June 6, 2013, 7:05 p.m.
June 6, 2013, 7:05 p.m.
Blaine was starting to have nightmares. Not normal nightmares, but recurring nightmares. Hands made of flames grabbing him, searing his skin. He could feel the intense pain as if he were experiencing it all over again. More and more hands would grab him, hold him down as he watched his flesh burn until it was black. He could even smell the sickening aroma of burning skin. Something no fireman ever wanted to encounter, yet he had, more than he saw fit. A final hand closed over his mouth and he shot up in his bed, covered in sweat, frantically grabbing at his arms and chest. He was drenched in sweat, trying to get a grip on what was real.
Kurt woke up to Blaine's panic. "Baby? Baby, what's wrong?"
Blaine closed his mouth, trying to slow his breathing as the phantom burn left his skin. "Nothing...I-I'm fine..Just..had a bad dream.."
"Come here," Kurt said softly, wrapping his arms around Blaine. Blaine stiffened as Kurt's warm body wrapped around him, but he quickly relaxed. Kurt kissed his boyfriend's unruly hair. "I got you.."
Blaine nodded, dragging his hands down his face before turning to kiss Kurt softly. "Thank you."
Kurt nodded, holding him tighter. Blaine laid back down with Kurt still holding him. Why was this becoming a problem now?..He ran his hand over his scarred arms, sighing quietly. He tried to get more sleep but the terrifying nightmare kept him awake.
At least he was off the next day.
That morning, he still hadn't gotten any sleep when Kurt stetched awake behind him.
Kurt smiled warmly. "Good morning."
"Morning.." Blaine said, forcing a smile.
"Want me to make you breakfast?"
"I'm really not that hungry.."
"Okay." Kurt said. He kissed Blaine's chest before getting up to shower.
Blaine ran his hands through his curls and sighed deeply. Why couldn't he get over this? Blaine got up, not bothering to shower as he got dressed. He needed to find some way to relax. Maybe he could go to the lake.
Angie walked out and Blaine gave her a small smile. "Hey.."
"Hey short stuff."
Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. Maybe he could help out at the bakery. "Do you guys need any help today?"
Angie shrugged. "If not, we could use some company."
Blaine smiled. "That sounds good."
"Go get ready. We'll all walk together."
Blaine nodded, going to change into some normal clothes.
Angie made something to eat and went to change.
Blaine walked into the room as Kurt dropped his towel. He blushed lightly. "S-Sorry.."
Kurt blushed but giggled. "You've seen me naked."
"I know.." Blaine smiled. Kurt bent over, looking for something in a drawer. Blaine gasped quietly, staring at his boyfriend's ass. Kurt groaned. "I can't find my favorite pants."
Blaine swallowed before letting out a moan from the back of his throat. Kurt turned around and raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry...You just...You look really good.."
"Oh yeah?" Kurt smiled, placing his hands on his hips.
Blaine bit his lip, his eyes devouring Kurt. "Oh god.."
"Come here."
Blaine walked over to Kurt, sighing shakily. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and smiled.
"You're so beautiful.."
Kurt blushed, looking down bashfully. Blaine ran his hands up Kurt's sides slowly. Kurt shivered. "You're sweet."
"Just being honest...You are..so perfect..sexy"
Kurt gasped, leaning in to kiss Blaine. Blaine moaned, kissing Kurt deeply. He picked him up quickly and pushed him against the wall. Kurt tightened his thighs around Blaine. "Oohh!"
Blaine smiled as he kissed down Kurt's neck, biting and sucking lightly.
Kurt ran his hands through Blaine's curls. "I love that.."
"Me too.." Blaine smiled, gripping Kurt' s thighs.
"God, you're perfect..." The fireman whispered.
Kurt shook his head. "You are."
Blaine smiled sadly against Kurt's skin. "No.."
"You are."
Blaine just shook his head again, looking down. Kurt cupped Blaine's cheek. "What's wrong?"
"I-I dont know."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm just not..You're perfect, Kurt.." Blaine said softly.
"Well, if I'm perefect, then I'm always right. And I say you're perfect." Kurt grinned.
