After the Fire
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After the Fire: Chapter 1

E - Words: 5,605 - Last Updated: Jun 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Apr 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 06, 2013
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Kurt Hummel lugged the final box into the new apartment. Groaning as he dropped it in his room with a thud. He just moved into this apartment with his best friend, Angela Porter, and they moved to New York with high hopes, after opening a cupcake bakery together. After all, they say the best time to start a business is in a recession. he looked around the decently sized apartment. Three bedrooms and one bath with a nicely sized kitchen. It should do nicely. But there was no way they would be able to keep up with the rent with a new business's income.
"Hey Angie?" Kurt called, wiping some sweat off of his forehead.

"Yeah, hun?" Angie called back.

"Did you get any calls about a roommate yet?" Kurt asked, walking into the living room to see the young girl lounging on the sofa.

"One. She's coming by in a couple days. But I dont know..She just didn't sound like she'd be a good roommate. I was thinking about making flyers and putting them around. Maybe one in the newspaper. Do a mass interview on like Saturday? What do you think?"

"That sounds good..” Kurt said, lifting her legs up, plopping down on the sofa and letting them fall back on his lap.

"I hope we get a good one.." Angie said. "There are some crazy people out there.."

"Maybe if we're lucky we can get a hot guy." Kurt giggled, looking over at the blonde.

Angie laughed. "That would be the best!"

"Agreed." Kurt laughed lightly. "God, I'm exhausted.."

"Me too. I can't wait until we're done.."

"But I want to be lazy.." Kurt groaned, his head falling back.

"Let’s do it tomorrow," Angie sighed.

"Good idea.." Kurt said, sighing softly. "Do you want to make the flyer? I'll go down to Kinkos and make some copies." Kurt said.

"Yeah, let me grab the laptop."

Kurt nodded as the shorter girl stood, groaning as she walked off to the room.

She grabbed her laptop and sat back down. She opened up a program and started designing.

"What if all we get are like, crazy cat ladies?" Kurt asked.

"Oh God," Angie groaned. "Let's hope for the hot guy."

"Good." Kurt giggled, laying back on the sofa.

Angie messed around with the flyer before turning to Kurt. "What do you think?"

Kurt looked, up, looking over the flier and smiled. "Looks good."

She saved it to her flash drive and handed it to Kurt.

"I'll be back.." Kurt said, shoving it in his pocket. "Remember, one of us has to go take a shift at the bakery later.." He said, standing.

"I can do it," Angie said softly.

"Alright. Hopefully Samantha hasn't burnt the place down.." He sighed, referring to their newest employee.

Angie chuckled. "I'm sure she's okay."

"I'll put up a few of the flyers on the way home." Kurt said, as he grabbed his keys.

"Alright. I'll probably be at work when you get back. Want to drop a couple off? I can put some up and add one to the bulletin board."

"Alright. See you then." Kurt said, walking out the door.

Angie sighed, getting up and showering before heading to work.

Kurt walked down to the fed ex and made a good amount of copies. He gathered them him his arms before starting out the door and down the street, taping them up here and there before he turned around quickly and someone ran into him, sending the papers flying into the air and knocking him back.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry.." a voice said quickly, bending down and helping Kurt pick up the flyers.

Kurt didn't look up, as he gathered up the papers. He sighed deeply, "It's okay.."

The guy handed Kurt the ones he picked up. "I'd help put them up to make up for it. But I really have to get to work..I really am sorry.." he said before he ran off.

Kurt finally looked up as the man ran off, and all he saw was dark curls. He shook his head, thinking that he was good for helping pick some of them up before gathering the rest of them and walking off to the bakery.

Angie smiled when Kurt walked in. "You get some put up?"

"A few..And this guy like ran into me and sent them everywhere.." Kurt said, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. It was unnaturally hot, even for it being the middle of summer.

"Oohhh! Was he cute?" Angie asked.

"I didn't get a good look at him.." Kurt said, setting the disheveled pile of fliers on the glass counter. "He helped me pick up a few and then ran off."

