College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 23

E - Words: 4,869 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
302 0 0 0 0

-Two months later-
Elliot sat in the living room with his Aunt Rachel, pacing the living room.
"When are they coming back?" He groaned. He was eagerly awaiting the arrival of his little sister Ilyana.

Rachel chuckled. "Soon sweetie."

"Have you seen her yet? I hope she looks like me. Do you think she'll look like me?" He asked, climbing into Rachel's lap.

"I haven't seen her. But they didn't make her like they made you."

"They didn't?.." Elliot asked.

"No. They're adopting her," Rachel said softly.

"Don't you have two daddies?" Elliot asked.

"I do."

Elliot grinned. "So it's not so different.."

"Nope. Just like me. And you'll love her to pieces," Rachel smiled.

"I can't wait to meet her! We're sharing a room and everything!" Elliot enthused.

"I love your room. I bet she will too."

Suddenly the door unlocked and Elliot was on his feet, running to the door. His fathers walked in and Blaine hushed Elliot as he picked him up and faced Kurt, who was holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. "She's sleeping."

Elliot gasped softly at the little girl in Kurt's arm. She had a small amount of black hair on her head and made a small noise. She looked a bit older than a year and she was the cutest thing Elliot had ever seen.
"Oohh.." Elliot said quietly.

"What do you think?" Kurt asked their son.

"She's so cute.." Elliot smiled.

"Come sit on the couch. You can hold her." Blaine said softly. Elliot nodded as Rachel grinned. Ilyana whined lightly as they moved to the couch. Elliot sat between Kurt and Blaine before Kurt carefully handed him his sister. Elliot wrapped his arms around the baby carefully. "Hi Ilyana.." He smiled. The little girl slowly opened her eyes, looking up curiously. Elliot's smile grew to a grin. "Hey.."

She reached up, slowly spreading her tiny fingers. Elliot smiled as she placed her hand on his cheek. "She has green eyes.." he said softly.

"Pretty, huh?" Kurt asked in awe.

Elliot nodded, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I love you." He smiled. She clapped her hands together and made a little noise, drool spilling down her chin. Elliot giggled, wiping it away with the sleeve of his sweater and Kurt smiled at his husband.

"Perfect.." Blaine whispered.

"She's so pretty Daddies.." Elliot smiled.

"She's gorgeous," Rachel said quietly. She made a small grunting sound, reaching for Blaine. Blaine chuckled, taking her into his arms. "Hey my beautiful baby girl.."

She smiled, sitting up a bit and smiling at her father as she grabbed for his curls. Blaine chuckled, bending his head down so she could. She grabbed them, pulling lightly and giggling. "You think she'll be happy here?.." Elliot asked.

"I think she will," Kurt smiled. "What about you? are you happy?"

"Super happy!" Elliot said, throwing his hands up.

"Good. We love you both so much."

"I love you too daddies..And my little sister.." Elliot smiled, leaning over to kiss Ilyana's chubby cheek. Ilyana's face lit up as she looked at her brother.

Elliot smiled. "I'm gonna teach you to do so many things. Like play football and make cookies and color. I can show you how to play dress up! And then when you're big like me, we can go to the park and ride bikes!"

"I think she'd love that baby," Blaine grinned.

Elliot smiled as Blaine handed her to Rachel. "Well hi!" She grinned, kissing her cheeks. "You're just the cutest thing!"

"She is.. I feel so lucky.." Kurt said softly.

"She's lucky to get you two as parents.." Rachel grinned as Ilyana smiled at Kurt.

"And don't forget me!" Elliot said, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes, you too!" Rachel smiled.

"Aunt Rachel! Tell Daddy how I've been doing with my piano lessons!" Elliot grinned. Kurt had recently taken to letting Elliot go to Rachel's house twice a week for piano lessons. It was summer vacation and Kurt was busier than usual. Blaine had agreed to stay home with Elliot and Ilyana.

"Oh god, he's so good! Kurt, I've never seen a child play like this," Rachel said enthusiastically. "He just watches me once and can get it almost perfect the first try!"

"That's amazing Elliot.." Kurt said happily. Elliot smiled proudly. "And she said, when I get older, she'll teach me to sing!"

