Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
"I'm cooking babe," Blaine called.
"Teach your son how to cook and come back to bed," Kurt called back.
"Almost done," Blaine said, rushing to finish.
Elliot and Alex walked out into the kitchen, yawning and stretching. "Morning Dad..Smells good.," Elliot said.
"Morning. Do you want to finish up? Your dad's getting grumpy," Blaine chuckled.
"I got it." Alex said, smiling as he walked over to the stove. Blaine thanked him before going to climb back into bed. Kurt wrapped himself around his husband, sighing happily.
Blaine kissed the top of his head. "Morning."
"I don't wanna go to work.." Kurt grumbled. These days Kurt had been hired to direct a musical on Broadway and today he had to go with the stage designers to choose props for the set.
"I know baby. But you'll regret not going."
"True..Kiss me.." Kurt smiled. Blaine grinned, leaning in and pressing his lips to Kurt's. Kurt hummed happily, kissing his husband languidly before pulling away, kissing Blaine's forehead and going to get ready for work. Blaine got up and headed to fix himself a plate.
When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Elliot had Alex pressed against the counter in a slightly heated make out session. Blaine was lost for words momentarily before Elliot brought a leg up to wrap around Alex.
They broke apart quickly, clearing their throats. "S-Sorry.."
Blaine looked between them, eyeing his son carefully. "You two go sit in the living room." He said seriously before walking back to the room.
Kurt saw his husband's face. "What's wrong?"
"Elliot and Alex..They were..Um..I think it's time for the..The talk.." Blaine said seriously.
"Like the talk? No. They're so young."
"Kurt..He's thirteen..He's having those thoughts..I'm assuming..He and Alex.. they were like..Making out, and Elliot had a leg around him. I just think its time. I'm pretty positive." Blaine sighed.
Kurt's mouth dropped. "He did?"
"Yeah.." Blaine said.
"B-But he's my..my baby.."
"Oh, Kurt.." Blaine said softly, pulling his husband close.
"Why does he have to grow up?"
"Now we know how our parents felt baby.." Blaine said softly.
Kurt sighed. "Let's go talk.."
Elliot was glancing over at Alex, looking nervous.
"Sorry.." Alex whispered as Kurt and Blaine walked out.
"Not your fault.." Elliot whispered back before looking up at his parents.
"Now we know this is awkward. But we need to talk about it," Blaine started.
"Dads please, no." Elliot pleaded.
"We know at your age, you get certain..urges.." Kurt added.
"We just want you to know it's normal. But you shouldn't move into it too fast.."
Elliot was blushing fiercely, his eyes glued to the floor.
"Mr. Hummel, we've only kissed."
"That looked like a little more than kissing Alex.." Blaine said seriously.
"I-It was the first t-time like that. I-I swear." Elliot said quickly.
"Elliot..Calm down okay?..It's okay.." Kurt said softly.
Elliot nodded, looking down.
"Listen.." Kurt said, sitting down across from Them. "At your age, you're going to be thinking about sex..And usually, you're going to want to act upon those thoughts..But you have to know that sex..It's special..You are physically and mentally giving yourself to someone.."
The boys nodded, wanting to run and hide in Elliot's room.
"I know this is weird..But hear me out.." Kurt said, making the feeling in the room a bit more serious as he spoke. "Sex is good. It's fun, feels great..But you need to know when you're ready..With a boy and a girl it's different than with two boys..Emotionally..It's easier to come by..And with two boys, it's two people who think its just sex..But you need to know it's doing something to you..To your self esteem..To your heart.." Kurt said softly.
"I understand dad.."
"No, you don't.." Kurt said seriously. "Because I thought I did. When your father and I got together we believed we were ready to go as soon as we started dating. We wanted it..But we waited.." Kurt said softly. "And if we hadn't, I believe we wouldn't have the relationship we have now..And I'm not saying that your first partner has to be your last. But let your first time be with someone you love..And let it be special.."
