Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
"Hey..Why are you up?" He asked, getting some water.
"He keeps kicking. I think he's getting impatient," Jessica giggled.
Kurt just smiled, placing a hand on her tummy. Jessica groaned as Kurt felt Elliot kick. "He's been doing that every night.."
"Do you think he's getting close?" Kurt asked.
"He better be. I'm huge! My doctor said it should be in about two weeks."
"You look beautiful." Kurt said sincerely, kissing Jessica's forehead.
"Thank you," she smiled. "So are you both going to be daddy? Or what?"
"We haven't talked about it. We're just going to let him come up with his own names for us." Kurt said.
Jessica nodded. "I want a hot bath so bad.."
Kurt nodded, sighing softly. "Well, after everything, I'll be sure to take you to the spa.."
"You're amazing," she sighed. They stayed down there for a while and Kurt kissed her cheek before turning to go back to bed. He started down the hallway and walked into the bedroom when he heard a groan from the kitchen. "Kurt?!" Jessica called. Kurt ran back to her. "What's wrong?" he asked quickly.
Jessica had one hand braced on the table and the other on her stomach. "I think he's tired of waiting.."
Kurt felt like his eyes were going to pop out if his head. "Are you having contractions?"
"Mhmm.." She said, her eyes squeezing shut.
Kurt pulled out a chair. "Sit down and try to relax. I'm going to get Blaine and pack a bag.."
"Will you call Jeremy? Just to let him know?" Jessica asked as She sat down. Jeremy took the boys and went to go visit his parents for a few days.
"Yeah," Kurt said, running upstairs to get Blaine. "Baby..Blaine, wake up.."
"Hmm? What?" Blaine said groggily.
"Jessica is having contractions. We have to go to the hospital.." Kurt said quickly, packing a bag as he dialed Jeremy’s number.
"I thought we had another week?" Blaine said, jumping up anyways.
"Yeah but she's feeling it now," Kurt said. "Ugh..come on..Pick up the phone.."
"Hello?" Jeremy said tiredly.
"Jeremy! It's Kurt! Jessica is having contractions. We're heading to the hospital now.."
"Oh god..I-I thought it wasn't for more than a week?"
"Yeah I know. It could be a false alarm. It happens all the time. But we're going just in case," Kurt said as he finished packing.
"Alright, call me with an update later and tell Jess I love her." Jeremy said softly.
"I will," Kurt said before hanging up. They got in the car and quickly drove to the hospital.
Blaine sat in the back seat with Jessica who was squeezing his hand. "Blaine..This is it..He's coming...It's not a false alarm.." She panted."
"I-It's okay..Fuck..I'm freaking out..You can do this. We're almost there.."
"Hey..I've done this three times..I'm gonna be okay, and so is he.." She breathed out.
Blaine nodded. "It's just so fast..You sure this is it?"
"Positive." She gasped, squeezing his hand.
Blaine rested his free hand on her belly, his eyes wide with amazement. Elliot was moving like crazy. There was no doubt he was coming. Blaine leaned down, pressing his lips to Jessica's stomach before starting to sing.
"I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."
Jessica smiled, petting Blaine's curls softly as he sang to his son. Blaine continued to sing as he rubbed her belly. When he finished, he pressed another kiss and smiled. "Just a few more hours, Elliot..I can't wait to meet you. We love you so much, baby boy..." A tear fell from Kurt's eye as he drove. Blaine was going to make such an amazing father to Elliot.. They got there a few minutes later, getting a wheelchair for Jessica and getting her checked it. A bit later, they were in the room, Jessica laying back in the bed while Kurt and Blaine sat on either side of her, holding her hands. "How are you feeling?" Kurt asked Jessica.
"Like I'm about to have a baby." She chuckled breathily.
Blaine took a shaky breath, tightening his grip on her hand.
"It’s gonna be okay Blaine.." She said softly.
"H-He's so early. What i-if s-something is w-wrong..?"
"Do you want me to go get the doctor?" Kurt asked.
"I'll go with you..If that's okay.." Blaine said, looking at Jessica.
Jessica nodded and Kurt and Blaine walked out into the hall, seeing the doctor writing something down.
