After the Fire
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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After the Fire: Chapter 7

E - Words: 3,471 - Last Updated: Jun 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Apr 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 06, 2013
550 0 1 0 0

After the meeting the next morning, Kurt came back to the hospital, his eyes red from crying. Blaine was awake when Kurt walked in and bit his lip, "How'd it go?.." He asked quietly.

Kurt shook his head. "They can help a little. Not much.."

"How much?.."

"Since it was an employee that made the mistake, they won't give me more. I have to pay eighteen fifty out of pocket.."

"Kurt..Let me help.." Blaine whispered.

"Blaine.. You're going to have hospital bills and whatnot.. You don't need to stress over this.."

"Well I'm going to..Kurt..I have an emergency fund.." Blaine said.

Kurt looked down and shook his head. "I could never pay you back.. It would take my whole life.."

"I'm not asking you to pay me back, Kurt.."

"But just taking money from you.. I wouldn't feel right.."

"But you'll have your bakery back..Please let me do this for you Kurt.."

Kurt looked up as a new round of tears came. "I'll pay you back.. No matter how long it takes.."

"I won't take it.." Blaine said seriously.

"Blaine.." Kurt sighed.

"Just take it Kurt.." Blaine said quietly.

"I don't want you to think I'm with you because of it.."

"I don't Kurt.."

Kurt was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Blaine looked up and saw his Captain and told him to come in. Blaine put on a smile and forced himself to sit up as the other man came in, ignoring the pain.
"Hey Anderson.. How are you?" The older man asked.

"Just fine, sir.." Blaine said, his voice firm.

"There's someone here that wants to see you.." The Captain said, holding back a smile.

"Who?.." Blaine asked.

Wes and David came in, smiling softly. "We have something for you.. From all of us," David said, pulling a plague from behind his back.

"You guys.." Blaine said, smiling. "You didn't have to.."

"You deserve it, Anderson," Their Captain said seriously. Blaine laid back against the bed, biting his lip as they brought it over.

"Congrats, Blaine," Wes grinned.

"I appreciate it you guys.."

"I know you're supposed to be out for two weeks. But take as much time as you need," The Captain said.

"I'll be back in as soon as I can, sir.." Blaine said.

"Take your time," he said seriously. Blaine sighed, nodding lightly. The boys congratulated blaine again before heading out. Blaine looked down at the plaque and smiled lightly. "For outstanding bravery," it read. He set it On the side table and laid back wincing.

"Be careful," Kurt said softly. "That was so sweet of them."

"It was.." Blaine smiled.

"Are you tired?" Kurt asked.

Tired of sleeping.." Blaine sighed.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just worried about you.."

"I'll be okay.." Blaine said quietly, trying not to show how much pain he was in.

"Blaine.. It's me, you don't have to hide anything," Kurt said when his phone rang with a call from Angie.

"Kurt! You need to get down here now!"

"What's wrong?.." Kurt asked, standing.

"Just get down to the bakery!" Angie said in a hurry to mask her excitement.

"O-Okay, I'm on my way.." Kurt stammered hanging up and grabbing his bag. "Angie wants me to come to the bakery.." He said, turning to Blaine.

"Go.. Take your time. They need you," Blaine said softly. Kurt kissed Blaine softly before rushing out of the hospital and to the bakery. When he got there, he saw a crowd of familiar faces from around their community.
"There he is!" Angie grinned, running over to her best friend. Kurt got out of the car and looked a bit shocked at the crowd, smoothing down his hair and the bandages on his arms.

"You'll never guess what's going on!" Angie said happily.

An older woman, Gale Neddles, walked up to Kurt. He knew her well. She was head of the hospital that Blaine was in. Kurt and Angie would bake all sorts of goodies and take them to the patients to brighten their day. They also volunteered a lot at the hospital.
"Kurt, sweetie! I was so upset when I heard about the fire. Oh you must be so stressed.."

"Mrs. Neddles..I'm getting by..What is all of this?.." Kurt asked.

"It just broke my heart when I heard what happened. You help us so much. We wanted to help you." she said, smiling wide as someone brought over a huge check made out to the bakery. "It's our honor to present you with this to help with the repairs. It won't cover everything. But it's a start."

