Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Kurt hurried over, looking down at his son. "What is it baby?"
"No. Other Daddy." Elliot pouted.
"Daddy Blaine is at work sweetie.." Kurt sighed picking him up.
"No! Daddy!" Elliot groaned.
Kurt tried bringing his son to his chest. "What do you want baby?"
"He's at work, Elliot.."
Elliot growled, wiggling in Kurt's arms before his father sighed. "Do you want to listen to Daddy's records?"
"Why not?" Kurt asked, trying to soothe him by running a hand through his hair.
"I jut want daddy!" Elliot said, pouting his lips.
Kurt sighed, holding Elliot close and going to sit on the couch. "Baby..Daddy isn't here..okay?..He'll be here at four.."
Elliot wriggled out of Kurt’s arms and scurried over to the other side of the couch.
Kurt held back a frustrated groan, his head falling back on the couch. "Elliot.."
Elliot didn't say anything. He just looked over at Kurt.
"Come here."
Elliot sighed, scooting over to his father.
"Thank you.." Kurt said. "Now what do you need from Daddy Blaine?"
"Just daddy.."
"You miss him?.." Kurt asked softy.
Elliot nodded as he looked down.
"C'mere.." Kurt said, pulling him into his lap. "I miss him too.."
"Why does he always work?"
"He works at school. He's a teacher. He has to be there for the other kids.." Kurt explained.
"B-But he's my daddy.." Elliot whispered.
"I know baby..But at school he's the other kids' teacher..He helps them learn about music. It's his job." Kurt said softly.
Elliot just nodded, cuddling up to Kurt. "I miss him..He's silly.."
"Silly?.." Kurt asked.
"When he with me. Now he never home."
"You know what? When you turn five, you'll get to go see him every day.." Kurt smiled.
Elliot perked up. "Really?"
"Yup." Kurt smiled.
Elliot relaxed as he cuddled with Kurt.
"I love you Elliot." Kurt said, kissing the top of his head.
Elliot giggled. "Love you daddy."
Kurt grinned, "How about we make some cookies for daddy when he gets home?.."
"Come on my little man.." Kurt grinned, picking him up as he stood.
Elliot squealed as Kurt carried him. He loved baking with his daddy.
"What kind of cookies do you wanna make?" Kurt asked.
Peanut butter and CHOCOLATE!" Elliot said excitedly as Kurt set him on the counter.
Kurt giggled. "Sounds good." He smiled as he got out the supplies.
Elliot smiled as he watched. "think daddy will like them?"
"I think he'll love them." Kurt said, kissing his nose.
The two-year-old blushed as he looked down, reminding Kurt of his husband.
Kurt smiled softly, hugging him. "Come on, let's get started."
Elliot helped his dad put the batter together as he hummed.
Kurt smiled down at Elliot as the little boy sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to himself.
Elliot glanced up, grinning when Kurt turned away for a moment. He reached into the bowl and grabbed a little of the cookie dough and popped it into his mouth.
Kurt turned back and laughed as he saw Elliot reaching back for more. "What are you doing?" Kurt chuckled, grabbing his hand and kissing it.
"Nothing," Elliot giggled.
"Mhmm." Kurt smiled, grabbing the cookie sheet.
"It's good daddy." Elliot smiled.
"It is, but it'll be better as cookies."
Elliot nodded as Kurt went to put them in the oven. "Careful daddy. That's hot!"
"It is hot!" Kurt smiled, slipping into the oven and closing it.
"What do we do now?" Elliot asked.
"We wait." Kurt said, picking Elliot up.
"Daddy?" Elliot said.
"Yes sweetie?.." Kurt asked.
Elliot looked up at his father and gave him that innocent look that he learned Kurt couldn’t resist. "Can we go swimming tomorrow?"
Kurt grinned tomorrow was Saturday. "Okay.."
Elliot threw his arms around Kurt. "Thank you daddy!"
"You're welcome sweetheart." Kurt said softly.
Elliot ran off to his room and grabbed his toy keyboard before lugging it to the living room. "I'm gonna play a real one someday."
"Really?" Kurt grinned.
"Just like daddy," Elliot smiled.
Kurt giggled as Elliot tapped on the keys randomly.
"Do you like it?" the little boy smiled.
"It's beautiful." Kurt said, sitting down on the floor next to him.
"You want to play?"
Kurt nodded, playing the first few notes of Defying Gravity.
Elliot smiled at the familiar tune. "Will you sing?"
"You want me to?" Kurt asked softly.
