College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 17

E - Words: 5,729 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
299 0 0 0 0

"First day of school!" A five-year-old Elliot squealed.

Kurt smiled proudly at his son. "You're growing up so fast.."

"Come on Daddy! We'll be late!" He called, waiting for Blaine as Kurt smiled wide, trying to hold back his tears.

Blaine finished packing their lunches and handed Elliot his. "Alright, alright," Blaine chuckled.

"School!" Elliot smiled, his curls bounding as he jumped around.

Kurt picked Elliot up. "You be good, okay? Be nice and make lots of friends.."

"I will Daddy." Elliot grinned.

Kurt sniffled, fighting his tears. "And if you need anything, tell your teacher to call daddy Blaine. He'll be right down the hallway."

"Why are you crying Daddy?.." Elliot asked.

"I'm gonna miss you buddy.."

"I'm coming home.." Elliot giggled.

"I know. But I'm gonna be here all alone until you get home. I guess I'll just have to do more work," Kurt sighed dramatically.

"Come to school with me.." Elliot suggested.

"I would baby. But I don't work there. You gotta go so you're not late," Kurt said, pulling Elliot close and giving him a kiss. "Have fun."

"I love you Daddy.."

"I love you too baby.." Kurt said, struggling to keep his tears in.

Elliot wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck. "I'm still your baby Daddy.."

That did it. Kurt's tears started to flow down his cheeks. "I-I'll see you when you get home.."

Elliot wiped Kurt's tears. "Bye Daddy.."

"Bye sweetie," Kurt said, kissing Elliot before standing to kiss his husband.

Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek, kissing him softly. "He'll be okay.."

Kurt nodded. "It’s fast.."

"I know baby.." Blaine whispered.

"Have a good day baby.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine again.

"I love you." Blaine smiled.

"I love you too," Kurt said as his tears calmed.

Blaine kissed him again before picking Elliot up.

"Bye daddy!" Elliot said happily as they headed out the door.

"Bye baby.." Kurt smiled, giving a small wave.

Blaine walked Elliot to his classroom. "Are you nervous?"

"A little.." Elliot admitted.

"You see that classroom at the end of the hall?" Blaine asked.

"Uh huh.."

"That's my classroom. I’ll be there all day in case you need me."

"Can't I stay in there with you?.."

"No sweetie. I only teach music. You have to learn more than that," Blaine explained.

"But..I'll miss you.." Elliot said.

"I'm gonna miss you too baby. But this is part of being a big boy. You gotta go in there and make new friends and start learning."

"Okay.." Elliot said softly.

"I love you, Elliot.."

"I love you too daddy.." Elliot said, hugging Blaine.

Blaine kissed the top of his head. "Go learn so you can tell me all about your day later."

"Bye Daddy.."

"Bye sweetie."

Elliot gripped Blaine's hand, slowly pulling away until his little fingers slipped out of Blaine's and he warily stepped into the classroom. Blaine sighed as he watched his son disappear into the class and he walked to his room. Throughout the day Blaine was worried about his son and when their music class came, Elliot ran to Blaine, hugging his legs. Blaine grinned. "Hey baby. How's your day going?"

"I miss you and Daddy.." Elliot said into Blaine's shin.

"We miss you too," Blaine said, picking him up. "Are you okay?"

Elliot shrugged, burying his face in Blaine's neck.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, rubbing his back.

He shrugged again. "I dunno.."

Blaine looked at his son in confusion. "What happened?"

"Nothing.." Elliot sighed. Blaine bit his lip. Maybe he'd have to talk to his teacher.

"Alright..Go sit down with the class so we can get started." Blaine said, kissing his forehead.

Elliot nodded as Blaine set him down and he slowly walked over to sit in an empty chair away from the other kids. Blaine sighed, getting class started and giving them a small assignment to get to know each other. While they were busy, Blaine picked up the classroom phone and called Elliot's teacher.

"Hello?" She answered pleasantly.

"Hey. It's Blaine Hummel. Umm, did something happen with Elliot today?"

"Oh..Well. I can't get him to socialize with any of the other kids..He's being very shy.." She said softly.

Blaine looked up and saw Elliot in his group. His head was down as he stared at his hands. "Just being shy? Nothing happened?"

"Nothing I've noticed." The teacher said. "He's really a sweet boy, I just can't get him to come out and talk.."

"Okay. I'm going to try to see if he will here. Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said kindly before hanging up.

Blaine got up and got the class to sit in a circle on the floor.
"Okay. Let's go around the circle and introduce ourselves. I'll go first. I'm Mr. Hummel and I'll be your music teacher. I'll teach you how to have fun and express yourselves through music."

The kids went around the circle, happily saying their names and something about themselves until it got to Elliot.
"I-I'm Elliot.." Said, looking down at his new shoes and playing with the laces.

