Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
"Hey. Are you busy tonight?"
Puck got the text a little after he had gotten home. This was random. He definitely wasn't expecting it.
"Nope. You change your mind about having a party?"
"Nope. Blaine's going out and I just figured I could use some company."
Kurt felt like he was going to be sick.
"And your first thought was me?" Puck sent back, smiling cockily.
"Well since you just left you were the last thing on my mind."
Yup, he was definitely gonna puke. It's not that Puck wasn't attractive. He was just puck. He was nothing like sensitive, romantic, amazing Blaine..
"My place or yours? ; )"
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Mine."
Puck smiled. "Just tell me when."
"I'll text you when Blaine leaves."
"See ya tonight."
"See you."
A few minutes later, Blaine got out of the shower. He wrapped the towel around his waist and sat on the bed, sighing to himself.
Kurt walked back to the bedroom, sitting next to Blaine and kissing him softly.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "You know I love you more than anything, right? I'm not doing this to hurt you..."
"I know..I love you too.." Kurt said looking into Blaine's eyes.
Blaine leaned back, laying down on the bed. "I don't even want to pick out an outfit."
Kurt lay back with him. "Neither do I.."
Blaine sighed. "I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be baby..We'll get through this."
Blaine nodded. "I know...It's just...This is all my fault..."
"Shh.." Kurt said, hushing him with a kiss. "It's okay.."
"I love you..." Blaine said quietly.
"I love you too.."
"Will you help me pick an outfit? I just..I don't know what to pick for this..."
Kurt gave a small smile and nodded. Even though the idea of picking out an outfit for Blaine to possibly sleep someone else was a bit strange, he still loved dressing Blaine up.
Blaine took a deep breath, sitting up as he watched Kurt.
Kurt picked out Blaine's black skinnies, black and white Oxfords, along with a white v neck and a grey cardigan, instructing him to leave it open.
Blaine stood, getting dressed and doing as he was told, not even bothering to do his hair.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. "I love you."
Blaine placed his hands at Kurt's hips. "You mean the world to me."
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, sighing softly. "Thank you.."
"For what?" Blaine asked quietly.
"Just..Saying that.." Kurt said closing his eyes.
"I mean it, baby," Blaine said and kissed Kurt's forehead. "So...Is he coming here?"
"Yeah..Unless you think I should go over there." Kurt said, sitting up and looking up at Blaine.
"It's up to you. I was just wondering how I'll know when it's okay to come home..."
Kurt was quiet. "I..I'll text you." He said.
Blaine nodded. "Okay...Can I ask one more thing?"
"Of course baby.."
Blaine paused. "Just...not in our bed?"
"I would never.." Kurt said truthfully.
Blaine let out the breath he was holding. "Thank you..."
Kurt leaned down kissing Blaine softly. "I love you..."
"I love you too," Blaine said, giving a small smile. "What time is it?"
"About seven thirty.." Kurt answered.
"Did you want to have dinner before I go?" Blaine asked, not ready to leave.
Kurt nodded. "I'm gonna take a shower..How about you make us something amazing?" He smiled.
Blaine pulled Kurt close, kissing him deeply. "I'd love to."
Kurt smiled kissing Blaine again before walking off to go shower.
Blaine went to the kitchen and looked around. He made a carbonara pasta with bacon, chives, and tomatoes. A few minutes before he was done, he made a bowl fresh garden salad for each of them and placed them at the table with their pasta.
Kurt came out in his red skinny jeans and a white button up with a black tie and cardigan. "Oh Blaine..This looks amazing.."
Blaine smiled, holding the chair out for Kurt. "You look amazing."
Kurt blushed as he sat down. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome baby," Blaine said softly as he sat across from Kurt.
Kurt smiled as they ate. "Oh my god.. This is amazing Blaine.."
"Thank you," Blaine said, blushing.
They slowly ate, neither of them wanting it to end before it eventually did.