Elliot nodded as he watched Kurt play.
Kurt smiled, continuing to play as he began to sing.
"I'm through accepting limits, 'cause someone says they're so. Some things I cannot change, but 'till I try I'll never know.."
Elliot settled himself in Kurt’s lap, snuggling up to him as he listened.
"Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost.." Kurt sang quietly.
Elliot smiled, singing the next line, the only words he knew of the song.
"I think I'll try defying gravity." Elliot sang.
"That's so good Elliot.." Kurt smiled.
Elliot blushed. "Thank you daddy."
Kurt smiled, kissing his forehead as Elliot patted the keys. They took the cookies out later and Kurt looked down at his son.
"Why don't we go to the park while these cool?.."
"Yeah!" Elliot said, jumping excitedly.
Kurt smiled," go get your snow boots and coat."
Elliot ran off to his room, pulling his boots on and grabbing his coat. "Ready!"
Kurt smiled, putting on his coat and scarf before picking him up. "Let's go.."
"Will you push me on the swing?" Elliot asked when they got there.
"Of course." Kurt said glad there was only a light dusting of snow on the ground.
Elliot grinned as Kurt set him on the swing.
"You ready?.." Kurt smiled, pulling him back a bit.
"Yeah!" Elliot said, squealing as Kurt let go.
Kurt continued to push Elliot, helping him down as he told Kurt he wanted to slide. When Elliot got there, he got a confused look on his face before walking under the slide.
"Elliot?" Kurt called, walking over.
Elliot emerged, holding a small bundle of black, white, and gray fur.
"Look daddy! He's like a little tiger!" Elliot smiled, petting the Bengal kitten in his arms.
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Is that a cat?"
Elliot nodded, holding the kitten close. "Can I keep him daddy? Please? Look, he's so cold.."
"Let me see him.." Kurt said, taking the shivering ball of fur from him.
She purred quietly, nuzzling against Kurt’s neck.
"She likes you!" Elliot grinned.
Kurt smiled lightly at the skinny shivering kitten in his arms. "You need a home huh?.."
"Can we keep him?" Elliot asked.
Kurt sighed, looking down at Elliot. "I don't know.."
"Daddy he needs us.."
Kurt bit his lip. "Okay.."
Elliot bounced happily. "Thank you daddy!"
Kurt smiled, "Come on. Let's get him home..."
Elliot rambled on and on about the kitten until they got home. "Can we call him..McQueen? That's your favorite, right daddy?"
"That's right baby..We can name him that." Kurt grinned as they walked inside.
Elliot smiled. "She's so pretty.'
"Okay, we need to find out if it's a boy or girl first.." Kurt giggled.
"How?" Elliot asked.
Kurt picked the cat up and examined her closely. "Well..She has three colors, so she's a girl." He smiled.
Elliot looked up at Kurt. "You can tell by the colors?"
"If cats have more than three colors they're girls. Kurt smiled. "So let's set up a bed for Miss McQueen."
Elliot nodded as he took her back.
Kurt set up a small pile of blankets and laid the weak little kitten in them, wrapping her up before heating up a small bowl of milk.
Elliot laid down next to her and petted her softly.
The kitten slowly crawled over to the milk, starting to drink it slowly as Kurt sat down next to them.
"How long until Daddy comes home?"
"He should be here any minute.." Kurt said.
Elliot smiled wide. He couldn't wait to show Blaine his new friend.
"So are you gonna help us take care of him?" Kurt asked.
"Everyday," Elliot said happily.
"Good.." Kurt smiled, standing and going to put the cookies on a plate.
Blaine came home a few minutes later and Elliot ran to the door. "Daddy!"
"Hey!" Blaine grinned, picking Elliot up and kissing his cheeks.
"We made cookies for you and I have something to show you!" Elliot grinned, wrapping his arms around Blaine.
"What's that?" Blaine smiled.
Elliot told Blaine where to go and pointed to the little kitten on the floor.
"Oh..A-A cat?" Blaine asked, looking at the animal on the floor.
"Yes!" Elliot said happily.
"Wow!.." Blaine said, feigning enthusiasm. God, he could already feel his eyes starting to itch.
"Isn't she pretty?"
"Gorgeous.." Blaine said as he Set Elliot down.
Kurt came into the living room. "Hey baby."
"Hey.." Blaine said, walking over to his husband before speaking in a hushed voice. "You didn't tell me you were getting a cat.."