"He's going to be amazing," Rachel grinned.

Elliot bounced happily. "Can she walk yet?" He asked.

Blaine shook his head. "Nope, but she's trying.."

"I wanna see!" Elliot said excitedly.

"Okay." Blaine smiled as Rachel set Ilyana on the floor. She whined lightly, her bottom lip poking out as she looked up at them.

"Come here," Blaine encouraged, setting his hands in front of her. She gave a little grunt, planting her feet on the ground and pushing her butt up before standing. She wobbled slightly, looking up at Blaine. "It's okay baby girl," Blaine said, keeping his hands close in case she fell. She wobbled a bit more, making a small sound as she took one step before falling forward into Blaine's arms. Blaine caught her and pulled her up. "She's almost there."

Kurt smiled. "She'll get it soon."

Elliot pulled a disgusted face. "Daddy.. Something doesn't smell good."

Blaine sniffed before pulling Ilyana closer and sniffing again before holding her at arms length, grimacing. "Oh-kay. Someone needs a diaper change.."

"That's her?!" Elliot gasped.

"Yup!" Blaine chuckled, standing. "Be right back."

"I have a stinky sister."

"Oh hush!" Kurt giggled as Blaine walked to the room. "You smelled just as bad."

"Nu uh!" Elliot said, sniffing under his arms.

Kurt chuckled. "When you were a baby.."

"That's gross," Elliot said seriously.

"Very." Kurt chuckled, lifting his son and kissing his cheek. The next day, Blaine was up at six, although he didn't have work, soothing a crying Ilyana. She wasn't used to the apartment and had trouble sleeping last night and now she was up early, still unable to sleep. Kurt was running about the house, getting ready to go to work with a piece of toast in his mouth.

Blaine kissed his cheek as he bounced her. "Have a good day babe.."

"Bye. I love you." He smiled, kissing Ilyana's red, tear streaked cheek as well before hurrying out the door.

"Shh, it's okay baby girl.. It's okay," Blaine tried to soothe.

"Daddy!" Elliot yelled from his room.

Blaine hurried to his son's room. "Yeah Elliot?"

"I had an accident.." He said quietly, cheeks pink as Ilyana continued to cry.

Blaine sighed heavily. "Get out of your clothes. I'll get a bath started."

He nodded, hopping out of the bed and pulling off his soiled pajamas. Blaine got the water ready and helped Elliot into the tub. Elliot grabbed his toys but sighed, looking up at his little sister who was still crying on Blaine's hip.

"I'm going to try to feed her. Call me if you need help," Blaine said to his son.

"Okay, Daddy.." Elliot said softly. Blaine left and cleaned up Elliot's bed before going to the kitchen and grabbing her baby food. Ilyana whimpered from her high chair, sniffing lightly as she reached for Blaine, letting out gibberish. He got a spoon of her food and made airplane noises as he brought it to her lips. She didn't open her mouth, turning her head and pulling back. "Ilyana," Blaine sighed.

Ilyana looked over at Blaine, her big green eyes challenging him when suddenly Blaine heard a sharp cry from the bathroom.

Blaine's eyes went wide as he ran to the bathroom. "What happened?"

Elliot had his hands over his eyes and Blaine sighed as he saw they were covered in soap. Blaine pulled his son's hands away from his eyes and started to flush them with water. Elliot struggled, his tears mixing with the water as he tried to pull away.

"Elliot, stop. I have to get it out."

"It hurts!" Elliot squeaked.

"And it will keep hurting if it doesn't come out."

Elliot whined, trying to relax as Blaine rinsed his eyes. After Blaine finished, Elliot's eyes now red and irritated, the sound of breaking glass and the squeal of Ilyana's cry sounded from the kitchen.

"Oh my god!" Blaine gasped, running back to the kitchen. Blaine sighed in relief as he saw that Ilyana had just knocked the jar of baby food off of her tray, and then groaned as he realized he had to clean it up. He quickly cleaned it and picked up the screaming baby. Ilyana clenched her little fists crying loudly as Blaine began to feel a bit overwhelmed.