"And tell us something interesting about yourself," Blaine smiled.

"I dunno.." Elliot said softly.

"Well what do you like to do?"

"I like to play piano.." Elliot said, looking up at Blaine.

A little girl gasped. "Like a real piano?"

"Yeah.." Elliot said, nodding a bit.

"That's really cool! I wanna lean some day!" she grinned, batting her lashed at Elliot.

Elliot blushed lightly, giving a smile before looking down again.

Blaine couldn't help but smile. "Maybe Elliot could show us another day?"

The other kids smiled, nodding. They finished their activity and it was almost time to go. Elliot was talking to a couple of boys, laughing and smiling as they played with some of the instruments. The little girl from earlier walked up to Elliot and twirled one of her pigtails.
"Hi Elliot..I-I'm Natalie.."

"Hi.." Elliot smiled, blushing lightly.

Natalie giggled. "Will you show me how to play?"

Elliot smiled, walking over to the piano and sitting on the bench.

Natalie followed and sat next to him.

Elliot showed her how to play a simple tune and turned. "Now you try."

Natalie hesitated before reaching out. She got the first few notes right but then pressed the wrong key. Quickly pulling away, she looked down in embarrassment. "I can't do it.."

"Here." Elliot said, grabbing her hand and showing her. Natalie blushed deeply as their finger glided over the keys. "See?" Elliot smiled.

"I did it!" Natalie smiled, clapping her hands.

"It's easy when you practice. My daddy helps me."

"Will you help me practice sometimes?" she asked sweetly.

"Yeah.." Elliot smiled.

The bell rang and kids started heading to the playground to wait for their parents or their respected buses. Natalie smiled at Elliot.
"Thank you, Elliot! I'll see you tomorrow.." she said, leaning over and kissing his cheek quickly.

Elliot blushed furiously, placing his hand on his cheek. Natalie giggled lightly, skipping out of the classroom. Elliot smiled, giggling as Blaine looked over.

"What's so funny?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing.." Elliot smiled.

"Why are you blushing?" Blaine chuckled, taking Elliot's hand.

"That girl kissed me.."

Blaine gasped, smiling wide. "How do you feel?"

"I don't know.." Elliot smiled, shrugging.

Blaine couldn't stop smiling as they walked to the car and headed home.

"Today was okay, Daddy." Elliot said.

"Just okay?" Blaine asked.

"The last part was good."

"Are you excited to see Natalie tomorrow?"

"I dunno.." Elliot smiled.

They pulled up at their house and Blaine opened the door, letting Elliot in first.

"Daddy!" Elliot squealed, running to Kurt's office.

Kurt grinned, picking Elliot up. "Hey! How was school?"

"It was okay." Elliot smiled, reaching for the dress Kurt was sewing up.

"Wait baby. It's not done," Kurt said, pulling him back.

"You're not going to tell daddy what happened?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing happened." Elliot shrugged, reaching for the dress again.

"That's not what you told me," Blaine grinned, making kissy faces at Elliot.

"Daddy!" Elliot blushed, covering his face with his hands.

Kurt giggled. "What happened?"

"A girl kissed me.." Elliot said.

Kurt gasped. "She did?!"

Elliot smiled, blushing and burying his face in Kurt's chest.

"Is she pretty?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah.." Elliot said bashfully.

Kurt smiled, kissing Elliot's forehead. "Good for you baby."

"You're still supposed to think girls have cooties.." Blaine giggled.

"She's different!" Elliot defended.

"Oh really?.." Kurt grinned.

"She likes piano.."

"That's so cute.." Kurt said.

Elliot turned, hiding his face again.

"That dress is pretty daddy.." Elliot smiled, changing the subject.

"Thank you, sweetie," Kurt smiled wide.

"What show are you working for?" Blaine asked.

Kurt turned, his face lighting up. "Wicked!"

"Seriously?" Blaine gasped. He thought he recognized Glinda's ruffled pink dress. "Kurt, that's amazing.."

"I know! This is the one, Blaine..This will help me climb the ladder to success," Kurt grinned.

"I can't believe it..Baby, I'm so proud of you.." Blaine smiled.

"Thank you," Kurt said happily and looked at their son. "And what does my baby want for dinner?"

"I want...Ice cream.." Elliot said.

Blaine giggled. "You can have ice cream after dinner."

"Okay.." Elliot sighed.

"How about Applebee’s? They have the coloring pages," Blaine smiled.

"Coloring!" Elliot squealed.

"That okay with you babe?"

"Sounds great. I just have to finish this dress..It has to be perfect.." Kurt said, handing Elliot to Blaine.

"Come on little man. Let's go play while daddy finishes," Blaine said, walking to Elliot's room.