"Dad.. I'm thirteen. I'm not doing..that.." Elliot said seriously.
"I just want you to know.." Kurt said softly.
"When the time comes..Don't throw yourself around like you don't matter..Because you matter, Elliot..Both of you.." Kurt said softly.
"Thank you, Mr. Hummel." Alex said quietly.
"And if you ever have any questions, you can always come to us." Blaine added.
Elliot nodded.
"And maybe Alex should start sleeping on the couch." Kurt said seriously.
"What? Why?" Elliot asked quickly.
"Elliot..Blaine walked in on you two making out in the kitchen..You really think we're still going to let you two sleep in the same bed?" Kurt said, raising an eyebrow.
"But we were just kissing!" Elliot countered.
"Elliot.." Blaine said in a warning tone.
Elliot was about to say something back before Alex grabbed his hand. "It's okay Elliot.."
"Why are you okay with this?" Elliot asked.
"Because if your dads say we can't sleep in the same room we can't sleep in the same room. I still get to see you all day, and that's good enough for me.."
"I like him," Kurt chuckled lightly. Elliot chuckled, rolling his eyes as he squeezed Alex's hand.
"So are we good?" Elliot asked.
"Yes..But keep your door open.." Kurt said as the boys stood and walked back into the kitchen to eat. Ilyana came down the hall, her hair a mess and rubbing her eyes as she climbed into Blaine's lap.
"Good morning baby girl." Blaine smiled.
"Morning, Daddy.." She smiled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.
"Are you hungry?"
"Yeah.." Ilyana, nodded. "Morning Daddy Kurt.." She said, smiling.
"Good morning," Kurt grinned. "I'll make you a plate."
"Okay daddy.." She said softly.
Kurt got up and fixed a plate for Ilyana and Blaine. "I have to go baby."
"Bye daddy." Ilyana said, hugging Kurt before he kissed Blaine.
"Bye dad!"
"Bye Mr. Hummel!" the boys called.
Kurt chuckled, saying bye before leaving.
Ilyana smiled as she walked to the kitchen and sat with her brother. "So..Are you guys boyfriends?.."
"We are," Alex said proudly.
Alex and Elliot sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Ilyana teased at her brother.
"You're so annoying." Elliot sighed.
"No I'm not!" She protested loudly.
"Elliot." Blaine warned.
"Did you just hear her?" Elliot called.
"You use to do the same thing."
"Doesn't make it any less annoying!"
"Elliot. Stop and eat." Blaine said seriously.
"Whatever.." Elliot sighed as Ilyana stuck out her tongue at him.
"I saw that." Blaine warned his daughter. Ilyana gave a little giggle, giving Blaine the look that always made him melt. Blaine chuckled, shaking his head as they started eating.
Later Alex and Elliot were sitting in his room, playing video games, as usual, when alex spoke up.
"You know I think it's kinda cool your dads wanted to talk to us about that.." He said, looking over at Elliot.
Elliot started to blush. "Really?"
"Well..Yeah..Not that I've been thinking about that..Not that I don't think of you that way! But I don't think we should-..This isn't coming out right.." Alex sighed.
"I can tell.."
"It's just..My parents wouldn't talk to me about that stuff.." Alex said softly.
"It was embarrassing.." Elliot groaned.
"It wasn't that bad..All that talk about finding someone special.." Alex smiled.
"Do you think I'm special..?"
"I know you're special.." Alex said, looking over at his boyfriend and pausing their game.
"Promise me you'll be my first?" Elliot asked quietly.
Alex nodded. "As long as you're mine.." he smiled. Elliot's blush grew as he leaned in to kiss Alex. Alex wrapped his arms around Elliot's neck, kissing him softly. Elliot sighed happily, smiling against his boyfriend's lips. Alex grinned. "I-I really liked how you kissed be this morning..Before your dad came in.."
