College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 14

E - Words: 3,201 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
328 0 0 0 0

The next morning Kurt was awake before Blaine and smiled, kissing his chest softly.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath and groaned.

Kurt kissed up to his jaw and then to his lips.

Blaine sighed softly. "Mmm Kurt.."

"Yes baby?" Kurt smiled.

Blaine hummed quietly, wrapping himself around his husband.

Kurt grinned kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine absently traced little patterns on the small of Kurt’s back.

Kurt hummed against Blaine's lips, sighing softly.

Blaine made a small noise of approval before his body going relaxed with sleep again.

Kurt pulled back and smiled, unable to stop the small giggle that escaped him as Blaine started to snore softly. It was his day off. Kurt decided he would let him sleep in a while longer.

Blaine pulled Kurt closer, nuzzling against his neck.

Kurt brought a hand up, stroking Blaine's hair softly as he slept in his arms.

A little while later, Blaine slowly woke up, arching his back as he stretched.

Kurt smiled. "Good morning sleepy head.."

"Ssshhh.." Blaine whispered, rolling on top of his husband.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, looking up at him and biting his lip.

"Kiss me," Blaine smiled sleepily.

Kurt giggled, leaning up to kiss Blaine softly.

Blaine sighed into the kiss. It had been a while since they had time to just kiss.

Kurt placed his hand in Blaine's hair as their lips moved together slowly, perfect together.

Blaine ground his hips down, moaning against Kurt’s lips.

Kurt gasped, pulling Blaine's hair lightly.

Blaine let out a loud whine when the door burst open. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Kurt sighed softly, but smiled, looking over at their son. "Good morning little one.."

"Come on! You said we could go swimming!"

"It's only nine. Let your daddies wake up." Kurt said, stretching as Blaine rolled off of him.

Elliot grunted as he pulled himself onto the bed. He pounced onto Blaine.

"Good morning strong man." Blaine said as Elliot sat on his stomach. "Show me your muscles." His father smiled.

Elliot brought his arms up and squeezed his little hands, giving his father his angry face and growling.

Blaine chuckled lightly. "You could beat me up!"

"No. You're a good guy!"

"Well good." Blaine said smiling.

Elliot gasped. "Where's McQueen?"

"She should be sleeping in my office." Kurt said.

"I'm gonna go play with her," Elliot smiled, climbing off the bed.

"Okay.." Kurt said. "Be careful, she's still sick.."

Elliot nodded. "I'll take care of her!"

"Okay baby." Kurt said as Elliot walked out, closing the door.

Blaine groaned. He had forgotten about the cat.

"Look..We can give her to Finn and Rachel.." Kurt said, standing and stretching.

"Elliot will be upset." Blaine said softly.

"Not if we explain to him why.." Kurt said, placing his hands on his tattooed hips.

Blaine licked his lips, trying to push his thoughts aside. "I don't know.."

"Why?.." Kurt asked softly.

"They already tool Eva for us.."

Kurt bit his lip. "True..I just..I don't want you to be sick and miserable all of the time.." He sighed.

"Last night killed me when I saw the look on his face. I don't want to cause that again." Blaine said quietly.

"Blaine..What happened last night was sad, but we're still going to have to discipline him. And as for the cat..I'm not really sure right now.” Kurt sighed, pulling off his t shirt.

Blaine just nodded, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry.." Kurt said softly.

"For what?" Blaine asked.

"Because..I know how you are about discipline..I just don't want him to think he can do whatever he wants.." Kurt sighed.

"I understand he needs it..But..last night..he..he.." Blaine trailed off, feeling the tears stinging his eyes.

Kurt sat down on the bed. "What is it baby?.."

"H-He asked if I still loved him..He thought I didn't.." Blaine breathed out, gasping as the tears finally came.

Kurt pulled Blaine close, stroking his hair. "He knows you love him.."

"But he doubted it, Kurt.."

"He was scared..You've never spanked him before..He did the same thing the first time I did it.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine blinked away his tears. "You had to?"

