Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
"Me either.." Kurt grinned. He missed their son so much. "So..Were you serious?..About talking to him about another baby?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"I think he'll be excited," Blaine said softly. "I know I am."
Kurt grinned, bouncing a bit. The shorter looked over at his husband. "You are still the cutest husband ever."
"I'm sorry..I'm just ready to make our family that much bigger.." Kurt grinned
"Don't be sorry," Blaine smiled. "I'd love to. And we're doing pretty well. And they can share a room until they're older and we'll find a bigger place. If that's what you want.."
"Or we could use my office." Kurt suggested. "I could just move my desk somewhere."
Blaine nodded as their flight was announced. "We'll figure it out."
Kurt stood, smiling and grabbing his carry on. It was a long flight back home. But Blaine didn't sleep at all. He was too excited to see Elliot. When they got off the plane, it was a Friday evening in New York. He took his husband's hand as they exited the terminal and headed towards baggage claim, where Finn, Rachel, and their son were waiting for them.
"Daddies!" Elliot all but screamed, running toward his parents.
Blaine picked him up and held him close, kissing his cheek. "Hey baby boy! I missed you!"
"I missed you too daddy! So much.." Elliot smiled, hugging Blaine tight before reaching for Kurt.
Kurt chuckled as he took Elliot in his arms. "Hey baby! Were you good for Uncle Finn?"
"No!" Elliot giggled, his eyes alight with mischief.
Kurt gasped dramatically. "What did you do?"
"Nooothiing.." Elliot grinned, hiding his face in Kurt's neck.
"You know Aunt Rachel will tell me," Kurt smiled.
Elliot simply nodded before turning to Blaine. "Did you get me anything Daddy?"
Blaine rolled his eyes. "You didn't miss us. You only want presents." he teased.
"I did too miss you!"
Blaine chuckled. "Your presents are in our bags. You'll get them after dinner."
"Okay." Elliot grinned.
They got their bags and went to a little diner near their home. "So how was he?" Blaine asked.
"He was good.." Rachel said, nodding lightly.
"Most of the time.." Finn said.
"Finn, he was fine." Rachel scolded.
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "What did he do?"
"Getting him in bed..He didn't like Rachel's vegan-meat." Finn said.
Elliot made a face. "It's nasty daddy."
"It's meat substitute and it's good for you, Elliot." Rachel smiled.
"I like eating with Uncle Finn." Elliot said, grinning as Finn held a finger to his lips, reminding him it was a secret.
"What?" Rachel asked, her head swiftly turning to look at Finn.
"Uhh.." Finn stammered. "I don’t know what he's talking about."
"When we ate together Uncle Finn! You said it was our special lunch time!" Elliot grinned.
"Okay.. So we went out a couple times.. No big deal.." Finn said, avoiding eye contact with his brother.
"Where did you take him?" Kurt asked.
"Hooters!" Elliot giggled loudly.
Finn's mouth dropped. "Of all the places, you tell him that one?" he groaned.
"Finn!" Rachel scolded.
"You took my son to Hooters?!" Kurt almost yelled, his voice getting high like it usually did when he was angry.
"We ate hot wings daddy!" Elliot said happily. "The girls are pretty.."
"Ohmygod.." Kurt growled, rubbing his temples and closing his eyes.
Blaine bit back a chuckle as he wrapped an arm around Kurt. "It’s okay baby.."
"They had big boobies!" Elliot said happily.
"Elliot!" Kurt gasped, eyes going wide.
"What?" Elliot asked.
"We don't talk about.. Boobs.." Blaine tried to explain.
Elliot giggled at the word, hiding his face behind his menu.
Rachel was staring at her husband. "Really? You told me you were going to the park!"
"We went to the park after.." Finn said sheepishly.
Rachel continued to glare at him. "We'll talk about this later."
"Okay.." Finn sighed.
"We should get going soon.. Need to unpack and all.." Blaine said, not wanting to stick around for that fight.