"Your diapers clean and you wont eat. What's wrong?" Blaine said out loud. Ilyana continues crying, not giving any answer to Blaine as he let out a deep sigh. Elliot came out of the bathroom with one of Kurt's good towels wrapped around himself. The towel was sopping wet and covered in soap, leaving a slippery trail behind him as he walked. "Daddy! Daddy I don't have any clean underwear.." Elliot said, soap still on his wet body and in his hair. Ilyana continued her shrill cry in Blaine's ear, making him sigh again.

"So we'll put you in pants. Get back in the tub! You're making a mess!"

Elliot growled at Blaine, stomping back to the bathroom and mumbling under his breath. Blaine got another towel and started cleaning the soapy mess. He felt like he was going deaf in his left ear. He soaked up the trail with his foot on top of the towel, bouncing his daughter his hip as he pushed his curls out of his eyes. "God.." He groaned. He set Ilyana in her bouncer and turned on the Lion King, hoping it would distract her. She whined, reaching for Blaine as he walked off to go wash off Elliot. He hurried up with his son and got him dressed before going back to Ilyana. Ilyana reached for Blaine, bouncing in her seat before trying to push herself out, grunting lightly. Blaine sighed heavily, picking her up. Elliot scurried into the living room pulling on Blaine's pant leg.
"Daddy, I'm hungry..."

"What do you want?" Blaine asked.

"Food!" Elliot said, bouncing over to the kitchen.

"But what kind?" Blaine asked again.

"Pancakes!" Elliot smiled.

"Okay. Go watch tv. I'll get it."

Elliot nodded, walking into the living room. Ilyana had calmed down considerably, but it seemed Blaine couldn't set her down without her starting to scream again. He kept her in his arm and started cooking. I Just Can't Wait To Be King came on and Blaine looked towards his daughter and started to sing and dance. Ilyana began to smile, placing her hand on his cheek and squeezing lightly as he sang. Blaine chuckled, continuing to sing as he cooked. He finished Elliot's pancakes and mushed up a bowl of bananas for Ilyana, calling Elliot into the kitchen, "Pancakes!" Elliot squealed.

"Yes, pancakes.." Blaine sighed, smiling as he placed his plate on the table and sat Ilyana in her high hair. Blaine took a little spoon and brought a small bite to her lips. She opened her mouth and Blaine gave a sigh of relief. He smiled, emptying the banana into her mouth. Breakfast was peaceful, yet it was only seven in the morning and Blaine was already exhausted. He cleaned the kitchen and tried to sit on the couch as he burped his daughter. Elliot climbed up next to him, smiling at Ilyana. "Daddy can we go see my friends at the park?"

"We'll see baby. But it's too early now."

"We'll see means yes!"

"Not always." Blaine said.

Elliot shook his head. "When you say it, Daddy." He gigged.

"If you're good."

"I'm ALWAYS good!" Elliot grinned, standing up in the couch.

"That's a lie!" Blaine laughed.

"Nuh uh!" Elliot said seriously, "I'm the best boy ever!"

"You're my best boy," Blaine said softly. Elliot smiled sitting down next to his dad as they watched the movie. Ilyana fell asleep in Blaine's arms, giving the father a blissful hour of silence. Although it didn't give his arm much rest. About noon, Blaine fed the kids again before holding up on his promise to take Elliot to the park. He put Ilyana in the stroller and they walked to the playground down the street where most of Elliot's friends played.
"Elliot!" Natalie squealed, running over to him.

Elliot's face lit up as he saw his friend. "Natalie!" he grinned, hugging her.

"Hi Mr. Hummel!" Natalie smiled, walking over to him before gasping sharply. "Is that a baby?!" She grinned, smiling at Ilyana.

"Yup! Elliot's new sister." Blaine grinned.

"She's so cute!" Natalie smiled.

"Natalie, let's go swing!" Elliot called.

"Okay!" She said, running off with him. Blaine sat on a bench, the stroller next to him as he watched Elliot play. It was a nice day out. Blaine enjoyed watching his son play. A few minutes later, Blaine saw a man come up and pull Natalie away, shooting Elliot a look and looking as if he gave him some harsh words before pulling his friend away. Elliot stopped swinging, tears filing his eyes as he looked down. Blaine hurried off to his son. "Baby what happened?"

"That was Natalie's daddy..." Elliot sniffed.

