Aug. 25, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 25, 2014, 7 p.m.
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A/N Some of you may be wondering if they are back together. And if they're not, why they are saying I love you. They aren't together, but they are very much in love. Imagine how hard it has to be to admit you have a problem and do actually do something about it. So Kurt is helping and supporting Blaine as much as he can, and he really does love Blaine. He knows if he reminds Blaine that he does love him, it will help him. He's just supporting Blaine the best way he can, without actually being there, by telling him he loves him.
I don't really know what to call it, friends in love? Idk, but if you have an idea let me know, sorry if I confused anybody. If you have any more questions about this or anything else, please feel free to review and I will answer the best way I know how!
Blaine arrived at The Recovery Place. After dodging reporters he finally made it to the lobby. When he got to the desk the secretary's eyes went huge, obviously knowing who he was. Well everyone knew who he was. After she composed herself she looked up at him and said “Hello sir! How may I help you?”
“Hi, I'm here to check in.”
“Of course Mr. Anderson, just fill these papers out. These are to give us permission to go through your things and the rest are just legal things. You can take a seat over there and fill them out and when your done just bring them to me! Any questions?”
“No, thank you.”
After Blaine read and signed the papers he went back to the secretary and handed her the papers.
“Ok.” She said while looking over the paperwork.
“Everything seems to be filled out. I will have Tom show you your room! I will take you bags to be searched through for drugs, alcohol or anything dangerous to yourself or others. We will bring them to your room after our search. You can expect them around 5. Also one of our therapists will be by your room later to talk to you and give you a tour of our fecility. Please just stay in your room until notified. Any questions?”
“Nope, I think I'm good thank you.” Blaine said right as a tall man showed up.
“Hello Mr. Anderson let me show you to your room.”
After they got there Tom handed Blaine a key. “This is the key to your room. Just so you know there is a master key so our faculty can get into your room whenever needed. Dr. Webb will be in your room within the hour to show you around and tell you how things are done around here. Any questions?”
“No, I'm good thank you Tom!” And with that he was gone!
Blaine had a little time to spear. He looked at the time and knew Kurt would be on his hour lunch break so he shot him a text.
Kurt's day was going extremely well, other than the fact that people kept looking at him with pity in their eyes. He tried to ignore them best as possible until he got a text from his manager.
Hey Kurt! We have a slight problem call me as soon as you can!
As soon as Kurt got that he called Sarah, his manager!
“Hey Kurt.”
“Hey Sarah what's the problem?” Kurt asked a little nervously.
“Everyone wants an interview with you and I'm talking magazines, TV shows, even radio shows, and I have a plan but you have to be on board and if you don't like the plan we can have Liddy tell them to piss off!”
That brought a smile to Kurt's face... Sarah always made him feel better. Even in the most shitty situations.
“What's the plan?”
“We hold a press conference and that will probably also eliminate some reporters that are following you around. So what do you say kid you up for it?”
Kurt thought about it he would like to have fewer reporters.
“Ok I'll do it!”
“Ok we'll do it Wednesday since no rehearsals. Does that work for you?”
“Ya that's fine see you then Sarah.”
“See you then Kurt!”
Kurt looked at the time and saw it was lunch hour! He decided to go to a cafe around the corner. When he got there and sat down his phone buzzed. It was a text from Blaine.
Hey! Just got checked in and they are going to be showing me around soon!
A small smile escaped Kurt's lips and then he typed out a reply!
That's great! Do you like your room? ~Kurt <3 <3
He got a reply almost instantly.
Ya it's really nice. So what are you up to? ~Blaine <3 <3
Nothing much just on my lunch break! ~Kurt <3 <3
Well that still seems fun! Any plans this week? ~Blaine <3 <3
Well as you may of guess people out here are going crazy! So Sarah is getting of requests for interviews so we decided just to have a press conference. ~Kurt <3 <3
That sounds fun. *cough* not really *cough*. ~Blaine <3 <3
Ya well ya know. ~Kurt <3 <3
I could talk to you all day but Dr. Webb is here I'll text you later. I miss and love you! ~Blaine <3 <3
I love you too! Talk to you soon. ~Kurt <3 <3
After the tour of the place Blaine was feeling good! He liked the place it had a gym and pool to blow off steam which he was sure he would need to do. They then sat down in her office.
“So now that the tour is over I'm going to go over some stuff we will do to help you overcome alcoholism and at the end we will answer any questions you may have/ Sound good?”
“Ok so how do you like it here?”
“It seems really nice.”
“That's good! Ok so let's go over how things well work. This is your personal schedule go ahead and look over it let me know when your done reading it.”