"We found her at the park. She was so cold and skinny. Elliot found her. Is something wrong?" Kurt asked.
"I..Ugh..I never told you..But..I'm..I'm really allergic to cats.." Blaine sighed.
Kurt’s eyes went wide. "Oh god..I'm going to have to take the cat away. He's going to be so upset. I'll tell him..We'll find somewhere for her to go. You can stay in the bedroom while I clean..Oh god. I'm so sorry, Blaine.." Kurt said in a frantic rush.
"No, no..Nononono..Kurt. Stop." Blaine said hushing him.
"B-But you'll get sick.."
"But Elliot's so happy with her..It's fine..I just sneeze a little and it kind of irritates my eyes. I'll be okay..Just..Let Elliot have her." Blaine said.
"Blaine..you'll be miserable at home," Kurt said seriously.
"I'll be happy as long as he is.." Blaine said softly.
Kurt frowned. "Are you sure?"
Kurt sighed, looking down at their son.
"Look Daddies! Walk!" Elliot grinned, patting his lap and smiling as McQueen started to walk towards him.
Blaine smiled. "That’s great baby."
"You love her?" Elliot smiled.
"Not as much as I love you," Blaine said.
Kurt wrapped his arms around his husband. "You should've seen him earlier. He brought out his little keyboard and said he was going to be just like you."
"You did?" Blaine smiled.
"Just like you, Daddy." Elliot smiled, picking up the kitten.
"He's so adorable.." Kurt whispered.
"He is..” Blaine smiled.
"Wanna hold the kitty?" Elliot asked Blaine.
"Oh. Oh no sweetheart..I'm okay." Blaine said softly.
"Did you have a cookie? We made them for you."
"I'd love one.." Blaine smiled.
Kurt went back to the kitchen and brought back a cookie for Blaine and Elliot.
"Thank you.." Blaine smiled, taking a bite. "Ohmygod..These are amazing."
"You like them?" Elliot grinned.
"They're delicious." Blaine smiled.
Elliot set McQueen down and walked over to Blaine and held his arms up.
Blaine bit his lip, seeing that Elliot was covered in cat hair, but bent down, picking him up anyway.
"Baby you're going to be sick.."
"I'm fine.." Blaine said, waving Kurt off as he kissed Elliot's cheek.
Kurt sighed. "Alright."
"What did you and daddy do today?.."
"Hmm we played the piano and daddy pushed me on the swing. Oh! He's taking me swimming tomorrow! Will you come daddy? Pleeeaaassseee?"
"Of course I will.." Blaine smiled.
"I missed you," Elliot said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck
"I missed you too.." Blaine smiled before turning his head to sneeze.
"Bless you!" Elliot giggled.
"Thanks.." Blaine sighed, sniffing before sneezing again.
"Blaine." Kurt groaned.
"I'm fine." Blaine sniffed.
"You're ridiculous." Kurt sighed.
"Because I want to hold our son?" Blaine giggled.
"No. That you're making yourself sick."
"I'll be okay.." Blaine sighed.
Kurt just shook his head as he walked over to the couch.
"Daddy's sick?.." Elliot asked.
"No," Blaine said at the same time Kurt said, "Yes."
Elliot raised a little eyebrow, reminding Blaine of Kurt. "Huh?"
"Daddy is fine," Blaine said before turning his head to sneeze again.
"You're sick.." Elliot said.
"I'll be okay baby," Blaine said softly.
Elliot pouted. "Why are you sick?"
Blaine didn't want to hurt his son so he lied. "Sometimes people just get sick.."
"I help you get better.." Elliot smiled.
"Thank you," Blaine said, kissing Elliot’s cheek. "What do you want to do tonight?"
Blaine grinned. "Which one first?"
"Sleepy Beauty." Elliot said.
Blaine carried him to his room and settled down after grabbing the book.
"Can I turn the pages?" Elliot asked, sitting in Blaine's lap.
"Of course you can baby," Blaine said softly and started reading.
Elliot listened carefully, turning the pages when Blaine told him to.
Blaine changed his voice with each character, making his son giggle.
"You good at stories Daddy."
"Thank you, Elliot," Blaine smiled.
"You're welcome."
Blaine kissed his chestnut curls and got back to reading.
Before the end of the book Dylan was bouncing in Blaine's lap, pointing to the pictures as Blaine read.
Blaine held back a chuckle as he got closer to the end.
"Does he save her?!" Elliot asked, even though he'd heard this story hundreds of times.
"You'll see sweetie, Blaine said before continuing.
