Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
"Oh! Look at that crib!" Blaine said, pointing to a beautiful cherry colored crib.
"Oh! That's so cute!" Kurt smiled.
"What if we got one of those fancy glass mobiles? You know what I'm talking about?" Blaine asked. "They're colorful. I was watching The L Word last time I saw Brittany. This couple got one. It was beautiful.."
"That sounds beautiful.." Kurt smiled, turning the page.
Blaine took Kurt’s hand. "We have so much to do.."
"Well We just need to make sure Elliot will be happy in his well decorated nursery.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine grinned. "I love that name. Did you narrow down the colors you like for his room?"
"I've been thinking about green or blue..Not sure what shade yet, but, still." Kurt sighed, turning back to the page and circling the cherry red crib with his pen.
"What about a soft green? Blue is overdone. Unless we do a theme. Like the ocean. But not like sailboats." Blaine suggested. "We could make the mobile different blues and greens. They'll shine in the sunlight.."
"What if we did..A soft green and pastel blue stripes?" Kurt asked.
"Up and down or across?" Blaine asked.
"Either or." Kurt said, pulling the swatches out of his carry on.
"I like up and down.."
Kurt smiled. "I like it." he said, handing Blaine the ring of green swatches while he looked through the blue.
"How aboouuutt...dewmist delight and crystal clear?" Blaine asked.
"Gorgeous.." Kurt said as they held the colors next to each other.
Blaine grinned. "I'm really glad we can do this together.."
"Me too.." Kurt smiled happily, leaning over to kiss Blaine's cheek.
"I can't wait to see you paint," Blaine giggled.
"Why do you say that?” Kurt asked, writing down the names of the colors in the back of the catalogue.
"I like seeing you messy," Blaine said simply.
Kurt blushed, nudging Blaine playfully.
"It's cute," Blaine said softly.
"You're silly." Kurt smiled.
Blaine chuckled. "How big do you think Jess is?"
"She's four months now so, she's probably god a good little belly goin on." Kurt giggled.
"Is she big enough to feel kicking yet?"
"It was about four or five months with Marissa." Kurt smiled.
Blaine nodded. "I hope we get to feel it."
"Me too.." Kurt said as they announced that they would be landing soon.
Blaine could barely contain his excitement. "I can't wait to see Dylan.."
"He's probably gotten so big.." Kurt sighed, smiling.
"I know..I can't wait to see his face when he sees me.."
Kurt grinned.
They landed, grabbing their carry-ons and got off of the plane, grinning as they saw Carole, Burt, Marissa, John and Dylan waiting for them.
"Bayne!!" The four-year-old squealed, his dark curls bouncing as he ran to his brother.
Blaine picked him up and held him close. "Hey Dylan! I missed you soooo much!"
Dylan hugged Blaine tightly, laughing as Blaine spun him around.
They walked over, hugging everyone. Blaine held Dylan the entire way home. He had missed his brother so much.
Dylan went on and on about all the things he had to show Blaine when they got home. Marissa apparently got him a hamster which he named Lightning, and he insisted on showing Blaine all of his new toys.
"I can't wait to see!" Blaine said happily.
"Will you read me one of my books when it's my bedtime Blaine? You do the voices good." He asked, smiling.
"Of course," Blaine said softly.
Dylan giggled, smiling. He was so happy to have his big brother back again.
"So Dylan, what did you ask Santa for this year?" Kurt asked.
"Everything Cars!" Dylan said excitedly. "And transformers!"
"Really?" Kurt grinned, smiling at the little boy. "Have you been good?"
"Mhm! I've been very good!" Dylan said happily. "Uncle Kurt?"
"Yes sweetie?" He asked.
"Will you watch Disney mobies with me and Bayne?" Dylan asked. "Pweeaaasse?"
"Of course hon." Kurt giggled, ruffling the child's curls.
Dylan bounced excitedly. "Yayyyy!!"
Kurt laughed a bit as Blaine kissed the top of Dylan's head.
"Jessica is waiting for you guys at the house." Carole said happily.
"How's she doing?" Blaine asked.
"Perfect. The baby is doing well too." Marissa grinned.
"Are you excited, Dylan? You're going to have a cousin!" Blaine asked.
"I know! Mommy told me. You and Kurt are going to be daddies!" Dylan smiled.
"We are!" Blaine smiled. "Have you seen Jessica? Our baby is in her tummy!"
Dylan cocked his head to the side. "Did she eat it?"
The adults in the car laughed for a minute, and Dylan looked confused.
"No sweetie.." Kurt said. "Jessica is just carrying our baby for us."
Blaine bit his lip before speaking. "See...Women have..eggs in their stomach. And when they want to have a baby they get...seeds. The seeds go inside the eggs and it makes a baby. Does that make sense?"
Dylan nodded. "But how does she get the seeds? Does she swallow them?"
Kurt snorted. "Sometimes.."
"Kurt!" Marissa scolded, laughing.
"Marissa, don't act like you haven't tried," Kurt giggled.
"Kurt!" Blaine said loudly. "That's my mom!"
"Ahhhgg! That's enough, Kurt," Burt said, mortified.
"He's gonna find out some day!" Kurt laughed.
"Not today," Blaine said, his hands over Dylan's ears.
"What?" Dylan said, trying to pry Blaine's hands away with no avail.
"Are we done?" Blaine asked, taking his hands down when Kurt nodded.
"Well where did Jessi get the seeds from?" Dylan asked, looking confused.
Blaine's eyes went wide. "Umm..I bought them for her.."
"Did Kurt help you buy them too?"
Blaine nodded. "Yup.."
Kurt suppressed another laugh and Marissa reached back, slapping his leg playfully.
They got to the Hummel-Hudson residence and Jessica came running out.
Kurt and Blaine smiled as they saw her, her belly protruding in the most adorable way due to her stature. They both hugged her tightly, before pulling back to look at her tummy.
"Just beautiful," Blaine sighed.
Jessica smiled as she lifted her shirt, revealing the bump and grabbing Kurt and Blaine's hands, putting them on it.
"Oh my God!" Kurt said, grinning.
"Mhmm." Jessica hummed, looking up at the husband's.
"That's amazing.." Blaine whispered.
Jessica smiled as the baby gave another kick in the area of Blaine's hand. "He just started doing it this morning.."
Blaine had tears in his eyes. "I-I just...I can't believe it. That's our baby...'
Kurt smiled as his eyes shined with unshed tears as well. "I love you so much.." He said, looking to Blaine.
'I love you too," Blaine said softly.
Jessica smiled as each of the men leaned down to press a kiss to her stomach. "You're going to have two amazing daddies.." She said, looking down at her bump.
Blaine smiled wide. "Hey Elliot...We love you so much..."
"We can't wait to meet you.." Kurt said softly.
"I like that name..Elliot." Jessica smiled.
Blaine took Kurt’s hand. "Kurt thought of it."
Kurt nodded, grinning as they stood and Jessica pulled her shirt back down.
"Let’s go in. It’s so cold!" Blains said, wrapping his arms around Kurt.
They all shivered in agreement, trotting their way over the snow-covered walkway to the house.
They took off their coats and joined their family.
Finn and Rachel were inside along with Jeremy, Jessica's boys, and Robert. It surprised Blaine a bit that Robert was here, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't glad to see his father.
Blaine hugged his dad. "Hey. Thanks for coming.."
Robert hugged him back. "It's good to see you son."
It felt amazing to have the family all together again. Finn and Rachel had moved in together and couldn't be happier. Burt and Carole were glad to have the house to themselves and announced they were converting Finn's old room to a "Man cave" for Burt. Blaine didn't know what it was, but something about it being Christmas eve just made everything seem that much more perfect having the family together. Blaine sat on a couch next to Kurt, smiling as he looked around. This was perfect.
Kurt squeezed his hand as Dylan jumped into his lap, smiling up at his big brother.
"When are you going back home Bayne?" He asked.
"About two weeks," Blaine said, wrapping his free arm around him and pulling him close.
"Why don't you and Uncle Kurt just stay here?" the little boy asked, fiddling with a button on Blaine's shirt.
"Our jobs are in New York.." Blaine said quietly.
Dylan nodded, looking down.
"I'm sorry..." Blaine said softly, trying not to get emotional.
"It's okay..You'll still come see me right?" Dylan asked, looking up at Blaine, their matching hazel eyes meeting.
"As much as I can," Blaine said, smiling softly. "And you can call me any time, okay?"
Dylan hugged Blaine tightly, smiling. "Okay!" he said before Jessica's sons came and asked Dylan to go play with them and he happily agreed, hopping off of Blaine's lap and scurrying off with the other two boys.
Blaine smiled as he watched him run out with the boys.
"I miss him so much.."
"I know you do..So do I..But we'll come see him every chance we get. " Kurt reassured.