Elliot nodded, running between Kurt's legs and after Blaine.

Blaine chuckled. "Do you ever run out of energy?"


"What do you want to play with?"

"My cars!" He smiled.

Blaine grabbed a couple cars, starting to play with his son.

Kurt came out after a bit, his glasses on and looking a bit tired. "Everyone ready?"

"Yeah!" Elliot grinned, jumping up.

"You sure babe?" Blaine asked, seeing how tired his husband was.

"Of course." Kurt said softly, running his hand down his stubbly cheek. "Oh geez..I have to shave.."

"You're beautiful," Blaine smiled. "And once he's in bed, you are relaxing."

"But I have to shave.." Kurt protested as Blaine grabbed his husband's coat.

"Really?" Blaine sighed.

"Come on Daddy.." Elliot groaned.

Kurt sighed heavily. "Alright, alright.."?

Blaine chuckled. "And no more working tonight."

"But-" Kurt started before Blaine cut him off.

"Nope. We're going to relax," Blaine said, smiling.

Kurt sighed a bit. "Okay.."

"You deserve it," Blaine said as they headed to the restaurant.

"I know..Just..This could really make a name for me..In the fashion world and the musical theatre world..I know..I work too hard sometimes.."

"And this is something to work hard on. But you'll do even better taking the night off to have dinner with your family then let your husband take care of you."

Kurt smiled, leaning over to kiss Blaine softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine smiled.

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, sighing softly.

They got to the restaurant and were seated, Elliot quickly starting to color.

"What are you coloring buddy?" Kurt smiled, scratching at his jaw.

"It's a maze!"

"Really?" Kurt smiled, adjusting his glasses. "Would you look at that?..You made it! My smart boy." Kurt grinned.

"I'm smart," Elliot said happily.

"Yes you are.." Kurt smiled.

"What do you want to eat baby? Hamburger, hotdog, or chicken strips?" Blaine asked.

"All of them!"

"Pick one baby."

"Uumm...Chicken!" Elliot smiled.

Their waitress appeared and Blaine ordered the chicken fingers and fries for his son and the steak and potatoes for himself before turning to Kurt.

"Just a salad please.." Kurt smiled. "And..Maybe just a martini too.." He said softly.

The young lady nodded, writing their order down and going to get their drinks.

"It's been a long day.." Kurt sighed.

"How much did you get done?"

"Well, I finished Glenda's dress..I worked on a couple of songs for that new writer.." Kurt said softly.

"You're doing the music for the writer?"

"Not for Wicked. There's this playwright that's starting to get noticed. He asked me to help." Kurt said softly.

"You're getting credit, right?" Blaine asked.

"Of course." Kurt smiled.

"I am so proud of you."

"Well this is the first time my name will be on a program.." Kurt smiled.

"You've worked so hard for this. You deserve it."

"Thank you baby.." Kurt said softly.

"I love you," Blaine grinned.

"I love you too.." Kurt said. "Oh thank you so much." He smiled as the waitress handed him his martini.

She giggled. "Can I get you anything else while your food is cooking?"

"No thank you sweetie.." Kurt said before taking a sip and sighing happily.

She nodded and headed to check on the other guests.

"Daddy, can I have some?" Elliot asked.

"No sweetie. This is an adult drink," Kurt said softy.


"Sweetie, daddy could go to jail if I did."

"What?..Why?" Elliot asked, confused.

"It had alcohol in it. You can only drink that if you are twenty-one." Blaine explained, turning to Kurt. "You should totally get a Strawberry Summer Squeeze for me to take home."

"I will." Kurt smiled, sipping his drink.

Elliot was looking at the laminated dessert sheet on the side of the table. "Ooohh! Daddy! I want that one!" He said, pointing to the triple chocolate meltdown.

"Hmm..I don't know..Will you go to bed without any trouble?.." Kurt asked.

Elliot nodded, not really listening. "Please daddies.."

"What do you think?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"Look at be baby," Blaine said, waiting for Elliot to look up. "Do you promise to go home, let me give you a bath then go to bed?"

Elliot bit his lip giving a wicked little grin as he nodded.

"I don't believe you," Blaine said.

"I will Daddy!" Elliot protested loudly.

Blaine couldn't help but smile. "Okay. Eat all your food and we'll get it."

Elliot bounced happily, taking a sip of his water.

The waitress came back with their food. "Can I getcha anything else?"

"Cake!" Elliot grinned, standing up on his chair.

"Hey. Sit back down. You have to eat first." Blaine said sternly.

Elliot huffed, sitting down as the waitress giggled lightly.

"Let me know if you need anything else." she said sweetly.

"Thank you sweetie," Kurt smiled.