Finn gave Blaine a look that said 'please don't leave me' and Elliot giggled, climbing into Kurt's lap.
"I'll walk you out." Rachel said, wanting a moment with Kurt.
Kurt nodded, walking with Rachel.
"I'm sorry.." Rachel said quietly once they were ahead of Blaine and Elliot.
"Oh, it's not that big of a deal.." Kurt dismissed, chuckling lightly.
"He’s looking at other women, Kurt.."
"Rachel.." Kurt said quietly. "That's not the case.."
"Then why'd he lie about going..?" Rachel asked, her voice shaky.
"Come here sweetie.." Kurt said softly, hugging her. "It's okay.."
"What if he wants more? What if he misses.. What Santana or Quinn have..?"
"Rachel..Finn loves you..You've been married for so long..Okay?..He's stupid..He used to hide going to the library from me? Okay? He was just taking Elliot out for some junk food.."
Rachel nodded, stepping back. "Thanks Kurt.."
"Hey..I'm serious..He's my brother..I know he wouldn't do that to you.." Kurt said softly.
"I know." Rachel groaned. "I might have to suck it up and just go with him sometime. So he doesn't have to lie.."
"They have good salads." Kurt chuckled.
"Thank you Kurt," Rachel said seriously, hugging him again. Kurt hugged his sister-in-law back, kissing her forehead.
Finn and Blaine walked out after taking care of the check. "You ready, Kurt?"
"Yeah..Oh! And call me later, I have big news." Kurt grinned, smiling at Rachel.
"Why can't you tell me now?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
Kurt looked towards Elliot. "Blaine, sweetie, will you take Elliot to the car? I'll be there in a minute.
Blaine smiled, nodding before walking off.
"Well..While Blaine and I were in Paris..There was talk..Of..Maybe..Adopting.." Kurt said, smiling wide.
Rachel gasped before letting out a squeal of joy. She wrapped her arms around Kurt. "That's so great!!"
Kurt smiled, hugging her tightly before pulling away. "We're going to talk to Elliot about it tonight.."
"Congrats, dude," Finn said, hugging Kurt as well. "Let us know how it goes."
"I'm sure Elliot will tell you." Kurt giggled, kissing them both on the cheek. "Goodnight you guys.."
"Night," Finn said before pulling his wife close. "I'm sorry for lying, Rach.."
"It's okay..Just..As long as you know I love you more than any of those Hooters girls do.." She smiled.
"And I love you more than anything." Finn said softly.
Rachel smiled, pressing her lips to Finn's.
"Let's get home. I'll even watch one of those musicals with you."
Rachel giggled. "Okay.."
Kurt and Blaine got home and unpacked before sitting Elliot on their bed. "You ready to see what we got?"
Elliot laid back, sticking his legs up in the air. "Yes!"
Blaine pulled out a bag of presents and watched at Elliot unwrapped the Eiffel Tower snow globe, bow ties that matched the ones Kurt had gotten Blaine and a few random toys.
"Thank you daddies!" Elliot grinned, smiling as he shook the snow globe and watched it, his eyes full of wonder.
"You're welcome baby," Kurt smiled.
Elliot hummed happily, playing with his new toys.
"Elliot..?" Kurt said softly. "There's something we want to talk to you about."
"Hmm?.." Elliot hummed, looking up at his father.
Blaine sat down next to their son. "How would you feel about having a brother or sister?"
Elliot looked up, his little eyebrows kneading together. "What do you mean, Daddy?.."
"Well, sweetie, we're thinking about adopting. That means that we'll have another little boy or girl in our family." Kurt explained.
"So..You'll have another baby?.." Elliot asked.
"Yes," Blaine said. "And you'll have a brother or sister."
"But I thought I was your baby.." Elliot said quietly.
Kurt pulled Elliot into his lap. "You'll always be our baby. No matter what."
"But if you want a new baby..." Elliot said, looking up at Blaine with teary eyes.