"Weird.." Angie said, shrugging it off. "You think people will really come?"

"I hope so.." Kurt sighed. "Can I get a cup of ice or something?"

Angie raised an eyebrow at him. "Kurt. You and I opened this store. You don't have to ask for ice."

"I know..I'm just dying.." Kurt groaned, pulling at the collar of his sweat covered v neck as he walked around the counter to the freezer. "I hate this weather. I can't even wear what I want."

"I know. But at least you don't have to be here with all those ovens."

"Don't complain..I'll help out.." He said, filling a cup with ice. He popped one into his mouth and grabbed his apron, tying it around his waist. "Do we have any orders?" he asked around the ice.

"Yeah. A couple. But one is pretty interesting.." Angie said, a huge grin on her face.

"What is it?" Kurt asked, looking through the book.

"It's for Friday night. A guy came in. He's gonna propose to his girlfriend at her birthday party. He wants us to do a pretty big cake. He was thinking red velvet. And asked if we could maybe shape it like the box a ring comes in..What do you think?"

"Sounds good!" Kurt smiled, clapping his hands together.

Angie pulled out about a piece of paper and showed it to Kurt. "I drew a little sketch of my idea. But if you have anything to add, let me know.." It was two square cakes. One was flat while the other was leaning against one of the flat one's sides. The top piece, which was the tilted one, was designed to be the top of the box. It had a bow and ribbon on it. And in the center of the bottom part was a drawing of an engagement ring. On the front of the cake was another ribbon that read "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god! I love it..Hopefully she'll say yes, and love it too." He giggled.

"I hope so. It's a great way to get our name out there. Do you have any color suggestions or icing flavors in mind?"

"Well we could do a cream cheese icing because that always tastes good with red velvet.." He smiled, walking back to gather the pans.

"Oohhh! What if we did a little design around it with -a chocolate drizzle?"

"This is why you're my best friend, you genius." Kurt winked as they got to work.

They spent the rest of the night coming up with the plans and even doing a very small test run of it. Kurt looked down at the smaller version of the cake and smiled. "I love it..He breathed out."

"Me too," Angie smiled. "Now it's the really fun part!"

Kurt gave the blonde a knowing smile. "And what would that be?"

"Tasting!" she giggled, handing Kurt a fork.

Kurt grinned, digging a fork into the cake and bringing it to his lips, taking a bite. "Mmmph..Another job well done my dear."

Angie took a bite, rolling her eyes as she moaned.

"Well I do believe this will suffice." He smiled as they heard the bell ring, indicating a customer.

They walked back to the counter and greeted the customer. But it turned out not to be a customer, just Samantha. "Hey, did you guys hear about the fire like, a block down from your apartment?"

"What?" Angie asked quickly. "Was anyone hurt?"

"No, everyone's fine, but this firefighter like almost died, he got trapped in there after he helped this old woman out and he had to like chop his way out! It was crazy!" She said, her eyes wide.

"Oh my god!" Kurt gasped.

"I bet he's hot too.." Angie said. "Hot firefighter that saves lives...Now that's the roommate we should wish for!"

"Like that's happening." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"A girl can dream," Angie giggled. "But really. I'd love to meet him. That's just so amazing."

"It is. But I'd like to see said firefighter make a cake like you." Kurt smiled.

"Not too bad yourself, Hummel," Angie said, smiling.

Kurt just laughed. "You think it's about time to close up shop?"

"Yeah. I'm so ready to relax."

"Me too.." Kurt sighed, taking off the apron and throwing it on the counter.

They made sure everything was turned off and went through their normal closing routine before heading home. They got most of their done that weekend before it was Saturday and the day for the interviews came. There was a knock at the door. "You ready for this?" Angie asked.

"Let's do it." Kurt smiled, sitting down on the couch.

Angie let the first one in an introduced them.
"What's your name?"

The young girl examined the chair closely before gingerly sitting down on it. "Uh..Leslie Jordan." She said, giving a small smile.