"Daddy I need ketchup.." Elliot said, struggling to reach the bottle.

"Ask nicely." Kurt said, taking a bite of his salad.

"Can I please have ketchup?" Elliot said, smiling politely.

"Yes you may." Kurt said, smiling fondly at their son as he slid it closer.

"Thank you daddy," Elliot said, getting the bottle open and accidentally squirting it on himself. He stared wide eyed at his fathers before starting to giggle. "Oops!"

"Elliot.." Kurt sighed, grabbing a napkin and tuning to wipe off his shirt.

"I didn't mean to daddy.."

"I know sweetie, it's okay.. Just be more careful, okay?"

Elliot nodded, picking up the bottle again and pouring it on his plate. "I did it!"

"Yes you did." Blaine smiled.

Elliot dipped his chicken in the ketchup and took a bite, closing his eyes and humming.

"Good?" Blaine asked.

"Mmm yes!"

Kurt smiled, finishing off his drink and holding the olive to Blaine's lips. Blaine licked his lips before slowly taking the olive. Kurt smiled slyly as he watched Blaine slowly suck it into his mouth. Blaine winked as he bit into the olive. Kurt shivered lightly, letting his hand slide under the table to squeeze Blaine's thigh. Blaine bit his lip as he started to cut his steak. Kurt just smiled, Elliot looking a bit confused at the exchange as Kurt ordered another drink.

They enjoyed their dinner, talking more about school and work. Elliot looked up, his plate almost cleared. "Daddy, can I be finished?"

"Eat a little bit more sweetie." Kurt said softly.

Elliot frowned, picking up a French fry.

Elliot ate a few more fries before Kurt and Blaine ordered Elliot his cake. Elliot's eyes went wide as the cake came out and he squealed.

"Here you go little guy." The waitress smiled.

"Thank you!" he said happily.

"You're welcome." She said softly before walking off.

Blaine handed Elliot his fork. "Remember, you have to be good tonight."

Elliot nodded quickly as he began to eat his dessert. Kurt looked over at Blaine, knowing this was a mistake.

"He's fine.." Blaine said softly, knowing the look his husband was giving him.

"Okay," Kurt sighed, finishing his martini.

Elliot finished and Kurt could already see him starting to get hyper.

"I'm ready daddies!"

"Alright, come on." Blaine said, standing to pick him up.

Kurt picked up their to-go drinks after paying and headed back home.

"Will you give him a bath?" Kurt asked Blaine as they walked in.

"Not a problem." Blaine said, carrying Elliot to the bathroom.

"But I don't wanna bath!" Elliot said.

"You promised."

"But then I have to go to bed!" Elliot groaned, making himself go limp. A tactic he had learned made it much harder for Blaine to hold him.

Blaine tightened his grip. "That was the deal."

"But Daddy.." Elliot sighed, leaning to the side and almost escaping.

"The only but here is your butt getting in the bath."

Elliot growled. "Daddy Kurt!"

"Yeah baby?"

"Help!" Elliot yelled.

"Let daddy wash you!"


"Do you want a spanking?" Kurt called.

"Yes!" He yelled defiantly, giving a little smile.

Blaine froze, staring at his son as Kurt came in, arms on his hips.

Elliot stared at Kurt, his smile fading at the look on his father's face.

"You want a bath or spanking?" Kurt asked.

Elliot said nothing, playing with Blaine's sleeve.

Blaine shook his head, continuing to the bathroom.

"No!" Elliot yelled, pushing at Blaine's chest.

"Elliot! You are taking a bath now!"

Elliot gave up, burying his face in Blaine's shirt a giving a big dramatic sigh.

Blaine looked back at his husband. "He'll be okay."

Kurt nodded. "While you do that I'm just gonna go work a little bit more." he said, before Blaine shot him a look. "Just a little bit. I swear." Kurt said, clasping his hands together and giving a small smile.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Alright."

Kurt walked over, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine said, starting the water.

Kurt smiled, walking off to his office as Blaine undressed Elliot.

"Why are you being so naughty tonight, huh?"

"I'm not.." Elliot mumbled, kicking his pants off to the far side of the room.

"You're being grumpy and you need to cut it out." Blaine said seriously.

Elliot said nothing, staring at the tub. Blaine lifted him and set his son in the water. Elliot looked over at the faucet, an idea ticking away as he sat. Blaine sighed, reaching for the cup he used to get Elliot's hair wet. Elliot scooted over by the faucet, before shoving himself back, sending water everywhere and giggling wildly.

Blaine gasped as the water landed on him.
"Damn it, Elliot!"

"Sorry Daddy." Elliot laughed, before leaning forward to do it again.

"Elliot! Stop it!"