Blaine cleaned up. It was about nine when he was done. "I...I guess I should go...?"
"Yeah..I'll see you tonight..." Kurt said, wringing his hands.
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt softly. "I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt whispered as Blaine walked out. He sat on the couch, resting his head in his hands before texting Puck again.
"Blaine just left."
Puck smiled at the text, quickly replying.
"Just got out of the shower. I'll be over soon."
About a half an hour later, Puck knocked on Kurt's door wearing his slightly tight pair of faded jeans and a nice button up shirt, of course with the first few undone.
Kurt opened the door, putting on a smile. "Hi.."
Puck returned the smile. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Not much..come inside.." Kurt said, trying to hide how nervous he was.
Puck walked in and sat on the couch. "So why didn't you go with Blaine?"
"He went to go meet up with a few of his friends.." Kurt said, closing the door.
Puck motioned for Kurt to come sit next to him and he did. "I'm glad you asked me to come over. We've never really been alone before."
"You're glad?" Kurt asked, crossing his legs.
"Should I not be?" Puck asked, scooting a little closer.
Kurt's breath sped up slightly. "Well I never said you shouldn't be.."
Puck smiled, licking his lips. "You look hot by the way."
Kurt's blushed. "T-thank you..."
"Do you want to dance? We can have our own little party," Puck suggested.
Kurt smiled nervously, but nodded, getting up to put on some music.
Puck stood up too, walking up and dancing behind Kurt.
Kurt danced against Puck, feeling him snake his hands around his waist.
Puck was lightly grinding against Kurt, his lips moving close to Kurt's ear. "Is this okay?"
"This.." Kurt swallowed. "This is perfect.." he had to remember he was doing this for Blaine..
Puck moved closer, "It's about time you changed your mind about me. What did that anyway?"
"Not sure...Something just..Clicked.." Kurt lied.
Pucks hands tightened on Kurt's hips. "You're such a tease...the way you swing your hips..."
Kurt closed his eyes. "R-Really?" He asked, his body moving naturally in pucks hands.
"It's sexy," Puck breathed out, lightly grazing his teeth over Kurt's neck.
Kurt gasped. "Unh..."
"Tell me how it feels.." Puck practically growled.
As much as Kurt hated to admit it, it felt kind of good. Mostly because it was so different than when he was with Blaine.
Puck turned Kurt around, his hand sliding under the smaller boy's shirt to the small of his back as he leaned in. "Kiss me."
Kurt looked up into Puck's eyes. Their breath lingering between them as the tension grew.
"This is what you want, right?" Puck asked, smiling.
"I just want it to..B-be established that this is a-a one time..thing.." Kurt breathed out shakily.
Puck nodded. "I understand.."
"Okay.." Kurt said, closing his eyes. This is for Blaine.. he leaned in, lightly pressing his lips to Puck's.
Puck deepened the kiss, moaning softly as his hands snaked around to Kurt's ass.
Kurt gasped, jumping a bit as Puck's large hands squeezed roughly.
"Do you like that?" Puck asked, his voice deep with lust.
"Couch.." Kurt said, ignoring his question and pulling him to the sofa.
Puck moaned, following Kurt and crashing their lips together again.
Kurt lay down, pulling Puck on top of him as they kissed. This was all so different. Puck kissed, tasted, and touched him differently.
He ran his hands up and down Kurt's sides, kissing down to Kurt's neck.
Kurt whimpered, unable to stop his hands from clawing down Puck's back.
Puck kissed and bit up to Kurt's ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth. He pressed his hips down to the slender boy's, breathing heavily into Kurt's ear. "Fuck...You're so hot, Kurt.."
Kurt let a small moan slip out. This was wrong. He didn't love Puck, but he had to be sure..For Blaine.
Puck quickly took off Kurt's cardigan and shirt, taking a moment to look at Kurt's beautifully pale chest.
Kurt looked away as Puck admired him, unable to take the guilt. "D-do you have..Um..Condom?"