"Is something wrong?" Kurt asked.

"No, no nothing..I just seem to have forgotten my portable vacuum..I just..Strange chair. Not sure if it's clean.." She said, attempting to smile.

Angie bit back a laugh. "I'm sure it's just fine."

She nodded, giving a small nervous laugh.

"So.." Kurt said quickly. "What made you start looking for roommates?"

"Um well..My mom thinks I'm too old to be living at home so she brought me this flyer and..Here I am.

"Oh. Okay.." Angie said awkwardly. "And how old are you?"

"Twenty." Leslie said simply.

"You seem to have a problem with messy things." Kurt said carefully. "Is that right?"

"No..No..I-I would have to have everything clean..Always." She said seriously.

"What Kurt means is..Well, we have our own bakery. And sometimes one of us will get an idea and we'll try it out here. It tends to get messy around here. We clean up. But we like to have fun first," Angie said.

"Fun?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Flour seems to wind up all over each other and the counters. We enjoy what we do." Angie explained.

"Is that something you could handle seeing?" Kurt asked.

"Oh no..nonono..Thank you for your time, but I have to go. Goodbye." She said quickly, practically running out the door.

Angie couldn't stop laughing when the door shut. "Ohmygod.."

"What the hell?" Kurt breathed out before laughing as well.

"Today is going to be interesting.."

"I can already tell.." Kurt gasped as he stopped laughing.

There was another knock and Angie looked at Kurt before leading another candidate in.

Kurt smiled up at the young man. "So what's your name?"

"Derek.." he said a bit shyly.

"Alright Derek, so why are you looking for a roommate?"

"W-well I just graduated from college..And I-I'd rather not go home.."

"Why is that? If you don't mind me asking." Kurt said.

"I just don't really want to rely on them. And always bugs me about my video games."

"Video games?" Angie asked.

Derek nodded. "She thinks I play too much. But whatever."

"How much do you play?" Kurt asked, looking at the young looking boy and raising an eyebrow.

"A couple hours a day maybe..Then when I can't sleep."

"How many hours is a couple?"

"Well..I'd game for about two hours before I went to school..Come home and get in a nine to twelve hour sesh..Maybe sleep a bit." Derek said.

Angie's jaw dropped. "Oh wow..Do you do all that stuff with the talking over the thing? I don't know anything about video games.."

"Yeah, I have a headset. Turtle Beach Ear Force Delta..Gaming Chair, surround sound, Sony 3D tv. The basics." He shrugged.

Kurt raised his eyebrows. " any might randomly get really into it and get really loud..Like, at night..?"

"Sometimes, not often."

Angie brought her hands down on her legs, giving a fake smile. "Well thank you for coming. We have some other people to meet with. But, we'll call you."

"Alright.." Derek smiled. "Call me." He said, winking at Angie before walking out.

Angie turned to Kurt. "Hell no! Nu uh! No way in fucking hell!"

"Oh my god..Twelve hours? Twelve?!" Kurt said in shock.

"He won't even have time to work. God! How can someone do that and not go crazy? And gross! Did you see that wink?! I need a shower now. Ugh!"

Kurt shivered, wiping himself off. "God did he ever shower?"

"Didn't smell like it," Angie said, pulling a face as another person knocked on the door. "Your turn," she chuckled.

"Third time's a charm?" Kurt sighed as he opened the door.

A young perky blonde followed Kurt to the couch and shook their hands.
"Hi! I'm Hope! Oh god. I love this apartment!"

"Oh. Hi!" Angie smiled.

"I saw your flyer and just had to come check it out." she pulled out a tube of toothpaste from her purse and put a little in her mouth.

Kurt and Angie's eyes went wide as they stared at the girl.

"Oh sorry. Don’t mind me. I just love the minty fresh taste! My mom tried putting me on that show. What's it called? My strange addiction or something. But I'm not addicted. It just tastes good and it whitens teeth. See?" she rambled before flashing her almost too white teeth.