"Really?" Elliot grinned.
"Yeah.." Alex smiled, biting his lip.
"We should go to a movie. Get away from dad."
"I have a little money.." Alex said softly.
"No. I want to pay." Elliot said before going to ask his father.
Blaine was watching Tv with Ilyana when Elliot came out, "Hey.." He smiled.
"Can I take Alex to a movie?" Elliot asked.
"Sure..You need a ride?.."
Blaine smiled, getting everyone in the car and driving to the movie theatre. "Call me as soon as the movie is over." He said seriously.
"Can I come Elliot?" Ilyana asked.
"Next time, I promise." Elliot said softly.
"Okay.." She sighed as they got out.
"Remember..Call me." Blaine said again.
"I will!" Elliot said before they rushed up the the ticket line. Elliot bought a ticket to some random movie and they walked to the theatre, hand in hand. They found their seats and waited for the lights to go out. Elliot bit his lip as he looked to his boyfriend. Alex smiled nervously, leaning in a bit. Elliot leaned in the rest of the way, pressing their lips together in a sweet kiss. Alex sighed softly, slowly moving their lips together. Elliot wouldn't admit it, but he had been looking up videos of people kissing to get an idea of the next step. He breathed out a shaky breath before licking across Alex's bottom lip. Alex made a soft noise, slowly opening his mouth to Elliot. Elliot's heart started to race as he slipped his tongue into Alex's mouth. Alex leaned in more to Elliot, placing his hands on Elliot's neck. Elliot brought the armrest up and climbed into his boyfriend's lap. Alex gave a small moan as their tongues slid together, the sound making Elliot gasp. A shiver ran down Elliot's spine as he naturally rolled his body down. Alex breathed in sharply, his hand roaming down to Elliot's hips and squeezing lightly. Elliot gasped as he felt his pants become a little tighter in the front. He repositioned himself, hoping Alex wouldn't notice. Elliot's eyes opened wide as he felt something poking his thigh and looked down. He pulled back, the boys' panting mingling together. "Elliot.." Alex sighed, pressing their lips together again.
"You're such an amazing kisser.." Elliot whispered.
"So are you.." Alex smiled, biting his lip. Elliot bit his as well as he grabbed Alex's hand, setting it on the front of his jeans. Alex moaned shakily, squeezing the bulge lightly and watching how Elliot trembled. Elliot buried his head in the crook of Alex's neck. "T-That's good.. So good.."
Alex panted harshly, rubbing Elliot over his jeans. Elliot gasped, biting down on his boyfriend's neck. Alex gave half of a loud moan before biting down on his lip to stay quiet as he rolled his hips up. Elliot sucked the skin between his teeth. "A-Alex.. W-We have to..ah.. Have to stop.."
Alex nodded, pulling his hand back as he closed his eyes. "Y-Yeah.."
Elliot sighed, not wanting to stop.
"Maybe it's a good thing we talked to your dads after all.." The freckled boy chuckled.
"Yeah," Elliot giggled. Alex pressed a chaste kiss to Elliot's lips and smiled. Elliot climbed back into his seat. "That was so hot though."
Alex blushed, smiling. "It was.."
They leaned back, cuddling as they watched the movie. After the movie, the lights came on and Elliot gasped as he saw a bruise on Alex's neck. "What?" Alex asked.
"There's a..Hickey.." Elliot said.
Alex's eyes went wide as he headed to the bathroom. "Ohmygod.."
"It's not that bad.." Elliot lied.
"It's huge!"
"We'll hide it.."
"Um..Turn the collar of your shirt up?.." Elliot suggested.
"Just..Try to keep it turned away.," Elliot said softly.
Alex sighed, examining it further.
"I..I kinda like it.." Alex said.
"Really?" Elliot asked.
"It reminds me..Of what we did.." Alex said.
Elliot bit his lip. "Maybe we can get some concealer. My dad has some."
"Okay.." Alex said softly.
Elliot leaned in to kiss it lightly. As he pulled back, he notice the shape. It was a circle with a few spots clear of a bruise. "It almost looks like a peace sign."
"Really?.." Alex giggled.
"Yeah. It's actually pretty cool." Elliot smiled. Alex chuckled softly, kissing Elliot again. "Come on. I'll call my dad.."
Alex nodded, following Elliot out. He called his father and let him know he'd be in the arcade as he waited. "Do you think he'll notice?" Alex asked quietly.
"I hope not.."
They saw Blaine's car through the window and hurried out, Alex trying his best to keep his neck hidden.
"How was the movie?" Blaine asked.
"Good. Kinda boring, but it was alright." Elliot said.
"What did you see?"
"Some musical." Elliot shrugged.
Blaine nodded. "Alex, are you going home or back to our place?"
"Um..I should probably go home..My mom text me earlier and said she needed help cleaning." Alex said, looking out the window.
"Okay," Blaine nodded. As they drove to Alex's house, he looked in the rear view mirror and noticed Alex's neck. He sighed deeply, deciding not to say anything for now. They dropped Alex off and Elliot climbed into the front seat after giving his boyfriend a quick peck goodbye.
"Elliot.." Blaine said softly. "What happened to Alex's neck?.."
Elliot froze for a moment. "What?"
"Elliot..I saw the hickey.." Blaine said.
"Oh yeah.."
"I'm not mad, Elliot..Just..I don't know..Don't you think you're a little..young?"
"I don't know," Elliot admitted. "It's not like we couldn't stop."
"What did you do?.." Blaine asked.
"It was just kissing." Elliot shrugged as he blushed.
His father sighed softly. "Well just..Try to tone it down. Keep kissing to lips on lips." Blaine said.
"Dad!" Elliot groaned. "I don't.. I'm not ready for that."
"I didn't mean that, it's just Alex has a hickey and.. Just calm down okay?" Blaine sighed.
"Okay." Elliot sighed.
"You're growing up too fast.." Blaine sighed, placing a hand on his son's knee and smiling.
"I wish I was older." Elliot said.
"Why?.." Blaine asked, "Being an adult sucks.." He chuckled.
"I just feel like anything I do that shows I'm not a baby, you and dad freak out about it." Elliot said quietly.
"Well..Elliot..You are our baby.." Blaine said sweetly.
"I know.."
"Elliot..You're growing up. You're becoming a young man, and it's a little hard for your dad and I to accept that..But..I don't want you to think you have to do things like this to prove you aren't a baby to your father and I..I didn't have my first kiss until I was sixteen..And you had yours at eleven..And now..You're kissing Alex..That way and, for lack of a better word, exploring each other.." his father said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I want you to be able to feel like you can tell me when those things happen. Not in detail..But just..Tell me..How it made you feel, if you think you're ready for more..If you fall in love...I want you to be able to come to me."
"Can I tell you?" Elliot asked hopefully.
"You can always tell me anything, Elliot.." Blaine said softly.
"I really like him.."
"I can tell.." Blaine smiled. "How does he make you feel?.."
"Just.. So happy. But I'm not ready for more than what we do. We've even talked about it." Elliot said.
"What do you..do?.." Blaine asked, trying not to show how uncomfortable with this for his son's sake. "And what did you talk about?.."
"We just kiss. A lot. We uh.. We did just.. Feel.. over clothes. But we stopped and talked about waiting."
Blaine nodded. "I'm proud of you..I know how hard it can be to wait.."
"I'm just not ready." Elliot said confidently.
"I'm glad you know that." Blaine said sincerely. "And hopefully you won't be ready until you're forty."
"I don't know about that," Elliot laughed before looking at his father. "Thank you, dad."
"You're welcome Elliot.." Blaine smiled, running his hand over the pale boy's chestnut curls.
That was a really good chapter
Thank you! :)