College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 21

E - Words: 7,149 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
308 0 2 0 0

They stayed in Lima a few more days and Kurt took a couple of hours to visit his parents' graves alone before returning to his husband and son so they could get to the airport. Once back in New York, the first thing Kurt wanted to do was sleep.
"But Daddy..I want you to play with me.." Elliot countered, grabbing his pant leg.

"Please baby. Daddy needs some sleep.." Kurt said weakly.

"You're always sleeping!" Elliot said loudly.

"Elliot! Don't talk to your father that way." Blaine said, using his fatherly tone.

"Ever since Grandpa Burt went away that's all you do is sleep!" Elliot said, ignoring Blaine.

Kurt couldn't stop himself as fear, anger and weariness from not sleeping filled him. "My dad is gone, Elliot! You don't understand! Do you want me to leave?!"

Elliot took a step back, tears filling his eyes. "N-No.." he whimpered.

"I just need time.." Kurt said in barely a whisper before turning and heading to his room.

Elliot looked up at Blaine. "Why is Daddy being like this?..." He said quietly, his honey hazel eyes full of tears as he searched for some form of comfort in Blaine.

Blaine sighed, picking his son up and sitting on the couch. "When bad things happen.. It can depress someone and make them really sad. Daddy Kurt doesn't know what to do without Grandpa here.. He's sad and he missed Grandpa very much. When people get that sad, they don't know how to handle it.."

"But..When I'm sad you and Daddy always make me feel better..Why can't we make Daddy feel better?.." Elliot asked.

"Because he's really sad. This kind of sad takes time to heal and get better.." Blaine tried to explain.

Elliot just looked down. "I miss Daddy.." he whispered, a tear rolling down his little pink cheek.

"Me too baby.. Me too.. He'll be okay. I promise.."

Elliot climbed off of Blaine's lap and looked up at his father. "Daddy says he's not gonna go away..But it feels like he already did.." He said quietly before walking to his room and closing the door. Blaine leaned back against the couch. He wished he could take Kurt's pain and deal with it himself. He hated letting Elliot see him this way. Maybe he should have Kurt see someone..But Blaine didn't think Kurt would take that well.. He knew he would always be there but he felt like it wasn't enough. He decided he would talk to him about it tonight. He felt like Kurt was sinking deeper and he couldn't reach him anymore. Blaine had to act now, before he completely lost his husband.

That night after Blaine fed, bathed, and put Elliot to bed, he walked into the room to see Kurt still in bed.
"Baby..?" he asked softly.

"What?.." Kurt said against the pillow, not looking up.

"We need to talk.."

"I'm trying to sleep, Blaine.."

"You can sleep after." Blaine said, determined to talk.

Kurt sighed heavily, sitting up. "What is it?.."

Blaine sat down and looked at his husband. "I don't care how.. But we have to get you help. If you want to see someone or take walks as a family together. Anything. You can't keep doing this."

Kurt stared at Blaine, the dark circles under his eyes standing out against his pale skin. "What do you mean, 'get help'?..I can't keep doing what?.."

"You need to find a healthy way to deal with this pain. You can't keep freaking out on us. I.. It hurts but I can deal with it. But Elliot, our son, needs his father.. He thinks he lost you already.."

"I haven't gone anywhere, Blaine..I-I'm dealing with this the best I can! I'm at my wits end! I-I can't sleep, I can't eat! And now you want me to go see a shrink?!" Kurt said, raising his voice.

"It's a valid suggestion." Blaine said, keeping his voice calm. "You didn't have to hear the things Elliot feels. If it were me, would you let me sleep the days away and hurt my family? Or would you help me?"

"I don't need help!" Kurt yelled.

"You do baby.. Please stop yelling.."

"Well, my son thinks I'm gone and My husband thinks I'm crazy, so I really don't know how else to handle this!"

Blaine stood and shook his head. "I'm calling Finn. Ask him to take Elliot for a while. I don't want him to see this." he said before walking out of the room.

Kurt stood storming after Blaine. "No you're not! Blaine!" Kurt Yelled as Blaine ignored him. Blaine had his back turned to Kurt as he dialed his brother-in-law's number. Kurt continued to rant behind Blaine as Rachel answered. "Hello?"

"Rachel.. It's Blaine. I-I need you to take Elliot.. Just for a few days.."

"Why?..What's wrong?.."

Blaine walked away and shut himself in the bathroom. "Kurt's getting worse.."

Rachel winced as she heard Kurt on the other end. "I'll send Finn over right away.."

Kurt tried in vain to open the door before hurrying to Elliot's room and pulling him out of bed and into his arms. He felt like Elliot was the only thing keeping him sane..He couldn't have him taken away.

"Daddy.. What's wrong..?"

"Nothing..Nothing baby..Just stay here with me okay?.."

Elliot looked up with a puzzled expression. "I'm not leaving.."

Kurt sat on the floor wrapping his arms around his son and holding him close. Blaine came in without a word and started packing a few more things into Elliot's still packed suitcase. "Blaine please..Please don't do this to me..Please..Please.." Kurt begged, petting Elliot's hair as tears filled his gray eyes.

"You haven't given me another choice." Blaine said in a detached tone.

"Please.." Kurt whispered, tightening his arms around the confused little boy in his arms.