Kurt smiled as he leaned against the doorway, watching his family.
Blaine smiled at his husband as he read the part with the kiss.
Elliot looked at the pages with wonder and smiled as Blaine finished. "Daddy?.."
"Yes baby?"
"Will you tell a story with two princes?..Like you and Daddy?.." Elliot asked, rubbing his little palms over the prince on the cover.
Blaine smiled softly. "I can make one up if you want."
Elliot nodded, grinning.
Blaine held their son close. "The once was a young boy named Ethan. He was sixteen and went to a private school. He was handsome young man and was the head of the school's choir." Blaine started, looking up and winking at Kurt.
Kurt smiled along with Elliot. "And?" The child asked.
"Well. He was getting ready to perform one of his favorite songs at the school. He was heading down the staircase when another young man stopped him. Ethan turned around and saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen. His mouth dropped slightly as he took in the other boy's appearance. ‘Excuse me. Umm, hi. Can I ask you a question? I'm new here,’ the boy said. Ethan stuck out his hand and introduced himself. The gorgeous boy shook Ethan's hand, ‘Aiden.’ he said before asking what was going on. Ethan simply explained that the choir group was giving a performance. They were kind of like rock stars at the school."
Elliot smiled wide. "Rock stars?!"
"Yes," Blaine chuckled. "The students loved watching them. Ethan grabbed the boy's hand and took him on a short cut to the senior commons. He led Aiden to the crowd and stepped into place with the other singers."
Elliot bounced a bit, excited about where this was going.
"But Ethan could be a little clueless. He sang with the others, looking at the new kid through most of the flirty song. What he didn't know was that it was the start of something he had never imagined." Blaine continued. "They started hanging out more and more. Learning more about each other. They even knew each other's coffee order. Well one day..it was close to valentine’s day. And remember how clueless I said Ethan was?"
Elliot nodded, looking up at his daddy.
"Well he planned for the Warblers, including Aiden, to go sing to another guy. An older guy that he thought he liked. Aiden had a huge crush on Ethan," Blaine said, smiling wide.
"But Ethan didn't like him?" Elliot asked.
"He did. But he didn't know it yet. He thought he had liked the boy they were singing to. But after that, Ethan was turned down."
"Oh no!"
Blaine nodded. "Yup. Then Aiden confronted him though. He told Ethan how he felt. But Ethan still didn't understand his own feelings. They continued hanging out though. They were best friends."
"But love.." Elliot sighed.
"I know. Ethan couldn't see what was right in front of him. The two boys were at a meeting with the Warblers when Aiden had told everyone about Pavarotti. That was his bird. He had passed away. So Aiden sang a song. You remember the song Blackbird that Daddy likes?" Blaine asked.
"Black bird." He smiled, clapping.
"Yes baby," Blaine smiled. "Aiden sang it for everyone. And in that moment Ethan saw it. It was like seeing him for the first time. Everything in that moment changed." he said, looking at his husband.
Kurt smiled, looking down and blushing.
"Afterwards, Aiden was decorating Pavarotti's casket and Ethan found him. You see, Ethan had asked Aiden to do a duet with him for a competition. And Aiden wanted to know why. Ethan looked up at the beautiful, pale boy in front of him and said 'Aiden, there is a moment...when you say to yourself, 'Oh. There you are. I've been looking for you forever.' Watching you do Blackbird this week..that was a moment for me...about you. You move me, Aiden. And doing this duet with you would be just another excuse to spend more time with you.' and do you know what he did then?" Blaine asked his son.
"That's right," Blaine grinned. "Ethan leaned in and kissed Kurt...I-I mean Aiden.."
Blaine giggled. "Yes daddy."
Elliot giggled. "Good story.."
"Very good story," Blaine agreed.
Kurt smiled, leaning over to kiss Blaine softly.
"Kiss!" Elliot squealed.
Blaine chuckled, kissing his husband again.
Kurt kissed Blaine back, smiling to himself as he sighed softly.
"And still the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Blaine whispered.
Kurt smiled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Daddy why you crying?" Elliot asked as he walked over to Kurt’s lap.
"I'm happy.." Kurt said softly.
"I love you daddy.."
"I love you too sweetie.." Kurt said, kissing his head.
"You too Daddy. Come here," Elliot smiled, holding his hand out.
Kurt grabbed Elliot's hand.
"No," Elliot giggled from Kurt’s lap. "Daddy!"
Blaine chuckled, scooting closer.