"No, Elliot. We just want to add to our family. There are so many kids out there without parents. And we want to help. You don't want a little brother or sister to play with?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah.." He said quietly, playing with the hem of Kurt's shirt.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked softly.
"I dunno.." Elliot said softly.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Elliot. "What are you thinking?"
Elliot shrugged, not looking up.
"Talk to us, baby.."
"I just want you to be my daddies.." Elliot said quietly.
"We are your daddies.." Blaine said.
"Only my daddies.."
Blaine gave a small sigh, not knowing how to convince Elliot.
Kurt ran his hand through Elliot's curls. "Elliot..You know some babies don't have mommies or daddies?.."
"But I thought everyone had a mommy or daddy.."
"Some don't..Some kid's mommies or daddies couldn't take care of them, or aren't around anymore.." Kurt said quietly.
"But why?" Elliot asked.
"That's just what happens..And people like us, well we go and adopt one of those children, so they do have parents who love them.." Kurt said softly.
"That's nice.." Elliot said quietly.
"Well, your daddy and I would like to adopt a baby, and be their parents..And you be their brother.." Kurt explained.
Elliot sniffled as he looked up at Kurt. "But.. But what if.. You love them more..?"
"Oh baby..We won't love them more..We'll love both of you the same.." Kurt said softly, wiping the tears that threatened to slip from Elliot's eyes.
"Not if he's better than me.."
"Elliot..They won't be better than you..We love you more than anything.." Blaine said.
Elliot nodded. He thought it was great that people helped those kids without parents. But why his daddies?
"We want you to be okay with this baby.." Blaine said.
"Okay.." Elliot said in a hushed tone.
"Do you not want it?" Kurt asked.
"I think I just want to go to bed.."
"Okay Elliot..If you want to talk to us about it whenever you want, you can.." Blaine said.
Elliot nodded, climbing down and walking to his room. Kurt sighed heavily, looking over at Blaine.
"That didn't go as I thought it would.." Blaine grabbed, falling onto the mattress.
"We just have to let him warm up to the idea.." Kurt said, laying next to Blaine.
"I hope so.." Blaine sighed.
Meanwhile, Elliot sat in his room, holding his stuffed t-Rex close. "I don't want a new baby.." he mumbled to himself. A new baby meant less time for him. The longer he sat there and thought, the angrier he got. Well if his daddies didn't want him anymore, then maybe he would just leave. But he couldn't leave now. His daddies would see him. Maybe he would call uncle Finn before they woke up. He knew there were emergency numbers on the fridge..This was an emergency. He stayed up all night, thinking of what he needed. He grabbed his small suitcase and put a couple of outfits in it before shoving in as many toys as he could. When Elliot was satisfied with what he packed, he put in The Lion King to try to pass the time. But as the movie started, Elliot became more upset and angry. It only reminded him of singing with his daddies. He sighed, deciding to stop the movie and leave them behind. Around five that next morning he went into the kitchen and stood on the chair with the phone, slowly and carefully typing in the number next to f-i-n-n.
Finn groaned as his phone rang. He sighed as he saw Kurt’s name. "Do you know what time it is, Kurt?"
"Uncle Finn?..Can you come get me?.." Elliot asked, sitting down on the chair.
"Elliot? Why are you awake?" Finn asked, sitting up.
Elliot sighed dramatically. "My daddies don't want me anymore..I want to run away, and I want you to come with me."
"Elliot, your dads love you. You’re not running away."
"But Uncle Finn.." Elliot sighed.
"No, Elliot. Now go back to bed." Finn said sternly.
"But I don't want to! My daddies want a new baby. They don't want me anymore.."
"Yes they do. They want to share their lives with someone who needs parents. And you'll be there to help. It'll be fun."
"It won't be fun!" Elliot protested.
"How do you know?" Finn asked. "Your daddy Kurt is my brother and we have fun."
"But they're my daddies.." Elliot said.
