. "Come on. Let's get everything back in the car and we can go home..."
Kurt nodded, tossing the ball to Blaine as he started walking towards him.
They packed up all their equipment and got in the car so Blaine could drive them home. "Shower first?"
"Oh dear god please yes.." Kurt breathed out. "I smell like the boys locker room.."
Blaine giggled, leading them to the bathroom. "Just wait until the actual game. It will be way worse."
Kurt made a face. "I feel so gross.." He grumbled, as they walked in and he pulled off his shirt.
Blaine stepped closer to Kurt, running his hands up and down his sides. "You were pretty hot out there..."
Kurt shivered. "R-really?"
Blaine licked his lips. "Very.." he whispered hotly, attaching his lips to Kurt's neck.
Kurt moaned as Blaine sucked at his neck. "Blaine..I'm all sweaty.."
"You want me to stop?" Blaine asked, kissing up to his husband's ear.
"Unh...No.." Kurt gasped.
Blaine chuckled against Kurt's skin. "Come on, let's shower."
Kurt nodded as Blaine turned on the water and they got undressed.
Blaine stepped in after Kurt, reaching for the body wash and starting to wash his husband. "So do you know what you want?"
Kurt sighed softly, moaning as Blaine's hands roamed his body. "Hmm...I know I want to be inside of you..." He said.
Blaine continued washing Kurt, his tongue flicking over his nipple. "Mmm...I want you so bad..."
Kurt's head fell back, gasping. "Baby.."
Blaine moved down to Kurt's hips, nipping and licking over the sensitive skin. "Kurt...I want you to fuck me...make it last as...long as you can...fuck baby..."
Kurt's body rolled as he moaned at Blaine's words. "Stand up..." he said softly.
Blaine did as Kurt said, looking up at him with lustful honey eyes.
"God, you're so beautiful..." Kurt whispered, pressing Blaine against the cool tile.
Blaine sighed as he was pressed against the wall. "Baby..."
Kurt delved down, attaching their lips in a passionate kiss.
Blaine whimpered, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck.
Kurt lifted Blaine up and wrapped his legs around his waist.
Blaine gasped. "You're so sexy.."
Kurt smiled, leaning down to suck and lick at Blaine's neck.
Blaine bit his lip, moaning loudly as he rolled his hips.
Kurt moaned, gripping his husband's hips and grinding into him.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck baby..."
"You want me?" Kurt whispered hotly.
Blaine whined at Kurt's voice. "I want you so bad.."
Kurt bit Blaine's neck roughly, moaning as he lined himself up with his entrance.
Blaine gasped. "Please Kurrrt..."
Kurt slowly pushed into Blaine groaning under his breath.
Blaine let out a shaky breath. "You're so big baby.."
Kurt pressed all the way into Blaine, gasping as he reached the hilt.
"Shit...Kurt, oh God..." Blaine moaned.
Kurt held himself there, kissing Blaine's jaw and neck.
Blaine shivered. "Please...I need to feel you move..."
Kurt nodded, slowly starting to roll his hips into his husband. "Fuck...Blaine.."
Blaine shook with need, breathing heavily. "Kurt..."
Kurt watched Blaine's face, his breathing getting heavier as he went a little slower.
Blaine rested his head on his husband's shoulder as he held onto him tightly. "Fuck..."
"Blaine...You were so hot out there today.." Kurt said darkly.
Blaine let out a long whine. "T-tell me about it..."
Kurt turned his head so his lips were against Blaine's ear. "Just watching you..The way you stood while you held the bat..How your muscles looked..And fuck, the way you poked your ass out.." He sighed, nibbling at the lobe.
Blaine whimpered, tangling his hands in Kurt's hair. "What were you thinking when I was standing like that?"
"How I just wanted to get behind you and feel you..Fuck you.." Kurt growled, reaching down to squeeze Blaine's ass.
Blaine gasped. "Oh fuck, Kurt...You're so fucking hot..."
Kurt sped up a bit, leaning down to bite Blaine's neck lightly.
"Ahh! Kurt!" Blaine moaned, rolling his hips with Kurt's.
"Talk to me baby..." Kurt whispered.
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "God..You're so big Kurt...I love the way you stretch me and fill me..."
Kurt practically growled in Blaine's ear as he rocked his hips in just the right way, gliding over his prostate.
"Ahhh! Fuck yes baby!" Blaine cried out, clutching to Kurt.
Kurt panted harshly as he angled himself to continue hitting that spot, slowing down again to where it was almost torturously slow.
"Kurrrtt..." Blaine whined. "Please...Fuck me..."