Puck nodded. "Always..." He bent down, kissing down Kurt's chest. "How do you want it?"
"It doesn't matter.." Kurt said quietly.
"I kind of...have this fantasy about you..." Puck said, kissing back up to Kurt's lips as his hands worked on his pants.
"W-what is it?" Kurt asked, keeping his eyes closed.
Puck moved his hands to either side of Kurt's chest, grinding down on him as he spoke in his ear. "Looking down, seeing you as I slide into your mouth, and watching your lips surround me. I lay you down...kissing your neck as I press into you..." He paused, biting and sucking at Kurt's pulse point. "Your legs on my shoulders as I slowly speed up my thrusts...Gasping at how tight you are..."
Kurt let out a small sound, naturally rolling his hips up against Puck's.
Puck ran a finger down Kurt's chest to the front of his jeans, pressing down and feeling Kurt. He looked up, smiling. "Damn, Hummel..."
"Don't act surprised.." Kurt sighed, keeping his eyes toward the couch.
Puck chuckled, adding more friction over Kurt's jeans.
Kurt took a breath in as Puck started to undo his own jeans. He looked up at the football player before closing his eyes again and wondering what his husband was doing right now.
Blaine walked into Scandal's with wary eyes, his eyes darting around the bar. He wasn't really sure how to go about this. Blaine sighed, walking up to the bar and getting a drink.
He sat there for a bit, trying not to think about what Kurt was doing as he sipped his beer when he heard a voice. "Blaine Anderson...Fancy seeing you here.."
Blaine turned around and saw where the voice came from. He was definitely cute. "Do I know you?"
"No..But I definitely know you..." He said, his flashing green eyes traveling up and down Blaine's body.
Blaine blushed. His eyes were beautiful. "Umm..How?"
"I went to Dalton..I transfered the year after you left..I was actually the new capitan of the Warblers..That's how I heard about you...I saw pictures..But..Apparently they don't do justice to the real thing..." He winked, sitting next to Blaine and giving a crooked smile.
Blaine smiled shyly. "Thanks...That's sweet. What's your name?"
"Sebastian Smythe..." He said sticking his hand out.
Blaine shook his hand. "Do you come here often, Sebastian Smythe?"
"Only when I need a little pick-me-up...You look like you'll do just fine.." Sebastian said smoothly.
"Confident," Blaine smiled, looking up at him from under his eyelashes.
"Well don't most people find that sexy?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Blaine bit his lip. "Let's dance..."
Sebastian stood up, grabbing Blaine's hand before they walked out to the dance floor.
Blaine closed his eyes for a moment and saw Kurt. He felt guilty already. But Sebastian quickly pushed that away when he spun Blaine around and danced behind him.
Sebastian ran his hands over Blaine's hips, and pressed his lips against the back of his neck as he grinded against him.
Blaine gasped, leaning back and resting his head on Sebastian's shoulder as they danced.
"So it's true.." Sebastian said slyly.
"What is?" Blaine asked, confused.
"They said you were the sexiest thing to ever grace the halls of Dalton academy.."
Blaine rolled his eyes, blushing. "I don't believe that."
"I do.." Sebastian whispered in Blaine's ear.
Blaine shivered. "I-I think I need another drink..."
"What are you drinking?" Sebastian asked, keeping his arm around Blaine's waist as they walked back to the bar.
Blaine thought for a moment. "Surprise me!"
"Two Screaming Orgasms please.." he smiled at the bartender.
Blaine's eyes went wide as he heard Sebastian, not realizing it was a drink. "What's that?"
"What I plan on giving you later.." Sebastian said smiling.
Blaine's breathing caught in his throat, his face as red as it could be. Did he really just say that?
Sebastian chuckled. "This blushing schoolboy thing you have going on is..Really a turn on.."
Blaine looked up at him shyly. "Are you always like this?"
"Only around people as beautiful as you.." Sebastian said, leaning down so his face was level with Blaine's.