Kurt gasped. "Oh god..I-I can't accept this.." He said, his eyes filling with tears. "Fifteen thousand..How.."

"Every year we give an award to a volunteer. It's about that time. And well, we threw in some extra." she said, wrapping her arms around him. "You're accepting it. No objections. And they're doing an article in the paper tomorrow about it so you can't say no."

Kurt grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much.."

"You deserve it, sweetie," Gale said softly. Kurt pulled back, wiping his eyes and sniffing. "Come on. Let's get our interview over with. We have lunch and cake at the hospital. We'll get a wheelchair for your boyfriend so he can come too."

"Thank you so much..Thank you.." He smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad to do it."

They got the interview done and headed back to the hospital. Kurt went to Blaine's room with the wheelchair and a nurse.
"Hey beautiful. You want to get out of this room for a while?"

Blaine looked up and nodded, smiling. "Yeah.."

"I'm going to help you into your chair. Don't move too fast." the young nurse said. Blaine nodded, letting her help him get into the chair. Kurt smiled as he started pushing Blaine down the hall and explaining what happened.

"Oh wow..That's amazing.." Blaine grinned.

"I know.. I still can't believe it.."

"Well, expect me to still spend that money on you somehow.." Blaine smiled.

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully. "How about you help with the rest and I find a way to still pay you back?"

"Don't pay me back and it's a deal.". Blaine chuckled.

"Fine. But I'll make it up in dinner and cuddling." Kurt giggled, leaning down to Blaine's ear. "And some really hot makeout sessions."

Blaine bit his lip, smiling to himself. "Sounds even.."

"Good. As soon as you get better," Kurt grinned.

"I wish I was better now.." Blaine sighed.

"Me too baby. But you will be soon.."

Blaine nodded, sighing softly as he wondered how badly scarred he would be after this.. Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine softly. "Ooh looks yummy." he said as he examined the food. "Do you want pizza, salad, or pasta? Or some of each?"

"I'm not hungry baby.." Blaine said softly.

"You haven't eaten today.."

Blaine saw the look in Kurt's eyes and gave a small smile. "That pizza looks good."

Kurt lit up as he got up. He got pizza for Blaine and a plate of salad for himself. Blaine let Kurt help him eat, giggling lightly as they talked and flirted before letting Kurt wander off to socialize with the other guests. Blaine sat at a table, smiling at his boyfriend when he saw someone sit next to him. "Sebastian?.." Blaine asked.

"Hey.." The taller smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Blaine asked.

"I heard about what happened and I thought I'd pay a visit.." He said absently, taking a bite of pizza.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Why? You certainly didn't care when you were fucking that douche bag."

Sebastian stopped chewing for a minute before he swallowed. "You don't think I feel terrible about that?.." He asked so quietly, Blaine almost didn't hear him.

"And I'm just supposed to believe that?" Blaine asked.

"I wouldn't if I were you.." Sebastian sighed.

"Well I don't. You made no attempt to even try to get me to stay. You watched me pack my bags and leave. Then you insult my boyfriend."

"Well..I'm sorry about that first part..Where is she by the way?..I heard she got an award for making cupcakes or something.." Sebastian chuckled to himself before he saw the look on Blaine's face. "I'm sorry.."

"Fuck off, Sebastian." Blaine spat.

"Listen..I came here to make peace okay?..I know I'm an asshole..I really can't help it..But I'm trying.." Sebastian said softly.

"Yeah. Well I'm going through hell right now. And right now I'm just being reminded of being cheated on." Blaine said quietly.

Sebastian nodded, looking down. "He really seems like great guy..Truthfully I'm jealous.."

"He is.. I mean.. Look at me.. He's still here.."

"I'd stay.." Sebastian said quietly, looking up at Blaine.

"What's changed?"

"Nothing..I always cared about you..I still do.. True, there's no depth to my shallowness, but I'll always think of you as the one that got away.."

"And you never thought to tell me that before?" Blaine asked.

Sebastian said nothing, biting his lip as he looked down. "I never had the balls to.."

