College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 20

E - Words: 9,233 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
309 0 4 0 0

When Blaine got up that morning, he saw Kurt sitting on a chair and looking out the window, his knees to his chest and a mug of coffee in his hands. His grey eyes were still filled with tears as he looked out at the gray sky over New York, a light rain tapping against the glass.
Blaine stretched as he got up and walked over to Kurt. "Morning.. Can I get you anything?"

Kurt shook his head, still staring out the window. Blaine looked down at the coffee. The mug was still full and as he felt the mug it was cold. He sighed to himself and turned to go check on Elliot. Elliot was still sleeping, but stirred a bit when Blaine opened the door. Blaine watched his son sleep. He was so young. How was he going to tell him about Burt? He sat on the edge of the bed. And with how Kurt was acting now, so soon..He wasn't sure how he was going to explain that to Elliot either.
Elliot hummed, his little honey hazel eyes fluttering open. "Mmm..Morning daddy.." Elliot smiled as he stretched.

"Morning baby.." Blaine said softly.

"Is Daddy Kurt feeling better?.."

Blaine walked in and carefully sat down on the bed. "No, he isn't.."

"What's wrong?.." Elliot asked, frowning.

"As people get older, sometimes they get sick or something happens. Other times, it's just their time to go.." Blaine started. He sighed, not wanting to continue. "When it is their time, they go to heaven.."

"Who..Who went to heaven?.." Elliot asked.

Blaine swallowed hard before answering. "Grandpa Burt.."

Elliot went quiet, a million questions in his eyes, but saying none of them.

Blaine pulled his son close. "It's okay baby.. He's in a better place.."

"But..Can we go see him?..He said he would teach me to ride a bike.." Elliot asked.

"No baby.. He's not coming back.."

"He didn't say bye.." Elliot whispered, tearing up.

"He didn't know it was going to happen.." Blaine said softly. "We will all be together again one day.."

Elliot nodded, looking down. "Why is Daddy so sad then?.."

"Daddy misses Grandpa Burt. They were very close," Blaine tried to explain.

Elliot nodded. "He looked really sad.."

"He is.." Blaine said quietly.

Elliot nodded again. "Can we cheer him up?.."

"We can try. But it will take some time.. Come on. Let's make him breakfast."

Elliot nodded, climbing out of bed and walking with Blaine. They headed to the kitchen and made toast and omelets for their little family. Elliot smiled lightly at what they'd made and went to the bedroom to see Kurt still in the chair, looking out the window.

"Do you want to try to give it to him?" Blaine asked his son, hoping Kurt would take it then.

Elliot nodded, carrying the plate over to Kurt. "Daddy?.."

"I'm not hungry," Kurt said, still staring out the window.

"I made it for you.." Elliot said timidly.

"I'll eat later, Elliot."

Elliot looked down, nodding as he walked back out.

Blaine sighed as he followed Elliot. "He just needs time baby."

Elliot nodded again. This wasn't like his daddy.. They ate and cleaned up. Blaine put on some cartoons and pulled out his laptop to look at plane tickets. Elliot climbed into Blaine's lap, cuddling up to him. "Is daddy gonna come out of the room?.."

"I don't know, sweetie. I hope so.."

"Me too.." Elliot said softly.

"I'm sorry you have to see him like this.."

"He'll get better.." Elliot said.

"He will," Blaine said softly.

About an hour later, Kurt finally came out of the room, walking into the kitchen. Blaine got up and kissed Kurt's cheek. "Can I make you something?"

"I'm not hungry.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine sighed. "Okay.."

Kurt just dumped out his coffee and braced his arms on either side of the sink, closing his eyes. Blaine bit his lip. He wanted so bad to wrap his arms around Kurt and hold him. But he wasn't sure if he needed space.
"I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Blaine sighed, pulling Kurt close. "Don't be sorry. Let it out. Please don't be afraid to let it out baby. I'm going to call Carole in a bit to find everything out. We'll go and help out. We can stay as long as you like." Blaine said softly. "Don't think you have to be strong and hide it. It's best to let it out baby."

Kurt nodded, his lip trembling before he began to cry again. "I-I just wish we h-had more time.."

"I know baby.. I know.. But we'll do just like we do with your mom. We'll go see him and talk to him. It'll be okay.."

Kurt buried his face in the crook of Blaine's neck. It was hard losing his mother..But now..This hurt so much worse.

"I'm so sorry Kurt.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt nodded, holding Blaine close before turning to see Elliot standing there, eyes sad. Kurt kneeled in front of him, pulling him into his lap. "I love you, Elliot..I love you so much..And I want to do everything in the world for you..I-I want to tell you every day how special you are..And how much joy you bring into my life, baby..I love you more than anything..You're my son..And I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you..Okay?.." Kurt said shakily, cupping Elliot's cheek and petting his hair as tears ran down his own cheeks.

Elliot tried to hold back his own tears in. "I-I love you too daddy.. Are you okay?"

"I will be..I just want know that," Kurt said quietly.

"I know daddy.. I love you so much.."

"I love you too Elliot.." Kurt got out, pulling Elliot close as his shoulders shook with suppressed sobs. Elliot held onto Kurt, wanting to give his father all of his love. Blaine watched as Kurt sat on the floor, clutching to their son. They needed to get out to Ohio soon.. He walked into the living room, grabbing the phone and calling Carole.

It took a few rings before she answered. "Hello..?" she asked, not sounding like herself.

"Hey Carole..It's Blaine.." Blaine said quietly, sitting down on the couch.

"Oh hey sweetie. How are you..?"

"As well as I can be..I was just wondering when you wanted us to fly over there.." Blaine said softly.

"I imagined Kurt and Finn would. It would be a big help if you and Rachel could too.. For support.. But I understand if you can't.."

"No, we're all coming..We're bringing Elliot too.." Blaine said.

"Thank you Blaine.." Carole said, tearing up. "He would want you to be here.."

Blaine nodded, biting his lip. "I bought tickets for tomorrow. We'll be there around ten."

"Okay. Do you need a ride here?"

"Please.." Blaine said softly. "If you need anything..Anything at all, let me know..Okay?.."

"I will. Thank you Blaine. I'll see you tomorrow."

They exchanged I love you's and goodbyes before hanging up and sighing deeply, running his hands through his hair.
"I'm going to pack our bags. Anything you want me to make sure you have?" Blaine asked Kurt. Kurt shook his head, not looking up at Blaine. "Okay.." Blaine said before heading to their room.

Kurt pulled back a little, looking down at Elliot. "Are you okay?.." He whispered.

Elliot shrugged his little shoulders. "I-I don't understand.."

"What don't you understand, baby?.." Kurt asked, sitting cross-legged, and letting Elliot sit in the hole his legs made.

"Why Grandpa had to go.." Elliot answered, looking down at his legs.