"And they love you more than anything," Finn sighed.
Elliot groaned deeply, hopping off of the chair.
"Try to go back to sleep and I’ll come over later. Okay?"
"Okay.." Elliot said quietly.
"Bye Elliot.."
"Bye.." Elliot sighed, hanging up and stomping back to his room. Fine. If Uncle Finn didn’t want to help. Elliot would go alone. He grabbed his suitcase and headed out the front door.
Not long after, Kurt woke up, feeling like something was wrong. He got up and checked on Elliot, only to find his bed empty. He ran around the house frantically. But he wasn’t there. "BLAINE!!"
Blaine sat up at Kurt's scream, hopping out of bed and running to the living room. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly.
"Elliot.. He.. He's gone.." Kurt said, grabbing his phone and calling Finn as he slipped his shoes on. "Come on! We gotta find him.."
Blaine quickly pulled on his shoes, opening the door.
"Ugh, hello?" Finn groaned.
"Do you have Elliot?!" Kurt asked in a panic.
"No, why would I-?....Oh my god he actually did it.."
"Did what?" Kurt demanded.
"H-He called me earlier, which I thought was kind of cool because I had no idea he could do that..But anyway..He was saying something about running away.." Finn got out.
"And you didn’t call until I woke up!? Or come over?! Jesus Finn!" Kurt yelled before hanging up. "He called Finn and told him he was running away!"
Blaine's eyes went wide. "O-Oh my god..We have to go, now." Blaine said, running out the door.
Elliot finally made it to the right floor on the elevator and stepped into the complex's lobby, pulling his transformer's suitcase behind him. He looked around, it was empty except for the man behind the counter, who didn't seem to be paying too much attention to him. He saw a small stand and silently sounded out the letters to himself and read "Map." He grinned. That would come in handy. He grabbed one and started towards the door.
Kurt and Blaine didn’t bother with the elevator. They took the stairs, a few at a time as they raced to the lobby. They got out just as Elliot walked out and was looking both ways to figure out where to go. "Oh my god!" Kurt gasped as he saw his son. they darted out of the lobby. Kurt picked Elliot up as he knelt to the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Oh god! Baby.. What were you thinking?! Don’t you ever scare me like that again!"
"Daddy?" Elliot gasped, eyes wide.
"Yes baby, its me.. You scared me.." Kurt whispered. Blaine knelt down next to them. "Why were you leaving?"
Elliot's bottom lip poked out and he teared up. "Y-You and daddy want a new baby..Not me anymore.."
"Oh no baby.. We love you. We want you forever, Elliot.." Blaine said, taking him in his arms. "We'll always want you."
Elliot nodded as the tears slipped down his little cheeks.
"We love you so much.."
"I love you too daddies.." Elliot sniffed.
"Come on.. Let’s go inside and eat some breakfast. Then we'll go out to chuck e cheeses.." Kurt said softly.
"C-Can we just watch lion king?.." Elliot whispered.
Blaine’s heart swelled. "Of course. Whatever you want.."
Elliot nodded, climbing up into Blaine's arms. Blaine took Kurt’s hand as they walked back in. "What do you want for breakfast baby boy?"
"Happy pancakes.."
"Coming right up," Blair smiled, kissing his son's cheek. "You should call Finn. Tell him Elliot is okay."
"Alright.." Kurt smiled, setting Elliot down and grabbing the phone. He dialed the number again and sighed softly.
"Hey, is Elliot okay? Did you find him?"
"Yeah. He had just walked out of the building. Just in time.."
"I'm so sorry, Kurt..I-I just. He told me he was going back to bed..I still should've called.." Finn said frantically.
"He's a kid. You didn't know he was serious. He's home. That's what matters.."
"Okay..I just..I'm sorry.."
"It's okay." Kurt said softly. "We're going to have a family day. I'll call you tonight to tell you if he's alright.."
"Thanks Kurt.." Finn sighed.