Elliot bit his lip, holding back a giggle. Blaine used one hand to hold his son still and the other to wet his hair. Elliot took to playing with his toys, looking up at Blaine. "Daddy Kurt gets madder than you when I do that."

"I'm more patient than daddy Kurt." Blaine said simply.

"What's that?"

"That means it takes more to make me mad. Are you trying to get me mad?"

"Nooo..." Elliot said, playing with his boat.

"Good. I don't like being mad at you." Blaine said softly as he washed his son's hair.

"Is Daddy Kurt mad at me?.."

"Not right now, sweetie. Let's be good for Daddy Kurt."

"Okay.." Elliot sighed.

Blaine rinsed Elliot's hair. "Stand up baby."

Elliot stood, lifting his arms. "Is Daddy Kurt mad at me other times?"

"Only if you don't listen to him." Blaine explained.

"So Daddy's always mad at me?"

Blaine chuckled. "No baby. It's like when you don't do what he asks. When you do bad things, like get water all over the floor."

"Oohh.." Elliot said, looking at the wet floor.

"But guess what," Blaine said, smiling.


"No matter how mad me or Daddy Kurt gets, we love you more than anything. Nothing will change that."

Elliot smiled. "I love you and Daddy Kurt forever!"

Blaine grinned, kissing his son's cheek. "You ready to get out and dry off?"

"Yes! But I'm not tired yet."

"Well. If you'll be good, I'll put a movie on and you can watch it with us before bed."

"Okay Daddy."

Blaine lifted him out of the tub and dried him off. "Which pajamas do you want tonight?"

"Batman!" Elliot smiled.

Blaine smiled, wrapping the towel around Elliot and carrying him to his room to get dressed. Elliot quickly scurried to his drawer, pulling out the selected pajamas. "Are you my little superhero?" Blaine giggled.

"Yes!" Elliot said, wrapping himself around Blaine's leg. Blaine smiled, walking to check on Kurt with Elliot still attached to his leg. Kurt was at the keyboard, tapping out a melody as he sang quietly under his breath. Blaine held a finger to his mouth, telling Elliot to be quiet and listen. Kurt continued singing, stopping every now and then to write something down, or to repeat himself and hit a key that sounded better. He turned to throw something away and gasped as he saw Blaine. "Oh, hey.." He giggled.

"Hey," Blaine grinned.

"That was real good daddy!"

"Thank you sweetie." Kurt said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Daddy says we can watch a movie! You watch too!"

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." Kurt said softly before Blaine gave him another look.

"If not, I'll come and carry you out of here," Blaine said seriously.

"Just give me a minute to clean up." Kurt sighed.

Blaine nodded, following Elliot to the living room. "What should we watch?"

"I wanna watch..Hercules!"

Blaine smiled, sitting on the floor and looking for the DVD. Elliot climbed up Blaine's back, sitting on his shoulders Blaine giggled. "You like feeling tall?"

"Yeah. Daddy Kurt is tall!" Elliot smiled.

"Yes he is," Blaine said, standing and pulling out the movie.

Elliot giggled wildly as Blaine lifted him. "So are you Daddy!"

"Thank you baby," Blaine chuckled.

"I wanna be as strong as you when I'm a grown up." Elliot said.

"Then you better eat your veggies!"

"You don't eat veggies Daddy!" Elliot smiled.

"Yes I do!" Blaine giggled.

Elliot smiled as Blaine sat on the couch and set him down. "Daddy is taking a long time.."

Blaine sighed. "I’ll go get him."

"Okay." Elliot said softly.

Blaine got up and headed to Kurt's work room. "Babe?"

"Yeah?" Kurt asked, looking up.

"Elliot's getting impatient.."

"I'm sorry..I'm coming.." Kurt said, still not moving.



"You’re not moving."

Kurt closed his notebook and stood, rolling his eyes.

"Fine. If you want to work, go ahead." Blaine sighed, walking out of the room.

Kurt groaned audibly, taking his glasses off and walking out of the room after Blaine. Elliot looked up as they both walked in, sensing something was wrong with his parents. Blaine put the movie in, grabbing his drink and sitting with his son.
"Daddy?.." Elliot asked as Kurt sat down as well.

"Yeah baby?" Kurt asked.

"Are you okay?.." Elliot asked.

"I'm okay.."

"Okay.." Elliot said softly before turning to Blaine. "Daddy?"

Blaine was already close to halfway done with his drink when he looked down at his son. "Yes?"

"Are you okay too?.."

"Yeah sweetie. I'm okay," Blaine said softly.

Elliot nodded, looking between Blaine and Kurt again, still unsure. Blaine turned back to the television and pressed play. Elliot sighed softly, grabbing Blaine's hand with one of his own, and Kurt's with the other. Blaine kissed the back of Elliot's hand, smiling softly at him as the movie started. Elliot cuddled up with his parents, sighing deeply about halfway into the movie. "Daddy, I'm still not tired.." He said, looking over at Blaine.