"His heart was sick.." Kurt said, trying to help Elliot understand.

"But I miss him.." Elliot whispered.

"I miss him too Elliot.." Kurt said, brushing the chestnut curls from Elliot's eyes.

Elliot laid his head against Kurt's chest. "What's gonna happen to Grandma?"

"Grandma's gonna be okay..She's strong.." Kurt said softly.

"Is she coming here?"

"No, sweetie. We're gonna go see her tomorrow.."

Elliot nodded. "Okay.."

Blaine sat in the room with his suitcase open, finally letting the tears out. He couldn't believe Burt was gone. When he had been kicked out of his house, it was Burt that had taken him in and took care of him as if they were family. He looked at Burt like a father. He was the most amazing father figure Blaine could imagine. And now he was gone. Just like that. Part of him regretted moving to New York. If they hadn't moved, they would've had more time. Elliot would've had more time with Burt. He sat on the edge of the bed, sniffling quietly to himself as he tried not to get too loud. He couldn't break down. He had to be strong for Kurt. He cried for a few more minutes before composing himself and starting to pack. The unmistakable sound of Kurt playing the piano drifted through the apartment and Blaine listened to the sad melody. It was 'The Night Season'. Kurt always played that when he was upset. Blaine picked up his phone and called his mother. Maybe she'd know what to do.

"Hello?" Marissa answered.

"Momma.." Blaine said, his voice quiet and desperate.

"Blaine?..Sweetie, what's wrong?.." Marissa asked softly.

"D-Did Carole call you..?"

"We're on our way back from staying at John's sister's house..Is everything okay?.."

"No.." Blaine said quietly. "I-Its Burt.."

"Oh no..Is he in the hospital again?.." Marissa asked.

Blaine shook his head even though she couldn't see. "No.. H-He's gone.."

Marissa was quiet. "Oh god..I'm so sorry..H-How's Kurt doing?.."

"He's trying for Elliot.. But I'm worried.."

"About what?.."

"About Kurt.. I don't know how to describe it. But we're flying in tomorrow.."

"We'll talk then.." She sighed softly. "I'll stop by Carole's.."

"Thank you mom.."

"You're welcome sweetie..Thank you for calling me.."

"Will you do me a favor?" Blaine asked.

"Anything." Marissa said softly.

"Can you pick up some fresh vegetables and meat? Ask Carole to keep it for tomorrow and I'll cook for everyone.."

"Okay, sweetie.." She smiled.

"Thanks mom. I'll see you tomorrow.."

"Bye sweetie.." Marissa said before hanging up. Blaine sighed, going back to packing their bags.

The next morning they arrived at the airport in Ohio. Kurt just looked like he was going through the motions. He hadn't kissed Blaine ever since he heard the news. The only person he actually showed any emotion with was Elliot. Blaine hoped things would change once they saw Carole. They went to the baggage claim and saw Carole standing there with Finn and Rachel. Elliot dropped his hand from Kurt's and ran over to Carole. "Grandma.."

Carole smiled, picking Elliot up. "Hey big boy..Oh wow, you've grown so much." She chuckled lightly.

"I missed you," Elliot said, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"I missed you too.." She said softly, kissing his forehead. She hugged Blaine, handing Elliot to Finn and kissing Blaine's cheek. "Thank you for coming.."

"I couldn't stay back. I'm here to help with anything, Carole, really.." Blaine said softly.

Carole nodded, cupping his cheek and thanking him again before moving to Kurt.

"Hey sweetie.. How you holding up?" she asked quietly.

"I'm trying.." Kurt said quietly, putting on a fake, weak smile. He looked terrible. Blaine couldn't get him to eat and he had barely gotten any sleep the night before.

"Come on. Let's get you home.."

Kurt nodded. Carole grabbed his hand, leading them all out to the car. Blaine loaded the bags in the car and they all piled into the car, letting Kurt sit up front. Kurt kept his grip on Carole's hand, taking shuddering breaths as he tried to keep calm at the talk that was going around. "The funeral is in three days..We're making a few more arrangements if any of you want to help..And everyone's family is invited to the wake and funeral.." Carole said softly.

"We'll be there," Blaine said softly. They made it to the house and most of Kurt's family was there, along with Marissa, John, and Dylan. Jessica was the first one to greet them.

"Hey Jess.. Thanks for coming.." Kurt said quietly as they hugged.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else.." She sighed softly, holding him tightly. Kurt sighed. He was already tired of the attention. And yet every single member of his family was coming up to him and hugging him and kissing him. Showering him with the generic phrases.. Kurt had no idea how long he could handle this.

That night, as Blaine was making dinner, Kurt was sitting in the living room alone, save for Elliot on his lap. Elliot looked up at Kurt. "Can I sleep with you tonight, Daddy?"

"Yeah, baby.." Kurt said softly, staring at the fireplace.

Elliot brought his hand up to cup Kurt's cheek as his father had done to him many times before. "How can I make you feel better..? I miss you, daddy.."

Kurt looked down at Elliot, his eyebrows kneading together. "I'm right here.."

"I want to make you happy again.." Elliot said seriously.

Kurt bit his lip, looking away from his son. "I know, baby..I will be.."

Elliot nodded, sitting back down and sighing.

Kurt ran his hand through Elliot's hair. "Elliot..You have to understand..I'm never going to see my Daddy again..Wouldn't that make you sad if you never got to see your Daddy Blaine or me ever again?.."

Elliot looked up. "Are you going to leave too..?"

"No..No baby, I'm not going anywhere..I'm just trying to tell you..Daddy's going to be sad for a while.." Kurt explained quietly.

"Okay.." Elliot said just as quiet. Kurt kissed Elliot's forehead, sitting back on the couch and staring across the room at his father's recliner. Elliot got up and walked around the house until he found Dylan.

Dylan was in the kitchen with Blaine. "Hey Elliot," Dylan said softly, smiling as he picked him up and set him on the stool next to him.

"Can I help do something daddy?" Elliot asked.

"Hmm.." Blaine hummed, looking around. "You can help Dylan set the table." His father smiled. Elliot nodded, turning onto his stomach and slowly sliding to the floor. Dylan helped Elliot down and handed Elliot forks and spoons to put next to each plate. He was happy to be helping his daddy. He only wished he could help Daddy Kurt..
"Hey Dylan..?" Elliot asked when they were alone.

"Yeah?" Dylan asked, looking down at Elliot.

"I want to do something nice for my daddy. Will you help me?"

"Yeah." Dylan smiled, "what is it?"

"I don't know.. A song maybe?" Elliot asked.

"I think he'd like that." Dylan said softly as Blaine walked in with the food on big serving plates.
"Dylan, can you go tell everyone dinner is ready?.."

Dylan nodded and went to get everyone.

"How are you feeling baby?" Blaine asked, picking Elliot up.