Blaine bit his lip. "You're eyes are so gorgeous..." he whispered, instantly hating himself for saying it out loud.
Sebastian smiled wide, "I'm glad you think so.." he whispered, his breath ghosting over Blaine's lips.
Blaine whimpered, trying not to lean in and kiss him right then when the bartender interrupted with their drinks.
Sebastian sat up, completely composed as he paid the bartender and handed Blaine his drink.
Blaine smiled, thanking him before taking the drink and drinking it as fast as he could.
Sebastian took a sip, watching Blaine as he set his glass back down.
"Ohmygod!" Blaine gasped. "That was delicious!"
Sebastian chuckled, running his hand up and down Blaine's arm. "It's one of my favorites.."
Blaine smiled, "Come on. I want to dance!"
Sebastian smiled. He already had Blaine, he just had to reel him in. "Alright.."
Blaine sighed as Sebastian's hands found his hips again. He rested his head on his shoulder again, grinding his ass back onto the taller boy.
Sebastian shivered slightly, gripping Blaine's hips tighter as they danced.
Blaine turned around, smiling at Sebastian before attaching his lips to the taller's neck.
Sebastian moaned, his hands running down to Blaine's ass and squeezing lightly.
Blaine gasped, pressing his body to Sebastian's. "Kiss me..."
Sebastian leaned in, kissing Blaine fiercely. Forcing his tongue into his mouth as he squeezed Blaine's ass harder.
Blaine moaned, his hands resting at the back of Sebastian's neck.
"Let's get out of here..." Sebastian whispered.
Blaine nodded as they headed outside.
They walked out to Sebastian's car and he opened the back door, folding down the backseat before smiling at Blaine.
"After you..."
Blaine took a deep breath. Kurt was doing the same thing at their house. He looked back at an awaiting Sebastian and climbed in.
Sebastian climbed in after Blaine, climbing on top of him as he lay back and kissing him deeply.
Blaine's body rolled up to Sebastian's body, his hands sliding under his shirt and scratching down his back.
"Mmm...Fuck..." Sebastian groaned. "Tell me you want me.."
"Bite me...Please..." Blaine whimpered.
Sebastian kissed down to Blaine's neck, biting roughly on his pulse point, leaving a dark bruise.
"Ahh! Oh God!" Blaine panted, his hips bucking up in response.
Sebastian sucked harder, before breaking away and pulling Blaine's shirt off.
Blaine gasped. "Talk to me.."
"Blaine...Youre just as sexy as I thought you would be...I can't wait to make you scream my name.." Sebastian breathed out before nipping at Blaine's nipple.
Blaine moaned, about to protest until Sebastian grinded down against him. "Oh shit!"
Sebastian kissed back up to Blaine's lips as he pulled his own shirt.
Blaine gasped. He had pale skin. It reminded him of Kurt. Not as beautiful though. "I...I don't know...if I can do this..."
"Shhh...It's okay.." Sebastian whispered, palming at Blaine's crotch.
"I...I...Oooohhh...Oh my God..." Blaine moaned, leaning back as his back arched.
Sebastian unbuttoned Blaine's jeans, reaching his hand inside, under Blaine's boxers and wrapping his fingers around his member. "Mmm...You're so big Blaine..." Sebastian panted, kissing Blaine's jaw.
Blaine whimpered at his words. It felt so good. But it wasn't what he wanted. "Wait...No...I can't..."
"It's okay..." Sebastian said, pressing his lips to Blaine's.
"No...Really..." Blaine gasped as Sebastian started working his hand. "I...I love him...Please..."
"I don't care if you have a boyfriend.." Sebastian chuckled, "Just fuck me.."
"I...I have a husband..." Blaine said, trying to stop Sebastian.
Sebastian stopped, slowly retracting his hand. "What?"
"I have a...husband..." Blaine said, looking anywhere but at Sebastian. "I mean...he knows I'm here...We talked about it...But...I just..."