Kurt and Angie flinched back a bit. "Oh..That's..Great.." Kurt said, giving a fake smile.

"So tell me more about you two. You look like fun!"

"Umm..We own the bakery down the street." Angie said.

"Ohmygod! How yummy! You should so teach me a few things!"

"You are so energetic!" Kurt said loudly.

"Yeah. I’ve always been this way. Some people can't handle it. I just go go go go go none stop. It's great!" she said happily.

"Well! That's fantastic. We will give you a call..Just wait for us to ring you." Kurt said smiling.

Hope jumped up and hugged them. "It was so nice meeting you!" she said before heading out the door.

"Oh my fucking god, no.." Kurt groaned.

"Seriously? I'm giving this one more chance for today."

"Me too..Just..Ugh.." Kurt breathed out.

Angie sighed when there was another knock. She opened the door and saw another young girl. She tentatively shook Angie's hand. Angie couldn't help but notice the girl pressing her back to the wall and sliding against it the whole way to the living room.

"Hello there.." Angie said awkwardly, walking over to the couch.

"H-hi.." the girl said quietly, rubbing her behind on the entertainment center before sitting in the chair and moving around to get comfortable.

"So..What's your name?" Kurt asked.

"Ashley.." she said, looking down.

"So you think you'd be a good roommate?" Angie said.

Ashley nodded. "I'll pitch in of course. I-I tend to keep to myself so I won't be in either if your way.."

"Alright." Kurt nodded smiling.

Ashley shifted in her seat again. "What are you two looking for..?"

"Just someone who can help pay rent, go out with us." Angie grinned.

"I-I've never really gone out.."

"Well you know, there's always a good time to start.." Angie said. She readjusted herself again and Angie quirked an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" she said quietly.

"You just..Seem uncomfortable.."

"I-I'm fine..."

"Alright.." Kurt said, raising an eyebrow.

Ashley looked back down. "So what kind of stuff do you do?"

"Well a lot of the time, we're either at the bakery, or home, working on stuff for the bakery, or like I said, going out dancing." Kurt smiled.

"I-I don't know how?"

"Well you don't have to do it with us ." Kurt shrugged.

"True," she said quietly.

"Well, we'll think about it and we'll give you a call." Angie smiled.

Ashley nodded. "It was nice meeting you.."

Kurt nodded as the Ashley got up, starting out the door dragging her ass along the wall and door before opening it and stepping out.

"What the hell was that?" Angie asked.

"She was like..Rubbing her ass on everything.." Kurt said, his eyebrows knit together.

"I know! God I'm going to have to clean everything!"

"Well we can call Leslie to clean for us." Kurt scoffed.

"Ha! No thank you. God. Is it so hard to meet a normal person?" Angie sighed as someone else knocked. "I'm just going to tell them we found someone.." she walked over and opened the door, her eyes going wide. It was a young man, about their age. The way he was sweating made his shirt cling tightly to his abs. He had beautiful dark curls. He was a little short but damn he was fine! She licked her lips as she motioned for him to go to the living room. She got Kurt’s attention as she walked behind the man, pretending to fan herself. When he stopped, she smiled at him.
"Hi. I'm Angie and this is Kurt.."

"Hi!" He grinned, smiling. "I'm Blaine."

Angie ran her fingers along his biceps. God, his whole body was just glistening. "Would you like a drink? You're so hot.."

"Please..It's a scorcher today." Blaine breathed out, tugging at the collar of his shirt, which Kurt noticed read "New York Fire Department". God this guy was hot.

"Oh god, I know," Angie said, handing him a glass of water. "I was just thinking about heading down to the indoor pool in a little bit. They keep it nice and cool in the summers. You are more than welcome to join us. I bet you could use it.."

"What Angela means to say is..You're here because you're interested in a room?" Kurt asked, stepping between them.

Blaine smiled wide. "I am. I need somewhere that's closer to where I work."

"Where would that be?" Kurt asked, placing a hand on the small of his back and leading him to the couch.