Kurt nodded. "I'm here with him all day while you're at work..I was on the phone with work and to get my attention he started grabbing the books off of the bookshelf and throwing them. I tried to get him to stop and he threw one at me." He said.

"I'm sorry..I should be here more.."

"Blaine, that was really the only time..You have work. It's okay." Kurt said softly. "It's not like you're working until three am like you did when we first moved in together."

Blaine swallowed hard. "I just want to give you two everything.."

"You do Blaine.." Kurt said softly.

"Thanks Kurt.."

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you..."

"I love you too," Blaine smiled.

They got up and Kurt made breakfast before they got ready to go to the pool.

Blaine kept sniffling and sneezing as he held his son. "Are you excited buddy?"

"Yes! Floaties!" He squealed, flapping his arms that had water wings on them.

Blaine chuckled before sneezing again. "You like them?"


Kurt sighed. "Are you okay Blaine?.."

Blaine nodded, wiping his eyes. "I-I'm good."

Kurt sighed, giving him the look that he learned meant: "We'll talk about this later".

They got to the indoor pool downstairs and set their stuff down on a lawn chair. "You ready baby?" Blaine asked his son.

Elliot giggled, running towards the shallow end but not before Blaine scooped him up again.

"No no sweetie. You could get hurt," Blaine said softly before slowly stepping into the pool.

"Ah!" He squealed, giggling as the water touched him.

Blaine chuckled. "Cold, huh?"

"Yes!" He giggled as Kurt pulled his shirt off and got in with them.

Kurt smiled as he saw their son's teeth chattering. "You okay, Elliot?"

"Coooold!" Elliot squealed happily. "Let go daddy!"

Blaine carefully let go, making sure he was okay on his own.

Elliot gasped a bit, kicking his little legs erratically, but the water wings kept him afloat.

Blaine smiled, wrapping himself around his husband and snuffling.

Elliot squealed happily, splashing as he floated around, drifting far enough away until Kurt would pull him back. He floated off on his own and got close enough to the steps to climb out, his gaze set on a pile of toys.

"Elliot, what are you doing?" Blaine called.

Elliot didn't answer as he picked up a toy submarine, grinning.

Blaine heard a little boy say that it was his toy. "Elliot, put it down. That's not yours."

"Mine!" Elliot protested, hugging it close.

Blaine started to get out of the pool. "Elliot Cameron Hummel!"

"No, Daddy!" Elliot said, turning away. "Mine!"

Blaine sighed. He didn't want to do this but he knew he'd have to at some point. "Do you want another spanking?"

Elliot, looked up at Blaine, making a small whining noise. "No.."

"Then put it down. We can get you your own toys." Blaine said, walking up to his son.

Elliot took a step back, clutching tighter to the toy.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Put it down now."

Elliot growled, dropping the submarine.

"Thank you baby. Now do you want to swim some more?"

Elliot nodded, walking over to Blaine, but not without making a big show of sighing and stomping over to Blaine.

Blaine had to hold back a giggle at his pout as he followed him back into the water.

Elliot's happy mood returned as they swam a little while longer and Kurt got out as he head his phone ringing with a call from Finn.

"Hello?" Kurt answered.

"Hey dude." Finn said happily. "Rache wants to know if we could spend the day with the little man."

"Are you sure?" Kurt chuckled. "He's been a handful lately."

"Really? He's never been over here." Finn said.

"It would be nice to have some quiet time.."

"We'd love to have him." Kurt heard Rachel call.

Kurt smiled. "You want to come pick him up?"

"Well Finn broke his truck. Is it okay if you or Blaine take him?" Rachel asked, taking the phone from Finn.

"Not a problem. We're at the pool right now so we'll get him washed and ready to go."

"Perfect. See him then. Love you, Kurt." Rachel said happily.

"Love you too," Kurt said before hanging up and walking to the edge of the pool. "Hey Elliot. You wanna see Uncle Finn and Aunt Rachel?"

"Yes!" He yelled happily.

Kurt giggled. "Come on. Let's go get ready."