10:00-10:30: Breakfast
10:30- 11:30: Free time
11:30- 12:00: Lunch
12:00-2:30: Therapy session- Dr. Webb
2:30-3:00: free time
3:00-4:00: Alcohol Education- Dr. Bates
4:00-5:30: Group counseling- Dr. Jacobson
5:30- 6:30: Dinner and Dessert
6:30-10:00: Free time
10:00: Be in OWN room
11:00: Lights out
10:00-10:30: Breakfast
10:30-11:30: Free time
11:30- 12:00: Lunch
12:00-12:30: Free time
12:30-3:30: Family meeting
3:30-3:45: Goodbyes to family
3:45-5:30: Therapy session- Dr. Webb
5:30-6:00: Dinner
6:00-8:00: Alcohol Education- Dr. Bates
8:00- 9:00: Group counseling- Dr. Jacobson
9:00-11:00: Dessert/ Free time
11:00: Be in OWN room
12:00: Lights out
11:00-11:30: Breakfast
11:30-2:00: Free time
2:00-2:30: Lunch
2:30-5:30: Therapy session- Dr. Arnold
5:30-7:00: Free time
7:00-8:00: Dinner/dessert
8:00-11:00: Free time
11:00: Be in OWN room
12:00: Lights out
11:00-11:30: Breakfast
11:30-2:00: Free time
2:00-2:30: Lunch
2:30-3:30: Therapy session- Dr. Arnold
3:30-4:30: Alcohol Education- Dr. Larson
4:30-5:30: Group counseling- Dr. Stansfield
5:30-7:00: Free time
7:00-8:00: Dinner/dessert
8:00-10:00: Free time
10:00: Be in OWN room
11:00: Lights out
“OK I'm done.” Blaine said once he finished reading his schedule.
“Ok Let's go into to detail. Free time is what it sounds like you can do whatever you want as long as it's inside the fecility. Your therapy session with me will focus on why you started using alcohol, how you can stop, coping methods if you feel like you need to use alcohol and things like that. Alcohol education will show you the danger you are in by being an alcoholic. Group counseling will be other people in our fecility going through the same things you are and you can share stories and start healing! Family meetings is where we will invite family and friends to discuss your alcoholism and go over things they can do to help. Any questions on that?”
When Blaine shakes his head she continues. “Ok so since we already did tour, rules and schedule we are done. Your schedule will start tomorrow, for today, just remember when dinner is, and do be in your own room at 10 and at 11 the power will automatically cut out.”
“Ok. Thank you Doctor Webb!”
“See you tomorrow Blaine.” They shake hands and Blaine heads to his room. After Blaine unpacked he opened his song journal and started writing again.
It's not much of a life you're living
It's not just something you take – it's given
Round and around and around and around we go
Oh now, tell me now, tell me now, tell me now you know.
Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
It takes me all the way.
I want you to stay.
Blaine felt like he could just keep writing but he looked at the time and saw it was dinner time/ As he exited his room he picked up his phone. He was definitely going to be texting Kurt during dinner.
The rest of rehearsals went uneventful for Kurt. He was allowed to go home at 4:30. He decided he would go pack up his hotel tomorrow because he didn't have rehearsals until 2. After a 10 minute cab drive he flopped down on his couch in his and Blaine's apartment. 'Yep it's good to be home!' He thought. And it really was! 20 minutes later he decided to order Chinese take-out. It was there 30 minutes later. Kurt was sitting there watching TV. When a thought hit him.
'Oh my god where's Dalton?' Dalton was there 10 month old Basset Hound. As soon as that thought popped into his head he heard his phone go off It was Blaine.
Hey! ~Blaine <3
Hey! Quick question? Where is Dalton? ~Kurt <3
When Blaine got Kurt's text he felt like an idiot. He totally spaced on telling Kurt that he's been with Santana. He quickly typed out a reply.
He's with Santana! Sorry I totally forgot to tell you. She's bringing him over tomorrow. ~Blaine <3
Oh it's fine. So how did your first day go? ~Kurt <3
Great! I'm at dinner now. But I think everyone is just to intimidated to come and talk to me! :( ~Blaine <3
Kurt's heart broke at this. He hoped Blaine could make friends.
You have a group counseling thing right? ~Kurt <3
Ya but it doesn't start til later tomorrow so I'm going to be lonely the rest of today and most of tomorrow and I still might not make any friends. :( ~Blaine <3
You will and you won't be lonely I'll talk to the rest of today! ~Kurt <3
And they did just that. As Kurt talked to Blaine, he saw the real Blaine come out, more and more! That made his heart swell with happiness.