"If he knows you're doing it..Just do it gorgeous..Let me fuck you..You fuck me..Either way I'm happy." Sebastian said, sitting back on his haunches. "Maybe this will change your mind?" He asked, unzipping his jeans.
Blaine whimpered, licking his lips. He definitely had a reason to be cocky, no pun intended. "Oh my God...Fuck...I have to go home..."
Sebastian grabbed Blaine's wrist. "Blaine..Come on..Just give it a little taste.." Sebastian said, his tone growing a bit pleading.
Blaine shook his head. "I won't be able to stop..."
"Blaine..Tell me..What is your husband doing right now?" Sebastian asked.
Blaine reached for his phone. Kurt hadn't texted him. "If he loves me...nothing..."
Sebastian climbed back on top of Blaine. "Come on beautiful..."
"Please...stop using that voice...I can't...Just...Please..." Blaine said quietly.
"Come on..At least suck me.." He whispered in that voice again.
Fuck...that sultry voice..."Sebastian..." Blaine whined. "I don't know...What if he didn't do anything?"
Sebastian took Blaine's hand in his, placing it on his throbbing length. "And what if he did?" He breathed out.
Blaine couldn't stop the moan that escaped his lips. He wanted Kurt. But what if Sebastian was right?
Sebastian gasped, "You like that?" He smiled cockily.
Blaine shut his eyes as he slowly moved his hand. He groaned, making the sexiest noise Sebastian had ever heard as his hand slipped into Blaine's untamed hair. He pulled lightly, moaning in Blaine's ear. "Fuck..That's right.."
Sebastian moved closer, grinding down against him. If he was being honest with himself, if he didn't love Kurt, he'd probably be into Sebastian. But it didn't matter. Though he was sure he could have a good time if he let go, Blaine didn't want to. He wanted it to be Kurt in his hand grinding his porcelain skin down onto him. Blaine's mind raced with thoughts of Kurt and what he was doing with Puck when something clicked. It didn't matter. He loved Kurt. He'd go back to him tonight and no matter what Kurt had done with Puck, it didn't matter. All that mattered was if Kurt still wanted Blaine.
Blaine stopped moving and Sebastian noticed. "What's wrong babe?"
"I have to go home," Blaine said simply, the alcohol already wearing off. He got up on his knees as he looked at Sebastian. "I'm sorry...if I wasn't married...if I wasn't in love with Kurt, I would so be into this...but I do..."
Sebastian looked at him incredulously. "What? No..Blaine, it's just sex, it doesn't mean anything.."
"Don't get me wrong. You're gorgeous and that voice...you could no doubt make me feel good in that way. If I weren't with him..." Blaine shook his head. "Giving myself to someone means something to me. And if I wind up only having sex with Kurt, so be it."
Sebastian stared at Blaine in shock. No one rejected him. Ever.
"I'm sorry..." Blaine said, grabbing his shirt and cardigan. He got out of the car And started back to his own when Sebastian called after him. "You're missing out Anderson! I could've made you feel like no one ever will!"
Blaine turned around, suddenly a little pissed. "Maybe you're right. But I don't need to know. And it's Hummel now!"
Sebastian huffed, pulling his shirt on and slamming the car door before storming back to the bar, mumbling under his breath.
Blaine rolled his eyes and got in his car before sending Kurt a text.
"I'm really sorry if I'm interrupting...well not really but you know what I mean...I just wanted to know if it was okay to come home..."
"You can come home now. I'm alone." Kurt responded.
Blaine hurried home. He sat in the drive way for a couple minutes before taking a deep breath and walking in.
Kurt wasn't in the living room so he walked back to the bedroom. He felt a wave of humidity as he walked past the bathroom. indicating Kurt must've just gotten out of the shower. He walked into the room and saw Kurt's form lying on the bed, under the blankets.
Blaine sat down carefully. "Hey..."
Kurt rolled over to face Blaine and looked up at him. "Hey.." He said back.
