Changing Purposes
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Changing Purposes: Deal

E - Words: 2,350 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Oct 16, 2013 - Updated: Oct 16, 2013
202 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you for reading! I love all the reviews I got, you are amazing, guys!



As the days went by it became harder and harder to think about anything else but Blaine and the date. It wasn’t just Kurt’s first date with Blaine, it was the first date of his life. He was walking down the hallway and was planning the perfect outfit for the night in his mind with his brows furrowed. He didn’t even notice Mercedes standing near his locker until she spoke up.

“Darling, is there something you want to share with me?” She asked with a knowing smile.

“Oh, hi, Mercedes! What do you mean?” He asked confused.

“Oh nothing just the clouds under your feet and the tiny hearts in your pupils make me think that you weren’t telling the whole truth when you were talking about your Doc.”

“What? No! I was telling the truth… ahh, am I that obvious?” He slumped his shoulders in defeat.

Mercedes nodded and smiled at him. “You know that now I want to hear all the details right?”

“I know, I know…” He said with an excited smile relieved that she is not mad at him for keeping such a thing from her. Let’s go, I’ll tell you everything over a coffee.” He put his books back in his locker and offered his arm to Mercedes.

They were sitting in the Lima Bean for more than an hour by the time he finished his story about Blaine. He started with meeting Blaine and finished with the last text message he got from him two hours ago.

From Blaine: There’s this man with a dog-bite who hates cats. Now he thinks the dog bit him because a cat was sitting on his fence and he caught something from it that is making him transforming into a cat. Have a good day Kurt.

“Wow” Mercedes said after silently listening to every detail until then. “You got it bad, boy.”

“I know, I know. But he is just so cute and amazing and intelligent and funny and hot and he seems to be interested in me. I mean he is way much older than I am but we clicked from the very first moment. Am I stupid to think that it could be something?”

“Oh honey this definitely already is something. So today is the big day. Where are you guys going?” She asked with kind intentions but Kurt started to freak out immediately.

“O-MY-GOD! I have no idea! I spent every waking hour thinking about the perfect outfit that I totally forgot about the fact that I don’t know where we are going. How am I going to dress appropriately and show off my impeccable fashion talent like this?”

“Oh calm down, baby. Just ask him.” She offered simply.

“No I can’t just do that.”

“Of course you can. Just text him now.”

Kurt took his phone with doubt and typed in a quick message.

From Kurt: Where are we going? What is the dress-code for tonight?

He got the response a few seconds later.

From Blaine: That is for me to know. The dress code is ‘considerably casual’.

Kurt and Mercedes left the café soon and headed to his house with Mercedes agreeing to help him out. It took him a few hours but by 6.30 he was ready to go and they were anxiously waiting for Blaine in the kitchen. As usual, the man arrived almost twenty minutes earlier. When Kurt heard the car approaching he ran to the mirror to check everything for the thousandth time. Mercedes chuckled and assured him that he looks impeccable.

Mercedes left through the back door and Kurt went outside to greet Blaine on the porch where he was standing by than without an intention to ring the doorbell until 7pm. Kurt was just standing in the doorway with his words lost somewhere far far away as he looked up and down the other man.

Blaine was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that was just perfectly tight enough in all the right places. He also had a dark purple button-down on and a bowtie matching the color of his jeans. His hair was covered in gel but not as much of it as usually, so it let the idea of his curls show. He was looking at Kurt with his mouth slightly agape but recovered soon and hurried up to him for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi! You look…” Blaine started not being able to take his eyes off of Kurt.

“You, too.” He answered with a shy smile.

“Now come, come we are on a tight schedule.” Blaine said ushering Kurt towards his car. Kurt got in and sent a quick text to his father.

From Kurt: Dad, I’m going to Mercedes’ house.

From Burt: Okay, Kurt be good and be home by 11. I’m staying in the shop until midnight and Carole has a night shift. Finn already knows. Take care of each other.

Kurt didn’t want to tell his father about the date just yet, because what if it turns out to be horrible? But if not, he doesn’t have to find out a lame excuse why not to let Blaine take him all the way home. Perfect. He typed a quick text to Mercedes, too and put his phone away.

From Kurt: He is amazing! Also I told my father I’m with you. Thanks for covering. ;P

“Sorry, just told my dad I’m leaving now. So, can I know where we’re going now?” He asked.

“Nah I don’t think so. Not too far just out of town. So how was your day?” Blaine said already driving the road that led them out of Lima.

The 20 minute car ride was spent chatting and singing along to Christmas songs since Blaine didn’t have any other CDs in his car. They arrived to a place Kurt haven’t been to for several years.

“The aquarium?” He asked with his eyes shining up.

“The aquarium. I wanted to go to the zoo, but wasn’t sure you’d like it, or would be okay for you to walk that much, but this is even better.”

“This is perfect, but isn’t it closed?” He frowned glancing at his watch.

“No, it’s open all night tonight.” Blaine said with the excitement of a five year old.

They went inside and took a moment to take in the whole room. It was dark inside with only the aquariums in the walls being lit up. It was beautiful. Thanks to the time the place wasn’t full of children and tourist groups but couples and smaller groups of friends instead. Everyone was talking in hushed tones not wanting to brake the magic of the moment.

Blaine took Kurt’s hand and smiled at him, he smiled back and they started to walk around the place mostly in silence broken occasionally by whispered comments and shoulder bumps. In the last room Kurt gazed at the huge aquarium which was probably bigger than his room full of colorful fishes and decoration.