Blaine grabbed Kurt’s arm. "A-Are we ready for this..?"
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine looked down. He was shaking from the nerves. "We were supposed to have two more weeks..What if something's wrong with him? What if..if I'm not a good enough dad..?"
"Blaine...Everything's going to be fine..We are going to have a perfectly healthy baby boy..And you..You are going to be an amazing father.." Kurt said quietly, looking into Blaine's eyes.
Blaine bit his lip, holding back tears. "I'm so scared.."
Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms, stroking his curls as he held him tightly. "Me too.." He whispered.
Blaine held Kurt close. "W-We should call our families.."
"Yeah..But let's go talk to the doctor first." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded, taking Kurt’s hand as they walked over.
"Doctor?" Kurt said timidly.
"Yes?" he asked, looking up.
They told the doctor who they were. "We were just wondering if it was normal for a baby to be this early.." Kurt said.
"C-could something be wrong?" Blaine asked.
"Well any time a baby is born before it's due date there could be a level of risk. But, with two weeks, I wouldn't be too worried." The doctor assured.
Kurt took a deep breath. "Thank you so much.."
"You're welcome.." He said, nodding at the two before continuing down the hall.
"I love you so much.." Blaine said, looking into Kurt’s eyes.
Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine deeply. "I love you too Blaine.."
Blaine closed his eyes, smiling wide.
"Come on..Let's go call everyone.." They walked back to the room and Blaine dialed his mom's number.
"Hello?" Marissa answered in a whisper.
"Hey momma. Sorry to wake you up. But it's time.."
"Elliot?" She said, sounding a bit more perked up.
"Yeah," Blaine said happily. "We're at the hospital now.."
"Oh god..I-I'll call your father, Burt, Finn, Carole, and..Whoever else. We'll be there soon." She squealed.
Blaine giggled. "Thank you momma. I'll see you soon."
"Alright..I love you Blaine.." She said tearily.
Blaine took a deep breath, trying to hold in his emotions. He could wait until she got there at least. "I love you too."
"We'll see you in a bit..I'll bring Dylan too." She said softly.
Blaine smiled wide. "I can't wait. Bye mom."
Kurt smiled as Blaine hung up. "So she's coming?"
"And calling everyone else. She's so excited," Blaine said happily.
"I'm still scared.." Kurt said, giving a breathy laugh.
"Me too.." Blaine said quietly.
"Come on..Let's go sit with Jess.." Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded as they went back to her room. Jessica had her head back on the pillow, taking slow, even breaths. They sat on the edge of the bed and took her hands.
"Hey guys..What'd the doctor say?" She said softly.
"There's always a risk. But he should be fine," Blaine said.
"Good..Good.." She said quietly, squeezing their hands.
"We really can't thank you enough for this.." Kurt said softly.
"Don't mention it you guys..You two deserve this.." Jessica said,
Blaine looked up to his husband. "Mom's bringing Dylan too."
"Really? Awwe..He's gonna see his nephew.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine's face lit up. "He won't want to leave my side. Especially when he sees Elliot." Blaine went quiet for a moment. "Do you think he'll get jealous..?"
"He might at first..He's so used to you giving him all of your attention, he might get mad when it's shifted.." Jessica said softly.
"I don't want him to feel less important.."
"He won't baby..You'll just have to explain to him why Elliot needs a lot of your care." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded. "Do you mind if he sleeps with us the first night?"
"Dylan?" Kurt asked.
"Well I assumed Elliot would. But yeah, dylan.."
"I don't mind babe." Kurt smiled.
"Ow ow ow fucking ow.." Jessica groaned, curling in on herself a bit.
"What is it?" Blaine asked.
"Just contractions...Fuck.." She got out before leaning back again. "I did not miss this part of being pregnant.."
"D-Do you need the doctor..?" Kurt asked, feeling a bit guilty.
"No, I'm fine..I don't think it's time to go just yet..But he's trying.." She sighed, looking down at her stomach.
Blaine shook his head, smiling. "He's just as eager as us.."
Jessica grabbed their hands, placing them on her stomach. "He might be more.." She laughed as their eyes went wide as they felt their baby boy moving around.