"You're welcome.." Kurt said before saying bye. Elliot pulled on Kurt's pants leg, a serious, sincere look on his face.
"Yeah Elliot?" Kurt asked softly.
"I'm sorry daddy..And..I think it's okay if you and Daddy Blaine get a new baby.." Elliot said quietly.
Kurt sat on the couch, pulling his son into his lap. "Why did you change your mind?"
"Because..You and daddy love me..I know now..And..I want someone to play with.." Elliot smiled.
Kurt kissed his son's cheek. "You really want a baby brother or sister?"
Elliot nodded. "Kinda..Maybe I'll like them more later.."
Kurt laughed. "It will take a while for them to get here though."
"How long?"
"A little over a year probably."
"So when I'm seven?" Elliot asked, holding up seven fingers.
"That's very good. Yes, baby. Go tell daddy Blaine.."
Elliot nodded, running into the kitchen and wrapping himself around Blaine's leg and sitting on his foot.
Blaine giggled. "What are you doing silly?"
"Daddy Kurt told me to tell you something.."
"What is it?"
"I think it's okay if you and daddy have another baby.."
"Really?" Blaine asked.
He nodded, hugging Blaine’s leg tighter.
Blaine picked him up. "You want a baby brother or a baby sister?"
Elliot nodded again. "Daddy Kurt said it won't be for a while, so it's okay."
"But which do you want?" Blaine asked.
"I dunno..I'd like either.." He smiled.
Blaine nodded as he flipped the pancake.
"A boy could play cars and stuff with me..And a girl could play dress up and other stuff." Elliot grinned.
"I think it would be fun," Blaine smiled. "And you can teach them songs and how to play."
Elliot nodded. "Maybe a new baby won't be so bad.."
"I think you'd like it," Blaine said as he finished cooking.
Elliot was quiet for a minute as Blaine plated the pancakes, still carrying him. "I'm sorry I tried to run away daddy.."
Blaine sighed softly. "You really scared us. We thought we had lost you.."
Elliot looked down. "I'm sorry..I won’t ever do that again.."
"Good. And remember," Blaine said, tilting Elliot's chin up. "No matter how many babies we have, you're number one."
Elliot smiled wide at his father, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"But don't tell anyone. They'll get jealous," Blaine said quietly.
"Okay, Daddy." Elliot said, smiling.
Blaine carried the plates and Elliot to the living room and they all sat on the couch as the movie started. Elliot sang with his fathers happily. He decided he was glad he didn't run away. Maybe having another brother or sister wouldn't be too bad. After the movie Blaine cleaned up and joined his family again. "What do you wanna do today buddy?"
"I dunno.." Elliot smiled, getting off of the couch and walking over to the piano.
"Want to play?" Kurt asked. He nodded, pulling himself onto the bench and grunting lightly. Blaine scooted closer to Kurt as they listened to their son. Blaine had been teaching Elliot a bit of classical and he slowly began to play Fur Elise, pausing a few times to get his bearings straight, but doing quite well. He was a piano virtuoso for his age.
Blaine shook his head. "He's so talented.."
"How do you learn so fast?" Kurt asked.
"I remember how daddy moves his fingers.." Elliot said as he carried on slowly.
Blaine got up and sat next to Elliot and fingered a couple keys. "You try."
Elliot watched and thought for a moment before copying Blaine's movements but slightly slower.
"That's so good.." Blaine said in an astonished voice.
"All the keys make different sounds. I just have to remember." Elliot said.
"You're very smart," Kurt added, joining them.
"Thank you, Daddy." Elliot smiled, tapping out a melody.
"What's that one?" Kurt asked.
"I made it up."
"Will you play for your daddies?"
Elliot nodded, beginning to play a song on the piano, it was simple and slow, but it was beautiful. They spent the day together as a family until it was time for bed. They let Elliot sleep with them that night. But before falling asleep, Kurt decided to call Finn and Rachel to fill them in on the adoption.