Blaine nodded, squeezing Kurt's hand as he took a deep breath.
Kurt leaned over, kissing Blaine softly when Carole called everyone in for dinner.
They all stood and sat at the table, Finn wasting no time to make his plate. The meal was beautifully prepared by Rachel, Marissa, Jessica, and Carole, and it simply looked amazing. They had the clich� Christmas dinner with ham and mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, and almost every casserole you could think of. They all ate the amazing food, chatting happily at the table. Everyone started to slow down near the end of the meal and Jessica leaned over to Blaine.
"I haven't told them the baby's a boy yet if you still wanna do that," She whispered.
Blaine nodded before speaking up.
"So...last week, Jessica went to another ultrasound appointment..And we got to find out the sex.."
The table went silent and everyone looked to Blaine. "And?" Marissa grinned.
Blaine took Kurt's hand, smiling wide.
"We're having a boy!"
The table started buzzing with congratulations and excitement, calming a bit as Kurt spoke. "His name is Elliot.." He smiled.
"That's beautiful!" Carole sighed happily.
"We're so proud of you two.." Marissa smiled.
"This wouldn't be possible without Jessica.." Kurt said, squeezing his cousin's hand.
"I'm glad to help," Jessica said softly.
Later that night, Blaine and Rachel helped the boys make cookies for Santa as Finn and Kurt say in the living room. "Hey Kurt?" Finn asked, a bit nervously.
"Yeah?" Kurt asked.
"H-How did you know..You were ready to propose to Blaine?" Finn asked, looking over at Rachel.
Kurt smiled. "Being away from him, even if I had just seen him, I missed him. I could look at him and know he's all I wanted. When I thought about my future, the only thing that remained constant was him being there.." he explained.
Finn nodded, biting his lip as he looked back to Kurt.
"Do you feel that way?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah..Yeah I do.." Finn said, a smile creeping his way onto his features as he watched Rachel spill some flower, making Dylan giggle as the powder flew into the air.
"Do you have a ring?" Kurt asked, trying to contain himself.
"I do.." He said, standing and walking over to his coat and digging into his pocket, pulling out a small black velvet box.
Kurt took it from him quickly and opened it, his hand flying over his mouth as he gasped.
"Finn...She'll love it..."
It was gorgeous. It was white gold, the band split near the top, connecting where it housed a gorgeous, circular diamond, surrounded by a ring of metal containing smaller diamonds along it and around the band.
"It’s so beautiful..When are you giving it to her?" Kurt asked.
"I-I wanted to do it tomorrow after the kids wake everyone up to open presents." Finn said smiling.
"In front of everyone?" Kurt asked, beaming.
"Yeah.." Finn said softly as Kurt handed the box back to him.
"It'll be perfect," Kurt said softly.
"I'm really nervous.." Finn admitted, laughing breathily.
"I remember the feeling. But as long as you're sure, you'll be great," Kurt smiled.
"Thanks Kurt.." Finn says, hugging him tightly.
"You're welcome," Kurt said softly.
That night, after Kurt and Blaine helped put the boy's gifts under the tree, they walked up to Kurt's room. Jessica, Jeremy, the boys, Rachel and Finn were the only ones to stay the night, along with Dylan, who was sleeping with Eric and Don in the other guest room that used to be Blaine's when he lived there all those years ago.
"It’s so nice to be back here.." Blaine sighed.
Kurt nodded, looking around the mostly empty room, that had a new bed, since Kurt's was all the way in New York.
"I can't wait to see Dylan open his presents.."
"Me either." Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. "He's going to love them."
"I want to get a couple pictures of us before we leave. So he can have them in his room.."
"We will baby.." Kurt smiled, looking over at the clock and it was just past midnight. It took longer to help Finn wrap the presents than Kurt thought it would. "Merry Christmas.." He smiled, leaning in to kiss his husband.
"Merry Christmas," Blaine said softly, cuddling closer. "Can you believe how far we've come?"
"Here we are..Six years after that day the shy little boy walked into that choir room.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine blushed. "And met the love of his life.."
Kurt smiled. "I love so much.."
"I love you too.." Blaine said softly.
Kurt brought his hands up, stroking Blaine's curls, as he looked into those honey hazel eyes lovingly.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. "I miss sneaking into each other’s rooms.." he giggled.
"So do I..Texting each other Romeo and Juliet quotes.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine laughed. "You made me swoon.."
"Really now?" Kurt smiled, looking up at his husband as he pulled the covers up a bit more.
Blaine blushed. "Yeah..Still do sometimes.."
Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek. "So beautiful.."
Blaine tilted his head down, looking up at Kurt from under his lashes.
"I'll never get over how gorgeous you are.." Kurt whispered.
"You need your glasses.."
"Shush.." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.
"No," Blaine giggled.
Kurt silenced him with a kiss. "You're just as beautiful with or without my glasses."
Blaine sighed softly. "Whatever you say.."
"I never understood that about you..Why you think you're less than absolutely gorgeous..You're the most amazing thing I've ever seen.." Kurt said.
"I don’t know. I just think I'm normal I guess.."
"I think you're the most perfect thing on this planet.." Kurt said softly, rubbing his thumb over Blaine's cheekbone.
Blaine smiled. "Thank you.."
"I love you so much Blaine.." Kurt whispered.
"I love you too baby.." Blaine smiled.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, cupping his cheeks and smiling as he pulled away.
"How early do you think they'll wake us?'
"I'd say we have a couple of hours." Kurt chuckled.
Blaine giggled. "We should try to sleep."
Kurt nodded, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw and sighing happily.
"Good night baby.."
"Good night Blaine.."
A few hours later, Blaine was woken up to Dylan pulling on his arm.
"Bayne! Bayne! It’s Christmas!"
"Hmm?" He hummed sleepily, sitting up.
"Santa came!" Dylan smiled.
Blaine pulled Dylan up into the bed. "Just a few minutes.."
Dylan made a noise of distaste as Blaine cuddled him close, trying to get a bit more sleep. "Baaayynnee!"
Blaine groaned. "Wake up Kurt then I'll get up.."
"Uncle Kurt!" Dylan said, climbing on top of Kurt and bouncing.
Kurt groaned. "It’s too early..."
"Come ooonn!" Dylan groaned, bouncing more.
"Blaine!" Kurt groaned, pulling the blankets over his head.
Blaine sighed rolling out of bed and grabbing Dylan. He pinned him to the bed and started to tickle his younger brother.
Dylan squealed with laughter as Blaine tickled him. "Bayne! S-Stop!" he laughed, wiggling around in the sheets.
Blaine giggled, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
"Shh..let’s attack Kurt.." Blaine whispered before they both jumped on him.
"Augh!" Kurt groaned as Dylan jumped on his head and Blaine jumped on the rest of him.
"Kurt! It’s time to get up!" Blaine chuckled.
"Oh my god..." Kurt growled.
Blaine set Dylan to the side before leaning down to kiss his husband. "Wake up.."
"What time is it?.." Kurt mumbled, his eyes still closed.
"Seven," Blaine said.
"Time for presents!" Dylan said excitedly. "Mom says we can start until you and Bayne come.."
Kurt sighed, "Dylan, go downstairs for a minute sweetie.."
"We'll be down in a minute. I promise," Blaine said softly.
Dylan nodded, hopping off the bed and walking off downstairs.
"I just want to cuddle and have some decent morning kisses.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine rolled onto his side and pulled Kurt close.
Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine and kissing him softly.
Blaine ran his hands up and down Kurt’s sides as they kissed.
Kurt sighed happily. "Much better..." He whispered, leaning in to kiss Blaine again.
Blaine rolled over on top of Kurt, kissing him deeply.
Kurt moaned softly, wrapping one of his legs around Blaine.
Blaine whimpered. "Baby..someone will come up here.."
"Just kiss me for a little longer.." Kurt said quietly, licking over Blaine's bottom lip.
Blaine leaned back down, kissing Kurt fiercely.
Kurt moaned, wrapping his other leg around Blaine and pulling him closer.
Blaine rolled his body onto Kurt’s, whimpering at the feel.
"Blaine..." Kurt moaned, arching his back.
"Kurt...if we don't stop..I won’t be able to..."
"I know..Fuck..I'm sorry.." Kurt sighed, letting his legs fall.
"Later..I promise.." Blaine said softly.
Kurt nodded, leaning up to kiss Blaine sweetly. "Well it’s not my fault you're completely irresistible.." he giggled.
Blaine blushed. "You should show me how much later.."
Kurt grinned biting his lip. "Oh, I plan on it.."
Blaine swallowed hard. "L-lets go downstairs.."
Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine again before they got up and went downstairs.
"Finally!" Dylan sighed.
Blaine giggled. "Ohh come here you munchkin.."
Dylan laughed, running over to Blaine as he scooped him up in his arms.