"So...how was your night?" Blaine asked carefully. "Do you want to talk now or after I shower?"
"It was...Alright..And it's up to you.." Kurt said quietly.
"I'm gonna shower real quick. I want to hold you after...while we talk if that's okay..." Blaine said, trying to hide his emotions.
Kurt nodded, closing his eyes as he tried to hide his as well.
Blaine took a shower, just long enough to get Sebastian's cologne off and feel clean. He dried off quickly before climbing into bed and wrapping his arms around Kurt. "I'm sorry for making you do this..."
"You didn't make me Blaine.." Kurt said, feeling all of the tension and negative feelings rush out of his body as Blaine held him.
"So, how do you want to do this? Just say what happened? Ask questions?" Blaine asked nervously. "And promise to be completely honest..."
"Questions...And yes..One hundred percent honesty.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.
"Who asks first?" Blaine asked, looking back at Kurt.
"You can if you'd like.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded, taking a deep breath. "Did you...go all the way?"
Kurt was quiet for a moment. "I couldn't.." he said.
Blaine couldn't stop from sighing happily. "Just so you don't drive yourself crazy...neither could I. How far did he get?"
"When..He was starting to undress himself that's when I realized I couldn't do it.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine felt really guilty now. "Did anything happen?"
"We kissed and..Just..Grinded..He touched me..and..Told me what he wanted to do to me..But that's all.."
Blaine nodded, trying not to cry. He felt like a complete idiot. "How...how did it feel when he...touched you?"
"It felt...Good..But that's just natural I suppose..It just..It didn't feel right." Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's hand.
Blaine nodded. "So it's not something you'd want to do again?"
Kurt shook his head. "I'm positive I only want you..Forever.."
Blaine gave a small smile. "Thank you.."
Kurt smiled back. "So..Did you...meet anyone?"
"Yeah. It was weird. He knew me.." Blaine said, actually thinking about how weird it was. "He went to Dalton after I transferred and apparently he heard all about me."
"Really.." Kurt said. "What happened?"
"He was really flirty...That's putting it mildly. It was even obvious for me. I couldn't believe how forward he was...So confident like he just knew he could get me...I don't know. There was something about him...Looking at it now, I can only think of calling it predatory..But we danced and he bought me a drink.." Blaine said quietly.
"That's all?" Kurt asked.
Blaine shook his head. It was getting harder to hold back the tears. "He kissed me and took me to his car...Our shirts were off and he touched me...Like you said, naturally it felt good. But I tried stopping him by telling him I love you and he said he didn't care if I had a boyfriend. I told him I had a husband and he stopped. I should've just ran right then..."
Kurt stayed quiet. "Then..Then what happened?"
"I had had a couple of drinks and you know how I ramble...I told him you knew where I was and we had talked about it but I just didn't think I could do it...But he just took control again and told me since you knew, it was okay. But it wasn't. I told him I couldn't and he thought he could change my mind by...showing me his..." Blaine said, cursing a tear that escaped.
Kurt wiped Blaine's tear, "It's okay..It's okay baby.."
Blaine shook his head. "He kept asking me what you were doing...I checked my phone and you hadn't texted me so I was scared. He practically begged me to suck him..." he said, burying his face in Kurt's neck. "I'm not going to lie. I did think about it...But I didn't do it. He just grabbed my hand and put it on him and...started moving it..."
Kurt listened, closing his eyes as he felt a small pang of anger. Not at Blaine, but at the asshole that tried to take advantage of him.
"I felt terrible. I wanted to pull away but his hand was on mine and the other in my hair. So I just shut my eyes. I saw you and that's when I knew that I wasn't going to do this. I had to stop it somehow. And I didn't care if I stopped but you didn't. That I love you and that's all that mattered. I told him to stop but he just kept talking about how sex is just sex and it doesn't mean anything." Blaine said, getting angry again. "But I told him it does mean something to me. And if I only sleep with you the rest of my life, I'm fine with that. He got pissed. I don't think he had been rejected before. He was determined. I told him I was sorry even though I wasn't really and I grabbed my clothes and walked off. He yelled and called me Anderson, telling me I didn't know what I was missing or something. But I told him it didn't matter and it's Hummel now...I want it to always be Hummel..."