Elliot shrugged. "I'm okay.."

"Well I made some yummy steak!" Blaine grinned. "That sounds good, huh?.." he asked, trying to cheer his son up.

"Kurt said he's not hungry." Dylan said as he returned with most of the family.

"Daddy hasn't eaten in a while.." Elliot said quietly.

"Here..You sit down and let grandma fix you a plate. I'll be right back." Blaine said, setting Elliot in a chair.

"Okay.." Elliot said, smiling as Carole sat next to him. Blaine walked into the living room where Kurt was still sitting, staring at the fireplace.

"Baby?" Blaine asked.

"Hm?.." Kurt hummed, turning his head a bit.

"You really should try to eat.."

Kurt looked over at Blaine. "I'm not hungry.."

Blaine sighed. "I'm worried, Kurt.."

"What about?.." Kurt asked quietly.

"You.. I know you're hurting.. But baby, you're going to make yourself sick.."

"If I was hungry I would eat, Blaine.." Kurt shrugged.

"Fine.." Blaine sighed before walking back to the dining room. Kurt sighed deeply, standing and walking after Blaine.

Blaine turned around. "You're coming..?"

His husband simply nodded, walking with him to the table.

"Daddy sit with me!" Elliot smiled.

Kurt gave a small smile, sitting between Elliot and Blaine. When everyone was served, they were talking about plans for the funeral. Rachel throwing in more ideas than she needed to. Kurt's eyebrow was twitching a bit as he pushed his food around his plate.

Blaine looked over at his husband. He knew that look. Kurt was getting irritated. "I don't know. I think it should really be discussed between Carole, Kurt and Finn.."

"Well a few little details can be discussed, right?..Obviously, I'll be singing. And maybe we can have a stage you know, somewhere that I can perform somehow." Rachel continued.

Blaine saw Kurt's eyes close and his eyebrow shoot up, the red slowly climbing up his neck. "Rachel. This isn't about you. This is for Burt. To celebrate his life. If you sing, it will because one of them has asked you to. So just please, sit back for a moment and let them decide what they want." Blaine said, not meaning to sound as stern as he had. But he couldn't risk letting her make Kurt mad.

Rachel stared at Blaine for a few seconds before looking at Finn, who did nothing. "Fine." She said simply, sitting back in her seat.
Kurt reached under the table, grabbing Blaine's hand and giving it a thankful squeeze.

Blaine stroked the back of Kurt's hand. "Now can we please have a normal family dinner? Talk about our lives or share memories of Burt? Something nice?"

Carole smiled lightly as they all went around the table, exchanging memories of the late husband and father. When it got to Kurt, he froze. "I'd rather not talk if you don't mind.." He whispered.

"It might help honey. But if you don't want to, it's okay," Carole said softly.

Kurt sighed softly, looking down at his plate as he spoke. "When I was younger..About fourteen..He took me to go shopping for school clothes..He was always talking about "I don't see the appeal of these stuffy clothes", and "Why are we in the woman's section?"..." Kurt smiled lightly at that, earning a light chuckle from the rest of them. "I just remember him picking out the weirdest..Ugliest clothes I've ever seen..And he went into the dressing room and would come out in all these weird outfit combinations..Just to make me laugh.." Kurt said, the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"It was amazing to watch.. Even on a normal night.. How much he loved you," Jessica said softly. "It was beautiful."

Kurt nodded, smiling despite the tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh! I have a story!" Elliot said excitedly. "But my daddies don't know.." he said as his well known mischievous smile spread across his face.

"What is it sweetie?.." Carole asked, smiling at Elliot.

"When I stayed with him and couldn't sleep.. He'd let me watch this show with him. What's that show Dylan? The one you like?" Elliot asked.

Dylan bit back a smile. "South Park?"

"Yeah!" Elliot grinned, bouncing lightly. "We watched it together! But he always said not to tell my daddy. But it was funnnnyyy!" he finished, giggling to himself.

"Oh my god.." Kurt got out before laughing loudly. He was actually laughing.

"Burt let you watch South Park. Finn takes you to Hooters," Blaine laughed, making Rachel and Finn blush. "What's next?"

Kurt finally stopped laughing, leaning over to kiss Elliot's forehead and smiling wide.

"I made you smile!" Elliot said happily. "I like your smile, daddy."

"Thank you, baby.." Kurt said softly, cupping his cheek.

Elliot kissed Kurts hand, making a loud 'Muah!' sound.

Kurt kissed the back of Elliot's hand, smiling softly.

The next day, Kurt slowly faded back to the way he was before dinner until eventually, it was the day of the funeral. Blaine had just finished getting Elliot ready and explaining to him what they were doing. He stood up and looked at his husband. "You almost ready baby?"

Kurt was wearing a black military jacket with a black button up, black tie, a skull broach and a chain on his vest. He added his black skinnies and dress shoes and examined himself in the mirror. He was already pale from barely eating anything, and the black only made it worse, along with the dark circles under his eyes. He looked like death..How ironic.

"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly.

"Are you going to say anything?" Blaine asked softly.

"I know they'll want me to..I think I need to say a few things..Don't you have a eulogy prepared?.." Kurt asked, turning to his husband.

Blaine nodded. "I do.."

Kurt nodded back, looking back in the mirror and sighing softly.

"You look great, Kurt. Under the circumstances.."

Kurt gave Blaine a weak smile. "What about me?" Elliot smiled, smoothing down the lapel of his little black suit.

Blaine chuckled. "You will be the most handsome guy there."

Elliot smiled as Blaine picked him up. Blaine took kurts hand as they walked out. They rode with Carole to the funeral home and when they pulled up, most of the family was already there.
"Deep breaths," Blaine whispered to Kurt. Kurt nodded, looking down as they walked inside and signed in. Kurt inhaled sharply as he saw the open coffin on the other end of the room and closed his eyes.
"You want some water?" Blaine asked.

"Please.." Kurt whispered.Blaine nodded, leading Kurt and Elliot to their seats before going to get a drink. Blaine was greeted by family, asking about Kurt on his way to get water. He told them he was doing as well as he could under the circumstance and excused himself. He finally got a bottle of water and headed back to sit next to his husband. Kurt had his eyes closed, taking deep breaths when Blaine came back. He handed his husband the water and took his free hand.
"Thank you.." Kurt said quietly before the service began. Carole was up first, giving a heartfelt speech. Finn stood next to her and held her hand as she cried. He took over and stumbled over his words before calling Kurt up to the podium. Kurt slowly walked up to the front, looking down at his father's body in the casket. He fought back tears, biting his lip as he stood at the podium.
"I would like to thank all of you for coming..And I want you all to know..This has been a very tough week for my whole family..I miss my dad..I wish he was still here..I wish we could still argue about each other's wardrobe..I wish he could still come defend me when I need him..I wish he was still here..But..He's not..He was the best father I could have ever asked for..And..And..I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered as the tears overwhelmed him.