Blaine pulled Elliot into his lap and holding him close. "Just relax baby."

"But Daddy.."

"Just give him a sip of your drink, Blaine." Kurt said softly, looking over at his husband.

"Kurt. It's alcohol."

"A little bit won't hurt. It'll help him sleep." Kurt said.

Blaine sighed, grabbing his drink. "Take a sip sweetie."

Elliot grabbed the cup, taking a sip and cringing a bit as he swallowed.

Blaine chuckled. "You don't like it?"

"That's gross.." Elliot said, shaking his head.

"Well you'll be asleep soon," Blaine laughed.

"Is that a bed time drink?" Elliot asked.

"Something like that."

"Well, I don't want it anymore." Elliot said seriously.

"Good," Blaine smiled, kissing his cheek.

As Kurt predicted, Elliot fell asleep a little while later, in Blaine's lap. Blaine watched as his son slept. He looked so peaceful and beautiful.
"I'm sorry about earlier, Blaine.." Kurt said quietly.

"It's fine.."

"No, it's not.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine bit his lip. "I know work is important to you."

"You and Elliot are more important.." Kurt said seriously.

"He kept asking if you were mad at him."

"Why would I be mad at him?.." Kurt asked softly.

"He doesn't always listen," Blaine said.

"I might not have as much..Patience as I should..But I'm not mad at him.."

"I told him.."

Kurt scooted closer to Blaine, grabbing his hand and kissing his jaw softly. "I'm so sorry Blaine.."

"It's okay. I just had this idea of getting him to bed. Laying with you and rub your feet and just talk about whatever..Then you just seemed to not want to.."

"No..Baby..Of course I want that do that with you..I guess just the pressure of getting all of this done, and doing it perfectly.." Kurt said quietly.

"You underestimate yourself. You can get it a done in time."

Kurt nodded, unsure why tears gathered in his eyes. "I-It's just a lot..."

"I know baby. But I can help if you need it."

Kurt nodded, sniffing and wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry.."

"It's okay baby. You just need to realize you're not alone."

Kurt nodded, turning Blaine's head and kissing him softly.

"I love you," Blaine whispered.

"I love you so much.." Kurt said just as quietly.

"Let me put him to bed. I'll be right back."

"Okay.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine carefully got up and carried Elliot to his bedroom and tucked him in. Elliot stirred a bit, turning over in his bed and grabbing his teddy bear. Blaine smiled, kissing the top of his head. "Goodnight my super hero."

Elliot gave a small smile before relaxing again. Blaine turned and walked back to the couch and sitting with his husband. Kurt cuddled up to Blaine, sighing softly.
"Do you want to work tonight?"

"No.." Kurt said softly. "I just want to be with you."

"I love you.."

"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said, laying on top of him.

Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt.

Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's jaw, stopping as his stubble scratched him. "Sorry.." Kurt said.

Blaine giggled. "It’s different."

Kurt giggled. "I've never let it get this bad."

"I know," Blaine said, pulling him closer.

Kurt blushed lightly, closing his eyes.

"What are you writing music for?"

"A musical..It's about two boys in the fifties..Falling in love.." Kurt smiled.

"Oh that's sweet," Blaine grinned.

"It's pretty groundbreaking..I'm just worried about my name either being raised up, or brought down by how the public takes it.." Kurt said quietly.

"Well you're daring enough to be a part of something that could help change how people view us. It's a risk you have to be willing to take. And either way, you'll be amazing and work your way up." Blaine encouraged.

"Thank you.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "Remember..Courage."

Kurt smiled up at his husband. "Can you believe it?...Almost ten years.."

"We're getting old," Blaine giggled.

"Oh god..Don't say that.." Kurt laughed. "I'm almost thirty..You're still gonna be in your twenties.."

"For a few months!"

"Still.." Kurt chuckled. "I'm your old husband.."

Blaine sighed dramatically. "Soon I'll have to go out looking for someone ten years younger than me."

"Maybe Courtney has a younger gay brother.." Kurt suggested.

Blaine groaned at the mention of his soon-to-be stepmother.

"Oh god, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to bring her up.." Kurt said softly.

"It’s okay.."

"But hey..You get your old boring husband for years.."

"You are nothing close to boring."

"But I'm old." Kurt giggled.

"Not yet," Blaine said softly.

"You keep me feeling young.."

"So we'll never get old," Blaine smiled.

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine deeply. "I love you so much.."

"I love you too," Blaine grinned.

Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine again. Blaine moaned softly, wrapping his legs around Kurt. Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips, running his hands up his neck. Blaine shivered, tightening his legs.
"Mmm..You're so sexy Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine blushed, rocking his hips up. "T-Thank you.. "

Kurt gasped, leaning back down to kiss his husband's neck.

"Oohh Kurt.."

Kurt nipped at Blaine's neck, sucking softly at a spot. Blaine bit his lip as his head fell back, exposing more of his neck. Kurt licked up the smooth skin moving to Blaine's ear. Blaine's back arched up. "Unngh.."

Kurt took the lobe between his teeth biting lightly, as he moaned.

Blaine gasped, clutching to his husband and dragging his nails up Kurt's back.

Kurt gasped. "Aah..Fuck..I wish we could be rough.." He whispered.

"Ung! Fuck! Kurt...Fuck I want to.."

"You'll have to be quiet.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine nodded. "O-Okay.."

"Do you want me to fuck you rough baby?.." Kurt whispered breathily.

Blaine whined. "Yes. Yes please.."

Kurt pulled off his own shirt, leaning back to unbutton his pants. Blaine licked his lips as he watched his husband. Kurt pulled his half hard member out, stroking himself slowly.
"So sexy.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt smiled, leaning down to peel off Blaine's shirt. Blaine sat up, making it easier. "You've been going to the gym haven't you?.." Kurt smiled.

"A little bit," Blaine blushed.

"I can tell.." Kurt said quietly, looking down at the still perfectly carved muscle.

"You like..?"

"You're so fucking hot.." Kurt whispered. "I want to watch you ride me."

Blaine grinned, flipping them over. Kurt smiled up at Blaine, tracing his abs. Blaine gasped, bringing two fingers up to suck on. Kurt moaned softly, watching his husband with lust blown eyes. Blaine looked back at his husband, placing his spit-slicked fingers at his entrance and pressing in. Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's chest and stomach.
"Oh baby.."

"You're so fucking sexy.." Kurt gasped, gripping Blaine's hips.

Blaine moaned quietly. "Thank you baby.."

"I love you.."

Blaine’s back arched as he felt his prostate. "Uhh..I love you too.."

"Add another.." Kurt directed.

Blaine did as he was told, wincing at the dry stretch.

"Do you need the lube.." Kurt asked.

Blaine bit his lip. "Please.."

Kurt got up, grabbing the lube and returning. Blaine slicked up his fingers, easily sliding back in. Kurt pulled his pants off getting back on the couch and smiling up at Blaine. Blaine’s eyes fell shut as he sped up.
"Add another.." Kurt whispered, getting up on his knees and pressing his body to Blaine's. Blaine complied, moaning as he found his prostate. Kurt kissed Blaine's neck, growling deeply.

"Are you ready?.."

"Yes," Blaine breathed out, removing his fingers. Kurt sat down on his haunches, pulling Blaine onto his lap. Blaine gasped as Kurt slid into him.


"Oh Kurt..shit.."

Kurt clawed down Blaine's back, panting heavily. Blaine quickly rose up and slammed back down, burying his face in Kurt’s neck. Kurt pulled Blaine's hair, groaning.

"Fuck me baby..please.."

Kurt gripped Blaine's shoulders, thrusting up into his husband roughly. Blaine hung onto Kurt, biting his lip to contain his moans.

"F-Fuck..Oh.." Kurt panted, dragging his nails across Blaine's lower back.

"Ahh! Kurt baby!"

"Shh.." Kurt soothed, slowing down a bit.

Blaine wrapped himself around his husband, riding him harder Kurt gasped, continuing to move as Blaine got a little louder.

"Kurt..Fuck.." Blaine moaned into Kurt’s neck.

Kurt reached down, gripping Blaine's ass and spreading him a bit.

Blaine gasped loudly. "H-Harder!"

Kurt squeezed harder before spanking Blaine forcefully. Blaine cried out, his head falling back as the pleasure flew through him. Kurt looked around. Elliot was most likely knocked out..He brought his hand down on Blaine again, groaning loudly as he thrust harder. Blaine couldn't stop himself. He screamed Kurt’s name, moving his hips with his husband. Kurt brought Blaine down for a deep kiss, trying to keep him quiet. Blaine's breathing was ragged as he kissed Kurt desperately. Kurt sped up, growling deeply.
"So fucking big!"

Kurt gasped, burying his face in Blaine's neck as the lamp light came on.

"Shit!" Blaine screamed, jumping from Kurt’s lap and struggling to find a blanket. Elliot looked confused as he watched his parents scramble.
"Why are you naked?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Kurt covered himself with Blaine's button up. "U-Uh..Ohmygod.."

Elliot giggled. "NAKED!"

"Blaine.." Kurt groaned, searching for his pants.

Blaine quickly pulled his boxers on. "W-Why are you out of bed baby?"

