College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 1

E - Words: 5,461 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
652 0 4 0 0

Today was the day that Kurt decided to go Job hunting. He had been helping Blaine plan Marissa's baby shower and now that they were home with bills and rent to worry about, the boys decided it was time for both of them to find a job. Blaine sat at the table, eating his breakfast Kurt made for him, Eva begging silently for a piece of the food by his chair.
"I'll be back in a couple hours.." Kurt said, pouring some coffee in a travel cup.

Blaine nodded. "Good luck baby! If you need anything call."

"I will." Kurt smiled before giving Blaine a soft kiss. "I love you.."

"I love you too, beautiful," Blaine smiled as he got up to do the dishes.

Kurt hurried out the door and Eva was at Blaine's heels, panting happily as she looked up at him.

Blaine rolled his eyes playfully as he got a dog treat from the cabinet and tossing it to her.

She jumped up, catching the treat in her mouth and eating it. Blaine smiled at the dog before looking around the house. He had it to himself for a few hours.

He thought about the things he didn't do any more since he lived with Kurt. Just all the little private things he kept to himself. He remembered one in particular and smiled to himself. It was part of his 'exercising'. Blaine went back to the bedroom, in front of the mirror and stripped. He looked at his body for a moment before starting to do naked jumping jacks. There was just something about it that made him feel free.

Kurt was driving down the road when he reached for his bag, but he didn't feel it. He looked around and it wasn't there. He realized the he forgot to grab it before he left.
"Shit.." he cursed under his breath, pulling a quick U-turn and heading back to the house.

Blaine smiled to himself. Though it was a bit childish, he had missed this.

Kurt pulled into the driveway and opened the door, not even bothering to close it as he rushed inside.

He didn't see Blaine but shrugged it off. He was probably just getting ready for work.

He started back to the room to grab his bag and opened the door, his hand flying over his mouth at the sight.

Blaine's eyes went wide as he quickly covered himself. "Kurt! I thought you left!"

"I um..I forgot my bag.." Kurt said, his smile covered by his hand as he tried not to laugh. "Um..May I ask what you were doing?"

"Umm...exercising...?" Blaine said, a blush covering his face.


Blaine nodded, completely embarrassed.

Kurt giggled slightly, going to grab his bag. "It's bad that I find this adorable.."

Blaine smiled awkwardly. "Well...I'll see you after work..."

Kurt walked over and kissed Blaine softly. "You don't have to be embarrassed Blaine.."

"You just saw me doing naked jumping jacks..." Blaine groaned.

"And I'm your husband.." Kurt laughed. "We're going to walk in on each other doing weird things. I do my share of things when I'm alone."

"Like what?" Blaine asked.

"Like...talking to myself in mirror when I get out of the shower, or pretending I'm Madonna." He sighed, blushing.

Blaine smiled. "That's adorable."

"And yes, I would be completely mortified if you saw me doing either of those things, but..I love you..And just be prepared because now that we're living together we're gonna have our equal share of weird."

Blaine nodded. "True. I'm really hoping I get to run into Madonna though," he giggled.

Kurt blushed, shoving Blaine playfully. "Get back to your jumping jacks.." he laughed before kissing him. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine giggled. "Good luck!"

"Bye baby.." Kurt said, walking out of the room.

"Bye," Blaine called back before hopping in the shower.

Kurt drove around for a bit, grabbing applications for different stores and restaurants, even though he really would rather not work in food, but hey, money is money.

Blaine finished getting ready for work. On his way he saw a 'now hiring' sign on the window of one of Kurt's favorite stores. He quickly grabbed his phone and called Kurt.

"Hello?" Kurt said happily.

"Hey babe! You know that store you used to go to when you'd come see me?"

"Vrazel's?" Kurt asked. It was one of his favorite stores, despite their lack of high fashion designer labels. They had amazing clothes.

"Yeah!" Blaine smiled. "They're hiring. You should go!"

"They are?!" Kurt gasped. "I've been trying to apply there for months and they've never been hiring.."

"Well they are now. Go apply and ask to speak to the manager. There's no way they wouldn't want you."