“Come we have to hurry now.” Blaine whispered into his ear and pecked him on the cheek quickly not being able to resist the beautiful boy next to him, whose eyes looked even more like the never ending ocean than the set up in front of them.

Kurt just stared in front of him for a few more seconds, not even seeing the fish anymore just embracing the feeling of Blaine’s warm breath and his soft lips on his tender skin. Blaine just watched him knowing exactly what Kurt might be feeling and when the boy squeezed his hand they started to walk again leaving the place and getting back into the car.

Once inside the vehicle Blaine turned to him to ask “Did you like it?” His eyes were shining with hope and even if he didn’t like it Kurt would have said yes. But he didn’t have to lie. He nodded and hugged Blaine softly not even caring about the gearshift between them.

“I loved it Blaine, it was perfect.” He said sitting back up in his seat. Blaine smiled back at him and started the engine and a few minutes into their way he reached for his hand. They sat in comfortable silence until Blaine parked his car next to a rather big park with little light coming from the streets and everything else being in the darkness hid by trees.

“Please tell me this is not the part when you kill me.” Kurt said trying to pressure humor into his voice but he started to regret not telling anyone but Mercedes who he is going out with.

“Sorry Kurt.” Blaine answered with a serious face. He saw the sudden fear on Kurt’s face and the panic in his eyes as the boy backed away as far as possible in the car. “Oh my God Kurt! I’m so sorry I was just kidding, I didn’t think you were serious.” Kurt’s muscles relaxed a bit but he was still hesitant.

Blaine reached out to touch his shoulders not wanting to intimidate him further, and looked into his eyes. “Kurt, I’m really sorry. Believe me I would never ever hurt you. The last thing I’d want to do is to ruin our date by doing anything stupid like this joke intentionally. I’m sorry. Look I prepared food and even got a blanket with red and white squares on it so we can have a little picnic out here. I have lanterns too.” He said and when he saw the relief in Kurt’s eyes he pulled him closer for a hug and placed a kiss in his hair. “I’m sorry Kurt.” He whispered for the last time and let him go.

“I’m sorry Blaine, I should have known. It’s just… I’m paranoid and can’t stop waiting for something to ruin this night. Only in movies you can have a perfect first date.”

“I beg to differ.” Blaine said with his beautiful smile back on his face again.

They got out of the car, Blaine took a basket and the blanket from the trunk and they walked into the darkness. Kurt took the blanket and took Blaine’s now free hand. Blaine linked their fingers together and they walked for a few more minutes until they reached a clear area. They laid down the blanket and sat down to eat. Blaine kept glancing at his wrist watch and the sky.

They finished their food and Blaine put the things back into the basket. Now that they had more room he moved closer to Kurt and linked their fingers together. Kurt moved even closer and put his head on Blaine’s shoulder who put his free arm around the boy. Suddenly they heard a boom from the distance and another and another. Kurt looked at Blaine but Blaine just smiled down at him and motioned for the sky. The booms started to come again following each other quicker this time and Kurt’s eyes grew wider in surprise.

White, red and light purple sparkles covered the sky in the distance. “Firework.” Kurt said staring in awe at the little miracle above them. Blaine tugged at him to lay down to his back next to him and they spent the next few minutes watching the firework.

When it ended they turned to their sides looking at each other in the eyes. “It was amazing.” Kurt said softly. “But how did you…”

“My parent’s friends got married tonight. I don’t really know them but I asked around and found out they were having the ceremony not far from here and there is always a firework or something equally spectacular on the weddings in those circles.”

“You were right. This was indeed a perfect first date.” They leaned closer and touched their foreheads together. Blaine’s watch started beeping and with a sad smile he said “We have to go, it’s almost eleven.”

They got up and walked back to the car. Blaine drove them back to the house and walked Kurt up to the front door with their hands holding each others.

“Thank you for tonight. It was amazing.” Kurt said turning to face Blaine and taking hold of his other hand, too.

“You are very welcome. I enjoyed spending time with you. Maybe we could do it again, some other time?” He asked with hope.

“Yes, I’d love that.” Kurt said and moved closer to Blaine. Blaine took a tiny step forward as well and both of them closed their eyes to lean in for a kiss. Their breaths hitched and Kurt felt the warmth of Blaine’s skin on his own. He felt Blaine’s lips lightly touching his owns for about half a second but then a car pulled up to the driveway almost crashing into Blaine’s.

They turned towards the light and saw Finn’s terrified expression through the window. Not being able to park properly he backed away and stayed in his car until Blaine hugged Kurt and with a light chuckle kissed him on the cheek again. They shared a smile and Blaine got back into his car and drove away. Finn pulled up onto the driveway and walked to the door.

“Bro I thought you were with Mercedes.” He said as he stopped in front of Kurt still on the porch.

“You are late.” Kurt stated with piercing eyes.

“I’m not telling anyone if you’re not telling anyone.” He tried.

“Deal.” Kurt said. They shook hands and walked inside not talking anymore about the recent happenings.

Kurt dropped down on his bed, and took out his phone.

From Mercedes: You are welcome my boy, but you have to tell me everything later. Also text me when you get home.

From Kurt: Mercedes, I have A LOT to tell you tomorrow. I’m home. Good night!

From Kurt: Thanks again for the night. Also I’m on the verge of becoming an only child again. Good night!

From Blaine: I’ll have to work harder on planning dates once you are in prison, but I’ll do my best. This night was wonderful! Have a good sleep, Kurt!



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