"Ohmygod!" Kurt exclaimed.
"Dylan didn't even move this much.." Blaine said. "What does it feel like?"
"Like there's a kick boxer in my stomach.." She giggled.
"We're gonna have our hands full," Kurt chuckled.
"He's gonna be a wiggler." Jessica smiled.
"I can imagine what bedtime will be like when he's a little older.." Blaine said.
"Good luck." Jessica said laughing lightly.
"I wonder if I was like that.." Blaine said, watching her stomach.
"Ask your mom.." Kurt smiled as his phone rang. "I'm guessing people are arriving he said, answering Marissa's call and stepping outside. "Hello?"
"Hey sweetie! We're here.."
"Okay, just come to the maternity ward's waiting room. I'll meet you there." Kurt said softly.
"Okay hun," she said before hanging up. Kurt walked into the waiting room and everyone piled in.
Dylan ran over to him. "Uncle Kurt!!"
"Hey little man!" Kurt said, picking him up.
"Did you have your baby yet?!" he asked excitedly.
"Not yet." Kurt said, hugging him tightly.
Marissa walked up, kissing Kurt’s cheek. "I'm so proud of you and Blaine.."
Kurt smiled, hugging Marissa tightly with his free arm. "Thank you.." Kurt hugged everyone else before saying they could go back a couple at a time. He led Marissa to the room as he carried Dylan. They walked inside, Dylan's eyes lighting up as he saw Blaine. "Baine!"
Blaine smiled wide. "Hey buddy!" he said, taking him into his arms and kissing his cheek.
"Is Aunt Jessica gonna have the baby now?" He asked.
"She will soon. Do you want to feel him?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah!" He said happily as Jessica smiled wide.
Blaine sat him down and showed him where to put his hand. "That's your nephew."
"Ah! He touched me!" Dylan squealed.
Blaine giggled. "He's waiting to come out to meet you."
"I can't wait to meet him. We can all play baseball and he can play with my cars with me." Dylan said happily.
Blaine smiled at his brother. "You'll be the best uncle."
"I'm not an uncle! Uncles are old!" Dylan giggled.
"Hey!" Kurt said playfully.
"Cept for you uncle Kurt.." Dylan smiled.
Blaine chuckled. "Then you'll just be the youngest uncle."
"Okay." Dylan nodded, seemingly satisfied with this.
Blaine scooped Dylan up in his arms. "I need to talk to you about the baby.." Dylan just looked up at Blaine, ready to listen to his brother as Kurt and Marissa sat down next to Jessica. Blaine sighed. "Babies need a lot of attention. We have to feed him, change his diapers, and watch him all the time to make sure he's okay. Because he can't talk yet.." Dylan nodded, his little eyebrows kneading together. "So Uncle Kurt and I will be pretty busy with our baby. But that doesn't mean we don't want to play with you anymore. I love playing with you. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Blaine asked softly. Dylan nodded again. "Yeah." He said sincerely. "But guess what?" Blaine smiled. "You can help is feed him and teach him all about your favorite Disney movies. You can read to him too."
"I've been getting good at reading." Dylan said proudly.
"I know. Momma told me," Blaine smiled, kissing Dylan’s forehead. "So do you still like that girl in your class?" Dylan just blushed, giving a little smile as he buried his face in Blaine's shirt.
"Oohhh! Did you tell her yet?"
"No." Dylan said into the fabric.
"Why not?" Blaine asked.
"Because!" He giggled.
"You're so cute," Blaine chuckled, walking back over to the others.
Marissa hugged Blaine tightly as he set Dylan down. "How are you feeling?" She asked her son as she lay back down and took Jessica's hand.
"So excited. But I can't even begin to say how nervous I am.."
"Hey." Jessica said, looking up at Blaine. "I'm havin' your baby." She sang in an attempt to make him laugh and succeeded. "He's going to be perfect, and you and Kurt going to make amazing parents.." She smiled.
Blaine smiled. "I know. There's just so much we don't know yet."
"What do you mean?" Jessica asked.
