March 10, 2013, 3:50 p.m.
March 10, 2013, 3:50 p.m.
These were the best kinds of weekends-the ones when Blaine's parent's took off on yet another business trip or mini-vacation, leaving him free to do as he liked in the empty house. At one time being alone for lengthy periods used to bother him, but ever since beginning to date Kurt, he accepted them as a blessing. Once they started having sex about three months ago, his gratitude only intensified. Burt knew enough about Blaine's family that the dad more than likely knew what went on whenever his son left on weekends for hours at a time, but he continued to let Kurt visit. Both boys were thankful for this, even though they knew that one of these days a very uncomfortable conversation was bound to go down between the three of them. Until then, they accepted this bit of good fortune and enjoyed their private time together.
On this particular Saturday Blaine sat in bed, back against the headboard and laptop open before him. Kurt would be over any time now, and with this knowledge racing around his brain, he didn't possess the concentration to do much more than watch cute kitten videos and look at Ryan Gosling GIFs. Shifting slightly, he felt the smooth slide of silk against his ass, hips and cock from the panties currently hiding beneath his jeans. He grinned in anticipation. Today held the potential to progress in incredibly interesting ways.
Though they started having sex a few months ago, it wasn't until three weeks prior that the couple actually talked about the possibility of exploring outside of their current go-to acts. It was an hour in which much blushing and stammering occurred, but ended up being very enlightening for each of them. Kurt proved to be full of surprises in regards to some of his fantasies, but decidedly not in a negative way. They agreed to start trying out things on their combined lists and over the course of the following three weeks Blaine watched in awe as he witnessed demure, well-spoken, tender Kurt develop in to a frenzied, dirty-talking, insatiable sex kitten. The transformation left Blaine breathless every time he saw his boyfriend do or say something that he never before imagined the older boy capable of, let alone being excited about.
This led them to Blaine's present situation, anxiously waiting for Kurt to arrive, willing himself not to get hard just from the feeling of wearing the soft underwear and imagining his boyfriend's impending reaction. While biting his lower lip and focusing on regaining control over his body, the doorbell's soft DING-DONG rang throughout the still house. In a flash Blaine slammed the computer shut, set it on the nightstand, and raced to answer the front door. Panting slightly, he flung open the door to find a rosy cheeked, coat and scarf clad Kurt smiling on the steps, parting his lips to greet him,
"Hey, baby."
Blaine shot forward to grab his hands, dragging him inside before enveloping the slightly chilly boy in his arms. Pulling away, Kurt bent down to kiss Blaine lightly, beginning to deftly remove his winter clothes and hanging them in the hall closet.
"So," Kurt ventured, "what's on today's agenda?"
Blaine smirked, replying,
"Oh, I was thinking lunch and a movie. Then I have a special surprise for you, if you can make it through both of those activities and keep your hands to yourself."
"Aww, you're no fun. Can I at least cuddle? You can't put me on a couch with you and expect me NOT to cuddle. It's like an instinct."
Laughing, the younger boy amended his statement,
"Ok fine, cuddling is allowed. But hands touch nothing that isn't covered with clothing and stay above the waist. Deal?"
"Deal," Kurt agreed, still pouting slightly. "Now, you said something about lunch?"
Three hours, two sandwiches and one Disney movie later, the couple sat on Blaine's bed, kissing lazily. Even though it bordered on torture to sit curled up into each other through the course of an entire movie without their hands roaming, there was no hurry now. Part of the beauty of this precious alone time lay in the fact that they could start slow, taking as long as they wanted to enjoy each other. Besides, the build-up would only add to the force of Kurt's reaction to Blaine's "surprise."
Eventually Kurt pulled back, his smile content but his eyes sparkling mischievously,
"You said you have a surprise for me?"
Blaine stood, a look of mock-forgetfulness crossing his face,
"Hm. I did say that, didn't I?"
"Don't be more of a tease than you already have been, Anderson."
"Okok," the shorter boy laughed out, "well I'll give you a hint: it's something that's on our list."
Kurt raised an eyebrow,
"Hun, that really doesn't narrow it down much for me. It's six pages long, remember?"
"Fine. Page two, bullet 83."
"That's also maddeningly unhelpful right now."
"It doesn't get much more specific than that."
"Blaaaaiiine," Kurt whined, "I played by your rules all afternoon. What do I have to do in order for you to clue me in here?"
Suddenly Blaine's expression shifted. No longer playful and teasing, his features displayed subtle, yet unmistakable lust. He took a couple of steps forward until he stood before his boyfriend, crotch only inches away from Kurt's face. Tilting his head downward to stare directly into the boy's azure eyes, Blaine spoke in a low, sultry, commanding voice,
"Take off my pants."
He heard Kurt's breathing hitch and watched those eyes darken instantaneously. Long, nimble fingers quickly reached upwards to begin loosening his belt. Next came the quiet "pop" as the button separated from the opposite side of the fabric. The sound of a zipper being pulled down was drowned almost immediately by Kurt's loud gasp as emerald green silk edged with scalloped black lace appeared in his field of vision. Forcing his gaze to meet Blaine's intense stare, Kurt only just managed to stutter out,
"Are you... are you wearing...."
Smiling wickedly, Blaine responded somewhat roughly,
"How about finishing what you started and finding out?"
You should finish this! It's really good!
Oh, I definitely plan on finishing it, I just like posting slowly ;) Thank you for taking the time to leave a review!