College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 2

E - Words: 7,639 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
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A/N: Definitely a fun filled chapter! Baby shower! Dylan arrives! Another surprise! A little scene for Kitalene ; ) And if you’d like to listen to the song near the end, it’s Boyce Avenue’s cover of What Makes You Beautiful. Enjoy!

The day of the baby shower was hectic to say the least as they rushed to get everything ready. Marissa walked in and gasped as she saw all the decorations. Streamers hung all around the living room and kitchen. There was a small table with all kinds of snacks and drinks. There was a table set up with a mommy-to-be table cover on it with matching plates, cups, and napkins. There were "It's A Boy" helium balloons everywhere and cute banner for everyone to sign. They had hung a carriage pinata and a few games set up. Of course the famous how big is mommy's tummy game and another one that had about twelve ice cubes with little babies in them. Whoever melted theirs first would win. She walked closer to the table and saw two beautifully decorated cakes. One was designed for her. It was shaped like her baby bump and was dressed in what looked like a wedding gown inspired teddy with a bow on the center of the breast. The other was a two tier cake designed for Dylan. The bottom layer was white with baby blue and brown icing ribbons and little balls of icing around the bottom to match. The top had the same baby blue icing with white and brown polka dots. Setting at the top was a little baby carriage with a tiny boy in it. And a banner on top of the bottom tier reading 'Congratulations Marissa and John." Marissa turned to the boys with a tear falling to her cheek. "Oh boys you've done such a wonderful job! This is...more than I could've asked for. It's beautiful..."

They each hugged the pregnant woman. Kurt put a 'Mother-To-Be' tiara and sash on her. "It's no problem. We love you," Blaine said softly. "But before everyone gets here, we want to go ahead and give you our gifts."
They took Marissa to the spare room, revealing a beautiful red stroller.
"It's really easy to use. The handles are adjustable. There's four positions and a reclining backrest. And a cup holder for you and Dylan and a raincover." Blaine said smiling. "We also got you a Weeblock. It's to put over him while changing him so he doesn't pee in your face," her son said, giggling. "The whole thing is washable. I thought it would be a good thing to have. And we have one more thing to show you...Well...not really /one/...But anyways...Kurt do you want to show her?"

Kurt nodded. "We've been preparing since we found out you were pregnant," He said, walking to the closet. He opened the door and revealed dozens of bags of diapers. "We figured you'd go through a lot of them so we just wanted to be prepared. What do you think?"

Marissa had tears streaming down her cheeks as she pulled them both in for tight hugs. "You boys are too much. You didn't have to do all this for me. Thank you so much...I just...I don't even know how to thank you...This means so much to me..."

The boys both hugged her close, smiling as she pulled away, wiping her tears. "We love you.." Blaine said smiling.

"I love you two so much...Dylan is one lucky baby," she said softly.

They both smiled, each giving her a small kiss before people started to arrive.

Brittany hugged Blaine close. "This is so pretty! It makes me want a baby. I really thought that stork was bringing one to me..."

Blaine chuckled, "Maybe one day.."

Rachel hugged both of them. "I might have to hire you two for my baby shower whenever Finn and I decide to have a daughter or gay son!" She said smiling pleasantly.

Blaine held back a laughed. "I'd love to. You should tell Kurt that!"

She did just that, hugging Kurt and repeating what she told Blaine.

Kurt's eyes went wide as the memory of walking in on her and Finn. "Oh my God..."

"You wouldn't want to do that for me Kurt? After all, I will be, your famous sister-in-law one day." She said matter of factly.

"Yes. Yes I would. Just no more mentioning you being with my brother..." Kurt said quickly.

Rachel blushed, nodding before walking off.

Kurt looked up and saw Blaine watching them, almost falling over with laughter.

Kurt rolled his eyes, walking off to greet the other guests.

The shower went well. Everyone spending time with Marissa, eating, drinking, and playing games.

They all left, Marissa thanking the boys before she left. The next week was nothing but pure anticipation. Kurt started his job and he was completely in love with it. Even though they both came home exhausted every night. It was about one in the morning one night when Blaine's phone rang.

Blaine reached for his phone and answered, not even looking to see who it was.

"Blaine!" John said frantically. "It's time."

Blaine jumped out of bed.
"Do you need anything? We're on our way!"

"No, just come to the hospital." John said.

Kurt looked up. "Mmph..Baby..What's wrong?"

"Be there as soon as possible!" Blaine said quickly before hanging up.

"Mom's going into labor...oh my God...we have to get dressed...oh my God..." Blaine said frantically, running around the room.

Kurt quickly got up, slipping on a hoodie and jeans, nearly tripping over them as he struggled to put them on. "Oh my god!"

Blaine got dressed. "Can you drive? I'm freaking out..."

"Yeah..Yeah.." Kurt said, panicking a bit himself as he ran to grab the keys.

They ran outside and got in Kurt's car, rushing to the hospital.

They ran into the emergency room and they saw Marissa sitting in a wheelchair while John signed papers at the nurse's station.

Blaine rushed to her side.
"Are you okay? Can I get you anything? Are you craving anything?"

"Blaine, I'm fine baby.." She said, trying to control her breathing.

"Are you sure? I'll do anything. Oh God..." Blaine sighed, trying to calm down. "I need coffee. Yeah coffee. Coffee sounds good. Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"Blaine..Look at me sweetie.." Marissa said.