"Well..Do we just used formula? We never really talked to you about other options..And say he gets a fever in the middle of the night and his doctor isn't available. What do we do? How do we know if we should take him to the ER? And I saw a movie a while back with Natalie Portman and her baby had something wrong with it. But she thought she had suffocated the baby by accidentally rolling over in her sleep. Turns out she didn't. But things like that happen and I'm just so scared of doing something wrong.."
"Blaine..If you ever need any help, I'm here, and so is your mom, and Carole. You think too much. Everything is going to be fine." Jessica said, giving a smile.
"I know. I just want everything to be perfect," Blaine said quietly, taking Kurt’s hand.
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, leaning over to kiss him softly. "Just relax baby.."
Blaine nodded. "I'm so ready to hold him..See what he looks like.."
"So am I.." Kurt said softly as Dylan crawled into Marissa's lap.
"How long were you in labor with your boys?" Blaine asked Jessica.
"About thirteen hours.." She sighed softly.
Blaine nodded, squeezing Kurt’s hand. They stayed in there for a little bit until Kurt decided to go walk around the hospital. He saw Burt a few halls down and walked up to him. "Hey dad.." He said quietly.
"Hey. How are you doing?" Burt asked.
"I'm a wreck..But I'm trying not to show it.." Kurt said quietly.
Burt pulled his son close. "What's wrong?"
"I just..I really want to be a good father to Elliot..I don't know if I can be to him..What you are to me.." Kurt said, looking up at his father.
Burt smiled softly. "Kurt, you're going to be an amazing father. You know what we have and how much it means. So I know you'll make sure he has that with you."
Kurt nodded, tears gathering in his eyes. "I'm going to be a dad.." He whispered as it sank in.
"I am so proud of you, Kurt.." Burt said, tearing up as well.
Kurt buried his face in his father's chest, hugging him tightly.
"As soon as you hold him for the first time, you'll know just how much that little boy means to you."
Kurt nodded against the fabric of Burt's shirt, taking in a shaky breath.
"I remember holding you for the first time.." Burt whispered. "I knew you were perfect. I would've done anything and everything for. Still would..And god..Seeing your mom holding you..Everything felt complete..."
Kurt let out a small sob. "I love you so much Dad.."
"I love you too..More than anything.."
Kurt stood there, letting his father hold him as he tried to compose himself.
Burt rubbed soothing circles on Kurt’s back. "How’s Blaine?"
"Nervous..He thinks that since the baby's early something will be wrong.."
"I'm sure we'd know by now. Is Jessica alright?"
"She's the calmest of all of us.." Kurt sighed.
"Is Elliot still kicking a lot?" Burt asked.
"Yeah..It's crazy.." Kurt giggled, pulling back a bit.
Burt chuckled. "He's gonna be a handful."
"I know.." Kurt smiled, wiping his eyes.
Carole came up to them. "You must be so excited!!"
"Yeah, I am." Kurt grinned.
"How long has she been in labor?"
"A good bit..It should only be a few more hours until we can start pushing.." Kurt said.
Carole grinned. "I can't wait to see him.."
"Me either.." Kurt said happily. Later that night, Kurt and Blaine we're sitting with Jessica, her contractions becoming more intense and closer together.
The doctor came in and smiled. "Alright everyone, we're ready to start pushing."
Blaine smiled wide, taking Kurt’s hand. "This is it.."
Kurt nodded, inhaling shakily as he and Blaine went to go change into scrubs and returned to the room.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. "I love you, Kurt.."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt smiled.
They stood at opposite sides of Jessica and took her hands. "You ready..?" Blaine asked shakily.
"Yeah.."She breathed out.
"Don't be afraid to squeeze our hands as much as you need.." Kurt added.
"Oh I will." Jessica said, giving a light chuckle before doing just that and groaning. "Can I push now?" She snapped.
Oh, scary Jessica..Blaine looked up at the doctor with wide eyes.
The doctor nodded. "You're ready to go." They started. The meticulous process and Kurt and Blaine thought their hands were going to fall off with how hard Jessica was squeezing. She pushed hard, sweat dripping down her face and neck as she screamed. Kurt looked up at Blaine who was pale and staring at Jessica with wide eyes as Jessica let out another loud growl as she pushed. Blaine swallowed hard. He had practically run out of the room when his mom had Dylan. He had to be here this time for his own son. But the more he watched Jessica, the more terrified he became. A nurse came up behind Blaine, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay Mr. Hummel?"