Elliot wrapped his arms around Blaine, giving his cheek a sloppy wet kiss.
Blaine smiled. "Thank you." He chuckled.
"Welcome daddy."
"Come on, it's time to get you a bath." Kurt said, picking Elliot up.
"No!" Elliot protested.
"For me baby?" Blaine asked.
"No! No bath!" Elliot groaned.
"Please baby."
Elliot growled, making himself go limp in Kurt's arms.
"It won’t take long." Kurt said.
"Don't wanna."
"Why?" Blaine asked.
"I wanna play!" Elliot sighed dramatically.
"We can play after."
Blaine groaned. "Elliot."
Elliot mumbled under his breath as Kurt stood.
"Come on." Blaine said sternly.
"But Daaddyyy.."
"If you let me give you a bath, show you how to play on the big keyboard," Blaine smiled.
Elliot perked up, grinning. "Okay!"
Blaine chuckled, getting up and starting a bubble bath.
Kurt carried Elliot to the bath while he bounced in his father's arms.
"I like the keyboard," Elliot grinned.
"I know you do sweetheart." Kurt smiled.
Elliot hugged Kurt before being set in the tub.
"Bubbles!" He squealed.
"I'm gonna go get started on dinner." Kurt said as Blaine started to wash him.
"Okay baby," Blaine smiled.
Kurt leaned down, kissing him softly. "I love you.."
"I love you too, my prince."
Kurt grinned, kissing him again before going to the kitchen.
"Daddy said when I'm five,I can go to work with you," Elliot said as he splashed around.
"That's right. But you'll only see me for a little while." Blaine said.
"Because I'll only be your music teacher, not your regular teacher." Blaine said softly.
"But I want you to be my teacher," Elliot said, a small pout on his lips.
"I'll be your music teacher." Blaine said.
"All day daddy.."
"I know..I wish I was your teacher too..But all of the kindergarten teachers are really nice. You'll love them." Blaine said softly.
"I love you.." Elliot said quietly.
"I love you too, Elliot." Blaine said, looking down at his son.
"Are you and daddy really princes?"
"No, not really.." Blaine chuckled.
Elliot frowned. "Okay.."
"But Daddy Kurt is." Blaine said smiling.
"Really?!" the little boy asked.
"Really." Blaine said. "But don't tell him I told you. It's a secret."
Elliot put a finger over his lips. "Secret."
"That's right." Blaine giggled as he started to wash his curls.
"Does that mean I'll be one?" Elliot asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, it does." Blaine whispered back.
Elliot grinned. "That means I'm extra special."
"Yes you are." Blaine said, kissing his forehead. "My extra special boy."
Elliot giggled, bringing one of his action figures out of the water. "Aaahhh! He's gonna get you daddy!"
"Oh no! Don't let him get me!" Blaine said, pretending to be afraid.
Elliot stood up, crouching down before jumping into his father and getting him all wet.
"Elliot!" Blaine said, unable to hold back a small laugh.
Elliot laughed loudly, wriggling out of Blaine's grip and running out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Hey daddy!" he giggled, turning around and wiggling his little behind when Kurt looked at him. "Look what I can do!"
"What are you doing?" Kurt laughed as Blaine jogged in behind Elliot.
"Shaking my booty!" Elliot said before giving a shrill laugh and running between Blaine's legs.
"Elliot!" Blaine chuckled, trying to grab his son.
"Can't catch me!" the little boy giggled as he ran.
"Yes I can!" Blaine laughed, scooping Elliot up.
"Ahhh! Daddy!" Elliot screamed as Blaine blew a raspberry on his stomach. "That tickles!"
"C'mon. Let's finish your bath."
"I'm cleeeeaaannn daddy!"
"Well we have to dry you then, wiggle worm." Blaine smiled, carrying him to the bathroom.
"Wiggle worm," Elliot giggled.
"Yes." Blaine smiled, setting him down and drying him with his favorite towel. The one with the little dinosaur hood attached.
"RAWR," The little boy growled.
"Scary!" Blaine smiled as he picked him up.
Elliot smiled, resting his little head on Blaine's shoulder.
"Dinner's ready whenever you are!" Kurt called from the kitchen.
They all took their places at the table and Elliot pushed his plate away.
"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, looking over at Elliot.
"Don’t want it."
"You love spaghetti." Blaine said.
"No." Elliot said, shaking his head.
"Elliot, eat your dinner, I'm not making anything else." Kurt said, looking at their son.
Elliot crossed his arms, refusing to eat.