Blaine stopped pacing and looked at his mother.

"I'm going to be okay..I've done this before.." She said laughing breathily before wincing and grabbing Blaine's hand, squeezing tightly as she groaned.

"I haven't!" Blaine practically squealed. "Oh God. Are you okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain...oh my God...can we just get him out please!"

Marissa rode out the pain before looking up. "I'm okay..Kurt looks like he's about to pass out.." She said, looking over to Kurt who was paler than usual.

Blaine turned to Kurt. "Oh my God. Are you okay? Do you want coffee? I want coffee. Mom, we'll be back. We're going to get coffee. Do you want anything?"

"No sweetheart I'm fine.." She said as some nurses came out to wheel her to the delivery room.

"I'll be right back!" Blaine called as she went down the hall. Blaine turned back to Kurt.
"Are you okay? I'm freaking out. Please say something..."

"I'm just..Really..I don't know.." Kurt finally breathed out.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked quickly.

"It's just a lot to take in.." Kurt swallowed.

"I know...I don't know if I can handle this..." Blaine said quietly.

"Okay we can't both be freaking out.." Kurt said shakily, pulling Blaine into his arms.

"Kurt...I'm not ready..."

"It's gonna be okay.." Kurt said softly.

"I'm so glad I'm not a girl...I couldn't do it...that's’s crazy..." Blaine said, shaking his head.

"I don't see how she's so calm.." Kurt said.

"She's not. She's trying to hide it from me," Blaine explained.

Kurt sighed. "Come on, let’s go get coffee."

Blaine nodded, holding Kurt's hand as they walked down the hall.

They went to go get coffee from the machine down the hall and walked down to sit in the waiting room.

Blaine leaned against Kurt for a while before deciding to check on his mom.

Blaine looked inside the room, and Marissa was lying in the bed, John standing next to her. "Hey sweetie.." Marissa said breathily. Blaine assumed she hadn't started pushing yet.

He walked in a little further. "How’s everything going?"

"Good.." she sighed, letting her head fall back and wincing as she squeezed John's hand. "You're doing great baby.." He said softly.

"How much longer do you have?" Blaine masked carefully.

"I don't know yet..." She said as she relaxed again. "I hope it's soon.."

Blaine walked over, kissing her cheek. "I'll be right outside with Kurt. Just have john come get me if you need me."

"Alright sweetheart..." She breathed out.

"I love you..." Blaine said softly.

"I love you too Blaine.." She smiled weakly.

Blaine smiled back before walking back out to Kurt.

He saw Kurt was asleep in his chair and sat next to him, sighing softly. He fell asleep at one point, waking up later that morning. He looked at his watch. It was about eight am.

Blaine got up and went to see his mom. She was asleep as well. John smiled when Blaine walked in.
"Hey. I'm gonna go get breakfast for everyone. Will you tell Kurt if he wakes up?"

John nodded. "Yeah.." He yawned.

Blaine smiled before heading out. He went to Subway and got three bacon, egg, and cheese flatbread subs and a veggie delight for Kurt. He stopped and got orange juice and coffee for everyone as well before going back to the hospital.

When he got back, Kurt was awake. "I think she started pushing.." he said as Blaine walked in.

Blaine's eyes went wide and he handed Kurt the drinks. "Will you help me bring these?" He said, quickly walking to her room.
"Hey mom, I brought breakfast..." he said as he opened the door.

"Not right now sweetie.." The nurse said. "Were about to start pushing.."

"Thank you so much Blaine.." Marissa said before he face contorted in pain.

Blaine stood completely still. This was it. He felt like he might feint.

The nurse asked him to go sit in the waiting room and he did for what felt like forever. About an hour later is when they started to hear the screaming and Blaine looked pale, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"I have to check on her...something sounds wrong..." Blaine got up before Kurt could protest.

He opened the door with shaking hands and poked his head inside to see Marissa, letting out a loud groan that turned into a scream. Her face was red and her hair soaked with sweat as she pushed, turning to John.
Blaine quickly closed the door, hurrying back to the waiting room.

"Holy shit! Oh my God! She looks possessed!" Blaine said, eyes still wide.

"Is she okay?" Kurt asked as another resounding scream ripped through the area, making them both flinch.

Blaine had tears burning his eyes. "I don't know..."

Kurt motioned for Blaine to come sit down with him and pulled him close. "It's okay baby..She's probably just crowning.."

"Ahhghhh! Noooo! I don't want to think of my mother's you know what...."

"Shh.. it's okay, it'll be over soon.." Kurt tried to soothe.

Blaine covered his ears as she screamed again. "I wish he'd just come out already..."

Kurt nodded, "Me too.." he said. The screams continued for quite some time until there was one more, louder than the rest and then silence as a weird sort of calm settled over the hospital.

Blaine sat up, staring at her room as he waited for someone to make a noise.

They heard a faint crying and tears quickly gathered in Blaine and Kurt's eyes. "Oh my god.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "He's here..."

They waited for a bit until John came out in his scrubs, tears in his eyes. "He's perfect..Do you two want to come see him?"

Blaine nodded, holding Kurt's hand as they walked in. Blaine's heart melted as soon as he saw the healthy, beautiful little boy.
"Oh my God...he's...he's perfect...I have a baby brother..."

Marissa was holding him, smiling up at Blaine as the baby boy in her arms made a small whining noise. She smoothed over the beautiful brown curls on his head. "Dylan...There's your big brother..." She said softly.