Blaine sighed. "So why now?"

"Not sure actually.." Sebastian admitted.

"I'm sorry that it doesn't change anything. But.. Thank you, Bas.."

"Thank you for listening.," Sebastian said softly.

Blaine sighed as he looked towards Kurt. "At least one good thing came out of this."

"What is all of this for exactly?.." Sebastian asked.

"His bakery caught fire. I thought I was going to lose him. Then we went home and I got called to another fire and well this happened. But today, the hospital granted Kurt with a check to get some of the repairs done."

"How much more does he need?.." Sebastian asked.

"About three grand. I have some saved up. I'm going to help him." Blaine said.

Sebastian nodded, looking down and thinking intently.

"It'll work out," Blaine said softly. "But really. Thanks for stopping by. It's good to know you're not a complete ass," he said, smiling at the taller man.

Sebastian chuckled lightly. "It's not a problem. I'll see you around.."

Blaine nodded. "Bye Bas."

Sebastian stood, walking out to the door, but stopping at the donations table and making an anonymous donation.

Not too long later, Gale hurried to the middle of the room. "Everyone! I have an announcement!"

Kurt looked up from where he was sitting with Blaine.

"Thanks to a very large donation from someone who wishes to remain anonymous, we have raised more than enough to help our dear Kurt Hummel get his bakery back on track!"

Applause rang out through the room and Kurt gasped, tears filling his eyes. Whoever did this? He couldn't thank them enough.

Blaine thought for a moment. Was it..? It couldn't be.. He turned back and saw Sebastian standing in the doorway and smiling. He couldn't believe it. He smiled back, mouthing the words, 'Thank you.' Sebastian nodded before turning and walking out the door.

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand. "Congratulations baby.."

Kurt smiled, leaning over to kiss Blaine softly. After people started to leave, Kurt convinced the nurse to let him talk blaine for a walk through the park across the street. Blaine took a deep breath of the summer air as Kurt wheeled him down the street. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome baby."

"I haven't been in that hospital two days and I'm already sick of it.." Blaine chuckled.

"How about we take walks until you get out?" Kurt asked.

"I'd like that.." Blaine said quietly, closing his eyes.

"Me too.. I'm so happy to have you, Blaine.."

"I feel the same way about you Kurt.."

Kurt smiled, pushing Blaine through the park. Blaine smiled, humming softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Blaine.."

Blaine smiled wide. "It feels so good to hear that.."

"When you first said it.. I can't even tell you how happy it made me.."

"I'm glad I did.." Blaine said softly.

"Me too," Kurt grinned. "I really wish I knew who made that donation."

Blaine smiled lightly. "Well whoever it was, it was amazing of them.."

"I can't believe someone would do it.."

"Me either.." Blaine said softly.

Kurt sighed. "As soon as you're better, we're shutting our phones off and having a night for us to celebrate."

"How long until then?.." Blaine asked, looking up at his boyfriend.

"How long did your doctor say?"

"Two to three months.." Blaine sighed.

"Well how about when you're out of the hospital?"

Blaine smiled. "That sounds perfect.."

They spent the next few days the same, Kurt would go supervise the bakery repairs and then come see Blaine. Read to him and then take him to the park. The day finally came when Blaine could come home and despite the pain he was still in, he couldn't be happier.
Kurt was still being careful, helping Blaine to the car and up the stairs to the apartment and carrying his things.
"Kurt, my hands aren't burned. I can carry my stuff.." He chuckled as they walked inside.

"I got it baby," Kurt said softly. "How does it feel to be home?"

"Great.." Blaine grinned, carefully sitting down on the couch.

Kurt put Blaine's things away and joined him. "It's good to have you home.."

Blaine smiled, leaning over to kiss Kurt softly. "I missed you.."

"I missed you too," Kurt said happily. Blaine hummed softly, leaning over to kiss Kurt again.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I dunno..Not much I can do..But I do believe..I was promised a hot make out session.," Blaine said, smiling slyly and quirking an eyebrow.

Kurt ran his finger along Blaine's jaw. "I think I can handle that."