"Hey dude, How'd it go?" Finn asked.
"Good. He came around and is actually excited now?" Kurt said happily.
"That's awesome. Are you guys thinking of a boy or a girl?" Finn asked.
"We're thinking a girl. But we'll see what happens. But don't tell dad or Carole. I want to tell them."
"I won't." Finn chuckled.
"Good," Kurt said as Rachel appeared from the bathroom in a white and orange Hooters tank top, matching orange shorts, suntan hose that covered her gorgeous, long legs, and instead of the white shoes the girls usually wore, she had on a particularly high pair of white knee high boots that shaped and defined her thighs and ass in the sexiest way imaginable. She flipped her perfectly straight yet voluptuous hair as she leaned against the door frame and arched her back beautifully. Rachel bit her lip as she looked towards her husband, gauging his reaction.
Finn's jaw dropped. "Holy sh-..Oh wow..u-Um Kurt?..I have to c-call you. Back.. I-I-I-I have to go."
Rachel grinned, jumping onto the bed, straddling her husband and taking the phone from him. "Bye Kurt," she giggled before tossing the phone aside.
"Does this mean I get wings too?.." Finn asked in awe.
Kurt chuckled knowingly, hanging up and walking back to his family.
"Everything okay?" Blaine asked.
"Everything's fine.." Kurt smiled, cuddling up with them.
"Is Uncle Finn mad at me?" Elliot asked quietly.
"No sweetie, he was just worried, just like we were."
Elliot nodded, snuggling up to Kurt.
Kurt kissed the top of Elliot's head. "I love you my beautiful boy.."
"I love you too daddy," Elliot smiled, reaching back with his small arms and grabbing Blaine's hand. "I love you daddy."
"I love you too Elliot.." Blaine smiled, bringing his little hand up to kiss his palm. Elliot smiled, cuddling with his parents.
"I want to sing you a song Elliot.. And I want you to listen to the words..Okay?" Kurt smiled.
Elliot nodded, looking up at Kurt.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine before cupping Elliot's cheek and beginning to sing.
"There I was ten years old
Waiting in my room for him to come home
I just knew he'd be so mad
Though I begged my mother not to, she told my dad.
There was no denying I let him down
But instead of being angry
He put his arms around me and said
In the sunlight or the rain, brightest nights or darkest days
I'll always feel the same way
Whatever road you may be on
Know you're never too far gone my love is there wherever you may be
Just remember that you will always be my baby..."
Blaine had tears in his eyes as Elliot wrapped his arms around Kurt’s neck. "Thank you daddy."
Kurt smiled, nodding as he sang the rest quietly, his cheek pressed to the top of Elliot's head, tears forming in his own eyes.
"There he is my little man
I'm sure he'll get in trouble every now and then
And I pray to god that when he does
I'll be just as understanding as my father was
'cause the last thing that I want to do is let him down
So instead of being angry
I'm gonna throw my arms around him and I'll say..
In the sunlight or the rain, brightest nights or darkest days
I'll always feel the same way whatever road you may be on
No you're never too far gone
My love is there wherever you may be
Just remember that you will always be my baby..be my baby.."
"Always?" Elliot whispered.
"Always Elliot.." Kurt said just as quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek as he kissed the top of his head.
"Even when I get old like you and daddy?" Elliot giggled.
"Yes.." Kurt chuckled. "Even when you get old, like your Daddy Blaine."
"You’re older than me!" Blaine chuckled.
"No, I'm still twenty-one.." Kurt giggled, winking at Blaine.
Blaine rolled his eyes playfully, leaning in to kiss Kurt.
Kurt grinned, kissing Blaine back before turning Blaine's head and smiling at it. "Those gray hairs are coming in nicely.."
"What gray hair?!" Blaine asked frantically.
"I'm kidding..Dear god, you're twenty eight Blaine, not forty." Kurt giggled.
"Not funny." Blaine groaned, laying back down.