Blaine hurried up to the podium and hugged Kurt close. "It's okay baby.. You dont have to finish.."

Kurt nodded, looking down. He turned to his father's body and let out a quiet sob. "I-I love you dad.."

Blaine took a steadying breath as he stepped up to the podium.
"Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things we can go through, so much more if it is a parent. No words can express what we are all feeling right now and I'm sure only time can help us accept the fact. Writing this eulogy is truly an honor for me. There's not enough time in the world to describe Burt Hummel. To someone walking down the street, he might've just been the mechanic that happened to be there when their car broke down. But to those of us who were lucky enough to get to know him, he was so much more. When I moved to Lima, I met Kurt, Burt's son. He became my best friend and boyfriend. I won't go too much into it, but there was a situation.. I had nowhere to go. And, Burt, being the sweetest, most caring guy there ever was, took me into his home. He had just found out about Kurt and I. And he let me stay with them. I don't know how he did handled that. But Burt Hummel was the most amazing father. He was kind, supportive, and a proud father. I loved to watch him and Kurt banter over little things or even just watching television. The amount of love between the two... Nothing can compare to that. We always joked around about Burt.. When it came to Kurt, he would've done anything to protect him. Just like a mother bear. So, I thought of him as Papa Burt." Blaine paused, chuckling lightly. "But he had the biggest heart. He was selfless. Always helping someone. Or even just being there to talk to. Burt was always the guy to go to. I could never thank him enough.. He gave me a home.. And the most beautiful man I have ever met and who I was lucky enough to marry. I wish we all could've had more time with him. But I know he's in a better place. And if I know Burt, he's got his hands on a big greasy burger and fries," Blaine said, eliciting a few small laughs and nods. "I wouldn't doubt that he's here somewhere watching us and shaking his head at all this. The decorations and music, the whole nine yards. He would've settled for something very simple. But Burt, you deserve all of this and more. You were and will always be loved more than you could ever imagine. And don't worry. I'll keep my promise to keep Kurt and Elliot safe. And we'll make sure Carole is well looked after as well. You are loved and missed, Burt.. You will remain in all of our hearts. While it is difficult to imagine life without Burt, we know that we will forever be able to cling to the memories that we have and that he will be watching over us. Thank you.." Blaine finished, wiping his eyes and walking back down to his seat with Kurt.

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, squeezing tightly and leaning over to kiss him. "Th-Thank you.."

Blaine nodded lightly. "I meant every word."

A few more people came up to speak before they carried his casket out into the hearse and to the grave yard. It really was a beautiful day. They stood out where his mother's grave was and Kurt placed a small bouquet of flowers on top of the casket before they started to lower his father into the ground. Blaine held Kurt close as they watched. Elliot watched with curious eyes, deciding to save his questions for later. Kurt gasped quietly, trying not to openly sob as he let Blaine hold him. They waited for everyone to start leaving and decided to stay a little longer. Kurt stared at the pile of dirt that was his father's grave, crying silently. Tears rolled down his pale, thin cheeks as he held hands with his husband and son. Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby.. He's with your mom again.. In a better place.."

Kurt couldn't stop the anger that flew through him at the statement. He's heard it all day. 'He's with Elizabeth'. 'He's in a better place'. He finally snapped.

"No.." Kurt gasped, pulling away from Blaine. "No he's not!" he got out, his voice hysterical. "My dad is dead! He's in that hole in the ground and I'm never going to see him again! He isn't watching me! He isn't laughing, or smiling, or being with my mom! He's dead! Under that six feet of dirt, Blaine!" Kurt nearly screamed, tears streaming freely. "I'm so tired of everyone telling me it'll be okay, or he's in a better place! It won't! And he's not!.."

Blaine backed off, doing everything he could to hold his tears in. "Kurt please.."

Kurt pulled at his hair, sobbing hysterically before gasping for air. He looked up at Blaine. "My dad is dead! And nothing can change that, or make me feel better about it!..I just..I can't..Ohgod..Why is this happening?..." Kurt whimpered, falling to his knees and sobbing.

Blaine knelt down, wrapping his arms around Kurt and not saying anything. He knew nothing he'd say would make this any better.

Elliot walked over, his lip quivering. "Daddy.. Why are you yelling at Daddy Blaine..?"

Kurt didn't say anything, he could barely breathe. His entire body was trembling as he tried to push Blaine away, but failed.

"He's not, baby.. Daddy's just upset.. He's not yelling at me.." Blaine said softly. "Come here.. Give Daddy Kurt a hug.."

Elliot carefully walked over to Kurt, wrapping his arms around his father.
Kurt's hands reached out for Elliot and he pulled him closer, pressing his cheek to the top of his head as he cried.

"I love you, daddy.." Elliot said quietly.

"I-I love you so much Elliot.." Kurt got out.

"I'm so sorry.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine. "I'm sorry..

"It's okay.." Blaine whispered.

"I love you.."

"I love you too, Kurt.."

When they finally returned to the house, Kurt quickly climbed the stairs to his old room, avoiding the mob of family and friends downstairs. Blaine and Elliot stayed downstairs, giving Kurt some time alone.

Carole walked up to Blaine. "Where's Kurt?.." She asked softly.

"Upstairs.. He had a little breakdown.." Blaine said quietly so no one else would hear.

"What happened?.." She asked, walking with Blaine into an empty room.

Blaine sighed and explained what had happened. "I mean, I know neither of us believes in that. But there's has to be something. I-I just wanted to help him.." he finished, his tears that had been kept in all day finally coming out.

"Shh..Sweetie, it's okay.." She said, sitting them down on a love seat, wiping Blaine's tears. "Talk to me.."

"I'm trying to.. Not cry.. I have to be there f-for Kurt.. But I-I don't know.. What to do.. And Elliot's sad and doesn't really understand.. I-I don't know how to handle all of this.."

Carole held Blaine close. "Just let it out..Shhh..It's okay..You just need to cry sweetheart.." Carole whispered, rubbing his back. They didn't notice that while they were speaking, Elliot was making his way up the stairs.
"It okay to cry Blaine.." Carole said quietly.

"I-I just want Kurt to be okay.." Blaine got out through his tears.

"I know sweetie..We all do..I think this is harder for him than it is for all of us.." She whispered, tears filling her eyes.

"I know.." Blaine whispered in agreement. "And what about you? I don't want to leave you alone.. It doesn't feel right.."

"It'll be hard..I've been through this before with Finn's father..I loved them both more than you can imagine..But..I'll be okay..It'll get easier...And he'll never really be gone..He'll be in my heart.." Carole said, smiling through her tears.

Blaine nodded, wiping his tears. "Thanks Carole.."