They got him dressed and Blaine decided to take him to keep away from the cat hair. Kurt decided to stay and vacuum to try and keep it under control.

Blaine had just dropped Elliot off and decided to go get some groceries. He reached for his wallet and realized he didn’t have it. He turned around and headed to the apartment to pick it up.

Kurt decided to go take a shower and while he was showering he decided he missed Blaine..He actually really missed Blaine a lot..And he was taking so long to get back. He started thinking of all the things he wanted to do to him..

Blaine got home a few minutes later. He heard the shower running and decided to pop in to see if Kurt needed anything. When he opened the door, the shower curtain was open just enough to see Kurt. On hand was against the wall, his ass pressed back towards Blaine. Blaine looked down to see Kurt’s other hand sliding his blue vibrator in and out of that perfect ass.
"Holy shit.."

"Blaine..Blaine..Oh god..Fuck me..Ah!" Kurt whimpered, throwing his head back as he imagined his husband behind him, thrusting into him with his thick cock.

Blaine swallowed hard. He wanted to watch his husband but damn it had been so long. "Kurt.."

Kurt gasped, dropping the toy and scrambling to pick it up as it buzzed on the shower floor. "B-Blaine!"

Blaine chuckled. "I forgot my wallet..but groceries can wait.." he said, pulling off his shirt.

Kurt smiled as he finally picked up the vibrator and turned it off.

"Tell me what you were thinking about," Blaine said as he reached for the button of his jeans.

Kurt leaned back against the shower wall, giving Blaine those bedroom eyes. "You behind me..Fucking me until I can't stand.." Kurt breathed out, running the tip of the toy up and down his hard cock.

Blaine licked his lips. "Fuck I love watching you.."

"Really.." Kurt smiled.

"Mhm," Blaine hummed as he finished undressing.

"C'mere.." Kurt said, setting the vibrator down.

Blaine stepped into the shower, pushing Kurt against the wall.

Kurt gasped, looking into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine looked to Kurt’s lips. "You're so damn sexy.."

"So are you Blaine.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine pressed their lips together in a heated kiss, grinding his hips onto Kurt's.

Kurt let out a loud moan, kissing Blaine back and rolling his body.

Blaine whimpered. He needed this so badly. He broke the kiss, leaning down to nip at the pale neck.

"Oh god Blaine..I've needed you..Fuck.." Kurt panted, gasping.

Blaine trailed his hands down to Kurt’s hips and pulled back to spin him around. He gave Kurt’s ass a loud smack. "Mmm, you need me baby?"

"Y-Yes!" Kurt cried.

Blaine ran a finger teasingly down Kurt's ass and slid over his hole.

"Blaine..Please..I need you.." Kurt whimpered.

Blaine grinned sinking his teeth into Kurt's neck as he lined himself up.

Kurt gasped, pushing his ass back against Blaine.

Blaine slowly pushed in, groaning as the tight heat surrounded him.

"Oh fuck..Blaine.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine pressed in to the hilt, his head falling onto Kurt’s shoulder. "Holy shit.."

"F-Fuck me.." Kurt panted.

Blaine gripped Kurt’s hips, pulling out before slamming into him.

Kurt practically screamed, his hands opening and closing on the tile as he searched for something to grab.

"Kurt!" Blaine moaned, finding a steady pace.

Kurt whined loudly, pushing back to meet Blaine's thrusts. "Yes..Yes! Oh god.."

"That's right baby..scream for me.." Blaine breathed out, smacking Kurt’s ass.

Kurt breathed in sharply before screaming Blaine's name. It had been so long since he was able to.

Blaine whined as he sped up. Fuck it had been way too long since he had heard and felt this.

"Fuck! God..Blaine! You're so amazing!" Kurt groaned, letting his head fall back onto Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine kissed up and down Kurt's neck. "Shit baby you're so hot.."

"Ungh..S-So are you..Oh..Ah!" Kurt moaned.

Blaine groaned as he fucked up into his husband.

Kurt's body jumped with the force of Blaine's thrusts as he felt himself getting closer.

"Baby..oh feel so good.."