"You told me to make it last as long as I could." Kurt smiled .
Blaine bit down on Kurt's neck. "C-can we at least get out of the shower?" he asked quietly. "It's gonna get cold..."
Kurt gasped before nodding and reaching over to turn of the water and carefully carried Blaine to the bedroom. He pushed Blaine against the wall again, slowly pulling all the way out before pushing in again.
Blaine let out a long groan, pulling Kurt's hair. "Fuck...So..so damn big..."
Kurt moaned as Blaine tugged on his hair. "Unh..Shit.."
Blaine leaned in, biting Kurt's ear lobe. "Please...faster..."
"Hmm..I think you'll have to convince me.." Kurt said, grinning mischievously.
Blaine whined in Kurt's ear. "Baby...I need you..I need to feel you...I want you to fuck me so hard Kurt..."
Kurt bit his lip but didn't speed up. "Well you'll have to do a little better than that.." he chuckled darkly.
"I've been thinking about this since you put that uniform on. You looked so fucking good. It was such a turn on...seeing you hit the ball...pitching...fuck..every move you made..."
"What you like about it?" Kurt asked going a bit faster.
Blaine moaned loudly. "The way the clothes hug your body...how you move...you're not the athletic type. Your body is more...lithe...seeing the way you move and picked up the game so quick...it was so sexy..."
Kurt leaned down, biting Blaine's neck as he quickly started to pound into him.
Blaine cried out. "Oh fuck! Kurt! So...AHH! So fucking good..!"
Kurt groaned deeply, fucking Blaine hard as he pushed him harder against the wall.
Blaine pulled Kurt's hair, bending his head back so he could attach his lips to Kurt's pale skin.
Kurt panted harshly, he loved when Blaine did that to him. "Fuck! Baby.."
Blaine kissed and bit up to Kurt's ear. "You're so fucking sexy Kurt...that beautiful face..soft skin...those gorgeous hips...everything about you..." Blaine breathed out, licking up the shell of Kurt's ear. "So sexy.."
Kurt whimpered. "God..I love you so much Blaine..Fuck..You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen..Your jaw..Your broad shoulders..And god baby, all of your muscles..I can barely stand how fucking edible you look all the time.." Kurt panted.
Blaine let out a sharp whine. "I love you too Kurt...No one could ever make me feel as good as you do...in any way..."
Kurt leaned down, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss.
Blaine cupped Kurt's face, returning the kiss with nothing but love and passion.
Kurt slowed down some as he felt his orgasm building too quickly. He wanted this to last just as badly as Blaine did.
Blaine whimpered as he slowed but understood why so he didn't protest. He kept his lips moving with Kurt's as played with the hair at the nape of Kurt's neck.
Kurt sucked lightly on Blaine's tongue before biting his bottom lip and pulling back slightly.
Blaine moaned, pressing his lips back to Kurt's.
No matter what they did, kissing Blaine would always be one of Kurt's favorite things. Just the simplicity and intimacy of the simple action was astounding.
Blaine pulled back, taking a second just to look at his husband. "I have never seen anything as beautiful as you.."
Kurt blushed, looking down.
Blaine tilted Kurt's head up. "That...that blush makes you even more beautiful."
Kurt smiled as a breathless moan escaped his lips. "I love you so much.."
"I love you more than anything baby," Blaine said softly.
Kurt gasped loudly as he sped up a bit. "Blaine..."
A low whimper escaped Blaine's lips. "Ohmygod.."
Kurt kissed down Blaine's jaw, rocking his hips even faster.
Blaine clutched to Kurt, dragging his nails down his husband's back as he writhed.
"Blaine..Oh my god..." Kurt groaned, a he thrusted harder.
"Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine breathed out heavily.
Kurt gripped to Blaine tighter as he bit his ear. "Fuck, you're so sexy baby..."
Blaine bit down on Kurt's shoulder, moaning loudly. "Baby...Fuck...I'm close.."
"Me too..Ungh..Blaine..." Kurt panted, beginning to thrust into his whimpering husband as hard as he could.
Blaine tightened himself around Kurt. "Fuck! Oh God...Kurt!" he practically screamed, cumming between himself and his husband.
Kurt followed, groaning as came hard, slowly sliding in and out of his lover as he kissed him softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt back, trembling as he rode out his orgasm.
They stayed there like that, just basking in the amazing feeling of being so close to each other as their lips moved together slowly.
Blaine smiled softly as they pulled back. "I love you more than anything, Kurt.."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said as he carried him to the bed and lay him down before going to get some tissues to clean them up. Afterwards they lay together, Blaine's back to Kurt's chest.