Kurt grinned, leaning down to kiss Blaine. "Shush, you know you're gonna be a sexy grandpa.."
"No." Blaine said seriously. "Elliot isn't old enough to even think about that one.."
"Okay, calm down." Kurt chuckled.
Blaine smiled. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly as the phone began to ring. He got up and answered it, smiling. "Hello?..Carole?.." His smile slowly started to fade. "What?..No..I..I'm..Is he..." tears rapidly filled Kurt's eyes. "Oh my god.."
Blaine sat up quickly. "Baby what's wrong?"
Kurt told Carole he loved her before hanging up. His features twisted and a heartbreaking sob escaped him as he fell to his knees, clutching the phone to his chest.
Blaine ran to Kurt, cradling him against his chest. "Baby, what happened?"
"Dad.." Was all Kurt could get out before sobbing into Blaine's shirt.
"Another heart attack..?" Blaine whispered.
Kurt shook his head, trying to calm his breathing as Elliot watched on with wide, concerned eyes. He'd never seen his daddy like this.
"He's gone.." Kurt choked out.
Blaine gasped, biting his lip to hold back his own emotions. He held Kurt closer, running his hand through his husband's hair as he tried to soothe him. Kurt clutched to Blaine, pulling him closer and trying to fill the gaping hole that had just been punched into his heart. His dad was dead. The only person that had been there for him his whole life. He couldn't take this.
"Daddy?.." Elliot said timidly.
Blaine looked up and shook his head. "He'll be okay.. He will.." he said, mostly to convince himself.
Kurt didn't move, he just squeezed the fabric of Blaine's shirt, crying against his chest.
"Daddy, don't cry.." Elliot said, hopping off of the bed and wrapping his arm around Kurt from behind and petting his hair as he'd seen Blaine do.
If the situation wasn’t as bad as it was, Blaine would've been proud of his son trying to help Kurt. He rocked back and forth with Kurt in his arms. "Let it out.. It's okay.. I'm here.."
"I-I don't want him to be gone..I want my dad..Oh god.." Kurt sobbed, his body shaking.
"I know baby.. I know.." Blaine whispered. He wished he could help. Say the right thing. Anything for Kurt. But he knew all he could do was be there.
After a while, Blaine helped Kurt into bed and carried Elliot to his room. "I thought you said I could sleep with you tonight daddy?.." Elliot said quietly.
"I know baby.. But daddy Kurt isn't doing good. I need to help him.."
"What's wrong?.." Elliot asked, grabbing his t-Rex and pulling it close.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Blaine said. "You need to get some rest.."
Elliot nodded. "Okay.."
Blaine leaned in and kissed Elliot's forehead. "Goodnight.."
"Night, Daddy.." Elliot whispered, cuddling upon his blankets as Blaine walked back to the room. He curled himself around his husband and held him as close as he could. Kurt just had silent tears rolling down his cheeks now as he let Blaine hold him. He felt detached from his body. He was numb. Blaine rubbed up and down Kurt’s side softly, just letting him know he wasn't alone.
"I love you.." Kurt said quietly, his voice broken.
"I love you too Kurt. Always. Through good times and bad.. I'll always be here.." Blaine said softly. "We'll go to Lima.. You can take time off of work. We'll be okay. I'll look at flights in the morning."
Kurt nodded lightly, sniffing and closing his eyes as more tears escaped and were absorbed by his pillow. Blaine held onto Kurt, determined to stay up with him. Eventually, Blaine fell asleep, but Kurt didn't at all that night.
I love it the same if not more from the first one! Iam heartbroken at Burt's death :( but stoked for a new baby! I love Elliot sooo much! He is adorable! I hope kurt and blaine still have time for eachother with everything thats going on in their life! I think thats why I love this story soso much is because I still get daddy!klaine but they still have loads of sex! Keep up the good work! Xoxox
Thank you sweetie! I've been feeling like no one really cares for this story. This meant a lot to me! Thank you!