"Why is daddy packing..?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Tell him Blaine..Tell him what you're doing.." Kurt hissed.

"You're going to stay with Uncle Finn for a little bit."

"Why?.." Elliot asked quietly when there was a knock on the door.

"Daddy Kurt needs to work on some things." Blaine said, looking into Kurt's eyes before going to answer the door. Kurt picked Elliot up and took him to his bedroom, desperate to keep his son with him. Blaine brought Finn in and grabbed Elliot's bag. "Elliot, say bye to daddy."

"No..No.." Kurt whispered, his back against the wall as Finn stepped forward to grab Elliot.

"Elliot, we gotta go bud.. Daddy Kurt will be okay.." Finn said softly as he reached out.

"No! I'm not leaving my daddy!" Elliot said, clutching to Kurt's clothes.

"Elliot. Go to Finn. Don't make me tell you again." Blaine practically yelled, trying to ignore his breaking heart.

Elliot gasped at Blaine's tone, releasing Kurt letting Finn take him.
"Finn! Stop! Give him back!" Kurt yelled.

Finn turned, grabbing the bag and walking towards the door with a kicking and screaming Elliot. "DADDY! NO! I WANT DADDY..PLEASE.."

Kurt was sobbing now as Blaine grabbed him to let Finn leave. "Finn! Give him back! Give him back!!" Kurt screamed before the door closed. "Don't touch me!" He cried, trying to break free from Blaine's grip and run for the door.

"He'll be back when you're okay."

"Let go of me!!"

"Why should I? Do you finally see how unhealthy this is? Or do you just want to lay down again?!" Blaine spat angrily.

Kurt pushed Blaine away from him with surprising force. "Why would you do this to me?! I thought you loved me!"

That was Blaine's breaking point. He felt his as if his heart was being ripped from his chest as the tears came. "I do love you.. B-But I have to protect Elliot."

Kurt stormed to the room, slamming the door in Blaine's face and locking it before he curled up on the floor and started sobbing.

Blaine bit his trembling lip and sat on the couch, calling his mother.

Marissa answered after a few rings, "Hello?"

"Momma.." Blaine breathed out weakly.

"What's wrong, baby?.." She asked quickly.

"K-Kurt.. He's worse and.. I-I asked Finn to take Elliot for a while.. He.. He just left. Kurt thinks I don't love him.."

"Oh, sweetie..He's just upset..Let him cool down okay?..It's gonna be alright..He's been through a lot.."

"I-I know. But I just.. I don't know what to do.." Blaine gasped.

"Give him time..Go check on him in the morning..He'll be okay.." Marissa said calmly.

Blaine nodded though she couldn't see. "Thank you, mom.."

"You're welcome, baby..Now try to get some sleep.." They exchanged I love you's and hung up before Blaine curled up on the couch.

The next morning, Blaine woke up with a stiff back and feeling like a zombie. He groaned as he sat up and remembered the previous day. He rested his head in his hands for a minute and stood, slowly walking back to the bedroom. He placed his hand on the door knob, expecting the worst and finding it was unlocked. Carefully, he opened in and peaked in to check on his husband. Kurt was in a tangle of sheets on the bed, clutching to Blaine's pillow tightly. He swallowed audibly and took a deep breath before walking in. "K-Kurt..?"

"I'm so sorry.." Kurt let out weakly.

Blaine climbed into bed and held his husband close. "It's okay.."

"I don't want it to be like this anymore..I don't want to hurt you..Or Elliot..I'm so sorry, Blaine.."

"We'll get through this.. Together.."

Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine, crying quietly.

Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt's hair. "I love you.."

"I know..I love you too..I know you love me..I know..I shouldn't have said that.."

Blaine shrugged, not wanting to remember.

"I'm sorry I said that Blaine..I don't know what came over me.." Kurt whispered.

"You saw your son being taken away. I understand.."

"He's your son too..I should've known you were doing what was best for him.."

"You're going through a lot, Kurt.. It's okay.." Blaine said softly.

"I love you.." Kurt said quietly.

"I love you too, Kurt.. Please tell me how I can help.."

"I-I..I'll go talk to someone..A professional.." Kurt said.

"Do you want to..?" Blaine asked softly.

"I'm not in love with the idea..But if that's what I have to do.."

"I just want you to be okay.."

"Me too.."

Blaine sighed, kissing the top of Kurt's head.

"I'm so tired.."

"Try to sleep baby.."

"I can't.."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could help.."

"I just want this to be over.."

Blaine tightened his arms around his husband. "It will be.. You can do this.."

"I feel like I can't.." Kurt whispered.

"You're stronger than you think. And you have me and Elliot. How about we take a long, hot bath to relax you to start the day off?"

"That sounds good.."

Blaine got up and prepared the bath. He led his husband and revealed the lavender candle lit bathroom.

"Oh Blaine.." Kurt said, giving a small smile.

"You deserve it.."

Kurt gave Blaine a small kiss before undressing, allowing Blaine to see how thin he had really gotten.

Blaine bit his lip as he studied his husband. He undressed and slipped in behind Kurt, starting to rub his shoulders. "I want to make you dinner tonight.."

"I-I don't know if I'll be able to eat.." Kurt said quietly.

"You should try.."

Kurt was quiet for a minute as he wrapped his arms around himself, feeling his own rib cage. "I-I'll try.."