Blaine took Kurt's hand, cuddling close. "Thanks for today."
"Thank you baby.. I had no idea I would be remotely good at baseball.." Kurt giggled softly.
"Me neither," Blaine smiled. "Do you like it?"
"Mhmm.. I like pitching." Kurt grinned.
"You're good at it...in both meanings.." Blaine said giggling.
Kurt blushed, tightening his arms around Blaine. "Hush you.."
Blaine chuckled. "Good night baby.."
"Good night.." Kurt smiled.
The day of the game came and as Kurt and Blaine pulled into the park, they saw Sam and Finn sitting on the bleachers, talking. They walked up to them, smiling cockily.
"You ready to lose?" Blaine asked.
"Dude, there is no way you taught Kurt to play.." Finn scoffed as they stood.
"Shut up Finn. And don't get mad when we kick your ass." Kurt said curtly.
Blaine grinned. "You'd be surprised at what Kurt can do."
Sam smiled. "I don't know dude. You've seen what Kurt can do on a football field." he said, looking at Finn.
"All he had to do was kick. And he had dancing to help him. There's no way they'll beat us," Finn said. This was Kurt. Blaine couldn't have taught him this quickly.
"When no one else on the team could kick.." Kurt snapped. "Come on ladies, I'm ready to play." he said, strutting over to the field.
Blaine bit his lip. He loved seeing Kurt like this.
They all walked out to the field and stood at home plate.
"Who's batting first?" Kurt asked.
"Since you're so sure of yourself, why don't you?" Finn asked.
"Fine by me." Kurt said smiling as he grabbed his bat.
Sam squatted behind Kurt, ready to catch the ball if Kurt missed. Blaine leaned against the fence, waiting for Finn to pitch.
Kurt smiled as he took his stance, watching as Finn rolled the ball in his fingers before rearing back and letting loose with a fast ball. Kurt's reflexes immediately kicked in as he swung the bat, connecting with the ball and sending it flying across the field. He dropped the bat and immediately began running for first base.
Finn's jaw dropped as he followed the ball. "How...?"
Blaine grinned. "That's right baby!"
Sam had the same look of shock on his face as Finn ran for the ball, and by the time he got to it, Kurt was rounding second base. Sam ran to third and Finn threw the ball to him as Kurt ran back to second, smiling as he stopped on it.
Blaine smiled at his husband, taking his spot as getting ready for the pitch.
Finn just shook his head, returning to the mound and looking back at Kurt who smiled and waved daintily before turning back to Blaine. Sam decided to stay at short stop, deciding that catching would not be an issue here.
Blaine watched Finn carefully, not taking his eyes off the ball. Finn tried throwing him off with a curve ball but Blaine hit it, sending it flying over Sam's head.
Kurt and Blaine dashed off as Finn ran for the ball and Sam ran home. Kurt sped up trying to make it before Finn threw it to Sam. Finn picked up the ball throwing it as Kurt slid home, reaching the plate less than a second before Sam caught the ball.
Sam was distracted with Kurt so Blaine made it to third base, smiling at his husband as Finn looked on in shock.
Kurt smiled back at Blaine as he stood, brushing the red dirt off of himself. "So..What were you saying earlier?" Kurt asked his brother.
Finn mumbled, kicking the dirt. "Just take your place Kurt. Sam are you ready?"
Sam nodded as he walked back behind Finn. "Dude, he's awesome..And so is Blaine.." he said, looking to his friend.
"We just have to try harder," Finn said, throwing the ball to Kurt.
Again, Kurt hit it and Finn ran for it, Kurt ran for first, and Blaine took home. Finn was quick and caught the ball before it landed. "You're out dude!" Finn called smiling.
Blaine groaned, kicking the base before picking up his bat. It went on like that for a bit into they eventually got three outs and it was time to switch.
"Ooh! Blaine! Baby! Can I pitch?" Kurt asked bouncing a bit.
"Of course babe," Blaine said sweetly, taking a spot behind him to catch the balls.
Kurt grinned, almost skipping up to the mound and smiling as Finn stepped up to the plate.
Finn smirked as he watched the way Kurt moved to the mound. "Let's see what you got Hummel.."
"More than you know Hudson." Kurt shot back before winding up and sending the ball flying from his hand.
Finn hit the ball right towards Blaine, who jumped up and just barely caught it. "Out!" Blaine called, smiling smugly.
Kurt crossed his arms and turned back to Finn, giving a little wave.
Finn mumbled something under his breath, walking away as Sam came up to bat.
Kurt smiled as Blaine threw him the ball and he turned to the blond. "You ready Sam?" Kurt asked.