Blaine and Kurt sat on the floor, Dylan in Blaine’s lap.
"You ready for presents?"
"Yes!" all of the children said quickly.
Blaine chuckled as the gifts were passed out.
"Blaine..This one is for you baby.." Kurt smiled, handing Blaine a small box.
Blaine smiled. "Do I wait?"
"You can open it now if you like." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek.
Blaine smiled, starting to unwrap the box. He tilted his head to the side, pulling out a cup with a white lid and filled with blue water. Inside was a red Beta fish.
Blaine smiled. "Thank you baby!"
Kurt grinned. "In honor of the very late Matata, I think it's time we moved on." He giggled.
"Matata Junior!" Blaine said happily.
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "There you go."
"You're amazing baby," Blaine smiled.
"It's just a fish.." Kurt blushed.
"I love it!"
Kurt giggled. "You're cute.."
"Thank you!!" Dylan squealed throwing himself into Blaine and Kurt's arms after he opened his presents from them.
Blaine grinned. "You're welcome squirt."
"You're welcome sweetie." Kurt said, smiling as Dylan ran back off to play with his new toys.
They finished opening their presents and the adults started cleaning.
Finn grabbed Rachel's hand. "Rachel..I have one more gift for you.."
Rachel smiled. "What is it?"
He stood, holding her hand as he got down on one knee, the entire room turning as they realized what Finn was doing. Kurt bounced happily, getting Blaine's attention and pointing.
Rachel's eyes went wide, tears slowly coming.
"Rachel..I know..To you it's taken me forever to do this..But..I'm sure now..Someone once told me..You know you're ready to spend the rest of your life with someone, when you think about your future, and no matter what, you see the other person there..No matter what Rachel..I always see you..I want it to be real...Rachel..Will you marry me?" He asked, opening the small box and looking up at Rachel.
Rachel's mouth dropped.
"F-Finn...That..Its...its beautiful! Ohmygod! I love you!" She squealed, throwing her arms around him.
"Is that a yes?" Finn asked, eyes wide.
Rachel nodded. "Yes!"
Finn stood, picking Rachel up and kissing her deeply as he spun her around.
Everyone cheered and applauded, congratulating the couple.
Finn set her down, slipping the ring on her finger and looking to Kurt, giving him a thankful look.
Kurt nodded, smiling wide.
Later that day, Kurt and Blaine were outside with Dylan, helping him make a snowman. Blaine walked back a bit and watched. He picked up some snow and rolled it into a ball before throwing it at Kurt.
Kurt gasped as he felt it hit his back. "Blaine!" He scolded, spinning around as Dylan giggled.
"What?" Blaine asked as if nothing had happened.
"This is dry clean only!" Kurt said, gesturing to his coat as Dylan reached down, attempting to make a snowball of his own.
Blaine chuckled, making a smaller one and tossing it at Dylan.
Dylan looked up as it hit the front of his small pea coat, a gift from Kurt. "Hey!" He smiled, throwing a handful of snow at Blaine.
Blaine giggled, making another and handing it to his brother.
Dylan grinned, tossing the snowball at Kurt.
Kurt gasped, making his own and chucking it at his husband.
Blaine ducked and it flew over his head, hitting Finn, who was going to get something out of the car.
"Kurt!" He growled playfully, making a snowball and throwing it at his brother, hitting him on the head.
"Fuck! Finn my hair!" Kurt groaned.
"Fuck!" Dylan laughed.
Everyone stopped and stared. "No, Dylan...That's a bad word.." Blaine said softly.
"Why?..Mommy said it and so did Kurt." Dylan asked, suddenly bashful now that the fun stopped.
Blaine looked down at him. "It’s a grown up word. You're not in trouble though."
"Okay." He said softly.
"That's right Kurt! It's a bad word!" Finn said in a scolding way, throwing another snowball at his brother.
Kurt cocked his hip to the side, giving Finn his bitch stare. "Don't forget I’m very close to your fianc�.."
"Whatever. Your threats are hollow." Finn chuckled.
"We'll see about that tonight," Kurt smirked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Finn asked, walking over as Blaine lifted Dylan to stick two pieces of charcoal for the snowman's eyes.
"Nothing," Kurt said, shrugging.
Finn eyed his brother before walking to the car and getting some things. "Either way, Merry Christmas Kurt, Blaine." He smiled, handing each of them a present.
They both smiled. "Thank you Finn.."
Kurt opened his, seeing a beautiful Alexander McQueen bow tie. "F-Finn..This is gorgeous..How did you?.." He trailed off, admiring the gift.
"Rachel helped," Finn said. "Your turn Blaine.."
Blaine opened his to reveal a football in a display case, the ball signed by the entire Buckeyes football team.
Blaine's mouth dropped. "B-but...How..?"
"I was good buddies with the quarterback in college." Finn smiled.
Blaine shook his head. "Thank you so much...This is amazing.."
Dylan looked up, admiring the ball as Kurt hugged Finn tightly and then Blaine.
"I'm glad you like them guys." Finn smiled. "You want me to take them inside for you?"
"Please," Blaine said softly. "We're gonna finish the snowman.."
Finn nodded, taking the gifts and bringing them inside for them.
Blaine picked Dylan back up to put the carrot on as the nose. "What do you think?"
"Perfect!" Dylan smiled as Kurt clapped happily.
"Now how about we get into dry clothes and watch a movie?" Blaine smiled.
"Disney?" Dylan asked hopefully as Blaine held him on his hip.
"Always!" Blaine grinned. "Which one?"
"Little Mermaid!"
"You are definitely my mini me!" Blaine giggled.
Dylan looked confused, but shrugged it off as they all went inside.
Blaine and Kurt changed before helping Dylan and laying down on the bed.
"Are you going to sing with us, Dylan?"
"Yes!" He said. "I know all the words!"
Blaine giggled. "Good.."
They watched the movie together, and sure enough, Dylan knew all of the words, knowing most of the words to all of the songs as he sang with his brother. They were at the end of kiss the girl and Blaine leaned over to kiss Kurt.
"Ewww!" Dylan cringed.
Blaine chuckled. "Why eww?"
"Kissing is yucky." Dylan frowned.
Blaine pulled Dylan close, kissing his cheeks and forehead. "Nu uh!"
Dylan squealed laughing as Blaine began to tickle him, and Kurt joined in kissing his cheeks.
Dylan squirmed, trying to get away until they finally let go.
"I love you, Dylan.." Blaine said softly.
"I love you too big brudder.." He said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and hugging him.
Blaine kissed his forehead and they all cuddled again as they finished the movie.
Later that night, the rest of the family went home and Kurt and Blaine decided to stay with Marissa that night after some begging from Dylan. They all sat in the living room and caught up with one another.
Dylan ran to his room, coming back with many pieces of paper and thrusting them into Blaine's lap. "I drew these for you!"
Blaine smiled as he went through them. "These are really good! Who's that?"
"That's you and Uncle Kurt!" Dylan grinned pointing to a crayon drawing of shapes that in a way resembled people, and one was wearing a bow tie.
Blaine hugged his brother. "Thank you!"
Dylan smiled scurrying back to his room.
"He really missed you Blaine." John said grinning as he watched his son run off.
"I missed him too. I hate not being near him.."
"He almost got into a fight at preschool the other day because one of the kids said their older brother could beat you up." Marissa chuckled.
Blaine laughed. "Good thing he didn't though. We don't need any more fights..."
Marissa nodded, giggling as she cuddled up to her husband. "So how is New York?"
"Amazing. The only thing missing is you all.." Blaine said.
Marissa and John smiled. "We would move up there if we could..But the truth is, I'm getting old..And John has his office down here.." Marissa sighed, looking up at her husband.
"I know. And you're not old. You have a four year old.."
Marissa rolled her eyes playfully. "Well we miss having you two around.."
"We miss being here.." Kurt said softly.
The mother smiled lightly at the two. "I love you boys.."
"We love you too momma.." Blaine said.
They stayed up for a bit longer, Blaine reading Dylan a bedtime story and tucking him in before he and Kurt retired to Blaine's old room for the night. Blaine cuddled up to Kurt.
"Wanna start where we left off?"
Kurt smiled. "Yeah..But first..Do you know where the blazer is?" he asked, biting his lip.
A small whine escaped his lips. "I-It may be in the closet.."
"Go get it.." Kurt said, smiling.
Blaine quickly got up and opened the closet, grinning as he pulled the blazer out. Kurt’s eyes flashed as he watched Blaine take off his shirt and pull the blazer over his bare shoulders. It was a bit snug now, due to the fact that Blaine had significantly more muscle than when he was a sophomore, but it still fit.
"What do you think?" Blaine asked nervously.
"You're so hot..." Kurt practically growled.
Blaine shivered. "Oh god.."
Blaine slowly walked over, lying down next to his husband.
Kurt immediately climbed on top of Blaine, kissing him fiercely as his hands roamed his chest.
Blaine moaned, gripping Kurt’s hips.
"So fucking sexy.." Kurt panted, running his fingers through Blaine's chest hair.
Blaine let out a small whine, rolling his hips lightly.
"God..I want to fuck you so hard.." Kurt groaned.
"Please...please baby..." Blaine gasped.
"Mmm..I want you to beg for me..Tell me you belong to me..Fuck.." Kurt growled.
Blaine whimpered. "I'm yours..all yours..I belong to you..."
"Fucking right you do.." Kurt smiled, biting at Blaine's collar bones.
Blaine breathed out heavily. "Shit..."
"Damn Blaine.." Kurt moaned before dragging his tongue over his chest.
Blaine arched up a little. "Baby.."
"Ride me." Kurt said, sitting back on his knees and pulling Blaine into his lap.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, kissing him deeply before reaching back to the night stand for the lube.
Kurt kissed down Blaine's neck and chest, biting at his nipple.
Blaine whimpered. "Fuck!"
"You like that baby?" Kurt grinned.
"Y-yes..." blain breathed out, squeezing the liquid onto his hand and slicking up Kurt’s long dick.
"Ungh..Fuck..Yes.." Kurt breathed out.
Blaine reached around himself, sliding a slick finger over his own hole.
Kurt gripped Blaine's ass, feeling as his husband started fingering himself. "God..Blaine..So hot.."
Blaine let out a strangled moaned. "Fuck..I want you...fuck me so hard Kurt..."
"Oh I will baby..Just keep stretching yourself for me.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's ass harder.
Blaine wrapped his free hand around Kurt as he used the other to stretch himself.
"Blaine..Baby.." Kurt moaned.
Blaine pulled his fingers out. "Fuck me.."
Kurt lifted Blaine, placing his head at Blaine's entrance.
Blaine tightened his legs around Kurt, gasping as he felt his husband. "Please..."
"Please...I need your huge fucking cock..stretch me..fill me..." Blaine pleaded.
Kurt shivered, slowly pulling Blaine down around him.
Blaine rested his forehead on Kurt’s shoulder. "M-more...fuck...I need more.."
"Oh I know baby..But you need to beg..You know how much I love it.."
Blaine whined. "Please, Kurt...please fuck me...I want to be able to feel it tomorrow..I need your thick cock..pounding in and out of me.."
Kurt gasped sharply, pulling Blaine down a bit more.
"More...Kurt I need all of you..please baby..."
"You know what to do babe.." Kurt breathed out into Blaine's ear.
“I-Im begging you...please...fuck!" Blaine groaned. "Kurt! If you don't fuck me, I will flip you over right now and torture the hell out of you!"
"I'd like to see you try.." Kurt growled.
Blaine tightened his grip around Kurt, flipping them over quickly but his plan backfiring when Blaine had all of Kurt inside him.
Kurt moaned loudly, unable to stop his hips from snapping up.
Blaine keened, his back arching as he started to bounce.
Kurt panted harshly, grabbing Blaine's hips to still him.
Blaine let out a low growl. "Kuuurrrt...damn it!"
Kurt chuckled breathily. "You're so hot when you're mad.."
Blaine tangled his fingers in Kurt’s hair, pulling harshly. "Fuck. Me. Now."
Kurt moaned, biting his lip. "And if I don't?"
"I will get myself off. You can't hold my hands and hips.." Blaine smirked.
"You bitch.." Kurt growled.
"Your bitch," Blaine moaned. "Now fuck me and show me I'm your bitch!"
Kurt quickly flipped them over, pressing Blaine into the mattress and pounding into him.
Blaine gripped the edges of the bed. "Ahh! Fuck! Shit!"
Kurt growled, slamming into his husband. "Urgh..You like being my bitch Hummel?" He got out through clenched teeth as he pulled Blaine's hair.
Blaine whined sharply. "Y-yes...oh god yes!"
"Say it again..Say it.." Kurt said darkly.
"I-I’m your bitch...your bitch..."
"Fuck..That's right Blaine..Shit!" Kurt groaned, his voice deep and rough as he fucked his husband mercilessly.
Blaine threw his head back. "F-Fuck....holy shit baby...'
"Mmmph..God..Talk..talk to me while you take me like a whore.." Kurt commanded.
Blaine whimpered. "So fucking huge! H-harder please.."
"Look at you..So desperate..Such a little cockslut..You want me harder?" Kurt whispered.
"Y-yes! Please! Fuck!" Blaine cried out.
Kurt sped up, fucking his husband even harder as he groaned in his ear.
Blaine clutched to Kurt’s back, dragging his nails across the skin.
Kurt arched his back, moaning loudly as he dug his fingers into Blaine's hips, ensuring bruises the next day.
Blaine buried his face in Kurt’s neck, trying to control his already loud moans.
The growls and grunts grew closer and closer together as Kurt's thrusts became erratic and lost their rhythm.
Blaine keened. "I-I'm so close!"
"Fuck..So am I Blaine..Gah!" Kurt moaned.
Blaine tightened hos legs and arms around Kurt as he started to cum, crying out.
Kurt came with Blaine, growling in an almost animalistic way as he gave one final thrust into his husband.
"Ahh!" Blaine gasped at the sensitivity as he collapsed back onto the bed.
Kurt panted roughly. Kissing Blaine deep as he breathed through his nose.
Kurt carefully slid out of Blaine, their eyes going wide when the door opened. Dylan jumped into the room. Blaine looked up. He was wearing a Spiderman costume.
"Bayne! Are you okay!?" He asked, running over to the bed.
Blaine laughed lightly. "I'm fine. What's wrong?"
"I heard a monster! I thought it was trying to get you and Uncle Kurt! It was growling real loud!" Dylan said seriously.
Kurt groaned into the pillow.
"Were you going to save me?" Blaine asked.
"Mhmm! I heard you saying please a lot, so I thought you were trying to get the monster to stop attacking you.." Dylan said, seemingly disappointed that there was no monster to fight off.
Blaine held back a laugh. "I was fighting for my life! But I got the monster to go away. Why don't you go put your pjs back on and you can sleep with us in case another one comes?"
Dylan nodded, padding off to his room as Kurt turned over. "Fighting for your life?" he asked as Blaine started to get dressed and clean up.
"Yup. I felt like I would die. You're so damn good at teasing," Blaine explained. "I need a favor.."
"What would that be?" Kurt asked.
"Will you wait a few minutes then pretend to be a monster so he can fight you off me?" Blaine asked. "I'll bring the blazer home.."
Kurt bit his lip. Narrowing his eyes at Blaine before sighing. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"
"I don't know. Bite me or something. I'll say oww and I don’t know. It'll go from there," Blaine shrugged as he climbed back into bed.
"I have no problem with biting you.." Kurt chuckled, pulling Blaine close and kissing him.
Blaine giggled. "I know.."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again before Dylan bouncing into the room.
"Come here, super hero," Blaine chuckled. "You gonna protect your brudder if there's another monster?"
"Yes! I'll be brave cuzz I'm strong like you!" Dylan said as he climbed into the bed.
Blaine smiled. "Yes you are."
Dylan cuddled up to Blaine and a minute later, Kurt crept up behind his husband, sinking his teeth into his neck.
Blaine smiled before pretending to twitch.
"What is it?!" Dylan asked, sitting up.
"Something bit me!" Blaine said as Kurt bit him again. "Ow! It did it again!"
"It's the monster!" Dylan gasped.
"Help, Dylan!" Blaine said desperately.
Dylan jumped into action, pulling Blaine away, as much as he could, and saying in a heroic voice. "Go away monster! Leave my brudder alone!"
Blaine turned over and gasped. "Oh my god! The monster is Uncle Kurt!"
"Uncle Kurt!" Dylan said in shock.
Kurt growled, grinning at Blaine before pouncing onto his husband.
"Ahh! Dylan! Help!" Blaine cried out.
Dylan jumped on top of Kurt, sitting on his back and smacking at his shoulders. "Stop you monster!"
Kurt bit down on Blaine's neck.
"Ah! Dylan!!" Blaine yelled. "He bit me!"
"Does that mean you'll be a monster too?!"
"Not if we can hurry! Help me push him off!" Blaine said, reaching up to tickle Kurt.
Dylan jumped down, helping Blaine tickle Kurt, who immediately backed off, holding back a snort.
Kurt rolled over to the other side of the bed.
Blaine smiled, grabbing Dylan and pulling him close. "You saved me!"
"I did?!" Dylan giggled.
"Oh, look at that! I'm not a monster anymore!" Kurt smiled, sitting up.
"You did! You're so strong!" Blaine exclaimed. "You're a super hero!"
Dylan laughed happily as Blaine held his hands, balancing the little boy's stomach on his feet and holding him up.
"Now you can go to school and tell everyone that you saved me," Blaine smiled.
"I will! I bet Bobby Jones never saved his brudder from a monster!" Dylan said as Blaine lowered him, hugging him close.
"Only special people can do that!" Blaine agreed. "Let’s get some sleep. Then we'll get up and you can help me with breakfast and you can tell mom all about it!"
"Okay.." Dylan smiled as he cuddled between Blaine and Kurt. "Uncle Kurt?"
"Yes sweetie?" Kurt asked.
"I'm glad you're not a monster anymore."
"Me too. Thank you," Kurt said softly.
Dylan smiled happily as he nuzzled into Blaine's chest.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly.
"Good night."
"Good night Blaine.." Kurt smiled as they both wrapped their arms around Dylan and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Blaine woke up the next morning to Dylan pulling on his arm.
"Bayne! I'm hungry!"
Blaine looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. 7:13. Okay, so Dylan was a morning person now.
Blaine stretched. "What do you want to make?"
"Pancakes!" Dylan said happily.
Blaine got up and they went to the kitchen to start cooking.
Dylan bounced around the kitchen, standing on his toes to peer over the counter as his brother cooked.
Blaine would pick him up every so often to let him do little things to help. When the pancakes were done, Blaine chopped up some strawberries, setting some on top of everyone's plates before grabbing the can of whipped cream and letting Dylan put smiley faces on them. He handed a plate to Dylan and picked one up himself.
"Come on. Let's give them to mom and John.."
Dylan smiled, making sure to hold the plate carefully as they walked to his parent's room.
Blaine knocked before walking in and smiling.
"We made breakfast.."
The parents sat up, smiling as Dylan carefully walked over to John, handing him the plate. "Here daddy!" He said happily.
John smiled, pulling Dylan up to kiss him. "Thank you baby.."
Marissa grinned. "Thank you boys.."
"What about Uncle Kurt?" Dylan asked.
Blaine smiled. "You can take it to him. Come on..."
Dylan smiled, hopping off the bed as they went to Kurt his pancake. "Will he turn into a monster again if I wake him up?" Dylan asked carefully.
Blaine shook his head. "Nope. You defeated the monster."
"Okay!" Dylan smiled, walking over to Kurt's side if the bed. "Uncle Kurt?" He said quietly, patting his shoulder lightly.
Kurt curled up under the blanket. "Hmm?"
"Uncle Kurt, me and Bayne made pancakes.." Dylan whispered.
Kurt smiled before yawning loudly and sitting up. "Mmm, thank you sweetie.."
Dylan smiled, handing Kurt the pancake.
Kurt smiled. "Looks delicious.."
Dylan smiled proudly as he climbed up on the bed and cuddled up to his brother's husband.
Blaine handed Dylan his plate before climbing in with his own.
Kurt leaned over kissing Blaine softly. "Good morning.."
"Good morning beautiful," Blaine smiled.
Dylan made a face. "I'm never gonna kiss anyone 'cept you, Uncle Kurt, mommy, and Daddy."
Blaine and Kurt laughed. "Yes you will."
"Nuh uh!"
"We'll see," Blaine chuckled.
"Kissing is gross!" Dylan pressed.
"Kissing is very fun," Blaine said, grinning at Kurt.
Kurt giggled, leaning over to kiss Blaine again.
"Stop it!" Dylan said, pulling a face
Blaine laughed. "Nooooo.."
"Well I'll never kiss anyone. It's yucky and I don't want to." Dylan said firmly.
"Okay," Kurt said as he finished his food.
Marissa poked her head in. "I couldn't help but overhear.." She giggled. "So Dylan..You never wanna kiss anyone, ever?"
"Only you mommy," Dylan smiled.
"Then how come last week you told me you liked that little Emily girl in your class?" Marissa asked, smirking as she walked over to the bed.
"Mommy!" Dylan groaned, a blush coloring his little cheeks.
"Ooo!! Who's Emily?" Kurt asked.
"No one!" Dylan said quickly.
"Oh he kept going on and on about how pretty she was." Marissa giggled.
"Dylan has a crush!" Blaine said in a sing song voice.
"No I don't!" Dylan said, turning to Blaine.
"Mhmmm," Blaine smiled.
"Blaine!" Dylan groaned.
"It’s okay to like someone," Blaine said seriously.
Dylan buried his face in Blaine's pillow, sighing heavily.
"He's just as dramatic as you are Blaine." Kurt laughed.
Blaine giggled. "He's adorable!"
Kurt smiled, pulling Dylan into his lap.
"What does she look like?" Kurt asked.
"She has pretty brown hair and blue eyes, like you uncle Kurt." Dylan said, getting a bit of a smile.
Blaine grinned. "Is she nice?"
"Mhmm. And she likes cool stuff like transformers and the stuff I like."
"Good!" Blaine smiled. "She sounds great."
"She's my friend though. Not my girlfriend." Dylan defended.
"Okay," Blaine said softly.
Dylan nodded, seemingly satisfied with the conversation.
Blaine smiled down at his brother. He was so cute like this.
"Can we go to the park today Blaine?" Dylan asked.
Blaine nodded. "Yes we can."
Dylan smiled, finishing his pancake before running off to go do something .
Blaine scooted over, wrapping an arm around Kurt. "You want to come with us?"
"Sounds fun." Kurt grinned as Marissa walked out after Dylan.
Blaine smiled. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine softly.
Blaine rested his head on Kurt’s shoulder. "Were the pancakes alright?"
They were delicious." Kurt smiled, scratching Blaine's head lightly as he kissed his forehead.
"Mm, good," Blaine said softly.
Kurt smiled as Blaine relaxed under him. He knew how much his husband loved having his head scratched. It really reminded Kurt of a puppy.
Blaine sighed. "I miss this.."
"Me too.." Kurt smiled, scratching behind Blaine's ear.
Blaine nuzzled against Kurt’s neck, smiling at the relaxing touch.
"You're so cute.." Kurt said softly.
"Lies," Blaine giggled.
"We've been doing this for six years, just accept it." Kurt laughed lightly.
"But I like hearing you say it again.." Blaine admitted.
Kurt smiled. "And that Is even more adorable.."
Blaine blushed. "You're amazing.."
"I just love my husband.." Kurt said quietly.
"And he loves you too..more than anything.."
Kurt smiled softly, kissing Blaine sweetly. "You're so perfect.."
"So are you baby," Blaine said softly.
Kurt grinned, continuing to scratch Blaine's head.
Blaine shivered, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s waist.
Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's forehead, sighing happily.
"We should get dressed before Dylan gets impatient..." Blaine chuckled.
"But this is nice.." Kurt whispered.
"I know.." Blaine sighed. "I love this.."
"Me too.." Kurt said as Blaine rested his head on Kurt's chest.
"I can’t wait to do this with our little boy..."
Kurt grinned, petting Blaine's curls. "Neither can I.."
Blaine sighed happily, looking up at Kurt with love and compassion.
Kurt teared up a bit as he ran his hand across Blaine's cheek.
"You're so beautiful.." Blaine whispered.
"I love you so much..." Kurt said, just as quietly.
"I love you too.."
Kurt pulled Blaine up, kissing him passionately.
Blaine sighed into the kiss. He loved that they still did this.
Kurt pulled away, resting his forehead against his husband's.
"Forever?" Blaine said quietly.
Blaine smiled up at his husband, blushing lightly
Kurt kissed Blaine's cheeks softly. "Gorgeous.."
Blaine's blush grew. "Come on..Let's get dressed.."
"Alright baby.." Kurt sighed, stretching.
Blaine got up and looked through his bag for something to wear before getting dressed.
Kurt god dressed in some white skinny jeans and a black V-neck, deciding to bum it today.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly before they went to Dylan's room to see if he was ready.
Dylan was dressed, attempting to work the buttons on the coat Kurt had given him.
Blaine smiled. "Need help buddy?"
Dylan gave an adorable exasperated sigh. "Yeah.."
Blaine knelt down, helping him.
"All done."
"Thank you!" Dylan grinned as Blaine picked him up.
"You're welcome," Blaine said softly.
Dylan dug his gloves out of his pocket, proud of himself that he put them on by himself.
"You like your new coat?" Blaine asked.
"Uh huh!" Dylan grinned.
Kurt smiled. "It looks good."
Dylan nodded as Kurt walked in, wrapping his scarf around his neck. "You ready?"
"Yeah," Blaine said as they walked out.
They went out to the park, Blaine carrying Dylan as they tromped through the snow.
"What do you want to do first?" Blaine asked.
"Swing!" Dylan said happily.
Blaine smiled, setting his brother on the swing and pushing him lightly.
Dylan giggled and Kurt sat on the bench. "Higher Blaine! Higher!"
Blaine smiled, doing as Dylan wanted.
They Blaine pushed Dylan a bit longer before a couple of Dylan's friends asked him to come play and Blaine went to go sit with Kurt on the bench.
Blaine sighed happily. "I love this."
"Me too.." Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's hand.
"He's so cute.."
Kurt smiled, watching as Dylan ran around with the other little boys.
A little while later, Dylan came running back up to them.
"I'm hungry. Can we get ice cream? Pwease big brudder?"
"Ice cream? Isn't it a little cold for that?" Blaine giggled, picking him up.
"Nope!" Dylan smile. "Ice cream is good!"
"Alright big guy, let's go." Blaine said as they started walking.
Dylan giggled. "You're the best brudder, Bayne.."
"You wanna ride on my shoulders?"
"Yeah!!" Dylan said excitedly.
Blaine lifted him up, sitting Dylan on his shoulders and holding on to his legs.
Dylan giggled. "This is fun!!"
Blaine chuckled, bouncing his little brother.
Dylan held onto Blaine's curls, giggling and squealing.
Kurt smiled at his husband, watching as he played with Dylan. They were so cute together.
They got back and got into the car to go for some ice cream. They walked into the ice cream shop and Blaine was surprised to see Brittany there. Her hair was in a short pixie cut and her eyes lit up as she saw Blaine. "Blaine!"
"Ohmygod! Britt!" Blaine exclaimed.
Blaine set Dylan down and Brittany ran into his arms hugging him tightly.
"I've missed you!" Blaine smiled. "How have you been?"
"Great! Look!" She said, holding up her left hand and revealing a ring.
Blaine's eyes went wide. "Oh my god! Santana?"
"Yes!" She squealed.
"We're having a baby boy," Blaine smiled, pointing to Kurt.
"Really?! But Kurt doesn't look pregnant..." Brittany said, cocking her head.
Blaine chuckled. "No. His cousin went to the doctor and we got her pregnant. She will give us the baby when he's born."
"Oh! Awwe! I can't wait to see him!" Brittany giggled. "Hi Dylan! Oh my god you're so big! Do you remember me?" She asked, kneeling in front of him.
Dylan nodded, blushing lightly. "You’re my brudder's best friend.."
"You are so cute! Has anyone ever told you look just like your brother?" Brittany grinned.
"Mommy does all the time.." he said quietly.
Brittany grinned, ruffling the younger's curls before standing. "Kurt! You're so tall!"
Kurt hugged her. "Congrats about Santana!"
"Thank you! Oh my god you're even taller than Blaine now!" She giggled, looking between the both of them.
Blaine sighed. "Alright. I know. I'm short. But anyways. What are you doing for New Years?"
"Well, Everyone was gonna go over to Puck and Quinn's for a little get-together." Brittany smiled.
"Puck and Quinn?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah, they're living together." Brittany shrugged. "They've been dating for a while."
Blaine nodded. "Well...We're here for a little while. We should hang out or something."
"We should!" Brittany smiled. "Oh and Blaine..I'd really appreciate it if..You could try and come for the wedding..It'll be in New York. And I'd love to have you be my maid of honor."
Blaine pulled her in for another hug. "Only if I don't have to wear a dress."
"Deal." She said, kissing his cheek.
"Can we get some ice cream for my brother?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah! And don't worry about it. It's on me." She said, stepping behind the counter. "What would you like munchkin?"
"Can I have a sundae?" Dylan asked Blaine.
Blaine nodded and Brittany smiled, starting her work on the sundae as Dylan told her what he wanted on it.
He smiled wide when she handed it to him. "Thank you!"
"You're welcome hon." She said, giving him a cheery smile.
Dylan took a bite and his eyes lit up.
Dylan nodded. "Amazing!"
Brittany giggled as Blaine picked his brother up. "Tell Brittany thank you."
"Thank you, Brittany!" Dylan smiled.
Brittany grinned. "No problem cutie."
"Call me if you want to hang out," Blaine said.
"I will! It was good seeing you two." Brittany said happily.
"You too," Kurt said before they walked out.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand as Blaine used the other to hold Dylan on his hip.
"I can't believe we ran into Britt.." Blaine said.
"Me either. She looks good." Kurt smiled.
"She does. What do you think about Puck and Quinn?"
"I don't know..I mean..I know they dated in high school, but still.." Kurt said.
Blaine nodded. "So are we the only ones that left?"
"I'm guessing.." Kurt whispered. "But I know Mercedes is leaving for LA soon."
"What's she doing there?" Blaine asked.
"She's getting a recording contract." Kurt smiled, proud of his best friend.
"That's amazing!" Blaine said smiling.
"I know!" Kurt giggled.
"So much has changed," Blaine said softly. "What do you want to do for New Years?"
"Not sure.." He said as they got in the car and Blaine put Dylan in his car seat.
Blaine climbed into the car and started driving them back to the house.
"Was there anything you wanted to do?" Kurt asked.
"I don't know. Seems like everyone is busy. Maybe take Dylan to an earlier fireworks show."
"Would you like that little man?" Kurt said, looking back at Dylan. "You wanna go see fireworks?"
Dylan nodded. "Yeah!!"
Kurt nodded, smiling. Next few days were perfect, especially for Blaine. He spent most days playing with Dylan and visiting family. New Year’s Eve was amazing and Kurt and Blaine decided to get a hotel that night after dropping off Dylan at the house after the fireworks show. Blaine looked at the familiar buildings as Kurt drove them to the hotel.
"What are you thinking about ?" Kurt asked.
"It’s just weird.." Blaine said. "I kinda feel like an outcast..to our friends..."
"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked quietly.
"I don't know. We've been back almost a week. I don't know. I guess I'm kind of jealous.."
"When we saw Britt, she was talking about how they were all getting together tonight. I just thought...maybe they'd want us there..." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt bit his lip. "Maybe she thought we were busy babe.." he said softly as Blaine's phone vibrated with a text from Brittany.
"Yeah.." Blaine said, opening the text.
"Where are you guys?"
"On our way to a hotel." Blaine replied.
"Are you not coming to the party? We're all waiting for you."
"Britt..No one asked us.." Blaine eyed Kurt. "Did you just text any of them?"
"No.." Kurt said carefully.
"Oh, I assumed when I told you about it you would come..SO COME ON!" Britt replied.
"Well..Britt wants us to go. It’s up to you. We've already planned this.." Blaine said.
"Do you want to?" Kurt asked, looking over at his husband.
"I don't know. I did want to. But I wanted tonight with you. What do you think?" Blaine asked.
"Well I can not have anything to drink and I can always drive us back to the hotel afterwards...Plus, you're always a horny drunk." Kurt winked.
Blaine blushed. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Hummel?"
"Possibly.." Kurt chuckled.
"Let's do it.." Blaine said, biting his lip.
Kurt grinned as Blaine got the address from Brittany and they made their way to the party.
They walked up to the door and Blaine took Kurt’s hand. They knocked and Quinn answered the door, grinning and hugging them both before announcing their arrival. Blaine and Kurt smiled as everyone hugged and greeted them. Kurt grinned as he watched Blaine's previous worries disappear as he started to socialize with their friends.
Blaine shook his head, smiling as he hugged Santana.
"Take care of my best friend.."
"I will." She chuckled, kissing his cheek.
"I'm happy for you," Blaine said softly.
"Thank you Blaine.." The Latina said sincerely.
Blaine nodded, looking around at everyone. He missed this.
"How come you didn't tell us you and Kurt were having a baby!" Mercedes squealed, causing the rest of the friends to gasp and all starting to buzz with congratulations and questions.
"You didn't tell Mercedes?" Blaine asked, surprised. "I thought Finn or Rachel would've said something.."
"We haven't been out too much since the engagement.." Rachel blushed.
Blaine chuckled as Puck high-fived Finn.
Rachel shot them both a look.
"I didn't say anything! I swear!" Finn said quickly.
"Whatever.."She sighed, taking a sip of her drink as Puck offered Blaine and Kurt a beer.
"No thank you..Designated driver." Kurt said, holding up a hand.
Blaine smiled at Kurt as he took a sip of his. They all socialize, drinking more and more until that turned into drinking games, then eventually it turned into them sitting in a huge circle, most of them already drunk, especially Blaine, playing truth or dare.
Blaine giggled when Santana called on him.
"Dare!" He slurred.
"You sure short stuff?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Blaine smirked. "Bring it."
"Oh god, I feel like we're in high school again..I dare you to give Kurt a thirty second lap dance!"
Blaine smiled at his husband. He got up and grabbed a chair, motioning for Kurt to sit.
"Oh my god.." Kurt, the only sober one, groaned, laughing as he stood and sat in a chair, enduring catcalls from the others.
Blaine licked his lips as he started rolling his body over Kurt.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, deciding he would at least enjoy this while it lasted.
"Come on Warbler show is what you can do!" Santana called.
Blaine leaned in, whispering in Kurt's ear as he grinded into Kurt’s lap.
"I can't wait to get to the hotel...I want you to fuck me so hard...with that huge cock I love so much.."
Kurt gasped, his hands flying to Blaine's hips and gripping them tightly.
Blaine moaned. "You like that?"
"Y-Yeah.." Kurt whispered.
"Okay! Time's up!" Finn called, staring at the floor. They went back to sitting with everyone and played some more. Puck looked over to Kurt and grinned.
"Truth or dare?"
Kurt kept his legs crossed, Blaine practically sitting in his lap.
"Truth.." He said, deciding to play it safe.
"What's the kinkiest thing you two have done lately?" Puck asked.
Kurt blushed, looking to Blaine as his mouth opened and closed quickly.
Blaine giggled. "Christmas was pretty hot...I didn't expect that..."
"Ooh what happened on Christmas Kurt?" Brittany giggled.
Kurt sighed. "I-I asked Blaine to wear his old Dalton blazer."
"That's not all you did!" Blaine said.
"Blaine!" Kurt blushed.
"What'd you do Kurt?" Puck asked.
"It turned a little angry," Blaine giggled. "It was hot.."
"Ooohh.." Puck smiled. "Somehow I knew Hummel would like that angry sex.."
"Well..he likes when I'm angry," Blaine slurred.
"Okay Blaine!" Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hips lightly.
Blaine gasped lightly, turning to kiss Kurt.
Kurt gasped as Blaine's hands tangled in his hair, kissing him messily and deeply.
"I love you.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said breathlessly.
Eventually it got back to Blaine, who slurred, "Truth." Not wanting to move from his seat in Kurt's lap.
"What is the weirdest place you've had sex?" Brittany asked. "Other than in the same room as me!"
Blaine giggled. "Ummm...I dont know..Kurt?"
"On a ferris wheel..Well it wasn't really sex but still." Kurt laughed.
Blaine blushed. "Oh yeah.."
Kurt giggled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw as Rachel asked him "Truth or Dare?"
Well Rachel couldn't be too bad. "Dare." He smiled.
"I want to hear your best dirty talk to Blaine.." Rachel giggled.
Kurt's face flushed, in contrast to Blaine's who’s lit up.
"Um..I-I um..Well..uh." Kurt stammered.
"Come on Kurt!" the other's pressed.
"God I wish I was drunk right now.." Kurt groaned as he turned Blaine around in his lap, so he was straddling him. He was suddenly hyper aware of the silence in the room as he looked up into Blaine's lust blown eyes and licked his lips.
"Like you said earlier..I can't wait to get back to the hotel and fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week..I'm gonna make you my bitch again..Would you like that? You wanna be my whore?..I'll make you choke on my cock like I know you love..Look at you..You're so hungry for it..Such a slut.." Kurt growled, really forgetting about the others.
Blaine whined, pressing his lips to Kurt fiercely.
Kurt moaned into Blaine's mouth, gripping his hips tightly as the intoxicated group cheered and gave catcalls, with the exception of Finn.
Blaine pulled back, staring deep into Kurt's eyes. "I want you.." he whispered.
"Do you want to go?" Kurt asked, swallowing hard.
Blaine nodded. "Please.."
Kurt stood helping Blaine up. "Thank you all for the lovely evening..But I'm afraid we must be going." Kurt said.
"But it's two hours until the new year!" Rachel protested.
"Looks like someone can't wait. Get some, Hummel!" Puck grinned.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Good night everyone." He smiled, linking arms with Blaine as they walked out.
Once they were outside, Blaine pushed Kurt up against the car, kissing him messily.
Kurt moaned, reaching down to palm and squeeze Blaine's ass.
Blaine keened. "You're so fucking hot..."
"Mmmm..Fuck Blaine.." Kurt groaned, rolling his body into Blaine's.
Blaine gasped. "Kuurrrt..."
"We-We should go.." Kurt panted.
Blaine nodded. "Yes.."
They got in the car, Kurt barely able to concentrate on driving as Blaine kissed and sucked on his neck, whispering all of these filthy things in his ear.
"I want you to make me scream...Kurt..I love screaming your name..." Blaine growled.
"Fuck.." Kurt shivered, accidentally speeding a red light.
Blaine smiled. "I can't wait to feel your hard, thick cock pounding into my tight ass.."
Kurt didn't know how much more of this he could take as he pressed down on the accelerator.
"You're so eager..." Blaine said, licking his lips.
"Yeah." Kurt replied lamely.
Blaine licked a firm line around the shell of kurts ear. "So hot.."
Kurt swallowed hard before a broken moan escaped his lips.
Blaine sat back in his seat, taking off his coat and shirt. "Are you hot? God I'm so hot..."
Kurt looked over at his husband and scowled. "You are such an ass.."
"I'm serious. I'm burning up Kurt. Feel.." he said, grabbing Kurt’s hand and putting them on his abs.
"Oh my god.." Kurt said as he felt the hot skin. "Are you okay?"
"Mhmm..Just really want you.."
Kurt bit his lip, running his hand up and down Blaine's abs.
Blaine moaned. "I love when you touch me.."
"You're so hot Blaine.." Kurt breathed out, trying to concentrate on driving with his free hand.
"Baby...How much longer?"
"We're almost there babe.." Kurt soothed.
Blaine nodded, bringing Kurt’s fingers to his lips and sucking them into his mouth.
Kurt shivered, looking between Blaine and the road.
Blaine moaned as he swirled his tongue around the digits.
"Blaine.." Kurt gasped, letting out a shaky breath.
Blaine pulled Kurt’s fingers out. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, speeding up as he saw the sign for the hotel.
Blaine sighed. "Do you already have the key?"
"Fuck..No..Just.." Kurt pulled in. "I'll go check in. Wait here until I come back."
Blaine nodded. "Okay.."
Kurt parked and jumped out before running into the office.
Blaine sighed to himself as he waited for his husband.
Kurt returned with the key, beckoning for his shirtless husband to follow him.
"O-our bags.." Blaine said as Kurt took his hand. "We need the lube.."
Kurt handed Blaine the key as he spun around on his heel. "Room 214." He said as he practically ran back to the car.
Blaine hurried up to the room, most of the alcohol had worn off in the car. He stripped the rest of the way and jumped onto the bed as he waited.
Kurt burst through the door, dropping their bags as he kicked the door closed behind him and strode over to Blaine, throwing himself on top of him and kissing him deeply.
Blaine moaned loudly, wrapping himself around his husband.
Kurt let his hands devour Blaine's body, his clothed erection pressing against the younger's naked one.
Blaine flipped them over, pinning Kurt’s hands above his head as he grinded down.
"Fuck..Blaine.." Kurt moaned, panting as he looked up at his husband.
Blaine grinded down harder, gasping as he felt Kurt's member hardening.
Kurt was falling apart as he watched his husband's toned roll above him. "Blaaaiine.."
Blaine lifted Kurt’s shirt and threw it to the side, leaning down to bite Kurt’s neck.
Kurt moaned loudly, clawing down Blaine's back.
Blaine bit down a little harder as he unzipped Kurt's pants.
Kurt groaned as he felt the relief of pressure on his member. "Ohgodthankyou..." He breathed out.
Blaine chuckled darkly after throwing his jeans and boxers to the side. He kissed down Kurt’s body, skipping over what Kurt wanted and nipping at his inner thighs.
"Blaine..Please.." Kurt whispered.
"I don't think you want it enough," Blaine sighed.
"Are you really gonna do this?" Kurt groaned.
"Take my time enjoying your body? Yes," Blaine said.
Kurt whined, arching his back.
"Talk to me Kurt.." Blaine said before grazing his teeth along the skin. "Tell me what you want.."
"Fuck..Blaine..I want to fuck you..Hard..I want to hear you..Screaming..Ungh.." Kurt panted.
Blaine moaned. "Mmm...You will baby..Be patient," Blaine said, moving to his other thigh.
Kurt keened, bending his legs at the knee.
"You're so beautiful baby," Blaine whispered, licking a firm line up the underside of his husband's leaking cock.
"Aahh.." Kurt breathed out, leaning against the headboard and looking down as he spread his legs a bit more.
Blaine kissed Kurt's feather tattoos, smiling up at him. He got up and straddled kurt and kissed him deeply.
Kurt moaned as his hands roamed Blaine's back, down to his ass and around to his abs.
Blaine gasped. He could never explain how good that felt. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, his hands sliding down to Blaine's hips.
Blaine grinded down against Kurt, moaning lightly.
"Blaine..Baby..Please.." Kurt groaned.
Blaine got up, grabbing the lube before climbing back on top of Kurt, facing the opposite way. He slicked up his fingers before slipping one inside.
Kurt watched as Blaine's finger disappeared inside of himself. "Holy shit.."
Blaine rolled his body. "Talk to me.."
"S-So hot..Baby..I want you so bad.." Kurt moaned.
Blaine pulled out before adding another. "Fuck..."
"Blaine.." Kurt panted, reaching up to squeeze Blaine's ass.
Blaine gasped. "Kurrt..."
"So fucking hot.." Kurt growled.
Blaine pulled out after stretching himself. He turned back around, slicking up Kurt's member.
Kurt moaned, looking up at Blaine with lust filled eyes.
"How do you want me, baby?" Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips.
"I want you to ride me 'till you cum..Then I want to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.." Kurt said darkly.
Blaine whimpered. "Fuck...yes.."
"Would you like that baby?" Kurt smiled.
"Yeah.." Blaine breathed out. "I love t-that.."
Kurt leaned up, kissing Blaine deeply as he lifted him up a bit.
Blaine gasped as Kurt lined himself up with Blaine's ass.
Kurt slowly thrust up, pushing into his husband.
Blaine attached his lips to Kurt’s, moaning at the stretch.
Kurt started to thrust up with no warning, starting to groan as he fucked his husband.
Blaine whimpered, moving his hips with Kurt's thrusts.
"Baby! Fuck!"
"Blaine..Damn..." Kurt growled, Moving his hips faster.
"H-harder!" Blaine breathed out, grinding down onto Kurt.
"You want it harder baby?" Kurt smirked, slowing down.
Blaine whined, resting his head on Kurt’s shoulders. "Hard..please..."
Kurt smiled before gripping Blaine's hips and starting to pound into him.
Blaine gripped the headboard, his back arching as he keened.
"So. Fucking. Tight.." Kurt grunted with each thrust.
Blaine arched his back, moving faster as he screamed Kurt's name.
"Blaine..That's right baby..Ah..Take me..Say my name.." Kurt moaned.
Blaine tightened his grip. "Kurt! Fuck me baby! God yes, Kurt!"
"Ungh...You love it when I fuck you don't you? Ahh..Tell me baby..Say it.." Kurt panted, gripping Blaine's ass and rolling his hips faster, aiming for his husband's prostate.
"I-I..Ahh! Shit!.I love w-when you fuck me! Ohh fuck!" Blaine panted.
"Keep talking baby.." Kurt gasped.
"I love...feeling your huge cock pulsating and pounding into me...so..so fucking good!"
Kurt moaned loudly, thrusting up even harder into his husband as the sound of skin hitting skin and Blaine's cries were all that filled the room.
"Baby! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Blaine practically screamed.
"Cum..Cum for me baby.." Kurt groaned, his eyes staying glued to Blaine's face.
Blaine threw his head back, crying out as he repeated Kurt's name, cumming between them.
Kurt watched as Blaine's orgasm played out on his face and focused on not cumming as Blaine's muscles fluttered around him.
Blaine panted harshly, looking at Kurt with heavy lidded eyes.
"Kiss me.." Kurt said, giving smooth slow movements in and out of Blaine as he helped him come down.
Blaine moaned softly as he pressed his lips to Kurt's.
Kurt gasped as Blaine pulled off of his, still very hard, dick.
Blaine licked his lips. "Fuck my mouth baby..I want you deep in my throat.."
Kurt moaned, flipping them over and kissing Blaine deeply.
Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt back fiercely before pulling back a little and growling.
"I want to taste that huge fucking cock...Make me choke, baby..."
Kurt shivered, licking across Blaine's lips before climbing up his body and straddling his chest.
Blaine stared up into Kurt's eyes, waiting to get a taste.
Kurt took his leaking cock in his hand, bringing himself closer to Blaine and tracing the head around his lips.
Blaine stuck his tongue out, moaning at the taste.
Kurt let Blaine flick his tongue over the slit before pulling away a bit.
Blaine whined. "Kurrrt..."
"You want it?" Kurt asked, placing a hand on the pillow next to Blaine's head and leaning over him as he stroked himself.
Blaine nodded. "Yes. I need it.."
Kurt brought himself closer again, slowly easing into Blaine's mouth.
Blaine closed his eyes, reveling in the feel and taste
Kurt panted as he slid into Blaine's mouth, inch by inch.
Blaine reached up, gripping Kurt's ass as he took more.
Kurt was all the way down Kurt's throat and held there for a moment until Blaine sputtered and he pulled back a bit.
Blaine moaned after catching his breath, squeezing Kurt’s ass roughly.
"You like that?" Kurt breathed out.
Blaine nodded, looking up into Kurt’s eyes.
Kurt bit his lip, slowly pushing all the way down Blaine's throat again and holding his husband's head in place.
Blaine sputtered again, causing him to suck Kurt deeper into his throat and earning a loud moan from his husband.
Kurt stayed there for a couple more seconds before slipping back.
Blaine fought to catch his breath, eyes watering at the burn in his throat.
"You okay baby?" Kurt asked, pulling out.
"M-more.." Blaine said, his voice raspy.
Kurt moaned, slipping his member down Blaine's throat again.
Blaine sucked harshly, a little of his saliva sliding down his chin.
Blaine looked so fucking hot like this, he placed his hands on Blaine's red cheeks and started to thrust.
He made the most obscene noises as he slid in and out of the amazing wet heat. It was such a turn on for Kurt.
Kurt tangled his hands in Blaine's hair and forced himself deeper, faster, harder, anything to keep that fucking beautiful, wrecked look on his husband's face.
Blaine moaned around Kurt, all his noises filling the room as he let his eyes slip shut.
And those noises were so fucking perfect, They were bringing Kurt to the edge that much quicker. And he just loved that face Blaine made when he was choking on his cock, no matter how dark it sounded, it was the hottest thing Kurt had ever seen.
Blaine squeezed Kurt’s ass roughly as he sucked harder.
Kurt forced himself down Blaine's throat once more, watching his husband choke around him once more before pulling out and cumming all over his beautiful face in long pearlescent ropes. When he came down he shivered at the sight of his cum painting Blaine's face. A thin strand connecting from Blaine's lip to the head of his cock.
Blaine swallowed hard, wincing at the delicious pain in his throat before licking his lips.
Kurt's chest was heaving as he looked down at his husband who looked completely ruined.
"You're so fucking...Fuck.." Kurt panted.
Blaine gave a small smile. "That was so hot..But I really need to clean up.."
Kurt nodded, leaning down to kiss Blaine and licking up a bit of the cum there before climbing off of his chest.
Blaine went to the bathroom and cleaned up before climbing back into bed.
Kurt pulled Blaine close. "That was so amazing Blaine.."
"It was.." Blaine said hoarsely.
Kurt frowned, "Are you sure you're okay?..." He said, bringing a hand up to gently rub up and down Blaine's throat.
"Yeah. It hurts. But it was so hot.." Blaine said, his jaw cracking as he spoke.
Kurt ran his hand over Blaine's jaw. "Do you want me to get you some ice?"
Blaine nodded. "Please. If there's a vending machine will you get me a drink?"
Kurt nodded, getting up and pulling on his jeans before walking off to her what Blaine asked for.
Blaine cuddled up under the blankets as he waited for his husband.
Kurt came back with a bucket of ice and a bottle of tea. "Here you go baby.." Kurt said, handing him the drink as he took the ice into the bathroom.
"Thank you," Blaine said, sitting up.
Kurt put some ice in a rag and wrapped the rag around it, bringing it out to Blaine and carefully pressing it against his jaw.
Blaine smiled softly. "You're sweet.."
"I'm just worried..Was I too rough?"
"Baby, no. It hurts because I'm not used to having anything that size in my throat. You didn't do anything wrong." Blaine explained.
"Okay.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine again.
Blaine smiled, cuddling close.
Kurt pulled Blaine close do they were spooning comfortably.
"Hey Kurt?" Blaine whispered.
"Yes baby?"
"I just want you to know how happy I am.."
Kurt smiled, kissing the back of Blaine's neck. "So am I baby.."
"I love you so much.."
"I love you more than anything.."
Blaine smiled, kissing the back of Kurt’s hand.
"I can't wait to raise our baby with you.." Kurt smiled.
"It'll be perfect.." Blaine said softly.
"But when he comes we won't be able to have loud, kinky sex.." Kurt giggled.
"We will have to just wait until he's old enough to go hang out with friends," Blaine chuckled.
Kurt pouted. "But that's a long time.."
"Baby, you know us. It'll be hard at first. But I'm sure we'll find a way."
Kurt smiled, nodding.
"You're so amazing.." Blaine said softly.
"Just in love.." Kurt said happily.
Blaine grinned. "Me too baby.."
Kurt smiled, nuzzling into the back of Blaine's neck and pulling the blankets over them.
"Good night baby.."
"Goodnight my love.." Kurt said softly before they both drifted off to sleep.