"Thank you.. How does baked chicken and veggies sound?" Blaine asked.

"Good.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's shoulder as he started to hum. Kurt sighed softly, his head falling to the side.

"You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down.."

Kurt smiled to himself, remembering the tune. Blaine pulled Kurt closer as he continued to sing.
"Before you met me
I was alright but things
Were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever.."

A tear slipped down Kurt's cheek as he remembered the day he met the boy, walking into glee club shyly with Brittany.. Blaine sang the chorus before letting the song trail off.
"You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back
Don't ever look back.." His voice faded and sighed quietly. "You'll always be my teenage dream.."

Kurt sniffed. "Even when I'm a total wreck?.."

"Even when I'm old and wrinkly and you're still young and gorgeous," Blaine grinned. Kurt let out a mixture between a laugh and a sob, leaning back against Blaine. "We'll be grandparents. You'll still be keeping your name known and I'll be sneaking treats to the kids behind Elliot's back," Blaine giggled.

Kurt smiled as the tears rolled down his cheeks. "And I'll be there to criticize Elliot's wife..Or husband.."

"And he'll roll his eyes and tell him or her that you're protective and secretly love them together."

Kurt giggled through his tears. "And secretly resent them for taking my baby away.."

"But he'll always be our baby." Blaine said softly.

Kurt nodded, wiping his tears with his wet hands. "He will.."

Blaine washed them before they got out and cuddled on the couch. "I miss him." Kurt whispered.

"I hate not having him here.."

"Me too.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine sighed. He wanted nothing more than to go get Elliot.

"But it's for the best..." Kurt said.

"How about we make you an appointment and if it goes well, we pick him up at least for a little bit and go for ice cream or something?"

"I'd love that..." Kurt said quietly.

"Me too.." Blaine said.

Later after Kurt finally fell asleep Blaine got up to call the doctor that Carole had recommended to him in an email.

The assistant answered and Blaine took a deep breath. "Hi.. I'd like to make an appointment for my husband.."

"Name?.." The woman asked politely.

Blaine gave her all of his information and the secretary told him Kurt would have an appointment as soon as one o'clock this afternoon.

"Oh wow. Thank you. We'll be there.."

"Doctor Thompson looks forward to seeing him..Goodbye Mr. Hummel."

Blaine said bye and hung up. Now he just had to tell Kurt.. He decided to let Kurt sleep for a bit longer. He hadn't actually gotten any in a while, so Blaine decided to give him this time. He got up and grabbed his iPod before starting to clean.

A while later, Blaine walked back to check on Kurt and didn't see him on the couch. He walked to the room and saw him standing in front of the window, only this time it was open. Blaine's heart jumped for a moment until he put himself back in check and told himself Kurt would never even think about..He just wouldn't.
"Kurt.." Blaine said quickly, not meaning to sound so urgent.

"Hmm?.." His husband hummed, leaning against the frame of the window as the soft breeze blew in. Blaine walked over and wrapped his arms around his husband protectively. Kurt placed his hands over Blaine's but didn't move. "Don't worry..I'm not going to jump or anything..The sun just feels nice.." he said quietly.

Blaine nodded. "Just.. Let me hold you.. I umm.. I have something to tell you.."

"What's that?.." Kurt asked softly.

"I thought it would take a while to get an appointment so I already called.."

"Is it today?.." Kurt asked. closing his eyes.

"At one.."

Kurt simply nodded, giving a soft sigh.

"It'll be okay.. I promise.." Blaine said quietly.

"I know.." Kurt said, looking out across the city.

"Are you sure you're okay..?"

"I don't know.." Kurt whispered leaning against the frame again.

"Y-You'd tell me.. Right..?" Blaine asked in barely a whisper.

"Tell you what?.." Kurt asked evenly.

Blaine shook his head, unable to say it out loud.

"If I was thinking about suicide?.." Kurt asked calmly.


"Honestly..I wouldn't tell anyone.." Kurt said softly. Blaine took a shaky breath, scared to let his husband out of his sight.

"I don't mean to scare you.." Kurt whispered. Blaine stayed quiet. He could feel his tears burning his eyes. But he couldn't let them out. "I'm not though..I can't do that to you or Elliot.." Kurt sighed.


Kurt was quiet for longer than Blaine would've liked before he nodded. Blaine took a deep breath to control himself and backed away. "We should get ready."

Kurt nodded again, turning to his closet to get dressed. Blaine shut the window before grabbing a random shirt and jeans. Kurt got into a semi-decent outfit and walked with Blaine to the car. When they got there, Blaine signed Kurt in and waited for Kurt's name to be called. Kurt flipped through a magazine absently , holding Blaine's hand loosely until the secretary called him.

"I'll be right out here.." Blaine said softly, leaning in for a small kiss.

Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's before walking back to the office where a doctor sat in a comfortable looking chair. He was young, definitely younger than Kurt, with clean cut hair and bright green eyes. He was very attractive, but Kurt didn't take notice of this as he sat on the seat.

"Afternoon, Kurt. I'm Dr. Thompson." The doctor said as he reached out to shake Kurt's hand. Kurt gave a weak smile, shaking his hand. "Hello.." He said quietly.

"So what brought you here today?" the doctor asked.