"Bring it," Sam smiled.
Kurt pitched, Sam swinging and missing as the ball flew past him, clattering against the fence.
Blaine laughed when he saw the look on Finn's face. "Strike one!"
"What's the matter Finn?" Kurt chuckled.
"Just pitch," Finn sighed. "We'll come back..."
Kurt smiled as Sam threw the ball back, and pitched again.
"Strike two!"
And again.
"Strike three!" Blaine smiled. "You're out Sam!"
Sam didn't have as much as an attitude as Finn. He leaned against the fence, letting Finn step up to the plate. "Come on, Kurt..."
"I'm not gonna hold back with these Finn.." Kurt warned.
Finn rolled his eyes. "I'm sure I can handle it."
"Okay.." Kurt smiled, rearing back before throwing the ball as hard as he could.
Finn got ready to swing but as he swung it, the ball went straight for him, hitting him in the eye. Finn fell to the ground, groaning loudly. "Damn it, Kurt!"
"Oh my god!" Kurt gasped running over to his brother and kneeling. "Are you okay?" he asked, holding his hands out to Finn, but way too afraid to touch him.
"No!" Finn yelled back, attempting to get up. He stumbled back down as his head swam.
Sam and Blaine rushed over as Finn clutched to his eye. "Here move your hand.." Sam said, grabbing Finn's wrist. "Let me look."
Finn reluctantly took his hand off his eye, hissing at the sting. "How bad is it?"
"Oh yeah..That's gonna be a shiner..." Sam hissed as Kurt's hands flew over his mouth at the sight of Finn's rapidly swelling eye. "Finn! Oh my god.. I'm so sorry.."
Finn groaned. "Do we have any ice?"
"Shit! We forgot the cooler at home.." Kurt gasped.
"There's dirt around his eye.." Sam said. "Does it feel like any got in it?" he asked Finn.
"A little," Finn said. "Will you just take me home so I can clean it?"
"I think we should go get it looked at man...It's pretty bad..." Sam said seriously.
"Ohmygod.." Kurt groaned. "I really didn't mean to Finn..I'm sosososo sorry.."
"It's fine, Kurt," Finn said sighing. "Oh God...My mom is going to freak out..."
"Come on Finn." Sam said as he and Blaine helped him up and started to the car.
Kurt and Blaine followed Sam as he headed to the hospital, Finn protesting the entire time.
They got to the ER and found out that his cornea was lightly scratched and he just had to wear an eye patch for a while along with some meds. Carole showed up, raising hell at the sight of Finn's black eye, but in the end, everyone was fine, sort of, as Kurt and Blaine made their way home.
Blaine tried to console Kurt but he wouldn't listen. "Baby, it wasn't like you meant to.."
"Blaine, I feel awful about this! He could've lost his eye! And then he would be half blind and couldn't play football in college and it would be all my fault!" Kurt breathed out.
Blaine sighed. "But it didn't happen. He'll be better soon. It's gonna be okay.."
"I'm overreacting aren't I?..."
"Yes. I understand that you're upset. But it could've been way worse. Plus...I have an idea to cheer him up.." Blaine said, smiling.
"And what's that?" Kurt asked.
"You'll have to wait and see. Otherwise, you'll talk me out of it," Blaine giggled.
Kurt chuckled rolling his eyes playfully. "Alright.."
Blaine smiled as they pulled up into their driveway.
"Come on..I need a nap..." Kurt sighed happily.
Blaine nodded, leading Kurt inside and laying on the couch.
Kurt lie with Blaine, sighing happily. "I'm sorry if I smell bad.."
Blaine shrugged. "I smell bad too.."
"No you don't." Kurt said simply.
Blaine looked at his husband. "You're crazy. I've been sweating and I'm nasty."
"Call me crazy, but I like the way you smell when you sweat." Kurt admitted, blushing.
"Oh really?" Blaine smirked, leaning in to kiss Kurt's neck.
"I-I think it's really sexy.." Kurt said, tilting his head a bit.
Blaine bit down lightly. "Mmm that's hot...Imagine going to the batting cages with me..."
Kurt gasped. "I-I would love to.."
Blaine smiled, nuzzling into Kurt's neck. "Next time, baby.."
Kurt giggled. "You're mean..." He said, kissing his forehead.
"Nu uh," Blaine chuckled. "Just sleepy. I'll make it up to you later.."
"Mmkay.." Kurt said giving a small yawn as he shifted to lay on top of Blaine, resting his head on his chest.
Blaine kissed him softly. "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine smiled as they both drifted to sleep.