"S-So do you Blaine..A-Ah..Oh fuck! So big.." Kurt gasped.

Blaine reached around, pumping Kurt with his thrusts. "I'm close baby.."

"M-Me too!.." Kurt whimpered, arching his back as he cried out.

Blaine clutched to Kurt's tattooed hips, his thrusts becoming erratic as he creeped toward the edge.

Kurt reached back, grabbing Blaine's hair and pulling hard as he came, screaming his lover's name.

Blaine whined loudly as he came, head resting on Kurt's shoulder and panting harshly.

Kurt smiled as they slowed down, letting the warm water shower over them.

"I love you.."

"I love you too.."

Blaine kissed his husband softly, reaching down to grab a washcloth and washing Kurt.

They spent the day relaxing and lounging around the house, in next to nothing. Later that day, they were lying on the couch, kissing softly when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Blaine answered.

"Hey, Elliot's getting fussy and is asking for you guys." Finn said.

"Alright. I’ll be there soon."

Finn said goodbye before Kurt sighed, resting his head on Blaine's bare chest.

"I gotta get dresses baby.." Blaine said quietly.

"I know.." Kurt sighed. "But I'm comfortable.."

Blaine giggled. "Me too."

Kurt grinned, kissing the center of Blaine's chest.

Blaine sighed. "You want to come?"

"Yeah.." Kurt smiled, sitting up and stretching.

They got dressed and headed to Finn's.

They got Elliot, saying goodbye to Finn and Rachel before walking out to the car. "You hungry Elliot?" Kurt asked.

"No!" Elliot said loudly.

"No sir." Blaine corrected.

"Did you eat?" Kurt asked.

"No sir."

"You don't want dinner?.." Kurt asked.

Elliot shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I don't know."

Kurt sighed, looking over at Blaine.

"What's wrong, Elliot?" Blaine asked.

"I don't wanna, okay?" the two year old said with more attitude than Kurt and Blaine had ever seen in him.

"Elliot." Kurt said in a lightly scolding tone.


"Don't use that tone with us."

Elliot sighed, his tone going softer. "I don't wanna eat daddy."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked softly.

Elliot nodded, looking out the window.

Kurt looked over at Blaine, sighing softly.

Blaine bit his lip. What was going on with his son?

When they got home, Kurt gave him a bath and let him watch cartoons in the living room while he made he and Blaine's dinner. "Is he okay?"

"I don't know..That's two nights in a row.." Blaine said quietly.

"Should we..Schedule a doctor's appointment?.." Kurt asked softly.

"I think so," Blaine said, holding back a sneeze.

"And we need to figure out what to do with that cat.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine groaned. "He loves her."

"And I love you and it's making you sick.." Kurt said, sighing.

"Daddy. Can I have food? For McQueen?" Elliot asked.

Blaine nodded, getting up and pouring a small bowl of milk.

"Thank you." Elliot said, carefully carrying the bowl to the office.

Blaine smiled. "He's so sweet."

"He is.." Kurt smiled, plating their food.

"Elliot!" Blaine called after his son.

Elliot toddled out of the room and into the kitchen, looking up at Blaine expectantly.

"You wanna sit with your daddies while we eat?" Blaine asked.

Elliot nodded, climbing into the chair.

"What did you to at Uncle Finn's house?"

"We play football and Aunt Rachel sang songs with me."

"You like when she sings?" Kurt asked.

"She make funny faces." Elliot giggled, playing with the salt shaker.

Blaine chuckled. "Yes she does."

"I wanna sing." Elliot grinned before starting to sing. "Ol' McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I Ohhh."

The two fathers grinned as they listened to their little boy.

Elliot sang through that and his parents clapped for him, smiling wide.

"Did I do good daddy?"

"You did perfectly." Blaine grinned.

Elliot giggled. "Thank you!"

After dinner Kurt tool the plates and asked Blaine to get Elliot ready for bed.
"No Daddy! No bed!"

"Yes baby. It's time for bed," Blaine said softly.

"No!" Elliot said, stomping his little foot.