Blaine nodded slowly. He was a bit dizzy. But he couldn't miss this.
"I think you need to sit down for a bit.." She said, pulling a chair up as Jessica gave another push.
"B-But my baby.." Blaine protested, not taking his eyes off Jessica.
"You're still right here okay? We just don't need you passing out.." The nurse insisted.
Blaine nodded, keeping his hand in Jessica’s as he sat down. Kurt was pushing Jessica's hair out of her face and saying words of encouragement to his cousin as she fell back on the pillow, chest heaving.
"Only a few more." The doctor said looking up.
"Kurt..Kurt, I can't.." She sobbed.
"Yes you can Jessica..You can do this." Kurt said seriously. She took a deep, shaky breath, screaming as she pushed as hard as she could, tears rolling down her face.
"You're doing so good Jessie..So good okay? Only a couple more.." Kurt said, wiping her tears away.
Jessica nodded, leaning forward a bit and breathing heavily as she got ready for another big push. She squeezed their hands tightly, pushing, once, twice and then once more, harder than she had all night, before falling back and panting harshly as the room went silent except for the sound of a crying baby. Blaine's breathing hitched as he slowly stood up. Tears streamed down his face as he stared down at their baby. Their baby boy. Blaine was a father..The feeling was so overwhelming. He looked back up to Kurt and smiled. Kurt had tears falling down his cheeks as well as he leaned down, kissing Jessica's forehead. "Thank you..Thank you so much.." He whispered.
Jessica had her eyes closed, completely exhausted. "Welcome.." she said quietly. Kurt kissed her forehead again, before sitting up as they cleaned Elliot off and wrapped him in his Blanket, going to hand him to Jessica. "No.." She said quickly. "Blaine..give him to Blaine.." Blaine's heart sped up as the nurse handed him their baby. He looked down at Elliot. He was so perfect and tiny. Blaine took his little hand and Elliot opened his eyes, making Blaine gasp loudly. "Ohmygod..." He looked up at Blaine, wide eyes that were dark blue right now, but would change later, chestnut brown curls already on his head as he continued crying but stared up at his father. Blaine brought him closer, kissing his forehead. "H-He's perfect.." Kurt walked over, gasping as he saw their little boy. "He's so beautiful.." Kurt whispered. Blaine grinned as the tears continued to flow. "Look at his eyes.." Kurt smiled wide. "Hey Elliot..Hey baby boy.." He said quietly as he stuck a finger out and Elliot gripped it. "You want to hold him?" Blaine asked, looking up at his husband. Kurt nodded as Blaine carefully handed their son to Kurt, who just looked at him in amazement. In that moment, Kurt knew he would do anything and everything for him. He was already so in love with him. "You're so perfect.." He whispered. Blaine smiled. "He has your hair color.." Kurt nodded. "And your curls.." He grinned. Blaine kissed Kurt’s cheek. "We have a family..." Kurt let out a small sob, but was still smiling as they looked down at Elliot. "We do.." The nurses took Elliot and cleaned him up, weighing him and measuring him. He was seven pounds, three ounces, and twenty one inches long. Jessica still didn't ask to see him afterwards, and Kurt thought she had good reason not to want to yet.
Blaine sat down next to her. "Are you okay..?"
"Yeah.." She said quietly, smiling weakly up at Blaine. She held out her hand for him to grab.
He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "I know you were happy to help. But I really can't thank you enough..He's so perfect.."
"I'm glad.." She said softly. "You know..Jeremy..Didn't think I would be able to give him up.." She said quietly.
"I was kind of scared of that too. I can't imagine how it feels.." Blaine said, looking down. "I don't like doing it to you.."
"Hey..No..Blaine..I do not think of him as mine..He's you and Kurt's baby..That's how I've thought of him this whole time..I mean..It's a little hard right now..But I was just holding him for you..As far as I'm concerned, that is not my baby..That's my cousin and his husband's baby.." She said softly.
Blaine looked up, tears threatening to spill over again. "It won't hurt you to be around him, will it? I mean, I know it's hard now. But later..?"