"My husband..My father died recently..And..I suppose I just haven't been myself.." Kurt said quietly.

Dr. Thompson scribbled something in his notebook as he nodded. "Were you two close?"

"Extremely..My mother passed away when I was a child and he was all I had..." Kurt said softly

"You said you haven't been yourself. How would you describe yourself on a normal day?"

"Energetic, more involved..Happier..I-I don't know.." Kurt sighed. "Not this.."

"And what is 'this'?" The younger asked.

"Can't eat..Can't sleep..exhausted..Depressed..Lashing out at my family.." Kurt whispered.

"Is there something that.. Let's say trigger these lash outs?"

"Usually the mention of my dad.." Kurt said softly.

"Do you have any idea why? Is it just missing him? Or was there something left unfinished between you and your father? Anything you regret maybe?"

"I just..I feel..I should've been there more.." Kurt whispered.

"Did he live here?" Dr. Thompson asked.

"Ohio..Lima Ohio."

"Tell me more about your relationship. You mentioned a husband. What was it like growing up in a small city?"

Kurt described life in Lima until he met Blaine and a few of their experiences. Before he knew it, the hour was up, and he was walking out of the room with a prescription for anti depressants.

"It was great meeting you, Kurt. I hope you come back. I'd like to talk about a few other things." Dr. Thompson said as they reached the waiting room.

Kurt nodded. "Thank you..I'll make another appointment next week.."

They exchanged goodbyes and Blaine headed over to his husband. "How did it go?"

"Well..We just talked..He put me on crazy pills.." Kurt said handing the prescription paper to Blaine. "I'm good to go.."

Blaine sighed. "You're not crazy."

Kurt just shook his head, sighing deeply.

"Baby, you're not," Blaine said seriously. "I didn't suggest this for you to get medicine. I mean, if it helps, great. But I never thought of that."

"I'm not gonna take them.." Kurt said simply.


Kurt looked angry at the fact that the medicine was even prescribed to him.

They got in the car and blaine started driving. "Did you like it..?"

"It was better then I thought it would be.." Kurt said softly.

"Do you want to go back?"

"Maybe..I don't know..I know I should.."

"What's making you not sure?"

"I don't like spilling my secrets to a stranger.." Kurt admitted.

"You don't have to say anything you don't want to," Blaine said.

"I know.." Kurt said quietly as he stared out of the window.

"What are you thinking about?"


"Do you want to go see him..?"

"Please.." Kurt said quietly. Blaine nodded, driving to Finn's in silence. When they got there, Kurt took a minute before getting out of the car. "Are you okay?" Blaine asked his husband.

"Yeah..I'm fine.." Kurt whispered. The shorter squeezed Kurt's hand as he knocked.

Finn opened the door with Elliot tailing close behind. "Daddies!" He squealed.

Kurt's heart swelled as he saw his son. He bent down and picked him up. "Hey baby boy.."

Elliot buried his face in Kurt shirt as he hugged him as tightly as his little arms would let him.

"I missed you.." Kurt whispered.

"I missed you too Daddy..Am I going home now?.."

Kurt bit his lip as he looked at Blaine.

"Not today baby.." Blaine said softly.

"Why daddy..?" Elliot asked quietly. "Am I in trouble..?"

"No sweetie. You're not in trouble. Daddy Kurt just needs a little time to think..So he can be happy again.." Blaine said quietly, kissing Elliot's forehead. Elliot nodded as he looked down at the floor. "But we'll be back soon..I promise..I'll come see you whenever I can..I love you, Elliot.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you too.." Elliot said quietly.

"I'm gonna get better..For you.."

"I just want to go home, daddy.. I wanna help.."

"I need to help myself, Elliot.." Kurt tried to explain.

Elliot sniffled, hugging himself close to Kurt.

"It's gonna be okay..Don't cry baby..." Kurt said, rubbing up and down his back. "Finn..When Blaine goes to work can you ask Rachel to come stay with me?.."

"Of course. How are you feeling?" Finn asked.

"Okay.." Kurt said forcing a smile.

"We should get going.." Blaine said.

Kurt looked over at Blaine somewhat desperately, but nodded. They said their goodbyes and went back to the apartment where Blaine started on dinner. As the chicken baked in the oven, Blaine went to their room and saw Kurt laying down. He climbed in and held his husband. "Do you know how brave you are?"

"Not really.." Kurt said quietly.

"You didn't freak when we got an appointment for today. You went in and were so strong." Blaine said. "And you were strong enough to go see Elliot. I'm proud of you."

Kurt nodded softly, tilting his head to kiss his husband. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt ate as much as he could that night without getting sick, which wasn't much. The next day, when Blaine was getting ready for work, Rachel showed up.

"Thanks for coming, Rach.."

"It's not a problem..How is he doing?..Anything I need to know? Keep him away from?" Rachel asked.

"Yesterday he opened the window and it scared me. But he says he wouldn't do that to us.."

"So, no standing in open windows..Got it.." Rachel said, giving a shaky sigh.

"Call if you need me.." Blaine said seriously.

"I will..I promise." Rachel said softly.

"Thank you.." blaine said before saying bye to kurt and leaving.

Rachel went back into the room with Kurt, sighing softly. "Hey.."

"Hi.." Kurt whispered.

"You okay?.." She whispered, sitting on the edge of the the bed and running her hand over Kurt's hair.