She kissed his cheek softly. "Take care of Kurt okay?...Burt told me depression runs in Elizabeth's family.."

"I will.. But how do you know when it's to that point..?" Blaine asked quietly.

"You'll know..He won't seem to care about anything anymore..He might seem more irritable..In bed all the time..You'll know..I just don't want Elliot to have to see him like that.."

Blaine nodded. "I'll make sure he doesn't.."

Carole nodded, hugging Blaine again. "Do you feel better?.."

"Yeah," Blaine said softly. "I'm gonna go check on Elliot."

Alright sweetie. Try to get some food in Kurt..He looks like a ghost.." She sighed as Blaine stood.

"I will.." Blaine thanked Carole again and went to make a little plate of veggies. He grabbed a bottle of water and headed upstairs. He opened the door to Kurt's room and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to Blaine. Elliot was in his lap, singing softly.
"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine

"Thank you, baby.." Kurt whispered, petting Elliot's hair.

"Did you like it daddy? Dylan helped me get it just right for you.."

"I love it baby..Thank you so much.." Kurt said quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Blaine knocked quietly and walked in. "I brought a little snack.."

Kurt turned to Blaine, wiping his eyes as Elliot smiled, crawling onto the bed.

Blaine sat next to his husband. "Think you can get some of it down?"

Kurt looked down at the plate of food. The thought of eating made him sick to his stomach. "I don't know.."

Blaine nodded, setting the plate on the nightstand. "Okay."

"Daddy..Will you please eat?.." Elliot asked, grabbing the plate and holding it up to Kurt.

Kurt bit his lip, slowly picking up a carrot. Elliot smiled wide, watching his father hopefully. Kurt carefully ate the vegetable. But as soon it went down, he had to run to the bathroom. Elliot stepped out of the way, looking over at Blaine with large, concerned eyes. Blaine sighed heavily. "Daddy's just a little sick. When he feels better, he'll eat.."

Elliot nodded, cringing at the sounds of Kurt ridding his stomach of the small amount of food that was in it.

"Are you okay baby?" Blaine asks his son.

"Is daddy gonna be okay?.." Elliot whispered.

"Yeah baby. He will. But he's going to be upset for a while." Blaine said softly.

"I don't want daddy to go away too.." Elliot said, tears filling his eyes.

"Oh Elliot, no.." Blaine said, sitting his son in his lap. "He's not leaving."

Elliot nodded, pulling Blaine close and sniffing.

"Daddy Kurt lost his daddy because he was really sick. But Daddy Kurt is upset because he misses his dad. He's not sick. He's just sad." Blaine tried to explain.

Elliot nodded in understanding. "Okay.." He said quietly.

Kurt came out of the bathroom, looking sicker than he had all week.
"Are you okay, Daddy?.."

Kurt nodded weakly as he slid back into bed. Blaine sighed softly, kissing Elliot's forehead. "Go find Grandma and John..Ask her to play the piano with you, okay?.."

Elliot nodded, climbing up to kiss Kurts cheek. "Feel better Daddy.."

Kurt nodded lightly, thanking Elliot before the six-year-old hurried out of the room.

"He's so smart for his age.." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded again, closing his eyes. Blaine sighed. "Can I lay with you at least..?"

"I never said you couldn't, Blaine..." Kurt whispered.

"I just thought I'd ask.." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt scooted over a bit, making room for his husband. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, holding him close. Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's neck, sighing softly. "All I want to do is sleep, but I can't.." He whispered.

"I'm sure Carole has something that would help. Do you want me to ask her?"

Kurt shook his head, tightening his hands in Blaine's shirt. "Stay.."

"I will.. I'm not going anywhere, baby.." Blaine said, rubbing kurts back.

Kurt nodded, taking a shuddering breath in. "I miss him so much.."

"I know.. I know baby.."

Kurt held onto Blaine, crying to himself, until eventually, Blaine felt his husband finally drift to sleep. He kissed the top of kurts head, not daring to move. Kurt needed to rest. A couple of hours later, Kurt woke up and began to kiss Blaine softly. Blaine couldn't help but smile lightly, kissing Kurt back.
"Do you still think I'm beautiful?.." Kurt whispered brokenly.

"What? Of course I do.."

Kurt nodded leaning in to kiss Blaine again. Blaine cupped his husband's cheek. "Why wouldn't I baby?"

"I-I had a dream..T-That you left me...Because I looked like this.."

"Kurt, to this day, you are still the most beautiful person to me." Blaine said seriously.

"I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered.

"It's okay baby.."

Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's again, pulling him closer. Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair, sighing softly.
"Will you make love to me?..Please.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine chewed on his lip. "Are you sure? I-I dont want to.. Take advantage of you.."

"I need you Blaine..You're not taking advantage of me..I swear..I just..I need my husband.." Kurt got out. Blaine nodded, getting up and closing the door before getting back in bed. Kurt let Blaine climb on top of him and kiss him softly. He kissed down his neck and to his prominent collar bones. They slowly started to undress each other, Kurt already panting desperately.
"So.. Beautiful.." Blaine whispered as he kissed down to kurts pants. "Perfect.."

Kurt whimpered, running his hands down to Blaine's gelled down hair. Blaine slid his husband's pants down along with his boxer briefs and climbed back up the paler's body. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing along his jaw. Blaine lined himself up with Kurt and looked into his eyes. "I love you, Kurt.."

"I love you too.." Kurt whispered, gasping softly as Blaine thrust into him. Blaine steadied himself with one arm and use his free hand up cup Kurts cheek as he slowly rolled his hips, keeping eye contact with his husband. Kurt moaned softly, looking up at Blaine with loving eyes and holding on to the back of his neck. Blaine found a slow, steady rhythm, groaning quietly in the back of his throat. Kurt arched his back, his head falling back as he rolled his hips. "Blaine..Oh..Blaine.."

Blaine gasped, pressing his lips to Kurt's. Kurt kissed Blaine deeply, his moans growing a bit louder.

"Baby.." Blaine breathed out. He missed hearing his husband. But they couldn't be loud. "We have to be quiet.."

Kurt nodded, gripping the pillow under his head and biting his lip. A small whine escaped Blaine's lips. "You're so sexy, Kurt.."

Kurt started to say something but a squeak escaped him as Blaine rubbed over his prostate. "Blaine..." He groaned, panting harshly.

Blaine's breathing was ragged as he felt Kurt start to tighten around him. "Baby.. Unnhh.."

"H-Harder..Please Blaine.." Kurt whined desperately. Blaine tangled his fists in the sheets and sped up, thrusting harder. Kurt cried out before bringing a hand up to cover his own mouth, muffling his moans. Blaine buried his face in kurts neck, biting down lightly to keep his moans down. Kurt turned his head, biting the pillow as he got closer to the edge.
"Kurt.. Kurt baby.." Blaine gasped, his thrusts becoming more erratic.