"Just give me a month or two..I'll be happy to be Aunt Jessie.." She smiled.
"Thank you so much, Jess.."
"Like I said..It's not a problem." She said, squeezing his hand.
Blaine smiled. "I can't wait to see dylan's reaction.."
"Where is everyone?" She yawned.
"Mr. Hummel, Carole, and Finn went home to shower and change. Mom and John just got back. Kurt went to get some coffee. Jeremy is on his was back with the kids.."
She nodded, laying back and closing her eyes.
"Get some rest," Blaine said softly. "I'm gonna find Kurt. We'll come back when you wake up."
"Alright.." She said tiredly.
Blaine walked out just before Kurt was gonna walk in. "She’s taking a nap.."
"Oh, alright." Kurt said softly. "Here's your coffee."
"Thanks," Blaine said, taking a sip. "Has mom seen him yet?"
"She has him right now." Kurt said.
"Want to head over to the nursery?"
Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine's hand. They went over and saw Marissa holding Elliot. John and Dylan at her side.
"Hey," Blaine said quietly.
"Hey.." She grinned.
"How's he doing?" Blaine asked.
"Wiggling a lot.." John smiled. Blaine chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kurt. Kurt looked down at the baby in Marissa's arms. Elliot looked back up at Kurt, eyes wide. "He's so beautiful," Kurt sighed softly.
"What do you think, Dylan?" Blaine asked.
"He's so little." Dylan said as Blaine picked him up.
"You used to be that little," Blaine smiled.
"I was?" Dylan asked.
Blaine nodded. "Yup. You were so tiny and adorable."
Dylan smiled. "He looks like you and Uncle Kurt."
"He really does," Marissa said happily.
John smiled, running his thumb across Elliot's forehead as he made a small whining noise.
Marissa handed him to Kurt and Blaine couldn't help but grin. They looked so much alike. "You should see yourself with him," Blaine said softly. Kurt looked up at Blaine and smiled before leaning down to kiss his son's forehead.
"I'm so happy.." Blaine sighed softly.
"So am I.." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine leaned over to kiss his husband. "Do you ever stop?" Dylan said, making a face.
"Hmm?" Blaine asked, pulling away and looking down at his brother.
"Kissing is gross!"
Blaine picked Dylan up, kissing his cheeks. "You still think that?"
"Unless it's mommy," he said, smiling back at her.
Marissa smiled. "He's so sweet."
"He's a suck up," Blaine chuckled. "You'll like kissing one day."
"Awwe, my baby isn't a suck up.." Marissa said, taking Dylan from Blaine.
"I just love you," Dylan said, batting his eyes.
Marissa kissed Dylan's forehead. "I love you too my baby boy."
Dylan blushed, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Kiss up." Blaine chuckled.
"Am not!" Dylan said quickly.
Blaine just laughed, sticking his tongue out at his brother. Dylan did the same before giggling.
"Alright children." Marissa laughed.
Blaine chuckled. "You love us."
"I do love my boys.." Marissa sighed, kissing Blaine's forehead.
Blaine smiled before wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist. "I love you so much."
"I love you too..." Kurt said softly.
"He's so beautiful.."
Kurt smiled, lightly petting the light curls. John smiled at them. "Have they said how long until you can take him home?"
"Well they want to keep him for a few hours, since he was a little early to make sure everything's fine." Kurt said, looking up at John.
"You know Carole and I are going to spoil him right?" Marissa giggled.
"So is Blaine.." Kurt chuckled, looking at his husband, and feeling more in love with him than ever.
Blaine gave that goofy grin. "I sure am. And you'll make sure he has only the best clothes."
Kurt giggled lightly. "You hear that Elliot? Daddy isn't going to let you dress like uncle Finn.."
Elliot made a small noise, raising his tiny hands to get Kurt’s finger. Kurt grinned as he wrapped his tiny fingers around the digit. "So amazing.." He said, mostly to himself. Elliot looked between Kurt and Blaine, making a cooing sound. Kurt looked over at Blaine and grinned. "God..He looks so much like you.." Kurt said, resting his forehead against Blaine's. "And you.." Blaine smiled. "I can't believe it.." Kurt turned his head, kissing Blaine softly. Blaine grinned when he pulled back. A few minutes later, Carole, Burt and Finn came around the corner.