Blaine chuckled lightly, smiling.
"Kiss me."
Blaine leaned in, kissing his boyfriend softly. Kurt cupped Blaine's cheeks with both hands. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." Blaine whispered.
"I'm going to be late." Kurt sighed.
"You want me to let you go?" Blaine chuckled.
Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt again. Kurt gasped before deepening the kiss. Blaine moaned, thrusting against his boyfriend.
"Oh god.. I want you, Blaine.."
"How?..Tell me.."
"Like this. I want you to watch me fall apart." Kurt moaned. Blaine moaned, pulling his half-hard member out. Kurt gasped. "Fuck.. You're so hot.."
Blaine smiled as he pumped himself. "So are you babe.."
Kurt could feel the tip of Blaine's cock rub against his ass. "Blaine.."
"Yeah?.." Blaine smiled.
Kurt rolled his body. "I just want you."
Blaine spit on his hand before stroking himself and slowly pushing in.
Kurt's head fell back. "Oohh.."
"Fuck.." Blaine gasped.
Kurt leaned in to kiss up Blaine's neck. "Fuck me."
Blaine moaned, thrusting up into Kurt roughly. Kurt held onto Blaine as he let out a long whine.
"God, you're so tight.." Blaine panted.
Kurt scratched up Blaine's back. "Oooohhh! Fuck!"
Blaine snapped his hips forward at the sensation, growling deep in his throat.
"Ah! Fuck! D-Do that again!"
Blaine did so, moaning loudly as he fucked into Kurt faster. Kurt's breathing turned into short pants as he edged closer to his release.
"Talk to me, Kurt.." Blaine panted.
"Unh.. S-So good.. Don't stop.. Blaine!"
Blaine bit down on Kurt's neck as he slammed into that perfect spot.
Kurt cried out as his back arched wildly. "Blaine!"
"I'm gonna come.." Blaine moaned in Kurt's ear.
"Me too.. Fuck me, Blaine."
"Oh shit!" Blaine cried. Kurt shuddered in Blaine's arms, letting out a high cry as he came. Blaine came inside of Kurt as he felt him tighten around him, moaning deeply. Kurt gave soft kisses up Blaine's neck as they came down.
Blaine panted softly. "Oh, baby.."
"That was..amazing.."
"It always is.." Blaine smiled.
Kurt blushed lightly. "I don't want to work now."
"I'm going with you.."
"You are?" Kurt grinned.
"Yes.." Blaine smiled.
"Let's get dressed then."
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt softly. They walked down to the bakery and Kurt smiled. This was a place that always made him happy.
Blaine smiled as they walked inside and Kurt tossed him an apron. "What are my duties today?"
"You can help Angie with the baking. I'll frost and decorate." Kurt grinned. Blaine nodded, walking to the back. "I'm going to help Samantha take orders." Kurt sighed, kissing Blaine before heading to the counter.
Blaine walked over to Angie, smiling "So, what do you need?"
Angie looked up at the screen with their orders. "A dozen lemon cupcakes."
Blaine grinned. "Got it." He said quickly, grabbing the cupcake tins and the ingredients Angie asked for. Angie giggled when she noticed the flour on Blaine's nose. "What is it?.." Blaine asked as he set his armful down on the counter.
"You have," Angie pointed to Blaine's nose. "Flour on you."
Blaine laughed lightly, "Thanks.." he said as he wiped it off.
The day was going smoothly. Blaine liked hanging around the bakery.
Later that day, he bent down to grab the cupcakes out of the oven, hissing loudly and giving a sharp cry as the top rack came in contact with his arm.
"Shit! Blaine, are you okay?" Angie asked, hurrying over to him. Blaine stumbled back against the wall, his hand clamped over the burn as his breathing began to pick up and panic filled his chest. Angie knelt down as Blaine slid down to the floor. "Blaine.. Kurt! Kurt get in here!"
Blaine closed his eyes as he started to feel it all over again, the heat, the flames licking his arms and burning through his shirt, the fabric melting into his skin.
Kurt ran in and gasped. "Blaine? Angie, what happened?"
"H-he burned his arm, pulling the cupcakes out of the oven."
