June 21, 2013, 3:04 a.m.
June 21, 2013, 3:04 a.m.
Several weeks pass before another night out happens when Blaine allows Sebastian to drag him out. There's a promotion to celebrate, and while Wes can't make it, Seb insists that dancing is a better option than sitting at a bar and drinking themselves senseless.
"No, Seb," Blaine shakes his head when Sebastian tries to talk him into doing tequila shots, "you know what happens when either of us drinks that, and I would prefer to be able to come back to this place."
"Well, that's a nice little change of tune," Sebastian says with a laugh, "you spent weeks telling me you'd never go clubbing with me again."
Blaine rolls his eyes. "That has nothing to do with keeping the option open, and maybe my resistance to go out was more about you than about the dancing part."
"Ouch," Seb puts a mock pout on his face and pretends to be hurt by Blaine's words.
"Like you're going to have a problem finding someone drunk enough and willing," Blaine rolls his eyes again when he sees the smirk on his friend's face, "do you ever?"
"You could do the same and just as easily, Blaine," Sebastian says after a moment, turning serious, "look, I know you're not into the whole one night stand thing, but it's really not..."
"Don't, Seb," Blaine says, shaking his head, "you know that's not me."
"You might be in luck tonight," the glint in Sebastian's eyes as he looks over Blaine's shoulder makes Blaine turn around to look.
He's here again, Blaine thinks as he sees the beautiful man from a few weeks earlier, the one who dances like a dream and who's been on Blaine's mind ever since those moments on the dance floor.
"Go get him, tiger," Sebastian says as he nudges Blaine off the bar stool, "get his name this time, at the very least, though."
Kurt's yet again lost in the music by himself, the bass vibrating through his body. He couldn't name the song playing that moment, but he doesn't really care. He moves to the melody and is glad that Santana and Rachel know him well enough to leave him alone in moments like this, when he just needs to unwind from a few long weeks of nothing but work and classes.
He nearly snaps when he feels two hands land on his waist, and someone getting a little too close for his usual level of comfort. But when he turns around he can't completely hide the smile tugging on his lips, because it's the pretty boy from his last visit here. It's the boy who danced with Kurt and didn't push for anything more, despite Kurt's fears that the dancing was just an elaborate suggestion technique. This time, though, he leans closer and brings his lips up to Kurt's ear, not breaking off the dancing.
"I'm Blaine," he whispers, and Kurt nods.
"Kurt," he answers and feels a little comfort in at least knowing the stranger's name.
It's even less awkward when they dance this time, like their bodies not only remember everything from the last time, but somehow like they can anticipate each other's moves. Kurt eventually lets go and lets Blaine lean closer, and they guide each other, neither pushing to lead. It comes naturally when Kurt's hips sway a little too close, a little more sensual than he normally would. To his own surprise, Kurt's finding that the one night wasn't a fluke, that it wasn't a one-off or just the particular songs that made them dance so well together.
The playlist is different this time, and still he can't think of anyone he'd enjoyed dancing with as much as he enjoys with this man... no, Blaine, he knows his name now and it's a little scary. With names and knowledge come expectations, at least in his experience. It hits him that maybe he'll be asked for a phone number or offered a drink or something more, and he tenses.
"Just dance, Kurt," Blaine notices the tension and feels the need to reassure Kurt, "nothing else, just dance," he says into Kurt's ear, pulling away when he realizes he might be a little too close.
That's enough for Kurt to breathe a sigh of relief and relax into the music again, this time with a little smile. There's something really comforting in the fact that he didn't need to say anything about what he got scared of, and yet Blaine said exactly the right thing. He doesn't know how Blaine knew, but he doesn't question it.
The songs continue on, and Kurt keeps moving against and with Blaine, his lips mouthing the words when a familiar tune starts. Occasionally, he notices Blaine doing the same, eyes closed and singing along. All the while, they never let go of each other, never move any further away than their reach allows. It's only when the songs slow down that Blaine looks over Kurt's shoulder and slips away with a "Sorry" whispered into Kurt's ear.
It's that little unexpected word that rips Kurt from his haze and makes him rush to the table where Santana is sitting with a smug grin. Before she gets a chance to ask him any questions or make any snarky remarks, Kurt grabs the jacket thrown over the back of his chair and walks away. He hears Santana shouting after him, but he doesn't look back, suddenly needing fresh air.
On the other side of the club, Blaine's clutching the bottles of water Wes called him over for and scans the dance floor for Kurt. His face falls when he realizes Kurt must have left.
Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck / Some nights I call it a draw
It's the same song, but another few weeks later, and Kurt's back on the dance floor, almost as reluctantly as he was any of the nights before. Rachel is dancing along, but he's not even trying to match his moves to hers, their styles completely different. He's barely aware of his surroundings, but he immediately notices when she starts pulling further away and smirks over Kurt's shoulder.
He's about to call out to her for leaving him stranded alone on the dance floor, even though he doesn't mind completely. But he senses that this time she's leaving him because of ulterior motives, like someone showing interest in Kurt that she spotted and Kurt wasn't paying attention to.
"Hey," he hears and unexpectedly recognizes the voice, although he's only heard it once before.
"Hi, Blaine," Kurt mutters, smiling to himself.
"We've got to stop meeting like this," Blaine laughs and doesn't say anything more than that.
Instead, his hands slip to Kurt's waist, and he moves around until they're facing each other. They start moving to the beat immediately, Kurt's arms wrapping around Blaine's shoulders. Unlike the previous nights, they're closer than they have dared before, but neither of them remarks on it.
Kurt easily slips into his dancing mode and doesn't pay much attention to anything more than the feeling of Blaine moving against him and the music leading their bodies. Yet again, he's not sure how much time has passed when he starts feeling like he's burning up. He spots Santana at the bar, waving a bottle of water at him, and he smiles in her direction. Then he reluctantly pulls away from Blaine and mutters, "I'll be back," before he heads for the bar.
When he turns around with the bottle of water in hand, Kurt's face falls. There's no sign of Blaine in the spot they were dancing. Even though he's pretty sure Blaine wasn't at the club alone, Kurt has no idea how to find Blaine again. The moment the thought registers, Kurt freezes on the spot and shivers.
"You'll find him again," Santana leans in to say quietly in his ear, and Kurt doesn't have the strength to fight her on the observation.
The reason he lets her get away with it is simple: he does want to see Blaine again.
Blaine, meanwhile, is already on his way home with Sebastian slumped against him in the back of a cab, groaning in discomfort. They'd left in a hurry when Blaine noticed that Seb had been looking more pale than usual, just after Kurt slipped away towards the bar. There was no other option, especially once Blaine noticed the leering older creep who was eyeing Seb from the other side of the bar and was, presumably, responsible for most of the alcohol that's now making Sebastian whimper in pain.
He thinks back on wanting to look for Kurt, to find him in the crowd, to at least get a phone number. With a resigned sigh, Blaine lets his head fall against the back of the seat.
"You should've stayed," Sebastian mumbles sleepily, "boy's a hot piece of ass."
"Hush, you," Blaine rolls his eyes at his friend, "I'll find him again."
At least I hope I will, he thinks, smiling at the memory of Kurt's body swaying against his own.