When Kurt Met Blaine
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When Kurt Met Blaine: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,547 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Sep 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 30, 2013
1,252 0 7 0 0

Chapter 6.

Blaine yawned, he hadn’t slept well at all. After the call with his dad, he’d felt like a burden was on his shoulders. He hadn’t talked to his dad since the divorce and now he’d been invited to come over during fall break. As much as he missed his dad, he didn’t feel like spending time with him and his new family. Besides he couldn’t rid of the image of his mum’s face when he’d told her what he had asked him. Utter pain and hurt had crossed her face, after he’d realized that the only one more hurt by the new situation than him, was his mum.

However, he would have been lying had he said it was only his mum keeping him here. Kurt. The single name put a giant grin on his face. Talking of whom, he spotted Kurt on the other end of the hallway and smiled. He wondered how things were between the two of them now, after yesterday.

Kurt put his books away and spotted Blaine walking towards him as he looked up. The smile on his face quickly disappeared as an angry-looking Santana appeared in front of him all of a sudden. “Where have you really been yesterday?” she snapped, he noticed how Blaine froze behind Santana, a distance close enough to eavesdrop. He frowned and Kurt bit his lip, fear formed in his stomach.

“San, not now.”
“Now’s the perfect time! And don’t tell me you were out with Puck and Finn because they told me you weren’t! So don’t lie!” He didn’t reply. His eyes were fixed on Blaine who was slowly walking past them, listening in on the conversation. His eyes reflected hurt at what Santana had said. Not pleased with the lack of reply Santana followed Kurt’s gaze, “Keep walking, Anderson. This is a private conversation.” She barked at him. Blaine blushed and hurried along. Kurt bit his lip, feeling horrible and turned to Santana.

“Okay, I’m sorry I lied. I went to see the new Disney movie on my own. I didn’t want to tell you ‘cause I knew you’d laugh.” He mumbled and as guilty as he felt for lying again, he was surprised at how fluently it had come out of his mouth. The longer you lie, the easier it comes, he thought. After all, hadn’t he been lying to himself for years and then to others after that? He looked at Santana who had a grin on her face quickly replaced with an attempt to keep a straight face. “Now why would you think that?” She snorted. Kurt rolled his eyes, “Whatever”.

It was only seconds later when Kurt got a text, “Wow, what was all that about? Is she your service dog? ;) xx B.”. Kurt chuckled and replied, “Service dogs are usually kind looking dogs like golden retrievers. Santana’s more the pitbull type. :p”
“Too true! Haha.”
Glad he’d been able to dodge the bullet for now, he walked to his first class but Kurt had the dreading feeling that the truth was going to come out very soon, too soon.

The day passed and even though there seemed to be plenty of opportunities to go chat with Blaine, something or someone always seemed to come between them. When it was finally time for Glee club, Kurt couldn’t be happier. He was eager to find out what this week’s assignment would be, even more to work with Blaine on it. Adding that it was the first time of the day they actually would have time to talk without others interrupting, and even if that’d happen then at least he’d still have the pleasure of Blaine sitting next to him. Mr. Schue entered. Mondays always consisted out of Will reflecting on last week’s performances, announcing the new assignment and seeing as there wasn’t a topic yet, any member of the Glee club who felt like it could sing a song they liked or had prepared during the weekend. It somehow had gotten the name of ‘off-topic Monday’. Before Mr. Schue even could start saying anything, Santana spoke, “Mr. Schue, I’d love to sing a song I’ve prepared.”

Will who was taken aback at first, recovered and smiled, “It’d be a shame to waste such an enthusiasm. Especially coming from you Santana.”
She scoffed, ignoring the small remark and made her way to the floor, “I dedicate this song to my lovely boyfriend, Kurt.” Some oohs and aahs filled the room, however Kurt felt like all the air was forced out of his lungs and as if he had gotten a smack in the face. At the same time he felt Blaine stiffen at his side. He wanted to do something, anything to explain to Blaine to reassure him, to...his hand reached to Blaine’s side but before he was even near touching distance Blaine shifted in his seat and sat away from Kurt as far as his chair allowed him.

Kurt felt sick and all he could do was sit and listen to the song Santana was singing for him.
Everything else went by in a haze, if Kurt thought back about it, it was all a blur of faces and sounds and mainly Blaine’s hurt expression. It was as if someone had drugged him, leaving him in a sleepy drowse.

When Glee finished, Blaine was the first one to leave, he raced outside and ran the first few streets home. He bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to hold back the tears. He wasn’t one to cry often, he cried as a kid (but which kid didn’t), but as a teenager...the few times he’d cried was at his nan’s funeral, his parents’ divorce and now. He stopped halfway the road he’d been running on and clung to his chest.

It felt tight and he had difficulty breathing. His breaths were shallow, his chest rising rapidly and he felt a ball form in the back of his throat. He’d barely had time to hunch over in a nearby bush before he got sick. Disgusted, he wiped his mouth and recovered the water bottle from his bag to rinse his mouth. Running always made him feel sick, he should’ve known better. But he was almost certain that this time he wasn’t feeling sick because of the running.

After he caught his breath a little, he walked the last few streets home but the nausea and the tight feeling in his chest hadn’t disappeared. Coming home, he went straight to his room and leant against the door as he closed it. He wanted to scream, cry, yell, hit something or someone and cry some more. Instead, he kicked one of the cardboard boxes that was still there and cursed for having picked the one marked ‘books’. He let himself fall down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow.

“Blaine, sweety?” Blaine blinked a few times, he hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep and looked at his mum, “Are you alright?” he sat up and swallowed, his throat felt dry. He nodded and then shook his head, fighting back more tears, “Oh darling.” His mum sat next to him on the bed and pulled him in for a hug. Why is it, Blaine thought, you could get 100 years old but will never be too old to be held by your mum?
“The things with your dad will work out. Don’t you worry about it.”

Blaine bit his lip, he hadn’t told his mum about Kurt yet. He wanted to figure out himself first what it was and where it was going before he did, and right now he both dreaded and was grateful for that decision. So he didn’t reply and just held onto his mum a little more. He’d only known Kurt for a little while but never before had he felt that way about anyone before and right now he felt like his heart had shattered.

Kurt had tried to find Blaine after Glee but he’d run off so quickly, he knew it was too late. The fact that Santana had claimed his lips right after Glee club finished, to prove a point to the others, didn’t help either.
“Ugh! That was disgusting.” Santana wiped her mouth.
“Oh San, you shouldn’t compliment me like that.” Kurt said, his sarcasm obvious.
She scowled at him but Kurt kept his eyes on the road, “You know what I mean.”
Kurt nodded but didn’t say anything. However, he agreed with Santana more than ever. Usually when they were at school and they shared a kiss, it was a simple peck or at worst some basic lip on lip action, today Santana had stepped it up and there were tongues involved. He shuddered as he thought back about it and hoped they’d never have to do that again.

He dropped Santana off and made his way home. As he drove onto Blaine’s street, he slowed down in front of the big white house with the blue door. He sighed, he wasn’t sure what he was planning on doing. It seemed quite obvious Blaine didn’t want to talk to him.

End Notes: thanks to all of your for your lovely comments so far!


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Hehehe can't wait for the update!

Loved the whole entire thing. It was soooo good! :) Write more soon!

thnk you!! :D Glad you're liking it! xx

Oh poor Blaine! I wish I was hugging him instead of his mom! :(

ooh ;( I know :(he deserves some hugs!

I know! It was coming! :(

oh no, i knew that this would happen some time but god i feel so bad for blainers. sad face :(