"I-I have to get her out!" Blaine gasped, in a panic.
Kurt reached out to cup Blaine's cheek. "Baby, you're at the bakery. Everyone's fine. There's no fire.." Blaine was shaking as he grabbed Kurt, pulling him down and hugging him close. Kurt held Blaine tightly. "Shh, it's okay.. I'm here, Blaine."
"I-I'm sorry.." Blaine breathed out, his voice trembling.
"You want to go home?"
Blaine shook his head as he stood. "I-I just think I need to go for a walk.."
"Are you sure? I can take a break and come with you."
Blaine slowly stood. "I'm fine..I just..I dont know..but I'm okay.."
Kurt sighed. "Okay.. Well, call me if you need me."
Blaine nodded, running his fingers through his hair as he hurried out. Kurt gave his roommate a weary look.
"What's wrong with him?..." Samantha asked.
"I don't know."
Angie looked down. "What should we do?"
"Not sure. Maybe you can talk to David? See if he knows anything." Kurt suggested.
Angie nodded lightly. "I hope he's okay.."
"Me too.."
Blaine hurried down the busy sidewalk, trying to calm himself down. He had been through many fires, helped so many people. Why was this happening? He had to talk to someone about this. He couldn't worry Kurt, and if he told anyone at the department, they would make him take off.. He couldn't handle that. He needed to talk now. But who could he turn to? He walked a bit further and the buildings around him began to seem more familiar..This is where Sebastian lived. Maybe he could go to him. After all, he did help them out with the bakery. He walked to the high end apartment and went up the elevator.
Blaine took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He smiled weakly as Sebastian opened the door. "Hey.."
"Blaine.." Sebastian said. "What're you doing here?"
"I just..I really need to talk and I dont know who else to go to..." Blaine got out.
"You want to come in?"
Blaine nodded lightly.
Sebastian closed the door behind Blaine. He poured them each a glass of tea and sat down on the couch. "What's going on?"
"I..I really don't know.." He said quietly. "I just..I dont feel normal..I cant sleep, and when I do, I have this nightmare, every night..I'm terrified of fire..I just.." Blaine rubbed over the heavy scarring on his arms. "I don't know.."
"Well, you were in a hospital because of one. You were burned badly." Sebastian said. "You have to try to forget that and remember why you became a firefighter."
Blaine shook his head. "It's not that simple..I-I try.."
"I know." Sebastian sighed. "Give it time. Has this happened to anyone else you know?"
"No..Everyone I know gets over it.." Blaine sighed softly.
"Give it some time. Maybe you will. And if not, then you'll find someone to help."
"I dont want to bother anyone with this.."
"Blaine, there are people that specialize in this. You wouldn't be a bother to them. And.. I hope I'm not over stepping here. But if its a money issue, I can help you." Sebastian said sincerely.
"No..Money..Money isn't an issue..I just..If my Capitan finds out about this..I could be out of a job.."
"Unless you get better."
"I'm fine..It was just..It was just one outburst.." Blaine whispered.
Sebastian sighed, scooting a little closer. "I know you can do this. Let me take you to lunch." He laughed lightly as Blaine raised an eyebrow. "I promise I won't try anything."
Blaine sighed softly. "I'd love that.."
Sebastian smiled as they got up. Blaine followed Sebastian downstairs to his car. He took him to a cute little diner, a place Blaine never would have imagined seeing Sebastian.
"You eat here?.." Blaine chuckled.
"It's where I come to think, sometimes. I've never shown anyone this part of me. But I thought you'd like it."
Blaine smiled lightly at his ex. "How are you and..Trevor?..or Alex.."
Sebastian chuckled lightly. "Left them. Not seeing anyone right now."
"Why not?.."
"Haven't been out in a few days." Sebastian said, flashing his cocky grin.
Blaine rolled his eyes, giggling lightly. "Wow.."
"We both know I'm not the relationship type. I tried. And failed."
"I wouldnt say failed.."
"Why not?"
"You just made ..a few mistakes..Two of them being Trevor and Alex." Blaine said.
"I don't know why it's so hard for me. I just don't understand monogamy."