Blaine smiled, biting his lip as his looked up at Kurt. Kurt grinned as he got up. He froze for a moment, wondering if Blaine could handle it if he straddle him.

"It's okay.." Blaine said softly, carefully leaning back, his shirt and bandages keeping some of the pain away. Kurt carefully swung a leg over, biting his lip as he looked at his boyfriend. Blaine placed his hands on Kurt's hips and massaged them lightly.

"Ohh.." Kurt moaned, his breath hitching at the touch as he leaned in so their lips were oh-so-close to touching. Blaine growled at the sound, leaning into Kurt's lips. Kurt brought his hands up to Blaine's hair, pulling lightly on the dark curls.. Blaine gasped softly, slipping his tongue into Kurt's mouth and kissing him passionately. The taller moaned loudly, glad that Angie would be busy at the bakery all day. Blaine let his hands run up and down Kurt's body, humming and groaning. Kurt shivered at the feel of Blaine's strong hands.
"So hot.." Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips.

"Mmm so are you," Kurt breathed out as he kissed down Blaine's neck.

Blaine's head fell back. Moaning softly. "Ungh..Baby.."

"Fucking sexy.."

Blaine couldn't stop himself as he let his hands roam to Kurt's ass, growling deeply. Kurt gasped as he pushed back into Blaine's hands.

"Ohmygod.." Blaine breathed out, squeezing his boyfriend's perfect ass.

"Blaine.." Kurt moaned in the most delicious voice. Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's again, kissing him deeply as he forced their hips together. Kurt whined, rocking his hips with his boyfriend's. Blaine let his head fall back, moaning Kurt's name repeatedly under his breath. Kurt nipped at Blaine's pulse point as he watched Blaine fall apart from just his lips. Blaine gripped Kurt's hips, thrusting up against him desperately and whining as Kurt's perfect lips traveled across his skin.

"Fuck, Blaine.. You like this, don't you?"

"Oh shit..Yes.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt grinned as he bit down harder. Blaine cried out in pleasure, digging his nails into Kurt's hips. Kurt groaned at the slight pain. "Baby.."

"God..I want you.." Blaine panted.

"C-Can you..? I don't want to hurt you.."

"You won't..Just..Will you ride me? Please?.." Blaine panted. Kurt could only moan in response as he quickly pulled his shirt off. Blaine kissed across Kurt's chest, moaning deeply. The taller ran his hands down to the hem of Blaine's shirt. "Is that okay?"

Blaine bit his lip, looking down before back up at Kurt and giving a small nervous nod. Kurt slowly lifted the fabric over Blaine's head and ran his hands over the skin not covered in bandages. Blaine looked up at Kurt, glad the burns were covered by the gauze.
"You're beautiful," Kurt whispered. Blaine shook his head, looking back down. "Shh. I think you're perfect."

Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. Kurt hummed against the kiss swollen lips. "You're sexy and you're all mine.."

Blaine shivered at the words, moaning softly. Kurt reached between them, palming Blaine's clothed erection. Blaine gave a breathy moan thrusting up.
"I want you inside me.." Kurt whispered hotly.

"Oh god..Please.." Blaine panted. Kurt stood, carefully pulling Blaine's member out before undressing. Blaine started to stroke himself slowly as Kurt went to get the condoms and lube. He sank to his knees, preparing Blaine and climbing on top of him.
"You're so hot.." Blaine whispered, admiring Kurt.

Kurt moaned as he rolled his body. "Thank you.."

Blaine positioned himself at Kurt's entrance and slowly pulled him down. Kurt's head fell back as he felt the delicious stretch. "Baby.."

"Fuck..Kurt.." Blaine whispered. Kurt sank down until he took Blaine to the hilt. Blaine tried not to press his back to the couch too much as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist.

"Fuck baby.. So big.."

Blaine kissed across Kurt's chest, moaning softly. The taller took a moment to just feel Blaine inside him before slowly lifting himself. Blaine gasped shakily, pressing his cheek to Kurt's cheek. Kurt breathed out harshly as he felt the long, thick member easing out of him.
"Baby.." Blaine panted. As Kurt lifted to the head, his muscles clenched down, begging for more. Blaine let out a soft grunt, thrusting up quickly. Kurt cried out. "Blaine!"