Blaine walked closer, tears streaming down his face.
"C...can I hold him?"

Marissa nodded, carefully holding him up to Blaine.

Blaine took his brother in his arms. He couldn't take his eyes off Dylan as his big grin spread across his face.
"Hey there Dylan...he's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen..." Blaine smiled as he placed his finger in his brother's tiny palm and he wrapped his little fingers around the digit. Blaine shook his head in amazement. "He is so perfect...I just wanna hold him forever."

Kurt smiled at Blaine. He looked so happy holding Dylan. It really was a beautiful sight.

Blaine didn't want to give him up but he passed Dylan to Kurt, smiling at his husband.

Kurt looked down at Dylan, smiling wide as he held him carefully. "Hi.." he said sweetly.

Blaine teared up at the sight. It was beautiful.

Kurt smiled up at Blaine before returning Dylan to his mother. She looked exhausted, but so happy as she held her baby boy.

A few minutes later, the nurse had to take Dylan to the nursery. Blaine day on the edge of the bed, taking his mother's hand.
"You did amazing..."

Marissa smiled tiredly at her son, kissing his forehead softly. "Thank you sweetheart..."

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Anything?" Blaine asked.

She smiled weakly, squeezing his hand slightly. "I'm okay..John has been taking good care of me, I promise.." She said, looking over at her boyfriend who was asleep in the chair by the windows.

Blaine nodded. "I'm gonna go ahead and throw out the breakfast. Let me know if you want something need to get some rest."

"Thank you for being here..." She said softly.

Blaine gave a small smile. "I’ll be outside.."

She nodded, closing her eyes as Blaine got up and walked back into the waiting room where Kurt was lying across chairs, asleep. He walked to the nursery window, looking at his beautiful baby brother. He couldn't believe he was actually here. It was a surreal feeling to see Dylan lying there after so long. He was the most precious thing Blaine had ever seen. Dylan hadn't opened his eyes yet. But he had gorgeous brown hair and when he held Blaine's finger, he got this overwhelming feeling. It was the first time he held him but he already loved him so much. He knew he would always be here for him. Even when he and Kurt moved to New York. He would drive to Ohio every day to see him if he wanted him to. He was going to be there for his little brother.

A nurse came out and asked Blaine of he'd like to see Dylan. He went inside and carefully picked up the crying baby. Blaine held him close as he started to sing.

"Close your eyes
Have no fear
The monsters gone
He's on the run and your [brother's] here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep
Say a little prayer
Every day in every way
It's getting better and better..."

Dylan slowly started to calm down as Blaine sang to him.

"Out on the ocean sailing away
I can hardly wait
To see you come of age
But I guess we'll both just have to be patient
'Cause it's a long way to go
A hard row to hoe
Yes it's a long way to go
But in the meantime

Before you cross the street
Take my hand
Life is what happens to you
While you're busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep
Say a little prayer
Every day in every way
It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Darling, darling, darling
Darling [Dylan]"

Dylan's breathing evened out as he fell asleep in his brother's arms.

Blaine smiled, kissing his tiny cheeks. He turned and saw john watching. Blaine smiled and motioned for him to come in.

John walked in, smiling down at Blaine and his son. "How's he doing?"

"He was crying. But he's better now," Blaine said softly. "He looks like you."

John smiled tearing up a bit as Blaine handed Dylan to him. "I..I wanted to ask you something Blaine.."

Blaine nodded. "What is it?"

"I love your mom...More than anything in this world...And I know how close the both of you are...And I wouldn't feel right about doing this without asking you first.." John said, looking into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine had a feeling he knew what john was about to ask. He stood there, waiting for the actual question.

"I want to ask your mom to marry me.." John said softly, searching Blaine's face for any sign of emotion.

Blaine gave a soft smile.
"John, you're a great guy. You treat my mom better than any other guy. And somehow you got her to trust again. And Dylan's going to need a father...I'm sorry for how I acted when I first found out about you. It was immature. But I think it would make her so happy if you asked her. Just...promise me one thing...?" Blaine said, trying to hold back tears.

"Anything.." John said smiling wide.

"You two have a baby're a family..."Blaine said, looking down. "Just...please don't forget about me..."

John set Dylan down into the bed and slowly pulled Blaine into a hug. "Blaine..we could never forget about you..You're an amazing boy and you make your mother so happy..I'm so happy to have met you.." John said sincerely.

Blaine hugged him back, letting the tears come.
"Thank means a lot to me..."

"And no matter how far away you live, I will always consider you and Kurt part of my family.." John said.

Blaine nodded. "Thank you, John."

John released him and smiled. "I'm..Gonna go talk to your mom..Wish me luck.." He said happily, before starting back to her room.

Blaine wished him luck and went to go sit by Kurt.

John gently woke Marissa, anxiety settling itself in his stomach.

She slowly sat up. "What's wrong? Is everything okay with Dylan?"

"He's perfect.." he smiled, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles lightly. "I..I wanted to ask you something.."

"What is it?" Marissa asked.

John got down on one knee next to the bed. "Marissa.. I love you..So much..I couldn't imagine life without you, or that beautiful baby boy in the nursery.." he started.

Marissa got tears in her eyes. "Oh my God..."