"It's amazing with the right person.." Blaine said quietly.
"Maybe." Sebastian sighed. "So, how is your boyfriend?"
"He's great..Just..dont want him to think I'm crazy.."
"You're not crazy, Blaine."
"I feel like I am.."
"You're not." Sebastian said seriously. Blaine nodded lightly. They ordered lunch and talked some more as they finished.
"I should probably get back to the bakery.." Blaine said softly.
"I'll take you."
"I dont want to be too much trouble.." Blaine said softly.
"I'm going that way anyways." Sebastian smiled. "Maybe I'll get dessert."
Blaine smiled. "Alright..Thank you."
Sebastian paid before driving to the bakery. "Wow. This is really nice. I'm glad you got all the donations you needed. This is amazing." He said as they walked in.
"Thanks to you.." Blaine said, smiling as Kurt walked up to the counter. "Can I help-..Sebastian?.."
"Hey." Sebastian said.
"Hey.." Blaine said, suddenly realizing how this looked.
"What is he doing here?" Kurt asked, looking to Blaine.
"I went for a walk. I wound up in his neighborhood so, I stopped to talk. We just had lunch. It's nothing, really." Blaine tried to explain.
Kurt just crossed his arms, looking to Sebastian.
"He just needed a friend." Sebastian sighed.
"And you couldn't come to me?.."
Blaine looked down. "Can we please talk about this at home?"
"This is a really nice place you have." Sebastian said, trying to distract Kurt.
Kurt looked from Blaine to Sebastian. "Thank you..I..I worked hard to get it.."
"You deserve it. What's your favorite thing to make?"
"Just any type of cupcakes.." Kurt said softly.
"Come on. You must have a favorite flavor." Sebastian smiled.
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Red velvet.."
"I'll take a dozen."
Kurt nodded lightly. "I'll be right back.."
"Thank you.." Blaine sighed. "I don't know how to tell him yet."
"About what?" Sebastian asked.
"Me being..crazy.."
"You're not crazy.." Sebastian said quietly. Blaine just shrugged. Sebastian grabbed Blaine's hand. "Talk to someone.."
Blaine nodded. "Alright."
"I mean it..I want you to be okay.."
"Thank you, Bas."
"You're welcome.." He said sweetly as Kurt returned with the cupcakes.
"A dozen red velvet, cream cheese icing."
"Delicious." Sebastian grinned, stepping forward to pay. Kurt rang him up and the taller handed over a fifty dollar bill. When he got the change, Sebastian put it all in a little tip jar. "Have a nice day. Thanks for the cupcakes." He said as he walked out.
Kurt looked down at the tip jar and sighed before rolling his eyes.
"What? He can't be generous?" Blaine asked.
"Not when it's only to flash his money around.."
"That's not what he's doing. I mean, yeah, he does that. But that wasn't what he just did."
"So he walks in here with you, and suddenly he's some generous man that you, apparently, go to talk to?" Kurt asked, his hands on his hips.
"There's a lot you don't know, Kurt." Blaine sighed, starting to get exasperated.
"Obviously." Kurt huffed. "Like why you run to the guy that fucked you over instead of talking to me.."
"Please, can we talk at home? I can't do this here."
"Fine. I'll see you at home." Kurt said curtly before walking back to the kitchen.
Blaine groaned. He needed to fix this.
He walked back to the apartment. Maybe he could make Kurt a nice dinner? Yes. That would work. He'd make dinner. Ask David to take Angie out so he and Kurt could talk. He walked inside and started cooking. Blaine turned on some music, hoping to relax. He hummed softly, trying not to let the heat from the stove start up his anxiety again. After a couple of hours he heard Kurt walk in, he still wasnt done cooking, but he did, carefully, light a few candles and dim the lights earlier.
"Kurt? I'm in the kitchen." Blaine called.
Kurt walked into the kitchen. "What's all this?.."
"I felt bad for how I left things. I wanted to make you dinner so we could talk." Blaine explained.
Kurt gave a smile. "I'm sorry too.."
"Go change into something comfortable. Dinner's almost ready." Blaine said softly.Kurt nodded, walking back to the room. Blaine pulled the pasta out of the oven to let it cool.