"The fire department a few blocks from here," Blaine answered as they each sat on a side of him.

"Oohhh a fire fighter..What's that like?" Angie asked.

"Pretty boring..Except last week. There was a huge fire not even a block from here." Blaine shrugged before chugging the water.

"Was that you that saved the woman?" Kurt asked, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Yeah.." Blaine said humbly, giving a light smile. "Just doing my job.."

Angie's face lit up. "That was so brave of you.."

"Thanks.." He blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

Angle couldn't get over how gorgeous Blaine was. Just the other day she was talking about him being their roommate and here he was.

Blaine looked over to Kurt. "You know..You look so familiar.."

"Really?" Kurt asked, perking up.

Blaine studied Kurt’s face for a moment, making him blush. "I got it! You were hanging up those flyers! I had just gotten the call about the fire and I ran into you..."

"You were the guy that ran into me?" Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded. "I felt terrible. So I went back, wondering what the flyers were for. I wanted to apologize and say I really was in a hurry. Then it was for a roommate and well I need one so here I am.."

"Small world.." Kurt said, looking into Blaine's honey-hazel eyes.

"Forgive me?" Blaine asked, flashing a goofy grin.

"O-Of course.." Kurt said, smiling back.

"So, Blaine.." Angie said. "How about that swim..?"

"I can't right now..I have to get back to work in a bit..But, if you don't find anyone better, call me?" Blaine asked.

"We'll call," Angie said, smiling wide.

"Oh wait, you need my number right?" He giggled.

"I'll get it." Kurt said quickly, whipping out his phone.

Blaine leaned in, giving Kurt his number as Angie glared at her roommate.

Kurt smiled. "Bye.." He said softly before Blaine walked out. "Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!"

"There is no way in hell that we are saying no!"

"Oh my god he's do hot!" Kurt said, collapsing back onto the couch.

"I definitely could use a shower now," Angie sighed. "Did you see those abs?!"

"How could I not..Holy shit..Dibs!" He said quickly, sitting up and pointing at her.

"Only if he's gay," she chuckled.

"I can fix that if he's not." Kurt said slyly.

Angie chuckled. "Best roommate ever!"

"I want to call him right now.." Kurt groaned.

"Me too...But we should wait until tonight at least.."

"Good idea." Kurt sighed,

Angie headed to the kitchen and pulled out some cleaning supplies. "I feel so gross after that one girl Ashley.."

"Oh god me too.." Kurt groaned.

"Can you believe that he came in though? I seriously never thought could happen when I said it."

"A hot young fireman..The same one that saved that woman. It's fate!" Kurt giggled.

"And don't forget the one that ran into you as well," Angie smiled.

"And you couldn't keep your hands off of him." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"And you were doing your whole looking-into-my-big-innocent-blue-eyes thing."

"I was not!" Kurt laughed.

"Oh my god! You so were!" Angie giggled.

"I have never done that." Kurt scoffed.

Angie couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped her. "You do it whenever you want something or when you're talking to a hot guy."

"Well I hope it works..God..Who am I kidding. He's straight..I mean look at him." Kurt sighed.

"Well I don't know. If he is, he's not obvious. But we haven't been around him long enough to know for sure. Hell, it is New York. Buy if not, sorry boo. He's mine."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Well I don't want to get my hopes up." he sighed, standing.

"I know what you mean." Angie said as she started cleaning.

"Well what if he has a girlfriend?" Kurt asked, looking up.

"Then he's just our ridiculously hot, firefighting roommate, I guess."

Kurt sighed. "That's all he'll be until we know."

"Yeah. But we can still look at least. You know you wanted to see him take that shirt off and dive into the pool."

"Oh dear god yes." Kurt breathed out.

"He's so hot.." Angie sighed. "God, those muscles felt good.."

"Bitch.." Kurt giggled, cutting his eyes at her.

"Hey! You had your hand on his lower back!" She chuckled.

"And it was glorious." Kurt laughed.

"I bet..I wonder what those abs would look like glistening in the sun.."

"Oh my god shut up!" Kurt groaned, laughing.

Angie giggled. "I'm gonna shower. Was there anything you wanted to do tonight?"

"I don't have anything in mind, except for calling Blaine." Kurt said, stretching.

Angie nodded before heading off to shower.

Kurt laid back on the couch, sighing deeply. Blaine probably wasn't gay. Even if he was he probably already had someone. Kurt couldn't come on to him so strongly, not like Angie had at least.

Angie came out in her towel. "We should go out.."

"Where?" Kurt asked.

"I just wanna dance..I don't care where."

Kurt smiled. "Sounds good!"

"Alright. You should go ahead and shower. You take forever!" She giggled.

"Fine." Kurt giggled, rolling his eyes and getting up to shower.

Angie got dressed and did her hair. She wore a tight pink dress that came down to the middle of her thighs and gorgeous pumps to match. She was waiting for Kurt when she looked at the clock. It was almost nine. It had been a few hours since all the interviews. She bit her lip as she thought for a moment. Angie shrugged, picking up kurts phone and calling Blaine.

"Hello?" Blaine answered happily.

"Is this Blaine?" she asked a lite nervously.

"Yes it is." He replied.

"Hey, this is Angie!" she said, smiling wide.

"Hey Angie." Blaine said. She could hear the smile in his voice. "Let me guess, you're calling to turn me down?" He said playfully.

Angie giggled. "The opposite actually."

"Well great!" Blaine said happily.

"Kurt and I are gonna go out to celebrate. You want to come..?"

"Sounds good. Where to?"

"You know that club downtown? It's just a few blocks from here." she asked before giving him the directions.

"Alright, I'll see you then." Blaine said, in a voice that made her swoon.

She giggled as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. "Bye Blaine.." she said before handing up.
"Kurt! KURT!!" she screamed, running to his room.

"What?" he asked, poking his head out the door, his hair halfway done.

"You better wear something super sexy!" she said, pushing the door open.


"Because super mega foxy awesome hot fireman will be joining us!"

"Blaine?!" Kurt gasped.

"Yes sir!" Angie said, grinning.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna be a little longer than I thought Angie." Kurt said, closing the door again.

"I know," she giggled.

Kurt sighed, dragging his brush through his hair again and starting over.

Angie went to her room and touched up her hair and make-up before looking into her full view mirror and smiling. Tonight was going to be so amazing.

Kurt finally came out of his room, hair perfect and skin glowing. He was wearing black skinny jeans, his tightest, a white v neck, and a black, white and red cardigan, along with his white boots.

"You sure you want to wear those jeans?" Angie asked.

"Yeah, why?" Kurt asked.

"Well, blaine is pretty damn sexy. And it has been a while..You sure you can control yourself? I'm just worried you may get a little..uncomfortable in those tight pants.." she teased, smiling to herself.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

Angie chuckled. "Let’s go."

Kurt grabbed his phone, and called Blaine.

Blaine was working on taming his curls when his phone rang.

"Hey, we're about to leave. Are you ready?" Kurt asked, smiling.

"Almost. I'm finishing my hair right now," Blaine said. "Where do you want to meet?"

"Just meet us here, we can all walk together." Kurt smiled.

"Alright. I'll see you soon."

"Bye.." Kurt said, before waiting until he was sure Blaine hung up and kept the phone to his ear, looking at Angie. "What's that Blaine? You want me? So very desperately?" he said dramatically.

Angie shook her head. "What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?"

Kurt just laughed, shoving the phone in his pocket.

"I would have died laughing if he had only pretended to hang up."

"Don't even joke like that!" Kurt scolded.

Angie laughed. "Kurt. You looked at your phone to make sure he hung up. You're fine."

"I'm just saying..Oh my god, I would've been mortified." Kurt groaned.

"It would've been the funniest thing ever!"

"No it would not!"

They went back and forth for a little while longer until there was a knock at the door. Angie jumped up, rushing to the door before Kurt could. She smoothed out her dress and opened the door.
"Hey!" she said happily. "You look great!"

Blaine grinned. "Hey.." He said. He was wearing a dark green button up that fit him amazing and some dark, tight, but not too tight jeans.

Kurt walked up next. "You ready?"

"Wow, you guys looks amazing." Blaine said, looking them both up and down.

They both blushed and thanked Blaine. Angie grabbed his arm as they walked out. "So do you think you'll like it here?"

"The apartment looks really nice. I think I'll love it." He smiled as Kurt shot Angie a look.

Angie couldn't help but smile. "Good. You'll have your own room and all. But I have to warn you. This one," she said, pointing to Kurt. "Takes forever to shower and get ready."

"I'm the same way." Blaine said, laughing lightly.

"Really?" Kurt asked, walking next to Blaine. "Well I can see why. That hair. So many possibilities!"

""You like it? I just can't think of anything else to do with it." Blaine said, smiling at Kurt.

"I do like it. I wouldn't gel it if I were you. You know, being around fires and all. Although I feel like you've tried that look. I like this though. It's natural and looks so soft and healthy."

Blaine smiled. "Thanks Kurt.."

"You're welcome," Kurt said as they got in line at the club. They talked as they moved closer to the door. Once they were there, Kurt smiled at the bouncer and pulled out his wallet to pay for them."

"Oh you don't have to do that Kurt.." Blaine said.

Kurt reached out and stopped Blaine’s hand from reaching for his wallet. "I want to.."

Blaine gave that big, goofy smile. "Thanks.."

Kurt fluttered his eye lashes. "You're welcome," he said softly, earning a glare from Angie.

Kurt thought he saw a light blush on Blaine's cheeks, but passed it off as his imagination.

They went inside and headed to the bar. "Do you drink?" Angie asked.

"I could use a beer." Blaine said.

"Appletini?" Angie asked Kurt.

"Redbull and vodka." Kurt said.

Angie smiled, turning to the bartender and leaning over as she spoke over the music. "Two red bull and vodkas and a beer.."

They gory their drinks and sat at the bar. "So tell us about you." Kurt said to Blaine.

"What do you want to know?" Blaine asked.

"Where are you from?" Angie asked, sipping her drink.

"Westerville, Ohio," Blaine smiled.

"Really? I'm from Lima!" Kurt said, smiling at him.

"You know Dalton Academy?"

"I almost went there once.." Kurt said.

"No way!" Blaine said, eyes wide with amazement. "I went there!"

"Were you in your school's glee club?" Kurt asked.

"I was the lead Warbler.."

"You? We competed against you guys at regionals every year." Kurt smiled.

"Wait..McKinley?" Blaine asked.

"New Directions." Kurt nodded.

"You guys were so good!"

"Not as amazing as you!" Kurt grinned.

Blaine looked down and Kurt thought he was blushing again.

"So..Glee club? What was that like?" Angie asked.

"We were an acapella group called the Warblers at this prep school I went to." Blaine said, taking a swig if his beer.

"They were the best!" Kurt said seriously. "Do you still sing?"

"Well, I do sometimes. I play guitar and sing a few blocks down at this coffee shop every once in a while." Blaine said.

"You should tell us when. We'd love to come check you out..Your voice I mean.." Angie smiled.

Blaine giggled. "Sounds good. I play every other weekend."

"We'll so be there," Kurt said excitedly.

Blaine grinned.
"Do you wanna dance?" Angie smiled.

"Yeah," Blaine grinned as they got up. "You coming, Kurt?"

Kurt's face lit up. "Yeah." He smiled, standing.

Blaine grabbed their hands as the headed to the dance floor.

They all danced together, grinning as their bodies moved to the music.

Blaine moved between them as he rolled his body.

Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off of Blaine as he rocked his hips with him.

Angie squeezed in between them, swaying her hips with the music.

Blaine placed his hands on Angie's hips, pulling her closer.

Angie's heart pounded in her chest as she started to grind against him.