"You are my world..And I want to spend the rest of my life with've brought me more happiness than I could ever ask for..And I don't want that happiness to end.." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "And I would be honored..If you would be my wife..Marissa..Will you marry me?"

The tears came more freely now. "Oh my God! Yes! Yes!" She squealed.

John's smile was a mile wide as he stood and kissed her deeply before pulling away to slip the ring on her finger with shaking hands.

"I love you...I love you so much, john..." Marissa said, smiling.

"I love you too.." He said softly, kissing her again.

"Can you get Blaine? Oh my God! I'm so happy!" She said excitedly, kissing him again.

John chuckled, kissing her one more time before walking out into the waiting room and telling Kurt and Blaine Marissa wanted them.

She covered the ring with her other hand as they walked in.

"Yes?" Blaine asked. Judging by John's smile, he has a feeling he already knew what this was about.

She waited for them to get closer and held her hand out.

Kurt squealed loudly running to look at the ring. "Oh my god!" He gasped.

Blaine smiled. "He came to talk to me before he did. I'm happy for you momma."

Marissa smiled over at John. "You asked Blaine?"

John nodded, smiling. "Needed his approval."

The woman smiled, tears gathering in her eyes.

Blaine took her hand. "I want you to be happy. You're gonna make a great little family."

Marissa grabbed Blaine's hand. "I love you Blaine."

"I love you too mom," Blaine smiled.

Kurt giggled giddily. "Oh it's so gorgeous.." he sighed, still gazing at her ring.

"I know!" Marissa squeaked. "It’s perfect!"

"You have to let me help with the wedding!”

"Who else would I ask? Look what you did with yours!" Marissa said happily.

Kurt smiled, hugging her tightly.

"I can't wait! We need to celebrate!" She said, staring at her ring.

"We will when you've had time to rest.." John said.

Marissa sighed. "More resting."

"Yes, more resting.." John chuckled, kissing her forehead.

"Can I eat first at least?" She asked.

"Of course..What would you like?" He asked.

"Hmm. I don't know. Something I wasn't allowed to have when I was pregnant..."

"Well, I know Kurt made you eat healthy, So why don't I go get you a big burger?" John said smiling.

Marissa's eyes lit up. "Yes! And fries and a Pepsi! Sorry Kurt..." she giggled.

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully and sighed. "It's fine..."

"Thank you hunny!" Marissa said as john headed out.

"So...Is it easier the second time around?" Kurt asked, sitting.

"So, it it easier the second time around?" Kurt asked Marissa as he sat down.

"Much! I knew what to expect and Dylan was a bit smaller than that butter ball was," Marissa chuckled, pointing to Blaine.

"It didn't sound easy.." Blaine said seriously.

"It's easier but still hurts like hell. You should've seen me with you. I wasn't prepared. I thought I was going to attack your father. He wouldn't get his camera away from me. But this time I knew what to do. And I had john help me with some...things to make it easier. You don't need to know about that. But it was definitely easier."

Kurt cocked an eyebrow curiously. "I want to know.." he giggled.

Marissa looked up and Blaine left the room.
"Well. We went to a birthing class and they suggested rubbing olive oil down there to prepare for the stretch. And well him being a guy, well he made it fun," she giggled. "I can't wait until I can wear heels again though. I'm gonna be so self-conscious until then."

"Why would you be self-conscious? You're gorgeous." Kurt said.

Marissa blushed lightly. "I just pushed out a baby...I'm not exactly...small right now..."

"You always look amazing." Kurt smiled.

Marissa giggled. "You won't really understand what I'm talking about..."

Kurt smiled, shaking his head as he called Blaine in, letting him know it was okay to come in.

"So how long do you have to stay here?" Blaine asked.

"Until I'm rested enough to leave.." She said smiling.

"You should get some rest then," Blaine smiled.

"I want my burger first.." She giggled.

Blaine laughed. "Alright."

John brought Marissa her food later and she smiled wide as he handed her the bag.

She bit into the burger, moaning at the taste.
"Oh my God...thank you so much hunny!"

John smiled. "You're welcome baby.." he said as his fianc� enjoyed the food.

Blaine looked up at Kurt. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm good baby. But do you?" Kurt said softly, walking over to his husband and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"No. I'll eat at home. I don't wanna spend any more money on food today."

Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine lightly. They spent a couple more hours at the hospital until Marissa felt well enough for them all to leave with Dylan.

They went back to Marissa's apartment to make sure she was okay and had everything she needed.

Blaine was holding Dylan on the couch when he looked up at Blaine, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Blaine smiled wide.
"Hey Dylan. How do you like your new home? Hmm?"

The baby looked around before looking back to Blaine, his little hands grasping at the air.

Blaine lifted him up, kissing his cheek before Dylan pulled at his curls.
"Oww! You like pulling hair?" Blaine giggled.

Kurt and Marissa smiled fondly at Blaine as he gently removed Dylan's hand from his hair.

"He's so adorable," Blaine sighed happily.

"Well it’s time to feed him.." Marissa smiled, getting up to go make his bottle.

Blaine handed him over when she finished making it.
"How does it feel to be able to get up and do things?"

"Amazing.." she giggled as she started to feed Dylan.

"What are you doing about work?" Blaine asked concernedly.

"Well..when my maternity leave is up..I might have to fund someone to watch him during the day, unless I choose to quit and stay home with him.." She said quietly.

Blaine nodded. "Well I can help when I'm not working or at school."