"Hey! What did we tell you about talking back?"

Elliot shook his head, running into the living room.

Blaine sighed. "Elliot. Get back here now."


Blaine walked into the living room and looked down at his son. "It's time for bed."

Elliot ran past Blaine again. "Don't wanna!"

Blaine followed after him, finally catching him and picking him up. "You are too much, kid."

"No!" He screamed, trying to push himself away from Blaine.

"What is wrong with you?"

"No bed!!"

"You have to baby." Blaine said softly.

"No!!" He yelled, pushing at Blaine's face.

Blaine groaned, grabbing his little hands. "Stop it!"

Elliot growled, wiggling to escape Blaine's arms.

"Damn it, Elliot. Why are you doing this?"

"NO BED!!" Elliot shrieked.

"It's late. You're going to bed. End of story." Blaine said, heading to Elliot’s room.

Elliot pushed at Blaine as he set him in the bed and Kurt sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair as he watched.

"Elliot Cameron!"

Elliot whined, kicking at the blankets and stuffed animals.

Blaine sighed. "I'll lay with you if you want."

"No! No no no no NO!!"

"Why won't you go to bed?" Blaine asked.

"Not tired!"

"You need to go to bed Elliot.." Kurt said from the doorway.

"You have to be tired. You went swimming and played football."

"No!" He yelled again, throwing a stuffed animal across the room.

Blaine sighed, taking all of the toys from the bed and setting them on the floor.

Elliot groaned, trying to push Kurt away as he sat on the bed. "No!"

Blaine looked down as his son kicked Kurt's side. He slapped his leg just enough for Elliot to know not to do that. "You do not kick your daddy!"

Elliot buried his face in the pillow, whining loudly.

"Whining won't get you anywhere." Kurt said.

Elliot stopped moving as his little hands gripped the pillow and he let out a short, sharp scream into the fabric.

Blaine shook his head. "Come on." he said to Kurt as he got up.

Kurt leaned down to kiss Elliot's head when the two-and-a-half year old reached up, grabbing Kurt's hair and pulling it hard. "God dammit Elliot! Ow! Let go!"

Blaine turned back, getting Kurt free from their son's hand. He turned the little boy over and gave him a couple spankings.

Elliot shrieked, pulling the covers over his head and crying loudly.

"That's what bad boys get. I don't want to hurt you baby. But you have to listen to us. And if you keep being bad, you'll keep getting spanked." Blaine said, his voice soft yet firm.

Elliot said nothing as he curled up in the bed, continuing to cry.

Blaine leaned down, kissing his forehead. "I love you.."

Elliot looked up at Blaine, hazel eyes filled with tears as his bottom lip quivered.

Blaine sighed, laying down next to his son. "I hate doing that baby..But we need you to be a good boy. Do you know what good boys get?"

"What?.." Elliot sniffed.

"They get ice break cream, cookies, going to the park. They have fun. Naughty boys have to stay in their room alone. You don't want that, do you?"

"N-No.." Elliot said as Kurt sat down on the other side of his bed.

"We don't want that either. We want you to have fun and play. But you have to be good.." Blaine said softly.

"Sorry, Daddies.." Elliot whispered.

Kurt wiped the curls away from Elliot’s eyes. "It's okay beautiful. Want to sleep with us tonight?"

Elliot nodded, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and hugging him softly.

"I love you sweetheart," Kurt whispered.

"I love you too Daddy.." Elliot said, sniffing.

Blaine smiled, picking him up and they headed to their room.

"Can McQueen sleep with us daddy?" Elliot asked.

"Not tonight sweetie.." Kurt said softly." McQueen still needs to rest.."

"But he can rest with us.."

"Not tonight.." Kurt said finally, kissing his head as they all lied in the bed.

Elliot sighed. "Okay."

They all lied down together, Elliot cuddled up between them.

Blaine kissed them both. "I love you two so much."

"We love you too.."

"Love you too Daddy!"

Blaine smiled. "Good night."

"Night night.." Elliot said, smiling as they all fell asleep.


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