"I don't know.."

"What do you mean?..Talk to me, Kurt..." Rachel said softly.

"I-I.. What if I don't get better..?"

"You will Kurt.." Rachel said quietly.

"I need him.." Kurt whispered.

"But he doesn't need to see you like this, Kurt.."

"He cant see me Rach! He's gone!"

"I know..I know..But he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself.." Rachel whispered, cupping Kurt's cheek.

"I need my dad.. How do i do this without him?" Kurt asked.

"You're stronger than you know Kurt..You need your dad..Well Elliot needs his..Burt's always going to be in your heart..Elliot needs his dad with him.." Rachel said looking down at Kurt.

Kurt sighed deeply. "I just don't know how to get rid of this.."

"Get rid of what?.."

"Depression.. The snapping on everyone..." Kurt explained.

"Well..Blaine said talking to someone seemed to help yesterday.."

"When I'm there.." Kurt sighed. "But then I left and I just felt like everyone thinks I'm crazy."

"No one thinks you're crazy Kurt.." Rachel said quietly.

"I feel it.."

"You're not..You're just hitting a rough patch.."

"I don't know.."

"I do..The Kurt Hummel I know is stronger than this.." Rachel said, looking down at Kurt.

Kurt sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. "You need to come over everyday.."

"I will.." She said softly, wrapping her arms around Kurt.

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome Kurt..I'm always here.."

"I think I want to get up.."

"You want some coffee?.." Rachel asked.

"Please.." Kurt asked softly. Rachel kissed Kurt's cheek and walked out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Kurt sighed. His best friend was right. He couldn't let this depression take him away from his family. But it was so hard..Especially recently..Now that these thoughts were taking over him..But he couldn't think about that. It wasn't an option. He could always take those pills.. No. Kurt was stronger. He didn't need any chemicals. He was a Hummel. He wouldn't let this get to him. But who was he kidding. His body was screaming for him to just climb in bed and sleep the rest of his life away. But he had to fight. For his son.. He stood, walking over to the window and looking out of It. Finn was probably driving Elliot to school by now.. Why did this have to be so hard? Why couldn't he be okay? Kurt rested his head against the cool glass, looking down at the bustling street below. Even this early everyone was out and about. This was truly the city that never slept. He went to unlatch the window to feel the breeze when he heard a squeak of "Kurt!" From behind him. He turned to see Rachel, pale faced. "What?.." He asked, finger on the latch.

"What are you doing?" She asked quickly.

"Opening the window.." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Coffee is ready.."

"Give me a minute.." Kurt said, turning back to the window and opening it.

"I-I don't know.." Rachel said, stepping forward.

"Rachel.." Kurt sighed, leaning against the window sill. "I'm not going to jump.." he said quietly before adding "too messy.." Under his breath without really thinking beforehand.

"Kurt Hummel!"

"What?" Kurt groaned dismissively.

"Don't talk like that! You are Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. You just worked on the set of Wicked, which I am still upset of not being a part of. But you are amazing and have a loving family! You are going places and I, as your best friend, will not let you ruin that!"

Kurt was quiet as Rachel's words sank in, ran through his veins and settled in his heart. He looked out over the city and turned on his heel, walking past Rachel and into the kitchen. He poured himself a cup of coffee and drank it quickly, despite the burn, which for some reason he welcomed. "You're so dramatic Rachel.." he said, leaning his forearms against the counter.

"And only you can handle me," She giggled lightly. "But I'm serious. Kurt.. I wouldn't have made it this far without you.."

Kurt looked up at Rachel with exhausted gray eyes. "I'm just so tired Rach..."

"I know. But you'll get through this.."

He shook his head. "I miss Blaine..I miss Elliot..I miss my dad..And Blaine and I want a new baby..How am I supposed to help him support another child like this?.."

"You won't. You'll be better. You'll work on you first," Rachel explained.

Kurt nodded, looking down at the counter. "C-Can you take me to get my prescription today?.."

"Of course," Rachel said.

Over the next week Rachel had came to the house every day until It was Friday afternoon and Blaine was returning home. Rachel left and Blaine had been noticing how much happier Kurt had seemed since he started the medicine. He wrapped his arms around his husband. "Hey gorgeous.."

"Hey.." Kurt smiled, turning around from what he had been cooking. He leaned down to kiss Blaine softly, melting in his arms.

"Mmm, What are you making..?"

"Spaghetti and garlic bread.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again. "I'm almost done.."

Blaine grinned. "Can I have sweet kisses for dessert?"

"Hmm..I'll have to think about that.." Kurt purred.

"I promise to eat all my dinner first," Blaine smiled.

"If you're good you might get more than kisses.." Kurt said smoothly.

"I'll be extra good," Blaine said, kissing kurts cheek. "I'm gonna get washed up."

"Alright.." Kurt smiled, turning back to the food.

Blaine couldn't stop smiling as he showered and cleaned up for dinner. He felt like things were really getting better. When he got out, Kurt had the table set and was pouring two glasses of wine. "It smells delicious baby.."

Kurt smiled. "How was work?"

"Good. Glad to be home though," Blaine said softly.

"Long day?.." Kurt asked softly.

"Very. I missed you.."

"How's Elliot?" Kurt asked quietly as they sat down.