"Thank you sweetheart.." She smiled up at him.

"Just please don't hesitate to call. We'd be more than happy to take him."

Kurt nodded in agreement. "It won't be any trouble."

"I will boys. Thank you," Marissa said softly.

The boys smiled at Marissa. "He's beautiful Marissa.." Kurt said sweetly.

"He has the same eyes as Blaine," Marissa said, looking at Dylan.

"Really?" Blaine said softly.

"Kurt, come look. Blaine can't say anything since he thinks they're just brown," she said, shaking her head.

Kurt leaned over, looking into Dylan's eyes. There were tinted blue slightly, but there was a hint of the beautiful hazel that would come out in the next few weeks. "Oh wow.." Kurt smiled.

"See?" Marissa said excitedly, making Blaine blush.

"They're beautiful..." Kurt said sweetly.

Marissa smiled. "I know..."

"Just like yours.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine looked down and blushed.
"Can I make dinner for everyone? To celebrate? Or do you want to go out?"

"I think we should stay in tonight.." Marissa said, starting to burp Dylan.

"What would you like?" Blaine asked. "And Kurt, stop giving me that look... I'm not gonna make a mess."

"You always make good stir-fry..And..When did he make a mess?" Marissa asked.

Blaine sighed. "In France, I woke up to Kurt making crepes. Well when we got back, I tried being sweet and making them...I made a mess and one even wound up on the ceiling..."

Marissa laughed lightly. "Well it's the thought that counts.."

"It was horrible," Blaine groaned as Kurt giggled. "But I'm gonna get started on dinner..."

Kurt smiled. "I love you baby.." he called as John walked in, sitting next to Marissa.

"I love you too!" Blaine called back as he started the rice and got the vegetables ready.

They had a lovely dinner as a family before Kurt and Blaine returned home, immediately going to lie on the bed, sighing deeply.

"Oh my God," Blaine groaned. "I'm so tired."

"You're not too tired are you?" Kurt asked hopefully.

"Are you kidding?" Blaine asked. "I could probably be on my deathbed and all you'd have to do is start biting my neck or ear and I'd be up for it."

Kurt laughed, rolling over on top of his husband. "You're silly.."

"And you're sexy," Blaine smiled.

Kurt leaned down pressing his lips to Blaine's as he pressed the lines of their bodies together.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, bringing his hands up to Kurt's hair.

Kurt let out a gentle moan, rolling his body slightly as his hands slid down to Blaine's waist.

Blaine gasped, rocking his hips up against Kurt's.

"Mmm...Baby.." Kurt gasped, kissing down to Blaine's neck.

Blaine made a loud whimper, causing Eva to bark.

Kurt ignored it, biting down on Blaine's neck roughly.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Blaine cried out, thrusting up against Kurt.

Kurt moaned, pulling Blaine's shirt off and kissing down his chest.

Blaine let out a shaky breath. "Oh baby..."

Kurt kissed down the trail of hair on Blaine's stomach to the waistband of his jeans.

Blaine's hands gripped the edges of the bed. "Oh God Kurt...I need you..."

"Mmm..I want to taste you baby.." Kurt said quietly, unbuttoning Blaine's jeans and pulling out his long, thick member.

Blaine gasped. "Fuck...I want you to...please..."

Kurt took Blaine in his hand, looking up at him with innocent eyes as he lapped at the head.

Blaine let out a strangled moan. Eva popped up, barking at Kurt.

Kurt gasped, jumping. "Eva! No!"

Blaine leaned over as she barked louder.
"Eva, it’s okay. Lay down."

She did as she was told and Kurt sighs before taking Blaine into his mouth, bobbing his head slowly. Blaine let out another loud moan, causing Eva to jump up and bark loudly again.

"Eva!" Blaine yelled. "Lay!"

Eva's ears laid back as she timidly lay down again, whining a bit.

Kurt started his work on Blaine again, hollowing out his cheeks as he sucked harder.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Blaine whimpered, his hands flying to Kurt's hair.
Eva jumped up again, growling at Kurt. Blaine sighed. "Eva! God!"

Kurt pulled off sighing.
"Ugh, I'm sorry baby. I can't do this."

"It’s okay baby..." Blaine groaned, turning to Eva. "Go lay down!"

Eva tucked her tail between her legs, walking over to her bed and lying down.
"Ugh..Your dog just gave us both blue balls..." Kurt sighed.

"I'm sorry," Blaine grumbled. "Ugh this is gonna hurt in a bit."

"I know..." Kurt grunted, scooting up to lay by Blaine and pulled the covers over them. "Why do they even call it blue balls?...Balls are really weird looking when you think about it...They're not even that attractive looking.." Kurt said, his mind wandering as it usually did when he was tired.

Blaine giggled at his husband. "Well you could always come up with a different way to look at Kurt Hummel's bulging pink fun sack!"

Kurt let out a loud laugh. "So you think my balls are fun?"

"Honestly, I have the same view on them as you do..." Blaine said, looking away from Kurt. "But there is this one spot that makes you make the sexiest noises..."

"What spot?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I'd show you but what about Eva?"

"Just..Put her in her kennel for a bit..She'll be okay.." Kurt said.

"Okay...But there's something I want to try...While I do that and wash my hands, go get a glass of ice water...No questions." Blaine said.

Kurt opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again, going to do as he was told and returning to the bedroom.