"I will! Oh my god!" Kurt said quickly.

Blaine smiled as he pulled into Friday's. "I gotta go baby. Good luck. I love you.."

"I love you too Blaine. Thank you!" Kurt said happily.

"You're welcome," Blaine said softly. "Bye beautiful."

"Goodbye my fabulous husband.." Kurt smiled as he started to go towards Vrazel's.

Blaine giggled before hanging up and heading inside.

Kurt did as Blaine told him and got an application from the store, introduced himself to the manager and left feeling optimistic.

He went to a few more places before stopping to check on Marissa and let her know not to make plans for the following weekend.

"Why? What's going on?" She asked.

"We're throwing you a baby shower at our house. We invited the girls from your work, glee club, and Carole," Kurt smiled.

"You boys didn't have to do that for me," Marissa said but smiled happily.

"You deserve it.." Kurt said sweetly.

"Can I at least help with anything?" She asked.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "I think you already know the answer to that question." He chuckled.

Marissa sighed. "You boys are too good to me."

"Because we love you." Kurt said smiling. "Now I think you and I should have a girls day."

Marissa's eyes lit up. "Oh my God! That sounds amazing. What did you have in mind?"

"We could go shopping for some new clothes for after you have Dylan, and then I can treat you to lunch." Kurt said.

"Really?" Marissa said happily. "Kurt, that sounds so fun!"

Kurt nodded, "I've been wanting to have a day with you for a while."

"If I could get up, I'd hug you," the pregnant woman giggled.

Kurt leaned down, hugging her tightly.

Kurt helped her up and they were on their way out.

Kurt took her to a few good stores downtown and Kurt helped her pick out some beautiful outfits.

She sighed happily. "Like I said, you're too good to me."

"Nope..But that dress is going to look amazing on you. John won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" Kurt giggled.

Marissa smiled. "It'll be a while before I can actually wear it though."

"Still, when you can, it will be amazing."

"Thanks Kurt," she said softly.

Kurt linked arms with her. "So where do you want to go to lunch?" He asked as they walked to the car.

"Want to go see Blaine?" She asked.

Kurt grinned. "I think he could use a pleasant surprise."

They got in the car and Kurt drove them to Friday's.

Kurt saw Blaine and requested to be seated in his section.

They were seated and Blaine lit up when he saw them.
"Hey! Wasn't expecting to see you two."

"We were in the neighborhood.." Kurt giggled, smiling at how cute Blaine looked in his uniform.

"Did you go to that store?" Blaine asked.

"I did.." Kurt said happily.

"And?" Blaine said excitedly.

"I applied and introduced myself to the manager. She seemed to like me." Kurt smiled.

"I hope you get it," Blaine said. "What can I get for you?"

They told Blaine what they wanted to drink and he smiled, walking off.

"I'm so proud of him," Marissa sighed.

"So am I..I just don't want him to work himself too hard." Kurt sighed.

Marissa grabbed Kurt's hand. "Has he been? What's going on with him?"

"He usually does..He always tries to put all the responsibility on his shoulders." Kurt said quietly.

"But he has you," Marissa sighed. "He needs to relax."

"I know..But you know how he is.." He said, flipping through his menu.

"I know. He tried doing things for me when he moved in with me. He means well..."

"Yeah..I just worry.." Kurt sighed.

Marissa nodded. "I know. So do I. Maybe once you get a job, you two can sit down Ans figure out who pays what to make it even."

"Hopefully." Kurt said as Blaine returned with their drinks.

"Do you know what you want?" Blaine asked.

Kurt ordered a salad, smiling at his husband.

Blaine rolled his eyes but wrote it down anyways. "And for you momma?"

She ordered grilled chicken and Kurt laughed. "Don't roll your eyes at me young man.."

"You always get the salad!" Blaine giggled. "But anyways. I asked to take my break so I could sit with you so I'll be out when your food is ready."

"Alright sweetheart." Marissa smiled.

Blaine walked back to the kitchen to take their order in.

"He always gets so mad when I eat salad." Kurt laughed.