"Good.. Misses you.."

"I miss him too.." Kurt said softly, sipping his wine.

"He'll be back soon.."

Kurt nodded, smiling up at his husband.

"How was your day?" Blaine asked.

"Better..As much as I hate to admit it..The medicine helps a lot.." Kurt smiled.

"Good. Did you decide if you're going back?"

"I am. Monday." Kurt said softly.

Blaine gave a small smile. "That's good baby."

Kurt nodded, smiling back at Blaine. They had a nice dinner and Blaine helped clean up. After that, Kurt poured them some more wine and they sat on a blanket spread on the living room floor. Blaine draped an arm around Kurt and smiled sweetly. Kurt smiled back, blushing. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine said softly. Kurt cupped Blaine's cheek, leaning in to kiss him softly. Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips. Kurt moaned softly at the contact he missed so much. He ran his hands over Blaine's shoulders as he laid back on the blanket, Blaine leaning over him.

"I'" Blaine whispered between kisses. Kurt only pulled Blaine closer and returned the sentiment with his lips. Blaine heard Kurt's breathing increase and the small desperate whine that escaped him only when he really needed his husband in the closest way possible. He hadn't heard it in so long. The way Kurt's delicate fingers danced across the defined muscles on his back was like coming home. Blaine shivered as he rolled on top of Kurt. He needed this. They needed this. The intimacy to pull the spouses back together. Kurt gasped, sucking Blaine's bottom lip into his mouth and biting down lightly as he pulled up Blaine's t-shirt. Blaine growled loudly, pressing his hips down. Kurt moaned at the sound, whimpering a quiet "Ohmygod.." against Blaine's kiss-swollen lips.

"Kurrt.." Blaine purred as he rolled his body. Kurt practically ripped Blaine's shirt off before worshiping every available inch of skin with his fingers, tongue and lips. Blaine flipped them over, moaning as his husband touched him. Kurt kissed and nipped at Blaine's neck and chest, moaning at the taste and feel of the olive toned skin.

"Oh fuck babe.."

"So good..Oh god.." Kurt got out, his voice trembling as he felt Blaine's erection against his hip.

"Kurrt,. Tell me what you want.."

"I need you inside of me Blaine.. I-I don't care how..I just need you.." Kurt whispered against Blaine's nipple. Blaine thrust up, needing any sort of friction. Kurt straddled Blaine, pulling his shirt off and grinding down. Blaine arched up as his head fell back. Kurt whined, gripping Blaine with his thighs and rolling them over again. Blaine's breathing sped up as he reached between the and cupped Kurt's bulge. Kurt nearly cried out at the contact, pink high in his cheeks as he thrust up against Blaine's hand. "So sensitive.." Blaine whispered hotly. "Just wait until I'm thrusting deep inside you, Kurt.."

"Oh god please..Please, Blaine.." Kurt panted, gripping the back of Blaine's neck. "God..I missed that voice.."

Blaine's grin grew a bit cockily. "You like that? Feeling my cock stretch you?"

"Yes..Oh god yes..Blaaiinne.." Kurt gasped as the younger man unzipped his jeans. He slowly kissed and nipped his way down as he pulled at the fabric. Kurt's body rolled beautifully as he gave desperate little whines and whimpers under his husbands lips. There was already a tent in his boxer briefs from how turned on he was, precum already dampening the fabric at the tip. Blaine pulled the jeans off and slowly removed the briefs, gasping at the thick erection plopped against kurts belly. Blaine leaned down, licking a firm line along the underside. Kurt cried out, his member throbbing as he grew even harder at the contact. More precum dripped down onto his pale stomach as he looked down at Blaine. Blaine licked up the length before sucking at the bitter sweet come and moaning deeply. "Baby..Please..I n-need you.." Kurt whimpered.

Blaine quickly undressed and straddled Kurt's chest. "Suck.."

Kurt moaned deeply, gripping Blaine's thighs and sucking his member into his warm mouth. Blaine gasped harshly. "Ohshit.."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, his blue eyes shining in the dim light of the living room. Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt as he whimpered softy. Kurt moaned at the intimate eye contact as he sucked Blaine. Blaine rolled his hips, making Kurt take him deeper. Kurt relaxed his throat, moaning softly as he ran his hands around to Blaine's ass. He missed this so much. Passionate and intimate at the same time. Blaine's head fell back as the vibrations ran through him. "Fuck.." Kurt looked up at Blaine, his eyes making a journey from his hips to the thin waist, up to his abs and pectorals. His husband was so perfect. "Kurt.. Fuck I need you.."

Kurt pulled off quickly. "Please.."

Blaine climbed down Kurt's body, positioning himself between his husband's thighs and pushing in. Kurt moaned loudly, bending his legs at the knee and arching his back. Blaine pushed in to the hilt and groaned. Kurt was still so damn tight... Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and pulled him down, kissing him passionately. Blaine moaned against his husband's lips. Kurt pulled away, moaning wantonly against his lover's jaw as Blaine began to thrust. "S-So good.." Blaine gasped.

"Baby...Oh god..B-Blaine..I love you..I love you so much-Ah!" Kurt groaned, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist.