Blaine came back, stripping before doing the same to Kurt and getting on the bed. "Lay back and just relax baby. I'm gonna take care of you..." Blaine said as he lifted two fingers to Kurt's lips. "Suck." Kurt did as he was told and Blaine pulled out, positioning himself between Kurt's thighs. He used his now wet fingers to lightly trace up and down the seam in the middle, all the way to the base of Kurt's hard cock. He leaned down, doing the same with his tongue. "How does that feel?"

"O-oh god..." Kurt gasped. "I..Unh...Good..."

Blaine slowly started pumping Kurt as he pressed his lips to the right side of his husband's sack, sucking the skin into his mouth until he had taken both in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around Kurt's balls and moaned his husband's name, sending shocks of pleasure through Kurt as Blaine added more pressure with his hand.

Kurt cried out, his breathing erratic as he pulled Blaine's hair roughly. "Fuck! Oh shit! Blaine! I'm gonna cum!"

Blaine sucked harder as he worked his hand faster, causing Kurt to cum all over his stomach. He pulled off and licked up all of Kurt's sweet cum, moaning at the taste. He knew from experience that after climaxing, his testicles were overheated and sometimes a little sore. Blaine grabbed the water and downed the drink so his mouth was nice and cold. He immediately enveloped Kurt's entire sack, one ball at a time, the cool feeling soothing Kurt like an ice pack.

"Ahh..Mmm..Baby..." Kurt panted. '"That feels so good..."

Blaine pulled back, letting them slowly slip out of his mouth. He smiled as he straddled Kurt. "Feel better?"

"Much..." Kurt smiled. "That was amazing baby..How did you know how to do that?"

Blaine blushed lightly. "Cosmo..."

Kurt giggled. "Well, I love Cosmo.." he said smiling.

"Me too..." Blaine said, smiling. "Listening to you...My god that was fucking hot..." he breathed out, leaning down to kiss Kurt's neck.

Kurt sighed softly, letting his head fall back. "Mmm...Really?"

Blaine moved to Kurt's ear. "Yeah..I swear...If you just moaned and breathed in my ear, that's all it would take for me..."

Kurt placed his hand on the back of Blaine's neck. "Do you want to test that theory?" He asked, his voice low and seductive.

Blaine's eyelashes fluttered as he nodded. "Do...Do you want to...?"

Kurt nodded back, pulling Blaine up a bit and kissing his ear.

Blaine gasped. "I've wanted to do this for a while...It's like being teased until you just can't take it and explode..."

Kurt smiled against Blaine's ear. "You're so sexy..." he purred.

Blaine made a small noise. "So are you baby..."

Kurt kissed Blaine's ear before running his own hand down his torso and giving off a breathy moan.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Oh god..."

"Blaine..." Kurt whimpered, placing one hand in the black curls and the other running across Blaine's shoulders.

Blaine's breathing hitched, Kurt's moans sending chills through his body.

"Fuck...Blaine..Ahhh..." Kurt growled right against Blaine's ear.

The muscles in Blaine's stomach tensed as he clutched to the back of Kurt's neck. "Oh my"

"Mmm...You're so fucking hot Blaine..I wanna make you cum baby..Unh...." Kurt moaned loudly.

Blaine rocked his hips, resting his forehead on Kurt's shoulder as he bit back a whimper.

"Look at you...Falling apart from just my voice..Fuck! So hot..." Kurt breathed out, panting lightly.

A sharp whine escaped Blaine's lips. "Oh my god...Don't stop baby..."

Kurt smiled against Blaine's ear. "Mmm..Blaine..Such a sexy little slut...Gahh...Aren't you my dirty little whore?" Kurt moaned quietly.

"Oh yes! Yes! I'm your whore..." Blaine gasped, already feeling that tightening in his stomach.

Kurt let out a long deep moan, tightening his fingers in Blaine's curls. "So fucking hot...I want you to cum for me Blaine...Please..I need to hear you baby.." Kurt whined.

"Fuck!" Blaine whimpered. "I'm so close fucking close..."

Kurt let out a loud breathy moan in Blaine's ear, pulling his hair a bit harder and it sent Blaine flying over the edge.

Blaine cried out, cumming on both their chests. He panted heavily. "Oh my god..."

Kurt kissed Blaine deeply, tangling their tongues together as Blaine came down.

Blaine pulled back, completely sated. "See how much you affect me?" he giggled.

"It's so sexy..." Kurt giggled.

"Really?" Blaine asked shyly.

"Really...If I hadn't have just cum, I would've been hard again..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine tightened his hold on the back of Kurt's neck, pulling him close and kissing him passionately. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt whispered against Blaine's lips.

Blaine kissed Kurt once more before reaching for a tissue and cleaning them up. "I'm gonna get more water. Do you want some?"

"Please..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine got up and grabbed the glass. He got himself one and drank it quickly before refilling it and bringing it to Kurt.

Kurt thanked him, quickly chugging the icy beverage. "Mmm..Thank you baby.." he said smiling before setting the glass on the nightstand and laying back.

Blaine crawled into bed and cuddled up to Kurt, resting his head on his chest so he could listen to his heartbeat. "Good night baby."

"Goodnight Blaine..." Kurt said as they both quickly fell asleep.

The next day, Blaine woke up and made a simple breakfast, pancakes with fruit and coffee before waking Kurt up. It was Kurt's first day of work and he knew he'd take forever to find the perfect first day outfit.