"What did he say?"

"He told me I couldn't play with Natalie..And..Daddy?..What does fag mean?.."

"Watch your sister." Blaine said before running up to the other man. "Excuse me."

"What?" The taller man said. Natalie looked up at Blaine, tears in her eyes as well.

"If you have a problem, talk to me. Not my son. You have no right to throw around words like fag to little kids."

The man sighed. "Look, I just don't want my kid around that.."

"Then politely take her away. I dont want my son around ignorance," Blaine said simply.


"Closed minded. Whatever you want to call it."

"Well I raise my daughter by the bible," he snapped.

Blaine laughed. "The Bible is just a book. It's been rewritten so many times, how can you know what was originally in it? Or if it's just a story? That's your belief. And I can respect that. But just because I don't, doesn't give you the right to undermine my life to my son. I personally don't know how someone can believe something that is constantly changing. It makes no sense. Like if I were to go out and by that book that Snooki from that MTV show wrote and decided that's how I'm supposed to live my life. Everyone has their own beliefs. Don't push yours onto my son."

"Mr.Hummel is nice Daddy.." Natalie said.

"I don't want your son telling my daughter that your lifestyle is okay. It isn't. And when judgment day is here, you will be the ones to pay." Natalie's father said.

"Well so be it. But don't push your beliefs on my husband's and my child..I won't do the same to yours..And if you ever..Say the word "fag" around my son again..It won't work out so well for you.." Blaine spat.

"Well it is what you are. You're the one hiding the truth from your kid."

Blaine took a deep breath, closing his eyes to calm himself. "And you, are ignorant..And if you raise her the way you are, she'll turn out the same way. My son knows about alternative lifestyles and he respects them, unlike you. He and my baby girl in that stroller over there will grow up to be amazing, tolerant, embracing individuals, while you and your family remain in the dark."

"Daddy please.. Elliot is my friend.." Natalie pleaded.

Not anymore, he isn't..We're leaving Natalie.." Her father said before turning to Blaine. "I feel sorry for those kids..Growing up in a fucked up family.. It's disgusting.." he spat before walking off with Natalie.

Blaine sighed, walking back to his son. "I'm sorry Elliot."

Elliot nodded, wiping his eyes. "it's okay d-daddy.."

"Come here," Blaine said, picking him up. "Some people just dont understand.."

"Why?..I-I'm not mean..I-I want her to be my f-friend.." Elliot sobbed.

"It's not you baby.. They don't agree with me and daddy Kurt being together.."

Elliot just buried his face in Blaine's chest, crying softly.

"I'm so sorry baby.." Blaine whispered as he started walking home. He carried both of his children up to the apartment and laid them down for a nap. He sighed as he plopped down on the couch and called Kurt.

"Kurt Hummel." Kurt said quickly as he answered.

"Hey.. Do you have a minute to talk..?"

"Oh hey baby. Of course." Kurt said softly.

"I just feel so bad.. We went to the park and ran into Natalie's dad."

"What happened?..." Kurt asked quietly.

"Elliot was playing with her and he got mad. He said something about 'fags' and the kids starting crying so I went over to see what happened. Then he and I got into it." Blaine explained before giving a long sigh.

"You didn't get violent did you?.." Kurt asked concernedly.

"Oh no. No, no. Just a heated argument. And Natalie isn't allowed to see Elliot.."

"Oh no.." Kurt said quietly.

"Elliot is devastated.." Blaine whispered. "I just.. I love who we are and our family. I just hate that he has to go through this."

"It's okay Blaine..He'll be okay..He will.." Kurt said quietly, trying to sound composed but Blaine heard the tears in his husband's voice.

"I just dont know what else to tell him.."

"I-I'll try to talk to him tonight.." Kurt sighed softly, sniffing.

"I'm sorry.. I-I shouldn't have called.."

"No, it's okay baby..How's Ilyana doing?" Kurt asked softly.

"She's napping now. Really fussy this morning." Blaine said.

"Why?" Kurt asked softly.

"I think she's just getting used to it here."

"Well, I hope she's happy here.." Kurt smiled.

"She will be." Blaine said confidently.

"I gotta get back, baby..I love you so much.." Kurt said softly.

"I love you too.."