"I love you too.. Oh shit!" Blaine moaned, biting Kurt's ear. Kurt cried out, clawing down Blaine's back as he rolled their bodies together. Blaine grunted, moaning his husband's name as he sped up. Kurt threw his lead back, giving little broken pants and squeaks as his member rubbed against Blaine's stomach and Blaine's member skirted around his prostate before finally striking it and drawing a scream from Kurt's lips. "Yes.." Blaine breathed out. "Let me hear you.."

Kurt complied, giving off these delicious sounds that just motivated Blaine further. Motivated him to thrust harder and faster. he wanted to do everything he could to keep those screams emitting from Kurt's swollen lips. Blaine tangled a hand in Kurt's hair, using his free hand to pinch his husband's nipple. Kurt writhed beneath Blaine, his moans becoming higher and closer together as he dragged his nails along Blaine's biceps. "Blaine! I-I'm so close!"

Blaine felt that tightening in the pit of his stomach. He rested his forehead against Kurt's, panting heavily as they edged closer. Kurt placed his hands on either side of Blaine's face as their breath mingled between them. He felt Blaine's eyebrows draw together and opened his eyes to see his face as their bodies both tightened and they reached their release. They whimpered and gasped through their orgasms, coming down together. Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's as their limbs relaxed and they lay in a the warm afterglow of what preceded.

"I love you.." Blaine whispered.

"I love you so much.." Kurt said softly. Blaine leaned in, kissing his husband. Kurt hummed softly before pulling away. "Do you think maybe..We could start making arrangements for..For the new baby?.." He asked timidly.

Blaine looked at Kurt, searching for doubt. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive.." Kurt said softly, a smile creeping onto his face.

"I'd love that.."

Kurt grinned. "So would I.."

They went and got Elliot later that week and Blaine and Kurt got in touch with a local adoption agency and were placed on a waiting list. Kurt's therapy had been going well, so well that the doctor was starting to ween the dosage of Kurt's anti-depressants. Blaine and Kurt decided together that they wanted a girl, Elliot having stated loudly that he would prefer a brother, and with a single phone call, the process had begun. A few moths later, Kurt and Blaine were out shopping for baby clothes and furniture, Elliot sitting in the cart and kicking his feet. "So where is the baby gonna sleep?.." He asked, looking up at Blaine.

"In your room, sweetie," Blaine said softly.

"What?" Elliot said loudly. "That's my room!"

"You'll share."

"Why?" Elliot groaned.

"Because she's going to be your sister." Blaine said.

Elliot poked his bottom lip out and crossed his arms, giving a small "Hmph.."

Kurt giggled, placing a small kiss to his son's cheek. "You'll have fun."

Elliot couldn't help but give a small giggle as Kurt kissed his cheek again. Kurt unloaded an armful of baby clothes into the cart, seemingly satisfied with his haul. "Are you excited?" Blaine asked, chuckling. "I can't tell."

Kurt blushed. "There was a sale.." He defended, still smiling.

Blaine pulled Kurt close and kissed him softly. "She's going to be so happy.."

Kurt smiled, blushing lightly.

"What about me?" Elliot pouted as he crossed his arms.

"What about you?" Kurt teased.

"She gets all these new clothes and toys." Elliot sighed dramatically.

"She doesn't have any toys or clothes." Kurt said. "So we're getting her some."

"Fine." Elliot huffed.

"If you're good, you can get a new toy.." Blaine said.

Elliot grinned. "Okay daddy."

"You spoil him." Kurt sighed.

"He's my baby," Blaine smiled. "I still try to spoil you at times."

"You do. But I'm not spoiled rotten." Kurt teased, sticking his tongue out at Elliott and smiling.

Elliot did it back and giggled. "Daddy just loves me."

"Daddy loves me too." Kurt chuckled, kissing Blaine's cheek.

"Nu uh!" Elliot giggled.

Kurt gasped in mock offense. "He doesn't?"

"I love both my babies.." blaine smiled.

"And the new baby." Elliot added.

"Exactly. I love my whole family."

Elliot giggled lightly. "So is she gonna come home soon?.."

"Yup," Kurt grinned.

"Good." Elliot smiled.

"Are you happy?" Blaine asked.

"I am. I want my little sister." Elliot said, picking up a toy and examining it.

"She's going to love playing with you."

Elliot nodded, smiling. "I'm gonna love her."

Blaine leaned down and kissed his son. "You want to go home and help decorate?"

"Yes!" Elliot grinned.

They checked out and headed home. Blaine stood at the door to Elliot's room. "Should we paint? Do a half and half type thing? Or what are you thinking?"

"I think it would be cute..What color?.." Kurt asked as Elliot sat on one of Blaine's feet, hugging his leg.

"I was thinking princess theme for her so pink on these two walls. And her crib would go here," Blaine said pointing to the wall to their right. Then maybe a soft blue on the other two."

"I like it.." Kurt smiled.

"Can I help paint Daddy? Can I? Please?" Elliot asked, bouncing.

Blaine giggled. "Yes baby."

They got to work, Blaine and Kurt moving the heavy furniture out of the room while Elliot carried the smaller things. When they finished, Blaine grabbed a tarp for the floor and put the blue painting tape alone the window and ceiling.

"Why do we have to do pink?.." Elliot grumbled, looking at the can of paint with distaste.

"Because she's a girl." Kurt said picking up the Cherry Blossom Pink and Carolina Blue.