Kurt smiled up at Blaine as his eyes flickered open, sparkling in the pale morning sun that filtered through the curtains.

"You are so beautiful," Blaine said softly. "I made breakfast."

Kurt blushed. "Is the kitchen a disaster area?" Kurt giggled playfully.

"No," Blaine giggled.

"Good.." Kurt smiled, yawning.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Come on. You have a big day today."

"I know..I'm excited!" He smiled as he got up.

"Let's eat then you can start getting ready."

"Mmkay.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine walked back to the kitchen, pouring their coffee and making Kurt's plate.

Kurt slipped on some boxer briefs, smiling as he walked into the kitchen. "Mmm..Smells good.."

"Thanks," Blaine said softly.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, sighing happily. "What are you doing today?" He asked, kissing his jaw sweetly.

"Not sure. I work in the afternoon though."

"Do you work long today?" Kurt asked, kissing Blaine again before sitting down in front of his breakfast.

Blaine shook his head, biting into a pancake. "Two to six."

"Good." Kurt smiled.

"Did you have plans or something?" Blaine asked.

"No.." Kurt shrugged. "I just like being home with you."

Blaine gave a sweet smile. "Me too. When do you get off?"

"About one.." Kurt said, reaching over to hold Blaine's hand.

"I hope you like it," Blaine said softly.

"I will baby..I've always wanted to work there." Kurt grinned.

"Good," Blaine smiled.

Kurt kissed Blaine before finishing his breakfast and thanking his husband. He got dressed and kissed Blaine again, telling him he'd see him that night before walking out.

Blaine wished Kurt luck again and looked around, deciding to clean until he went to work.

Eva chased Blaine around the house as he cleaned, wagging her tail happily as she trailed behind him.

Blaine stopped to play with her for a bit. He had felt bad for yelling at her the previous night so he decided to give her some extra attention today.

She basked in the welcome attention, licking Blaine's cheeks happily.

He took her on a walk around the neighborhood before Blaine got back to cleaning. Once he was done, he showered and headed off to work.

Kurt got home a little after Blaine left, smiling when he saw the clean house. He let Eva out of her kennel and decided to laze about until Blaine got home, watching movies and such.

A couple hours later, Blaine came home, smiling when he saw Kurt.
"Hey baby. How was your first day?"

"Tiring..But good!" He said, smiling up at his husband.

Blaine went to sit by Kurt. "But you like it right?"

"I love it.." Kurt said, laying his head on Blaine's lap.

"Good," Blaine smiled, stroking Kurt's cheek.

Kurt closed his eyes, nuzzling into Blaine's hand.

"You're so beautiful," Blaine said dreamily.

Kurt blushed, looking up at his husband. "You must be blind.."

"Nope. My eyesight is pretty perfect actually," Blaine smiled.

Kurt laughed softly. "How was your day?" He asked, kissing Blaine's palm.

"It was alright. Better now that I'm home."

Blaine said softly. "What was your ACT score again?"

"Thirty-four.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine nodded. "Have you checked the mail today? I'm waiting to see if we got scholarships or not."

"Not yet.." Kurt said, sitting up.

"I'm gonna go do that..." Blaine said nervously. They only had a couple more weeks and they hadn't gotten their letters yet. Blaine came back holding a couple of junk letters and an envelope from the college. He came in smiling.
"This one is for you."

Kurt gasped, grabbing the envelope from Blaine and clutching it close.
"Oh my god..I probably screwed up my audition and they hated me and this is them telling me they don't want me because I'm awful and I blew that note when I was singing.." Kurt breathed out in a rush.

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Baby, I'm sure you did fine. Now open it! It's going to kill you until you know."

Kurt let out a slow breath. "Okay.." he opened the envelope and read it quickly. "Oh my god!"

"What? What is it?" Blaine asked quickly

"I got..I got a Presidential scholarship..." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine's eyes went wide. "Oh my God!" He yelled excitedly, pulling Kurt in for a hug.

Kurt hugged Blaine back, smiling wide. "I can't believe it.."

"I'm so proud of you baby," Blaine said softly.

"Thank you Blaine.." Kurt smiled. "Wait..Where's your letter?"

Blaine looked down. "I...I don't know..."

"It'll come baby.." Kurt said softly, placing his hand on Blaine's cheek.

Blaine gave a small smile. "I hope so."

Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "You okay?"

Blaine nodded. "Just...what if I don't get it?"

"We still have a few weeks." Kurt said quietly.

"True..." Blaine sighed. "I'm really happy for you baby."

Kurt smiled weakly. "Thank you baby.."

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Why do you look sad?"

"Because I know you're worried.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine shook his head, bringing Kurt into his arms. "I'll be okay. Let's just be happy for you."

Kurt looked up, kissing Blaine softly when the house phone rang.

Blaine smiled sincerely at Kurt before answering the phone.

""Hey sweetheart!" Marissa chimed. "I have something for you. I guess your mail is still getting sent here..."

Blaine's eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

"It's from Ohio Northern University.." She said in a sing song voice.

Blaine's eyes went wide. "I'll be right over!"

Kurt looked up confused as Blaine got off the phone. "What's wrong?"

"My letter went to the apartment. You coming?" Blaine smiled.

"Oh! Yes! Come on!" Kurt said excitedly.

Blaine giggled, grabbing the keys and not even bothering to change out of his uniform as they headed to the car.

They quickly drove to the apartment and up to the door, smiling wide.

They went inside and saw Marissa on the couch feeding Dylan.
"Hey mom! Where's the letter?"

"On the counter.." She said softly, smiling up at Blaine.

Blaine walked over, picking up the letter and staring at it.
"I can't open it..."

"You can do it baby.." Kurt said as Marissa walked over along with John.

Blaine opened it, taking a deep breath as he unfolded it and slowly read over it. He reread it a few times to make sure he was reading it right.
"Oh my God..."

"What is it?" Kurt asked slowly.

"I...I got it..." Blaine said, looking up and smiling.

Everyone started talking at once, hugging Blaine tightly, Kurt kissing him happily.

Blaine kissed Kurt back and thanked everyone. "That means with this and my financial aid, if I do some work at the college, I shouldn't have to pay much out of pocket..."

"This is perfect!" Kurt said smiling.

"I'm so proud of you Blaine.." Marissa sighed happily.

"Thanks," Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "I love you.."

"I love you too baby."

They stayed over for a bit before going back to the house.

They got back and though he had gotten the scholarship, Blaine was stressed out. He laid on the couch, trying to hide it from Kurt.

Kurt lay on top of Blaine smiling lightly. "Are you okay baby?" He asked softly. Nothing got past him.

Blaine nodded. "Just nervous."

"What about?" Kurt asked, resting his chin on Blaine's chest and looking up at him.

Blaine shrugged. "College. Work. Plus having to work at the college to pay my way through. Helping with Dylan when I can. Trying not to be too tired when I come home..."

"Remember I'm here to help Blaine.." Kurt said, looking down as he picked at a thread on Blaine's shirt.

"But there's also paying for the rest of yours too..."

"Which you don't have to worry about.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine sighed. "And is getting a degree in music even something I should do? It's going to take five years to get my BA. We've always talked about New York. I just...I don't know what to do..."

"We can always transfer...And baby..If you're passionate about this then I know you have the spirit and heart to make it through it..Remember when you told me you wanted to teach music?" Kurt asked quietly.

Blaine shook his head. "I don't remember..."

"Well it was one of our late night chats that you have in tour sleep.." he giggled.

"What did I say?" Blaine asked confused.

"You talk in you sleep sometimes..It's cute..But you told me you wanted to teach kids.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine smiled softly. "I do..."

"Well ..If you went and made it through college..You would make a difference in those kids' lives..My first music teacher...Mrs.Beaumont..She's the one who got me passionate about music..I wouldn't be who I am today without her.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine got tears in his eyes. Everything Kurt was saying was what he wanted. But he just didn't know if he could do it. "I'm just wondering if I should start my generals then study music in New York. Or do I start here and transfer? I don't know what's best for us."

"Well...When did you want to go to New York?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know. When were you thinking?"

"Maybe..After a year or two?" Kurt asked.

"That's what I figured. But I just don't know what to do about classes." Blaine sighed.

"We'll figure it out baby..." Kurt said quietly.

"We start so soon though..."

"I know..." Kurt said resting his head on Blaine's chest and listening to his heartbeat.

"I don't know..." Blaine sighed. "Can we just take a bath?"

"Of course baby.." Kurt said smiling.

They got up and headed to the bathroom. Blaine sat on the counter, watching his husband draw up a nice bubble bath.

Kurt walked over to Blaine, nuzzling under his jaw. "I love you.."

Blaine smiled. "I love you too baby."

"You need to relax.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine took a deep breath. "I know. I just don't know how to relax."

"What do you mean you don't know how?" Kurt asked, giggling a bit.

"I don't know. I just stress. I can't make it go away."

"Is there any way I can help?" Kurt asked sweetly.

Blaine shrugged. "Just being here helps."

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine lightly. "Come on…let's get in the bath.."

Blaine climbed in after Kurt, resting against his chest.

Kurt rubbed up and down Blaine's back, trying to relax him if only for now.

Blaine sighed softly. "Thank you baby."

"You're welcome love..." Kurt said sweetly.

Blaine smiled, leaning back and resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt kissed Blaine's neck softly before starting to sing.
" You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough..."

Blaine blushed, closing his eyes as he listened.

" Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see.."

Blaine carefully turned over, wrapping his arms around Kurt's torso.

" You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful..."
Kurt finished, kissing Blaine's forehead as he finished his slowed-down version of the song.

Blaine sniffled, tears filling his eyes. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too Blaine..." Kurt said quietly.

"I don't know how I got so lucky..."

"We're both lucky to have each other.." Kurt said.

Blaine nodded wiping his tears. "You're so perfect."

"So are you beautiful.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheeks.

Blaine smiled. "Are you ready to get out? I wanna lay with you."

Kurt nodded. They got out and dried off before climbing into the bed, Kurt holding Blaine to his chest.

"Thank you Kurt..." Blaine whispered.

"For what baby?" Kurt asked, nuzzling into Blaine's slightly damp curls.

"Choosing me...marrying me...singing that song...I can't explain what it means to me..."

"You're my everything Blaine..." Kurt said quietly.

"You mean the world to me baby..." Blaine whispered.

Kurt teared up bit, leaning down to kiss Blaine.

Blaine kissed Kurt back. "Good night baby."

"Good night Blaine.." Kurt smiled lightly, pulling Blaine closer.


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