"I'm close.." Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine's hair.

"Me too baby.." Blaine got out through his panting. Kurt whined, tightening his legs around Blaine and reaching down to stroke himself quickly. Blaine groaned as he watch his husband. "Oh shit.. Kurt.."

"B-Blaine..Fuck..Blaine!" Kurt gasped as he arched his back, coming hard between them. Kurt's muscles fluttered around Blaine, making him come deep inside his lover. Kurt panted heavily, clutching to Blaine as they came down together. Blaine pressed soft kisses to kurts lips, his breathing still ragged. "I love you.." Kurt said quietly.

"I love you more than anything, Kurt.."

Kurt ran his hand along Blaine's jaw, sighing quietly as they held each other close.

"How are you feeling..?" Blaine asked softly.

"Calm now.." Kurt whispered.


Kurt closed his eyes, his fingers tracing over the shell of Blaine's ear.

"I'll never leave you Kurt.."

"Thank you.."

"I love you.." Blaine whispered.

"I love you so much.." Kurt said just as quietly. Blaine hummed happily. "We should get dressed.."

"But you're so warm.."

"A few more minutes," blaine giggled. Kurt smiled lightly, pulling Blaine closer. Blaine kissed Kurtls forehead, glad to see a small smile at least. After a while they got up and walked downstairs. Most of the guests had gone and it was all of the close family.
Elliot smiled as he saw his fathers. "Daddy!"

"Hey sweetie!" Blaine grinned.

"Guess what!?"

"What, big boy?" Blaine asked, picking him up.

"Me and Dylan played with my cars and he makes them go rreeeeaaalll high and then they crash!" Elliot said, making a noise to imitate an explosion.

"Really? You and Dylan are gonna have to wait until you're thirty to drive.." Blaine chuckled.

"We're just playing daddy." Elliot sighed. Blaine giggled, looking over at Kurt. "Do you feel better, daddy?" Elliot asked.

"A little, baby.." Kurt said softly.

"Good." Elliot said softly. Kurt smiled, walking to sit by Marissa. She wrapped an arm around him and ran her hand through his hair. Kurt sighed softly, bringing his feet up on the couch and laying his head on her lap.
"How long are you staying?" marissa asked.

"A couple more days..I just want to be here with Carole.." Kurt said softly.

"Good. And we'll be here when you're not," marissa said, giving a small smile. Kurt nodded, smiling lightly.

"How's work been?" marissa asked, trying to distract Kurt.

"Hectic, tiring..But very rewarding.."

"How so?"

"Well..I wrote music for a couple of musicals..I'm getting my name out there..And designed some new costumes for Wicked.." Kurt said softly.

"Wicked?" Marissa asked excitedly.

"Yeah.." Kurt said, smiling lightly.

"That must've been fun!"

"It was. But a lot of pressure." He chuckled.

"And I bet they all looked absolutely stunning because of you." Marissa smiled. Kurt smiled. Somehow, Marissa always helped him feel better. "Are you going to come stay a night with us or staying with Carole until you leave?" She asked.

"We could come stay with you guys..I bet Dylan wants some time with Blaine.."

"That would be nice." Marissa said softly. Kurt sighed softly closing his eyes and relaxing under the Filipino woman's touch. "Still happy with my baby boy?"

"I'll be happy with him forever.." Kurt said, looking over at his husband, who was playing with Dylan and Elliot.

"Good. I miss him.." marissa said quietly..

"We're a phone call away.." He said softly, grabbing her hand.

"Thanks sweetie.."

Kurt looked up at Marissa and smiled. Thanking her with his eyes.

"We should probably get going soon. I'm gonna help Carole clean up.." marissa said softly.

Kurt nodded, sitting up and hugging his mother-in-law. "Thank you for coming.."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else honey.."

He kissed her cheek softly before she got up to go to help Carole clean. A little while later Blaine yawned and sat next to his husband. "I think I'm going to my mom's tonight. You want to come?"

"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly, grabbing Blaine's hand. "You wanna leave Elliot with Carole?.."

"I think she'd like that.."

"Maybe you could ask Mom to leave Dylan with her too.." Kurt said, bringing his knees up under his chin.

Blaine nodded. "I'll talk to her."

Kurt sighed softly, watching their son. He was so beautiful and full of life. He was perfect. And even though Kurt had he and Blaine in his life, he still felt so empty.. He missed his father so much. Kurt thought about how much it hurt to lose Burt and vaguely thought about how Elliot would go through the same thing one day. With that thought came the threat of tears. He never wanted his son to feel this way.. But it was inevitable. For now, as soon as he felt a little better, Kurt decided he'd make the most of it and make sure he gave Elliot everything he could. He just couldn't let this impending depression swallow him. He was fighting so hard not to let it, but it was strong, pulling him back in every chance it got. Kurt had to be stronger. He had to do everything in his power to stay alive for his son. Kurt closed his eyes, resting his forehead on the arm he had draped across his knees. He just wanted so badly to go to sleep and wake up when this was over..When he could be happy again. Blaine came back over and sighed. "Dylan and Elliot are gonna stay here. You ready..?"

Kurt looked up. "Y-Yeah..Yeah.." Kurt said standing.

They say goodnight to the boys and Carole and headed out.

Kurt looked over at Blaine as they followed Marissa and John to the house. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" Blaine asked.

They were in Carole's car, she let them borrow it so they could talk alone. "I'm trying so hard not to let this take over me, Blaine..And I know I'm not doing that well..But I'm trying.."

"Baby, all you can do is either try or let it take you. I know you're trying. I'd be more worried if you were acting completely fine. I know it's going to take time. Just remember you're not alone." Blaine said softly.

"I just.." Kurt brought his knees to his chest. "It's so hard.." He whispered.

"I know baby. I mean, obviously I don't know exactly how hard. But I know it is. But it will get easier.."

Kurt nodded, biting his fingernail. "I just don't want this to take me..And make me not be there for you or Elliot..."

"I know.. I was actually talking to Carole about that.." Blaine admitted.

"What'd she say?..." Kurt asked quietly, looking out of his window.

"I asked her how to tell if you have gone too far into depression. She just said I would know and don't let it happen.."

Kurt nodded, looking down.

"We'll be okay. If you want to talk to someone other than family, we'll get the help. If you want to talk to me, I'll be there. You can take off as much time as you need to from work. We'll find a way to make sure you're okay."

Kurt nodded again, biting at the skin around his nails, distracting himself. Blaine called his mom as he drove.
"Hello?" Marissa answered.

"Blaine..Can we stop and get some drinks or something?.." Kurt mumbled.

Blaine nodded to his husband. "We're going to stop to get drinks. What do you want?"

"Oh, maybe just a couple of bottles of wine..John wants beer.." She giggled.