Kurt came back out in a t-shirt and sweat pants. He wrapped his arms around Blaine from behind, sighing softly.
Blaine hummed quietly. "I love when you do that."
Kurt giggled lightly, kissing Blaine's neck. Blaine placed his hands over Kurt's. "How was the rest of the day?"
"Slow.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine grabbed their plates and carried them to the table. "I'm sure it'll pick up soon."
"It's been slowing down..I'm worried.."
"Maybe we can put some ads out there. In the paper or get a billboard. It would be a little pricey but it could pay off."
"Maybe.." Kurt said quietly. "So..What happened earlier?.."
Blaine was quiet as he looked down and pushed his food around the plate. "I-I really don't know how to tell you this.."
Kurt's eyes went wide. "Blaine..D-Did you..?"
"What?" Blaine asked, looking up. "No! Oh, god no. Nothing like that.."
Kurt let out a sigh of relief. "Oh..Okay..Good.."
"I just.. Since the hospital.." Blaine's voice dropped as he continued. "Fire..scares me.."
"How?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"I-I.. I don't know. But even cooking is hard. I hate it. I-I could lose my job over this." Blaine said quickly.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand. "Do..Do you need to go get help?"
Blaine shrugged. "I-I don't know."
"What makes you afraid..?"
"Not saving other people.. Or.." Blaine took a deep breath. "Or.. Dying.."
Kurt gasped softly. "Blaine.."
"I-It's true.." Blaine whispered.
"You shouldn't be afraid baby..Yea, what you do is dangerous..But..You've made it through so much.."
"Maybe I've been pushing it too much.."
"What do you mean?"
"Just..how much I have been through. Maybe that was a warning."
"Do you still want to do do it?.."
"I do."
Kurt ran his fingers over Blaine's. "Is there anything I can do?.."
"I think I just need to see someone.."
"I can do that..I can help you find someone..But..Why did you go to him?.." Kurt asked quietly.
"It wasn't my intention. I walked. I just kept walking. Then I realized I was around his place. And.. He's not a complete asshole." Blaine tried to explain.
"He hasnt done anything to prove otherwise.."
Blaine sighed. He knew Kurt wouldn't believe him unless he told them how Sebastian helped them. "You remember the big anonymous donation?"
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "He...No..."
Blaine nodded. "He did."
Kurt looked down. "Oh my god.."
"He felt bad for the things he said and what he did to me. That's kind of how he apologizes."
Kurt felt like an asshole. "I just..I cant believe it.."
"I know. But don't worry about it." Blaine said seriously.
"Why?" Kurt asked.
"You don't owe him anything."
"But..He's the reason I still have a bakery.."
"I know. And he isn't expecting anything from you."
"I need to thank him..At least.."
"If you want to." Blaine said softly.
"I really dont..But..I need to.." Kurt sighed.
"Kurt," Blaine said, squeezing his hand. "It's okay, really. As long as you're civil with him, he'll be okay."
Kurt nodded softly. "Do..Do you miss..being with him?"
"Honestly? I don't." Blaine said sincerely.
"I really needed to hear that.."
"I'm happy here, with you." Blaine said softly. "This is where I want to be."
Kurt smiled. "Even though I cant afford to give fifty dollar tips at bakeries?.."
"It's not about money. I have money that my grandfather left me. I make my own. Sebastian never knew about that. Because I don't care about the money." Blaine said, rubbing over Kurt's hand.
"Neither do I.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine couldn't help but grin. "You're perfect."
Kurt smiled wide. "So are you..."
They ate dinner before happily cuddling up on the couch with a couple movies. Kurt ran his hand over Blaine's arm slowly, sighing softly.
Blaine pulled Kurt closer. "I love you.."
"I love you so much, Blaine.." Kurt said quietly. Blaine kissed the side of Kurt's neck as he held back a grin.
Aww yay. You updated. Loved it.
Awww poor Blaine. I hope he does talk to someone. I am glad Blaine told Kurt it was Sebastian that left that big donation and am glad Seb is being a normal nice guy.
Plz update soon! Its really good!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo