After the Fire
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After the Fire: Chapter 2

E - Words: 6,566 - Last Updated: Jun 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Apr 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 06, 2013
874 0 3 0 0

Monday came around and Kurt and Angela were helping Blaine bring boxes upstairs and inside.

"What the hell is up with this summer? The heat is terrible!" Angie sighed, setting a box down.

"Oh my god I'm dying.." Kurt panted, doing the same.

Blaine shrugged. "I guess I'm used to it."

"Well I would imagine..You have that fire suit that is no doubt sweltering inside, and you're around fire." Kurt scoffed as Blaine piled a box on top of theirs, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"Yeah. I'm completely horrible in the winter though," Blaine sighed.

"Why?" Angie asked, fanning herself.

"It gets so cold. If I'm at home, I'm always wrapped in a blanket and still shivering."

"Kurt could go out in a speedo on the middle of a snowstorm and not complain once." Angie giggled.

"I like it cold." Kurt laughed lightly.

Blaine’s eyes went wide. "That's crazy! Makes me cold just thinking about it."

Kurt chuckled. "That's why I hate summer. I hate the heat. It’s unnatural."

"Heat is very natural. Like in the most intimate moments. I love heat," Blaine said, grinning.

Kurt and Angie blushed simultaneously. "Agreed." Angie winked.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked. "Not even in those moments?"

"Well..Yeah, but..Still." Kurt said softly.

"Good. You're not completely mental," Blaine teased.

Kurt chuckled, "Well then that's the only time I like heat.."

Blaine smiled. "Which room is mine?"

"Down the hall, last one on the left." Angie said.

Blaine started grabbing boxes and moved them to the room.

Kurt just sighed, laying back on the couch. "What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"A lot of sexual tension that will end in frustration for us," Angie said quietly.

Kurt couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Yeah."

Angie sighed, curling up on the couch.

They let Blaine bring everything to his room and unpack before he came out, fanning himself.
"That pool sounds really good about now."

Angie shot up. "Oh god yes!" she said, running off to change.

Kurt giggled lightly as he stood. "She uh..Really likes swimming."

"Me too. Too bad it isn't outside though. I love feeling the sun when I lay out." Blaine smiled.

"Well I burn easily." Kurt chuckled. "I’m gonna go change." He said, walking off to his room to do just that.

Blaine went back to change. He put some shorts and a shirt on over his suit and waited in the living room for the other two.

Kurt pulled on some swimming trunks and a t shirt and Angie got on her favorite bikini before they walked out to meet Blaine.

Blaine smiled at Angie in her black and highlighter yellow zebra bikini. "I love zebra prints.."

"Thanks me too." She grinned, doing a little spin.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "You ready?"

"Let's go." Blaine grinned as they got out and headed downstairs.

They set their towels on a chair by the pool and Blaine took off his shirt and shorts. He wore an Aqua Sphere Hermes swim suit. It was red and tight and fit his body perfectly.

Kurt and Angie stood there, mouths agape as they took in Blaine's body.

"Is something wrong?" Blaine asked, sounding a little self-conscious.

"Um..No." Kurt said quickly, pulling off his own shirt.

Blaine shrugged it off and headed to the diving board and dove into the water.

"Holyfuckohmygod." Kurt breathed out before Blaine could come up.

"So fucking sexy.." Angie said, staring at the gorgeous man as he came back up.

"You guys coming?" Blaine called.

Angie grinned before jumping in. "Come on Kurt!"

Kurt smiled, doing the same, shaking his head as he came back up. "Oh my god, this is better than sex." He moaned, loving the feeling of the cold water.

Blaine chuckled. "It does feel good."

Angie pushed her hair out of her face, laying back. "It feels amazing."

"Do they heat it in the winter?" Blaine asked.

"They do." Kurt smiled.

Blaine hummed appreciatively. They all swam around for a bit, surprisingly, no one else was in the pool and they had it to themselves, Kurt and Blaine attempting to dunk each other and Angie under the water each chance they got. They giggled and had a great time before getting out and drying. Kurt couldn't tear his eyes away from Blaine's abs as they dried off. Blaine bent over to dry his legs and feet, unintentionally showing off his round ass. Kurt bit his lip, his eyes roaming the shorter man's body. God, he was beautiful.
Angie turned to see what Kurt was staring at. And holy fuck! That was one glorious ass.

Blaine stood, drying his curls before pulling his shirt and short's back on.

Angie wrapped her towel around her as Kurt got dressed and they headed back upstairs.

"That was great." Blaine smiled as they got back upstairs.

"It was," Kurt agreed. "Do you work today?"

"It really depends." Blaine shrugged.

"Always on call?" Angie asked.

Blaine nodded. "I'm there when they need me."

"Was there anything you wanted to do before work?" Kurt asked Angie.

Angie shook her head, "I'm alright. Why don't you take the day off? I have to show Samantha a few things and I know how frustrated you get." She giggled.

"That sounds great," Kurt smiled.

Angie smiled And went to go take a shower while Blaine and Kurt went to change.

Blaine sat on the couch after he changed, hoping Kurt would come back out so they could talk more about the apartment.

Kurt did come out, dressed in some tight jeans and a V-neck, as he walked into the kitchen. "You want anything?"

"I'm okay," Blaine said, smiling. He knew this was his apartment too now. But it would take him time to be comfortable to get up and grab something from the fridge or anything.

"You sure?" Kurt asked, grabbing a bottle of water.

Blaine nodded. "I'm good."

Kurt walked in and sat down on the couch next to Blaine, running a hand through his still damp hair. "So you think you'll like it here?" Kurt asked.

Blaine smiled. "I do. You two are great.."

Kurt couldn't help but blush at the statement, biting his lip. "I'm so glad you came in, there was so many crazy people.." He laughed before telling Blaine about each one.

"Oh my god. I don't see how you didn't give up," Blaine said.

"Well we we're going to, but you looked normal." Kurt giggled.

Blaine chuckled. "I'm glad you didn't give up.."

"Me too.." Kurt said softly.

"So do you have things you each do or do we all just take turns doing things? Like dishes and cooking.."

"Well I usually cook, but we take turns cleaning and such." Kurt said.

Blaine nodded. "okay."

Kurt smiled. "You'll fit in fine." Kurt smiled.

"I hope so.."

"You will." Kurt said, placing a hand on his knee.

Blaine looked up to Kurt, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Kurt.."

"You're welcome.." Kurt said, blushing lightly as well.

"Did you have any plans for tonight?"

"Just sitting at home, why?"

"Just wondering," Blaine said.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?" Kurt asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Blaine grinned. "Where at?"

"There's this little diner down the street. It's amazing, save for the calories." Kurt giggled.

"Sounds good!" Blaine said happily.

Kurt smiled at Blaine, unable to keep from fluttering his lashes at that grin.

Blaine smiled. "I'm gonna shower, if that's alright.."

"That's fine.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine stood and walked off, grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, unable to stop smiling. Kurt was so beautiful. He was most likely just trying to be nice by asking Blaine to dinner. But that didn’t make Blaine any less nervous.

Kurt smiled, getting up and going to put a movie in while he waited for Blaine.

Angie came out after getting ready. "Hey. I'm heading to work. You want me to make anything to bring home?"

"Bring Blaine some welcome cupcakes." Kurt grinned.

"What flavor do you think he'd like?"

"Hmm..I think he's a chocolate kind of guy."

Angie smiled. "I can do that."

"Thanks." Kurt smiled.

Angie nodded. "See you later."

"Bye hon." Kurt said.

Angie said bye before heading out.

Kurt smiled, laying back on the couch and closing his eyes.

Blaine finished his shower and got dressed before heading back to the living room. "What're you watching?"

Kurt opened his eyes. "Nothin, just laying."

"Want me to let you nap..?"

"No, I'm okay. Unless you want to lay with me." He giggled, jokingly.

"If I lay down, I won't get up," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt smiled, sitting up and raising an arm over his head, stretching.

Blaine ran his hand through his wet curls, his eyes going wide when his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly.

"I’m guessing you're hungry." Kurt giggled, standing.

Blaine looked down, hiding his blush. "I-I can wait if you're not hungry.."

"I am." Kurt chuckled. "We can catch a cab, I don't feel like walking in this heat."

"Okay," Blaine said, giving a small smile. He was getting more nervous.

Kurt grabbed his wallet and keys before motioning for Blaine to follow him out the door.

They headed out into the heat and got into a cab, Kurt telling the driver where to go.

They got to the diner and Kurt paid the cab driver before they walked in and sat at a table, both of them ordering coffee.

"What's it like owning a bakery?" Blaine asked.

"Summed up in one word..Hectic." Kurt sighed, sipping his coffee.

"How so? I heard Angie say something about you not really liking a girl there or something."

"It's not that I don't like her..She's just a do I put this nicely..ditzy? She doesn't follow directions well.." Kurt said.

Blaine nodded. "Someone you just need a lot of patience for?"

"Exactly, and I don't have much." Kurt said, laughing.

Blaine giggled. "Does Angie?"

"More than I do." Kurt said.

"Maybe she'll get better with time," Blaine said softly.

"Hopefully..So how goes fighting fires?" Kurt asked.

"I like it. I can't even describe the feeling of helping someone in that way. It's amazing. At other times, it can get boring. But then again, we just create our own fun," Blaine chuckled.

"How so?" Kurt asked.

Blaine bit his lip. "Have you ever been to a fire department?"

"No, I haven't." Kurt said, drinking his coffee.

"Oh..Well we have these poles..We use them to get downstairs faster when there's a fire. But well..when there isn't a fire, they're just entertaining.."

"Oh god." Kurt giggled, looking down to hide his blush.

"Yeah. It's a little crazy. But fun.." Blaine said, blushing as well.

Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine. He was so cute.

Blaine glanced up, fluttering his eyelashes when he saw Kurt looking at him.

Kurt was taken aback by the action, but passed it off as his imagination again.

"So..You have a boyfriend?" Blaine asked, trying to stop his heart from beating erratically.

"No, not yet at least." Kurt sighed, tracing the rim of his mug. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Blaine just shook his head. "I haven't dated anyone in quite a while."

"Why not?" Kurt asked.

"Most can't handle my job. Sometimes I have to sleep at the station. And I can get called to work at literally any time. Some just can't handle it," Blaine shrugged.

"That's a shame.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine looked down. "Maybe someone will think I'm worth sticking around for.."

"I'm sure you'll find her.." Kurt said, giving a reassuring smile.

Blaine scrunched up his face as Kurt said 'her.' But Kurt couldn't see. "I doubt that."

"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked, heart sinking a bit that Blaine didn't correct him when he said 'her'.

Blaine sighed. "I have a very specific type.."

"And what's that?" Kurt asked.

Blaine thought for a moment. But when he started to speak, the waitress came back to take their order.

Kurt ordered a salad and a sandwich while Blaine ordered a burger. "Can you excuse me for a moment? I have to use the restroom.." Kurt said, getting up and walking to the men's room and dialing the bakery's number.

Angie recognized the number and answered happily. "Hey boo!"

"Hey. He's straight." Kurt sighed.

"What? How do you know?"

"Because I asked him if he had a girlfriend and when he said no, I said, 'I'm sure you'll find her and he didn't correct me." Kurt explained.

"Well. Maybe he just isn't comfortable with saying he's gay. You know how hard that can be.." Angie said softly.

"True, but still..I don't want to assume and then try to make a move and then things be weird between us. He told you you look hot the other night Ange, hot. I'm pretty positive he's straight.."

"And he loves your eyes. And did you see how tight that bathing suit was? Just don’t assume. Let's just give it time."

Kurt sighed. "Fine."

"It'll be okay," Angie said.

"I gotta go, he'll think I'm pooping." Kurt said quickly.

Angie furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head as she hung up.

Kurt straightened his shirt before walking out of the bathroom, smiling at Blaine.

Blaine smiled back as Kurt sat down. He couldn't get over how adorable Kurt looked.

"Sorry, I was fixing my hair." Kurt sighed.

"Your hair always looks good.."

"Thank you.." Kurt smiled.

"You're welcome," Blaine said softly.

They sat together, eating and chatting together before they finished the meal, Blaine reaching for his wallet.
"Don't even think about it dummy, this one's on me." Kurt giggled.

Blaine blushed. "But you paid for the club too.."

"I offered to take you here, so it's my treat." Kurt insisted.

Blaine could stop himself from blushing a bit more. "T-Thanks.."

"No problem." Kurt said, not looking up as he slipped the money into the bill slip.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked softly.

"Mhmm." Kurt smiled up at the firefighter.

Blaine's breathing hitched. He loved that beautiful smile..

Kurt stood, "you ready?"

Blaine nodded, standing as well. "Yup.."

They got a cab back, and decided to a watch movie when they got inside.

Blaine changed into his sweats and a sweatshirt before cuddling up on the end of the couch.

Kurt sat down next to Blaine as they watched an old cheesy horror movie.

About half way through it, Blaine couldn't stop yawning. His eyes kept drifting shut before snapping back open and repeating. He finally laid on the couch and let sleep take him.

Kurt smiled as he saw Blaine fall asleep, shifting every once in a while until his head found its way into Kurt's lap.

Blaine nuzzled his cheek against Kurt’s thigh, sighing happily.

Kurt gasped lightly, before carefully reaching down to stroke his curls.

Blaine hummed softly. "Mmm..Avery.."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. Avery? Was that a boy or girl's name?

Blaine gave a small pout when Kurt’s hand stopped. "Feels..good.."

Kurt thought a moment before continuing to run his hand through the dark curls.

Blaine gave a soft sigh before a little moan escaped his lips.

Kurt bit his lip at the sound, treading his fingers through the shorter man's hair.

Blaine brought his hands up, wrapping them around Kurt's thigh like a pillow.

Kurt smiled endearingly at Blaine. He reminded him somewhat of a puppy.

Blaine hummed quietly, nuzzling against Kurt.

Kurt smiled, starting to hum softly as he stroked Blaine's hair.

Blaine relaxed at the touch, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Kurt smiled back at Blaine, relaxing back against the couch as he hummed to the younger man.

Blaine slept a bit longer. He stirred slightly, groaning as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Kurt smiled.

Blaine arched his back as he stretched his arms. "Morning..?"

"Well not morning but, morning from your nap." Kurt giggled.

Blaine sat up, rubbing his eyes. "'m sorry..I tend to cuddle in my sleep.."

"It's perfectly okay." Kurt said softly.

Blaine blushed lightly, running his hand through his curls.

"You tired?" Kurt asked, looking over at the time, it was about an hour before Angie would be back.

"A little. But I feel better now.."

"Alright..Well I need to get some cleaning done if you want to help me." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"Umm..It's mostly the kitchen, so I'll mop and you can clean the counters.

Blaine stood up and stretched again. "I can do that."

Kurt grinned, walking over to the stereo to turn on some music.

Blaine headed to the kitchen and got some supplies from under the sink.

"Do you like Florence and the Machine?" Kurt asked.

"Love them!" Blaine smiled.

Kurt smiled as he got the mop water ready and 'Drumming Song' came on.
"Oh god, I love this song.." Kurt grinned.

"It's my favorite of theirs," Blaine smiled before starting to sing quietly.

"There's a drumming noise inside my head
That throws me to the ground
I swear that you should hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell"

Kurt grinned, joining in with his countertenor voice, high and clear.

"I ran to a tower where the church bells chime
I hoped that they would clear my mind
They left a ringing in my ear
But that drum's still beating loud and clear

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell"

They sang the next couple lines together as they danced.

"Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell"

Kurt did a little spin but slipped where he had just mopped. Blaine dropped the rag he was using and caught Kurt in his arms before he could fall. Blaine couldn't stop himself from getting lost in Kurt's beautiful, surprised eyes as the music continued to play.
"As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder"

Kurt looked back up into Blaine's eyes, his breath growing uneven as Blaine held him there. Blaine swallowed hard before lifting Kurt to his feet, not taking his eyes from Kurt’s. Kurt just stared into Blaine's eyes as he kept his arm around his waist and Kurt took a short breath, starting to lean in very slowly until their lips were less than an inch apart. Blaine took a deep breath and just as he was about to press his lips to Kurt's, Angie walked in.
"Hey! I'm back!"

Kurt took a long, quick step back, almost dropping the mop and fumbling to catch it. "H-Hey Ange." Kurt called nervously.

Angie smiled. "I brought cupcakes."

"Great..Great..Awesome." Kurt said, unable to look back up at Blaine as he continued mopping. Oh god, he just tried to kiss Blaine! Most likely straight Blaine! He was probably freaked out by Kurt now and thinks he's predatory or something. Oh god, he was so embarrassed.

Blaine swallowed hard. Kurt had almost kissed him. He couldn't believe it. His heart was still beating erratically in his chest. Blaine tried to act normal. "W-what kind?"

"Chocolate." Angie smiled.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go for a-a walk.." Kurt said quickly, walking out.

Blaine looked down. He wanted to reach out to Kurt..

Kurt hurried down the stairs, running outside and taking a deep breath. He couldn’t wrap his head around what had just almost happened. What if he ruined this? What if Blaine wanted nothing to do with him now and left..? Blaine was probably so weirded out now. Oh god..He couldn't believe it. But the way they looked at each other..and that song..No..Blaine had just been helping him when he fell. He was probably completely mortified. Kurt would just have to mind himself around Blaine..Blaine probably didn't want to be around Kurt now. Kurt sighed as he continued to walk.

"Why so quiet?" Angie asked Blaine.

Blaine shrugged. "I'm just tired.."

"You want a cupcake?" She asked softly.

Blaine nodded. "Sure.."

"Talk to me hon..I know something's on your mind.." She said softly.

"I don’t know...I'm just confused.." Blaine sighed.


"I really don't know..I thinking just gonna go to bed.."

Angie nodded. "Good night.."

"The cupcake was great though..I love chocolate.." Blaine said, smiling softly. "Night.."

Angie, smiled, giving another nod as Blaine walked off to the bedroom.

About an hour later, Kurt came back home, hoping Blaine was in his room.
"Hey," Angie said softly.

"Hey..Where's Blaine?" Kurt asked.

"His room. He seemed like something was bothering him. What's going on?"

"Nothing." Kurt said quickly as he walked into the kitchen.

Angie sighed. "Did you say something to him? You're acting weird.."

"I'm not acting weird." Kurt said softly.


Kurt sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Well I'm here if you wanna talk.." Angie said.

"I tried to kiss Blaine."

Angie whipped her head around. "You did what?!"

"OhmygodIknow.." Kurt said. "I didn't mean to it just happened...." He breathed out, burying his face in his hands.

"How?!" Angie asked, getting up and going to the kitchen. "What happened?"

"We were cleaning and dancing send I slipped a-and he caught me..And I leaned in..And right before I did it. You walked in.” Kurt got out.

"Ughh!" she groaned. "Why couldn’t I have been late?!"

"No! I'm glad you came..I..Just..He probably didn't want it..God.." Kurt groaned, slamming his forehead down on the table. "Stupid."

"Maybe you should talk to him..?"

"No..Nononono.." Kurt said quickly.

"Why?" Angie asked. "You'll never know if you avoid him."

"No..I-I can't face him."

Angie sighed. "Well..If it helps..He did say he was confused..You you'll never know until you face him."

"Well I can't okay?" Kurt sighed.

"Fine." Angie said, turning away. "I'll see you tomorrow.."

"Ange wait,," Kurt said, but Angie already went to her room.

Kurt sighed, leaning against the counter and not knowing what to do. He couldn't confront Blaine..He just couldn't. He was pretty positive Blaine wouldn't want him back. He was straight. Kurt couldn't take that humiliation. Kurt bit his lip, running his hands through his hair and walking off to his room. He laid down, hoping to get some sleep but had too much on his mind.

The next morning Kurt was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee alone as he thought about the night before. He felt bad for how he acted to Angie. But he was just so confused and felt so stupid for almost kissing Blaine. He sipped his coffee, inhaling sharply when he heard a door open down the hall.

Blaine took a deep breath before slowly walking down the hall.

Kurt looked up as he saw Blaine walk in before his eyes darted back down to his cup.

Blaine went to get some water. "Hi.." he said awkwardly.

"Hey." Kurt said in the same tone.

"You work today?" Blaine asked, trying to sound normal.


Blaine sighed to himself. Kurt really didn't want to talk to him. Blaine felt so stupid for the night before. Why didn't he just help Kurt up and that's it? Then maybe Kurt would be normal around him. Blaine took a sip of his water before heading back to his room.

Kurt looked back down into his coffee. Blaine felt weird around him. Fuck, he should've known..

Blaine climbed back into bed and curled up. He was so mad at himself. He shouldn't have looked at Kurt like that. He was so scared Kurt wouldn't want him to stay there anymore.

Angie walked into the kitchen, and Kurt looked up. "Ange..I'm sorry about last night."

Angie nodded. "You're upset and freaking out. I know it's hard for you."

Kurt smiled. "So you forgive me?"

The blonde pulled him in for a hug. "Of course.."

"Thanks..Blaine walked in here earlier..He was all..Awkward.." Kurt sighed.

"How so?" Angie asked.

"He just said 'Hi', asked if I was going to work and went back to his room.." Kurt said, getting up to pour Angie a cup of coffee.

"Did you try talking to him? About anything?"

"I really don't think he wants to talk to me." Kurt sighed.

"Maybe he thinks you don't want to talk to him..After all he doesn't know how grumpy you can be in the mornings. So maybe he thought you weren't in the mood to talk to him."

"Or maybe he thinks I'm going to try to kiss him again and that I'm some weird, gay, stalker." Kurt said.

Angie couldn't help but giggle. "I doubt that."

Kurt sighed, resting his head on the table again.

Angie rubbed his back. "It'll be okay. He hasn't left. So whatever he's thinking can't be too bad."

Kurt nodded. "I just can't help but avoid him..I feel weird because I can tell he feels weird."

"Go to work. That always helps you. I'll talk to him. Don't worry, I won't even bring up that I know about that. I just want to see if he'll open up."

"Okay.." Kurt sighed, getting up. "I'll see you around noon.."

Angie nodded. "You were right about the chocolate by the way.."

"Really?" Kurt asked.

"He loved them.."

Kurt couldn't help but give a light smile. "I'm glad.."

"It's going to work out, hun," Angie said softly.

"I hope so.." Kurt sighed, saying goodbye before walking out.

Angie shook her head as the door shut. What the he'll had they gotten in to?

Blaine heard the door and got up, walking into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Good morning," Angie said softly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright." Blaine said, putting on a smile for the blonde.

"You have any plans today..?"

"None, but I'm on call, as usual." Blaine said.

"Want to go lay in the sun for a bit?" Angie asked.

"Oh god yes, I need to get some sun." Blaine smiled.

"Me too!" Angie said happily. "And I hate going alone."

"Well now you have me." Blaine said.

"Good," Angie smiled. "You're comfortable here, right..?"

"Yeah..Why do you ask?" Blaine asked, a bit unconvincingly.

"I don't know..Everything seemed fine when I went to work. Then I got home and it was weird. Kurt kinda snapped at me. But he does that. I just..I don't understand.." Angie said, trying to get Blaine to open up.

"Oh..Well..I didn't notice anything.." Blaine said softly.

Angie sighed. "Alright.."

"When does Kurt get home?" Blaine asked.

"Noon. Why?"

"Just wondering.." Blaine said softly.


Blaine stared at the toaster as he waited for the toast to pop up. He couldn't stand feeling this way.

"You look like something's on your mind.."

"Nothing, just..Still kind of half asleep." Blaine said, giving a forced laugh.

"Oh okay.." Angie said, sighing to herself. "You want to sleep?"

"No, it's cool." He said as the toast popped up, grabbing them and setting them on a plate. "I really want to lay out with you."

"I know this little lake we can go to," Angie suggested.

"Really?" Blaine smiled.

Angie knew Kurt liked Blaine, but so did she. And there was the strong possibility that he was straight. She could still flirt a bit. Besides, who wouldn't swoon at that smile?
"Yeah..It's so beautiful.." She said, unable to look away from Blaine’s smile.

"I bet.." Blaine said, taking a bite of the toast and sitting down across from the blonde.

"So..You sing, fight fires, love the sun and swimming. What else do you do, Blaine?" Angie asked.

"Well I can't cook.." Blaine giggled.

"I love to cook.." Angie said, smiling.

"Well then it all works out." Blaine grinned.

Angie bit her lip. "It looks like it does..Do you work out a lot..?"

"Well I have to with my job..Thanks for reminding me though, I need to go to the gym today." Blaine said, eating his toast.

"Would you mind me tagging along..? I'd love to learn a few things.."

"You can come. I'd love to have someone to talk to." Blaine said smiling.

"It's something I've wanted to do. But I've never had someone to keep me motivated.."

"Well we can work on that together." Blaine said, grinning.

Angie got chills. She was going to be able to watch Blaine all sweaty and delicious and get to tan with him? Oh god yes!

"So we can hit the gym, then go to the lake?" Blaine smiled.

"Sounds perfect," Angie said. "I gotta figure out what to wear to the gym though.."

"I'm just gonna wear some shorts and a tank." Blaine shrugged.

"Mine are all like really short. I don't know if that's okay.."

"I don't have a problem with it." Blaine chuckled.

Angie smiled. "I'll go change then.." she went to her room and found her tight, hot pink shorts and a black tank top.

Blaine got up and did the same, putting on some black and red basketball shorts and a tight, white undershirt.

Angie was bent over, filling a cooler with ice and water bottles when Blaine came back out.

Blaine couldn't help but look. Angie did have a nice ass. If you're into that.

She stood up when she was done, blushing lightly when she realized Blaine was standing there.

Blaine just shook his head a bit. "Uh..You ready?"

"Yeah," Angie said, grabbing the cooler and her wallet. They went outside and noticed that it was a bit cooler than usual and they decided to walk to the gym. They got a locker for their wallets and cooler. "What's first?" Angie asked.

"Usually I do cardio first and then weights." Blaine said, grabbing a bottle out of the cooler.

"Okay," Angie said, following him.

They got to the treadmills and they got on two next to each other and turned them on, slowly working to a run. Angie couldn't help but look ever, watching how amazing Blaine looked. Blaine had sweat dripping down his neck and a light pink high in his cheeks. And fuck, his calves looked amazing. Angie licked her lips. Damn he was just so sexy. They ran for a bit before Blaine stopped the treadmill, reaching for his water and chugging it. Angie did the same, her legs already a little tired.

"Okay so.." Blaine panted, his undershirt clinging to his abs. "Let's do some stretches..Then we can start on the weights."

Angie nodded. "You mind helping with my legs?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

"No problem." Blaine smiled.

They went to a section off to the side with mats for stretching and Angie laid down. Blaine got on his knees, grabbing Angie's leg and pushing on it, helping her stretch. Angie let her eyes slip closed as he helped. Blaine switched to the other, pushing down on her thigh and lifting it up. Angie looked up at Blaine and smiled. "That feels soooo good.."

"Good." Blaine smiled.

And there was that smile again. She got chills from looking at him.

"You wanna help me after this?

"Of course..."

Blaine grinned. "Thanks.."

Angie nodded. She couldn't wait to get her hands on his legs.

Blaine helped Angie finish before he laid back on the mat. Angie started by pushing on each leg before slowly stretching and massaging up each one. Blaine sighed. "That feels good."

Angie smiled, working her way to his thighs. Blaine groaned lightly as Angie worked out a knot in the muscle.
"You're really tight.."

"I know. I just have a lot of stress." Blaine said.

"Want to talk about it?" Angie asked, working on another knot.

"Just work..I just worry my family with it..And just a lot of other stuff.”

"Your family doesn’t like what you do?"

"That just think it's dangerous.." Blaine said softly.

"It is. But you’re helping people.."

"They just don't want me to get hurt I guess." Blaine said.

"I understand.." Angie said softly.

"So do I, but I just want to help people, like you said.." Blaine said.

"It's very brave.."

"Thanks.." Blaine smiled, blushing lightly.

Angie nodded as she rubbed his thigh.

Blaine let her know when he was good before they proceeded to the weight room,

Blaine started Angie off with small weights before grabbing his own.

Angie watched as Blaine laid back on the bench and started lifting the weights. For a small guy, he was pretty strong.

She watched the way he flexed and the veins in his arms. He was so hot.

And he looked like he was doing it with little to no effort, except for the occasional groan that made Angie shiver.

She had to close her eyes for s second each time he made that delicious noise, trying to compose herself. He didn't need his other roommate to try to kiss him as well. But damn, did she want to!

They did that for a while longer unto Blaine was finished and Angie pouted a bit as he put the weight back on the rack.

"Did you want to shower or just go to the lake?" Angie asked.

"The lake sounds good. Blaine said happily.

They went to their lockers and changed into their bathing suits before walking to the lake.

It was a beautiful day, a little less hot than usual. They walked out to it, smiling.

Angie put a blanket down and laid on it, moaning softly as she felt the sun on her.

Blaine laid next to her, face down, sighing softly.

"I love days like this.."

"So do I.." Blaine said.

Angie hummed softly, closing her eyes and enjoying the heat.

"Hey Angie?" Blaine asked softly.

"Yeah hun?"

"I..I need some advice.." Blaine said quietly.

Angie rolled over. "I’d love to help."

"What do you do when you think someone has feelings for you..But you're not sure?" Blaine asked timidly.

"I would ask them. Sure, it’s bold. But you'll never know if you don't."

Blaine bit his lip, nodding and looking down.

"Can I ask who it is?" Angie asked nervously.

"Umm..I think it's Kurt.." Blaine said carefully.

Angie bit on her lip. "What makes you think he does?"

"He..I..I don't know..Just a feeling.." Blaine said softly.

"What if he does?" Angie asked, trying to remain calm and not blurt out how Kurt felt.

"I don't know..I mean..I just..I don't know.." Blaine sighed.

" dont have to answer but I need to ask.." Angie said carefully. "Are you gay?"

Blaine took in a short breath. "Um..Y-Yeah.."

"Well then you just need to figure out how you feel."

"But what if he doesn't have feelings for me?" Blaine asked nervously.

"I will kill you if you tell anyone," Angie said seriously. "But you don't have to worry about him not liking you."

"R-Really?" Blaine said, his eyes lighting up.

Angie smiled. "I know about last night.."

"He told you?" Blaine asked.

"That he tried to kiss you.."

Blaine swallowed hard. "Oh.."

"You okay?"

"Yeah..I just..It seems like Kurt's been trying to avoid me ever since then." Blaine said quietly.

"Blaine, he thinks you're straight.."

"Really?" Blaine asked. "I mean, I know I'm not that obvious but.." He trailed off.

"Well I didn't know either. You did tell me I looked hot.." Angie laughed.

"Hey, I can say that." Blaine said, giggling. "You are."

"Thanks," Angie chuckled. "You need to talk to him. He thought you didn't want to talk this morning..'

"I thought he didn't want to talk to me." Blaine said.

"He thought he scared you last night.."

"God..I feel stupid.."

"Why?" Angie asked.

"I just..I don't know..Kurt probably thinks I think he's creepy or something." Blaine sighed.

"More like your 'weird, gay stalker.' Those were his words."

"I don't think that at all.." Blaine said.

"Just talk to him, hun. You'll love the way his eyes will light up when you do."

Blaine smiled, giving a light blush at the thought of it.

"You gonna talk to him today?"

"I'll try." Blaine said.

Angie nodded. "I can't wait for that conversation."

Blaine just shook his head. "I'm nervous..

"Why?" Angie asked.

"I just am." Blaine softly.

"At least you know there isn't s chance of rejection."

"True.." Blaine said.

"Want me to find something to do tonight? So you two are alone?" Angie asked.

"If you don't mind." Blaine said softly.

"That's fine. Just text me when I can come back."

"Okay." Blaine smiled.

"Thanks for telling me, Blaine.."

"Thank you for listening..It's weird I guess..Everyone just always assumes I'm straight..I've never really said it out loud before.." Blaine sighed.

"Really? Have you not dated much?"

"I've had a few boyfriends. Nothing too serious..Most just couldn't handle my job.." Blaine sighed.

"Well I think you and Kurt would be great together."

"Really?" Blaine asked, smiling.

"Although I did have a slight crush on you," Angie giggled.

"I'm flattered." Blaine grinned.

"Well you are hot as hell," Angie chuckled.

Blaine laughed, burying his face in the towel.

"Ohmygod! Are you blushing?!"

"No." He said defensively, but not lifting his head.

"You are so adorable!!" Angie giggled.

"Shut up!" Blaine chuckled.

Angie shook her head. "Whatever short stuff," he teased.

"Hey!" Blaine laughed, turning to look at her.

"Just kidding, Hun," she said, smiling.

"Okay." He said standing and picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder. "Well I'm just kidding when I do this!" age said walking out onto the little boardwalk.

Angie kicked her legs as she squealed. "No! Blaine!"