"Because I woke up to go potty." Elliot said, bouncing a bit and giggling.

Blaine sighed. "That's very good baby. Come on. Let's go to the potty."

"Why were you yelling Daddy?" Elliot asked as Kurt pulled his boxers on.

"Oh umm..Daddy and I were playing a game and I was losing.." Blaine said quickly.

"A naked game?!" Elliot laughed.

Blaine couldn't help but laugh too. "Yes. A naked game."

"That's silly." Elliot smiled.

"Your daddies like being silly.."

"Can I play?" Elliot asked.

"When you're thirty-five," Blaine giggled.

"But you're not thirty five Daddy." Elliot giggled.

"Well we broke the rules," Blaine said.

"That's bad!" Elliot scolded.

Blaine held his hands up. "I know. I know. We won't do it again. Come on," he said, switching the light on. "One or two baby?"

"One!" Elliot smiled.

Blaine pulled the step stool over and let Elliot climb up. Elliot finished, smiling. "Big boy!"

"Yes you are," Blaine said proudly. "Now wash your hands."

"Okay." Elliot said, moving the stool to do just that.

Blaine watched as Elliot washed and dried his hands. He picked him up, eliciting a squeal of laugher. "Time for bed."

"Okay. Are you and Daddy gonna keep playing?"

"Oh I don't know. But no more screaming," Blaine promised.

"Okay. Goodnight Daddy.." Elliot smiled.

"Goodnight Elliot," Blaine said, tucking him in and shutting the door behind him.

Kurt looked up at Blaine, unable to hold back a laugh.

"Ohmygod.." Blaine groaned.

Kurt laughed loudly. "A game?"

"It's better than 'Sorry for waking you. But your daddy was fucking me pretty hard'."

Kurt giggled. "C'mere.."

Blaine sighed, sitting next to Kurt.

Kurt leaned over, kissing Blaine softly. "Let's go to the room..Okay?"

Blaine nodded, picking up their clothes and heading to their room. Kurt laid back on the bed, smiling up at Blaine. "You wanna finish?.."

"Yeah.." Blaine said as he climbed up Kurt’s body. "But I want you behind me..On my hands and knees.."

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's neck. "Alright baby.."

Blaine hummed softly, rocking his hips down. Kurt moaned deeply, flipping them over. Blaine gasped, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s neck. Kurt kissed down To Blaine's neck. He knew his husband didn't usually like Kurt to mark him because of his job, but Kurt really couldn't bring himself to care as he bit down on the tan flesh, sucking hard. Blaine gripped the sheets, writhing below Kurt. Kurt growled somewhat possessively as he created the bruise on Blaine's neck, reaching down to squeeze his ass roughly.
"Unnhh!" Blaine gasped, thrusting up.

"Mmm.." Kurt hummed, pulling off and admiring his work. "Sorry..I just couldn't help myself.." He smiled.

"I-I..Just fuck me.."

"Oohh..Desperate now?.."

"Pleaae..Oh Kurt.." Blaine whined.

Kurt pulled off both of their boxers and told Blaine to get on his hands and knees. He slid into him easily because of the lube from earlier and slowly began to thrust inside of his beautiful husband. Blaine rolled his body, pushing back with Kurt’s thrusts, making sure to keep his voice down. Kurt bent over, pressing his chest to Blaine's back as he sped up. "Oh fuck..Baby.." Blaine moaned, pulling a pillow close. Kurt kissed the back of Blaine's neck panting harshly in his ear. Blaine closed his eyes as he reveled in the feel of Kurt’s hot breath on him. It sent chills down his spine.
"Fuck..You're so fucking tight Blaine.."

Blaine whined loudly. "K-Kurt.."

"Talk to me baby.." Kurt whispered.

"Fuck babe..You're so big..S-so Ahh..thick!"

Kurt gasped, beginning to pound into Blaine. "Blaine..Oh fuck i'm close.."

"M-Me too..Oohhh!" Blaine moaned loudly into the pillow. Kurt angled his hips, sliding over Blaine's prostate. Blaine tightened around Kurt, crying out Kurt’s name. Kurt moaned deeply, cumming hard inside of his panting husband. Blaine bit into the pillow, screaming in pleasure as he came, his back arching wildly. Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's chest, moaning softly as he thrust through their orgasms. Blaine's breathing slowly began to return to normal. "Ohmygod.."

"I love you so much.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you too, Kurt.."

Kurt smiled, kissing his neck lightly. Blaine cuddled up to Kurt and yawned against his chest.

Kurt smiled down at Blaine. "I love you beautiful.."

Blaine blushed. "I love you too."

Kurt kissed Blaine sweetly.

"Mmm, goodnight Kurt.."

"Goodnight beautiful.."


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