Blaine grit his teeth, starting to work his hips fast and hard.

"Fuck! Baby!"

"Say my name baby.." Blaine panted.

"Blaine.. Oh Blaine!" Kurt let out, grinding down harder. Blaine gasped, growling as Kurt pulled his hair. Kurt arched his back beautifully as he rode his boyfriend. Blaine nipped at Kurt's chest, biting his nipple lightly.

Kurt gasped, "Blaine!"

Blaine looked up at Kurt. He was so beautiful and perfect.

"Baby.. Oh god Blaine.." Kurt cried out.

"I love you.." Blaine whispered.

"I love you too.." Kurt breathed out. "I-I'm close.."

"So am I baby.." Blaine groaned. Kurt ground down faster, bringing himself closer.

"So am I baby.." Blaine groaned. Kurt ground down faster, bringing himself closer. Blaine brought Kurt down for a heated kiss before gasping and coming inside his lover. Kurt tightened his hands in Blaine's hair as he let go, moaning his boyfriend's name loudly. Blaine clutched to Kurt, whining at the sounds he was making.
"I love you so much.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you too, Kurt.." Blaine said quietly. Kurt carefully lifted himself off of Blaine and cuddled up next to him. Blaine smiled, leaning back carefully and sighing.

"So glad you're home.."

"So am I..I missed it so much..I missed you.."

"I know we said we'd take things slow.. But do you want to sleep in my room tonight..?"

Blaine have a small smile, nodding. "I'd love that.."

Kurt leaned over, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Me too."

They spent the day cuddling on the couch, and watching movies before it came time to change Blaine's bandages. He looked up at Kurt nervously. He'd seen his burns before. But he was still so insecure about them.

Kurt placed a small kiss to Blaine's lips. "It's okay baby.. Tell me if it hurts too much.."

Blaine nodded as Kurt helped him up and they walked to the bathroom. Blaine sat on the edge of the tub, watching Kurt as he got everything ready. Kurt bit his lip as he slowly started to take a bandage off. Blaine hissed lightly as Kurt peeled the dressing on his arm off. He had gotten used to the pain by now, but it was still a bit hard to take. He closed his eyes, trying not to look at the most likely disgusted expression on Kurt's face. Kurt controlled himself for how boyfriend. "It's looking better." he said as he started to clean the burn.

Blaine bit his lip, daring himself to look up and seeing a look of indifference and a small smile on Kurt's face. "R-Really?.."

Kurt nodded. "It does.."

Blaine gave a small sigh of relief, relaxing considerably. Kurt finished and covered the burn up before continuing with the others. When Kurt finished, Blaine looked up at him and sighed. "I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"That you have to look at that.."

"I don't have to do anything." Kurt corrected Blaine. "I love you and I want to help you."

Blaine looked down, trying to hide the impending tears. "I-I love you too.."

Kurt sighed softly. "Blaine, look at me.."

Blaine looked up at Kurt, biting his lip.

"Baby.. What's wrong?"

"I just..I feel..I know it sounds stupid and I know you keep telling me I'm beautiful..But I feel..Ugly.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt reached over and cupped Blaine's cheek. "You want to know what I see when I look at you right now? I still see that ridiculously sexy man that walked through that door for an interview to live with us."

"I just don't know how you can still say that..When I can barely stand to look at myself.." Blaine got out.

"Blaine, you're so gorgeous. These burns, you know what they are? They're just there saying you're brave enough to risk your life for someone. You saved a baby. You are the most amazing and beautiful person," Kurt said, his voice thick with compassion and love.

Blaine let a tear slip down his cheek. "I love you so much.."

"I love you too, Blaine. I'm not going anywhere."

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, ignoring the pain as he pulled him close.

"You're perfect, baby," Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's curls.

"Thank you.." Blaine said quietly.


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Aww my poor Blainers. Wow Sebastian really isn't a total ass. Why didn't Blaine tell Kurt who it was that left that donation? Will he ever? he should once the Bakery is finished so Kurt won't say he don't want the money.