Blaine laughed, running before tossing her into the water.

Angie's mouth dropped as she came back up. She swam to the sand and chased after Blaine.

Blaine ran, laughing loudly.

Angie finally caught up with Blaine after a few minutes and tackled him into the sand. "What now, Anderson?!"

Blaine flipped them over quickly, raising an eyebrow.

Angie wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to flip them over but groaned when he pinned her arms above her head.

"What now Porter?" Blaine chuckled.

The blonde smirked. "You know, you're kinda sexy like this.."

"Really now." Blaine chuckled.

Angie groaned. "Blaiiinnneee!"

Blaine just laughed, rolling off of her.

"You're a bitch," Angie giggled.

"I am not." Blaine scoffed, smiling.

"I think that smile says otherwise. Oh well. That’s for Kurt to find out," she winked.

Blaine blushed again, chuckling and closing his eyes.

"You blush so easily.."

"Not usually." Blaine said.

"Just about Kurt?" Angie asked sincerely.

"Yeah, I guess." Blaine shrugged.

Angie just nodded, laying back down.

They laid out and swam for a bit before starting back to the apartment. It was about noon, Kurt should've been home by then.

They walked in, giggling. Angie smiled at Kurt, who was sitting on the couch.
"Hey hun!"

"Hey." Kurt smiled, his eyes going wide as he saw Blaine wasn't wearing a shirt.

"How was work?" Angie asked.

"Slow." Kurt sighed. "And Samantha burned two trays of cupcakes.."

Angie sighed. "If she keeps doing this, we can't keep her.."

"That's what I told her, but she begged me, giving the ‘I'll try harder, give me one more chance’ speech."

"Well she's had warnings. She needs to start learning."

"You were the one that told me to give her a break." Kurt said as Angie and Blaine walked to the kitchen.

"But there's only so much we can do," Angie said, grabbing a drink for her and Blaine.

"Yeah.." Kurt sighed.

"You hanging around tonight?"

"I..I don't know. It depends." Kurt said, looking down as Blaine looked at him.

"On?" Blaine asked.

"If I feel like going out." Kurt shrugged.

Blaine looked over at Angie. "Well I have to shower. I have somewhere to be.."

"Where are you going?" Kurt asked.

"I have a few ideas I want to try out at work."

"Oh.." Kurt said, looking down again.

"Mhmm," she said, skipping off to shower.

Kurt looked up as Blaine walked off and sighed. "I think I might just go to the bar later."

Blaine changed into some sweats and went back to the living room. "Hey..I really need to shower when Angie is done. But I..I was wondering if you wanted to hang out..or something.."

"O-Oh..I uh..Sure..I guess." Kurt stammered.

"You don't have to if you don't want to.." Blaine said quietly.

"No..We can." Kurt said, attempting a smile.

Blaine smiled back before heading back to his room. He was so nervous.

Kurt laid back, sighing deeply. Why did Blaine want to hang out? He heard Angie get out of the shower and Blaine get in. He couldn't do this. What if Blaine wanted to talk about the night before? What if he thought Kurt had crossed a line and no longer wanted to stay? Kurt sighed, standing and grabbing his wallet and writing a post-it.
"Had somewhere to be, I'm sorry
-Kurt." The note read. He stuck it on Blaine's bedroom door and walked out, proceeding to the bar a few blocks down.

A little while later, Blaine got out and wrapped his towel around his waist. He saw the note on his door and sighed heavily. Maybe Angie was wrong. He pulled on a pair of boxers and crawled into bed, hugging his pillow close.

Angie was laying on the couch when she got home from work and watched a movie. It was about midnight when Kurt returned.

She looked up, confused, when she saw him. "Umm where's Blaine?"

"In his room I'm assuming." Kurt said, his word's slightly slurred.

"Did you two talk?"

"No..I went to the bar.."

Angie stood up and shook her head. "You know I love you. But I swear, sometimes you’re such an idiot!"

"What?" Kurt asked, looking down at his best friend.

"You could've stayed and talked to him. Maybe you two could've gotten to know each other better. Like I did today. Damn Kurt! He's our new roommate. He's not even used to being here and he asks to hang out and you just blow him off to drink? Way to make him feel welcomed." Angie said heatedly before walking to her room and slamming her door shut.

Kurt stood there for a moment, soaking in what happened before walking over to the room and yelling through the door. "You know what? I will just go off and drink Angie! You don't know what I'm fucking dealing with!" He growled before walking out of the apartment and slamming the door.

Angie just shook her head. Why couldn't Kurt just open his fucking eyes and see what was right in front of him?

She groaned in frustration before turning off the light and getting in bed.


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kuuuuuurt! so frustrating! :)another awesome chapter!

This is adorable! I like the POV switches and stuff, it really adds to the reading experience!!

Omgg Kurt talk to Blaine dammit! Angie knows he is gay she shoulda told that to Kurt.