"He gets worried that you might worry about your weight too much. He had a friend before we moved here that had an eating problem. He's just looking out for you," Marissa said softly.

"What happened with his friend?" Kurt asked concernedly.

"She got picked on a lot. She wasn't even big. But that's how she dealt with the pain. It started with only eating salads and jogging excessively. It just got worse. It was like no matter how skinny she got, it wasn't good enough."

"Oh my god.." Kurt said quietly.

Marissa nodded. "So as long as he knows you're doing it to maintain your weight and because you like it, it's okay," Marissa said softly.

I hope he knows.." Kurt sighed.

"I'm sure he does. You eat other things right?"

"Of course..I only get salads when we go out." Kurt explained.

"I'm sure he knows then." Marissa smiled as Blaine came back with their plates.

"Hey baby.." Kurt smiled.

"Hey," Blaine said, setting their plates down. He set his own down next to Kurt's and sat next to him.

Kurt smiled, "I like your buttons.." he giggled, fiddling with the pins on Blaine's vest.

Blaine shook his head. "I definitely didn't miss the uniform."

"I think it's cute.." Kurt giggled.

"You say that as you laugh," Blaine said, taking a bite of his steak.

"Because you're silly." Kurt said, starting to eat his salad.

"So Kurt tells me you boys are throwing me a baby shower?" Marissa smiled.

Blaine's face lit up. "Yes! We have it all planned out!"

"I don't know how to thank you Blaine..I appreciate it so much.." She said happily.

"Not a problem," Blaine smiled. "I just can't wait to make the cakes! And show you your gifts."

Marissa grinned. "Truth be told, I can't wait to push this one out.." She said, patting her stomach.

"You will be soon," Blaine smiled.

"And..Blaine and I are thinking about..That when we're ready..we're going to have a surrogate mother for our baby.." Kurt smiled. "It's not final yet. But like I said, we're thinking about it."

Blaine smiled proudly.

Marissa looked up, smiling from ear to ear as tears gathered in her eyes. "Really? That's so amazing boys!"

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand. "We just thought it might be better if one of us was actually the father.."

"That way it’s a little more personal. And we want to be there through the whole experience." Blaine added.

Marissa nodded, looking between the two of them. "You two are going to be amazing parents..."

"Thanks momma," Blaine said softly. "Of course, we're going to wait until we're financially ready and have the time. We want to do it right."

"That's the responsible thing to do.." Marissa nodded.

"So what are you two up to today?" Blaine asked.

"Shopping." Kurt smiled.

"Find anything good?"

"Kurt picked out a few things for me.." Marissa said happily.

"I'm glad you're having fun. I know we haven't been letting you do much..." Blaine said.

"Don't worry about it sweetie. I understand. " she chuckled.

"And if you ever news a night off, we'd be happy to watch Dylan for you," Blaine smiled.

"Thank you honey." Marissa smiled as Kurt nodded in agreement.

"No problem," Blaine said. "What kind of drinks and snacks do you want at the shower? I don't know what your friends like."

Marissa smiled, answering all of Blaine's questions he had about the baby shower.

Blaine sighed as his break was up. "Thanks for coming in. It was great to see you mom."

"Bye Blaine." she smiled.

"Bye baby.." Kurt said kissing his cheek. "Can we get the bill?"

Blaine shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Love you!" Blaine said, smiling as he walked away before Kurt could protest.

Kurt shook his head, smiling. "Your son drives me crazy.."

Marissa giggled. "Me too."

They got up and Kurt drove Marissa back to the apartment, helping her up the stairs and to her door. "I had fun today.." he said, hugging her tightly.

"Me too," she smiled. "Thank you so much Kurt. I needed that."

"Glad I could help." He chuckled. "We need to do it again soon."

"Definitely!" She agreed. "Good luck with the job hunt!"

"Thanks." He smiled, kissing her cheek. "Bye!" He chimed.

"Bye Hun!" Marissa said as Kurt went back down the stairs.

Kurt made his way back to the house, humming softly to himself. When he got back, he changed into some comfortable clothes and decided to watch Gypsy.

A little after the movie was over, Blaine came back home. "Hey baby."

"Hey.." Kurt smiled, stretching out on the couch. "How was work?"

Blaine shrugged. "It was okay."

Kurt got up pulling Blaine into his arms and kissing him softly. "Long day?" He said quietly.

Blaine nodded. "Yeah. I'm tired."

"Why don't we take a hot bath and then I'll make you something to eat...I'll even let you sleep in tomorrow.." Kurt smiled, cupping Blaine's cheek in his hand.

Blaine sighed. "You're so amazing..."

Kurt giggled lightly. "Come on, let’s go take that bath.."

They went to the bathroom and drew a nice hot bath before slipping in.

Blaine lied back against Kurt's chest, sighing softly as Kurt pet his curls.

"Thank you baby," Blaine said softly.

"You'd do the same for me." Kurt said, leaning down to plant a kiss on his head.

Blaine smiled. "True. Still, you're so amazing."

Kurt smiled. "What do you want for dinner love?"

"Can we have chicken strips?" Blaine asked hopefully.

Kurt just nodded. "I'll just make myself a salad.." but he saw Blaine's face fall and spoke back up. "But on second thought..Chicken does sound really good right now.."

Blaine smiled, turning over and cuddling against Kurt. "Thank you."

"For what baby?" Kurt asked.

"Chicken," Blaine said tiredly.

"You're welcome baby.." Kurt said, smiling fondly at his husband.

Blaine gave a soft sigh. "If I don't move, I'm gonna fall asleep..."

"You can sleep if you want baby.." Kurt said, running his hand up and down Blaine's back.

Blaine nodded. "I might take a nap on the couch. I don't want to shrivel up."

Kurt giggled. "Alright, but at least let me wash your hair, you smell like mozzarella sticks.." he said jokingly.

Blaine laughed. "I love when you wash my hair."

Kurt smiled, washing his husbands curls before they got out, dressed in some comfortable clothes and Blaine curled up under a blanket on the couch, promptly passing out.

Kurt smiled down at Blaine, kissing his forehead before going to start dinner.

A bit later after he finished, he leaned down, kissing Blaine softly. "Baby..Dinner's ready."

Blaine groaned, getting up and stretching. "It smells so good."

"Mhmm.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine made their plates and set them at the table before sitting down to eat.

Kurt smiled at his sleepy husband. "So how often are you going to be working?" Kurt asked.

"As much as I can for now. But I'll cut back once I know my classes," Blaine said, taking another bite.

Kurt bit his lip. "Baby..I don't want you to work yourself too hard.."

"I won’t," Blaine said softly. "I just want to make sure we're okay."

"We will Blaine..I should hopefully have a job within the next few weeks.." Kurt said, taking a bite of his chicken.

"You'll get one no problem. Then it'll be even easier," Blaine smiled.

"Hopefully." Kurt said again.

Blaine took Kurt's hand. "It will baby."

Kurt smiled up at Blaine, nodding lightly.

They finished their dinner and cleaned up.
"Do you wanna watch RENT?" Blaine asked.

"I thought you were tired.." Kurt giggled.

"I am. But I wanna watch it," Blaine smiled.

Kurt kissed Blaine softly as he set up the movie and cuddled up to Blaine on the couch.

They sang along with all the songs and enjoyed each other's company.

About three-quarters of the way though the movie, Blaine started to fall asleep against Kurt's chest.

Kurt smiled down at his adorable husband.

He decided not to disturb him,, turning off the movie before shifting a bit and wrapping his arms around him as they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Blaine woke up the next morning confused. He must've fallen asleep during the movie. He carefully got up and made coffee and breakfast.

Kurt grumbled in his sleep as the scent of food drifted through the air. He made a mumbling noise, wanting to get up, but feeling too tired to.

Blaine heard Kurt groan and brought him a cup of coffee.
"Good morning baby."

Kurt took a sip of it before setting it on the coffee table, holding both of his arms out to Blaine and making a small noise.

Blaine giggled, laying down with Kurt. "Want to go out for breakfast? I tried but failed miserably..."

"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked sleepily.

"I tried being sweet and making crepes.."

"Aaaweee..." Kurt smiled.

"You wouldn't say that if you saw the kitchen..." Blaine said carefully.

"What's wrong with the kitchen?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

Blaine looked down. "It’s a big mess..."

Kurt got up, padding over to the kitchen and gasping.

Blaine stayed on the couch, not wanting to see Kurt's reaction.

Kurt looked around the kitchen. Dishes were piled in the sink and flour was all over the counters along with egg shells among other things that littered the counters and floor. Kurt looked up and saw a burnt crepe actually stuck to the ceiling.

Blaine took a deep breath and walked to the kitchen. "Please don't laugh..."

Kurt bit his lip, holding back a laugh as the crepe plopped down onto Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine frowned. "I fail."

"Awee..Baby..You don't fail.." Kurt said sweetly as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist.

"You must be blind," Blaine said, laughing lightly.

Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "Well, what I see is a sweet gesture from my amazing husband..." he smiled.

"Thanks baby," Blaine smiled.

Kurt kissed Blaine again. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine said softly. "I'll clean up after we get something to eat. I'm so hungry."

"I'll help you.." Kurt said softly.

"You're the best."

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again. "Where do you want to go eat?"

"Perkins?" Blaine asked.

"Sounds good.." Kurt smiled.

They showered and got dressed. Blaine let Eva out before they headed out for breakfast.

Kurt smiled at Blaine as they sat down. "You are so cute."

Blaine blushed. "Why do you say that?"

"You just are..Your hair's getting long..You haven't shaved..All scruffy.." Kurt giggled.

Blaine's blush deepened. "You're silly."

"And you're cute.." Kurt said again.

Blaine looked down, smiling as he got butterflies in his stomach. "Thank you.."

Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's, squeezing lightly. "I love you.."

"I love you too," he said, smiling.

They had a simple breakfast, laughing and talking happily before they went back to the house to clean up the kitchen.

Blaine sighed when he looked at the mess.
"I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby..Remember the food fight we had a Britt's? That was way worse." Kurt said, smiling at the memory.

"Oh God. So true," Blaine giggled.

"Well then..Let’s get to it." Kurt said, going to get some cleaning supplies out of the closet.

Blaine grabbed the rags and they started cleaning the counters first.

Kurt scurried off to the room and got his iHome, putting on his favorite playlist as they danced and cleaned.

They made it a fun time until they finished. Then Blaine looked up.
"How do we reach that?"

Kurt sighed, looking up at the creamy residue the crepe left. He grabbed the mop and turned it upside down, reaching up to clean it off.

"You're smart," Blaine giggled. "I was scared I'd have to lift you up and clean it that way."

Kurt laughed as he scrubbed at the stuff. "I have no objections to you lifting me up.." he winked.

Blaine chuckled. "Just wait til you're done..."

Kurt giggled as he finished, setting the mop down and examining the now clean roof.

Blaine stood behind Kurt, swooping him up in his arms. "Where to, my love?"

Kurt squealed, laughing loudly. "Blaine!" He grinned.

"You said you wanted to be lifted up," Blaine smiled.

"You're silly.." Kurt said before kissing Blaine's stubbly jaw.

"What is this silly nonsense you speak of?" Blaine giggled.

Kurt laughed lightly as Blaine sat him on the counter. "Kiss me.." Kurt said quietly, pulling Blaine closer by the hem of his shirt.

Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss Kurt deeply.

Kurt sighed softly, running his hands under Blaine's shirt and up his abs.

Blaine gasped. He loved when Kurt touched his abs.

Kurt reached down, pulling Blaine's shirt off before crashing their lips together, a bit more desperate than before.

Blaine lightly bit Kurt's bottom lip before eagerly pulling Kurt's shirt off.

Kurt moaned, clutching to Blaine and wrapping his legs around him as he kissed down to his neck.

Blaine gasped. "Oh Kurt..."

Kurt leaned back, starting to undo Blaine's belt when the phone rang.

Blaine groaned as he answered.

Kurt pouted, hopping off of the counter to kiss Blaine's neck and reaching around to palm at his crotch.
"Hello." A young woman's voice said happily. "This is Bianca from Vrazel's. I was just calling to maybe set up an interview with Kurt Hummel?"

Blaine gasped as Kurt touched him.
"Umm yeah...let me find him.." he set his palm over the speaker. "You're evil! But it’s for you." He said, handing the phone to Kurt.

Kurt cocked an eyebrow and took the phone from Blaine. "Hello?" He said pleasantly.

"Kurt? Hi. My name is Bianca. I understand you put in an application at Vrazel's?"

"Yes, I did." Kurt said, his smile growing.

"I see this would be your second job...But on your resume you seemed to have an extensive knowledge of fashion. Could you come in for an interview? Say today about two?" She asked.

"Of course, that's perfect." Kurt said happily.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then, Kurt." She said before hanging up.

Kurt jumped up and down, "oh my god!" He squealed.

Blaine smiled. "What did she say?"

"I have an interview today!" Kurt said ecstatically.

"Oh my God! When?"

"At two!" Kurt smiled, hugging Blaine tightly.

Blaine kissed Kurt. "You better go get ready! Oh my God! Can I go? I'll wait in the car and we'll call mom and your family so we can celebrate after!"

"Of course!" Kurt grinned. "We'll just have to continue this later.." Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine again before skipping off to the room.

"Oh trust me, we will," Blaine said in a deeper tone. He called everyone to tell them to meet them at Breadstix at five while Kurt got dressed.

Kurt picked out a white button up with a black tie and his favorite Alexander McQueen cardigan. He also slipped on a pair of dark denim skinnies and some black boots. He coiffed his hair perfectly and even shaped up his eyebrows. He was so nervous.

Blaine came in, smiling as he saw Kurt. "You look perfect."

"Really? It's not too much? Not enough?" Kurt asked quickly.

"It's perfect. You're going to get it. I bet you know more than they do about clothes."

Kurt blushed. "I just hope she likes me..."

Blaine pulled Kurt close. "She will love you."

Kurt smiled, "Thank you baby..."

"You're welcome," Blaine said softly.

When it was time, Blaine drove Kurt to the store. Kurt was smiling ear to ear, clearly exited, yet nervous.

"You're gonna get it baby," Blaine said happily.

Kurt nodded, leaning over to kiss Blaine before walking into the store.

Kurt walked up to the register and the young lady went to get the manager. She came out and shook Kurt's hand.
"I’m Bianca. You must be Kurt. And don't you look handsome! Come on to my office and I'll ask you a few questions."

Kurt smiled, thanking her for the compliment as he followed her to a back room with a desk and a couple of chairs. Bianca was very pretty. Tall, long platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and very skinny. She has a superior air about her, but it was underlying her kind, approachability.

"So just to review your worked at Chuck E Cheese before? What made you leave?" Bianca asked.

"Well, it was more of just a job to get through high school..Now that I have more responsibility since I moved out of my parent's house, I feel like I should get a job working with something I'm more passionate about." Kurt said coolly.

"Why do you think you'd be good for this job?"

"Well, I've always been very into fashion and everything about it." Kurt said smiling. "Ever since I was little, my mother would take me shopping with her, and I would help her find clothes and pick out things for her. I really enjoy doing that for people and I would love doing it for the customers."

Bianca nodded. "How old are you and what is your schedule like?"

"I turn nineteen next month, and I do plan on starting college in the fall. It really depends on what my options look like whether it will be full time or not." He said thoughtfully.

"What would you prefer?" Bianca asked, smiling. "And do you have reliable transportation?"

"Truthfully, I'd prefer not to have full time, just for scheduling purposes..And yes I do. I have my own car, very reliable." Kurt smiled.

"Are there any days or times, AM or PM, that you can't work?"

"Well, until I start school, I'm available all hours of the day." He said happily.

"And can you handle being on your feet for long periods of time?"

Kurt nodded. "Yes ma'am." He said smiling.

She continued to question Kurt and he answered honestly and pretty much perfectly.
"Well, Kurt...I think you'd be great. Can you be here Monday at nine? We can start your training."

Kurt raised his eyebrows and his smile grew. "Of course." He said happily. They both stood and he shook her hand before walking out to the car, trying not to squeal.

Blaine could tell it went well as Kurt walked out and jumped in the car.
"So when do you start?"

"Monday at nine!" He said happily, throwing his arms around Blaine and hugging him tightly.

"I'm so happy for you," Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt's cheek. "I knew you'd get it."

"I love you.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine lightly.

"I love you too," Blaine said softly. "Well we have almost three hours before dinner. What would you like to do?"

"Maybe we could go back to the house...Finish what we started?.." Kurt said, fluttering his eyelashes a bit and giving that coy smile.

Blaine bit his lip. "Sounds good." He said, hurrying off to the house.

Kurt let out a high giggle as they walked in and Blaine picked him up, carrying him to the kitchen.

He set Kurt on the counter, pulling his shirt off before taking his own off.
"So where were we?"

Kurt smiled, working Blaine's belt open and pushing them down as much as he could before pushing them down the rest of the way with his feet.

Blaine did the same with Kurt, throwing them to the side. "What do you want baby?" Blaine asked in Kurt's ear.

Kurt shivered at Blaine's voice. He didn't think he'd ever get enough of how Blaine spoke. Especially when it was like this, low and rough and wanting..It was so sexy. "I want you inside of me.." Kurt whispered.

"What do you want inside you?" Blaine whispered hotly, licking up the shell.

Kurt whimpered, wrapping his long legs around Blaine's slim waist in an attempt to get him even closer. "Your cock.." he panted running his hands down Blaine's broad chest and through the light smattering of dark hair.

Blaine bit Kurt's ear lobe, "Oh, you're gonna get it baby. But not yet..."

Kurt looked up at Blaine with an almost pouting look. "Why not?"

"Be patient," Blaine smiled crookedly, dropping down and kissing up Kurt's thighs before leaving teasingly hot breaths over Kurt's length.

Kurt braced his arms on the counter behind him, looking down at Blaine with lust filled eyes. He let out a sharp breath as Blaine breathed out over his growing member. "Mmm...Baby.." he moaned.

Blaine grazed his teeth from the base to tip, looking up into Kurt's beautiful eyes.

Kurt's eyebrows knit together at the sensation. He bit his lip, staring at his amazingly sexy husband. He couldn't believe that he found someone like Blaine. Someone who was kind and loving and understanding, but also a god in the bedroom. Or kitchen in this case.

Blaine smiled, getting back up and kissing Kurt deeply as he reached for the spare bottle of lube in the end drawer.

Kurt moaned into the kiss, wrapping his legs around Blaine again.

Blaine gasped, pulling Kurt's briefs off and slicking himself up.

Kurt watched Blaine intently, biting his lip. He wouldn't ever admit it out loud, at least not again, but his husband did have a beautiful cock.

Blaine pulled back, just an inch away from Kurt's lips. "Are you ready for me?"

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine pulled Kurt closer, slowly pressing in as he growled in his husband's ear.

Kurt's eyes screwed shut, moaning softly as the sound sent small shock waves of pleasure through his body.

Blaine stopped to give Kurt a chance to get used to him. "How do you want me baby?"

"Fast..B-But not too fast.." Kurt said, kissing him before laying back to give Blaine a better angle.

Blaine started working his hips, sliding in and out of Kurt as he worked up to the speed Kurt wanted. "You're so sexy, Kurt..."

Kurt's breathing started becoming labored, gasping as he felt the hot drag of his husband's thick member inside of him, filling him and stretching him. Making him feel like no one ever could.

Blaine sucked the skin over Kurt's collarbone into his mouth, thrusting a little harder.

"Unh! Blaine..." Kurt whimpered, placing his hands on the back of his husband's neck. "Oh god..Yes baby..Yes!"

Blaine angled himself to hit Kurt's prostate. "Shit! You're so tight!"

Kurt's hips bucked up at the sudden jolt of pleasure, causing him to cry out Blaine's name.

"Fuck...say my name again..." Blaine gasped, digging his nails into Kurt's hips.

Kurt gasped at the slight pain. "Blaine!..Mmm..Blaine.." he panted, looking up at him.

Blaine wondered why Kurt had asked if Blaine regretted only being with him. This was the most amazing feeling he could ever imagine. No one else could make him feel this.

Kurt arched his back, clenching around Blaine, the impossibly tight heat around Blaine's length making him cry out as Kurt keened softly.

"Fuck! Baby! I'm not gonna fucking good!" Blaine breathed out.

"Come inside me.." Kurt breathed out, looking up at Blaine, his eyes loaded with lust before letting out a high whimper every time Blaine's hips pressed against him. He was so close and so full. He didn't know how much more he could take either.

Blaine gave a few more thrusts to Kurt's prostate, cumming deep inside Kurt as he cried out.

Kurt all but purred as he felt Blaine fill him, looking up at his husband's beautiful face as the wet heat spread. Kurt bit his lip, his body rocking with the unpredictable thrusts Blaine was making. He made a sharp sound before he starting coming in streaks up his own stomach.

Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder, panting harshly.

Kurt stayed like that as long as he could, his legs tight around his lover and his back arched. Then he relaxed, spread and splayed under a sweaty Blaine, his chest still rising and falling fast beneath him as they both sucked in breath.
"I love you..." Kurt panted.

Blaine breathed out heavily. "I love you so much baby...holy shit..."

Kurt laughed softly, placing his hand on Blaine's red cheek. "You're amazing.."

"So are you baby," Blaine smiled. "Shower?"

"Shower.." Kurt sighed in agreement.

Later, they all met up with the family at Breadstix, greeting each other with warm hugs and hellos.

They sat down and ordered their drinks.
"So what's all this about?" Carole asked.

"Well..I had a job interview at Vrazel's today..." Kurt said smiling.

"Did you get it?" Burt asked, smiling.

"I start Monday." He said grinning.

Everyone congratulated Kurt, causing him to blush.

"Well it pays a helluva lot better than Chuck E Cheese's." He laughed, his cheeks pink.

Everyone laughed and giggled.
"I'm proud of you son," Burt said.

Kurt smiled up at his father. "Thanks dad..I wouldn't have even applied if it wasn't for Blaine.." he said, squeezing his husband's hand.

Blaine shrugged. "Just happened to look up at the right time."

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Well, thank you.."

"I love you," Blaine said softly.

"I love you too baby.." Kurt said, turning to glare at Finn as he made a gagging noise.

Blaine giggled. "You two never fail to amuse me."

"Well I'm glad you enjoy my pain.." Kurt sighed as Finn laughed.

"At least you don't live with each other anymore," Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand.

"I do kind of miss having you around Kurt.." Finn sighed, looking across the table at his brother.

Blaine smiled. "Come on. You know you miss him."

Kurt sighed, a light smile gracing his lips. "I miss you too.."

Carole smiled, happy to see them getting along.

The dinner went well, everyone congratulating Kurt again before they all went home, our happy couple falling asleep in each other's arms.


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I hope this story isnt abandoned!?! I love it!

Nope. We were on our own hiatus for about a month. Just starting writing again Will get back to that one soon

I really care about the story, but it's given me trouble because I love the story so much I couldnt stop reading it, so I was reading it till 4 o'clock in the morning. =) And I'm recommend the story to every klaine lover. =) I can't wait till the next chapter is on. And about family moments, uhm I'm really interesting how Kurt is doing with his depression, because I can really relate to it because I was almost two years depressed when my grandma died ( I don't have a dad and she was next to my mom my second care taker) And I'm curious about the interaction with Elliot and his new babybrother/sister but my biggest question is and I don't mean to push you or anything because it is your story but please don't go to fast. I really don't want it to end.=) Link

Thank you sweetie! This really means a lot to me. There will be times where we have to skip ahead. But we'll try to keep this story around as long as we can <3