Kurt looked over at Blaine, raising an eyebrow.
Blaine sighed. "Elliot. Eat or you're going straight to bed."
Elliot got a tiny smirk and pushed his plate onto the floor.
"Elliot!" Kurt scolded loudly.
The two-year-old just glared at his father.
Kurt stood, going to grab his son to spank him but he jumped down from the chair.
Blaine got up and cornered his son. He picked him up and looked into his eyes. "Do not talk to your father that way."
Elliot kicked at Blaine struggling to get free. "No!!"
"Elliot! If you don’t stop, you will get whooped. Do you want that?" Blaine said.
Elliot said nothing as he continued to grunt, slapping at Blaine's arms. "Let go!"
Blaine bent his son over and spanked him once.
Elliot scrambled away from Blaine and looked up at him with those big hazel eyes that were rapidly filling with tears. He started to cry loudly before running away from his parents and into his room.
Blaine dropped to the floor, his heart feeling like it was ripping apart as his son's face filled his mind.
Kurt looked down at Blaine before kneeling next to him. "It's okay Blaine.."
Blaine just shook his head. "Go check on him."
Kurt sighed, nodding and walking back into Elliot's room. "Elliot?.." Kurt asked quietly.
He didn't respond. The little boy just sniffled from where he was curled up on the opposite side of his bed.
Kurt sat down next to Elliot. "You know Daddy and I never want to hurt you.."
Elliot shook his head as he stared at the floor.
"Come here.." Kurt said quietly.
Elliot crawled into Kurt’s lap, burying his face in his father's chest.
Kurt rubbed up and down Elliot's back, sighing softly. "Baby..When Daddy and I tell you to do something you need to listen to us.." He said.
Elliot nodded. "I'm sorry.."
"It's okay baby boy..Now go apologize to Daddy Blaine.." Kurt said softly.
Elliot got up and slowly walled back to the kitchen. "Daddy..?"
Blaine was on his knees, cleaning the spilled spaghetti off of the floor when he looked up, seeing Elliot. "Yes?"
"I sorry daddy.." Elliot whispered, on the verge of tears again.
"Come here.." Blaine said quietly.
Elliot bit his lip as he walked closer.
Blaine held out his hand to Elliot, looking into his eyes.
Elliot took his hand. "D-Do you still...love me, daddy?"
"Of course I still love you..I'll always love you..No matter what.." Blaine whispered, sitting back on his haunches and pulling Elliot into his lap.
"I'm sorry daddy..I listen now.." Elliot said, clinging to Blaine.
"It's okay..It's okay baby.." Blaine said softly, kissing his curls as he held him close.
Elliot nodded. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Blaine said. "I'm sorry if I scared you, Elliot..I never want to hurt you.."
"I know," Elliot whispered.
Blaine nodded, resting his lips in Elliot's hair and sighing softly.
"Hey daddy..?"
"Will you play the piano for me..?"
"Of course.." Blaine smiled.
Elliot hugged his father tightly.
Blaine hugged him back before Elliot helped him clean and the small family gathered in the living room.
Elliot looked up at Blaine. "Can you play the Bella song?" he asked, referring to Bella's lullaby from Twilight and causing Kurt to roll his eyes playfully.
Blaine nodded, smiling wide as he pulled him into his lap on the piano stool and began to play softly.
Elliot nuzzled against Blaine, closing his eyes and humming.
Blaine looked over at Kurt, smiling as he played.
Kurt couldn't help but smile back. He loved listening to Blaine play.
Blaine looked back down as he played the beautiful song. He knew Kurt had a weakness for piano. Truth be told it was his favorite thing to play.
Elliot gave a small yawn as he cuddled himself in Blaine's lap.
Blaine gave a small smile as he played a bit softer, looking down at his son.
Kurt walked over and started to massage Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine looked up at Kurt before turning his head to kiss his knuckles softly. he played for a little while longer before tapping out the last notes.
"Is he sleeping?" Kurt whispered.
"Yeah.."Blaine whispered, picking him up.
Kurt kissed his forehead softly. "Goodnight my sweet angel."
AWWWWW that was adorable!!! only thing i got confused on was when eliot said he wanted to swim but they went to the park and there was snow... and also the character change from when elite is reading to the line: "Before the end of the book Dylan was bouncing in Blaine's lap, pointing to the pictures as Blaine read." just thought i'd let you know!!
Oh my. I didn't notice that. Thank you. And they went to an indoor pool in the apartment complex