"Daddy Kurt likes pink and he's not a girl.." Elliot said. "But I don't."

"Well your side will be blue," Blaine said.

Elliot sighed. "Fine.."

"But you can have whatever you want on your side. Dinosaurs.. Trucks.. What do you want?" Kurt asked.

"Disney." Elliot said, looking up at Kurt as he rolled onto his back.

"Hmm. Like Pride Rock with Simba and all the animals?"

"Little Mermaid!" Elliot said happily.

"Are you sure? We won't be changing it for a long time."

"I'll always love The Little Mermaid." Elliot said seriously.

Blaine gasped. "I have an idea!"

"What?" Kurt smiled.

Blaine shook his head. "It's a surprise. Let me draw it out."

"Okay." Kurt said, softly.

"Tell me daddy!" Elliot smiled.

"Nope! Kurt, why don't you two go pick up some dinner and I'll get started?"

"Come on little man." Kurt smiled, picking Elliot up. "How does something organic sound?"

Elliot made a face. "Eww!"

"Pizza?.." Kurt chuckled, rolling his eyes.


"Sounds good." Kurt laughed, kissing Blaine before walking out to the car. Blaine got to work. He grabbed a pencil and started lightly drawing his vision on the walls. Kurt stayed out a bit longer and took Elliot to get a bit of ice cream and a couple more things for the baby before returning to the apartment with pizza. Blaine had just finished when they got home. He couldn't wipe the silly grin off his face. "So, we'll need someone to do it so it turns out right. But I have it outlined.."

Kurt grinned. "I know a guy who helped on the set for the Broadway version. He could probably help us."

Blaine nodded before leading them in. On the wall with the window, he had Ariel meeting Prince Eric. Next to that was a detailed drawing of Atlantis with fish swimming around. And on the remaining two was the Kiss The Girl scene with the fish squirting the water in neat designs around the couple in the boat.

"Oh Blaine..It's perfect.." Kurt said softly.

"What do you think, Elliot?"

"I love it!" Elliot squealed happily.

"Think your friend can do it?"

"I know he can." Kurt said happily. "He kinda has a crush on me so I know he'll do it.." he chuckled.

"Oh lord," Blaine giggled.

"It's cute. He's eighteen. Let him dream." Kurt laughed.

"As long as he knows it's just a dream."

Kurt giggled. "You know it.."

"True." Blaine smiled as he thought of the last week with Kurt.

"But I hope you don't mind a little meaningless flirting so i make sure he does a good job." Kurt said, leaning in to kiss his husband.

"Not at all," Blaine said softly.

Kurt chuckled. "It's weird. He's so young..I feel like I could be his dad."

"What do you call the male version of a cougar?" Blaine laughed.

"Not Kurt Hummel." Kurt smiled, pressing his lips to Blaine's. "I like 'em a little younger but..Not much.." He giggled, placing his hands on Blaine's hips.

"Daddy!" Elliot sighed. "I want pizza and you're being gross."

"I'm not being gross! You'll do this one day with your girlfriend or boyfriend.." Kurt said matter-of-factly.

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

"Daddy! I'm hungry!"

Kurt chuckled, squeezing Blaine's hips and kissing him softly. "We'll continue this later.."

"Can't wait," Blaine said as they walked to the kitchen.

Elliot hopped into his chair, smiling at the pizza as Kurt gave him a slice.

"He's so cute," Blaine smiled.

"He is." Kurt said back softly.

"Daddy, this pizza is fabulous!" Elliot said happily.

Kurt chuckled. "Good. Eat up baby."

Blaine smiled, unable to hold back his laugh. They ate dinner and let Elliot play for a while as Kurt called his friend. He smiled as he heard Josh pick up on the 2nd ring. "Kurt! I-I mean Mr. Hummel..I mean..Um..Hello?"

"Hey Josh. How are you?" Kurt asked in a cheery tone.

"I'm great actually." Josh said. "What can I do you for? I mean..Do for you?"

Kurt held back a chuckle. "Well.. I need a room at my house painted.. Little Mermaid style. Would you be interested?"

"Oh of course.." Josh said, sounding as if Kurt had just offered him the holy grail.

"Great! Maybe you could come over tomorrow and look at the sketches..? We could figure out prices..?"

"Oh, don't worry about prices..I'll be happy to do it for free.." The teen said quickly.

"You're such a darling, Josh. At least let me get you some lunch or something. Meet me here at say.. Ten?" Kurt asked.

"L-Lunch? Oh yeah, that'd be great.." Josh said softly. "

"Thanks sweetie! See you in the morning."

"See you.." Josh said. Kurt could practically hear his blush. He smiled to himself as they hung up and he told Blaine the plan.

"Sounds good..I'll be at work, though..Are you sure this guy won't try anything?.." Blaine asked.

"Oh, he's harmless. He'll stare and blush a lot. And stutter. But he won't do anything," Kurt chuckled.

"Good.." Blaine said, nuzzling against Kurt's neck.

"I love you.."

"I love you too.." Blaine said, kissing the pale skin.


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Best chapter yet! I loved it! I hope kurt gets better wear he doesnt have to use pills. Is Elliot gay? I like him better striaght, but I LOVE him either way. Blaine is such a good dad! Update soon. Xoxoxoxo

Thank you! And we haven't decided yet. But I have something in mind :)