Blaine smiled as he started to roll his hips with hers.

Angie closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his body against hers.

"I love your dress.." Blaine said in her ear.

Angie shivered. "T-Thank you..You look so hot, Blaine.."

Blaine chuckled lightly. "Thanks, so do you."

She blushed lightly as she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Blaine was so sexy and the way his breath ghosted over her ear drove her crazy in the most amazing way.

Kurt couldn't help but feel a bit jealous as he watched the exchange, but like he said before, Blaine was most likely straight.

But out of nowhere, Blaine pulled Kurt closer and started to dance with him.

Kurt gasped, a blush coloring his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine smiled at Kurt as he moved his body with the taller boy's.

Kurt tried not to moan as Blaine grinded into him.

"You're a great dancer," Blaine said, looking down at Kurt's hips.

"You're not so bad yourself.." Kurt said, smiling.

Blaine brought his hands up to Kurt's waist, pulling him closer.

Kurt blushed, looking up at Blaine from under his lashes.

"You have beautiful eyes.."

"Really?" Kurt smiled shyly.

Blaine nodded. "I've never seen a blue like that."

"it changes.." Kurt said blushing.

"To what?" Blaine asked.

"Green, sometimes grey." Kurt said.

Blaine smiled up and Kurt. "Green is my favorite.."

"Mine too.." Kurt blushed.

Blaine rocked his body with Kurt's, grinning up at him.

Kurt gasped lightly as he grinded against Blaine, biting his lip lightly.

They danced a little longer until a slower song came on. "I'm going to get another drink. You two want another?"

"I'm good," Kurt replied.

Angie shook her head before Blaine walked to the bar.

"Oh my god.." Kurt groaned.

"What?" Angie asked, tearing her eyes from Blaine to look at Kurt.

"I can't tell if he's gay or straight.." Kurt sighed.

"Me neither..He told me he liked my dress and that I look hot..." Angie said. "Did he say anything to you..?"

"He said I have beautiful eyes and that I was a good dancer.." Kurt said.

"What if he just likes messing with people..?"

"What makes you say that?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know..I guess because how he's being with both of us.." Angie said.

"Maybe he's just being nice?" Kurt offered.

"Maybe.." Angie said. "I'm just going to try not to think about any of it.."

"Me either. Tonight, we're all here as friends." Kurt said with finality.

"Agreed. Dancing and just having fun as roommates." Angie said, feeling a bit better.

Kurt smiled before pulling Angie close and continuing their dance.

Angie put her arms around Kurt's neck as she danced with her best friend. The rest of the night was amazing. They took turns dancing with each other and drank a bit. Before long they decided it was time to leave Blaine offering to walk them home.

"Are you okay to go home?" Angie asked.

"You could use one of our beds for the night. Angie and I can share." Kurt said softly.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll be okay. I have work tomorrow anyway. Is it okay if I start moving in on Monday though?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah. If you need any help, let us know," Angie smiled.

"Thanks." Blaine smiled before he walked them to their apartment, got in his car and drove home.

Kurt and Angie headed inside and Angie yawned loudly. "He's really cool."

"Agreed." Kurt smiled, sitting down to unlace his boots.

"I don't know how you deal with those," Angie said, shaking her head as she kicked her heels off.

"I don't know how you deal with those..I would kill myself..Although I did wear heels once in high school..But it was for glee club."

"But yours are all laced up and would take forever to get off. Especially if you're about to hook up and it would get in the way. And why were you wearing heels?"

"Hey, guys love taking off my boots.." Kurt chuckled. "And we were doing Gaga. 'Nuff said."

“I bet they do," Angie laughed. "You're crazy but I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt grinned.

Angie got up and kissed Kurt’s cheek. "I'm heading to bed. Night boo."

"Night.." He smiled, pulling his boots off and walking to his room.


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LOVE! this has so much potential :) can't wait for more!!

Of course I love it already :) Now they just need to find out he's gay so Kurt can get him.