"Have a good day, okay? I'll pick up dinner on the way home."

"Sounds good. Bye babe."

Blaine hung up, sitting back on the couch and sighing heavily. He hoped he'd get a little time to relax. But within ten minutes, Ilyana woke up crying. Blaine grunted as he got up, walking to the room and picking up his daughter before she woke up Elliot. She laid her head on Blaine's shoulder as her tears streamed down her cheeks. "Shh..Shh..It's okay baby.." Blaine whispered before starting to sing.
"Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep.."

Ilyana pulled her head up a little to look at her father before starting to calm down a little.

"Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me.." Blaine sang softly, kissing her forehead sweetly. She sniffled before dropping back down against Blaine's shoulder. Blaine hummed softly, continuing the tune as he swayed slowly, rubbing up and down Ilyana's back. She tried to keep her eyes open but slowly gave in and fell asleep. Blaine walked over to the bedroom and slowly laid her down in the crib, leaning down to kiss her softly. The kids slept a little longer. Blaine got the house cleaned up before Elliot woke up.

"Hey buddy.." Blaine smiled as he saw his son.

"Hey.." Elliot said quietly, climbing into the couch.

"How are you feeling?" Blaine asked, walking over and sitting next to Elliot.


"It's okay Elliot.." Blaine said, pulling him into his lap.

"I don't like this." Elliot said quietly.

"I know baby..But..Some people just don't like that your daddy Kurt and I love each other.." Blaine said.

"But love is love. Love is good."

"It is..It's very good.." Blaine said softly.

"So why can't I be friends with Natalie?"

"Because..Natalie's mommy and daddy think that only a boy and a girl are supposed to love each other..Not two boys.." Blaine said.

"But that's you and daddy. I don't know who I love," Elliot said seriously.

"I know baby boy..Some people are just..It's a mean thing for me to say, but some people are just stupid.." Blaine sighed.

Wlliot giggled lightly. "Its true."

Blaine chuckled, kissing Elliot's forehead. "So do you like boys or girls?" He grinned, raising an eyebrow, knowing it was far to early to tell.

"Daddy!" Elliot giggled. "I don't know!"

"Good. Because you can't date until you're thirty." Blaine said, smiling.

Elliot laughed. "You're silly."

"But whether you like boys, girls, or both..Know your daddy and I will always love you.."

Elliot nodded. "I know. Because I have the best two daddies ever."

"You do.." Blaine chuckled, kissing Elliot's cheek.

"When is daddy Kurt coming home?"

"In a couple of hours. How about you play the piano for me while we wait? I'll go get Ilyana and you can show her how good you are." Blaine said.

"Yeah!" Elliot said happily.

"Okay, go get started, I'll be right back."

Elliot nodded, doing as he was told. Blaine walked back to the room. Seeing Ilyana was already up, sitting up and playing with her toys. "Hey pretty girl," Blaine smiled, picking her up and handing her the toy key ring. She shook it happily, grinning and giggling lightly. Blaine walked back to the piano and sat next to Elliot. Elliot was playing a classical song, his little fingers flying over the keys with ease. "Look at your big brother," Blaine grinned. Ilyana was chewing on one of the plastic keys as she watched Elliot's hands, her green eyes wide. Elliot looked up and smiled. "Am I doing good, daddy?"

"You're doing amazing Elliot.." Blaine said softly.

"Thank you," Elliot smiled.

Kurt came home a bit earlier than expected with a bag of Chinese food. "Is that Elliot playing?" He smiled.

"It is," Blaine said, having to wrap is other arm around Ilyana as she squealed, trying to get to Kurt. Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine and the top of Elliot's head before picking up Ilyana.

"How was work?" Blaine asked.

"Hectic!" He smiled. "I'm glad I'm home now.." He said softly as he set the bag of food in the kitchen.

"Me too," Blaine smiled.

Kurt set Ilyana on the floor in the living room on her blanket. She pouted a bit, reaching for Kurt. "I have to fix food sweetie.." He smiled, kissing the top of her head before walking into the kitchen. Blaine followed Kurt and wrapped his arms around him. Kurt smiled, letting his head fall back. "Mmm..Hey.."

"I missed you," Blaine whispered.

"I missed you too.." Kurt smiled, placing a hand on Blaine's cheek and turning his head to kiss him softly.

Blaine hummed happily. "What did you get?"

"Chinese..Just something quick." Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine again.

"Sounds good."

"How are you feeling?" Kurt asked.

"Tired. But good," Blaine said softly.

"How about we get the kids in bed early and you let me take care of you tonight?.." Kurt whispered.

"That sounds amazing.."

Kurt smiled. "Good.."

They sat down at the table, talking about their days. Ilyana was grabbing at her peas and carrots, shoving them into her mouth and making quite a mess of herself. She saw Elliot looking at her and giggled loudly.

"Why does she do that?" Elliot asked.

"Do what, Elliot?" Kurt asked, smiling.

"Make a big mess."

"She's a baby, Elliot.." Blaine giggled. "You did the same thing."

Ilyana furrowed her eyebrows, looking very concentrated.

"But I don't now!" Elliot said seriously.

"Elliot, it's part of being a baby."

Ilyana looked to Blaine. " Leleeit!"

Elliot grinned. "She said my name!" he squealed, pointing.

"Ilyana! That's so good!" Kurt enthused as Blaine kissed her cheek.

"Leleeit!" She said again, clapping excitedly at the praise.

"Is that her first word?" Elliot asked.

"I think it is." Blaine said happily.

"That's so cool!" Elliot grinned.

Kurt smiled. "Hopefully we can get 'Dada' out of her next."

"I'm sure we can," Blaine smiled, looking at their daughter. "Can you say Dada?"

Ilyana looked at Blaine, kneading her little eyebrows together.

"Da..da.." Blaine said slower.

"Da.." She said slowly, looking back down at her food.

"Good baby. Da-da.."

"Daaaaa...da!" She grinned.

Kurt got up and pulled her into his arms, swinging her around. "You're so smart!"

She squealed happily, giggling.

"Be careful baby.. she might get sick.."

"Sorry.." Blaine chuckled setting her back down.

*Kurt. "It's okay," Blaine laughed. Kurt giggled, sitting back down and grinning wide. "You're so smart baby girl." Blaine grinned, kissing her again.

"Me too!" Elliot defended.

"You are very smart and amazing at piano," Kurt said softly.

"Thank you daddy."He smiled.

"Your welcome," Kurt smiled.

After dinner, Elliot smiled. "Bath time!"

"Try not to get soap in your eyes." Blaine told his son. Elliot nodded, hurrying off to the bathroom. Kurt shook his head as he chuckled, following their son. Blaine washed Ilyana in the sink before getting her dressed and taking her to the bedroom. He kissed her forehead before singing her to sleep. Kurt walked in, holding Elliot before tucking him into bed and kissing his cheek lightly. "Goodnight baby boy.."

"Night daddies."

Blaine kissed Elliot as Kurt kissed Ilyana. They turned on the nightlight and baby monitor before walking down the hall to their room. Blaine sighed heavily. "Bed sounds so good right now."

Kurt smiled. "How does a foot rub sound?"

"Oh geez.. Like heaven!"

Kurt grinned, telling Blaine to sit in the bed while he went to change.

Blaine sat down, sighing happily as he waited. Kurt came out in a T-shirt and boxer briefs, holding a bottle of massage lotion

"I'm so lucky."

"And why is that?" Kurt asked, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I have two healthy, smart, beautiful babies and the most amazing husband."

Kurt smiled , pulling Blaine's feet into his lap. "I love you.."

"I love you too, gorgeous." Blaine grinned. Kurt smiled, pouring oil in his hands before beginning to massage his husband's feet. Blaine closed his eyes, humming happily.

"I really appreciate you staying with the kids all day baby.." Kurt smiled.

"You did it with Elliot," Blaine said softly.

"I know..But a five-year-old and a baby..It seems like a lot of work.." Kurt said sweetly.

"It is. But they're my babies."

Kurt smiled. "True.."

"That feels really good.."

Kurt nodded, pressing harder on the arch of Blaine's heel. Blaine gasped softly, his mouth falling open at the relaxing touch. Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine massaged a bit more. Blaine bit his bottom lip. "I forgot how good you are with your hands."

"How could you forget?" Kurt smiled.

"I'm lying. Trying to flirt or hint to you. I-I guess it's just..been a while.."

Kurt giggled. "I know baby.."

"Oh.." Blaine said, blushing a bit.

Kurt chuckled. "Feel good?"

Blaine batted his lashes as he nodded. Kurt bit his lip, moving to the other foot.

"You're so beautiful." Blaine whispered.

"So are you baby.." Kurt smiled.

"Sometimes you make me feel like I'm sixteen again.."

"You still look it.." Kurt said softly, giving a sly smile.

Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. "Not even close."

"Still as sexy as the day I saw you.." Kurt said, his voice low.

Blaine gasped softly. "How so?"

"Well I might even say you're sexier.." Kurt said, climbing up Blaine's body. "More muscle.." He whispered, straddling his lap and running his hands over Blaine's broad chest.

Blaine bit his lip, holding back a grin. "Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm.." Kurt said, pulling down his collar a bit. "More hair.." He breathed out, licking his lips. "So hot."

"Fuck baby.."

Kurt kissed Blaine's collarbone. "I want you so bad.."

"We gotta be quiet.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt nodded. "Lean Back against the headboard..Wanna ride you.."

Blaine moved up the bed, resting his back against the wood. "So sexy.."

Kurt leaned down, sucking on Blaine's neck softly. Blaine gave a quiet mewl. "Kurt.."

"Miss your cock in me.." Kurt breathed out.

"Fuck," Blaine gasped. "I love when you talk dirty."

Kurt grinned. "Feeling you stretch my tight ass..Just for you..All yours.." he said, grabbing Blaine's hands and placing them on his ass.

Blaine's head fell back as he squeezed the soft flesh. "Perfect.."

Kurt gasped. "Mmm..That's all for you baby.."

"You want my cock inside you? Feeling the veins throbbing from your tight fucking ass.."

Kurt shuddered. "Mmm..Yes..I want your cock baby..So big..Th-Thick..Ngh..So hot..Just thinking about it.."

Blaine slapped Kurt's ass and gave a wicked grin. Kurt gave a small whine, poking his ass out and nipping at Blaine's ear. Blaine reached for the bottom of Kurt's shirt and pulled it over his lover's head. Kurt lifted his arms before pulling Blaine's shirt off as well.
Blaine kissed his husband deeply as he started to remove Kurt's pants. Kurt lifted himself helping Blaine pull off his boxers with ease before doing the same to Blaine. The younger ground his hips up, letting their members rub against one another. Kurt panted shakily at the slow repetitive movement, reaching down to wrap his lithe fingers around both of them, pressing their lengths together. "So good.." Blaine gasped.

"I-In..Now.." Kurt whispered. Blaine lifted Kurt before slowly lowering him over his throbbing cock. Kurt gave a loud moan before Blaine's hand flew over his mouth.

"Shh." Blaine whispered, thrusting up into Kurt. Kurt whimpered, rolling his body as he wrapped his hand around Blaine's wrist, holding the younger's palm over his mouth. Blaine gave a low growl as the older man started grinding his pale body onto him. Kurt breathed heavily through his nose, giving helpless whimpers into Blaine's hand as he began to bounce lightly. "Fuck baby.. Ride me.."

Kurt nodded, placing his hands on Blaine's shoulders as he began to do just that, riding Blaine fast and hard. Blaine trailed his hands down to Kurt's hips, thrusting up with his movements. Kurt panted harshly, looking down into Blaine's eyes. Blaine leaned in, kissing his husband deeply. Kurt rolled his hips, reaching up to tug on Blaine's curls. Blaine gasped, his head falling back as he watched his lover bounce. Kurt gave a sharp cry, "Baby..Ungh!.."

"So fucking good.. Kurt..!"

"I-I'm close.." Kurt panted, arching his back and speeding his hips.

"Me too." Blaine breathed out heavily. Kurt whined, pressing his lips to Blaine's jaw as he reached his release, groaning and tightening around Blaine. Blaine's eyes screwed shut as he came deep inside his lover. Kurt's whole body went lax, leaning against Blaine as he kissed his neck sweetly. "I love you." Blaine whispered.

"I love you too, Blaine.." Kurt smiled.


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