"Hey!" Kurt smiled. "There's you grandpa, uncle, and grandma.." Kurt said to the wiggling baby.
Carole smiled wide. "Ohmygod! Look at him! He looks just like both of you!"
Kurt nodded, handing him over to Burt, who looked down at his grandson with so much love.
He got tears in his eyes. "He reminds me of holding you..But you didn't wiggle so much," Burt chuckled.
Kurt and Blaine laughed together as Elliot kicked his little legs.
"What're you doing, silly boy?" Carole giggled.
Elliot made a small noise, looking up at Carole.
"He’s so tiny!" Finn said, looking down at the baby.
Burt went to hand him to Finn and Kurt had to stop him to show him how to hold him correctly. "There.." He sighed.
Finn smiled down at Elliot. "Oh wow.."
Kurt wrapped an arm around Blaine's waist, smiling at his brother. Blaine took a shaky breath, leaning back against Kurt. "Thank you.."
"For?" Kurt said quietly.
"Going out with me, moving in with me, marrying me, having our baby and every moment between.." Blaine whispered, tears in his eyes.
Kurt turned Blaine around kissing him softly. "Thank you for all of those things.."
"I wouldn't change one second of it," Blaine said, smiling.
Kurt smiled, watching as Finn talked to Elliot.
"He's not crying much," Blaine pointed out.
"True..Maybe he'll just wait until we're asleep." Kurt chuckled.
Blaine laughed. "Soon we won't know what sleep is."
"Hello dark circles.." Kurt sighed, pressing lightly under his eyes.
"You have plenty of make-up that will take care of that. Though you'll always be beautiful.."
"You're just saying that." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.
Blaine cupped his cheeks. "I have no reason to lie to you to make you feel good."
Kurt smiled. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt again.
"Baine!" Dylan giggled.
"What? What is it?" Blaine growled playfully, picking his little brother up and turning him upside down.
"Ahhh! Baine!!!" Dylan squealed. "Stop it!"
Dylan laughed loudly as Blaine started to tickle him. He set him down after a while, laughing as Finn handed Elliot back to him carefully.
Blaine kissed his son. "I'm so happy we did it this way.."
"So am I.." Kurt said as the others went to go sit in the waiting room.
"Don’t take this the wrong way...Because this is a different type of love..But I never thought I could love anyone like this..It's..I can't describe it..."
"No, I completely understand.." Kurt said softly as he leaned down to press a kiss to Elliot's forehead.
"He's perfect.." Blaine whispered.
"And he's ours.."
"I feel like everything is complete..I have everything I've ever needed..The perfect husband and son.."
Kurt grinned. "Maybe..One day..We could think about having another?" He asked timidly.
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "R-Really? You'd want that?"
"I do.." Kurt said softly.
"I love you so much, Kurt.."
"I love you too..W-Would you want that?"
Blaine nodded. "I would love that."
Kurt smiled, leaning down to kiss Blaine deeply.
Blaine sighed against Kurt's lips. "I love you so much.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said as Elliot have a little whine, rubbing his eyes.
"I think someone's tired," Blaine said softly.
"Let's let him sleep for a bit.." Kurt said.
They kissed him before laying him down, smiling as Elliot yawned. "We love you so much.." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt grinned. "We do beautiful boy..Sleep well." He whispered.
Blaine took Kurt’s hand as they walked out of the nursery.
Later, the doctor came out, and asked to speak to Kurt and Blaine. They stood up and walked towards him. "Yes?"
“Well..It's about Elliot..Because he was early, his lungs aren't as strong as we'd like them to be." He said and Kurt swore he heard Blaine's heart stop along with his own.
"W-What?" Blaine asked quietly. "Will he be okay?"
"Oh, he'll be fine..We just think you should know, he'll have a higher risk for asthma when he gets older." The doctor said softly.
Kurt nodded. "Does he need to stay longer?"
"No. He's fine now. We put him on a respirator for a bit, but he didn't need it as much as we thought he would. You can take him home when you're ready." The doctor smiled.