"Alright. Meet you there," Blaine smiled before hanging up. They pulled into the liquor store and walked inside. Blaine went to go get some beer and Kurt went straight for the patron. Blaine raised an eyebrow at his husband. "Tequila?"

"Been a rough day.." Kurt said, sighing.

"Okay," Blaine said, grabbing the beer and wine. Truth be told it worried Blaine a bit that Kurt was going straight for the hard liquor.. He paid for the alcohol and they drove to the apartment. When they got there Marissa smiled wide as Blaine handed her the wine. "I knew my baby had good taste.."

Blaine chuckled. "Or he just knows his mother."

"Either or.." Marissa giggled, kissing his cheek as they both walked in.

Kurt headed over to the couch and sat opposite of John. "Thanks for letting us stay.."

"It's not a problem." John smiled. "We missed having you two around. "

"I miss being here.. Miss being a kid.." Blaine sighed.

"Back when you hated me?.." John laughed.

"I was young and you knocked up my mother." Blaine defended himself. "I didn't hate you. I just had to be sure you'd take good care of her."

"Oh god..I remember you asking me if I'd gone to prison and if I had a problem with you being gay." John chuckled.

"I do believe those were valid questions," Blaine laughed.

They all laughed lightly, including Kurt, who squeezed Blaine's hand.?

"I miss having someone to talk about all the things we talked about," marissa said to Kurt.

"Me too.," Kurt smiled.

"What did you guys talk about?" Blaine asked.

"Ohhh just stuff.." Marissa giggled.

"Like what?.." Her husband asked.

"Like our two favorite men," she said, cuddling up to John.

"I'm sure.." Blaine chuckled.

"We did. And more," Kurt added, winking at marissa as he thought of the morning after hearing her and John in their room.

"On that note, I need a drink." Blaine laughed, standing. "Anyone else?

"Me!" Kurt said as the others nodded. "I'll help."

"Alright." Blaine smiled, walking into the kitchen. Kurt took two shots, shaking his head at the burn and turning to help Blaine. "Don't go too overboard, baby.." Blaine said, pouring a few glasses of wine.

"I won't," Kurt said seriously. He turned and cupped his husband's cheek. "I want one night.. Just one night to forget and pretend things are good.."

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes and nodded. "Okay baby.."

"I promise I'll be okay. Let's just relax tonight.." Kurt said. "And don't think I don't know that look. Stop worrying. What's left, we'll leave here and we barely drink at home. I love you. Stop worrying for one night, baby."

"I love you too.." Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly.

Kurt let the kiss linger for a moment before pulling back and pouring another shot. "For you."

Blaine smiled before throwing the shot back and cringing as he swallowed. "Jesus Christ.." He got out.

Kurt giggled. "You're cute."

"That was just awful!" Blaine said, his eyes watering as he took a sip of wine to rid his mouth of the taste.

"It makes me feel warm," Kurt said, taking another. Blaine just shook his head, handing Kurt a glass of wine before bringing the other glasses to his mother and John.

"Thank you sweetie," Marissa grinned.

"You're welcome momma.." He smiled as Kurt walked in, his cheeks already pink.

"Already too much wine?" John chuckled.

"I had a little something extra.." Kurt chuckled, taking a sip of his wine.

"Holding out on us?" Marissa giggled.

"Help yourself." Kurt smiled, grabbing the bottle and bringing it out to them.

"Oh no, none for me.." John chuckled.

Marissa bit her lip, debating on taking a shot.

"You can if you want, love." John said, kissing her cheek as Kurt sat on Blaine's lap, humming happily.

"Oh I don't know.. I'm not young anymore.."

"Marissa..I'm about to turn thirty..I'm not young anymore either.." Kurt scoffed.

"And I'm old enough to be your mother," Marissa pointed out.

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully, taking a sip of his wine. "One shot won't hurt, mom.." Blaine chuckled.

"Fine.." marissa grinned as she poured herself a shot. She licked her lips before downing the clear, strong liquid and shivering.

"Good?" Kurt smiled.

She hummed in agreement. "Mmm yeah.."

Kurt chuckled as he started to feel his buzz grow more intense. "Oh wait..Oh god..I'm almost thirty.." He groaned.

"Thirty and flirty," Blaine smiled, softly kissing his husband's neck.

"Thirty and ooolllld.." Kurt sighed dramatically.

"You'll never be old," Blaine stated simply.

"That's impossible." Kurt said, looking at his husband.

"You'll always be the sixteen year old boy I feel in love with.."

"Aaawwe.." Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss Blaine softly.

"He's so sweet. How come you don't say things like that?" Marissa teased John.

"I try..You're still the forty year old woman I fell in love with.." He teased, kissing her neck.

Marissa pretended to pout. "That's not very nice."

"Hmmm..Well I'll be sure to be much nicer when we go to the bedroom.." Jon said in her ear, smiling. Marissa bit her lip as a shiver ran down her spine. She turned her head, kissing him deeply. John hummed softly, kissing her back and running a hand up to pull her hair lightly. "Or not so nice..Your choice.." He whispered, smiling devilishly against her lips.

She gasped quietly. "Not so nice.."

"Okay, son in the room!" Blaine groaned.

"Get it!" Kurt giggled, putting his hand over Blaine's eyes.

Blaine sighed deeply, laughing a bit as John and Marissa kissed once more before pulling away, laughing lightly. Marissa hid her face in John's neck to conceal her blush. Kurt laughed lightly, moving his hand and leaning down to kiss Blaine. Blaine smiled, giving Kurt a chaste kiss.
"Why just a baby kiss?" Kurt pouted.

"My mom is sitting across from us.." Blaine said.

Kurt pouted a bit before sighing. "Okay.."

Blaine snaked his arm around kurts waist, tracing over the small of his back. "Later baby."

Kurt made a small humming sound, smiling down at Blaine.

They talked and drank until they all had a pretty good buzz going. Kurt had had quite a few shots of patron and was feeling good. Marissa asked John to get up and put on some music. After a couple of songs, Kurt gasped and quickly stood. "This is my song!"

Blaine chuckled lightly, watching his husband as he swayed his hips to the beat.

"Baby, come on.." Kurt said, holding his hands out for Blaine.

"Oh no.." Blaine laughed.

"Oh yes," Kurt grinned, grabbing his husband's hands.

Blaine laughed lightly as Kurt pulled him up, glad his husband was feeling better, if only for a little while. Kurt pulled Blaine close, wrapping his husband's arms around his waist. Blaine held Kurt close, smiling wide. Kurt played with the hair at the nap of Blaine's neck. "You're the most gorgeous man.."

"You're drunk.." Blaine chuckled. Kurt giggled, turning around and rocking his ass into Blaine. Blaine couldn't help but blush. "Kurt.."

Kurt let his head fall back onto Blaine's shoulder. "Yeah baby?"