Tears sprung into Kurt's eyes. "Oh my god..I love you so much Blaine..." He whispered before kissing him deeply.
Blaine was shocked at first but returned the kiss, melting into Kurt. "I love you Kurt...More than anything...I am so sorry about all of this..."
"Don't be..You're here..And neither of us did anything we'll regret..I love you..I love you so much.." Kurt said before kissing Blaine again.
Blaine let his tears out as they pulled away. He lifted his hand, cupping Kurt's face. "You are my everything."
A dry sob escaped Kurt's lips as he buried his face in Blaine's neck. "Just stay with me..Forever..It will always only be you..."
"I swear," Blaine whispered, playing with Kurt's wedding band. "I'll never leave."
"I love you Blaine..I love you.."
"I love you so much Kurt..." Blaine said softly. "I have one more question.."
Kurt pulled back slightly, nodding as he wiped his eyes.
"How did Puck take it when you didn't want to?" Blaine asked curiously.
"He..He got kind of pissed off and then he..Tried to keep going, but I pushed him off and explained to him why I couldn't..He understood and I made and he left.."
Blaine nodded. "So everything's okay?"
"He said there was no hard feelings..So yeah..We're good.." Kurt explained.
"Just wanted to make sure he didn't need to be punched again," Blaine giggled lightly.
Kurt laughed, cuddling up to Blaine. "You're amazing.."
"No more than you are," Blaine sighed happily.
Kurt leaned up, pressing his lips to Blaine's.
Blaine kissed Kurt sweetly, resting his arms at the small of his back.
Kurt sighed softly, hitching his leg over Blaine's hip as he pulled him closer.
Blaine traced down to Kurt's thigh, rubbing the skin lovingly.
Kurt moaned softly, rolling onto his back and pulling Blaine on top of him as he wrapped his legs around the younger.
Blaine's breathing hitched, his hands sliding up Kurt's soft frame to either side of his face.
Kurt sighed happily. He knew he would never want this with anyone else.. No one could make him feel like Blaine did.
Blaine kissed to Kurt's ear. "Can I make love to you?" Even though they were married, he loved times like this when he could be romantic and ask Kurt.
"Yes...Please.." Kurt said, his heart swelling.
Blaine kissed Kurt sweetly, slowly rolling his hips onto Kurt.
"Blaine..." Kurt gasped running his hands down to Blaine's lower back.
Blaine moaned. "I love you so much baby.."
"I love you too Blaine..I'm so happy that we're going to be spending the rest of our lives together.." Kurt said sincerely.
A tear fall down Blaine's cheek. "Me too, Kurt...I could never tell you enough how much I love you."
Kurt lifted his head, pressing their lips together in another passionate kiss.
Blaine kissed Kurt with all the love he had. He knew they would make it.
Kurt moaned deeply. "Blaine..I need you.."
Blaine pulled their briefs off before reaching for the lube and slicking himself up.
Kurt sat them up so Blaine was sitting on his haunches and Kurt straddled his lap. "I love you.." Kurt whispered.
"I love you more than anything," Blaine said softly, slowly pushing into Kurt.
Kurt let out a small gasp, arching his back. "Oh..Blaine.."
Blaine slid in all the way, admiring Kurt's body as he got used to the stretch. "You're the most beautiful person I have ever seen..."
Kurt chuckled breathily. "No.."
"Then who is? And don't say me because I don't check myself out," Blaine said, smiling.
Kurt laughed lightly, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine rested his hands at Kurt's hips, slowly starting to move his own. "Kiss me.."
"Ngh.." Kurt gasped, before leaning down to kiss his husband.