"Thank you," Blaine said softly.
The doctor nodded, walking off before Kurt heaved a sigh. "You okay?" he asked Blaine.
"Yeah. He still gets to come home tonight. Are you alright?"
Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand. "Just ready to bring him home.."
"Me too, baby.." They got their wish later as everyone went home and Kurt and Blaine took Elliot to Marissa's apartment. They had a hard time with the car seat but Marissa helped them with that. When they got to the apartment, they sat in the living room and talked about plans for when they returned to New York.
"Who's going to watch him during the day?" John asked.
"Well I work from home most of the time.." Kurt said as he watched Blaine feed their son.
"It's perfect then," Marissa smiled. "Are you two hungry? I know Blaine hasn't eaten all day," she said, raising an eyebrow at her son.
"Oh, I'm fine momma." Blaine smiled.
"You need to eat, Blaine." she said seriously.
"Mom.." Blaine sighed.
"She's right," Kurt said softly.
"Fine.." Blaine said, giving in.
"Pizza okay? I don't want to cook. I can get a salad too, Kurt," Marissa suggested.
"That's fine." Kurt smiled.
"Geez, you're hungry too huh?" Blaine said, looking down at his son. Elliot looked at Blaine then back to baby food with expectant eyes. Blaine giggled, continuing to feed him. Marissa ordered the food and they watched Blaine feed him as they talked. They laid Elliot down later that night and put Dylan to bed before sitting down in the living room. "How's Jessica?" Marissa asked softly.
"She's good..Definitely not ready to see him. But she's good.." Kurt said.
Marissa nodded. "I couldn't imagine doing that..She's so strong." Marissa said softly.
"I don’t know how she did it.." Blaine said, looking down.
"Well I'm glad she did..." Kurt said softly, grabbing Blaine's hand.
"Me too," Blaine smiled. That night, they were lying in bed, and about midnight, Elliot began crying from the other room. They got up and Blaine picked him up. "What's wrong baby?" he said as he rocked him. Elliot continued crying, squirming in his father's arms. Blaine checked his diaper but he was clean. "Do you think he's hungry?"
"I'll go warm up a bottle.." Kurt said groggily, walking to the kitchen.
Blaine nodded, continuing to rock him. "Shh..It's okay baby.." Elliot looked up at Blaine, his cheeks red as he slowly calmed down a bit, still whining lightly. Blaine kissed his forehead, resting Elliot’s head against his chest. Kurt returned to the room with a bottle, handing it to Blaine. Blaine cradled him in one arm before placing the nipple to Elliot’s lips. Elliot automatically opened his mouth, sucking the formula down eagerly. Blaine smiled. "He's just thirsty.."
Kurt watched as Blaine let him finish the bottle and handed him to Kurt.
"Okay..Let's let your daddies get back to sleep.." He said, sitting down in the rocking chair and starting to sing softly.
"A lullaby
for anyone who wants to fly
from there home town
where people drown and where the town leaves die
This old library
has thrity books and one dictionary
but thats okay no one reads anyway we all watch tv
So heres your lullaby
no boy dont cry just rest your head and go to bed your time will come to fly
never a day just dream your life away
sleep... "
Blaine smiled as he listened and Elliot's eyes started to drift shut.
"So heres your lullaby
no boy dont cry just rest your head and go to bed your time will come to fly
never a day just dream your life away
sleep.." Kurt sang, finishing as he carefully got up and laid him in the crib.
Kurt got back into bed and wrapped his arms around Blaine when they heard the door open. They looked up to see Dylan poke his head in.
"What're you doing up so late?" Blaine asked.
"I heard the baby cry.." Dylan said timidly.
Blaine smiled. "He was thirsty. He's sleeping now."
"Oh..Can I sleep in here?" Dylan asked.
"Of course," Blaine said softly before Dylan climbed into bed and cuddled up to Blaine.
Kurt and Blaine held Dylan between them, sighing softly.
"I love you Dylan.." Blaine said quietly.
"I love you too Baine.." Dylan said happily.
Blaine covered Dylan’s eyes as he kissed Kurt. "Good night."
Kurt giggled lightly. "Good night baby.."