"My moms right there.." He said quietly into his lover's ear.

"Trust me.. She's distracted by John," Kurt said, turning his head and pressing his lips to Blaine's.

Blaine hummed softly, gripping Kurt's hips. Kurt grinned, reaching up and tangling his fingers in Blaine's hair as he ground his hips back.

"O-Oh fuck.." Blaine gasped.

"You're so easy when you drink," Kurt giggled against his husband's lips.

"You're so horny when you drink.." Blaine countered.

"Only if I'm with my sexy husband," Kurt smiled. Blaine chuckled softly, moving his body with Kurt's.

Marissa glanced up at the boys before turning back to her husband. She swung her leg over and straddled John. "Think you're ready to be really naughty?" she whispered into his ear.

John ran his hands up Marissa's thighs, smiling. "I think so.."

She rocked her hips down, feeling her husband's growing member. "Let's go to the room and see what we can do about that.."

John moaned, gripping her legs and grinning as he carried her to the room. Marissa giggled with excitement as John shut the door behind them.

"And now we're alone," Kurt said, turning to face Blaine.

"We are.." Blaine smiled. Kurt brought a leg up, wrapping it around Blaine's waist as he continued to grind down into his husband. His eyes grew darker as they looked into each others eyes. Blaine ran his hands down to Kurt's ass, sliding his palms over the gentle curve of flesh.
"Oh Blaine.. Baby.." Kurt gasped.

"I want to watch you ride me.." Blaine growled.

A small whine slipped from kurts lips. "Please.."

Blaine laid back on the couch, pulling Kurt on top of him.

"Out here?" Kurt said, a mischievous grin on his features.

"Mhmm.." Blaine smiled.

"Mmm, so bad.. Its kinda hot.." Kurt breathed out in Blaine's ear.

"Really now?.." Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Very.."

Blaine chuckled, biting at Kurt's ear. Kurt gasped, reaching between them to palm at Blaine's very apparent erection.
"Ungh..Kurt.." Blaine gasped.

"So.. Big.."

"Fuck..I can't wait to watch you ride me.."

Kurt smiled, getting up to turn the music up a little louder and stripping for Blaine. Blaine pulled out his member, stroking himself slowly as he watched Kurt. Kurt positioned himself between Blaine's knees, looking into his eyes as he licked over the slit. Blaine laid his head back against the armrest, smiling lightly as he looked down at Kurt. Kurt hummed, taking Blaine into his throat. Blaine moaned deeply, his head falling back. The older man sucked harder, bringing a hand up to tease at Blaine's perineum. Blaine arched his back, gasping harshly. "K-Kurt.."

Kurt pulled off and smiled wide as he continued to tease his husband. "Oh my god.." Blaine panted.

"Feel good, baby?"

"Y-Yes..Fuck.." Blaine whimpered.

Kurt slowly pulled back and straddled his husband. "Look at you.. So desperate.."

"Please, Kurt.."

Kurt smiled, rising up and slowly lowering himself onto Blaine. Blaine gripped Kurt's hips, moaning deeply. Kurt took deep breaths as he felt Blaine stretch him.
"Baby..So tight.."

Kurt splayed his hands on Blaine's chest, tentatively rolling his hips.

"Oh god..Such a tease.." Blaine groaned.

"I just.. Unnhh.. Want to feel.." Kurt breathed out. Blaine ran his hands up Kurt's body, panting softly. Kurts head fell back as a small moan escaped him. "Kurt..Please babe.." Blaine whispered. The taller nodded as he started to ride his husband. Blaine moaned loudly, his eyes rolling back as he felt Kurt squeezing around his member.

"Shit, blaaiinnee.." Kurt whined.

"So fucking hot.." Blaine moaned, looking up at Kurt with hooded eyes. Kurt sped up, biting his lip to keep quiet. Blaine growled, pulling his own hair and smiling as he watched Kurt. Kurt leaned back, arching his body beautifully.
"I love you.." Blaine whispered, running his hand up Kurt's stomach and chest as it curved.

"Unnh I-I love.. You too.."

Blaine started to thrust up, panting harshly. Kurt rested his hands on the headrest on either side of Blaine's head as me met his thrusts.
"F-Fuck..Talk to me.." Blaine groaned, squeezing Kurt's hips.

Kurt gasped. "Oh baby.. S-So big and thick.. So fuck..fucking good..."

"Damn Kurt.."

Kurt rolled his body faster, moaning his lover's name repeatedly.

"Kurt..Fuck I'm close.." Blaine whined, arching his back.

Kurt reached down, pinching one of blaines nipples. "Me too baby.."

Blaine cried out, thrusting up harder and faster. "Oh! Blaine!" kurt gasped loudly as his husband's thrusts sent him over the edge. Blaine grunted, thrusting up once more and filling Kurt deep. Kurt collapsed on blaines chest, panting heavily. Blaine kissed Kurt's temple, sighing softly
"I love you.."

"I love you too.." Kurt nuzzled against blaines chest, sighing softly.

"You wanna go to bed babe?.." Blaine asked quietly.

"Mmmm yeah.."

Blaine smiled, picking Kurt up and carrying him to his old room.

"You're so sweet," Kurt said as Blaine cradled him.

"I've been doing this for ten years baby.." Blaine smiled. "And you say that every time.."

"Because it's true," Kurt said softly. "I married a prince.."

"So did I.." Blaine said softly, laying Kurt down on the bed and kissing him softly.

Kurt shook his head. "I'm no prince.."

"You're my prince.." Blaine said, running his hand down the side of Kurt's face.

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome.." Blaine said, climbing behind Kurt and holding him close. Kurt hummed softly, closing his eyes and relaxing with his husband.
"Goodnight beautiful.."

"Good night.."


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Blaine is the most perfect human being ever! where can I get a husband like him? it was adorable; even tho Kurt was so sad :( hope he feels better soon

Thank you sweetie! I completely agree. I needs me a female blaine

No, why did you kill Burt. I was crying all chapter. You wrote it beautifully, but I'm really sad you killed Burt. Couldn't you kill Robert? =(Btw I love your stories, I'm hooked since part I and can't stop reading it, but I do have one question. Could you please don't go to fast because they're almost thirty years old and Elliot is already five and I just never want this story to end. Because part 1 and part 2 was really slow but less detailed, and part 3 is much more detailed which I love but sometimes it goes to fast because I just love all those family moments and don't want to read the end, I want anoter 1000 parts and 1000000000000 chapters. Okay sorry am a bit exaggerating now but I just love your story so much and I never want it to end. =) Link

You just made my day. We don't get many people that comment on this story. And like no one responded to Part II. So we've thought no one really cared for it. But if you have anything you want to see, even cute little family moments or anything, let us know and I will share your review when Kayla gets up so she sees how much you love it. Thank you so much!