Blaine moaned against Kurt's lips, his hands pressed against Kurt's back as he rocked into his husband.
Kurt let his head fall back, moaning softly as he rolled his body to meet Blaine's movements.
Blaine reveled in the sight of Kurt working his body with his before leaning in to kiss Kurt's neck.
Kurt tightened his legs around Blaine. "Ooh..Baby...Unh.."
Blaine whimpered, "You feel so good, Kurt...:"
"So do you Blaine..Ahh.." Kurt panted, gripping to the back of his neck.
"Ohhh my God..." Blaine moaned, moving his hips a little faster.
"B-Blaine..Yes..I-I love you..Fuck!" Kurt whined.
Blaine felt Kurt's muscles flutter lightly, causing his breathing to grow more rapid. "I love you...Ohh God...I love you so much..."
Kurt rested his lips against Blaine's sweat laced forehead, panting harshly as his body quivered with the pleasure only Blaine could give him.
Blaine sped up, brushing against the bundle of nerves inside Kurt and causing him to make the most delicious moan. Blaine's breaking hitched. "You're so sexy baby.."
"Oh Blaine..Blaine.." Kurt whimpered, leaning down to breathe heavily in Blaine's ear.
Blaine let out a choked moan. "Fuck! Say it again...Unnghhh!"
"Blaine...Blaine..Fuck me Blaine.." Kurt moaned deeply, scratching over Blaine's shoulders.
Blaine shivered, thrusting harder. "Baby...Ohh Kurt...I'm not gonna...Ahh...last much longer..."
"Cum with me Blaine..ngh..Please..Ah!" Kurt gasped.
"I...I...Fuck!" Blaine buried his face in Kurt's neck, whimpering as he came deep inside his lover.
Kurt tumbled over the edge with Blaine, his thin frame trembling as he clenched to him.
Blaine pulled Kurt as close as he could, panting as they rode out their orgasm together.
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine's neck softly. "I love you so much.."
Blaine sighed happily. "I love you more than anything..."
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, sighing happily.
"I cannot tell you how happy and proud I am to be a Hummel..." Blaine said softly.
"I'm so happy you feel that way Blaine.."
Blaine took Kurt's face in his hands. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt blushed, looking down. "Thank you..."
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheeks. "I love that you still blush from that."
Kurt blushed more. "You just have that effect on me.."
Blaine smiled. "It's adorable."
Kurt carefully got off of Blaine's lap, laying on the bed, patting the spot next to him.
Blaine laid next to his husband, pulling him close.
Kurt kissed Blaine sweetly. "Let's never try anything like that again.."
Blaine nodded. "Trust me...You have no idea how stupid I feel about that..."
"Don't feel stupid Blaine.."
"It was stupid though. Kurt, you proposed to me. And I let some girl from one of my classes get to me..."
"You can't help but have doubts..It's human nature." Kurt said quietly.
"Well now I only have one. Well it's more of a theory," Blaine said, looking up at Kurt.
"What is that?" Kurt asked.
"There has to be something wrong with your eyes or some part of your brain," Blaine said trying not to giggle. "Seeing how you think you're not the most gorgeous thing to ever walk on Earth. Aaannnddd you think too much of me."
Kurt giggled, "You're the most gorgeous thing to walk this earth.."
Blaine shook his head. "Not possible. Because you, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, are the sexiest thing I've ever laid eyes on."
Kurt blushed, burying his face in the pillow.
"Nu uh," Blaine said, turning Kurt's face so he could look at him. "No hiding that beautiful face."
Kurt giggled, "Stop.." he smiled.
"Stop what gorgeous?" Blaine asked, smiling wide.
"That.." Kurt said, blushing harder.
"I don't know what my amazingly beautiful angel is talking about."
"I love you..." Kurt whispered.
Blaine kissed his husband softly. "I love you more than anything."
Kurt smiled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.
"Good night baby.."
"Goodnight Blaine.."